Page 1: Educational program of professional development «Business Mom»

Educational program of professional development

«Business Mom»

Page 2: Educational program of professional development «Business Mom»

Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

RSPP Business school was founded in May 2013 with intent to fulfil the target of providing up to date education. Fundamental change of the business environment today requires new unconventional approach

to the managerial policies. RSPP Business School integrates the best experience in the area of current business practical activities and extensively introduces it in the content of its educational programs.

RSPP Business school offers EMBA programs, professional development programs which are principally aimed at actual entrepreneurs looking for an opportunity to develop their managerial and professional skills, review the current business model of their company, to work out and implement a more effective strategy of business development.

«Practical training for practical men» is the motto of the RSPP Business school and stands for an outstanding amount of workshop sessions and trainings held by the leading experts and industry leaders’ spokesmen, business trips to the facilities in Russia and abroad, dedication to specific business targets in the course of training.

Implementers of the program rspp BusIness school and ase

Page 3: Educational program of professional development «Business Mom»

Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

Agency of serial business LLC, resident of the SKOLKOVO business incubator, develops educational and practical programs for acceleration of small business and startups, including the ones of the social sphere. Strategic partners of Agency of serial business are RSPP Business School, Enterprise community «Skolkovo», the International academy of business and others. At the end of 2013 the agency carried out the successful pilot draft of the comprehensive

acceleration program «School of the Serial Businessman» on the basis of the International academy of business in Moscow which resulted in eight startup projects in such areas as social business, information technologies, educational consulting, coaching and others.

Page 4: Educational program of professional development «Business Mom»

Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

«BusinessMom» educational program comprises the study of current and effective practices of startup in small business by mothers- entrepreneurs by means of educational practical trainings held by experts in the field of business and management of small business. Uniqueness of the program lays in innovative methodology of working out educational and practical programs based on the assessment of competences of participants and development of key skills of creation and management of small business with them taking into account the best western practices of business development. The program is based on the project-oriented approach, in the course of training the concept of a concrete business project is developed by the participants. The defense of the project is held before the experts: serial businessmen.

aBout the program

Page 5: Educational program of professional development «Business Mom»

Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

The program is developed for mothers including those who are on maternity leave and who wish to create own small business or are already developing it.

In Russia the development of business and creation of own businesses gains strength. Taking into account the existence of modern business technologies allowing to create qualitatively and economically effectively enterprises and business projects, this educational program is developed for mothers who want to begin own business. In the course of this program the listeners will be able not only to understand key aspects of creation and development of small business, but also to create the concept of own business project.

target audIence

program purpose

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Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

• obtaining skills of successful combination of motherhood and conducting own business

• gaining knowledge and abilities to come up to and choose business ideas for their further development in successful small businesses

• gaining knowledge and practical skills necessary to start and manage small business

• studying own competences in order to ensure their most effective application aimed to develop own business

• studying key components of successful businesses and abilities to make concepts of own business projects

• making acquaintance with the best business

• increase of professional contacts number

aIms of the program

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Educational prograM of profEssional dEvElopMEnt «BusinEss MoM»

NuMBeR of PARtiCiPANtS : not less than 30. Optimally 40 participantsStARt of the CLASSeS: upon set of a grouptiMe duRAtioN of the PRogRAM: 1-4 weeksVoLuMe: 32 hoursSCheduLe ANd foRM of eduCAtioN: modular/full-time: on weekends, 2 modules for 2 days of 8 classroom hours each(2 weeks) or 4 modules each of 1 day (4 times per month) or one 4-day module (within 1 week)the iSSued doCuMeNt: upon completion of the program the graduates receive the certificate on completion of the BusinessMom program of RSPP Business schoolRequiReMeNtS foR AdMiSSioN: interviewing (online)doCuMeNtS, RequiRed foR AdMiSSioN: • passport copy (the page with the photo and with

the registration stamp)• application in the name of the President of RSPP

Business school• 2 photos 3х4

currIculumNo Name of the branches and topics

of the course total hours

including form of control

Lectures Practical

1 2 3 studIes 5 6

1.Why should mom start own business? Examples of famous and successful «businessmoms».

4 4 –

2.How is small business made of? How to reconcile maternity and own business?

4 2 2

3.Coming up to a business idea and choosing the one that will give pleasure and bring result.

4 2 2

4.Key competences of a businessmom: how to estimate yourself and understand your strong points.

4 2 2


Key components of successful business: clients ,unique sales proposition, product, team, development of the project, income and expenses. Making concept of the business project.

8 3 5

6.How to find money and business partners. Defense of the business project concept.

8 3 5

Business project concept (in .doc /.pptx)

totAL 32 16 16 PASS/fAiL eXAM

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Educational program of profEssional dEvElopmEnt «BusinEss MoM»

JULIA RAKOVAGeneral director + 7 (968) 681 48 [email protected]

OLGA KOCHETKOVA External relations Director + 7 (985) 222 01 [email protected]

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