
Electromagnetic Compatibility services

We simplify complexities through our expertise, making what seems impossible, possible.

Make it sure, make it simple.


ElectromagneticCompatibility services


Transport Oil & Gas Infrastructure Space & Defence

Power Energy

Electromagnetic compatibility is the ability of electronic and electrical equipment, systems and installations to operate satisfactorily in their electromagnetic environment without any degradation or loss of function, and without interfering with other systems in the neighbouring environment.

An effective EMC assessment is critical to the safety and reliability of all systems regardless of the industry. Failure of systems to operate in their own environment can lead to poor system reliability which could compromise safety. The introduction of standards and legislative requirements has increased EMC awareness across industries, requiring designers, contractors, operators and infrastructure owners to undertake thorough EMC assessments, risk analyses and EMC design studies in order to demonstrate compliance and meet legislative and contractual requirements.

With decades of experience supporting clients in EMC system assurance activities, RINA can give you access to a wide range of expertise that will reduce the vulnerability of systems and can implement bespoke optimum levels of protection. RINA’s experience in systems engineering and EMC analyses is built upon years of proactive support to major organisations, across multiple industry sectors.

RINA is a trusted technical partner and has been pioneering Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) services and best practices for complex systems and installations for many years. We support clients across multiple industry sectors including transport, oil & gas, the built environment, infrastructure, aerospace, defence, security, specialist industries, power and medical & scientific.

RINA has been pioneering EMC services for many years and can manage your project during any stage, providing you with bespoke EMC work packages that will ensure that the project meets contractual and technical requirements, and due diligence with respect to EMC is achieved.

Installations are characterised by a complex mix of high powered sources and sensitive systems and subsystems operating at defined locations in close proximity to each other. To achieve EMC for complex projects, to avoid EMC associated risks and costly design problems and to fulfil the legal requirements, an EMC strategy needs to be developed and implemented throughout the project life cycle. We support the planning and management of EMC from the early concept through to commissioning and acceptance stages of a project. This includes the development of a bespoke EMC strategy, including allocation of technical responsibilities, EMC design reviews and the control of contractors. This ensures that EMC associated risks can be managed and reduced to an acceptable level.

EMC management & control


EMC management & control



The RINA EMC team provided analysis and solution definition for the electromagnetic emission hazard prevention and operational electromagnetic interference prevention for transmission and radar systems installed on the naval unit topside.


RINA provided the MEP contractor with an EMC system assurance assessment including qualitative and quantitative EMC risk analyses, EMC control plans and detailed EMC design review which identified design shortfalls of tunnel MEP systems against EMC engineering best practices.

EMC MANAGEMENT SUPPORT FOR LONDON HOSPITALClient: ConfidentialLocation: United Kingdom

RINA was engaged to provide EMC technical support through the design and construction phases at the Royal London and Barts Hospitals. We provided EMC consultancy services during the various stages of the project and identified high risk areas requiring further design mitigation and control measures.

EMF FLAMMABLE ATMOSPHERE ASSESSMENTClient: Confidential Location: United Kingdom

RINA’s EMC team completed an RF flammable atmosphere quantitative assessment for an oil and gas refinery in line with recommended standards and safe limit lines. The scope of work included desktop analysis and onsite electromagnetic survey validation measurements ensuring a safe working environment and compliance with the HSE requirements.

Main projects

Main services

EMC management

& control throughout

project lifecycle

EMC engineering

best practices

EMC risk analyses

Control of equipment compliance

EMC conformity technical support

EMC system

assurance evidence files

With many years’ experience in EM measurements, surveying a wide range of environments (industrial, railways, military, built environment, scientific and medical, oil & gas), RINA can undertake EM site surveys that allow, for example, the characterisation of the existing EM environment at critical locations, EMC testing of whole aircraft and civil & military platforms, and EMC measurement of railway environment & rolling stock.

We have fully mobile facilities that can be deployed worldwide, rapidly mobilising our measurement team and equipment to our client sites. We are flexible and adaptive to changes on time frames and will work with our clients to provide best available test solution and quality of results. RINA has invested in new, state of the art HIRF test equipment (FOL System - PPM Sentinel III) that is designed to reduce setup time and maximise measurement certainty.

� EM measurements covering the DC - 40 GHz frequency range � Civil & military aircraft EMC testing (HIRF, HIRTA, PEDs & T-PEDs) � RADHAZ (HERO, HERF, HERP) � EM site interference investigations � Rolling stock and railway environment EMC measurements � Site measurements for the assessment of EEDs and flammable atmospheres

EM site surveys


© Crown copyright


EM site surveys

HABSHAN SULPHUR GRANULATION PROJECTClient: Dodsal Engineering and Construction PteLocation: Abu Dhabi

RINA provided post-construction measurements on site at a sulphur processing plant including measurements in several power substations. The survey included magnetic and electric fields measurements from 50 Hz to 10 GHz, and comparison with immunity levels from sensitive equipment (e.g. field instruments).

EM SURVEY OF FUTURE POWER SUBSTATIONClient: UK Power NetworksLocation: United Kingdom

The RINA EMC team undertook a pre-construction EM survey at the location of a future power substation, used for benchmarking and comparison with substation post-energisation environment. The survey focused on power frequency magnetic fields, which were mapped across the substation site.

EMBRAER KC-390 - HIRF TESTINGClient: EmbraerLocation: Brazil

RINA mobilised a team of HIRF test engineers and test equipment, and successfully completed aircraft HIRF testing in both civil and military configurations, which has enabled Embraer to achieve type certification from the Brazilian Aviation Authority.


The RINA EMC team measured the existing EM environment at pre- and post-deployment of ETCS signalling system on a Danish railway line. The measurements followed the procedures defined in standard EN 50121. The test locations were selected after a thorough analysis of the environment along the railway network.

Main projects

Main services

Characterisation of EM


Pre- and post-construction site


Specialist surveys - flammable

atmospheres & EEDs

Civil & military aircraft EMC

testing / HIRF

Aircraft PED / T-PED testing


RINA utilises various state-of-the-art computational modelling and simulation tools where a virtual EM environment can be created. These tools are instrumental in comparing design options and implementing cost effective mitigation and control measures. Computational modelling tools allows us to simulate the EM fields generated by power cabling networks, overhead lines, traction power, substation systems, antennae and radars which can be used for interference assessments and quantitative analysis.

RINA can provide bespoke solutions to meet the project requirements and provide optimal simulation results that can be used for further assessment.

EM modelling & simulation



EM modelling & simulation

LAND VEHICLE VTLM EMC ANALYSISClient: Iveco Defence VehiclesLocation: Italy

RINA undertook EMC / E3 Analysis with an EM simulation of the TLC equipment for both RadHaz and functionality assessment. The main activities were EM modelling and simulation, antenna placement optimisation, assistance to acceptance tests carried out by the final client.

BBC MEDIA CITY MANCHESTERClient: ConfidentialLocation: United Kingdom

The RINA EMC team simulated the power frequency magnetic fields from the electrical risers and used the results to quantify and assess the EMC interaction between the risers and sensitive radio and TV studio equipment. Mitigation measures, such as riser shielding, were discussed in detail with the project team.


RINA simulated the power frequency magnetic fields generated by busbars and submains cables inside the data centre to ensure critical IT equipment was compatible with the environment. This simulation was also used as an input into a human exposure assessment.


As part of the EMI / EMC control process of the vessel top side, design validation and final acceptance activities were undertaken including antenna placement optimisation, EM modelling and simulation. For the radar and antenna optimal placement, RINA supported the design of the mast from sketch to detailed design.

Main projects

Computational modelling tools

CST STUDIO SUITE EM field simulation


QUICKFIELD comprehensive

EM solutions product

CADRCnaval avionic radar

cross-section oriented tool

MAGICpower frequency

magnetic field simulation

The anechoic chamber allows testing a system in an effective and repeatable way by isolating it from the external electromagnetic environment. However, each market sector is characterised by dedicated standards and requirements and specific electromagnetic environments that have to be accurately reproduced. We use external EMC test laboratories for their anechoic chamber allowing us the flexibility to undertake testing near to our clients’ sites.

The accurate reproduction of the final electromagnetic environment in the chamber, the correct operation and stimulation of the system during tests, and the effective monitoring of system performance, are essential to achieve a valid and reliable qualification result. Based on our experience and systems engineering approach, we believe that a detailed understanding of a system is the key factor to ensure successful EMC qualification. We, therefore, also invest in testing and analysis outside of the anechoic chamber.

RINA is often involved in troubleshooting activities at the\ end of the project, where EM interference prevents system acceptance. Our experience shows that many of these issues could have been avoided by ensuring adequate EMC management and control during the project development or by trial and fail tests during integration.

EMC qualification, validation & testing



EMC qualification, validation & testing


The RINA EMC team provided test plan and management support, and test supervision at the CISAM anechoic chamber.


RINA undertook electromagnetic qualification of the prototype activities for the development of a multimedia military audio and data switching equipment according to MIL-STD-461 and STANAG 4239 military standards.

AW 169 LANDING GEAR SYSTEM QUALIFICATIONClient: Leonardo Helicopters DivisionLocation: Italy

The RINA EMC team reviewed the qualification test procedure and test report following tests of the equipment in a reverberation chamber.

EM QUALIFICATION OF RAILWAY EQUIPMENTClient: Thales SecurityLocation: United Arab Emirates

We defined the qualification test procedure and reviewed results following testing in an anechoic chamber to IEC 61000 and EN 55022 standards, identifying measures to achieve the qualification requirements.

Main projects

Main services

Supporting clients’ EMC testing

Producing EMC test plans and supporting the definition of test


Witnessing & facilitating EMC testing


Providing cost effective EMC solutions,

mitigation and control measures

With the introduction of European directive 2013/35/EU and the UK CEMFAW regulations, the assessment of EMF exposure at work now forms a mandatory requirement for all employers. Exposure to static and time-varying electromagnetic fields in the workplace (e.g. light industrial, heavy industrial, power generation, railways, and medical) could lead to undesired direct and indirect biophysical effects in the human body due to the presence of EM fields.

Employers have fundamental obligations to meet by assessing the levels of EMFs which employees may be exposed to (exposure assessment), performing an assessment taking into account employees and the general public may be exposed to particular risk (risk assessment) and finally implementing an action plan (take action) to eliminate or minimise the risks. For many industries, compliance can be shown by a simple desktop study. For others, a more detailed assessment involving surveys or modelling may be required.

RINA has many years’ experience with the ICNIRP guidance, on which the legislation is based. We can use a structured approach to cover all the steps appropriate for your workplace, identifying areas of highest risks and validating the site by undertaking surveys. The outcome of our assessment can provide evidence to show your compliance with the new regulations.

EMF exposure risk assessments



EMF exposure risk assessments

ON BOARD EM MEASUREMENTClient: Costa CrociereLocation: Italy

The RINA EMC team provided on board measurements for EMF exposure to assess the impact of the change of high-power cable routing.

“THE BOUNDARY, LODGE ROAD” RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTClient: ConfidentialLocation: United Kingdom

RINA carried out a pre-construction site survey around an existing 66 kV switch house, and near a 400 kV GIS substation, in order to compare the existing power frequency magnetic field levels with human exposure limits (long term, 0.3μT limits). This site survey was then used for further human exposure risk analysis.

PROJECT NOVAClient: ConfidentialLocation: United Kingdom

RINA performed numerical modelling to satisfy the 0.3μT limit (at 50 Hz) in a high end residential and retail building near Victoria Station, London. The power frequency network was modelled in the entire basement and along the electrical risers.

SVC RADIATION MODELLINGClient: ConfidentialLocation: United Kingdom

RINA’s EMC team undertook EM modelling of a Static Var Compensator and associated reactors, and simulation of magnetic fields in a rail traction power substation, providing recommendations and specifications for shielding to minimise the impact at adjacent residential buildings. Post-commissioning shielding effectiveness measurements were then undertaken.

Main projects

Main services

EMF exposure risk assessment

Site surveys and validations of EM


Numerical simulations of

sources of EM fields

Mitigation measures

Test plans and action plans












[email protected]

RINA consists of the parent company RINA S.p.A., the holding which controls the main sub-holdings RINA Services S.p.A. and RINA Consulting S.p.A. In order to ensure compliance with the applicable recognition, authorization, notification and accreditation rules, including those relevant to the management of impartiality, RINA has adopted a governance and organizational model. According to this model, the sub-holdings are subject to direction and co-ordination by the holding in the finance, administration, strategic, organizational, managerial and business continuity fields, while technical and operational decisions remain under the exclusive responsibility of the sub-holdings and their controlled companies. The strict separation of duties in the governing bodies and the impartiality risk assessment, which identifies and manages the impartiality and confl ict of interest threats coming from the company relations, ensure compliance with the applicable impartiality rules.

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