Page 1: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

10 Wickedly Effective Ways to Improve Your

Email Marketing Results Right NOW!




Page 2: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

The tips I’ll share with you below are short, to the point, and have been battle-tested in harsh reality of business.

They may look deceptively simple, but don’t let that fool you.

Almost all of these tips can be implemented right now, and you can expect to see improvements by tomorrow, maybe sooner.

If you were expecting a long, drawn out explanation that goes into detail on each tip, you will be disappointed. Each tip is explained with brevity in mind.

Use your own noggin when putting the tactics and strategies to use, because without your own personal input and imagination, your marketing IQ will suffer.

Good luck.


Page 3: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

When you push the ‘send’ button on your email, you MUST ‘think’ about the other two dozen emails inside your subscribers inbox, at that exact time, ALL looking for the attention you are after.

That’s the reality we are all faced with.

If you think you can write just any old email and expect it to be read ahead of your competitors, you’re mistaken. It will be ignored.

Now, more than ever, your subscribers are going to their inbox, and without even thinking about it, they are deleting email after email after email without even opening them.

You must find a way to get their attention without being a loud, obnoxious hype-artist, and keep their attention by being relatable, real, and the kind of person they could imagine being friends with

Understand that WHO you are is just as important as WHAT you know. With so much knowledge and information out there cluttering up your prospects lives, it’s foolish to think that your content will be enough to get their attention.

Inject your personality into every email you write, and never write to please.

For years millions of people tuned into watch The X Factor, not to see talent singing their little hearts out, but to watch Simon Cowell rip into the singers with his polarizing quips.

Think about that!

#1: Stand Out

Page 4: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Email is a relationship building medium. It’s not a blog. It’s not a social media platform. It’s not a sales page.

This report is mine.

Facebook is Zuckerberg’s.

That affiliate offer you are sending your subscribers to, is owned by a stranger they don’t even know.

However, the email you just sent for your subscribers to read, is landing inside THEIR home.

They own that platform.

That’s why you must engage them in their own living-room instead of sending them off, prematurely, to someone elses platform where they feel less comfortable.

Get their attention with your subject line. Keep their attention with a well-crafted email. And then redirect them to an offer you want them to look at.

Do NOT link out to a strangers offer before you get a chance to say your piece. They’ve let you into their home, don’t try to get them out the bloody door too early.

Email is personal. Keep it that way. There’s no other platform online that’s as personal to your subscribers.

#2: Engagement

Page 5: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Don’t be afraid to piss people off with an opinion. Rough talk, moves people. Timid ‘I don’t want to offend anyone ‘doesn’t move anyone to do much of anything.

There was a time when getting email, heck, even getting advertisements online, was a novelty. Not anymore.

Your subscribers have seen enough of the hype.

They have been lied to many times by marketers who claimed to have their best interests at heart.

They won’t be spurned again by the nicey nice marketer with the outfacing ‘pleasing’ persona, but sits behind the computer with a striped jumper and a balaclava ready to run for the hills with their hard earned cash.

You want to be liked and trusted?

Be a real human, with real opinions; the person who tells it like it is regardless if it ruffles a few nitwits’ feathers.

Almost every email they will read today will say something nice and positive. That’s fine, but understand that NO human being has a life without problems. The most relatable people are the ones who aren't afraid to show their dark side once in a while.

It’s human to do so.

Have strong opinions, and don’t be afraid to call out bullshit when you see it.

#3: Timidity Sucks

Page 6: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Send DAILY emails.

The more you’re inside your subscriber’s inbox, the quicker you’ll build relationships.

Just know that your emails have to be engaging, entertaining, and worth reading. The more you email, the more money you make… period.

I’ve heard many people say they don’t like getting daily emails.

I’m surprised they haven’t got empty inboxes if that’s the case.

There are no empty inboxes.

Everyone gets daily emails.

What people don’t like, are crap daily emails.

You become the constant inside their inbox when everyone else is just dropping in from time to time.

Imagine saying to your partner “oh sorry dear, I just want to talk to you 3 times a week, it’s pissing me off seeing your mug every day” - Smack in the mouth is what you’ll get.

If your partner is a pain in the arse, you’ll end the relationship soon enough anyway, and so will your subscribers. No big deal either way. The fit wasn’t right for both parties.

#4: Follow Up

Page 7: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Never know what to write about in an email?

Okay, dedicate one hour each day to reading something valuable about your chosen market. Take notes as you go.

Write an email about what you learned.

Not too difficult, is it?

The people who run out of ideas for emails, are the very people who aren’t educating themselves.

Don’t just read content ideas inside your own market. That’s a sure-fire way to never stand out. Cross-pollinate by taking ideas from many

different industries and adapting the concepts to your own.

Predictability is one of the biggest reasons your emails will be ignored.

Say something different. Make your readers think in a different way. Cross-Pollinate ideas from different industries and you’ll become a better writer. In the ‘fitness’ market for example, there’s a great deal of cross-over between your body get FAT and LAZY from eating too much junk food, and your brain getting FAT and LAZY from consuming too much junk information. You get me? There’s plenty of new ways to talk about your market, in new way simply by borrowing ideas from different markets.

#5: Interest

Page 8: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Grab attention by injecting kooky, controversial, bizarre and shock elements into your subject lines.

Example: Why I beat my 10-year-old nephew with a baseball bat. You don’t have to be so bold.

I wrote that subject line to my own email list – and it got a whopping response. As I expected it to. But I wrote it to a list that knows I like to push the envelope from time to time.

They understand that I like to make my content entertaining and interesting, hence the reason they open my emails.

Now, obviously I didn’t beat my 10-year-old nephew with a baseball bat – and anyone who thought that I did, has some serious mental issues to deal with – and someone I don’t want on my email list.

Another Example of attention grabbing subject lines:

Are you selling to peasants, commoners, tramps and hobos?

Oompa Lumpa showed me his Willy Wonka

There’s no great mystery to this.

Not being boring is what we’re after here.

Nothing more.

#6: Subject Lines

Page 9: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

You know why people scan through the emails inside their inbox?

It’s because the very first sentence or paragraph they read, has already bored them to tears.

That’s a generalization for sure, but it isn’t going to help the readability of your email if the opening doesn’t grab your reader by the short ‘n curly’s.


Original: If you want to make your website much more profitable, you have to take a look at this.

That’s boring, isn’t it?

Rewrite: Does your website suck? Is it losing you money? Take a look at this

Much better.

Always open your email with a bang. Grab the reader’s attention immediately. If you don’t, you are giving them no good reason to not skim your email.

You have such a small window of opportunity to reel them in; don’t mess it up by pissing about with passive, boring sentences and paragraphs.

#7: BANG!

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Whenever you sit down to write an email, you want to set your intention to one of the following elements...








Now, crank up your internal dialogue to about 80% - and start writing from that place.

You want to be always walking a tightrope; coloring outside the lines, and making sure your emails have the element of unpredictability in them.

Politicians and marketers are not trusted because they ALWAYS tell their audience the ‘fluffy’ stuff they want to hear. If that’s ALL you do, your readers will eventually become blinded to your message. However, when you ‘rock the boat’ and take a different approach than what everyone else is saying, you will stand out and get more attention, even if what you say isn’t always agreed with.

#8: You Are It!

Page 11: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Sometimes it can be difficult coming up with a theme for your emails.

What will I talk about?

Something motivational?


With templates, you can fast track the writing process if you eliminate any unnecessary noise holding you back.

In the early days I set up a simple writing schedule like so…

Monday: Write an email about a T.V show, Movie, Current event.

Tuesday: Write an email about something motivational.

Wednesday: Write an email about a popular question being asked in a popular forum

And so on.

At last when it came to a certain day, I had a theme in mind on what to create an email about – and that made it much easier to come up with an email idea.

Sometimes all you need is a starting point to get you moving and writing your emails.

Create a template for each day of the week, and stick to it until you don’t need to.

#9: Templates

Page 12: EMAIL MARKETING HEAT SHEET - SKINNYTACTICS · The more you [re inside your subscriber [s inbox, the quicker you [ll build relationships. Just know that your emails have to be engaging,

Start your email out with a bang (as stated above). Make sure you don’t pitch anything in the beginning of the email. And always make your emails personal.

You MUST start with the relationship in mind first – and then segue into your offer.

And… you MUST have an offer in every email you send out. As long as you believe in the products you are promoting, there’s no reason not to.

Look. FREE content inside emails doesn’t help anyone. If you want to know how true this is, just ask yourself how much success you have had from advice given to you inside the emails you read.


If your free stuff is better than your paid stuff, then you have some serious issues, right?

That means your paid stuff is going to help your readers more, doesn’t it?

So, why would you not want to put your paid stuff in front of them at every given opportunity?

FACT… If you are shy about selling in every email, then you simply DO NOT believe in what you are selling. PERIOD.

#10: Sell Sell Sell

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If you want to read more ‘short’ tips on Marketing, simply click on the link below to go to my blog

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