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So you want to create your own eFront modules, to extend current functionalities to your own needs? This manual will help you learn all there is about the eFront modules system and will enable you to create your own eFront in a series of easy steps. All that is required from you is:

Basic PHP skills (well you wouldn’t be reading this tutorial otherwise) Fundamental object-oriented understanding Basic XML knowledge (for writing the module manifest) Blindly obeying to the 3 golden rules of eFront modules

The rest is up to your creative imagination and programming skills.

Just a little theory

There are a few things we could tell about the eFront modules system. It is based upon the logic that the main responsibility of module programmers is to define the methods of an existing abstract base module class. The return values of these methods will be used by the core eFront system to display and manage your module. Some of those methods are mandatory, while others might be used or not. If your module does not use them, then they will return the default values as defined in the base class and the system will know that they have not been implemented for this module. Therefore, define only mandatory derived methods and only the derived methods that are required by your module in order to avoid unnecessary problems. Leave everything else alone!

If you are an experienced programmer, then you might figure out pretty easily how to write a module by reading the following chapter and studying the methods of the modules.class.php file, where the module base class exists. Otherwise, take a look at the step-by-step tutorial below:

Let’s get started!

1. Defining the module.xml manifest

We assume that you have downloaded and setup eFront and that you have an idea for an eFront module on your mind. Great! The first thing to do is write an XML description file called module.xml regarding your module.

module.xml<?xml version="1.0" ?><module>

<title>Any title for the module </title><author>For vanity reasons mainly </author><date>For historians to know</date><version>The version of your module</version><description>A free-text description of the module </description><className>the PHP class of the module</className>


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The className is the only of the six afore mentioned fields that is mandatory and that actually matters (ok, if you insist, the author one as well).

2. Defining the className.class.php file

The className tells eFront that the base class of your module will be called className and will be defined in a file called className.class.php. For example, the module

module.xml manifest file for sample module frequently asked questions<?xml version="1.0" ?><module>

<title>Frequently asked questions </title><author>Me</author><date>Today which is the 24/02/2008</date><version>1.214 beta </version><description>Module letting users find out FAQ for a lesson</description><className>module_faq</className>


should define class module_faq in a file called module_faq.class.php.

Moreover, the definition of your class should be set to extend the abstract global class for eFront called eFrontModule. This is done as follows: module_faq.class.php<?php

class module_faq extends EfrontModule {// … Definition of the class here



Note: the file where the base EfrontModule class is defined (“/libraries/module.class.php”) should NOT be included. The base class you write should define two basic functions defined as “abstract” in the basic class:

public function getName(): which should return a string with how your module should be called. This shouldn’t necessary be the title you have defined in the module.xml file.

public function getPermittedRoles(): This function should return an array with all eFront roles that are involved in the module, meaning that they are to interact somehow with the module’s interface. The possible roles are strings: “administrator”, “professor” and “student”.

A sample implementation of those basic two functions, for a module called (with className) module_best_student, which shows the name of the student with the best grade in a lesson to its professor, would be the following:

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class module_best_student extends EfrontModule { public function getName() { return “Best Lesson Student”; }

public function getPermittedRoles() { return array("professor"); }


If the students were also to see who the best student is, then the getPermittedRoles() function would change as:

getPermittedRoles method public function getPermittedRoles() { return array("professor", “student”);}

Well, believe it or not, this is all that is required for you to create the basis of your module. You needn’t even define a constructor class. (Note: Actually you shouldn’t define a constructor class). In fact, if you do not need to add or alter any table structures in the eFront database for your module to function correctly, then you might as well install the module right away. Of course, if no other methods are implemented, the module won’t do anything, but it will be recognized by eFront and you would be able to view the changes on your code on the eFront system, since programming in blind is always risky.

Note: If you try to copy-paste code from this document, make sure that all quotes “” and ‘’ appear the way they should in PHP.

Before we move on to the installation part, we will have a brief view of how to incur any changes to the database.

3. Changing the eFront database

You may define your module to setup the eFront database in three occasions: during its installation and its uninstalling. The methods used for this reason are onInstall and onUninstall respectively.

Database setup methods // What should happen on installing the module public function onInstall() { return eF_executeNew("CREATE TABLE module_faq (

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id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, lessons_ID int(11) not null, question text not null, answer text not null, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); }

// And on uninstalling the module public function onUninstall() { return eF_executeNew("DROP TABLE module_faq;"); }

Note: Function eF_executeNew is a utility wrapper eFront DB-function that allows you to directly execute SQL queries on the eFront database. Make use of it and return its value in order to find out any potential problems during SQL-query execution.

Note: As a good practice, use your module’s class name in the name of the table so as to avoid conflicts with existing tables.

Note: For multilingual support set the default charset of each created table to UT F8.

4. Installing the module

After optionally designating the database setup functions (and more significantly the onInstall one), we suggest you install the module right away. Installation can take place from the administrator menu, namely from the “Modules” option at the administrator control panel. To install a module:

Create a zip file having all module files. The root of the zip directory should necessarily contain the module.xml manifest file and the className.class.php file, otherwise the module won’t be installed.

Note: It is suggested that the zip file has the same className as your module, in order to avoid any collision problems of modules with the same name.

Click “Add new module” link of the module administration page and upload the zipped file.

Note: If a module exists in the system with the same className, then your module will not be installed. Solution: Change the classNameNote: If the your module cannot be installed maybe there is a problem with the database script (if you provided one) or the xml manifest. Check whether the name in the manifest file is exactly the same as the one provided as the className for your module class.

Now, if the module has been correctly installed, it should appear on the list of modules on the administrator module page. You can edit your module’s code by going to the www/modules/ folder, opening your own module folder and editing or inserting the files you want (or only the className.class.php one).

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5. Making the module do something

To this point, we have installed a module that doesn’t do anything, so it might as well all seem like a waste of time. Not at all! In fact, we have let eFront know of a new unique module class called className and take it into account for all pages of the roles returned by the getPermittedRoles() method array defined there. Moreover, we (optionally) have changed the underlying database for our module to function correctly.

So, we can start making the module do something. The easiest way to do that is open the module.class.php file and have a look at the methods provided for implementation. These can be divided into the following categories:

5.1. Main – Independent module page(s)

These methods trigger the appearance and functionality of the module page(s) that should appear as stand-alone on the right hand side frame of the eFront system window. Links to these pages could be defined as explained in the 5.2 Link methods section and their urls should all begin with the $this->moduleBaseUrl string. This leads to the first golden rule of eFront modules:

Rule I: Any URLs related with your module’s main-independent pages should begin with the $this->moduleBaseUrl string.

Note: The $this->moduleBaseUrl is defined by the eFront system during runtime - NOT by you. You should therefore use it without defining it.

public function getModule() : Write the code to be executed by the main pages of your module. This means that every time that a connection is made to a module related url (starting with $this->moduleBaseUrl as defined by Rule 1), this function will be called. This method returns pure HTML code or true if smarty is being used. Obviously, more than one independent pages might be displayed with this function.

public function getSmartyTpl() : Return the filename of the smarty template file that might be used by one or more of the getModule() appearing pages. If getSmartyTpl() returns false, then eFront will understand that no smarty template has been used.

Sample implementation of getModule() method public function getModule() {

if ($_GET[‘module_operation’] == “insert”) {// … do what needs for insertion


// show page for insertion with pure full HTML codereturn “<html><body>

<table><tr><td>Insertion ok</td></tr></table></body></html>”;

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} else if ($_GET[‘module_operation’] == “update”) {// … do what needs for updateupdate($_GET[‘data’]);

// show page for update just with a part of HTML codereturn “<table><tr><td>Update ok</td></tr></table>”;

} else if ($_GET[‘module_operation’] == “delete”) {// … do what needs for deletedelete($_GET[‘data’]);

// Use smarty (view module.tpl file below) to display the page// This means that for this case, function getSmartyTpl() should not// return false, as it does in every other case$smarty = $this -> getSmartyVar();$smarty -> assign(“T_MY_MODULE_MESSAGE”, “Delete ok”);return true;

} else {// show pure full HTML code for the main module page

return “<table> <tr>

<td><img src = ‘“.$this->moduleBaseLink.“images/logo.png’ /></td> <td>Main module page</td> </tr> </table>”;


// Smarty is only used if module_operation header is equal to deletepublic function getSmartyTpl() {

if ($_GET[‘module_operation’] == “delete”) { $smarty = $this -> getSmartyVar(); $smarty-> assign("T_MY_MOD_BASEURL", $this -> moduleBaseUrl); $smarty-> assign("T_MY_MO_BASELINK", $this -> moduleBaseLink);

$smarty-> assign("T_MY_M_BASEDIR" , $this -> moduleBaseDir); return $this -> moduleBaseDir . "module.tpl"; } else {

return false;}

}module.tpl file in the root of the module directory{*Smarty template*}<table><tr><td><img src=“{$ T_MY_MO_BASELINK}images/del.jpeg“ / ></td><td><a href =“{$ T_MY_MOD_BASEURL}&module_operation=delete&data=…”> Delete another</a></td><td>

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Understanding this example means that you have the entire eFront modules system figured out. Let’s make some observations here:

a) The getModule() method returns 4 (at least – since we have “else”) pages executing different code according to the $_GET variables set. Speaking of $_GET variables let’s have a look at the second golden rule of eFront modules:

Rule II: You might have your pages using any $_GET/$_POST variables you like except from ‘ctg’ and ‘op’

b) In 3 out of the 4 cases, pure HTML code is returned which will be printed as is. Take notice that the $this->moduleBaseDir is used to denote the module directory path. However, the path for the image file logo.png in folder images is referenced with the $this->moduleBaseLink variable. This leads to the third golden rule of eFront modules.

Rule III: The root of your module extracted folder is stored as the $this->moduleBaseDir variable. Any further paths inside that directory may be referenced normally. The URL location of this folder is stored in the $this->moduleBaseLink variable.

This means that the path on the hard disk of the file my_photo.png inside the photos folder of the module directory should be referred to as:

$this->moduleBaseDir . “photos/my_photo.png”

However, the url of this file is:

$this->moduleBaseLink . “photos /my_photo.png”

Therefore, if you want to link to an image file you will have to use the following syntax:echo “<img src = ‘“.$this->moduleBaseLink.“ photos /my_photo.png’ />”;

Note: The “/” character is included in both $this->moduleBaseDir and $this->moduleBaseLink variables.

Not that you need to know that, since these variables are automatically defined for you, but just for better clarifying the distinction of the aforementioned variables:

$this->moduleBaseUrl is something like: “http://localhost/efront/www/professor.php?ctg=module&op=my_module”

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$this->moduleBaseDir is something like (for a Windows installation):“C:\xampp\htdocs\efront\www\modules\my_module\”

$this->moduleBaseLink is something like:“http://localhost/efront/www/modules/my_module/”

c) In the 4th case smarty is used. The global smarty variable is received from the eFront system with the getSmartyVar() method and is used normally. No HTML code is returned by the getModule() function. However, the getSmartyTpl() method returns the filename of the template file to be used for that scenario, thus explaining to the system that smarty is being used in this case.

d) Finally, have a look at how the smarty template file still makes use of the $this->moduleBaseUrl, $this->moduleBaseLink and $this->moduleBaseDir variables as defined by rules 1 and 3.

Note: These variables can be assigned to the global smarty object, as it is done in the getSmartyTpl() function of the example above, and be used by the template. However, make sure as a good practice to use smarty variable names that include your module’s class name, so as to ensure uniqueness. The smarty object is the same for the entire eFront system and for all modules. Thus using general names like “T_MODULE_BASELINK” or “T_USER” or “LESSON” might conflict with existing variables with various results on the system. For a module called “best_module” you could alternatively use “T_BEST_MODULE_BASELINK” or “T_BEST_MODULE_USER” or “BEST_MODULE_LESSON”.

5.2. Module links

Methods related to module links are used to make links appear for the module, meaning to the module’s pages or to any other pages in the system the module author wants to.

public function getSidebarLinkInfo() : This method returns an array of arrays of links that lets the system know of the way and the menu in which new links will appear on the left hand sidebar of eFront. The main structure is the following: array ( menu id => link array ), where:

menu id: "system" | "lessons" | "users" | "organization" | "tools" | “current_lesson" | "other"

link array: array( link ) link: array ( ‘id’ => …, ‘title’ => …., ’target’ => …

‘eFrontExtensions’ => …,‘image’ => …);

Let’s explain each of those fields:

menu id: is the unique identifier of one of the existing eFront menus. These are shown on the table below:

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Administrator Professor StudentSystem The system menu - -Lessons The lessons menu The lessons menu The lessons menuCurrent_lesson

-The menu of a specific lesson

The menu of a specific lesson

Users The users menu - -Organization1 The organization

menuThe organization

menuThe organization

menuTools The tools menu The tools menu The tools menuOther Custom Custom Custom

If “Other” is set as menu id, then:- the title of the new menu should also be provided in a field called “menuTitle”- the links of the new menu should be provided in a field called “links”

Note: Every module can create up to one custom menu and overall modules may define up to 8 new custom eFront menus. If more than these are used, then all links of all “Other” module menus will be put under the “Modules” menu.

link: an array with all necessary information for the link. These are:o íd: the unique id of the link within the module framework. This

can be later used for highlighting purposes (see getLinkToHighlight() method)

o title: the title of the linko image: the image that will appear next to the link. Note: remember

to use $this->moduleBaseLink if you use pictures inside the module directory. Otherwise, use the relative path from the main www/ folder of eFront.

o eFrontExtensions: allows you to alternatively use ‘png’ and ‘gif’ images instead of always the same image depending on the browser. This approach is followed throughout eFront and guarantees better icon appearances. Therefore, if this field is defined, then

the image file provided should have no extension two different image files with the same filename and

different extension should be provided in the path set in the image field. One should be ‘png’ and the other ‘gif’

these files will appear alternatively according to the browser used

Now let’s see a sample implementation of the sidebar links method

Sample implementation of getSidebarLinkInfo () method public function getSidebarLinkInfo () { $currentUser = $this -> getCurrentUser();

// professors should see a link in the lessons menu

1 For the eFront Enterprise™ version

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if ($currentUser -> getType() == "professor") {

$link_of_menu_lessons = array ( 'id' => 'other_link_id1', 'title' => “Lesson link title”, 'image' => $this -> moduleBaseLink . 'images/image16', 'eFrontExtensions' => '1', //no extension provided up 'link' => $this -> moduleBaseUrl . "&module_operation=lesson_related");

return array (‘lessons’ => array ($link_of_menu_lessons) );

// and admins should see a link in the users menu and in a newly defined menu } else if ($currentUser -> getType() == “administrator”) {

//link using relative path to the eFront images folder $link_of_menu_users = array ( 'id' => 'users_link_id1', 'title' => “Users link title”, 'image' => 'images/16x16/pens.png', 'link' => $this -> moduleBaseUrl . "&module_op=user_related");

$link_of_menu_other = array ( 'id' => 'other_link_id1', 'title' => “Other link title”, 'image' => 'images/16x16/pens', 'eFrontExtensions' => '1', //no extension provided up 'link' => $this -> moduleBaseUrl . "&module_op=user_related");

return array (‘users’ => array ($link_of_menu_users), ‘other’ => array (‘menuTitle’ => “Module menu”, ‘links’=> array ($link_of_menu_other)));


The sample should be self – explanatory. Just note again the how variables$this -> moduleBaseUrl and $this -> moduleBaseLink are used, and how the module urls do not use ‘ctg’ or ‘op’ (but in this case “module_op”). These three observations indicate how the three golden rules are applied in this case as well.

public function getCenterLinkInfo () : This method returns an array of arrays of links that lets the system know of any new links on the administrator control panel of eFront. The fields are the same as the ones documented for link records of the previous chapter. The only exceptions are ‘id’ and ‘eFrontExtensions’ which are not used.

public function getLessonCenterLinkInfo () :

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This method returns an array of arrays of links that lets the system know of any new links on the professor or student lesson control panel. The fields are the same as the ones documented for link records of the previous chapter. The only exceptions are ‘id’ and ‘eFrontExtensions’ which are not used.

public function getNavigationLinks() : This method returns an array of links that defines the navigational links that may appear on the top of the right side eFront frame, when module pages are displayed. These links are divided by default with the “>>” character. Only ‘title’ and ‘link’ fields are provided.

Sample implementation of getNavigationLinks () method public function getNavigationLinks() { return array ( array ('title' => "Main Page" , 'link' => $this -> moduleBaseUrl), array ('title'=> “Sub Page 1", 'link' => $ths -> moduleBaseUrl ."&mod_op=sub"));}

public function getLinkToHighlight() : This method defines how left sidebar links might be highlighted according to current (module related) url. It returns the ‘id’ of the link that should be highlighted, as this id was defined in the getSidebarLinkInfo() method.

Sample implementation of getLinkToHighlight () method public function getLinkToHighlight() { if (isset($_GET['management'])) { return 'management_link'; } else { return ‘default_module_link'; }}

We assume here that links with id 'management_link' and ‘default_module_link' have been defined.

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5.3. Lesson modules

Methods related lesson modules have to do with sub-windows that may appear on the current lesson control panel for professors and students. They work in the exact same way as the “Main – Independent module pages”, meaning that either pure HTML code is returned and printed or a smarty template file is defined.

Professor Lesson Control Panel

The picture above shows a snapshot of a typical professor lesson control panel, denoting with red color the places where module related links or frames might be put. The corresponding methods are the following:

public function isLessonModule() : This method is very important because it characterizes a module as a lesson module thus letting the system know that this module should be included in lesson related functionalities. For example, this method lets administrators activate – deactivate lesson modules from the eFront Lesson Administration menu, though this module may not have the “administrator” role in the permitted roles array. This method returns true of false.

public function getLessonModule() : This method does the same thing as the getModule() function for main module pages. It might distinguish between user roles to create and display different pages to professors and students, while it can be used in conjunction with getLessonSmartyTpl() to define a smarty template file.

public function getLesson SmartyTpl () : May optionally define a smarty template file for the lesson module. Otherwise should return false, or not be defined at all.

Note: Lesson modules must be activated for each lesson from the lesson administration page by the administrator or one of the lesson’s professors.

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5.4. Control panel modules

Methods related to administrator control panel modules have to do with sub-windows that may appear on the main administrator control panel. They work in the exact same way as the “Main – Independent module pages” or the “Lesson modules” meaning that either pure HTML code is returned and printed or a smarty template file is defined.

Administrator Control Panel

The picture above shows a snapshot of a typical administrator control panel, denoting with red color the places where module related links or frames might be put. The corresponding methods are the following:

public function getControlPanelModule() : This method does the same thing as the getModule() function for main module pages. It might distinguish between user roles to create and display different pages to professors and students, while it can be used in conjunction with getControlPanelSmartyTpl() to define a smarty template file.

public function getControlPanelSmartyTpl() : May optionally define a smarty template file for the lesson module. Otherwise should return false, or not be defined at all.

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6. Setting module environment

The eFront module’s system offers further possibilities for increasing the appearance customization and functionalities of modules. This is accomplished with methods that allow you to define a ‘css’ file for your module, a ‘js’ file or language files.

6.1. Language files

A good way to create Multilanguage interfaces in php is using different language files where the same constant variables are defined, and including the appropriate one into your code. For example, you can have a

language_english.php language_german.phpdefine(“GREETING”, “Good morning”); define(“GREETING”,“Guten morgen”);

You can distinguish which language file to include each time with the following method:

public function getLanguageFile ($language) : This method might return the correct language definition file according to the $language parameter which will correspond to the name of the language (lower case) in English. For example, $language could be “french”, “german”, “greek”, “chinese” etc. According to this parameter you might set the module to return a different language file. For the language files above the getLanguageFile() method should be the following:

Sample implementation of getLanguageFile methodpublic function getLanguageFile ($language) {

return $this->moduleBaseDir . “language_”.$language.”.php”;}

Note: If you name your language files like lang-language.php then you do not need to implement the getLanguageFile method at all. The default method will work in this case.

Note: Always save your multilingual support files in UTF8 mode.

Note: As a good practice we advice you to use your module’s class name (which will be unique) as a prefix for all constant variables you define, so as to avoid conflict with other modules or existing eFront constants. For example, the above given example should be for the “best_student_module”something like:

language_english.phpdefine(“BEST_STUDENT_MODULE_GREETING”, “Good morning”);language_german.phpdefine(“BEST_STUDENT_MODULE_GREETING”, “Guten morgen”);

Note: The language defined constants can be accessed in smarty as {$smarty.const.DEFINED-WORD}

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6.2. CSS file

You might define a custom css file for your module with the method: public function getModuleCSS () :

This method should return the filename of the css file corresponding to the module. It is a good idea to use a module specific namespace in your css so as to avoid collision with existing classes.Note: Do not forget to use the $this->moduleBaseDir variable in the filename definition.

6.3. Javascript file

You might define a custom js file for your module with the method: public function getModuleJs () :

This method should return the filename of a js file containing all Javascript functions that might be needed by your module. Bear in mind that name collisions are an important issue in Javascript and therefore, you suggest you use your className as a prefix to every function you define. Note: Do not forget to use the $this->moduleBaseDir variable in the filename definition.

7. Getting/setting eFront environmental variables

A series of methods is derived from the base eFrontModule class in order to provide all necessary runtime information to the module’s programmer. Most of these methods return objects whose methods may also be used by your modules. These are:

public function getCurrentUser() : Returns an Object of class eFrontUser that corresponds to the user currently using the system. For more information on that class we recommend the documentation on the user.class.php file.

public function getCurrentLesson() : Returns an Object of class eFrontLesson that corresponds to the lesson currently selected in the system. For more information on that class we recommend the documentation on the lesson.class.php file.

public function getSmartyVar() : This method’s usage has already been demonstrated above. It returns the global smarty variable that is used by the smarty displaying system.

Besides those methods there exists the public function setMessageVar ( $message , $message_type ) :

This method is used to define the global message variable, for the message to appearing on the top of the right eFront frame. We have

$message: any string to appear $message_type: ‘success’ or ‘failure’, which will define whether the

background of the message will be green or yellow respectively.

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Finally, eFront allows you to make use of any of the Javascript libraries used by the system like the prototype/scriptaculous one, with the use of the following method:

public function addScripts () : This method returns an array with the names of the Javascript library files as they appear in the www/js/ directory of the eFront menu. For example:

Sample implementation of addScripts methodpublic function addScripts () {

return array (“EfrontScripts”, “ajax”, “scriptaculous/scriptaculous”, “scriptaculous/prototype) ;}

will include the eFront Javascript libraries:- www/js/EfrontScripts.js- www/js/ajax.js- www/js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js- www/js/scriptaculous/prototype.js

It should be evident by now what string is required to be put into the array for the correct script library to be loaded.

Note: Libraries ‘www/js/EfrontScripts.js’ and 'www/js/scriptaculous/prototype.js’ are pre-loaded for all user roles. For administrator pages ‘www/js/scriptaculous/effects.js’ and 'www/js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js’ libraries are also loaded by default.

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Triggering events

The last series of methods involves the triggering of module related actions on specific predetermined actions that take place within the eFront framework. The current version of eFront modules system supports events triggered on:

public function onNewUser ($login) : This method is used to define courses of action to be taken right after a new user with login = $login is entered into the system. This means all newly registered information is available.

public function onDeleteUser ($login) : This method is used to define courses of action to be taken right before user with login = $login is deleted from the system. This means all information, that will be shortly after deleted, is still available

public function onNewLesson ($lessonId) : This method is used to define courses of action to be taken right after a new lesson with id = $lessonId is entered into the system. This means all newly registered information is available.

public function onDeleteLesson ($lessonId) : This method is used to define courses of action to be taken right before lesson with id = $lessonId is deleted from the system. This means all information, that will be shortly after deleted, is still available

public function onExportLesson ($lessonId) : This method is used to return all module related information that need to be exported to the corresponding lesson file for lesson with id = $lessonId. The most common implementation for this function reads all values from the module related database table and returns them.

public function onImportLesson ($lessonId, $data) : This method is used to manage module related information during the import of the data to the lesson with id = $lessonId. The $data variable contains the data exactly as they were exported from the onExportLesson function – so obviously these two functions should always be implemented together.

Note: Bear in mind that the imported lesson data might contain ‘id’ fields that relate to the lesson that was exported. We advice you to consider that during the implementation of the onImportLesson() function and set all those fields equal to the id of the lesson into which the data are imported, namely to $lessonId. Otherwise, the imported lesson data will refer to the previously exported and not to the newly imported lesson.

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Putting it all together

Now, that we have a good overview of how eFront modules can be defined, let’s go and create a sample module. This module should return to the professor a list of the three most students with the highest score in the current lesson.

Step 0: Design

Q: How shall the module be called?A: Highest ranking students

Q: Who will use the module? How?A: The professor. A sub-window will show the best student on his lesson control panel. We will also provide an independent page with the list.

Q: Will we need any changes to the database?A: No

Step 1: Write the module manifest

module.xml manifest file for sample module frequently asked questions<?xml version="1.0" ?><module>

<title>Highest ranking students</title><author>Me</author><date>27/05/2008</date><version>1.0 </version><description>Module showing the highest ranking students of a lesson



Step 2: Create the module_highest_rank.class.php file and, following the design step answers, define the basic two methods:

module_highest_rank.class.php – version 1<?php

class module_highest_rank extends eFrontModule {

public function getName() { return "Highest ranking students"; }

public function getPermittedRoles() { return array("professor"); }}?>

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Step 3: Zip files module.xml and module_highest_rank.class.php into a zip file called module_highest_rank.

Step 4: Install the module by logging into the eFront system as administrator and selecting the “Modules” link of the control panel.

Step 5: Go to the eFront base directory and then to www/modules/module_last_logged/ directory. Open file module_last_logged.class.php

Since we want to create a control panel module for the professor we are going to use the getLessonModule (or it in conjunction with getLessonSmartyTpl) as explained above (paragraph 5.3).

At this point we assume that the eFront SQL interface and database is known to the programmer, so we will directly implement the getLessonModule code.

module_highest_rank.class.php – version 2<?php

class module_highest_rank extends eFrontModule {

public function getName() { return "Highest ranking students"; }

public function getPermittedRoles() { return array("professor"); }

public function getLessonModule() {// Get the current lesson information

$currentLesson = $this -> getCurrentLesson();

// Get the best student information from the eFront database $best_student = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons join users on users.login = users_to_lessons.users_login", "name, surname, login, score", "users.user_type = 'student' and lessons_id = '".$currentLesson -> lesson['id']."'","","score");

// Return the HTML code to appear return "<table width ='550' height='80' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'> <tr><td><img src='images/32x32/user1_new.png' /></td><td>My best student is <b>".$best_student[0]['surname']. " " . $best_student[0]['name'] . "</b> with score “ . $best_student[0][‘score’] . “%</td></tr></table>"; }}?>

The resulting lesson control panel for the professor is the following

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Step 6: Add a link to the main module page under the current lesson menu on the sidebar.

module_highest_rank.class.php – version 2 public function getSidebarLinkInfo() { $link_of_menu_clesson = array (array ('id' => 'module_best_link', 'title' => ‘Best student page’, 'image' => 'images/16x16/star_yellow', 'eFrontExtensions' => 1, 'link’ => $this -> moduleBaseUrl ));

return array ( "current_lesson" => $link_of_menu_clesson); }

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Step 7: Create the code for the main – independent module page

We put the almost the same code as in the getLessonModule() method.

public function getModule() {

$currentLesson = $this -> getCurrentLesson(); $best_student = eF_getTableData("users_to_lessons join users on users.login = users_to_lessons.users_login", "name, surname, login, score", "users.user_type = 'student' and lessons_id = '".$currentLesson -> lesson['id']."'","","score");

return "<html><body><table width ='100%' height='80' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'> <tr><td><img src='images/32x32/user1_new.png' /></td><td>My best student is <b>".$best_student[0]['surname']. " " . $best_student[0]['name'] . "</b> with score “ . $best_student[0][‘score’] . “%</td></tr></table> </body></html>";


Moreover we will define the getLinkToHighlight() method to enable the highlighting of the link we have defined in the previous step. We only have one module page, and therefore this method should always return the id of the same link.

public function getLinkToHighlight() { return 'module_best_link';}

Finally, we may define the navigational links for our module page with the getNavigationLinks method. We will define two links, one for the Home page of the lesson and one for our module page.

public function getNavigationLinks() { return array ( array ('title' => "Lesson Home Page" , 'link' => “professor.php?ctg=control_panel”), array ('title'=> “Best Student", 'link' => $this -> moduleBaseUrl ));}

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These three methods lead to the following final main module page

Future steps: These steps more or less wrap up the fundamental notions behind eFront module programming. Following the same steps, defining the well-known derived methods of your choice and blindly obeying to three golden rules will enable you to create from obscenely trivial to extremely complicated modules. Just as a reminder of the last:

Rule I: Any URLs related with your module’s main-independent pages should begin with the $this->moduleBaseUrl string.

Rule II: You might have your pages using any $_GET/$_POST variables you like except from ‘ctg’ and ‘op’

Rule III: The root of your module extracted folder is stored as the $this->moduleBaseDir variable. Any further paths inside that directory may be referenced normally. The URL location of this folder is stored in the $this->moduleBaseLink variable.

And a final tip: if at any point of the module development you come across a blank screen then go to “/libraries/globals.php” and uncomment the line error_reporting( E_ALL );The last error message should give you a pretty good idea of what is wrong with your module.

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