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A. DEFINITIONS lifelong education (lifelong education) is that education does not stop until the individual becomes an adult, but continues throughout life. Lifelong education becomes higher urgency at this time because people constantly adapt in order to survive naturally in an environment of ever-changing society. The other side lifelong education are vast opportunities for a person to continue learning in order to achieve better living conditions.

The things that cause and allow the situation as it is:• the advancement of science and technology• Products technology that needs to be learned because it is associated with working tools• For those who use technology-based working tool• Social change as a result of the rapid advancement of science and technology

Education necessity Spanjang Hayata) The limited ability of school educationb) Changes in community and social rolesc) Utilization of resources is not optimald) The development of non-formal education are rapidly

B. Origins lifelong education lifelong education started to become actual when the topic was raised by UNESCO as the views on education-perubahanyang anticipate changes in society throughout the world and developing countries in particular. UNESCO and other international agencies began to see problems tertinggalan, poverty can only be overcome with education in a format that match the needs and subjected to various age groups including adults. Currently, developing countries began to implement the manifestations of primary education is compulsory, it began to seem that for groups of disadvantaged people need to be helped with lifelong education format. This is important because until now many groups aged over 15 years are illiterate. This happens because in the mind of the community group education less important to earn a living to meet the basic needs of daily life hari.Dengan Thus the child is more important for a living instead of attending school. The problems do not stop at literacy course. Advances in technology are also challenging those who are economically problematic. The ability to use the computer that the software is always evolving with the presence of new software, computer makapengguna must always adjust so that easiness offered by the new software can be utilized. Scientists originally pendidikanyang science says that education ends when individuals medewasaan kemudianmemerlukan reconsideration of the concepts with the idea of this life-long education.C. CONTAINERS lifelong education berwadahkan lifelong education in all educational institutions, sources of information, in accordance with the interests of the individual to make ends meet.Philip H. Commbs education classifies into three parts:

1) Pendidukan informal (school education who are not in institutional)Special education schools that do not dilembagaan is a process of education obtained by a person of everyday experience consciously or not, are generally irregular and not systematic, since the birth to death. As in the family, neighbors, work, entertainment, market, or in daily life, etc.

2) school educationSchool education is education in schools, regular, systematic, and that level has to in certain times that goes from kindergarten to college.

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3) Special education school dilembagaanInstitutionalized school education is all forms of education organized by deliberate, orderly, purposeful and planned outside the schooling activities. In this case, about the students, facilities, methods of delivery, and the time spent, as well as the other components tailored to the circumstances of the participants, or learners in order to get satisfactory results.

D. RATIONALE IMPORTANCE lifelong education IdeologicalAll people have the same rights, especially the right to education and the improvement of knowledge and skills.

EconomicalLifelong education allows one to: Increase productivity Maintaining and developing the resources owned Allows live in an environment which is more pleasant and healthy motivated in menasuh and educate their children properly so that the role of the family is very very big and important.

SociologicalParents are often kuarang aware of the importance of school for their children. Krena, many children who drop out of school are not even at all. Thus lifelong education for parents will solve the problem.

PoliticsSo that people can know and realize the importance of their rights and understand the functions of government, etc.

TechnologicalChanges in science and technology requires people to adapt in order to remain a regular meet their needs.

Psychological and PedagogicalPreferred education now is how to learn to instill a strong motivation in children for lifelong learning, developing the appropriate skills, etc.

E. FRAMEWORK THEORETICAL lifelong education1) General OrientationTheoretically education Sepang life consists of three aspects, namely:a) Lifeb) During the lifec) Education

2) LifeThere are three interrelated components, namely:a) Individuals as members of society to have certain characteristics.b) People who are social environment, whose shape can be groups of psychological and social organizations.c) The physical environment or natural environment where life (habitat) humans as individuals and members of society.

3) LifelongIn all his life, setap individual human experience:a) Development of personalityb) Stages of development

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c) roles in common and unique

4) EducationEducation as an effort to achieve progress and changes in behavior of each individual through life, includes three components:a) Bases educationb) The means of communicationc) The contents of education

F. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK lifelong education1. A Lifelong Education SystemComponents of Lifelong Education Systema) The objectives of lifelong educationb) Assumptions lifelong educationc) Principles of development of lifelong education systemd) The forms of learning

2. System Learning at Home, School, CommunityLearning system includes two components:a. Education Managementb. Technology Penddidikan

G. CONCEPT lifelong education The concept of lifelong education itself The concept of lifelong learning The concept of lifelong learners curriculum helps lifelong education

H. DIRECTIONS lifelong education1) lifelong education to adults2) Education lifelong for children

I. IMPLICATIONS OF THE CONCEPT OF EDUCATION FOR ALL EDUCATION SCHOOL HAYAT Education Functional literacy vocational education Professional Education Education towards change and development state citizenship education and political maturity cultural education and use of leisure time

J. IMPLICATIONS lifelong education CONCEPT AND OBJECTIVES OF EDUCATIONa. The workers and peasantsb. Group of teenagers who interrupted their school educationc. Skilled workersd. Class technicians and professionalse. The leaders in the communityf. Segments of society that are old

K. IMPLICATIONS lifelong education CONCEPT FOR EDUCATION SCHOOLS1. The function and purpose of schoola. School education is one of the ladders of the overall education that lasts throughout life.b. School education is education for menegembangkan all aspects of personality.

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c. School education is an open system.d. School education is a group learning package.e. Educational purposes should be aware of the necessity of lifelong learning, improve learning ability and expand the study area.

2. The school education programa. Education activities should consist of curricular and extracurricular activities.b. Kegatan schools should anatara mix of study and work.c. School activities should be more focused and prioritizing learning activities and develop themselves.d. The process of education or learning activities should combine various and varied learning experience.


CONCLUSION Education is a universal phenomenon and continues throughout the life of man, do not stop until the individual becomes an adult. Education can take place anywhere, anytime, and for sipapun. Lifelong education is a system of educational concepts that explain the overall events of teaching and learning activities that take place in the whole of human life. The concept of lifelong education a principle that education is a continuous process, because education is very important for the education of human beings for survival, and in order to survive naturally in the environment masysrakat changing circumstances in order to achieve a better life. The concept of lifelong education is also in accordance with the concept of Islam as stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad., Which recommends learning from the cradle to the grave.ADVICE After understanding what the significance of lifelong education above, should we also apply them in our daily lives, because education is very important for the progress of our beloved country Indonesia. Because with education and the spirit of learning we are increasingly able to open our horizons to advance our country.

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