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  • 7/29/2019 Eim3 v 10 Worksheet


    Unit 10 Vocabulary practice

    &1 Complete the puzzle. What is the mysteryword?

    1 When someone steals something, usuallymoney, from your pockets.

    2 When someone deliberately sets re tosomething that isn't theirs, e.g. a building ora car.

    3 When someone drives a car that isn't theirs,usually dangerously and very fast.

    4 A group of people who all live closetogether, in the same area of a town forexample.

    5 Where people who have committed a crimehave to live.

    6 When people deliberately damage or destroysomething that isn't theirs.

    7 If someone commits more crimes during thistime, they will go to (5).

    8 When someone enters a building and takesthings that aren't theirs.

    9 The mystery word is .....................................

    &2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in thebox. Use the correct form of the verb.

    get away with (it) get caughtget into trouble make up an excuse

    pay a ne

    1 Did you hear about the girl who stole DVDs

    from the library? She caught

    and had to pay for them all.

    2 When my little brother's naughty, he looks

    so sweet that my Mum never believes he has

    done anything wrong and he

    .............................. . It's so annoying!

    3 Some people say that when we're bored

    with nothing to do, we're much more likely

    to ............................... .

    4 One day, my dad parked his car opposite the

    cinema and he had to ............................... .

    5 Your friend invites you to a football matchbut you don't like football. Would you say

    no and .............................., for example,

    you have a lot of homework to do?

    &3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in thebox. Use the correct form of the verb.

    break get slow turn write

    1 My brother's bought a car, but it's really old

    and it ................ down a lot.breaks2 I've been offered a part in two school plays

    and I don't want to ................ either of

    them down!

    3 Writers always carry a little notebook, so that

    when they get an idea, they can ................

    it down immediately.

    4 Sorry, you're talking too fast, and I can't

    understand! Please can you ................


    5 This year at school, I've got a lot more

    homework and I don't have so much free

    time, which is ................ me down a bit.

    &4 Circle the correct expressions to completethe dialogue.

    Jenny: I think it's great that we can go on this

    school holiday to England.

    Sue: Oh, no, 1the way I see it, / and besides,

    it means I have to speak English for two weeks!

    Jenny: 2You never know, / That's a good point,

    but it's not so bad: we'll see loads of new


    Sue: But 3that's a good point, / you never

    know, we might have to go to school there!

    Jenny: Yes, but then we'll meet more people,4that's a good point, / and besides, the school

    organises things like parties I think it'll be fun.

    Sue: Parties? Sounds good . . .

    1P I 9C K P O C K E T I N G2







    PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 10





    Level 3

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