  • Electrogravitics and Field Propulsion

    Starburst research has advanced our understanding of the physics behind electrogravitics and other

    propellentless field propulsion technologies which makes possible the design of advanced aerospace

    propulsion technologies that could radically change our future means of travel. Imagine flying from New

    York to Sydney, Australia in 15 minutes or traveling to Mars in 5 days. These should no longer be

    considered wishful dreams, but realities of the present that are awaiting our implementation. To move

    forward, to make these dreams a reality, we must free ourselves from the outdated physics theories and

    paradigms of the past for which such technologies are an impossibility. The Starburst Foundation is helping

    to pave the way to this future through its development of subquantum kinetics, the first unified field theory

    to predict a coupling between electric and gravitational fields. Starburst researcher Paul LaViolette has

    shown that subquantum kinetics provides the basis for understanding the electrogravitic propulsion

    experiments of Thomas Townsend Brown, Jean-Claude Lafforgue, Eugene Podkletnov, John Searl and

    others. Some of these technologies, such as those of Brown and Lafforgue, provide thrust to power ratios

    ranging from 10,000 to 300,000 times that of the Space Shuttles main engine. By providing a theoretical underpinning for the phenomenon of electrogravitic and electric field propulsion, subquantum kinetics lays

    the foundation for engineering the air and space vehicles of our future.

    Townsend Browns electrokinetic flying disc demonstration. Image taken from Browns U.S. patent.

    Townsend Browns pulsed DC levitating disc. _ 2008 P. LaViolette

    Townsend Browns Project Winterhaven Report to the Navy (1.2 Mb)

    Townsend Browns work on Project Montgolier in France (1955 1956)

  • The 1956 air intelligence report Electrogravitics Systems obtained in 1985 from Wright-Patterson Air Force


    In 1985, shortly after learning about the work of T. T. Brown, LaViolette stumbled upon a formerly

    classified 1956 think tank report entitled Electrogravitics Systems. This incredible document, which he

    obtained from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, detailed the existence of a vast R&D program in the 1950s participated in by most of the major aerospace companies that was geared toward the practical application of

    this field propulsion technology for aerospace flight. Through his subsequent publications he brought to the

    attention of the public and scientific community the eye opening revelations contained in this report. In 1990

    he participated in NASAs Space Exploration Outreach Project to inform NASA administrators about the existence of electrogravitic technology and of past aerospace industry involvement, as disclosed in this 1956

    report. He proposed that NASA should seriously consider this energy-efficient means for space travel as a

    feasible alternative to rocket technology. Two years later, following an impromptu public disclosure of

    classified information by two black project engineers, LaViolette was able to successfully reverse

    engineered the propulsion system of the highly classified B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. In a 1993

    science and technology conference paper, he showed that the B-2 utlized as its propulsion system the

    electrokinetic technology that Townsend Brown had displayed in his early 50s flying disc experiments and whose application to aviation was detailed in U.S. patent No. 3,022,430 filed in 1956.

    The B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. In 1993 Paul LaViolette demonstrated that it is propelled by T.

    Townsend Browns electrokinetic technology

  • In 1992 Dr. LaViolette directly contacted NASAs National Aero-Space Plane Project and attempted to interest them in using electrokinetics technology in their program, but without success; see letter from

    Charles Morris. The following year he again sent a packet of material to the Aero-Space Plane Project,

    specifically pointing out in his letter that one of the advantages of use of this technology is that it would be

    able to reduce frictional heating of the wing leading edge during reentry; see second letter to Charles Morris.

    Again, he was unable to raise any interest even though he had acknowledged that they had a problem with

    frictional heating of the spacecraft hull. Ten years later in 2003, the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster

    occurred. The cause of the mishap was excessive heating of the wing leading edge due to dislodgment of a

    heat resistant tile. Had NASA implemented electrokinetics technology at the time LaViolette had alerted

    them, this disaster would have been avoided. LaViolette submitted to the Columbia Accident Investigation

    Board a white paper informing the board about this technology and his previous efforts to inform NASA

    about it. As a response, he received back just a form letter thanking him for his input.

    . First Letter from Charles Morris .

  • . Second Letter to Charles Morris .

    Dr. LaViolette has shown how the subquantum kinetics field potential concept is able to explain why an

    assymetrical capacitor will develop a propulsive force towards its larger electrode when energized with a

    high voltage potential. Standard field theory acknowledges that the electric forces on such a capacitor will

    be unbalanced, but leads to the belief that these will merely produce stress within the capacitor without any

    propulsive force. In subquantum kinetics, these field potentials are anchored in the space surrounding the

    capacitor (in the surrounding ether) and as a result the capacitor is free to move in response to the resulting

    imbalance of forces. This explains the thrust seen in Browns assymetrical capacitors tested by Townsend Brown as well as those tested by Jean-Claude Lafforgue. Tests of the Lafforgue asymmetrical capacitor have

    been carried out by Jean-Luc Naudin; see his website. These technologies routinely violate Newtons third law.

    Dr. LaViolette also has worked on explaining how phase conjugated maser beams may be used to lift an aerospace

    vehicle. This technology, which was originally developed by Rocketdyne Corporation in the 1950s and 1960s in their

    ultra secret Project Skyvault, may also be used as an inexpensive means for putting satellites into orbit. The following

    youtube video provides a summary of the beam propulsion technology that LaViolette describes in his book Secrets

    of Antigravity Propulsion.

  • Electrogravitics and Subquantum Kinetics

    In the following three excerpts from his Disclosure Project interview (2000) Dr. LaViolettes speaks about electrogravitics, subquantum kinetics, aerospace field propulsion, nonconventional energy inventions, and

    patent office suppression.

    Details about this new field propulsion technologies may be found in Dr. LaViolettes book Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, with the background physics being presented in his book Subquantum Kinetics.

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