Page 1: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela

ManchaMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Page 2: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born in Alcala de Henares, Spain on the year 1547 and died in Madrid in the year 1616. Rodrigo de Cervantes, a surgeon, was his father and his mother was Leonor de Cortinas. He came from a poor family and received little education. When he was twenty years old, he joined the Spanish army and fought many battles for his country. In fact, he fought as a soldier against the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Lepanto where he sustained serious injuries and his left hand was completely maimed. In 1575, he was captured by the Turks on a return voyage to Spain.


He was taken to Algiers and served as a slave for five years. Cervantes was finally liberated when his ransom was paid and returned to Spain. He worked as a commissary for the Spanish Armada. However, He was not apparently very good at convincing rural communities to hand over their grain like wheat, and he was imprisoned twice for mismanagement. However, it was during his life in prison that he began writing the first part of his famous novel. His novel first reappeared in 1604 and it was a great success. Yet, it did not make him rich as authors did not receive royalties and he only received a small sum from his publisher. His fame as a writer came long after his death.

Page 3: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha


The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha or simply known as Don Quixote. The full title is indicative of the tale's object, as ingenioso (Spanish) means "quick with inventiveness“ marking the transition of modern literature from Dramatic to thematic unity. The novel takes place over a long period of time, including many adventures all united by common themes of the nature of reality, reading, and dialogue in general.Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, respectively, Don Quixote is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. As a founding work of modern Western literature, and one of the earliest canonical novels, it regularly appears high on lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published.

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Characters in the adventure of the lions:

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Alonso QuexanaThe title character of the novel, Alonso Quexana (named himself— Don Quixote dela Mancha) is a gaunt, middle-aged gentleman who, having gone mad from reading too many books about chivalrous knights, determines to set off on a great adventure to win honor and glory in the name of his invented ladylove, Dulcinea. Don Quixote longs for a sense of purpose and beauty—two things he believes the world lacks—and hopes to bring order to a tumultuous world by reinstating the chivalric code of the knights-errant. Initially, Don Quixote’s good intentions do only harm to those he meets, since he is largely unable to see the world as it really is.

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Sancho PanzaThe simple peasant who follows Don Quixote out of greed, curiosity, and loyalty, Sancho is the novel’s only character to exist both inside and outside of Don Quixote’s mad world. Other characters play along with and exploit Don Quixote’s madness, but Sancho often lives in and adores it, sometimes getting caught up in the madness entirely. On the other hand, he often berates Don Quixote for his reliance on fantasy; in this sense, he is Don Quixote’s foil. The two undertake many adventures where the hero thinks that windmills are giants; flocks of sheep are armies; inns are castles; and many more.

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Alzo Lorenzo/ Dulcinea del Toboso

The unseen force driving all of Don Quixote’s adventures. Dulcinea, a peasant woman whom Don Quixote envisions as his ladylove, has no knowledge of his chivalric dedication to her. Though constantly mentioned and centrally important to the novel, she never appears as a physical character.


Page 8: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Don Diego de MirandaOn the part two of the novel, under chapter XVI, Don Quixote and Sancho meet Don Diego de Miranda, a gentleman dressed all in green. Don Quixote introduces himself to Don Diego and tells him about the history that was written about his first adventures. Don Diego marvels that knights-errant still roam the land and is glad to hear about the book, which he thinks might correct all the nonsense written in books of chivalry. Don Diego describes his life. Sancho begins to think the man is a saint and kisses his foot. Don Diego tells Don Quixote about his son, who abandoned the sciences in favor of poetry. Don Quixote responds with an eloquent speech about the value of poetry, which he compares to a delicate maiden. After the adventure with the lions Don Diego invited Don Quixote and Sancho in his house to meet his son, Don Lorenzo.


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The Adventures of the LionsAn excerpt from El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote dela Mancha

Like the windmills that are in disguised giants, flocks of sheep that are armies, inns that are castles, and the enchanted Dulcinea with her two ladies-in-waiting, the adventures of the lions is one of the adventures Don Quixote and Sancho faced for their chivalrous deeds. The Adventures of the Lions can be found in the part two of the novel under chapter XVII.

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The Adventures of the LionsDon Quixote sees a cart coming toward him hung with the king’s flags, and he

senses another adventure. He summons Sancho, who puts the curds he just bought from the shepherds into Don Quixote’s helmet. When Don Quixote puts on the helmet, the curds run down his face, and he thinks that his brain is melting. When he recognizes the curds in the helmet, he accuses Sancho of foul play, but Sancho replies that an enchanter must have put them there.Don Quixote hails the cart. The mule driver tells him that the cart carries two lions for the king. Don Quixote challenges the lions, and despite everyone’s protests, he insists on having the cage opened. Cervantes interjects that Cide Hamete Benengeli extols Don Quixote’s bravery before continuing the narrative. The others run away and the lion tamer opens the cage. Don Quixote faces the lions with “childish bravado,” but the lion just stretches and lies down again. Don Quixote decides not to provoke the lions. He calls the others back, and the lion tamer recounts the story of Don Quixote’s valor.

Don Quixote tells Sancho to give the mule driver and the lion tamer some money for their troubles and renames himself the Knight of the Lions. Don Quixote declares that he is not as insane as he may seem—that it is better for a knight to err on the side of courage than on the side of cowardice. Don Diego invites Don Quixote and Sancho to his home, and Don Quixote accepts.

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Thank you for listening!Maureen Khimmery B. SupanIan Kenneth G. SantiagoFranz Joseph T. Reyes

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