  • 8/3/2019 Eirv08n10-19810310 028-The Haig Kissinger Depopulation


    ick here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 8, Number 10, March 10, 1981

    1981 EIR New s Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in w hole or in part without permission strictly prohibited.


    The Haig-Kissingerdepopulation policy

    Investgatons y have uncovered a plannng apparatus operatingoutsde the control o the Whte ouse whos sole purpose s to reduce theworld's populaton y llon people through war, amne, dsease, and anyother means necessary.

    Ths apparatus, whch cludes varous levels of the government, sdetermnng ..orgn polcy.I every poltcal hotspotE alvador, thesocalled arc o crss n the Persan Gul, Latn Amerca, outheast Asa,and n Arcathe goal o ..oregn polcy s poplaton reduction

    The targtng agency or the operaton s the Natonal ecurty Councl'sAd oc Group on Populaton Polcy.Its polcyplanng group is in the U.S. tate Department's Oce o Populaton Aars, estalshed in 1975 byHenry Kssnger.

    Ths group drated the arter admnstraton's Gloal document,whch calls or gloal populaton reducto, and the same appartus sconductng the cvl war n E alvador as a conscous depopulaton project.

    "There s a sngle theme hnd all our workwe must reduce poplatonlevels, sad Thomas Ferguson, the Latn Amercan case ocer or the tateDepartment's Oce o Populaton Aars (OPA). "Ether they [govern mnts] do t our way, through nce clean methods or they wll get the knd omess that we have n E alvador, or n Iran, or n Berut Population s apoltcal prolem.Once populaton s out o control t requres authoritarangovernment, eve ascsm, to reduce t.

    "The proessoals, sad Ferguson, are't nterested n lowerng populaton or humataran reasons. That sounds ce. We look at resourcesand nvronmntal costrats. We look at our strategc needs, and we saythat ths country must lower ts poplatonor else we wll have troule. osteps are taken. E alvador s an example where our falure to lowerpopulaton y smple means has created the ass or a natonal securtycrss. The governmet o E alvador aled to use our programs to lowertheir populaton. Now they get a cvl war ecause o t. ... There wll edislocation and ood shortages.They stll have too many people there

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    ita iiia t t a at a Na i t a

    Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population, the OPA ofcial added. "The quickest ay toreduce population is through famine, like i Aic or

    through disease, like the Black Deth, all of whichmight occur in El Salvador.

    Ferguson's OPA monitors populations in the ThirdWorld and maps strategies to reduce them. It budg forFY


    $190million; for FY

    1981i ill be

    $220million. The Global 2000 report calls for doubing hatgure.

    he shee KsseIn 1975, OPA was brought under a reorgaized

    State Department Bureau of Oceans, Inriol Environmental, and Scientic Affairsa body created byHenry Kissinger. The agency was assigd o crry oth diectivs of the NSC Ad Hoc Grop. Accordig to

    an NSC spokesman Kissinger initiatd boh gops

    after discussion with leaders of the Club o Romeduring the 1974 population conferenc in Buchstand Rome. The Club of Rome, controld by Euop'black nobility, is the primary promotion agcy for egenocidal reduction of world populatio lvl.

    The Ad Hoc Group was given "hig prioiy bythe Carter administration, through the iveio oNational Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski andSecretaries of State Cyrus Vance and Edmud Mukie.

    According to OPA expert Ferguso, Kisinger initieda full about-face on U.S. developme policy toard he

    Third World. "For a long ime, erguson stated,"people here were timid. They listened to arguments

    arch 10, 1981

    from Third World laders that said that the best cotraceptiv wa ecoomic reform and development. So wepush dvelopme progams, and we helped creae apopulatio tim bomb.

    "e are leig people breed like ies without

    aloing or nura causes to keep population down.

    We raised the birth survival rates, extended life-spansby owering death raes, and did nothing about lowerigbirth rates. That policy is nished. We ae sying ithGlobal 2000 ad i real policy that you must lowerpopulation rat. opulaio rductio and conol is

    now our primy policy objctivethen you can havesome developmet.

    Accordigly, he Bureau of Oceans, InterationalEnvironmental, d Scientic Affairs has consistently

    blocked induilization policies in he Third World,denying developing natios access to nucler energytechology.the policies that woud enable countristo susai a grig population.

    According o State Department sources, and Fer

    guson himself, Alexander Haig is a "firm believer inpopulation control.

    "We will go into a coutry, said Feguson, "adsay, here is your goddamn development plan. Throw itout the widow. Start looking at the size of youroulation nd gure out what must e done to reduce

    it."If you don't like that, if you don't want to choose to

    do it through planning, then you'll have an El Salvadoror an Iran, or worse, Cambodia.'

    According to an NS sokesma, the United Sts

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    no shares the e o ormer World Ban PresdentRoert Mcamara that the ppulaon crss s agreater treat to .. natonal securt nterests than"nuclear annhlaton.

    "Eer hot spot n the orld corresponds to apopulaton crss pont, sad erguson, ho ouldrename Brzeznss arc o crss doctrne the "arc opopulaton crss. Ths s corroorated statementsn the N C Ad Hoc Group Aprl 1980 report.

    There s "an ncreased potental or socal unrest,economc and poltcal nstalt, mass mgraton andpossle nternatonal conlcts oer control o land andresources, sas the C report. It then ctes "demographc pressures as to understandng "examples

    o recent aare n Inda, Pastan, Bangladesh, El

    alador, Honduras, and Ethopa, and the grong

    Fgus: klr chdbearsIn the ps yar, 130 people n E Slvdor hvb kied in he civl war t agriped the country. To th U.S StaeDepartment and is Ofce of

    Ppulto Afrs, ta i not enug. T aompshwt Sat Demet d q oo," te war " exand." according toThomas Fuon, e Li

    Amicn ase ofr for th OPA.

    E s trgted fr w n Apl 1980 U ot bled by the Nona cy Coni

    vo xaml o s t o ton nd oia om het t Rpd popuatio w birt a ma chaged recet rs-aga t opat hic i ledy th t n Amia. a oUao

    30 pecal Report

    potental or nstalt n such places as Ture, thePhlppnes, entral Amerca, Iran, and Pastan

    Through extraordnar eors, te Ad Hoc Groupand OPA etmate that the ma e ale to eep llon people rom eng orn through contracepteprograms.

    But as the Ad Hoc Group's report states, the esteorts o the hah o Iran to nsttute "clean programso rth control aled to mae a sgncant dent n the

    countr's rth rate. The promse o os, trough anamtous ndustralzaton program, encouraged mgraton toard "oercroded ctes le Teheran.

    o under Aatollah Khomen, the "clean programs hae een dsmantled. The goernment mamae progress ecause t has a program "to nduce upto hal o Teherans 6 mllon resdents to relocate, as

    ctl x .

    Fs j I w 21

    T .


    t incrasd q kil crited :Y job . 3 4

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    wll as possibl masurs to kp rual migrants frommoving to th citis.

    eh he he eseFrguson and othrs invovd with th OPA and

    NSC group maintain that th Unitd Stats wil continu a forign poicy basd on a gnocidal rduction ofth world's population "W hav a ntwork in plac ofcothinkrs in th govrnmnt said th OPA casofficr "W kp going, no mattr who is in th WhitHous But Frguson rports that th "Whit Housdos not rally undrstand what thy ar saying andthat th Prsidnt "thinks that popuation poicy manshow do w spd up population incras As ong as noon says diffntly, said Frguson, "w will continu

    to do our jobs

    e yo u might ac pls . Unfr

    a ly. we do n' ve many ics liketh to'Ned fmi, sH s a if w , [an] c s k n B B creat a tndc for u to al vey pi . p W l u must v a t

    "I c' w on eT th F or no xi N Yo rk Tmes p ' z d 50 E v x c p cu , g 7 p ms e V by US J- v buig s and power staion. Fly e-hrd - A war

    EIR arch 10, 1981


    In April the National Security Council's Ad HocGroup on Population Policy issued an overview analysis on populaion policy. The document lays out the basis

    for all foreign policy from the "Global " erspec-tive. The State Department Ofce of Population Afairs

    helped draft the report. Excerpts follow.

    On a pant which is alady subjc to goscarcitis, poitica uncrtainy, and strains on bioicaand nvironmntal systms, numbrs ofths dimnsionshav portntous impications

    Alrady during th 970s, much of th conomicgains of th Third Wod wr cancld out by th stadyris of poplation

    Food production is not kping pac with th population growth in most pats of th world Moov,rising food dmand must now compt with incasingyhighr pricd nrgy importsorman Borau, pioof th "Grn Rvoution, has cautiond that innovations in agricultural tchnology can only buy imitdtim with which to control population growh

    Th Intrnational Labor Organiation IO] stimats that in th nxt two dcads, approximaty 7

    million popl mor will ntr th labor pool of dvping countristhis is mor than th total cunt abforc of th industialy advancd countisTh amoutof invstmnt rquird to put ths pop to work sastronomical

    A rcnt Worldwatch Institut study stimatd thath numbr of rura popl who ar ffctivly adsswould approach 1 bilion ovr th nxt two dcads andprdictd that "conflict rootd in inquaity of


    ownrship is apt to bcom mor acut in county acountry Alady th stimatd proportion of rualfamilis who ar landlss or narly so is ovr 80 prcnt

    in such countris as E Salvador, and btwn 70 and 0prcnt in Brail, Ecuador, Pru, angladsh, and hPhilippins

    As rural population growth incrass th fractionaiation of th landholdings, as croplands ar dptd duto ovrintnsiv farming, and asjob opportunitis in thcounrysid diminish, th hird World is xprincing avirtual urban xplosionTh ..stimats that, in ony2? yars, som 40 Lss vlopd Countris Cs]cts may contain ovr illion inhabitants Provision of jobs housing, social srvics to numbrs of this

    Spcial Rport

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    V D G 2000.

    magniude, over suc a sor period of ime, wi presendifficuies iero nimgined by own panners and

    governmens. Te poenia suscepibiiy of urban un employed you o exremism and vioence wi grow.

    Some recen sudies sugges a e conemporarypenomena of wordwide infaion are being infuencedby rising demand associaed wi vas increases in popu laion. Commodiies become more cosy as suppiesdwinde or fai o keep pace wi rising demand or asey become more expensive o obain. opuaion

    row as aso been inked o pressure on energy and

    raw maeris suppies. recen ordwac sudy con cludes a everywere one urns imis are being en counered and e effecs are being compounded .... seems cear a e word is enering a new period ofscarciy. robes of waer pouion soi erosion, anddeforesaion are becoming major inernaiona issues asa conseuence of overinensive farming grazing en

    croacmen of ciies and unconroed indusriaizaionA of ese facors add up o an increased poenia

    for socia unres economic and poiic insabiiy, massmigraion, and possibe inernaiona conflic over scarceresources. is dmiedy difficu o be nayicay

    precise in pinpoining exac causes for e breakdown indomesic or inernaiona order. evereess i is hardo avoid inferring soe connecion beween e insabi

    iies and frusraions cased by absoue and reaivepovery reinforced by e demograpic pressures dis cussed above.Te exampes of warfare in recen memoryinvoving ndi isan angades Savadoronduras, and iopia nd e growing poenia forinsabiiy in suc paces as rky e iippinesCenra eric rn nd isan surey jsify euesion being rised

    2 Specia Repor

    The Globl2000 approach

    by y S

    Te Goba 2000 repor, issued in spring 1980 was hecuminaion of a reeyear sudy direced by e U.S.Sae Deparmen and e ie ouse Counci onEnvironmena uaiy. As e rs sudy of gobalecoogica rends by e U.S. governmn, te repordoes no make poicy recomendaions per se bu caimso objecivey projec e impac of curren 1977) rendsin popaion grow and G on he goba resourcebase and environmen.

    Te auors of e repor sae a i was inended o

    provide e basis for ongerm planning by he U.S.governmen and o creae a permanen insiuional ca pabiiyskied persnne, daa, and anayicalmodes for spinning off fuure sudies and anayses.

    Tey sae furer a e repor was inended as aguide in U.S. foreign poicy e are ... working wioer naions biaeray, buiding concern for popla ion grow, naura resources, and environment ino

    our foreign aid programs and cooperaing wih ourimmediae neigbors on common problems rangingfrom e ceanup of air and waer pouion o preserva ion of sois and deveopmen of new cropsa sae

    men srongy suggesing a foreign aid enceforh beied o ppulaion conrol and reaed measures.

    T s in a goba odes of is ype, wa couns are

    is underying assumpions. Te gross incompeence ofis repor and is doomsday predicions sem from heoa denia of e ransforming effecs of science andecnoogy [Te projecions] depic condiions a areikey o deveop if ere are no canges in publicpoicies insiuions or rates of technological advance.and if ere are no wars or oer major disrupions

    epasis added]. ne of e mos eing poins of herepors fawed meodoogy is e assumpion on nucle ar fusion Te projecions assume no revouionary

    advancessuc as immediae widescae avaiabiiy ofnuclear fusion for energy producion.

    Given e premise of no cange in e rae of ech noogica advance e repor predics ha he projectedgrow of e words popuaion fro 4 bilion in 197o 65 bilion in .D. 2000 wi ead o severe regionalwaer sorages exensive deforesaion irreparabe de erioraion of agricuura soils, and oer orrors. Te

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    concusion a poicymaker is supposed o draw is aese conseuences mus be foresaed by sopping popuaion grow sor, by waever means

    s auoriy on demograpics, Goba 2000 cies a1969 U.S. cademy of Sciences repor, esoures andMan, wic concuded a a word popuaion of 10biion is cose o (if no above) e maximum a anintensiely managed word mig ope o suppor wisome degree of comfor and individua coice

    Te Goba 2000 repor warns a if curreny projeced feriiy and moraiy raes were o coninue un canged ino e 2 1s cenury, e words popuaionwoud reac 10 biion by 20 30 and neary 30 biionenumber e NAS cies as e ars maximum carryingcapaciybefore e end of e cenury.

    mong e repors oer doomsday projecions are On popuon: New daa on e decine in feri

    iy raes in areas suc as ndonesia and Brazi, due ounanicipaed povery and manuriion, suggess a

    word feriiy raes wi drop by more an 20 percenover 19752000, from an average of 4.3 cidren perferie woman o 3.3. n addion, sis in pubic poicy

    ...wi provide signicany increased ccess o famiypanning services in ess deveoped couries.

    Te majoriy of peope in arge LD ciies are ikeyo ive in unconroed seemenssms and sany owns were saniaion and oer pubic services areminima a bes.

    On foo: ssuming no deerioraion in cimae orweaer, food producion is projeced o be 90 perceniger i 2000 an in 970 .... e LDs, owever,rising food oupu wi barey keep aead of popuaion

    grow. er cpia consupio i e subSaaranfrican LDs is saed o decie.

    On for: o fores cover and socks of woodsin LDs wi decine by 0 percen by 2000 due o ereiance on wood for energy.

    On r:' Due o rapidy increasing demands forwaer, in paricuar o is igy consumpive use inirrigaion, regiona waer sorages and e deerioraionof uaiy are ikey o become worse by 2000. anyLDs wi aso suffer e desabiizaion of waer suppiesas a resu of deforesaion.

    On nrg: No eary reief from e words energyprobems. n e LDs e demand for wood fue wifar ousrip suppy, expanding deforesaion.

    On gruur: Greaer soi erosion, oss of nu riens, and compacion of soi, increasing sainaion ofirrigaed and, crop damage due o increasing air andwaer pouion is projeced.

    An epiogue, nering e Twenyirs enury, warns a wiou a a in popuaion grow rends,Te word wi be more vnerabe bo o nauradisaser and o disrupions from uan cases, incud ing wars over increasingy scarce freswaer suppies.

    EIR arc 10, 198


    Willia Paddock

    on exterminationTe foowing is excerped from an inerview wi Wiiam addock made avaiabe o addock is ouspoken proponen of goba popuaion reducion, and asefprofessed supporer of e Goba 2000 docrine

    addock is bes known for is pan o reduce epopaion of Mexico o less an 35 miion from is

    presen 65 miion eve He is e founding memer ofe Environmena Fund wose goa is o simulae

    inking abou e uninkabee forced reducion

    of e words popuaion Te Environmena Fund andaddock bo direcy payed a role in e saping of eGoba 2000 documen.

    addock ad significan inpu ino Sae eparmenpoicy panning during e Kissinger and arer enuresis pan for exico was endorsed by Naiona SecuriyAdviser Zbigniew Brzezinski A e ime of e inerview, addock was preparing o make a presenaion ae Georgeown enter for nernaiona and SraegicSudies, were issinger curreny operaes, on e ef fecs of popuaion on revouion in enra AmericaTe meeing was o be aended by key poicy panners

    from e Haig Sae eparmen

    Q: a are your views on e Globa 000 documen? s a wonderfu ing, and m absouey amaed ae pubiciy is received.Gerad Barney [direcor of eGoba 2000 rojec] ad done i singeandedy Is

    exceen, and is go far more pubiciy an mossudies commissioned by e Wie House a wind up

    on e seves and are never read And is an idea woseime as come Now we need a US 000, and a Forida2000, and a ew York 2000, one for every sae, o sarpanning and adaping o is siuaion as coming.

    Q: Looking a Savador from e sandpoin of wawas said in Goba 2000, i seems o be a mode counryfor disaser andocked, imied infrasrucure, ec

    Tas an advanage, you know, bu go aead

    Q: We, i as imied infrasrucure, and a popuaiongrow as amos ou of conro, a woud doulein 20 years. a do you do in a siuaion ike a, i asiuaion ike Savador? Teres noing you can do.Noing

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    L Wllm Pddk. Cd d P P.

    Q: What is going to happen then?A: Total chaos, anarcy of one kind or another.Contin uing military government, maybe rightst or letist, but amiltary government. You cant expect stablity whereyou have such turmol and stress generated by so manypple.

    Why do yo have miltary governments in LatinAmerica? Theyve always had one form or another of I was in Hondras in 1957 wen they had their 75tholution! Theyve ad a lot of practice.Why s it? Well,t' simply because, as far as Im concerned, the land ispoor. Tey got a poor piece of real state. ts

    ody's fault, its just the way God passed out herources.... Every single country in the world is over pulated, bt some are more so than others. Now why that ecause E Salvador appens to have some of thest land n all Latn merca. And yo can take aword population map, were yo have one dot for every

    hudred tosand people, and except for some cties likeNw York, London, and Tokyo were tll be back, ofcous, wherever yo ave g concntratons of osedots, you have pretty good soi. nd thats true n LatnAmerica. Yo have t n Java, n E Salvador, n ait.Why? ecase teyve got good and. Some good anUnfortunatey, some modern tecnology, n te form ofmdical missonaries or medcal doctors of one knd oranother, got here before there was any other technologythat reaced tere, and te popation explosion ookplace before tey col develop any other resorces, and

    34 Special Report

    get teir agrcltre more efficiently ed. And it just

    expode. t epoded fster an any oher place becausetey ad more foo. Tey ad better and. And nowteyve grown well past te capacity of tat and to takecare of tem.

    Q So Salvador, are we eventay going to see aolback of te poplaton? t wll appen somehow.

    Q o mean famne, dieae? ne o te for horsemen. nd now the fifth one,wch i the bomb.

    Q Can t be done wtout te pain and uffering? dont tnk so a al. dont tnk so for a couple ofeasons. rst of all, speaking of te population growth

    ae, to evel off or drop te problem that the peoplewo are gong o cause the stress, n the next 20 years, areread ere teyre born, theyre walking arond. Half

    te poplaton nder e age of 15. t would be well fno one ad any more kds, between now and the year2000 te bg problems already tere. The othereason e ont know how to motvate people to wantto ave fewer children. We jst dont know how to do .

    ats, n s dismal teorem, sad that the onlyec o popaon growth is starvaton and misery.

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    And no mattr how avorabl th nvironmnt or hoadvancd th tchnology population will grow until t imirabl and tarvd That' what h ad all right

    Thr' an conomit at th nivrity o olorado avry amou conomit nnth oulding who hahat h call hi uttrly mirabl thorm And huttrly mirabl thorm i that i th only chc on thgrowth o population i tarvation and miry thn any

    tchnological improvmnt will hav th ultimat cto incraing th um o human miry bcau it prmit a largr proportion to liv in prcily th am tto miry and tarvation as bor th chang

    And thi o cour is what 'r trying to do withour orign aid program in nding ood in improvingth agricultur o th ara w'r maing it poil to

    utain mor popl

    Q: on't Global 000 ay that w hould raminthat?A: Y I thin it dos ay that

    Q: Thr ar om who ay that th bt contracptiv idvlopmntA: That' bilg In thory it probably i but ho m

    th country whr it wor It's a graping or cu togt mony or aid hn thy com up with omthingli that I a country uch a E alvador i gongto improv th lot o it popl it' going to hav to bt

    th bullt tl Thr' nothing w can do to com uwith a birth control program agricultural programindutrialiation program And by ayng that cnw put o th nd or alvador to try to do omthngabout th problm itl

    Q: Is the UovrpopuatedA: Y

    Q: What' your thining on it?A: I tin i w had 100 millon popl it ould b rallyabulou

    Q: How would w gt to that lvl givn whr w arnow I that poibl wthout a warA: Wll thr' a man putting togthr an organiation

    calld On Hundrd Million Amrican and h' tryingto how how it can b don I dont thin it can b donW havn't bit th bullt ourlv oo at th numbro illgal alin that w prmit coming in hr

    Q: What about E alvador? What would b th idal

    population thrA: Wll whn I wnt thr in 1950 thr wa 7 mllonpopl It' 4 million now It wa prtty bad o in 950but it had mor charm Id hav livd thr thn Motpopl ar baroot I thin that a ar a what th ntd

    EIR March 10 1981

    tat can do I tn u h to t t

    tuaton to ot o us toli ith it

    Q: That' rally hat lol unnyou'r gong to r on t t o thrvolutionA It' on th inu o ouo o t

    aton in trl Amc t' o tt tGorgton ntr or tt nttotud i hong on o ' o tpurpo o th mt tout to h tnitd tt orm try to o t t to htthy houd do t o

    Q: What aout mo tt m o thuanimA: I don't no ouh ou o ut tttoo plac n lvador o u o oI'd ay y tht i on o t o ou uwith

    Q: ou could h mio o o nA: ll you'r o o o o crtnly rom l o oo t o ncrtnly in th nt o o o outabout it m ot 'no way to to it ' h o o tthr or our o o ot tuw'r going nto ot oha n inc th lt 1 to 15 ou' tpopuation o t or o average rt o prcnt atr thn oo ou ro 975

    Q: And tht' ong to rou t ou'r tnabout

    A: ll on o t o tr goo c qu ut y oand mor on t r oo o o

    lt n t t'l no tht uy o A ou i vry dcnt uol ou o y ylat yar; t my r qu ul to th what oyn n co t o oun onAnd thi houd hn o o hr'abolutly notin tt c o out t ut tt'th trnd it don't o t hin thr or ourAout otl t

    I you can m o t' oo

    Q: cau thy'v pt o mny o lvA: Abolutly hy'v n t or t ontrowthout birth control o o ol livng on vry mgl u tt' 3 opopl

    ot 35

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