
Electronic Cigarette _____________________________________________________________________________________

By Rebbecaxu Frauluvgasr -

So here you are, searching for as much info about electronic cigarette as you can find, and you have

come to a decent place to get started.

Each of us proceed with our own little worlds and of course there are a lot of things that we take note of

along the way. Not everything that crosses our path holds an interest for us, but we also realize just the

opposite and it is not so easy to explain. No matter what sparked your interest to see what is behind it

all, you have your reasons somewhere in you.

Our talk here will certainly not be comprehensive, but it will advance your knowledge base - that is for


For most smokers, quitting is the hardest thing they will ever do in their lives. There is no one surefire

method to quitting. Research what has worked for others, perhaps it may work for you as well. Try the

tips below and you may find that quitting may be easier than you thought.

If you want to stay away from any weight gain that you will have that is involved with quitting smoking,

try eating fruits and vegetables. This can help help prevent any weight gain. You must remind yourself

that your body will want to eat when you are quitting, you should eat healthy.

In the past, smoking may have been your coping mechanism during stressful periods. If so, then before

you can quit smoking, you'll need another activity to replace smoking during times of stress. Try yoga or

meditating and it can aid you in relieving your stress levels and it is a healthier alternative to smoking.

One of the ways that can help you quit smoking is to change to a different brand of cigarettes. By using a

brand you dislike, smoking will become a bit less appealing. Make sure you don't find yourself smoking a

larger number or inhaling differently to compensate. You will be off to a great start in kicking your habit.

When a cigarette craving strikes, try to implement delays. Tell yourself you are going to wait 10 minutes

to see how you will feel, then try distracting yourself because you will generally find 10 minutes is a

good time frame for the craving to pass. Otherwise, allow yourself another ten minute delay.

Reward yourself every day for a job well done when quitting smoking. Reward yourself in a small way

each time you avoid having a cigarette. For example, if you go a day without a cigarette buy you a small

item as a reward such as a new CD, an article of clothing or even a night out on the town. This will make

the process of quitting more positive, and will give you more incentive to resist cravings.

You will almost certainly be blindsided by cravings and urges for nicotine, even when you haven't

smoked for a long time. It is essential that you don't cave to the craving, or having a single puff. Never

let yourself forget how difficult quitting was when you initially did it. This will motivate you to not throw

away your progress.

In your process to quit smoking, grant yourself rewards along the way to enjoy at the milestones

towards your goal. For example, after a week without smoking, treat yourself to a movie. Once you've

been smoke free for a month, go to a nice restaurant, one that is special to you. As you meet future

milestones, you may wish to either increase your rewards or simply phase them out.

Make a list of things to keep yourself busy during a craving, and keep it somewhere that you can access

quickly. Having several ideas on paper will help you to focus on something more productive. You could

include enjoyable things such as a relaxing bath, a walk with your dog, or playing a video game.

Nonsmokers can never understand why you would continue to smoke cigarettes, in spite of all the

severe health damage that smoking causes. Those who are not addicted to nicotine will also never

realize how hard it is to give up. Some individuals have managed to quit, however, and their strategies

were shared here. This advice can be applied to your unique situation to help you gain freedom from

your chemical dependency.

So... What's Next ?

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