Page 1: EE312 Embedded Microcontrollers Lab

EE312 Embedded Microcontrollers TUE / THU 9:00AM

Final Lab Spring 2009

Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 1 of 81 Colorado Technical University

EE 312

Embedded Microcontrollers

Final Lab Assignment

“Modular programming with the MC68HC11, using loops,

subroutines, branching, terminal I/O, Buffalo Monitor I/O, LEDs,

LCDs, sounds, buttons, and ASCII conversion.”

By: Loren K. Schwappach

Student Number: 06B7050651

Date Due: May 18, 2009

Date Completed: May 16, 2009

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EE312 Embedded Microcontrollers TUE / THU 9:00AM

Final Lab Spring 2009

Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 2 of 81 Colorado Technical University

1. Purpose:

This program will cover many of the possibilities offered by the

MC68HC11, FOX-11 board. It will use the buffalo monitor and terminal I/O

addresses to get/send information to a monitor and LCD. This lab will

demonstrate sound, buttons, LEDs, basic math operations, and finally how

to convert ASCII user input into numerical values for a small math

computation game.

2. Future project ideas for students:

I. Use the keypad for setting variable speed of the LED racetrack.

II. Create a module that would get/convert/store several larger ASCII (0-

9) numerals into Hex at a separate memory location and reconvert for

terminal & LCD output.

III. Develop song for intro using Buffalo monitor test.asm demo

IV. Have credits at the end scroll and repeat over the LCD, by

incrementing the X location in a loop and calling the LCD display

subroutine until the end of the string +16.

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Final Lab Spring 2009

Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 3 of 81 Colorado Technical University

3. Instructions and Directives:

I. LOAD: Places a specified value or memory location(s) into a register

for temporary storage manipulation. It can be used to load values /

address in 8 bit accumulators A or B, or the 16 bit registers, double

accumulator D (Uses A and B), the stack pointer, or either index register

X or Y.

Figure 4.1: Load instructions

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II. ADD: Performs arithmetic addition operation(s) upon registers. Very


Figure 4.2: Add instructions

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 5 of 81 Colorado Technical University

III. SUB: Performs arithmetic subtraction operation(s) upon registers.

Also very powerful!

Figure 4.3: Subtraction instructions

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IV. STORE: Stores contents of register into memory location(s).

Destination must be a valid storable memory location. Also if register is

16 bit register, storage will consume two blocks of memory.

Figure 4.4: Store instruction

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 7 of 81 Colorado Technical University

V. MUL: Multiplies an 8-bit unsigned value in A by an 8-bit unsigned

value in B to obtain a 16-bit unsigned result in D (thus writes over A and

B). Uses inherent addressing.


Start: ORG $9000 ; directive, sets program start

; location. Use go 9000

LDAA #10 ; load accum. A with decimal 10

LDAB #25 ; load accum. B with decimal 25

MUL ; multiplies A*B stores decimal

; value 250 in D

STD $8000 ; stores D at location $8000 and

; $8001

END ; housekeeping directive tells

; program to halt.

VI. DIV: There are two division instructions IDIV and FDIV.

IDIV performs unsigned integer division of the 16 bit numerator in D

by the 16 bit denominator in X. For the result, the quotient is placed in

X and the remainder is placed in D. If denominator is 0 the quotient is

set to $FFFF, the remainder is indeterminate and the CCR C flag is set=1.

IDIV uses inherent addressing.


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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 8 of 81 Colorado Technical University

LDD #4 ; Loads D with decimal value 4

LDX #2 ; Loads X with decimal value 2

IDIV ; (4/2)=2 w/ r=0 so X=2, D=0

FDIV performs unsigned fractional division of the 16 bit numerator in

D by the 16 bit denominator in X. For the result, the quotient is placed

in X and the remainder is placed in D. If the denominator is 0 or in the

case of overflow the quotient is set to $FFFF and remainder is

indeterminate and CCR C flag is set=1. The radix point is to the left of

bit 15 for the quotient. FDIV uses inherent addressing.


LDD #2 ; 4 is loaded in D (numerator)

LDX #3 ; 3 is loaded in X (denominator)

FDIV ; quotient in X, remainder in D

VII. DAA: Decimal Adjust Accumulator A, used for BCD addition. Checks

CCR C (Carry) flag, upper half byte of Accumulator A, initial H (Half

Carry) flag, lower byte of Accumulator A and uses conditions to add a set

amount to Accumulator A and finally resets C flag. This ensures correct

BCD addition. Use inherent addressing.


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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 9 of 81 Colorado Technical University

LDA #$04 ; Load BCD 00100100, decimal value 04

ADDA #$16 ; Load BCD 00010110, decimal value 16

DAA ; Checks A, and CCR and then adds $06 to A

; A now correctly holds hex $20 BCD value

; 00100000

VIII. Exchange Registers: There are two instructions that perform register

exchanges. XGDX (exchange double accumulator D with index register X) and

XGDY (exchange double accumulator D with index register Y), both use

inherent addressing.

Example (Assume X = 8020 and Y = 8040 prior to execution):

LDD #$8000 ; Load D w/ hex value 8000

XGDX ; D now holds $8020, X now holds 8000

XGDY ; D now holds $8040, Y now holds 8020

Note: Another way of exchanging register is with the load and store

instructions already covered.

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IX. Compare / Test Instruction: Used to compare or test registers /

locations and set CCR flags, while leaving compared accumulator contents

intact. Very powerful! Used to control branch instructions and

interrupts. Often used in loop control.

Figure 4.5 Compare and Test Instructions

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 11 of 81 Colorado Technical University

X. Branch / Jump / Return Instructions:

Branch, Jump, and Return instructions tell the program to go somewhere

else or return from somewhere, normally depending upon CCR flag and the

use of the stack.

Branch instructions (Essential for modular programming and loops):

The following are branch instructions that if the conditions are met

(CCR) the program branches to relative address specified (relative

addresses are offsets from current address limited to -128 to 127 bytes)

so is very limited to the location it can branch to...) Refer to a text on

Boolean algebra if you do not understand AND, OR, XOR operations

Instr. ; Meaning ; Branches if

BRA <rel> ; branch (unconditional) ; Always

BCC <rel> ; carry clear ; C = 0

BCS <rel> ; carry set ; C = 1

BLO <rel> ; lower (unsigned) ; C = 1

BHS <rel> ; higher or same (unsigned) ; C = 0

BEQ <rel> ; equal to 0 ; Z = 1

BNE <rel> ; not equal to 0 ; Z = 0

BPL <rel> ; plus (signed) ; N = 0

BMI <rel> ; minus (signed) ; N = 1

BVS <rel> ; overflow bit set ; V = 1

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 12 of 81 Colorado Technical University

BVC <rel> ; overflow bit clear ; V = 0

BGE <rel> ; greater or = to 0 (signed) ; (N XOR V) = 0

BGT <rel> ; greater than 0 (signed) ; (Z + (N XOR V)) = 0

BHI <rel> ; higher or same (unsigned) ; (C + Z) = 0

BLE <rel> ; less than or = 0 ; (Z + (N XOR V)) = 1

BLS <rel> ; lower or same (unsigned) ; (C + Z) = 1

BLT <rel> ; less than 0 (signed) ; (N XOR V) = 1

BCLR <operand> ; clear bits ; M AND M’


BRCLR <operand> ; if bits clear ; M AND (PC+2) = 0


BSET <operand> ; set bits ; M + M AND M


BRSET <operand> ; if bits set ; M AND (PC+2) = 1


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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 13 of 81 Colorado Technical University

Jump Instructions:

JMP <operand> ; Jumps to instruction stored at effective address given in

operand. JMP uses extended or indexed addressing.

JSR <operand> ; Jumps to subroutine specified by operand. JSR uses

direct, extended, or indexed addressing. Note: This allows for the

creation of modular programming (functions). JSR increments the program

counter (PC) by two or three depending upon addressing used and pushes the

PC onto the stack so you can return where you left off using RTS (Return

from Sub Routine) instruction.

Return Instructions:

There are two return instructions RTS (Return from Sub Routine) and

RTI (Return from interrupt).

RTS ; Uses inherent addressing and is used to return out the called

subroutine back to the caller subroutine. This is accomplished by

incrementing the stack pointer and loading the address contained back into

the program counter.

RTI ; Users inherent addressing and is used to restore A, B, X, Y, CCR,

and PC states by pulling them from the stack, also may or may not set CCR

X flag.

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 14 of 81 Colorado Technical University

XI. Decrement / Increment Instructions (Often used in loops):

DEC <operand> ; decrements value at location by 1, value - 1

DECA ; decrements A by 1, A = A - 1

DECB ; decrements B by 1, B = B - 1

DEX ; decrements X by 1, X = X - 1

DEY ; decrements Y by 1, Y = Y - 1

DES ; decrements SP by 1, SP = SP - 1

INC <operand> ; increments value at location by 1, value + 1

INCA ; increments A by 1, A = A + 1

INCB ; increments B by 1, B = B + 1

INX ; increments X by 1, X = X + 1

INY ; increments Y by 1, Y = Y + 1

INS ; increments SP by 1, SP = SP + 1

XII. Rotate & Shift (Logical & Arithmetic) Instructions:

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Figure 4.6: Rotate and Shift Instructions

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XIII. PUSH / PULL & Transfer Instructions:

Push and pull instructions manipulate the stack which is discussed in

detail in Section 8. They are extremely valuable instructions and assist

in searching, accessing, and manipulating strings and arrays as well as

preserving register values for modular programming.

Figure 4.7: Push and Pull instructions

Transfer Instructions:

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Transfer instructions are used to manipulate the stack pointer (SP), and

thus can be used to quickly navigate the stack.

Figure 4.8: Transfer Instructions

XIV. Clear Instruction & variable initialization:

Clear “CLR” instructions do just what they suggest; they replace the

contents of a memory location or register with zeros. This is often used

for variable initialization.

Figure 4.9: Clear Instructions

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 18 of 81 Colorado Technical University

XV. Other Important Instructions:

Logic Instructions

ANDA <operand> ; AND A with memory (Immediate, Direct, Extended, or

Indirect Addressing)

ANDB <operand> ; AND B with memory (Immediate, Direct, Extended, or

Indirect Addressing)

BITA <operand> ; Bit tests A with memory (A AND M) and sets CCR

(Immediate, Direct, Extended, or Indirect


BITB <operand> ; Bit tests B with memory (B AND M) and sets CCR

(Immediate, Direct, Extended, or Indirect


COM <operand> ; Get value at operand and take ones complement or

invert bits (extended or indirect addressing)

COMA ; Take ones comp. of A store in A, invert bits

COMB ; Take ones comp. of B store in B, invert bits

EORA <operand> ; XOR with value in memory w/ A store in A

(Immediate, extended, direct, indirect)

EORB <operand> ; XOR with value in memory w/ B store in B

(Immediate, extended, direct, indirect)

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 19 of 81 Colorado Technical University

NEG <operand> ; 2’s complement of memory store in memory

(Extended or Indirect)

NEGA ; 2’s complement of A store in A

NEGB ; 2’s complement of B store in B

ORAA <operand> ; OR A with memory store in A

ORAB <operand> ; OR B with memory store in B

Other Useful Instructions (Note: Several used for interrupts)

CLV ; lear overflow flag, V=0

NOP ; No operation, takes up clock cycles for nothing

SEC ; Set carry, C=1

SEI ; Set interrupt mask, I=1

SEV ; Set overflow flag, V=1

STOP ; Stop internal clock

SWI ; Software interrupt

TAP ; Transfer A to CCR

TPA ; Transfer CCR to A

WAI ; Wait for interrupt

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 20 of 81 Colorado Technical University

XVI. Directives:

Directives are commands to the assembler that define data and

symbols, setting assembly conditions, and specifying output format.

Directives do not produce code but perform housekeeping activities for the


ORG <address> ; Sets value of location counter to address specified

RMB <#> ; Reserves memory byte(s), number given by #

DCB ; Defines constant block, reserves area in memory and

initializes each byte to the same constant.

FCB <......> ; Forms constant byte(s) w/ value set by operand

FDB <......> ; Forms 2 bytes for each argument

FCC <......> ; Forms constant character(s), forms ASCII string, use

“This is my String” format.

BSZ <#> ; Reserves a number of bytes specified starting at

location counter and initializes each/all value(s) to


FILL <Value1, Value2> ; Reserves # of bytes (Value1) and fills

each with Value2 starting at address given

by location counter.

END ; Indicates the END of a program.

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 21 of 81 Colorado Technical University

4. Understanding and Using the program:

This begin this lab copy/paste/save/assemble/load the program and

start the program at memory location $9000 with the “go $9000” command.

$9000 is where I begin to store all of the program code for this lab.

Once the program begins the first thing that is accomplished is to

load the stack pointer at $C800. This should always be in the first few

lines of code for any program that plans on making use of the stack, as

all modular programs should.

I also use the equate directive extensively, which helps in keeping

port locations, terminal/Buffalo monitor I/O routines, ASCII values, and

delay loop variables easy to remember.

I also declared/formed area for the storage of my user input ASCII

values and filled the first 16 blocks with ASCII whitespace and a

terminating EOT so that the terminal display routine and Buffalo monitor

LCD routine could correctly handle/display the correct information when

called. These string locations as well as other temp variable locations

begin at locations $8000 in memory for easy referencing.

As with the above, I also formed/reserved storage for all of the

strings, ensuring all strings were 16 characters and ending in a ASCII EOT

for later referencing. All output strings begin at memory location $A000.

This sort of memory assignment/separation is important for T/S code and

ensures that you don’t have problems where pieces of code override one


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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 22 of 81 Colorado Technical University

Next, after beginning the program and loading the stack I immediately

call a jump statement that sends the program to my main_func subroutine,

which if you are reading the code right now is at the very bottom. Just

like in C or C++ this seemed a logical place for placing the subroutine

that would call all other subroutines.

Once in main_func subroutine I begin calling all of the following

other subroutines but before I go into them let me explain something about

them all. To ensure that I can contain each subroutines variables and

register components intact I make extensive use of the stack pull and push

instructions. This allows each subroutine to keep a form of temporary

register storage and prevents a register value in one subroutine from

interfering with another subroutines values. If I plan on passing a

register from one subroutine to the next over and over I skip this

push/pull which allows the two to use each other’s register values.

The first subroutine called is LCD_init which initializes the Buffalo

monitor LCD for use. Next I call Clear LEDs which sets the value $00 in

port B and clears the LEDs. Next, I call Disp_LCD_clear which clears the

LCDs with whitespace. I then call Disp_welcome to display my initial

program welcome message.

Next, Flash_LEDs_osc displays an oscillating (middle to left/right,

left/right to middle) LED pattern using a delay routine and specifies

values of Port B to flash the LEDs and make a beep when the LEDs touch

(like a hospital heart monitor), a simple but dramatic effect.

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 23 of 81 Colorado Technical University

Next I call Disp_q_name to tell the user I would like their name. I

then call Get_name to get the users name and store it at an assigned

memory location. I also prevent the users input from storing more than 16

characters so that the name displays correctly on the LCD. I then call

Display_name to display their results to screen.

Finally I call Display_press_btn, which tells the user to press one

of three buttons and the I call Check_buttons which selectively calls for

four other subroutines, one which checks for a button being pressed, and

if pressed calls one of the other three subroutines depending upon which

button was pressed. Depending upon the button pressed the program will do

one of the following...

The first button will flash the intro LED pulse pattern ten times.

The second run a looping colorful racetrack LED pattern using the

breadboard and LEDs (Note: If you want to do this on your breadboard you

will need to use the PB0-PB7 outputs as highs to your breadboard LEDs and

use the ground as a low for your breadboard. I also ensured that the

delay subroutines used a temporary delay value that although I didn’t use

the user could expand upon the program and build a module to increase or

decrease the speed at which the racetrack LEDs flashed (I leave this up to

the user).

The third button will run a simple math program to get two numbers

(0-4) from the user, it then converts the numbers into their actual hex

value representations for computation, reconverts the result into ASCII

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EE312 Embedded Microcontrollers TUE / THU 9:00AM

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 24 of 81 Colorado Technical University

stores and displays on the terminal and LCD. I had plans to make this

perform larger computations but would have needed to create a larger

module in order to handle large user ASCII strings into hex values

conversion for multi-precision addition (Remember each ASCII numeral

entered is two bytes (representing 10 possibilities 0-9) where the actual

hex only needs one and represents 16 possibilities (decimal 0-15 or 0-F).

To simplify the program I used validation routines that ensured the user

could only enter a value between 0 and 4 (Because max values 4+4=8 which

simplifies ASCII conversion +/- $30).

Once the user is done with the choices I used a loop for the

Check_buttons routine which caused the loop to exit after a certain period

of inactive time (30 seconds).

Then Display_credits and Display_exit_world is called to display

goodbye messages to the user.

Finally the program exits Main_Func and returns to the top where the

registers are cleared and the program terminates.

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 25 of 81 Colorado Technical University

* Assembly Code!

* Final Project, Version 1

* Coded by: Loren K. R. Schwappach

* Coded on: 13 June 09

* Completed in Requirements for:

* EE312, Embedded Microcontrollers

* Instructor: Professor Pamella Hoffman

* Program description: This program will cover many of the possibilities

* offered by the MC68HC11, FOX-11 board. It will use the buffalo monitor

* and I/O addresses to get/send information to a monitor and LCD. It will

* demonstrate sound, buttons, LEDs, and how to control output to a bread board.

* it also demonstrates how to convert ASCII user input into numerical values

* for a small math computation.

* Future ideas (if time permitted..)

* #1 Use the keypad for setting variable speed of racetrack

* #2 Create a module the would get/convert/store large ASCII numerals to Hex

* And then retrieve/convert/store these values in ASCII for display

* #3 Develop song for intro..

* #4 Have credits scroll and repeat over LCD by inc X in loop and increasing init string size

* ------------------------

* References

* ------------------------

* Define addresses for LCD output

LCD_init EQU $FF70 ; Address to initialize the LCD

LCD_write_top EQU $FF73 ; Address to write to LCD top

LCD_write_bottom EQU $FF76 ; Address to write to LCD bottom

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* Define addresses/values for terminal I/O

Output_disp_text EQU $FFC7 ; Outputs all ASCII stored at loc in X until EOT

Input_get_char EQU $FFCD ; Gets ASCII character from keyboard -> stores in A

Output_disp_CR EQU $FFC4 ; Outputs ASCII character return and line feed

CR EQU $0D ; ASCII CR, (enter key)

EOT EQU $04 ; ASCII EOT, (End Of Transmission)

* Define port I/O addresses

Port_A EQU $1000 ; Port A Address

Port_B EQU $1404 ; Port B Address

Port_C EQU $1403 ; Port C Address

* Delay loop times

Hundred_ms EQU 16700 ; Loop iterations for 100ms delay

Ten_ms EQU 1670 ; Loop iterations for 10ms delay

One_ms EQU 167 ; Loop iterations for 1ms delay

Var_ms EQU 2505 ; Loop iterations for variable delay (15ms)

* Other important values

* Store Program at {$9000 - $9FFF}, Store Stack at {$C800 - $C000}

Program_loc EQU $9000 ; Begin program here w/ go 9000 command

Stack_loc EQU $C800 ; Set aside location for stack, used extensively

* ------------------------

* Variable Storage Locations {$8000 - $8FFF}

* ------------------------

Username EQU $8000 ; Location to reference later for ASCII name storage

ORG $8000 ; Set location to $8000

FILL 16, $20 ; Fill 16 blocks from $8000 to $8010 with $20 "ASCII space"

; Note on above: value $20 used so LCDs display correctly

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at $8011 with ASCII EOT

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Result EQU $8020 ; Location to reference later for ASCII math result storage

ORG $8020 ; Set location to $8020

FILL 16, $20 ; Fill 16 blocks from $8020 to $8030 with $20 "ASCII space"

; Note on above: value $20 used so LCDs display correctly

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at $8031 with ASCII EOT

Value1 RMB 1 ; Reserve Memory Block at $8032 for math fun value 1

value2 RMB 1 ; Reserve Memory Block at $8033 for math fun value 2

* ------------------------

* String Output Locations {$A000 - $AFFF}

* ------------------------

ORG $A000 ; Set location for storage of string

Clear_LCD FCC " " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A020 ; Set location for storage of string

Welcome1 FCC " Welcome to my " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A040 ; Set location for storage of string

Welcome2 FCC "EE312 FOX11 Demo" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A060 ; Set location for storage of string

Question_Name1 FCC " Please enter, " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A080 ; Set location for storage of string

Question_Name2 FCC " Your name... " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A0A0 ; Set location for storage of string

Warning1 FCC " !Max 15 char! " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

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ORG $A0C0 ; Set location for storage of string

Question_Name3 FCC "Enter name -here" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A0E0 ; Set location for storage of string

Response_Name1 FCC "**** Hello **** " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A100 ; Set location for storage of string

Press_Btn1 FCC " Press a Button " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A120 ; Set location for storage of string

Press_Btn2 FCC "PA0, PC1, or PC0" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A140 ; Set location for storage of string

Warning2 FCC "20s left to exit" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A160 ; Set location for storage of string

Warning3 FCC "10s left to exit" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A180 ; Set location for storage of string

MathA_1 FCC " Time for some " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A1A0 ; Set location for storage of string

MathA_2 FCC "Simple math fun " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A1C0 ; Set location for storage of string

MathB_1 FCC " Give me two #s " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A1E0 ; Set location for storage of string

MathB_2 FCC "1 dig.= {0 to 4}" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 29 of 81 Colorado Technical University

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A200 ; Set location for storage of string

MathC_1 FCC "ENT 1st Number: " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A220 ; Set location for storage of string

MathD_1 FCC "ENT 2nd Number: " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A240 ; Set location for storage of string

MathE_1 FCC "The Result is.. " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A260 ; Set location for storage of string

Credits1 FCC "Created by.. " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A280 ; Set location for storage of string

Credits2 FCC "Loren Schwappach" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A2A0 ; Set location for storage of string

Exit_World1 FCC "Exiting EE312Lab" ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

ORG $A2C0 ; Set location for storage of string

Exit_World2 FCC "Press reset btn " ; Form Constant Character for LCD "16 character" display

FCB EOT ; Form Constant Block at location above + 17 for output to monitor

* ------------------------

* Call program and set Stack location

* ------------------------

Start ORG Program_loc ; Set location counter for program storage { Program starts at

$9000 }

LDS #Stack_loc ; Loads begining storage location for stack at $C800

JSR Main_func ; Jumps over all subroutines below to main subroutine at bottom of


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JSR Clear_reg ; Jump to subroutine clear registers

Terminate END ; Ends Program

* ------------------------

* Subroutines

* ------------------------

* Clear Registers

Clear_reg LDAA #$00 ; Load Accum. A w/ 0

LDAB #$00 ; Load Accum. B w/ 0

LDX #$0000 ; Load Index Reg X w/ 0

LDY #$0000 ; Load Index Reg Y w/ 0

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Delay Subroutines

Delay DEX ; Decrement X {Take up some time.. clock cycles}

INX ; Increment X {Take up some time.. clock cycles}

DEX ; Decrement X, initial X value provided by routine that called this

BNE Delay ; Branch if not equal to 0 to Delay.. loop until X=0

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

Delay_1ms PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #One_ms ; Load X with value referenced by EQU above

BSR Delay ; With retrieved X value obtained branch to delay to take up

indicated time

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

Delay_10ms PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Ten_ms ; Load X with value referenced by EQU above

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BSR Delay ; With retrieved X value obtained branch to delay to take up

indicated time

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

Delay_100ms PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Hundred_ms ; Load X with value referenced by EQU above

BSR Delay ; With retrieved X value obtained branch to delay to take up

indicated time

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

Delay_Var_ms PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Var_ms ; Load X with value referenced by EQU above

BSR Delay ; With retrieved X value obtained branch to delay to take up

indicated time

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Clear LEDs

Clear_LEDs PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

LDAA #0 ; Load Accum A w/ value 0 {All LEDs out}

STAA Port_B ; Stores value at Port_B {All LEDs out}

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Create beep sound at 25 pulses

Beep_once PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during subroutine


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PSHY ; Push Y onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in Y during subroutine


PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during subroutine


LDX #25 ; Load X w/ value 25 {controls beep loops, pulses}

Beep_once_loop LDAA #$20 ; Load A w/ value $20 {Determines sound/tone of beep}

STAA Port_A ; Stores A in Port_A {Makes beep sound}

JSR Delay_1ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$00 ; Loads A w/ value 0

STAA Port_A ; Stores A in Port_A {Clears beep sound}

JSR Delay_1ms ; Takes up some time

DEX ; Decrements X

CPX #0 ; Compares X w/ value 0

BNE Beep_once_loop ; Branches, loops.. if X does not equal 0

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A before

subroutine call

PULY ; Pull Y value stored in stack to Y, restores data stored in Y before

subroutine call

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X before

subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Display race track, "LEDs circle around bread board"

* If I had more time I had plans to allow user input

* determine speed (Delay_Var_ms)

Racetrack_sim PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during subroutine


PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during subroutine


JSR Clear_LEDs ; Clear LEDs

LDX #10 ; Load X w/ value {determines number of loops}

Race_loop LDAA #$01 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


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JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$02 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$04 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$08 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$10 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$20 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$40 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$80 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

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STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off 1 on, for 8


JSR Beep_once ; Beep

JSR Delay_Var_ms ; Takes up some time

DEX ; Decrement X by 1

CPX #0 ; Compare X to 0

BEQ Exit_race_loop ; Branches out of loop if X = 0

JMP Race_loop ; Loop if X does not equal 0

Exit_race_loop JSR Clear_LEDs ; Clear LEDs

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X before

subroutine call

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A before

subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Flash LEDs in a pulse pattern

Flash_LEDs_osc PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A

during subroutine use

PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X

during subroutine use

JSR Clear_LEDs ; Clear LEDs

LDX #10 ; Load X w/ value used for # of loops

LED_loop_osc LDAA #$18 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Beep_once ; beep when LEDs touch

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$24 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$42 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

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LDAA #$81 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$42 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

LDAA #$24 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

DEX ; Decrement X by 1

BNE LED_loop_osc ; Loop if X does not equal 0

Exit_LED_loop_osc LDAA #$18 ; Loads A w/ value, determines what LED will light

STAA Port_B ; Stores A at port B, lights LEDs indicated by value {0 off

1 on, for 8 LEDs}

JSR Delay_100ms ; Takes up some time

JSR Clear_LEDs ; Clear LEDs

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored

in X before subroutine call

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored

in A before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Read buttons PA0, PC1, and PC0

Read_button LDAA Port_C ; Load A w/ value at Port C

COMA ; Invert bits in A

ANDA #$03 ; AND A w/ value $03, lowest 2 bits only

LDAB Port_A ; Load B w/ value at Port A

COMB ; Invert bits in B

ANDB #$01 ; AND B w/ value $01, lowest bit only

ASLB ; Arithmatic Shift Left Accum B

ASLB ; Arithmatic Shift Left Accum B

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ABA ; Add B to A store in A

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Subroutines which run depending upon user input {btn press}

* Note: Had to create these Check buttons because BNE

* is limited to how far it can branch to..

Run_math PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

JSR Add_numbers ; Jump to Sub Routine

JSR Display_press_btn ; Jump to Sub Routine

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

JMP Check_buttons ; Jump back to Check_buttons

Run_race PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

JSR Racetrack_sim ; Jump to Sub Routine

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

JMP Check_buttons ; Jump back to Check_buttons

Run_LEDs PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

JSR Flash_LEDs_osc ; Jump to Sub Routine

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

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PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

JMP Check_buttons ; Jump back to Check_buttons

* Check buttons PA0, PC1, and PC0 and do something

Check_buttons LDX #12 ; Load X w/ value used for determining when loop should end

LDY #4000 ; Load Y w/ value used for determining when loop should end

Check_buttons_loop BSR Read_button ; Branch to Sub Routine to read button

STAA Port_B ; Stores read button result in A

BITA #$01 ; Is PC0 pressed?

BNE Run_LEDs ; Then run LEDs, If A does not equal 0

BITA #$02 ; Is PC1 pressed?

BNE Run_race ; Then run LED racetrack, If A does not equal 0

BITA #$04 ; Is PA0 pressed?

BNE Run_math ; Then run math program, If A does not equal 0

DEY ; Decrement Y by 1

CPX #10 ; Compare X to value

BEQ Disp_t_warning0 ; If X = value branch to location given

CPX #8 ; Compare X to value

BEQ Disp_t_warning1 ; If X = value branch to location given

CPX #4 ; Compare X to value

BEQ Disp_t_warning2 ; If X = value branch to location given

CPX #0 ; Compare X to value

BEQ Check_buttons_done ; If X = value branch to location given

CPY #0 ; Compare Y to value

BEQ Decrement_X ; If X = value branch to location given

JMP Check_buttons_loop ; Loop if X does not equal 0

Decrement_X DEX ; Decrement X

JMP Check_buttons_loop ; Jump back to loop

Check_buttons_done RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

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* Display time warnings

* Display clear screen..

Disp_t_warning0 PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Clear_LCD ; Load Clear LCD string location in X

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X before

subroutine call

JMP Decrement_X ; Jump to location

* Display 20s left warning..

Disp_t_warning1 PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Warning2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X before

subroutine call

JMP Decrement_X ; Jump to location

* Display 10s left warning..

Disp_t_warning2 PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Warning3 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X before

subroutine call

JMP Decrement_X ; Jump to location

* Display 15 max char warning..

Disp_char_warning PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X

during subroutine use

LDX #Warning1 ; Load X w/ location of string

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JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Warning1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored

in X before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Pause for Carraige Return key

Pause_return PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during subroutine


CR_loop JSR Input_get_char ; Jump to Sub Routine that gets a single ASCII character from keyboard and

stores in A

CMPA #CR ; Compares A with ASCII CR

BEQ Out_CR_loop ; Branch out of loop if equal

JMP CR_loop ; If not equal.. stay in loop

Out_CR_loop PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A before

subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Clear LCD

Disp_LCD_clear PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Clear_LCD ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Clear_LCD ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Display Welcome & Pause for CR Key

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Professor: Pamela Hoffman Page 40 of 81 Colorado Technical University

Disp_welcome PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Welcome1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Welcome2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #Welcome1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Welcome2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Display Question_Name & Pause for CR Key

Disp_q_name PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Question_Name1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Question_Name2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #Question_Name1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Question_Name2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Disp_LCD_clear ; Jump to Sub Routine to clear LCDs

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JSR Disp_char_warning ; Jump to Sub Routine

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Displays Name

Display_name PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

LDX #Response_Name1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Username ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

LDX #Response_Name1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Username ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Disp_LCD_clear ; Jump to Sub Routine to clear LCDs

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Displays Press a Button

Display_press_btn PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X

during subroutine use

LDX #Press_Btn1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Press_Btn2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

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JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

LDX #Press_Btn1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Press_Btn2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored

in X before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Displays Credits

Display_credits PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in

X during subroutine use

LDX #Credits1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Credits2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

LDX #Credits1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Credits2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter

key.. CR

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored

in X before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

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* Displays Final Output

Display_exit_world PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X

during subroutine use

LDX #Exit_World1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Exit_World2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

LDX #Exit_World1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Exit_World2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X

and ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a

line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter

key.. CR

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored

in X before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Loop to get & math numbers..

Add_numbers PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

PSHY ; Push Y onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in Y during

subroutine use

PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

PSHB ; Push B onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in B during

subroutine use

Add_nmbrs_loop JSR Beep_once ; Beep

LDX #MathA_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #MathA_2 ; Load X w/ location of string

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JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #MathA_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #MathA_2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

LDX #MathB_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #MathB_2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #MathB_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #MathB_2 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

Get_value1 JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

LDX #MathC_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #MathC_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Input_get_char ; Jump to Sub Routine that gets a single ASCII character from

keyboard and stores in A

CMPA #$2F ; Compare A w/ value {ASCII value before ASCII 0}

BLS Get_value1 ; Branch if lower or same (Used to ensure only an ASCII 0-4 are


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CMPA #$35 ; Compare A w/ value {ASCII value after ASCII 4}

BHS Get_value1 ; Branch if higher or same (Used to ensure only an ASCII 0-4 are


SUBA #$30 ; Subtracts $30 from value to convert ASCII (0 to 4) to actual hex


STAA Value1 ; Stores A at location

Get_value2 JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

LDX #MathD_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #MathD_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Input_get_char ; Jump to Sub Routine that gets a single ASCII character from

keyboard and stores in A

CMPA #$2F ; Compare A w/ value {ASCII value before ASCII 0}

BLS Get_value2 ; Branch if lower or same (Used to ensure only an ASCII 0-4 are


CMPA #$35 ; Compare A w/ value {ASCII value after ASCII 4}

BHS Get_value2 ; Branch if higher or same (Used to ensure only an ASCII 0-4 are


SUBA #$30 ; Subtracts $30 from value to convert ASCII (0 to 4) to actual hex


STAA value2 ; Stores A at location

Add_values LDAA Value1 ; Loads A w/ value at location given

ADDA value2 ; Adds A to value at location stores in A

ADDA #$30 ; Adds $30 to A -> converts Hex value (0-8) into ASCII (0-8)

STAA Result ; Stores A in Result String

Result_section JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

LDX #MathE_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

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JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #MathE_1 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

LDX #Result ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_bottom ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on bottom LCD

LDX #Result ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Pause_return ; Jump to Sub Routine that pauses until user presses enter key.. CR

JSR Beep_once ; Beep

Close_add PULB ; Pull B value stored in stack to B, restores data stored

in B before subroutine call

PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

PULY ; Pull Y value stored in stack to Y, restores data stored in Y

before subroutine call

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* Loop to get & store name..

Get_name PSHX ; Push X onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in X during

subroutine use

PSHY ; Push Y onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in Y during

subroutine use

PSHA ; Push A onto stack, prevents loss of data stored in A during

subroutine use

LDX #Question_Name3 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR LCD_write_top ; Display 16 Character string at loc X on top LCD

LDX #Question_Name3 ; Load X w/ location of string

JSR Output_disp_text ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs all ASCII starting at X and

ending when ASCII CR

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

JSR Output_disp_CR ; Jump to Sub Routine that outputs ASCII CR followed by a line feed

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LDX #Username ; Load X w/ location of string

LDY #0 ; Load Y w/ location of string

Get_name_loop CPY #15 ; Compares Y w/ value 15 {Prevents user from inputing too many


BEQ Close_Get_name ; Braches if Equal to location outside of loop

JSR Input_get_char ; Jump to Sub Routine that gets a single ASCII character from

keyboard and stores in A

CMPA #CR ; Compare A w/ ASCII CR

BEQ Close_Get_name ; Braches if Equal to location outside of loop

CMPA #$1F ; Compare A w/ illegal character (Not 0-9, or A-Z, or a-z)

BLS Get_name_loop ; Branch Lower or Same.. loops for new character if illegal


CMPA #$7F ; Compare A w/ illegal character (Not 0-9, or A-Z, or a-z)

BHS Get_name_loop ; Branch Higher or Same.. loops for new character if illegal


STAA 0,X ; Store A at location in X

INY ; Increment Y {Used to count # of characters}

INX ; Increment X

BRA Get_name_loop ; Branch

Close_Get_name PULA ; Pull A value stored in stack to A, restores data stored in A

before subroutine call

PULY ; Pull Y value stored in stack to Y, restores data stored in Y

before subroutine call

PULX ; Pull X value stored in stack to X, restores data stored in X

before subroutine call

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

* ------------------------

* Start Main_func program

* ------------------------

Main_func JSR LCD_init ; Initialize LCD

JSR Clear_LEDs ; Clear LEDs

JSR Disp_LCD_clear ; Clear LCDs

JSR Disp_welcome ; Jump to Subroutine to displays welcome

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JSR Flash_LEDs_osc ; Jump to Subroutine to flash leds in a pulse pattern

JSR Disp_q_name ; Jump to Subroutine to display question on LCD

JSR Get_name ; Jump to Subroutine to get users name

JSR Display_name ; Jump to Subroutine to display users name

JSR Display_press_btn ; Jump to Subroutine to display statement on LCD

JSR Check_buttons ; Jump to Subroutine to check buttons and do something

JSR Display_credits ; Jump to Subroutine to display credits

JSR Display_exit_world ; Jump to Subroutine to display exit world

RTS ; Return to Subroutine which called this

Note: LAB Output:

Because most of the program uses the LCDs and LEDs, it would be

pointless and disappointing to be limited to the output I could capture

using terminal screenshots. Therefore, please copy/paste/assemble/load/

and run the code above if you wish to see the program in action. You can

also use the trace “t” command to trace the changes to the PC, SP, and

registers, although be warned (The trace program will lose functionality

as soon as it enters the terminal I/O and Buffalo Monitor I/O subroutines.

Remember you can also log terminal output to file! I used this trick with

preceding loabs.

RE: Optimizing Code:

I noticed a few areas where I could have removed some compare

instructions since the CCR was already set, I also noticed I could have

used the ROLA and RORA instructions in a loop for the racetrack module

which would have shortened the LED modules a bit.

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