Page 1: Elements, Conditions and Resources. See to it that the major concepts or terms are clearly defined. The concepts must be such that they can be represented

Research ProblemElements, Conditions and Resources

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See to it that the major concepts or terms are clearly defined. The concepts must be such that they can be represented by some evidence which can be obtained through direct or indirect activities which are feasible

Page 3: Elements, Conditions and Resources. See to it that the major concepts or terms are clearly defined. The concepts must be such that they can be represented

Elements of a Research Problem

Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation. This answers the question “Why?” Why is there an investigation, inquiry or study?

The subject matter or topic to be investigated. This answers the question “what?” What is to be investigated or studied?

The place or locale where the research is to be conducted. This answers the question “Where?” Where is the study to be conducted?

The period or time of the study during which the data are to be gathered. This answers the question “When?” When is the study to be carried out?

Population or universe from whom the data are to be collected. This answers the question “Who?” or “From Whom?” Who are the respondents? From whom are the date to be gathered?

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Example of a Research Problem

To determine the status of teaching science in the High school Department of San Beda College during the school year 2010-211.

Aim or purpose: To determine the status of Subject Matter or topic: The teaching of SciencePlace or Locale: In the High School Department of

San Beda CollegePeriod of Time: During the school year 2010-2011Population: The respondents are implied to be

either the teachers or the pupils or both

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In formulating the title of the Research inquiry the aim is usually omitted and sometimes the population is not also included. In the above example the



YEAR 2010-2011.”

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This is one of the most important parts of a research report. This is the focus of the study and all questions stated should be categorically answered.

Basically, every research starts with a problem/s. At the start, the problem you may have chosen is very broad. In this case, it needs to be made specific. Or the major problem may be broken into smaller, limited ones.

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How can you make the Problem specific?

1. Read a lot of reading materials. Your topic is broad because you do not know much about it yet. In this case you need to survey the literature. Let’s say that you have chosen interest as your topic.

2. The first step that you should do is to define interest. Get the definition from several sources. Learn how to take down notes and write your definitions on cards. Read books written by foreign authors. Consult local authors as well by referring to books in education and psychology.

3. Continue reading the literature. What do authors say about interest?

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4. What special aspects about interest did you gather? Can you identify some variables? Is it interest in playthings or in reading materials that you found? Does sex make interests differ? Do groups of various socio-economic statuses differ in their interest?The presence of variables makes your investigation more useful and more interesting.

5. Read about studies that have been conducted on interest. What did these investigations find? What variables did they use? All of these findings should be written on your cards or slips of paper, one investigator to a page.

 6. At this point also, you are delimiting your broad problem into

specific ones. Perhaps you are ready to pick your variables, only one or two since you are a beginner.

7. Have you decided who you will study? Will your subjects be elementary school pupils or older students?

 8. You may now state your problems. Think of the variables you have

chosen. Think also of the subjects you will use. State the problem in the form of a question. Bear in mind that you may still restate the problem later but in this way you already have a beginning.

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Personal experience; a sensitive person can easily discern the difficulties or abnormalities that affect not only him but others as well.

 Symposia, dialogues, or ordinary meetings – given by the

speakers; needs to reformulate the statement of the problem into one which will meet the requirements of a good research problem.

Journals, books, theses or dissertations and the mass media – (radio, television, movies, newspapers and magazines) – issues or concerns which require scientific investigation.

Theories – represents generalizations and principles which the results of a study may validate or reject

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In a research problem research resources play very important and significant role. Unless resources are adequate and appropriate no purposeful research can be possible.

Use of tools Availability of Data

Availability of Research Personnel Specialization of Institution

Research Equipments Finances as research Resource

Size of the problem Starting point of a research problem

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The following are some of the important conditions for formulation of a research problem:

1. The researcher must be well aware of the area in which he is going to research.

2. He should be well conversant with different theories in the field.

3. He should have full knowledge of the findings of the studies of others in the field and also the reports and available records. He should equally be aware of inconsistent theories and abridged gaps.

4. He should seek enlightenment from experienced persons including administrators/researchers and others.

5. Another factor is that the researcher should have critical, curious and imaginative frame of mind.

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The TITLE Guidelines in writing the Title. The thesis writer should be guided by the

following in the formulation of his title. These are also the characteristics of the title.

1.) Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It may be revised and refined later if there is a need.

2.) The title must contain the subject matter of the study, the locale of the study, the population involved, and the period when the data were gathered or will be gathered.

3.) It must be broad enough to include all aspects of the subject matter studied or to be studied. Hence, the title indicates what is expected to be found inside the thesis report.

4.) It must be as brief and concise as possible.

5.) Avoid using the terms “An Analysis of,” “A Study of,” “An Investigation of” and the like. All these things are understood to have been done or to be done when a research is conducted.

6.) If the title contains more than one line, it must be written like an inverted pyramid, all words in capital letters.


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Parts of the Research PaperApproval sheet

Acknowledgement Chapter 1 The problem and its background

IntroductionBackground of the Study

ObjectivesStatement of the Problem

HypothesisModel of the study

SignificanceDefinition of Terms

Chapter 2 Review of Related Studies and LiteratureChapter 3 Methods or research procedure

Chapter 4 Data and resultsChapter 5 Conclusion recommendation


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QUIZ1-2. Define Research.

3-4. How can research serve man?

5-12. Scientific Method of Research

13-14. What is Bibliography and what is its use?

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- Consuelo G. Sevilla, Ed. D.Jesus A. Ochave, Ph. D.

- Research Methods- Metro Manila- National Bookstore, Inc.- 1995- p. 23-50

Page 16: Elements, Conditions and Resources. See to it that the major concepts or terms are clearly defined. The concepts must be such that they can be represented


-Padua, Roberto N.-Elements of Research an Statistical


-Cagayan de Oro City- MPSC Publishing- 2000- p. 12-32

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