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The HerefordTHE





No. 96 Breed Newsletter June 2018

Issued by: The Hereford Cattle SocietyHereford House, 3 Offa Street, Hereford HR1 2LL T: 01432 272057 Fax: 01432 377529

Email: [email protected] Website:

Inside this Issue:

The Hereford Breed once again triumphed at Beef Expo by winning the Best Beef Breed Stand. Thanks must go to the Hereford Cattle Breeders’ Association for sourcing and supplying the cattle. Pedigree Hereford sires were kindly supplied by Mark Roberts, Bromley Herefords and John Whitlow, HighHouse Herefords. Richard Mann, Spinney Herefords provided two pens of Hereford X Holsteins which were well received by Judge Marc Jones, commenting, “The Hereford display covered all aspects of the beef industry well, with a particular emphasis on the commercial sector.”

HerefordCattleSocietyUK UKHerefords UKHerefords

New DNA policy(see p.6)

Council’s Comments(see p.2)

GDPR requirements(see p.5) New Breed Secretary (see p.4)

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2 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Comments from May Council Meeting………

Staff UpdateAt the start of the meeting the Chairman, Robin Irvine, read a letter from the Chief Executive Officer tendering his resignation. James

stated that he had thoroughly enjoyed the engagement and encouragement from breeders but felt that it was a suitable time for him to be pursuing alternative options for his career. He thanked

the Chairman for his support and offered his best wishes to Council, Staff and Membership for the future. Council will now consider the staffing structure of the Society going forward.

DNA TestingCouncil have received correspondence from Weatherbys that they will cease to offer Micro-Satellite testing system in 18-24 months. Council are reviewing a number of options as to how many samples should be brought across from Micro-Satellite to SNP testing. It is necessary

to do this in order to confirm Sire Verification and pull valuable data from the existing test results forward in to the new SNP testing regime. SNP testing has a number of advantages, such as a far greater number of DNA markers and the possibility of more bespoke genetic defect testing and is expected to reduce costs in the long

term. SNP testing is the only method currently available which will allow support production of genomic EBVs.

Council appointed a Finance Sub-committee to better review and guide the Society’s financial interests and responsibilities. This Committee, which

comprises of Chairman Robin Irvine, Breed President Jonathan Moorhouse, Vice-President Des Kelly, Mark Roberts and Philip Vincent, met on the

Thursday, 10th May. The Sub-committee was also set the task of confirming Society Membership Fees for the financial year 2018-19.

Finance Sub-committee

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Hereford Beef Update

Branded Hereford Beef Scheme throughput increased by 3.6% during 2017.

DunbiaThe Co-op are going to place the Hereford Beef logo on their packaging, inline with Lidl, following discussions between Dunbia and the Society at the end of February. Dunbia are also keen to work with the ‘Beefy Boys’, a gourmet burger restaurant based in Hereford. Michael Dorans, Marketing Director Dunbia has confirmed that the two businesses hope to work together to promote Hereford beef.

Dovecote ParkDovecote Park have kindly agreed to sponsor the Autumn Show & Sale in Hereford.

Beef Expo 2018Dunbia agreed to supply Hereford beef rolls at Beef Expo 2018. The Expo Farm Tour party, which will include 90 livestock farmers from N. Ireland and 30 UK Hereford breeders, would be visiting “Shraden Herefords”, Baschurch, Shropshire on Wednesday 23rd May.

Also attending will be Carsten Schmidt, Secretary of the German Hereford Association. The Timmis family will be offering a Hereford beef lunch to visitors and also providing Hereford beef rolls for the lunch the following day. The main Farm Tour programme pre Beef Expo will include a visit to Marc Jones, Trefnant Hall, Welshpool. Marc buys in Hereford X calves to finish at 20-24 months of age and also contract rears 450 calves from 3-15 weeks for Dunbia.

Annual Society DinnerRobert Thomas of Risbury Herefords has kindly offered to source local pure-bred Hereford Beef for the Society’s Annual Dinner on Monday 8th October.

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4 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Appointment of Breed SecretaryThe UK Hereford Cattle Society has announced the appointment of David Deakin to the position of Breed Secretary.

In a recent statement Robin Irvine, Chairman of the Society’s ruling Council commented – “Since joining the Society in 2005, David has been a major driver behind the remarkable growth in popularity that the Breed has enjoyed in recent years. His work in promoting the Breed and the Hereford Beef Brand through modern media, and in building relationships along the supply chain have been key to this success. We are pleased that David has taken up the challenge of leading the Breed in the

coming years.

He will have the full support of Council in bringing innovation and new technologies to the Society while further developing the role of the Hereford in profitable beef production, and as a premium food brand.”

On his appointment, David commented, “It’s such an honour to be only the ninth Hereford Breed Secretary of such an iconic Beef Breed during the past 140 years.”

The appointment took place with immediate effect and David will be based at the Society’s Headquarters in the City of Hereford.”

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IMPORTANT NOTICE!General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)To all those Members who have returned their GDPR forms, a big ‘thank you’. To those who have not, would you please do so as soon as possible as the Administration will, in the very near future, be compiling a list removing the records of such Members as per legislation laid down by law. Such action will result in your animal records no longer being visible on the Hereford Cattle Society Website.

Animal TransferWhen a Pedigree Certificate is received in the Society’s Office with the purchaser’s details completed on the reverse side but no remittance submitted, the registered owner of the animal concerned will automatically be

invoiced for the Transfer Fee.

Members are kindly reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they keep their animal records accurate and up-to-date by advising the Office as and when animals have left their holding.

Society FeesYour Council have reviewed Society Fees (see elsewhere within this Newsletter) and you will note that, as from the 1st July, 2018 Paper Registration Fees will be increased to £34.58.

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6 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Weatherbys will be phasing out Micro-Satellite testing (MS) over the next 12-18 months and during this period the cost of MS testing will exceed that of SNP testing. Your Council have therefore made the decision to move quickly and introduce SNP testing at the beginning of the next financial year.

The benefits in moving over to SNP testing are highlighted in the table below:

How does this change affect Members and what do you need to do?

Costings:As you will note in the section on fees included in this Newsletter, there are some significant changes in DNA costings, including some considerable savings. Unlike MS testing, SNPs offers the option of testing for the three genetic defects separately. Your Council have agreed that only hypotrichosis will be mandatory at a cost of £10 per animal, with the other two traits being optional. There is also a considerable saving on testing for the Polling gene.

SNP to Replace MS TestingThe Society is moving from Micro-Satellite testing to SNP Testing from 1st July 2018

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Due to MS and SNP testing being incompatible, there will be a significant cost/investment by your Society (not to the Membership directly) in transitioning from one testing method to another. To make this transition smooth and as cost effective as possible, it would help the administration to know which Hereford sires breeders will be using to register progeny over the next 12-18 months.

Can you please email through the names of the sires you intend to use to Tracey ([email protected]) who will collate and send them to Weatherbys for processing.

Finally, there will be no future batch discounts as breeder sample sizes are too low and so are not conducive to Weatherbys workstreams.

IMPORTANT - SamplingInstructions for Hair Sample Collection from Cattle for DNA ExtractionQuality samples are the key to getting good DNA from your cattle. Weatherbys will continue to accept hair samples but have highlighted that ear tissue samples have a higher success rate. At present the failure rates for samples are as follows: 5%-8% for hair samples and 1% to 1.5% for ear notch samples.

A quality sample of hair is taken from the tail and has the follicle, or root, still attached to the hair. Tail hair is preferable to coat hair due to the size of the root ball that is extracted from the tail versus the coat. The sample must NOT be excessively dirty and must contain 40-60 hairs.

Gather 40-60 hairs and grasp them tightly

as close to the skin as possible with hands or pliers. As an animal gets older the hairs become harder to remove so the use of pliers often aids in removal. Pull the hair slowly and firmly away from the tail making sure to get the roots.

Taking a good sample for Parentage Verification and Genetic Defects testing will save you time and money – additional charges will be incurred if Weatherbys are unable to successfully achieve a result due to the submitted hair samples not carrying sufficient roots/follicles, or being contaminated.

It is therefore extremely important that you ensure that the samples collected are carefully plucked with sufficient roots/follicles attached and are not cut.

It is also important to ensure that the samples are in no way contaminated or cross contaminated with any hairs of a different animal.

Finally, another area where care should be taken is when an animal is shedding its hair. Such hair does not normally include live roots/follicles, so again, please ensure plucked hairs carry enough roots/follicles needed to complete the test successfully.

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Society Fees From 1st July, 2018 to 30th June, 2019

Membership (VAT Zero Rated)


Entrance to Membership 40.00

Annual Subscription 65.00

The following fees are inclusive of VAT

Herd Name 30.00

Transfer of Ownership(Cows with Calves under 6 months 1 Transfer Fee)


DNA Profile 30.00

DNA Profile + Hypotrichosis 40.00

DNA Profile + Hypotrichosis + Poll Genotyping 47.00

Initial Entry/Export 30.00

Duplicate/Amended Warranty Certificate 6.00

Young Hereford Breeders (25 Years Of Age And Under)

Both the following fees are VAT Zero Rated

Entrance to Membership 40.00

Annual Subscription 10.00

The following fees are inclusive of VAT


Herd Name 30.00


Calf Registration 14.40 17.29

Calf Notification 7.20 8.65

A maximum of 4 calves per annum may be registered at the discounted fee of £14.40 or £17.29 (inclusive of VAT)

Additional calves registered will be charged at the normal Registration fee of £28.80 “Online” and £34.58 “Paper”, inclusive of VAT.

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The following fees are inclusive of VAT

£ £


Calves Registered within 27 days 28.80 34.58

Calves Notified within 27 days 14.40 17.29

Embryo Calves Registered with 27 days 42.00 50.82

Any of the above three categories submitted between 28 and 60 days an extra

14.40 14.40

Subsequent Registration of Notified calves

Any calf previously Notified and subsequently submitted for full Registration between 61 days and 18 months of age


Any Calf previously Notified and subsequently submitted for Registration over 18 months of age


Subsequent Registration of Calves not Notified

Calves not previously Notified and submitted for Registration between 61 days and 18 months of age (including DNA Profile)


Including DNA Profile + Hypotrichosis for Calf Only 165.00

Calves not previously Notified and submitted for Registration over 18 months of age (including DNA Profile)


Including DNA Profile + Hypotrichosis for Calf Only 375.00

In the case of these two categories, at the time of Registration a copy of the DEFRA Passport must be submitted, together with Hair Samples of the animal being registered and its Dam for DNA Parentage Verification. The fees in both instances include the DNA Laboratory costs.

For every two Heifers cancelled up to the age of 18 months, a credit will be given for one Registration.

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10 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Autumn SaleTuesday, 9th October, 2018Show: 9.00 a.m. Sale: 12.30 p.m.(Times are provisional and may change, dependent upon the number of entries)

Entries Close: Friday, 24th August, 2018 - Entry Fee: £24.00 (Inc. VAT)

Show section classification where all animals must be shownFemales - born on or after 1st October, 2015.

Bulls - born on or between 1st March, 2016 & 9th October, 2017

Classes - will be divided into appropriate age groups.

Bulls - will be subject to an Upset Price of 1,500 gns

For Sale Only Section• Females entered “For Sale Only” will be sold in Breeder order decided by ballot. No

Females born before 1st October, 2009 will be accepted.

• Exhibitors are asked to note that ALL cattle, including Non-Show MUST be Halter Tied for the Pre-Sale Inspection (when vendors MUST be present) and Washed and Groomed so as to improve overall presentation of the Breed.

• Herd Reductions and Dispersals will also be allowed but any Bulls (other than calves at foot) must be entered in the Show and sold in catalogue order within that section.

• In the case of Consignments, Reductions and Dispersals these will be subject to the pre-Sale inspection on the day before the Sale. Any considered to be below Breed Standard or not in an acceptable condition will be rejected. Exhibitors wishing to seek a second opinion prior to submitting their entries may call upon their Council Members for advice. However, the decision of the appointed Veterinary Surgeon carrying out the pre-Sale inspections will be final and binding on all parties.

General• All entries, Male & Female, (with the exception of calves at foot), MUST be DNA

tested and samples submitted by 24th August. Any animal proving to be a carrier of Hypotrichosis will not be eligible for entry in the Sale.

• All entries will be subject to the Society’s Pre-Sale Inspection on the day before the Sale, commencing 1.00 p.m. No cattle will be accepted after 2.00 p.m. ALL cattle will also be numbered at the same time. Any cattle rejected must be removed from the Market prior to the morning of the Sale or moved to designated pens as instructed.

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• Please ensure that all particulars relating to your entry/ies is the same on both the Pedigree Certificate and BCMS Passport.

• TB: ALL entries (including calves) must have been subjected to a Tuberculosis Test within 60 days of the Sale (i.e. on or after Saturday, 11th August).

• BVD: ALL entries MUST be tested and vaccinated as per the instructions issued by the Society.

• The Society’s “Official Sale Herd Health Declaration” form MUST be received by Friday, 24th August along with the Entry Forms.

• In the case of both TB & BVD a signed “Sale Animal Declaration Form” issued by the Society MUST be submitted to the Office at least one week before the Sale.

• All females born more than 24 months before the date of Sale must either have a calf at foot or be warranted in calf. Any female stated as served or running with more than 10 weeks prior to the Sale will be automatically warranted in calf irrespective of her age.

• Exhibitors are requested to note that any animal(s) sold outside the Sale Ring at the Market MUST be booked through the Auctioneers and the relevant commission paid.

Auctioneers – Brightwells, Leominster, Herefordshire

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12 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Results Spring Show & Sale 2018Show Heifers


Class 1

1 B. Cambridge, Avon 1st 2,500

4 Mrs. R. Russell, Avon 2nd 2,300

6 Mrs. R. Russell, Avon 3rd 2,300

Class 2

7 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland - 1,300

8 J. Twose, Carmarthenshire2nd & Reserve Grand

Female Champion3,500

9 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland1st & Grand Female

Champion 3,000

10 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland 4th 2,000

12 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland 5th 1,800

13 J. Twose, Carmarthenshire 3rd 3,400

Class 3

14 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland 4th 3,200

16 B. Cambridge, Avon 1st 2,200

17 R.J. Windsor, Cheshire 2nd 2,400

18 G. & R. Watkins, Shropshire 3rd 2,500

19 M. & M. Roberts, Hereford - 2,300

Grand Female ChampionLot 9 – Moorside 1 PoppyBred & Exhibited by G. & M.C. Shepherd,Preston, Lancashire

Reserve Grand Female ChampionLot 8 – Fisher 1 Clover P458Bred & Exhibited by W.J. Hutchings & Sons,Chichester, W. Sussex

14 Show Heifers sold for £36,435.00 to Average £2,602.50

Lot 9 Moorside 1 Poppy from G & MC Shepherd sold for 3,000gns

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Class 4

21Mouboon Farm Partnership, Herefordshire

5th 1,065 39 2,800

22D.P. Jones Agricultural Contracting, Warwickshire

4th 985 41 5,400

23 W. Shaw, North Yorkshire1st &

Sen. Male Champion

975 43 7,000

24 D.W. Walker, Worcestershire 3rd 985 43 4,000

25B. & L. Morgan, Carmarthenshire

935 49 2,100

26 K. Hasemore, West Sussex 2nd 1,080 43 2,800

28G.E. & S.E. Jackson, Herefordshire

- 920 39 4,000

Class 5

31 M. Howells, Gloucestershire 5th 905 47 1,800

33 J. Hughes, Carmarthenshire 2nd 970 40 3,400

37 Holme Lacy Campus, Hereford 4th 880 42 2,500

Class 6

39 Atkin Brothers, Derbyshire 2nd 765 42 3,600

40 R. Archer, Derbyshire 4th 770 39 2,800

41 R.P. Mann, Warwickshire 3rd 860 38 8,200

45 A. Thomas, South Glamorgan 5th 725 44 2,300

46 D. Manduell, Cumbria1st & Res. Sen. Male

Champion805 42 8,200

Class 7

47 M.R. Jones, Carmarthenshire - 845 40 2,000

48 S.C. Hartwright, Oxfordshire 4th 780 41 4,200

50 H.A. Hatt, Hampshire 3rd 740 38 5,600

51Stratfield Saye Farms, Berkshire

1st & Jun. & Grand Male Champion

815 40 6,500

54 Palmer Brothers, Gloucester 5th 715 38 3,600

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55 M. Scott, Hampshire - 700 40 3,000

56 G. Hall, Prescot 2nd & Res. Jun. & Res.

Grand Male Champion

760 41 6,600

Class 8

60 M. Whieldon, Staffordshire 2nd 660 39 2,500

63 P.R. Bufton, Powys 1st 620 37 3,000

Class 9

66M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland

3rd 600 41 3,600

67 E.L. Lewis & Son, Herefordshire 1st 600 39 4,200

69C.H. Brown & Son, Wolverhampton

4th 650 39 1,500

72E.L. Townsend & Son, Oxfordshire

5th 635 38 4,200

Grand & Junior Male ChampionLot 51 – Solpoll 1 PogbaBred & Exhibited by J. & W. McMordie, Co. Down, Northern Ireland

Lot 51 Solpoll 1 Pogba from J & W McMordie sold for 6,500gns

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Reserve Grand & Junior Male ChampionLot 56 – Romany 1 Prince BL P41Bred & Exhibited by J.R.B. Wilson & Sons, Kelso

Senior Male ChampionLot 23 – Rempstone 1 Even Money E429Bred & Exhibited by M. Ludgate, Thame, Oxfordshire

Reserve Senior Male ChampionLot 46 – Romany 1 Poseidon BL P5Bred & Exhibited by J.R.B. Wilson & Sons, Kelso

28 Bulls sold for £116,970.00 to Average £4,177.50


77 W. Milner Ltd., Shropshire 1,600

78 W. Milner Ltd., Shropshire 2,100

81 D.N. Eynon, Herefordshire 1,300

82 D.N. Eynon, Herefordshire 1,750

83 S. Thomas, Ceredigion 1,400

84 S. Thomas, Ceredigion 1,400

85 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland 1,650

86 M. Jordan & Son, Northumberland 1,550

87 Mrs. R. Aidley, Cheshire 1,500

88 M. Whieldon, Staffordshire 1,450

89 Delamore Farms Ltd., Lincolnshire 2,600

91 E.W. & S.A. Davies, Ceredigion 850

92 L.I. Price & Son, Glamorgan 800

93 Delamore Farms Ltd., Lincolnshire 1,050

94 E.W. & S.A. Davies, Ceredigion 800

95 L.I. Price & Son, Glamorgan 850

96 B.J. Noden, Shropshire 700

17 Lots sold for £24,517.50 to Average £1,442.21

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Performance Recording – Does It Add Value?We have been monitoring various criteria generated from Society Shows & Sales over the past five sales at Hereford Market (2016-18), recording the financial impact of being in a Health Scheme, Liveweight, Scrotal Measurement, Age, Pedigree and Commercial buyers and Performance Recording.

Once we have gathered more data and results become more robust, we will publish our findings to assist vendors in supplying what the market requires. As the data will be based on facts, it will remove

any preconceived ideas and arm the vendor with valuable information.

The general conclusions thus far, are, that at every sale there has been a financial benefit for those bulls Above Breed Average for Terminal Sire Index as opposed to those bulls

Breed Average and Below. The overall financial benefit across the five Sales for being Above Breed Average is £783 per head.

As expected the price differential between bulls in the Top 10% and those Above Breed Average is variable between sales. However, overall, bulls in the Top 10% were £484 per head higher than bulls Above Breed Average and £1,042 above bulls recorded Breed Average & Below!

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Shows and SalesThursday, 21st June

Brightwells in conjunction with Hereford Market AuctioneersShow & Saleof Hereford and Hereford Cross Store Cattle Sired by a Registered Hereford Bull, including Beef Type Cows in or with Calves and Feeding Bulls will be held at Hereford Livestock Market at 11.00 a.m.For further details contact:Tel: 07770 972815 - Email: [email protected] or Sara HamerTel: 07768 604995 - Email: [email protected]

Saturday, 7th July

N.I. National ShowOmaghJudge: Mr. J.D. MoorhouseSchedules availableTel: 02882 242500

Saturday, 4th August

Scottish National ShowDumfriesJudge: Mr. W. LiveseyEntries Close: 2nd JulySchedules availableTel: 01592 881740 orMob: 07855 237474

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Saturday, 1st September

National Poll ShowMoreton-in-MarshJudge: Mr. J. Thomas. Entries Close: 31st JulySchedules available, Tel: 01608 651908

The National Hereford Show Club are delighted to announce that Moocall have donated a “Moocall HEAT” to the National Hereford ShowWe are holding a ‘Silent Auction’ where the highest bidder will win*Moocall HEAT Collar*50 Moocall HEAT Ear Tags*1 year’s Subscription and Warranty

This package is worth £1,095!

Please email your bids or give them in person to theNational Hereford Show Club Secretary – Sara Cook.

For more information about Moocall’s products please visit or phone 0203 627 1126.

Email bids to [email protected] will be accepted until 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 4th August, 2018.

Bids in person will be accepted at the National Hereford Show, Tenbury to Sarah Cook up to 2.00 p.m. on Saturday, 5th August, 2018.

In the event of equal highest bids, the “winner” will be selected at random from those bids.

Saturday, 4th August

National ShowTenbury WellsJudge: Mrs. Pat Stanley,Entries Close: 3rd JulySchedules available Tel: 01296 658310

Thursday, 20th September

Brightwells In Conjunction With Hereford Market Auctioneers Shows & Salesof Hereford and Hereford Cross Store Cattle Sired by a Registered Hereford Bull, including Beef Type Cows in or with Calves and Feeding Bulls will be held at Hereford Livestock Market at 11.00 a.m.

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For further details contact:Tel: 07770 972815 - Email: [email protected] or Sara Hamer, Tel: 07768 604995 - Email: [email protected]

Tuesday, 9th October

The Society’s Autumn Sale 2018will be held onat Hereford Livestock Market - HR4 7ANAll entries (except calves at foot) must be DNAtested with samples submitted no later thanclose of entry.Entries Close: Friday, 24th August

Friday, 2nd November

Agri-Expo Autumn Calf ShowBorderway Mart, CarlisleFor further details pleasecontact:-Harrison & Hetherington, Borderway Mart,Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2RS.Tel: 01228 406200 Fax: 01228 406201 Email: [email protected]

Sunday, 11th November

Midlands & East Anglia H.B.A. Calf Show 2018will be held atThe Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show, Newark ShowgroundFor further details contact:Alan Pittam – Tel: 01788 890702Email: [email protected]

Saturday, 8th December

HCBA Christmas & National Calf Show 2018will be hosted by the Hereford Cattle Breeders’ AssociationTo be held at Shrewsbury Livestock MarketJudge: Steve Edwards, LeicesterYoung Handlers CompetitionJudges: Emma Smith & Richard EdwardsSchedule and Entry Forms will, in due course, be available on line or upon

request from the Office.Watch for details on the Society’s Website.For any further details contact the Secretary: Alison Allman Tel: 01432 880027 - Mob: 07860 308599 Email: [email protected]

Monday, 15th April 2019

Spring Show & SaleAt Hereford Market

Monday, 14th October 2019

Autumn Show & SaleAt Hereford Market

Judge Steve Edwards

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20 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Hereford Breed Performance Figures over the past Ten Years (2008-17)

At the May Council Meeting we presented the annual report on the progress of the Breed and here are some of the figures reported upon:-

• Membership of the Breed has grown by very nearly 43% over the last 10 years.

• Active Herds during the same period by 56%.

• Calves processed during the same period by 54%.

• The number of animals transferred for breeding during

the same period by 62%.

• The number of Hereford Sired Calves processed by BCMS (UK mainland) and APHIS (N. Ireland) over the last 9 years has increased by 98%.

The huge rise in popularity of the Breed amongst commercial producers throughout UK shows their confidence in the Hereford Sire, as reported above, through calves being processed by BCMS and APHIS.

This endorsement of the

Breed by commercial producers makes it all the more important that we take great care in selecting only the best bulls for breeding, this is vital, if we are to maintain and improve upon this demand.

Perhaps this another reminder of the importance of utilising the Society’s Performance Recording Programme as a tool to be used not only for Breed Improvement but also to assist in marketing.

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 21

FISHER POLL HEREFORDSWe have for sale a selection of quality, high index females

from a top performance herd, by“Days Calibre” and “Fisher 1 Jaguar”.

A group of Spring 2017 heifers ready to bull.A few in calf heifers and calved heifers and cows.

All suitable for a starter herd or upgrading an established herd.

We also have a selection of potential Stock Bulls available.

Low risk TB area and member of HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest).

Please enquire to:Reg Hutchings, Fisher Farm, S. Mundham, Chichester, PO20 1ND.

Tel: 01243 262252/07881 944394Email: [email protected]

Dates For Remaining Council Meetings 2018 Thursday, 27th September

Thursday, 22nd November

Annual General MeetingThursday, 22nd November

Annual SubscriptionsAnnual Members who do not pay their subscriptions by Bankers Order are reminded that the fee of £65.00 for the year 2018/2019 becomes due on the 1st July, 2018.

Advertising Rates For Breed NewslettersFull Page £150.00 + VAT

Half Page £ 75.00 + VAT

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22 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Advertising – Don’t miss out!Why should Members consider advertising in the Breed Journal?

*It’s the Society’s flagship Promotional Publication.*Cost effective advertising with 3,500 copies produced.*Copies provided to Members & Prospective Members,

Beef Farmers, Colleges, & General Beef Industry.

Range of sizes for Breeder Adverts -Quarter, Half or Full Page at competitive rates

For further information please contact:Hereford House

Tel: 01432 272057 - Email: [email protected]

To maintain the high standard of this publication we ask advertisers to ensure that they submit photographs of the highest quality possible and, if required, a list of professional photographers can be obtained by contacting the officeIn an endeavour to ensure publication of this Journal by the end of January, advertisers are requested to submit their adverts by the COPY DEADLINE of 31st OCTOBER.

FULL COLOUR ADVERTSFULL PAGE £400.00HALF PAGE £250.00QUARTER PAGE £150.00All rates are subject to 20% VAT.

PROOFSAll advertisers will receive a proof of their advertisement for approval prior to final printing.PLEASE NOTE THAT MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGINAL COPY PROVIDED WILL BE SUBJECT TO AN AUTHOR’S CORRECTION CHARGE.

Any advice or assistance in setting out adverts will be available if so required.

To make your booking please contact the Office and reserve your space.Email: [email protected]: 01432 272057 - Fax: 01432 377529



Hereford BreedJournal 2018







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Hereford BreedJournal 2018

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 23

New Members ElectedBoon & Son, P.F. Fordham Moor Herefords6 Moor Road, Fordham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5LX.

Botwright, M.B. Chilfrome HerefordsHigher Chilfrome Farm, Higher Chilfrome, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 0HU.

Calloway, A.J. Kingshedge HerefordsThe Glen, Comberow Lane, Roadwater, Watchet, Somerset, TA23 0QP.

Coleman T.C.J. Church Farm, Speeton, Filey, N. Yorks, YO14 9TD.

CWA Enterprises Milton Woodside HerefordsLandbeach Road, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6DB.

Davies, I. Creinog Herefords Meity Isaf, Trecastle, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8YD.

Ferris, Ms. A. Ferris Herefords27 Derrycughan Road, Markethill, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland,BT60 1RW.

Fielding, P. Burnt Pit Farm, Moons Lane, Dormansland, Surrey, RH7 6PD.

Fleming, J. Tweed View HerefordsGledswood Farm, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9DN.

Hammond, R. Red Bay HerefordsRed Bay Farm, 22A Victoria Road, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland, BT22 1DG.

Huxter, F. Chapel Court HerefordsChapel Court Farm, Mosterton, Beaminster, Dorset, DT8 3HP.

Matthews, J.J. West Caister HerefordsWhite Cottage Farm, Back Lane, West Caister, Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 5SX.

O’Loughlin, F. Loughinsholin Herefords68 Gorteade Road, Swatragh, Maghera, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland, BT46 5RF.

Pedrick, I. Broadmoor HerefordsBroadmoor Farm, Malborough, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 3EB.

Sterne, A. Appletons HerefordsAppleton’s Farm, The Boathouse, River View Road, Ripon, N. Yorks, HG4 1BP.

Warham Court Farms Warham HerefordsWarham Court, Breinton, Herefordshire, HR4 7PF.

Whiting, S. Abbots Hill HerefordsAbbots Hill, Holton Road, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8HG.

Wilkin, J.F. Swathgill HerefordsSlack Farm Cottage, Ainstable, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 9RG.

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24 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

An Alternative System ForPaying Your Accounts - BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System)

A number of Members using the Society’s On-line Registration System have now chosen to pay their accounts by “BACS”.

“BACS” is ideal for making regular automated payments, helping reduce costs of administration and improve financial control.

As the process is electronic, it removes the need to write cheques which can be costly and is often subject to human error.

Payments can be made much later in a business day – up to 9 p.m. and are cleared within two business days to any Bank Account.

Should you wish to pay your accounts using this method, you will need to

approach your Bank who will require the following details:-

Society Bank: National WestminsterAccount Name: The Hereford Cattle SocietySort Code: 53 50 41Account Number: 05613019

It would assist us that, when setting up your payments by this method, you request that your Bank use your Society Membership Number as a means of identification in addition to your name.

You should also ensure that we are informed that you will be paying your accounts by “BACS” and that you advise us on each occasion a payment is being transmitted. This can simply be an email at the time your payment is made.

Details relating to “BACS” now appear on all Invoices being sent out from Hereford House

Contents 2

The guidelines 3

Forms 16 V2.1 | 08.2016




Calf Management Letter1st July, 2018 – 30th June, 2019 - Letter ‘S’Those Members adopting a management letter as an additional means of identifying calves are advised that the letter “S” should be used in respect of calves born on or between 1st July, 2018 and 30th June, 2019.

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 25

Members are encouraged to make use of the “ONLINE REGISTRATION” facility available on the Society’s Website under the heading “MEMBER ONLINE REGISTRATION”.

To access this facility for the first time you will need to contact the office to obtain an ‘access code’.

Once you have entered “ONLINE” you will be requested to create your own “Password” for future access. You will find a number of facilities available to you as a Member of the Society which are all fully explained.

Once logged onto the file you will have the ability to submit Calf Notifications/Registrations online and the basic instructions to do so are:-

• Click on the link that says ‘online transactions’.

• Then click on ‘create a new batch’.

• Then select the appropriate batch type (Calf Registration/Notification).

• At this stage Recording Members can also choose an option to submit their Performance data.

• When the batch has been created you will need to click on the ‘add button’ to record/register each animal that is included in the batch.

• Once created additional animals and information can be added/changed until such time that you submit the batch to the Society. The batch will remain in a holding file until you submit it.

• Please remember that, having created a batch, it must be submitted to the Society within 27 days of the oldest calf on the file otherwise late fees will automatically be imposed.

• The information available to you includes the Sire and Dam of each calf, details of which can be accessed by either –

(A) Selecting the animal from a drop down list, OR

(B) For any Sire/Dams that do not appear on the drop down lists you will need to type their tag numbers into the Ident boxes exactly as they appear on their Pedigree Certificates – with a space between the two numbers, i.e. UK123456 100001.

The drop down list of Sires will include all those you have used in the last two years.

The list of Dams will consist of active cows currently in your ownership, together with breeding age heifers.

Make Use Of The “Online Registration System”

Remember to click “submit” when entering registrations on-lineMembers using the on-line facility to register their calves are asked to note that they MUST click “SUBMIT” before signing off.

If this is not done the data does not come through to the Society for processing, therefore running the risk of late fees being imposed.

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26 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Keeping You Informed Of Changes To Bovine TB Controls In EnglandThe following information has recently been received from Defra:-

Further bovine TB (bTB) measures have been announced today to help strengthen disease control and expand our options to tackle new bTB outbreaks. We hope all stakeholders agree that strong action to eradicate the disease and protect the future of our dairy and beef industries is necessary, which is why the Government has decided on these further steps.

The Written Statement on the announcement can be found at:

Badger control in the Low Risk AreaFollowing the recent consultation on the principle of allowing badger control in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England, today we have announced our intention to enable badger control measures in the LRA in the thankfully rare cases infection in cattle herds can be linked to disease in badgers.

This will allow any such outbreaks to be tackled rapidly to prevent bTB from spreading further within the wildlife and cattle populations and thereby preserve the LRA’s low incidence status.

Badger control in the LRA is expected to be permitted only in very exceptional

circumstances where veterinary epidemiologists judge an area to meet the criteria for a bTB ‘hotspot’.

Any decision to carry out badger control in a specific LRA location will be taken by the Defra Secretary of State after considering all relevant scientific and veterinary advice. All the stringent licensing criteria set out in Defra’s Guidance to Natural England will need to be met by the cull company.

The summary of responses to the consultation can be found at:

Badger Edge Vaccination SchemeWe received applications earlier this year for grants under the ‘Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme’ to carry out badger vaccination in the Edge Area of England. We have accepted three applications. The projects will receive at least 50% funding towards their eligible costs. The scheme aims to create a protected badger population between the High Risk and Low Risk Areas of England, and to prevent further spread of the disease.

The new season for vaccination of badgers began on 1st May.

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 27

Enhanced cattle measures Also announced today are some enhancements to TB cattle controls.

50% compensation for animals brought into a TB breakdown herd which then fail a TB test

From 1st November 2018 compensation at 50% of the average market price for same category cattle will be paid for any animal brought into a TB breakdown herd which then fails a TB test whilst that breakdown is still ongoing. This will mirror what already happens in Wales.

The compensation change is intended to encourage herd owners to take further proportionate steps to improve their disease controls.

Cattle keepers accredited under a scheme based on the standards laid down by the Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) will continue to receive 100 per cent compensation for all compulsorily slaughtered cattle, provided the herd is accredited at the time of the breakdown. We would like to work with our stakeholders to identify additional means by which we can give so-called earned recognition for verifiable good biosecurity practices that improve a herd’s resilience to bovine TB infection.

Unclean cattle presented for slaughter

Cattle keepers are responsible for ensuring cattle they present for slaughter meet Food Standards Agency (FSA) cleanliness standards. From 1st November

2018 50% compensation paid for same category cattle will be paid for animals that are too unclean to be slaughtered. We do not want to see any unclean cattle presented to slaughter. Cases for TB affected stock are already very few in number but we hope this measure will make it exceptionally rare.

Private slaughter of TB affected cattle

We want to reduce the financial risk for herd owners sending TB affected cattle which are to be compulsorily slaughtered to private slaughter. Owners of TB affected herds can already take this option and send their cattle to a slaughterhouse of their choice taking a payment from the slaughterhouse operator in lieu of Defra compensation. But they risk receiving little or no payment if a carcase is condemned at the slaughterhouse. From 1st November 2018, cattle keepers who choose this option will receive compensation at the same rates as other TB affected keepers in respect of any compulsorily slaughtered animal when the carcase of that animal is condemned.

Six monthly testing

We announced in December that routine surveillance testing for higher risk herds in the High Risk Area (HRA) will take place at six monthly intervals to improve early detection and eradication of disease, and to prevent it spreading to new areas. Ministers have decided that this change will take effect from 2020.

We also said in December that some herds will remain on annual testing.

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28 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Ministers have decided that herds in the HRA that:

(i) Have not had a TB breakdown in 6 years; and/or

(ii) Are CHeCS accredited at level 1 or above

will continue to be tested annually. The first criterion above is a change to the one set out in our December announcement. The change has been made to simplify these criteria.

Retention of in-calf reactors

Since 1st May 2018 cattle keepers have been able to apply to retain in-calf TB test positive cattle for up to 60 days to allow calving, subject to compliance with biocontainment/isolation conditions.

Information on the requirements that need to be met can be found at:

(see section on Delayed removal of in calf cattle).

TB Strategy reviewThe TB strategy review led by Professor Sir Charles Godfray, announced in February, is considering how to take the strategy to the next phase.

Currently in their evidence-gathering phase, the reviewers are seeking information about evidence-based interventions (including epidemiological and regulatory/economic measures) for bTB control. This call for evidence is due to close on 31st May.

Thank you.

Defra Bovine TB Programme

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 29

The Hereford Cattle SocietyAnnual Dinner

at the

THREE COUNTIES HOTELBelmont Road, Hereford, HR2 7BP

(Tel: 01432 299955)


Monday, 8th October, 20187.00 p.m. For 7.30 p.m.

The Hereford Beef will be kindly sourced by Mr. Robert Thomas, “Risbury Herefords” and Joints will again be carved at the table.

All Breeders and Friends are welcome to attend.(Dress Informal)

Any Member requiring accommodation at the Three Counties Hotel should, when making their booking, mention that they are attending this function – the Hotel having offered a discount for those Members wishing to stay overnight.

Accommodation is limited and therefore Members are advised that it will be on a “First come first served” basis.

Tickets available from Hereford House

£30.00 per person

Tel: 01432 272057






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30 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

Annual DinnerAs last year there will be a choice of menu and a pro-forma will be produced in due course allowing Members when applying for tickets to indicate their selection.


Tomato SoupPrawn Cocktail

Deep-fried Breaded Brie Wedges with Cranberry Sauce

Main Course

Hereford Sirloin Beef with all the trimmings or

Escalope of Salmon in a Wine & Cream Sauce


Sticky Toffee PuddingChocolate Gateau

Lemon CheesecakeChoice of Ice Cream

Cheese Board

Tea, Coffee & Mints

The Sirloin Beef joints will again be carvedat the individual tables.

During the evening’s proceedings the usual Annual Bull, Female & Herd of the Year Competition awards will be made including, this year, the National Hereford Herd of the Year.

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The Hereford Breed Newsletter 31

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

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32 The Hereford Breed Newsletter

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

More Email Addresses wanted.... If members would like to receive regular

NEWS UPDATES from the SOCIETY could they please send an email to:

[email protected]

(Emails will help to save time, paper & postage)

Results of the Hereford Market Survey

Market Survey

Do you prefer a “Weekend” or “Weekday” Sale?

Do you think that the Society’s Sale should remain at Hereford Market?

Do you agree Live Streaming is a positive development in promoting the Breed and Sale?

Weekend or Weekday? Buyers weekend - 48% Buyers weekday - 49%

Vendors weekend - 47% Vendors weekday - 49%

Others weekend - 42% Others weekday - 44%

Overall weekend - 46% Overall weekday - 48%

Should Society Sales remain at Hereford Market?

Buyers - Yes - 91% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 81% Vendors - No - 15%

Members - Yes - 89% Members - No - 5%

Overall - Yes 87% Overall - No 10%

Should Sales be Live Streamed?

Buyers - Yes - 89% Buyers - No - 8%

Vendors - Yes - 90% Vendors - No – 8%

Members - Yes - 84% Members - No - 7%

Overall - Yes - 88% Overall - No - 8%

We received 416 responses: 153 from Vendors, 170 from Buyers and 93 Others. Please note from all questions received some responses of either ‘no comment’ or ‘no preference’ was given, hence the percentages will not add up to 100%.

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