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The Eiffel Tower


This magnificent monument The Eiffel Tower...

built in 1887, in French they call it 'La Tour Eiffel'

Reason for it

• The reason for it, was to be shown for the World Exhibition in 1889. It was to show modern construction technology.

• On January 28, 1887 the Eiffel Tower started being built.

Who helped build?

• A man named Gustave Eiffel designed this amazing architecture. Gustave had some help from Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechli. The main architect was Stephen Sauvestre.

Interesting place

• Back in the days Paris was called Lutetia Parisiorum

• Paris is the Capital of France.

• Paris has its own Disney Land.

• Paris has the Louvre. The Louvre is one of the worlds largest museums.

• Paris is a World capital for shopping and fashion.

What's so special?

• The Eiffel Tower has 12000 iron parts to it.

• The builders used around 7million nails.

• The Eiffel Tower symbolizes progression.

• It is a symbol to the French Resolution.

• Since the building was built more than 200,000,000 people have set foot on the Eiffel Tower.


• The Eiffel Tower was originally made for the World Exhibition and was suppose to be dismantled after being showcased.


• Nowadays the Eiffel Tower is used for radio transmissions.

• It is also a landmark for Paris tourism attraction.


• I find this building really fascinating and how the people who helped built it, only took 2 years. I mean it took Noah 120 years to build his ark. Gustave was a really talented man and I give him credit for designing the Eiffel Tower. It is such an amazing design. One day I hope to travel France. Visit Paris, and say that I've been to the Eiffel Tower and have experienced the view. I also hope to say one day that I was one of those trillions tourist that have been on the Eiffel Tower. There is so much more history that I would love to learn about. Especially the place that it is at. Another reason for me to visit Paris is to go shopping. Also, to experience the culture and speak what Mrs. Irwin taught me.

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