
SRI SAI RAM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYApproved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. Sai Leo Nagar, West Tambaram, Chennai 44. Tel: 044 22512333 / 22512111. (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)

BE.CS Final year and B.Tech Third Year - EE&FA/C Assignment.11. State the objectives of a firm.2. What do you understand by decision making?3. What is meant by Demand?4. What is demand forecasting?5. Define managerial economics.6. List the main phases of decision making7. Mention the types of demand8. Distinguish between firm and industry9. What is meant by domestic and industrial demand?10. What is the scope of managerial economics?11. Name the concept involved in decision making.12. What are the limitations of elasticity of demand?13. Define the concept of firm.14. Define elasticity of demand.15. 16. How does managerial economics related with and use other disciplines. 17. Explain the various steps in managerial decision making process.18. Explain the different types of demand19. Explain factors affecting demand of the product20. Discuss in brief the methods used in forecasting demand21. What are the use of managerial economics and write short notes on firm22. Discuss the principles of economics which helps in effective managerial decision making23. Explain the different terms of ownership and its significance in the success of an organization.24. Distinguish between income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand25. What is demand forecasting? Explain various forecasting techniques26. Enumerate the nature of managerial economics.27. How can you make decision process more effective?28. Write short notes on programmed and nonprogrammed decision29. Explain the objectives of the firm and analysis different theories of governing the same.30. Define law of demand and explain types of demand with diagram.31. Explain the goals of firm32. Why does the demand curve slopes downwards?33. What are the reasons for the exception of the demand curve?34.

Question followed in previous 5 year Anna university questions (1.5 units covered)Prepared by...Professor.Dr.K. BARANIDHARANM B A DepartmentSri Sairam Institute of TechnologyChennai

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