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What would you feel if you’re all chill and relaxed in subjects like math, English, and science plus Filipino? It will be good, of course. But what if minor subjects demands a lot from student like you?

Feeling major subject’’ a quote you’ll hear from students who are pressured from subjects that are minor. Who demands a lot from students, including requirements, an everyday assignments, a time to time quizzes and a lot of performance tasks.

The students’ rant versus the teacher’s part

We can’t deny that students experience ‘’stress’’ whenever there are assignment, requirements, and projects far beyond their ability and knowledge. Assignments tare given even if you haven’t fully understand the lesson or at least learned the general concept. Requirement that teaches assigned for students even if you’re not good at it

Those are the first factors that stressed the students. What makes it worse? Scores that will make students cry (for those unfortunate). Scores that were formed from high standards. Those composed the second factor

The following things that makes the students’ dilemma worst are the left and right assignments (might be easy yet many of it and the long and hard ones), a detailed performance tasks and an ‘’effort-needed’’ requirements.

What response do we get from these rants?

“That’s your task’’, ‘’it’s a part of your task’’, ‘’you should do it or else you’ll receive no grades’’ responses that will make students go crazy.

Teachers have the point. It is really the student’s part or responsibility to do hat the teachers asked them to do.

Teachers teach the students to learn. And they can only prove that student have learned through quizzes. They wanted to make sure that you will really study at night through assignments and how can we apply our learnings, through performance tasks.

They are not ‘’feeling major’’ especially now that our curriculum does’ not include units in computing grades to know which are important or the ‘’major’’ subjects.

Instead of ranting, reclaiming of something, why don’t we students, just do our part in making or doing our responsibilities. And if we think that it is really impossible for us to make it, caused by the pressure, expectations and left and right tasks, knowing that there are 11 subjects, why don’t we ask for considerations kindly. Explain that we can’t do the task according to their standard.

And if our concerns aren’t heard, let us respect for they are still our superiors, mentors and leaders. Instead of ranting let’s just do it, remember that they know more about things that would help us learn.

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