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    CURRENT POSITION Secretary General Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    CONTACT INFORMATION Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Diplomatic Quarter P.O. Box 94656 Riyadh 11614 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: (00966) 11 290 5510 Fax: (00966) 11 290 5558 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mobile: 0555300232

    PERSONAL INFORMATION Nationality: Saudi Place of Birth: Abha Date of Birth: 10/09/1954 Marital Status: Married, has 8 children SCHS Registration No: 99-RM-03 Expiration Date: 06-06-2017


    1979 MBBS King Saud University 1986 FRCS (Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons,


    1992 FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeon) 2012 FCPS Honorary Fellow of the College of

    Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

    EDUCATION Primary Education (1961-1972)

    1961 - 1967 Elementary School 1967 - 1969 Intermediate School 1969 - 1972 Secondary School UNIVERSITY (1972-1979) MBBS King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    INTERNSHIP (1979-1980)

    3 months - General Surgery Riyadh Central Hospital - Riyadh, KSA

    3 months - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Riyadh Central Hospital - Riyadh, KSA

    3 months - Paediatrics Riyadh Central Hospital - Riyadh, KSA

    3 months - Internal Medicine King Abdulaziz University Hospital - Riyadh, KSA


    10th July 1980 to 25th July 1981 General Surgery Resident King Khalid University Hospital (Central Hospital Unit) Riyadh, KSA

    1st August 1982 to 1st February 1982 A&E Resident King Khalid University Hospital (Central Hospital ER) Riyadh, KSA

    1st April 1982 to 30th August 1982 General Surgery Resident Toronto University Canada

    1st November 1982 to 30th April 1983 Orthopaedic Resident King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    1st May 1983 to 30th April 1984 General Surgery Resident King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    1st July 1984 to 30th June 1986 General Surgery Resident University of Alberta Hospital Edmonton Canada


    [email protected] 0555300232

    Email: [email protected]: 0555300232

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    1986 - 1992 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GENERAL SURGERY Abha College of Medicine King Saud University Abha, KSA

    1992 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF GENERAL SURGERY College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA

    1998 PROFESSOR OF GENERAL SURGERY College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA

    2009 PROFESSOR OF GENERAL SURGERY College of Medicine Alfaisal University Riyadh, KSA

    Since my appointment as Assistant Professor of Surgery in 1986, I was extensively involved in the teaching of under- and postgraduate students of different levels, coordinating and designing the surgical courses. In 1989, I was appointed as Dean of the College of Medicine, King Saud University, Abha branch. During my deanship I was involved teaching, supervision of different courses and chairing of many academic as well as educational committees. I was also an Examiner in the Arab Board and Saudi Board for Surgery; consequently, I was invited several times as External Examiner in other countries like Syria, Egypt, and Yemen. In 1992, I joined King Fahad Hospital, AI-Madinah AI-Munawarah in secondment from the university to take the position of the Medical Director as Consultant General Surgeon. During this time, I participated very actively in the teaching of the postgraduate students in the Arab Board Program and in the fellowship of Ireland and Edinburgh. Additionally, I was supervising and chairing the committees concerned with the postgraduate training programs. ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENT

    1987 - 1989 VICE DEAN FOR CLINICAL AFFAIRS Abha College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    I have been involved extensively in the administration of the college and the hospital as Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs and Dean of the college. Managing and supervising the college teaching staff as well as developing the curriculum for the Medical School in Abha as it was in its early years of establishment during my term as the Dean of the college. The clinical teaching was consolidated by the Ministry of Health Hospital, we established the protocol for the cooperation between the two institutions, chaired the College Board, Curriculum Committee, Research Centre and other important committees. Involved very actively in the management of the Assir Central Hospital Department of Surgery, ensuring a good standard of medical care to the patient. and keeping an active continuous educational activity at the hospital. During my term as a Head of Department of Surgery, the Department was recognized from the Arab Board and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland for Pre-fellowship requirement training. I have an extensive experience in the recruitment of doctors and nurses as I am the one who was doing the recruitment for the College of Medicine, and was doing it for Assir Central Hospital for 3years.

    1992 - 1995 MEDICAL DIRECTOR King Fahad Hospital Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, KSA

    I joined King Fahad Hospital in AI-Medina Al-Munawarah as the Medical Director and Consultant Surgeon, taking care of the management of the different department of the hospital related to the Medical Director. I have put the By-laws, Policy and Procedures of the Clinical Departments and started all the important

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    Committees required to run the hospital smoothly and ensure a high level of medical care delivery.


    Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Riyadh, KSA

    I was appointed in this position - taking care of all the professional aspects of the Saudi Commission tasks, I joined the Saudi Commission at early period of its constitution. I was involved very heavily in the administrative managements and establishing different committees for Saudi Board Training Programs in more than 30 specialties, in addition to the involvement of putting the Policies and Procedures and By-laws of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. I am also representing the SCHS in many important committees in the Ministry of Health, e.g. the Higher Medical Committee and Higher Training Committee. Also, Acting for the Secretary General during his vacations.


    National Medical Care Company Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    National Medical Care Company (NMC) is a medical company that owns and manages two (2) big private hospitals in Riyadh, KSA (Riyadh care Hospital and National Hospital). As a Medical Director, I was overseeing and managing the medical aspect of this business, planning for the Improvement and upgrading of the hospitals services. I chaired many important committees including the Capital Equipment Purchasing Committee while the NMC Forms Committee and the NMC Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee were reporting to me as Medical Director of NMC. Besides chairing hospital committees, I was also with the recruitment panel responsible for interviewing and selecting medical staff wherein I could make use of my extensive experience in medical staff recruitment since 1988. I was a member of the recruitment panel of Witikar Company and thereafter the Washington Healthcare Company, and the Ministry of Health, recruiting medical and non-medical staff for government and private hospitals. Concurrent of being the Medical Director of both hospitals, I was also the Chief of Medical Staff of Riyadh Care Hospital, which is about 300-beded hospital with a very busy practice In all aspects of medical specialties. As such, I chaired the Hospital Price List Committee, Credentialing and Privileging Committee, and the Medical Executive Committee. Likewise, there were several significant committees reporting to me namely: Ambulatory Care Committee, Handicaps and Mortality Committee, Infection Control Committee, Code Blue, Peer Review, Operating Room Committee, Ethics Committee, etc. I was also instrumental in the realization of some hospital projects like the IVF Unit (ART Care Unit), Paediatric ICU, Laparoscopic Unit, Lasik Unit, and the project of establishing an Orthopaedic Unit in the Hospital in collaboration with the Bio Motion Foundation in Florida, USA. I was also involved in the recruitment of medical staff, local and international, for both Riyadh Care Hospital and Riyadh National Hospital. My active involvement as Member of the Steering Committee and Sub-Committee Chairman tasked to prepare the hospital towards accreditation, both local and international the Joint Commission International Accreditation granted the hospital's "Gold Seal" signifying that the Hospital has been accredited Internationally. Additionally, our active Continuing Medical Education Department, the Ambulatory Care Services, the Medical Library, and the BCLS Programs were also under my concern. Although I am very busy in the medical administration aspects of the company. still I had to attend fully booked outpatient clinics including a regular operating session. Further, I used to be the acting during the leaves of the Director General of the Company (National Medical Care Company) and the Director General of Riyadh Care Hospital.



    Abha General Hospital & Assir Central Hospital (affiliated with College of Medicine) Abha, KSA

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    King Fahad Hospital Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, KSA


    Department of Surgery College of Medicine King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    Department of Surgery Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    I have a very extensive experience as a General and Laparoscopic Surgeon with special interest in Thoracic and Biliary Surgery. I have performed a large number of operations in different fields of general, thoracic and vascular surgery, including the most major type of operations which can be done in this field. In spite of my administrative commitment as a Dean of the College and the Head of the Department of Surgery, I managed to keep myself as one of the busiest surgeons in the department performing a long O.R. list and running the outpatient clinical. I have a very good experience in Laparoscopic Surgery (Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Hernia Repair, laparoscopic Splenectomy and other laparoscopic Procedures). We started the Robotic surgery at King Khalid University Hospital as the first group of surgeons trained in this technology in the Middle East.


    1 Chairman, College Board Abha Medical College of Medicine, King Saud University

    2 Member, College Board Abha Medical College of Medicine, King Saud University

    3 Member, Department of Surgery Meetings (Monthly) Abha Medical College of Medicine, King Saud University

    4 Member, University Council King Saud University

    5 Member, High University Council King Saud University

    6 Chairman, Educational Committee Assir Central Hospital,Abha

    7 Member, High Medical Committee Assir Central Hospital,Abha

    8 Member, Mortality and Morbidity Committee Assir Central Hospital, Abha

    9 Member, Quality Assurance Committee Assir Central Hospital, Abha

    10 Member, Patient Friendship Association Assir Region

    11 Chairman, Continuous Medical Education Committee King Fahad Hospital, Al-Madinah AI-Munawarah

    12 Chairman, Disaster Plan Committee King Fahad Hospital, Al-Madinah AI-Munawarah

    13 Chairman, Quality Assurance Committee King Fahad Hospital, Al-Madinah AI-Munawarah

    14 Chairman, Medical Executive Committee King Fahad Hospital, AI-Madinah AI-Munawarah

    15 Chairman, Regional CPR Committee AI-Madinah Al-Munawarah

    16 Member, Regional Medical Postgraduate Committee AI-Madinah AI-Munawarah

    17 Member, Scientific Council, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Saudi Commission for Health Specialities, Riyadh, KSA

    18 Member, Examination Committee, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Saudi Commission for Health Specialities, Riyadh, KSA

    19 Chairman, General Surgery Program Local Training Committee, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Saudi Commission for Health Specialities, Riyadh, KSA

    20 Chairman, Planning Committee, Department of Surgery Medical College, King Saud University, Riyadh,

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    21 Chairman, Medical By-Laws Committee College of Medicine, King Saud University

    22 Member, Higher Medical Committee, Ministry of Health Riyadh, KSA

    23 Member, Higher Training Committee, Ministry of Health Riyadh, KSA

    24 Member, Accreditation Committee Saudi Commission for Health Specialities, Riyadh, KSA

    25 Member & Advisor, Committee for Establishment of Private Medical School, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center

    Riyadh, KSA

    26 Member, Advisory Committee for the Establishment of National Guard Medical School

    Riyadh, KSA

    27 Member, Executive Management Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    28 Chairman, Medical Executive Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    29 Chairman, Credentialing and Privileging Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    30 Member, Hospital Steering Committee on Hospital Accreditation

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    31 Chairman, Capital Equipment Purchasing Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    32 Chairman, Hospital Pricelist Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    33 Chairman, NMC Surgery Steering Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    34 Member, NMC New Projects Committee Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    35 Member, Advisory Board for the Medical College & University Hospitals

    King Saud University Riyadh, KSA

    36 Member, Board of Trustees, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Riyadh, KSA

    37 Chairman Executive Council in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Riyadh, KSA

    38 Chairman of the Classification and Registration Committee Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Riyadh, KSA

    39 Chairman of the Board of Health Scientific Societies Riyadh, KSA


    1 Alberta Medical Association, Candidate Groups of American College of Surgeons

    2 Member, National CPR Committee

    3 Member, World Association of Hepato-Biliary Surgery

    4 Member, American College of Surgeon (Fellow)

    5 Governor, American College of Surgeons Chapter in KSA

    6 Member, Asian Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons Association (ELSA)

    7 Member, Board of Directors, Saudi Minimal Invasive Surgery Association

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    8 Member, Board of Directors, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

    9 Member, Investment Committee, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

    10 President, Manpower Services Extension Committee, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

    11 Member, Investment Committee, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

    12 President, Mission and Training Committee, Ministry of Health

    13 Member, Saudi Health Council

    14 Member, Board of Directors, National Commission for Accreditation and Assessment

    15 Secretary, Board of Trustees, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties


    Date Course Title Venue

    1991 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Course Tabouk Military Hospital

    1992 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Course Gottingen, Germany

    1992 Laparoscopic Course (Advanced) & Laboratory Training in the use of Auto-Suture Surgical Staplers


    1995 Advanced Laparoscopic Course Tabouk Military Hospital

    1999 Advanced Laparoscopic Course Strasbourg, France

    2001 Laparoscopic Bariatric Course Strasbourg, France

    2002 Medical Education Course - King Saud University Riyadh, KSA

    2003 Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Course Strasbourg, France

    2003 Robotic Surgery Training France, Germany & Italy

    2003 Minimally Invasive Gastrointestinal, Endocrine and Paediatric Surgery Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    2003 Medical Education Course King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    1. Member, International Advisory Board of JK Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery. March 2001 - 2002

    2. Member and Advisor, Committee for Establishment of Private Medical School at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center. Along with other members of the committee, we prepared a complete proposal for the establishment of the Medical School, including the curriculum. We also visited many Medical Schools in USA and Canada for this purpose.

    May 2003 - July 2004

    3. Member, Advisory Committee for the Establishment of National Guard Medical School from. 4. Member of the Accreditation Committee in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.


    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    1. 20 November, 1989 Symposium in Limb Trauma Abha Medical College Abha, KSA


    2. 29-30 November, 1989 2nd Assir Trauma Symposium Abha Medical College Abha, KSA


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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    3. 9-20 November, 1989 Medical & Surgical Aspect of Hepatobiliary Disease Symposium

    Riyadh Military Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    4. 29-30 October 1989 International Symposium on living with Diabetes

    Abha Medical College Abha, KSA


    5. 30-31 May, 1989 Symposium on Community Participation & Intersectoral Coordination in Primary Health Care

    Abha, KSA Attendee

    6. 14-15 February, 1989 Improvement of the Nursing Care Services throughout the Ministry of Health Hospitals

    Abha, KSA Attendee

    7. 30-31 October, 1990 2nd International Symposium on Diabetes

    Abha Medical College Abha, KSA


    8. 29 March, 1989 The Renal Transplant Symposium

    Khamis Mushayt Military Hospital

    Khamis Mushayt, KSA


    9. May, 1989 Assir Surgical Society (Bi-monthly)

    Asir Central Hospital Attendee

    10. 7 September, 1991 Trauma Symposium Asir Central Hospital Attendee & Presenter: DVT & Pulmonary Embolism in Surgical Patients

    11. 2-3 October, 1991 Symposium on the Future of Primary Health Care in Saudi Arabia

    King Faisal University Dammam, KSA


    12. 24-26 February, 1991 The 4th Gastroenterology & Endoscopy Symposium

    Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    13. 24-25 January, 1990 The International Symposium on Thyroid Gland Disease

    Security Forces Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    14. 26-27 December, 1991 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Course

    Tabouk Military Hospital Tabouk, KSA


    15. 22-23 February, 1992 A New Dimension in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy

    Jubail Attendee & Presenter: Essential Diagnostic Requirements in Hepatic-Cell Carcinoma

    16. 27-28 April, 1994 5th Assir Surgical Conference Abha Medical College Abha, KSA

    Attendee & Presenter: AI-Madinah Experience in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 384 patients

    17. 1994 New Dimensions in Minimally Invasive Surgery

    Tabouk Military Hospital Tabouk, KSA


    18. 19 November, 1997 5th Annual Meeting of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association

    AI-Khobar, KSA Attendee

    19. 1999 International Laparoscopic College of Medicine Attendee

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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    Meeting King Saud University Riyadh, KSA

    20. 2001 Minimal Invasive Conference College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    21. 22-24 February, 2000 Symposium on Laparoscopic Surgery

    College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    22. 16-20 September, 2000 2nd Integrated Surgical Course Riyadh Medical Complex Riyadh, KSA


    23. 21-22 February, 2001 Surgery of Morbid Obesity Workshop

    College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    24. 17 January, 2002 Mini Symposium on Colorectal Cancer

    Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital

    Riyadh, KSA


    25. 9 March, 2003 Workshop on Skills of Instructional Methods

    College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    26. 11 May, 2003 Uses of Computer in Medical Education Course

    College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh, KSA


    27. 30 November, 2006 Evidence Based Medicine: A New Paradigm Lecture

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    28. 17 December, 2006 Oyslipidaemia Management in High Risk Patient Lecture

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    29. 18 December, 2006 Cardiovascular Safety of COX-2 Lecture

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    30. 25 April, 2007 Healthcare Organization Accreditation Standards: National Demand

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    31. 28 February, 2008 Focus on Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy Workshop

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Organizer

    32. 28-30 April, 2008 1st Saudi International Conference on Medical Education

    King Fahad Medical City Riyadh


    33. 30-31 August, 2008 Data Management & KPI's Workshop

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    34. 15 November, 2008 Management Guru Event - Tom Peters in Saudi: A Leadership - Seminar Organized by Institute for International Research (IIR) Middle East

    KSA Attendee

    35. 12 February 2009 Symposium on Endocrine Emergencies

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    36. 7-9 March 2009 4th Annual General Surgery Symposium & Workshop

    King Fahad Cultural Centre

    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    37. 10 May, 2009 Seminar on Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Organizer of the Physician Education Series conducted by Riyadh Care Hospital in Collaboration with International American Surgeons

    38. 2 June, 2009 Seminar on Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery

    39. 12 July, 2009 Seminar on Orthopaedics, Neuro-spine, Child & Adult Deformities

    40. 15 -18 August, 2009 Application of Balanced Scorecard Course Study

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    41. 18 -20 October, 2009 2009 Healthcare Quality Week Riyadh Care Hospital QL Department Riyadh, KSA


    42. 5 November, 2009 Attended the Symposium on Recent Advances in Trauma Management

    Riyadh Care Hospital Riyadh, KSA


    43. 13 June, 2010 Medicine & Law Forum Riyadh, KSA Attendee & Presenter: The Role of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in the Quality of Health Service

    44. 23-24 October, 2010 Medicine & Human Communities Symposium

    Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    45. 28-29 November, 2010 The Saudi Arabian Conference on Residency Education

    Marriot Hotel Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Presenter: Overview on Postgraduate Training Present & Future

    46. 30 December, 2010 SCFHS Strategic Plan Workshop Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

    Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Workshop President

    47. 11 October, 2010 Medical Errors Forum Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    48. 29 December, 2010 Symposium on Resident Research Day

    Security Forces Hospital Prince Naif Auditorium Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Presenter: Research Ethics

    49. 12-14 March, 2011 Saudi Conference for Colleges of Health Sciences (CCHS)

    Marriot Hotel Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Presenter: The Role of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS) in Health Education & Training

    50. 17 May, 2011 ATLS Symposium 2011 Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    51. 10-11 April, 2011 Health Insurance Conference “Options & Prospects”

    Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Centre

    Riyadh, KSA


    52. 21 November, 2011 First Patient Relations Symposium

    Ministry of Health Riyadh, KSA


    53. 7-9 February, 2012 2nd Saudi Arabian Conference on Marriot Hotel Attendee

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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    Residency Education Riyadh, KSA

    54. 22-24 April, 2012 Patient Safety Conference Riyadh Intercontinental Hotel

    Riyadh, KSA


    55. 22-26 April, 2012 The Saudi International Medical Education Conference

    National Guard Attendee & Presenter: Innovating Postgraduate Medical Education in KSA

    56. 2-4 December, 2012 The 1st International Conference on Assessment & Evaluation

    Riyadh Intercontinental Hotel

    Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee and Session 15 Chair

    57. 12-13 December, 2012 11th Meeting of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA)

    Marriot Hotel Riyadh, KSA


    58. 18 February, 2013 Health Insurance Conference Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    59. 19 February, 2013 1st Conference of Health Management

    Riyadh, KSA Attendee & Session Chair

    60. 09-11 March, 2013 1st International Health Specialtiesʹ Conference

    Marriot Hotel Riyadh, KSA

    Attendee & Conference President

    61. 29 April, 2013 4th International Critical Care Conference

    Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    62. 3 April, 2013 Saudi e-heath Conference Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    63. 03 March, 2014 CanMed Workshop Jeddah, KSA Attendee

    64. 12-14 April, 2014 e-Health Forum Jeddah, KSA Attendee

    65. 15-17 April, 2014 5th International Critical Care Conference

    Al Faisaliah Hotel Prince Sultan Hall Riyadh, KSA


    66. 1 August, 2014 MOH Conference: The Most Important Challenges

    Riyadh, KSA Attendee

    67. 3-5 February, 2015 7th Medical Career Day Intercontinental Hotel Taif, KSA

    Attendee & Presenter: Saudi Local Clinical & Collaborative Programs

    68. 11-13 April, 2015 2nd International Health Specialties Conference

    Burj Rafal Hotel Kempinski

    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    Attendee & Conference President


    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    1. 13-17 December, 1987 Hepate-Biliary Pancreatic (HBP) Conference

    Lund, Sweden Attendee & Presenter: Cholecystectomy Without Drainage)

    2. 20-25 September, 1987 33rd World Surgical Conference Toronto, Canada Attendee

    3. 8-10 December, 1989 Wilson TS Wang International Surgical Symposium

    Hong Kong, Japan Attendee

    4. 21-25 May, 1990 International Surgical Conference Milano, Italy Attendee

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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    & Updates in Surgery

    5. 3-4 May 1991 1st International Symposium & Workshop (The Diabetic Foot)

    Netherland Attendee

    6. 20-25 October, 1991 American College of Surgeons 77th Annual Clinical Congress

    Chicago, USA Attendee

    7. 10- 15 February, 1992 33rd Postgraduate Course of Laparoscopic Surgery (Basic & Advanced)

    University of Gottingen Germany


    8. 11-16-October, 1992 American College of Surgeons 78th Annual Congress

    New Orleans, USA Attendee

    9. 3-5 December, 1993 Wilson TS Wang International Surgical Symposium: New Perspective in Surgery

    Hong Kong, Japan Attendee

    10. 14 October, 1994 American College of Surgeons 80th Annual Clinical Congress

    Chicago, USA Attendee

    11. 11 October, 1996 American College of Surgeons 82nd Annual Clinical Congress

    San Francisco, USA Attendee

    12. 25 September, 1997 The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Royal College of Surgeons & Physicians

    Vancouver, Canada Attendee

    13. 10-15 October, 1999 85th Annual Clinical Congress San Francisco, California, USA


    14. 1-4 June, 2000 7th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery & 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeon of Asia

    Singapore Attendee

    15. 6-8 June, 2000 Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Surgery

    European Surgical Institute

    Hamburgh-Norderstedt Germany


    16. 14-17 October, 2000 2nd Arabian Gulf Medical Associations Conference

    Abu Dhabi, UAE Attendee

    17. 22-27 October, 2000 86th Annual Clinical Congress Chicago, Illinois, USA, Attendee

    18. 9-11 February, 2001 5th Asia- Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery

    Shangri-La Hotel Mandaluyong, Philippines


    19. 1-14June 2003 Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Morbid Obesity Surgery

    Strasbourgh, France Attendee

    20. 19-21 Sept 2002 15th Congress of Japan Society of Endoscopic Surgery & Congress of the Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia

    Tokyo, Japan Attendee

    21. 10-13 Sep 2003 6th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery: Minimum but Optimum

    Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


    22. 18-21 Jan 2004 Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery

    Dubai, UAE Attendee

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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    23. February 2004 International Endoscopic Conference

    Cancun, Mexico Attendee

    24. September 2004 7th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery (ELSA)

    Bali, Indonesia Attendee

    25. February 2005 Workshop in lncisional Hernia London, UK Attendee

    26. 17-19 Aug 2005 8th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery

    Hong Kong Attendee

    27. 15-17 September, 2005 European Wound Healing Congress - from the Laboratory to the Patient "Future Organization & Care of Problem Wounds"

    Stuttgart, Germany Attendee

    28. 1-3 Dec 2005 27th International Congress of the European Hernia Society

    Turin, Italy Attendee

    29. 20-22 March, 2007 7th International Symposium on Sympathetic Surgery

    Porto de Gallinhas, Brazil Attendee

    30. 25-27 October, 2007 3rd International Congress of the Asia-Pacific Hernia Society

    Singapore Attendee

    31. 28-29 March, 2008 Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)

    Strasbourg, France Attendee

    32. 20-23 May, 2008 Attended VTE Experts Meeting Marmaris, Turkey Attendee

    33. 12-16 October, 2009 American College of Surgeons 94th Annual Clinical Congress,

    San Francisco, California, USA


    34. 16-18 April, 2009 Conference on Advance Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery

    Strasbourg, France Attendee

    35. 18 April, 2009 Minimal Access Surgery, IRCAD University of Strasbourg, France


    36. 22-24 June, 2009 SILS Workshop American University of Beirut



    37. 11-15 October, 2009 American College of Surgeons 95th Annual Clinical Congress

    San Francisco, California Attendee

    38. 20-24 September, 2011 4th Annual International Medical Education Leaders Forum

    USA Attendee

    39. 23-27 Oct 2009 American College of Surgeons 97th Annual Clinical Congress

    San Francisco, California, USA


    40. 31 October, 2011 National Board of Medical Examination

    USA Attendee

    41. 23-06 January, 2012 Arab Health Forum Dubai, UAE Attendee

    42. 21-24 July, 2012 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS

    NSQIP) Conference

    USA Attendee

    43. 7-14 November, 2012 Golden Jubilee of the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan

    Pakistan Attendee

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    No. Date Conference/Symposium Title Venue Participation Type

    44. 19 March, 2012 Dubai Health Meeting Dubai, UAE Meeting

    45. 12-16 October, 2012 5th Annual International Medical Education Leaders

    Canada Attendee

    46. 5-7 July, 2012 Visit the Federal Republic of Germany with the Ministry of Health delegation to meet with Saudi doctors scholarships and evaluation of training programs

    Germany Meeting and Hospital Visits

    47. 20-21 March, 2013 The International Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (SASMBS)

    Dubai, UAE Attendee

    48. 11-14 April, 2013 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery

    Taipei, Taiwan Attendee

    49. 5-9 May, 2014 Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

    Singapore Attendee

    50. 26-30 October, 2014 Clinical Congress 2014 American College of Surgeons

    San Francisco, USA Attendee

    51. 8 November, 2014 Lecture in University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHCSCA)

    USA Attendee

    52. 12-13 November, 2014 3rd Arab Conference on Medical Liability

    Dubai, UAE Attendee

    53. 22-23 November, 2014 Dubai Health Regulation Conference

    Dubai, UAE Attendee & Presenter: Professional Regulatory Model

    PUBLICATIONS 1. Greeraent AJ, Al-Saigh AH. Spontaneous dissection of the carotid artery: An unusual cause of stroke in younger

    patients. Canadian Med Association J 1987;36(1):51-53 2. Al-Saigh AH, Zaidi A, Shewan A. Traumatic rupture of a hydatid cyst In a child. Emirates Med. J 1991;9(3):210-212 3. Al-Saigh AH, Zaidi AZ. Mesenteric venous thrombosis - Assir Experience. Emirates Med. J 1992;10;225-228 4. Latif AA, Hussain SA, Choudhary A, Al-Saigh AH. Cholecystectomy without drainage: A controlled clinical trial. Ann

    Saudi Med. 1991;9(1):36-38 5. Malatani TS, Latif AA, Al-Saigh AH, Cheema MA, Abu-Eshy S. Surgical audit: A prospective study of the morbidity and

    mortality of acute appendicitis. Ann Saudi Med. 1991;11(2):209-212. 6. Ajao OG, Al-Saigh AH, Malatani TS, Ladipo JK. Timing of surgery in acute cholecystitis. East Afr Med J

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