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E-mail(120 words):

Dear Ben,How are you? Im sorry for not writing you the entire week, but Ive been busy with preparing for the final exams.Firstly, I want to thank you for the notes and the laptop you borrowed me. Theyve been really useful and my work is almost finished. I feel secure and ready to sustain the exams. But, there is a little problemYesterday, when I was walking in the park, looking for a bench to sit and read the e-book from your laptop, a girl just cut my road and bumped into me. Until I realised what just happened, the girl was sitting in front of me, complaining about scratching her knee and your laptop was broken to pieces on the ground. We got up and then she appologised for disturbing me, but I couldnt pay attention to what she said because I was to concentrated on how to solve the problem. I know youll get angry when you find out. Meanwhile, she saw the broken technological instrument and assured me that shell pay for all the damages. Right now, Im going to meet her at the coffee bar to talk about buying a new laptop for you in order to make up for the broken one and regain your trust. I hope that is still possible.Moreover, Im finishing my exams this week so I think I can make some time to meet you and return the things you borrowed. Let me know if you are available. I look forward to hearing from you and I will be excited if you choose to meet me!Best wishes, Andrei

Essay(180 words): All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them Walt DisneyI never thought myself as being a coward. Always, in every type of siuation, I like to believe that I risked and done my best. I believe that, in order to follow your dream and make it come true, you are obliged to be positive and take some risks. You know how they say: without risks, theres no reward.Everyone has a dream. Ever since we are kids, we dream big! At age of 5, we dream to become superheroes. At 10, our dreams are related to becoming a famous rally-driver. Furthermore, at 16 we want to become tv-stars or celebrities and at 20, our dreams follow the path where we can gain lots of money and grow into a succesful person. Even a sixty-year old person has a dream, even if iits related to creating the most beautiful garden arrangement. Our lives are guided by our dreams and thats a fact that we can not change.On the other side of the coin, we are divided in two classes of people: the ones that sacrifice everything to make the ends meet with their dream, and the ones that are afraid of failure. If you are motivated to do something, it doesnt matter if you loose what you have. You are focused on what benefits and pleasures will give you the fulfillment of your dream. Those people should be named courageous because they have a stoned trust and the stubborness of a mule.Courage is defined as the quality of mind which enables a person to face difficulties without fear. Sometimes, in order to achieve what youve always wanted, you must deal with problems and other difficulties. Also, courage is something that you are born with. It can not be teached and it ceartainly can not be stolen or developed. Always, in spite of making a dream come true, youve got to discover the courage in you and harness it. This might be the only way for you to become what you dreamed of since you were a child: an important and succesfull person.I strongly believe that our dreams give us a purpose in life. So, never quit, do your best and involve all your strenght and knowledge. Trust me, if you do as I say, soon enough youll see considerable results and you will achieve the impossible. Nothing is impossible if you just believe.

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