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    CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS: Maximum and minimum of functions of several independent variables Lagrangian method ofmultipliers Variational problems of fixed boundaries only: Simplest variational problems Euler equation Brachistochroneproblem Variational problems involving several unknown functions Functional involving first and second order derivations Functional involving two or more independent variables Isoperimetric problems. (9)

    VECTOR SPACE: Definition and examples of liner space Linear dependence and independence Basis and Dimension Inner product space Orthogonalisation process. (7)

    STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Introduction and classification of stochastic processes , Poisson process- Discrete Markovchain, computation of n-step transition probabilities, state classification and continuous time Markov chain Birth and deathprocesses, pure birth process and pure death process applications. (12)

    PETRINETS: Basic concepts of Petri nets and their use in modeling of discrete-event systems Classification of Petri nets.(7)

    GRAPH THEORY: Introduction Basic terminology Representation of graphs Connected graphs Matrix representationof graphs (excluding graphs) Applications Critical path method Shortest path problems trees definition Binary tree.


    Total 42REFERENCES:

    1. Elsgolts L, Differential Equation and Calculus of variation, MIR Publishers, 1996.2. John T. Schick, Linear Algebra with Applications, McGraw Hill Company, 19973. Howard Anton, Elementary Linear Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 20084. Sheldon M. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Academic Press, 20015. Trivedi K.S, Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, Prentice Hall, 2003.6. Reisig W, Petri Nets: An Introduction, Springer Verlag 1985.7. Girault C. and Valk R, Petri Nets for Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modeling, Verification and Applications, Springer

    Verlag 2003.8. Jonathan Gross and Jay Yellen, Graph Theory and its Applications, CRC Press, 20069. Narsingh Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice Hall, 2004


    MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Decimation by an integer factor-Interpolation by an integer factor-Samplingrate conversion by rational factor-Decimation with poly phase filters-Interpolation with poly phase filters-Complementary filters-Interpolated FIR filters-Special FIR filters: Half band filter and Comb filter. (10)

    TWO CHANNEL FILTER BANKS: Analysis and Synthesis Filter Banks-Quadrature Mirror Filter (QMF) banks-Filter bank withperfect reconstruction- Paraunitary filter banks -Biorthogonal and Linear phase filter banks-Transmultiplexer filter banks. (6)

    UNIFORM-CHANNEL FILTER BANKS: Filter banks with tree structures, parallel structure-Complex modulated filter banks-Cosine modulated filter banks-Transmultiplexer filter banks-Polyphase QMF banks Paraunitary polyphase and DFTpolyphase filter banks-Subband coding. (6)

    WAVELET TRANSFORM: Short-Time Fourier Transform limitations - time-frequency scaling- Heisenbergs uncertainty Continuous Wavelet Transform Discrete Wavelet Transform Haar, Daubechys wavelets Multi Resolution Analysis ofaudio signal. (8)

    POWER SPECTRUM ESTIMATION: Estimation of spectra from finite duration observation of signals: Periodogram-use of DFTin power spectrum estimation - Non-parametric Methods: Bartlett-Welch-Blackman and Tuckey - Parametric Methods:Relationship between the autocorrelation and the model parameters - AR model: Yule-Walker method-Burg method-Unconstrained least squares method-Sequential estimation methods-MA model and ARMA model for power spectrumestimation-Filter bank realization of the periodogram-Eigen analysis algorithm for spectrum estimation. (12)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. N.J.Fliege, Multirate digital signal processing John wiley & sons Ltd., Reprinted with correction, Jan 2000.2. Fredric J Harris, Multirate signal processing for communication systems, Prentice Hall, May 2004.3. Vaidyanathan, P.P.,Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, NJ,1993.4. Ronald E Crochiere, Lawrence R Rabiner, Multirate DSP, Prentice Hall, March 1983.5. John G Proakis and Dimitris G Manolakis, Digital signal processing-Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 4th Edition,

    Prentice Hall of India, 2007.6. Rao, R.M and A.S.Bopardikar,Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to Theory and Applications, Addison Wesley,MA,1998.7. K.P.Soman and K.I.Ramachandran Insight into Wavelets-From Theory to Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

    8. Stephane Mallat A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Second edition, Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed ElsevierIndia private limited, 2008.

    9. Vaidyanathan, P.P.,Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, NJ,1993.


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    INTRODUCTION: Examples of Embedded Systems and Real-Time Embedded Systems Basics of Developing EmbeddedSystems The Linker Executable and Linking Formats Mapping Executable Images into Target Embedded Systems Embedded System Initialisation On-chip Debugging (8)

    REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: RTOS Definition The Scheduler Objects Services Key Characteristics of anRTOS Task Definition Task States and Scheduling Typical Task Structure and Operations (6)

    SYNCHRONISATION, COMMUNICATION AND CONCURRENCY: Semaphores Typical Semaphore Operations and Use Message Queues Typical Queue States, Contents, Storage, Operations and Use Pipes Event Registers, Signals andCondition Variables Resource Synchronisation Critical Sections (8)

    EXCEPTIONS AND INTERRUPTS: Introduction toExceptions and Interrupts Applications Processing General Exceptions Real-Time Clocks and System Clocks Programmable Interval Timer Timer Interrupt Service Routines (7)

    I/O AND MEMORY: Basic I/O Concepts The I/O Sub-system Memory Management Dynamic Memory Allocation andFixed-size Memory Allocation in Embedded Systems Blocking and Non-Blocking Memory Functions Hardware MemoryManagement Units (7)

    APPLICATIONS: Application Modularisation for Concurrency Rate Monotonic Analysis Common Design Problems Resource Classification Deadlocks Priority Inversion (6)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Qing Li, Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems, CMP Books, 20032. Albert Cheng, Real-Time Systems: Scheduling, Analysis and Verification, Wiley Interscience, 20023. Hermann Kopetz, Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications, Kluwer, 19974. Insup Lee, Joseph Leung, and Sang Son, Handbook of Real-Time Systems, Chapman and Hall, 20085. Krishna and Kang G Shin, Real-Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 2001


    INTEL 8051 : Architecture of 8051 - Memory organisation - Register Banks - Bit addressable area - SFR area Addressing

    modes Instruction set - Programming examples. (8)

    8051 Interrupt structure -Timer modules - Serial features - Port structure - Power saving modes - MCS51 Family features:8031/8051/8751. (8)

    ARM PROCESSORS: ARM Programmers Model Registers Processor Modes State of the processor Condition Flags ARM Pipelines Exception Vector Table ARM Processor Families Introduction to ARM Memory Management Unit. (7)

    ARM Addressing Modes ARM Instruction Set Overview Thumb Instruction Set Overview LPC210X ARM ProcessorFeatures. (6)

    PIC MICROCONTROLLERS: Program memory CPU registers Register File Structure Block diagram of PIC 16C74 I/Oports. (4)

    Timer 0, 1 and 2 features Interrupt logic Serial peripheral interface I2 C Bus ADC UART PIC Family parts. (5)

    TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Stepper Motor Control - DC Motor Control - AC Power Control - Introduction to micro controllerdevelopment tools. (4)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. "8-bit Embedded Controllers", Intel Corporation, 1990.2. John Peatman, "Design with Microcontrollers", McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1988.3. John B Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontrollers, Pearson Education Inc, India, 2005.4. ARM System Developers Guide, Andrew Sloss, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 20055. Steve Furber, ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, Pearson Education, 20056. LPC210x ARM Processor Datasheet Rev. 5, Philips Electronics, 20047. ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual, ARM Ltd., UK, 2004


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    SYSTEM DESIGN USING PLDs: Basic concepts Programming technologies - Programmable Logic Element (PLE) -Programmable Array Logic (PLA) - Programmable Array Logic (PAL) Programmable Logic Architectures 16L8 16R4 22V10 - Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs Complex PLDs (CPLDs) Design of state machines

    using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) chart as a design tool. (10)

    FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAYS: Types of FPGA - Xilinx XC3000 series - Logic Cell Array (LCA) ConfigurableLogic Blocks (CLB) - Input/Output Blocks (IOB) - Programmable Interconnection Points (PIP) - Xilinx XC4000 Series Introduction to Xilinx SPARTAN, VIRTEX FPGA Design examples. (7)

    INTRODUCTION TO VHDL: Design process flow - Software tools Hardware Description Languages VHDL : Data Objects- Data types - Operators Entities and Architectures Components and Configurations Concurrent signal assignment Conditional signal assignment - Selected signal assignment Concurrent statements Sequential statements Transport andInertial delays Delta delays Behavioral, Data flow and Structural modeling Attributes Generics Packages and Libraries

    Multivalued logic and Signal resolution IEEE 1164 std logic Subprograms: Functions and Procedures Operatoroverloading Test Benches Design examples. (9)

    FAULT MODELING: Defects, errors, faults, Levels of Fault models, Types, Fault Detection and Redundancy in CombinationalLogic circuits: Path sensitization method, Boolean difference method. Fault Detection in sequential logic circuit, Design forTestability: Scan path Testing, Boundary Scan Test, Built in Self Test for testing memories. (9)

    FAULT TOLERANT SYSTEMS: Fault avoidance and fault tolerance - Techniques of fault tolerance - Hardware fault tolerance: Static, Dynamic and Hybrid redundancy - Fault tolerance in memories. Software Fault tolerance : Design of fault tolerantsoftware - N-version programming - Recovery block - Reliability models for fault tolerant software - Validation of fault tolerantsoftware. (7)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Palmer, J.E., Perlman, D.E., "Introduction to Digital Systems",Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Reprint 1996.2. Nelson, V.P., Nagale, H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin, J.D., "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design",

    PrenticeHall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.3. Robert K Dueck, Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL, Thomson Asia, 2002.4. J. Bhaskar, A VHDL Primer, Addison Wesley, 19995. Charles H Roth, Digital Systems Design Using VHDL, Thomson Asia,. 2004.6. "Programmable Logic Devices Databook and Design Guide", National Semiconductors, 1989.7. Michael L Bushnell, Vishwani D Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing For digital memory and mixed signal VLSI

    circuits, Kluwer academic Publications, USA, 20018. Pradhan, D K., "Fault - Tolerant Computing - Theory and Techniques", Vol. I & II, Prentice Hall, 1986.


    INTRODUCTION: Memory in Embedded Systems Memory Architectures How software Influences Hardware Design Emerging Technology for Embedded Systems Software Development Making Development Tool Choices (6)

    C AND ASSEMBLY: Programming in Assembly Register Usage Conventions Typical Use of Addressing Options Instruction Sequencing Procedure Call and Return Parameter Passing Retrieving Parameters Temporary Variables I/OProgramming: Interrupt Driven I/O (9)

    OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Connecting the Object Model with the Use Case Model Key Strategies forObject Identification Noun Strategy Identification of Casual Objects, Services, Real-World Items, Physical Devices, KeyConcepts, Transactions, Persistent Information, Visual Elements and Control Elements (9)

    UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE: Object State Behaviour UML State Charts Role of Scenarios in Definition of Behaviour Timing Diagrams Sequence Diagrams Event Hierarchies Types and Strategies of Operations Architectural Design inUML Concurrency Design Representing Tasks- System Task Diagrams Concurrent State Diagrams Threads SimplePatterns (9)

    CASE STUDIES: Multi-Threaded Applications Assembling Embedded Applications Polled Waiting Loop and InterruptDriven I/O Preemptive Kernel and Shared Resources System Timer Scheduling Client Server Computing (9)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Daniel Lewis, Fundamentals of Embedded Software Where C and Assembly Meet, Prentice Hall Inc, USA, 200212. Bruce Powel Douglas, Real-Time UML, Second Edition: Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded Systems,0 Addison-Wesley, 19993. Hassan Gomma, Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time applications with UML, Addison Wesley, 20004. Colin Walls, Embedded Software: The Works, Elsevier, 2006


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    09EA07/09ED20/09EE07 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN3 0 0 3

    INTRODUCTION : Introduction Characteristics of Embedded Computing Applications Challenges in Embedded ComputingDesign The Design Process : Requirements Specification Architecture Design Designing Hardware and SoftwareComponents System Integration and Testing Structural Description Behavioral Description. (8)

    THE EMBEDDED COMPUTING PLATFORM : The CPU Bus Memory Devices I/O Devices Component Interfacing Development and Debugging Testing Design Example : Alarm Clock. (9)

    PROGRAM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS : Introduction Design Patterns Data Flow Graphs Control/Data Flow Graphs Assembly and Linking Basic Compilation Techniques Analysis and Optimization of Execution Time, Energy, Power andProgram Size Program Validation and Testing Design Example : Software Modem. (9)

    SYSTEM DESIGN TECHNIQUES : Introduction Design Methodologies Requirements Analysis Specifications SystemAnalysis and Architecture Design Quality Assurance Design Examples : Telephone PBX Ink Jet Printer PersonalDigital Assistant Set-Top Boxes. (8)

    SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND TOOLS : Introduction to Assembler, Compiler, Cross-Compiler, Linker and IntegratedDevelopment Environment Debugging Strategies Simulators Emulators Logic Analysers Introduction to JTAG(8)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES :1. Wayne Wolf, Computer as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd.,

    2001.2. David E Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education, 2004.3. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, Embedded Systems Design : A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, John Wiley,

    2005.4. Steve Heath, Embedded Systems Design, Elsevier Science, 2003.5. Arnold Berger, Embedded Systems Design : An Introduction to Processes, Tools and Techniques, CMP Books, 2005.6. Rechard Zurawski, Embedded Systems Handbook CRC Press, 2006.



    INTRODUCTION: Real-Time Computation Structure of a Real-time System Task Classes Performance Measures forReal-Time Systems Estimating Programme Run Times Task Assignment and Scheduling Classical UniprocessorScheduling Algorithms Uniprocessor Scheduling of IRIS Tasks Task Assignment Mode Changes Fault tolerantScheduling (9)

    REAL-TIME MODELS: Event-Based, Process-Based and Graph-Based Models Petrinet Models Real-Time Languages System Performance Analysis Optimisation of Time Loading and Memory Loading Models of Multiprocessor Systems andDistributed Systems Task Assignment End to End Tasks in Heterogeneous Systems Temporal Distance Constraints Resource Contention Resource Access Control Priority Ceiling Multiple Unit Resource Access Access to Data Objects Concurrency (9)

    RTOS CONCEPTS: Foreground and Background Process Resources Tasks Multitasking Priorities Schedulers Kernel Exclusion Inter-task Communication Interrupts Clock Tick MicroC/OS II Kernel Structure MicroC/OS IIinitialisation Starting MicroC/OS II (8)

    RTOS FUNCTIONS: Task Management Time Management Semaphore Management Mutual Exclusion - Semaphore Event Management Message Management Memory Management Porting MicroC/OS II (8)

    REAL-TIME KERNEL AND RTOS APPLICATIONS: Principles Design Issues Polled Loop Systems RTOS Porting to aTarget Comparison and Study of QNX, VxWorks and pSOS RTOS for Image Processing Embedded RTOS for VOIP RTOS for Fault-tolerant Applications RTOS for Control Systems (8)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Krishna, and Kang Shin, Real-Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 20012. Jane Liu, Real-Time Systems, Pearson, 20033. Philip Laplante, Real-Time Design and Analysis An Engineers Handbook, IEEE Press 20034. Jean Labrosse, MicroC/OS II - The Real-Time Kernel, CMP Books, 2002


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    THE CAN BUS: Introduction Concepts of Bus Access and Arbitration Error Processing and Management Definition of theCAN Protocol ISO 11898-1 Error Properties, Detection and Processing Framing (5)

    THE CAN PHYSICAL LAYER: Introduction Signal Propagation Bit Synchronisation Network Speed and Range HighSpeed CAN Low Speed CAN CAN Components Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Protocols - CAN Applications :

    Application Layers and Development Tools for CAN (9)

    USB: Introduction Types of USB Transfers: Control Transfer Bulk Transfer Interrupt Transfer Isochronous Transfer Introduction to the Enumeration Process Introduction to USB Development Tools (10)

    EMBEDDED SECURITY: Introduction Access Control and Origins of Security Theory Introduction to Cryptography, DataIntegration and Authentication Networked Embedded Systems and Resource Constraints Embedded Security Design (10)

    TCP/IP FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Introduction Embedded SMTP Client Embedded SMTP Server Case Studies: IPSecurity Camera Vending Machine Internet Radio Ethernet Gateway (8)

    Total 42


    1. Dominique Paret, Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems, Wiley 20072. Timothy Stapko, Practical Embedded Security, Elsevier, 20083. John Hyde, USB Design by Example, Intel University Press, 20014. Jan, Axelson, USB Complete, Lake View Research, 20055. Edward Insam, TCP/IP Embedded Internet Applications, Elsevier, 20036. Tim Jones, TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems, Charles River Media, 2002


    BASIC CONCEPTS: Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Their Applications Constraints and Challenges Collaborative Processing - Basic Sensor Network Architectural Elements Basic Wireless Sensor Technology Hardware andSoftware Operating Environment (6)

    WIRELESS TRANSMISSION TECHNOLOGY: Introduction Propagation and Propagation impairments Modulation Basics Fundamentals of Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocols MAC Protocols for WSNs: Schedule-Based Protocols andRandom-Access Based Protocols S-MAC Protocol IEEE 802.15.4 Standard (8)

    ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR WSNS: Data Dissemination and Gathering Routing Challenges and Design Issues: NetworkScale and Time-Varying Characteristics Resource Constraints Routing Strategies: Energy Aware Routing, WSN RoutingTechniques, Flooding and its Variants Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy Power-Efficient Data Gathering (8)

    NETWORK MANAGEMENT FOR WSNS: Network Management Requirements Network Management Design Issues Issues Related to Network Management: Naming and Localisation (6)

    OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR WSNS: Operating System Design Examples of Operating Systems: TinyOS, Mate andMANTIS (6)

    PERFORMANCE AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Performance Modeling Performance Metrics Basic Network Models

    Simple Computation of System Life Span WSN Applications (8)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli and Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks Technology, Protocols and Applications,

    Wiley, 20072. Edgar Callaway, Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols, CRC Press, 20043. Holger Karl and Anderson Willis, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks: Wiley, 2005

    09EA15 / 09EE12 SYSTEM ON CHIP3 0 0 3

    INTRODUCTION: System trade offs and evolution of ASIC Technology System on chip concepts and methodology SoCdesign issues SoC challenges and components. (5)

    DESIGN METHODOLOGIC FOR LOGIC CORES: SoC Design Flow On-chip buses Design process for hard cores Softand firm cores Designing with hard cores, soft cores Core and SoC design examples. (9)


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    DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR MEMORY AND ANALOG CORES: Embedded memories Simulation modes Specificationof analog circuits A to D converter D to A converter Phase-located loops High speed I/O (9)

    DESIGN VALIDATION : Core level validation Test benches- SoC design validation Cosimulation Hardware/softwarecoverification. (9)

    SOC TESTING : SoC Test issues Testing of digital logic cores Cores with boundary scan Test methodology for design

    resuse Testing of microprocessor cores Bui lt in self test method Testing of embedded memories. (10)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Rochit Rajsunah, System-on-a-chip: Design and Test, Artech House, London, 20002. Prakash Raslinkar, Peter Paterson & Leena Singh, System-on-a-chip verification: Methodology and Technques,

    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.3. Lavng-Testing Wang, Charles E Strout and NurATouba System on Chip Test Architectures: Nanometer Design for

    Testability, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.


    DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS: Elements of digital image processing system-Image sensing and acquisition- Image

    sampling and quantization Basic relationship between Pixels. (4)

    IMAGE TRANSFORMS: Need for image transforms- Discrete Wavelet transform- Harr & Daubechies Wavelets- Sub bandcoding of images using Harr & Daubechies Wavelets. (4)IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Spatial domain methods- Frequency domain methods- Histogram modification techniques-Neighborhood averaging-median filtering- Low pass filtering- averaging of multiple images-images sharpening bydifferentiation- high pass filtering. (8)

    IMAGE FILTERING AND RESTORATION: Image observation models- restoration in the presence of noise only- spatialfiltering: mean filters, order statistics filters, adaptive filters- Inverse filtering- Wiener filtering Constrained least squaresfiltering- blind deconvolution. (8)IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND REPRESENTATION : Edge detection: Gradient operators-edge linking and boundarydetection: Global processing via Hough transform, Graph theoretic techniques-Thresholding: Global thresholding, adaptivethreshold-Representation: Chain codes, Polygonal approximations, Signatures, boundary segments, skeletons-Boundary

    descriptors: Shape numbers, Fourier descriptors, Statistical moments-Regional descriptors: Texture-Relational descriptors. (10)

    IMAGE COMPRESSION: JPEG-MPEG-Quantization: scalar Quantization and vector Quantization-code word assignment:uniform length and variable length codeword assignment differential pulse code modulation, two channel coders, pyramidcoding; hybrid transform coding wavelet coding. (8)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Gonzalez R.C. Woods R.E, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition , 20072. Jain A.K., Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India,1989.3. Jae S. Lim, Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing, Prentice Hall,Inc.,1990.4. Kenneth R Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 2001.5. Milan Sonka, VaclauHlavac, Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Brooks/Cole

    Publishing Company,3rd Edition, 2007.6. William K.Pratt,Digital Image Processing, John Wiley & Sons,4th Edition, 2007.7. Stephen Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Elsevier India 3rd Edition, 2008.

    09EA03/09ED17/09EM27/09EE14 PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS3 0 0 3

    ARCHITECTURE: AT architecture - DMAC - Interrupt controllers - Timers -Memory map - I/O map - AT BUS (ISA BUS)specifications Extended and expanded memory - PCI Bus concepts. (6)

    PERIPHERAL ADAPTERS: Keyboard Interfacing - Functional description of keyboard processing - Display Adapters: VGA andSVGA adapter Functional configurations AGP basics. (6)

    FLOPPY DISKETTE TYPES - Hard disk structure - IDE Bus-SATA - CD-ROM structure - Printers Centronics parallel interface -Features of EPP and ECP modes of printers - USB Bus. (8)

    ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: Program development stages -Macro assembler: Directives - Macros - Linker -

    Debugger in real mode of the processor. (8)


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    STRUCTURE OF MS-DOS: BIOS - DOS Kernel - Command processor Boot record - File allocation table - File directory-Booting process of DOS-COM and EXE files - BIOS and DOS interrupts - Structure of device drivers. (7)

    MULTI-USER/MULTI-TASKING OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS: Scheduling - Protection - Memory management Windows system architecture : Virtual hardware and device drivers - Windows virtual address space memory map -Comparison of WIN 16 and WIN 32 applications structure. (7)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Mathivanan N., Microprocessors, PC Hardware Interfacing, Prentice Hall of India, Reprint 2007.2. Douglas V Hall, "Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware", McGraw Hill, Revised 2 nd Edition-

    2006.3. Barry B Brey, "The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium and Pentium

    Pro Processor, Pentium II ,III and IV Architecture, Programming and Interfacing", Prentice Hall of India, 4 th Edition,2005.4. Ray Duncan, "Advanced MSDOS Programming", Microsoft Press, USA, 2002.5. Walter Oney, Systems Programming for Windows 95, Microsoft Press, USA, 1996.6. IBM PC/AT Technical Reference Manual,1985.7. Walter Oney,Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model, South Asian 2nd Edition-2003.


    INTRODUCTION : Introduction to Real-Time Digital Signal Processing DSP Hardware DSP System Design Introductionto DSP Development Tools. (5)

    TMS320C55XX DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR : Architecture Peripherals Addressing Modes Pipeline and Parallelism Instruction Set Assembly Language Programming C Language Programming Program Examples. (8)

    DSP FUNDAMENTALS AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS : LTI System Concepts Fixed-point Representationsand Quantization Effects Overflow and Solutions MATLAB Program Examples. (5)

    DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FIR AND IIR FILTERS : FIR Filter Characteristics and Design ImplementationConsiderations Interpolation and Decimation IIR Filter Characteristics and Design Implementation Considerations MATLAB Program Examples. (6)

    FREQUENCY ANALYSIS AND FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM : Discrete Fourier Transform Fast Fourier Transform Implementation Considerations Practical Applications Floating-Point C Implementation of DFT and Floating-Point CImplementation of FFT. (6)

    ADAPTIVE FILTERING : Introduction to Adaptive Filtering Performance Analysis Implementation Considerations Floating-Point C Implementation Fixed Point C Implementation of Leaky LMS Algorithm (6)

    APPLICATIONS : Principles of Adaptive Echo Cancellation and MATLAB Implementation of AEC Introduction to SpeechCoding and Overview of CELP Vocoders VOIP Applications Speech Enhancement Techniques. (6)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Sen Kuo, Bob Lee, and Wenshun Tian, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing : Implementations and Applications,

    Wiley, 2006.2. Naaser Kehtarnavaz, Real-Time Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2004.3. Sanjit Mitra, Digital Signal Processing : A Computer-Based Approach, McGraw Hill, 2005.4. Singh and Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing Implementations Using DSP Microprocessors with examples from

    TMS320C54xx, Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2004.


    INTRODUCTION: Advantages of digital control systems - Basic concepts of sampled data control systems - Basic discretetime signals - Time domain models for discrete time systems. (4)MODELS OF DIGITAL CONTROL DEVICES AND SYSTEMS: z-domain description of sampled continuous time plants -models of A/D and D/A converters - z-domain description of systems with dead time - Implementation of digital controllers -digital PID controllers - position, velocity algorithms - Tuning - Zeigler-Nichols tuning method. (10)

    STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS: State space representation of discrete time systems - Solution of discrete time state spaceequation - State transition matrix - Decomposition techniques - Controllability and Observability - Multi variable discretesystems. (8)

    STABILITY ANALYSIS: Mapping between S-plane and Z-plane - Jury stability test - Bilinear transformation and ExtendedRouth array - Root locus method - Liapunov stability analysis of discrete time systems-Multi-rate sampled data system andstability. (8)


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    DESIGN OF DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM: Z-plane specifications of control system design - Digital compensator design-Frequency response method, Root locus method - state feedback - pole placement design - state observers compensatordesign by separation principle- deadbeat control deadbeat observers - Kalmans filter. (12)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Gopal M., "Digital Control and State Variable Methods", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New

    Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2008.2. Kuo B.C., "Digital Control Systems", Oxford University Press, Inc.2nd Edition, 2008.3. Ogata K., "Discrete Time Control Systems", Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, USA, 2nd Edition, 2004.


    INTRODUCTION: Modern Instrumentation and Control Systems Open Systems Interconnection Model Introduction toProtocols and Standards Introduction to Noise and Ground/Shielding (5)

    EIA-232 and EI-485: EIA-232 Interface Standard Major Elements of EIA-232 Half-Duplex Operation of EIA-232 Interface EIA-485 Interface Standard EIA-485 versus EIA-422 EIA-485 Noise Problems (6)

    DATA HIGHWAY PLUS/DH485: Overview Physical Layer Datalink Layer HART: Overview: Introduction Protocol

    Physical Layer Datalink Layer (6)

    MODBUS: Introduction Protocol Structure Function Codes: Read Coil or Digital O/P Status Read Digital I/P Status Read Holding Registers Force Single Coil Preset Signal Register Read Exception Status Loop-back Test ForceMultiple Coils or Digital O/Ps Force Multiple Registers Modbus Common Problems and Faults


    DEVICENET: Physical Layer Topology Device Taps Datalink Layer: Frame Format Medium Access Fragmentation (4)

    OPEN INDUSTRIAL FIELD BUS AND DEVICE NET SYSTEMS: Overview Actuator-Sensor Interface Introduction to CANBus, DeviceNet and SDS (Smart Distributed Systems) Introduction to Profibus - Foundation Fieldbus: Physical Layer andWiring Rules The Datalink Layer The Application Layer Error Detection and Diagnostics. (8)

    ETHERNETS: Industrial Ethernet Overview Ethernet Hardware Basics Ethernet Protocol and Addressing - Introduction to10Mbps, 100Mbps and Gigabit Ethernet (5)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. John Park, Steve Mackey and Edwin Wright, Data Communications for Instrumentation and Control, Elsevier, 20032. Perry Marshall and John Rinaldi, Industrial Ethernet, The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, 20053. Richard Zurawski, Industrial Communications Technology Handbook, CRC Press, 2005

    09ED26/09EM18/09EE18/09EA26 COMPUTER NUMERIC CONTROL3 0 0 3

    INTRODUCTION : History - Advantages and disadvantages of CNC, block diagram of CNC - Principle of operation- Featuresavailable in CNC systems. DNC, Networking of CNC machines - Ethernet. Electrical cabinet and control panel wiring.Electrical standards. (5)

    TYPES OF CNC MACHINES : Types and constructional features of machine tools- Turning centres, machining centres,grinding machines, EDMs, turret punch press, laser and water jet cutting machines, Design considerations Axisrepresentations, Various operating modes of a CNC machine. (6)

    CONTROL UNITS: Functions of CNC, system hardware, Contouring control - interpolation, software development process.Parameters and diagnosis features. Interfacing with keyboard, monitor, servo drives, field inputs, outputs, MPG and feedbackdevices. Open architecture systems and PC based controllers. Compensation for machine accuracies- pitch error, backlashand thermal compensation. (7)

    PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS: Role of PLC in CNC machines. Hardware and I/O configuration. Programmingtechniques development of ladder logic using basic functions, Timers, comparator and counters - Programming examples. (5)

    DRIVE UNITS: Axis drive arrangements, ball screw, timing belts and couplings, Analog and digital drives. AC&DC servomotors,DC and AC servo drives for axis motors, servo tuning. Stepper motors and drives, spindle motors & drives- DC &AC. Selectioncriteria, drive optimization and protection. (7)

    FEEDBACK DEVICES: Absolute and incremental encoders, resolvers, linear optical encoders, Proximity switches, limitswitches Thermal sensors, pressure and float switches. Transducer placement and measuring schemes using these feedback devices. (5)


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    NC PART PROGRAMMING PROCESS: Axis notation, EIA and ISO codes, Explanation of basic codes. Tooling concepts,machining methods, part geometry and writing of tool motion statements. Canned cycles. Development of simple manual partprograms for turning operations. Simulation of part programmes. Post processors - CNC part programming with CAD/CAMsystems. (7)

    Total 42REFERENCES :

    1. Stenerson and Curran, Computer Numerical Control- Operation and Programming 3rd Edition, PHI, 20082. HMT Limited, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998.3. Peter Smid, CNC Programming Handbook, Industrial Press Inc, New York 2000


    FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ROBOTICS: History, Present status and future trends in Robotics and automation - Laws ofRobotics - Robot definitions - Robotics systems and robot anatomy - Specification of Robots - resolution, repeatability andaccuracy of a manipulator. Robotic applications. (4)

    ROBOT DRIVES AND POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS: Robot drive mechanisms, hydraulic electric servomotor-stepper motor - pneumatic drives, Mechanical transmission method - Gear transmission, Belt drives, cables, Roller chains, Link

    - Rod systems - Rotary-to-Rotary motion conversion, Rotary-to-Linear motion conversion, Rack and Pinion drives, Leadscrews, Ball Bearing screws, End effectors Types.(7)

    SENSORS: Principle of operation, types and selection of Position & velocity sensors, Potentiometers, Encoders, Resolvers,LVDT, Tachogenerators, Proximity sensors. Limit switches Tactile sensors - Touch sensors - Force and torquesensors. (6)

    VISION SYSTEMS FOR ROBOTICS: Robot vision systems, Illumination techniques, Image capture- solid state cameras Image representation - Gray scale and colour images, image sampling and quantization - Image processing and analysis ,Image data reduction Segmentation - Feature extraction - Object Recognition- Image capturing and communication - JPEG,MPEGs and H.26x standards, packet video, error concealment- Image texture analysis. (7)

    TRANSFORMATIONS AND KINEMATICS: Matrix representation- Homogeneous transformation matrices - The forwardand inverse kinematics of robots - D-H representation of forward kinematic equations of robots. (5)

    PLC: Building blocks of automation, Controllers PLC- Role of PLC in Robotics & FA - Architecture of PLC - Advantages -Types of PLC - Types of Programming - Simple process control programs using Relay Ladder Logic and Boolean logicmethods - PLC arithmetic functions. (5)

    FACTORY AUTOMATION: Flexible Manufacturing Systems concept - Automatic feeding lines, ASRS, transfer lines, automaticinspection - Computer Integrated Manufacture - CNC, intelligent automation. Industrial networking, bus standards, HMISystems, DCS and SCADA, Wireless controls. (8)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES :1. Richard D Klafter, Thomas A Chmielewski, Michael Negin, "Robotics Engineering An Integrated Approach", Eastern

    Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India P Ltd., 2006.2. Fu K.S., Gonzalez R.C., Lee C.S.G., "Robotics : Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence", McGraw Hill Book Company,

    1987.3. Mikell P Groover et. al., "Industrial Robots - Technology, Programming and Applications", McGraw Hill, New York, 2008.4. Saeed B Niku ,Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications PHI Pvt Ltd New Delhi,2003.

    5. Deh S R., "Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, Company Ltd., 1994

    09ED23/09EM22/09EE20 SCADA AND DCS3 0 0 3

    INTRODUCTION : Factory & Process Automation, PLC - Networking standards. Vertical Integration of Industrial Automation field bus and Ethernet. (7)

    HMI SYSTEMS: Necessity and Role in Industrial Automation, Text display - operator panels - Touch panels - Panel PCs -Integrated displays (PLC & HMI) (7)

    SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION: SCADA overview Developer and runtime packages architecture Tools Tag Internal & External graphics, Alarm logging Tag logging structured tags Trends history Report

    generation, VB & C Scripts for SCADA application. (7)


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    COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS OF SCADA: Proprietary and open Protocols OLE/OPC DDE Server/ClientConfiguration Messaging Recipe User administration Interfacing of SCADA with PLC, drive, and other fielddevices. (6)DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS: Difference between SCADA system and DCS architecture local control unit programming language communication facilities operator interface engineering interfaces. (8)

    APPLICATIONS OF SCADA & DCS: Case studies of Process plants using SCADA & DCS Advanced features / options inSCADA & DCS Role of PLC in DCS and SCADA comparison interfacing field devices (Transducers, drives etc) in DCS/

    SCADA. (7)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. John W. Webb & Ronald A. Reis, Programmable Logic Controllers", Prentice Hall Publications, New Delhi, 2002.2. WiNCC Software Manual, Siemens, 20033. RS VIEW 32 Software Manual, Allen Bradly, 20054. CIMPLICITY SCADA Packages Manual, Fanuc India Ltd, 20045. Michael P. Lukas, Distributed Control Systems, Van Nostrand Reinfold Companuy,1995


    DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS: General Configuration Single and Multichannel DAS A/D and D/A converters DigitalData Acquisition Systems Sample and Hold Circuit Anti-aliasing filter Introduction to Distributed Automation andSupervisory Control and Data Acquisition. (8)DIGITAL SIGNAL TRANSMISSION: Data Transmission systems Pulse code formats Analog and Digital ModulationTechniques Telemetry systems RF network analyzer High frequency signal sources Introduction to wirelesscommunication. (7)

    COMMON INSTRUMENT INTERFACES: Current loop, RS 232C/RS485, GPIB, Interface buses: USB, PCMCIA, VXI, SCXI,and PXI. Networking Basics for Industrial automation. Instrumentation Bus- IEEE 488,HART,RS232,RS422,RS485,IEEE488.2,HS488, IEC/ISA Field Bus, ZigBee, Bluetooth. (10)

    DIGITAL DISPLAY AND RECORDING INSTRUMENTS: Digital storage oscilloscopes Digital printers and plotters CDROM Digital magnetic tapes, Digital signal analyzer Digital waveform recorder. (3)

    CURRENT TRENDS IN DIGITAL INSTRUMENTATION: Introduction to special function add on cards Resistance card Input

    and output cards Digital equipment construction with modular designing; interfacing to microprocessor, micro controllers andcomputers - Computer aided software engineering tools (CASE) Use of CASE tools in design and development of automatedmeasuring systems. (7)

    APPLICATION EXAMPLES IN MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL: PC based Data Acquisition systems - Industrial processmeasurements like flow, temperature, pressure and level. PC based instruments development system. (7)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Krishna Kant, Computer Based Industrial Control, Prentice Hall India Ltd., 2004.2. Bouwens, A.J., Digital Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, Reprint 2007.3. S Gupta and J P Gupta, PC Interfacing for Data Acquisition and Process Control, Second Edition, Instrument

    Society of America, Reprint 1995.4. Rangan C S, Sharma G R, Mani V S V, Instrumentation Devices and Systems,Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition 2002..5. Doebelin, Measurement System, Application & Design, McGraw-Hill, Fifth Edition 2003.6. John Lenk ,D., Handbook of Micro Computer Based Instrumentation and Control, Prentice Hall, 1984.7. M.M.S.Anand , Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology ,Prentice Hall,2004


    MEMS AND MICROSYSTEMS: MEMS and Microsystems products. Evaluation of micro fabrication. Microsystems andmicroelectronics. Applications of Microsystems. Working principles of microsystems-microsensors, micro actuators, MEMSand micro actuators, micro accelerometers. (5)

    SCALING LAWS IN MINIATURIZATION: Introduction. Scaling in geometry. Scaling in rigid body dynamics. The Trimmerforce scaling vector-scaling in electrostatic forces, electromagnetic forces, scaling in electricity and fluidic dynamics, scaling inheat conducting and heat convection. (5)

    MATERIALS FOR MEMS AND MICROSYSTEMS: Substrates and wafers-silicon as a substrate material, ideal substrates forMEMS. Single crystal Silicon and wafers crystal structure. Mechanical properties of Si. Silicon compounds-SiO2, SiC, Si3N4and polycrystalline Silicon. Silicon piezoresistors. Gallium arsenside. Quartz-piezoelectric crystals. Polymers for MEMS.Conductive polymers.- System modeling and properties of mater ia l. (8)


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    ENGINEERING MECHANICS FOR MICROSYSTEMS DESIGN: Introduction. Static bending of thin plates-circular plates withedge fixed, rectangular plate with all edges fixed and square plates with all edges fixed. Mechanical vibration. Resonantvibration. Micro accelerometers-design theory and damping coefficients. Thermomechanics. Thermal stresses. Fracturemechanics-stress intensity factors, fracture toughness and interfacial fracture mechanics. (5)

    BASICS OF FLUID MECHANICS IN MACRO AND MESO SCALES: Viscosity of fluids-flow patterns, Reynolds number. Basicequation in continuum fluid dynamics. Laminar fluid flow in circular conduits. Computational fluid dynamics. Incompressiblefluid flow in micro conducts-surface tension, capillary effect and micro pumping. Fluid flow in sub micrometer and nanoscale-

    rarefied gas, Kundsen and Mach number and modeling of micro gas flow. Heat conduction in multilayered thin films. Heatconduction in solids in sub micrometer scale. Thermal conductivity of thin films, heat conduction equation for thin films.Simulation based micro and Nano system design (5)

    MICROSYSTEM FABRICATION PROCESS: Photolithography. Photoresist and applications. Light sources. Ionimplantation. Diffusion process. Oxidation-thermal oxidation. Silicon diode. Thermal oxidation rates. Oxide thickness bycolour. Chemical vapour deposition-principle, reactants in CVD. Enhanced CVD physical vapour deposition. Sputtering.Deposition by epitaxy. Etching-chemical and plasma etching. (7)

    MICROMANUFACTURING AND MICROSYSTEM PACKAGING: Bulk micromachining. Isotropic and anisotropic etching-wetetchants, etch stops, dry etching comparison of wet and dry etching. Surface micromachining-process in general, problemsassociated in surface micromachining. The LIGA process-description, materials for substrates and photo resists, electroplating,the SLIGA process. Microsystems packaging-general considerations. The three levels of Microsystems packaging-die level,device level and system level. Essential packaging technologies-die preparation-surface bonding, wire bonding and sealing.Three dimensional packaging. Assembly of Microsystems-selection of packaging materials.- Chemical and biomedicalMicrosystems. (7)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002.2. Mark Madou Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, New York, 1997.3. Julian W Gardner, Microsensors: Principles and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001.4. Sze S M, Semiconductor Sensors, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.5. Chang C Y and Sze S M, VLSI Technology, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2000.6. Kovacs G T A, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.7. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, MEMS, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007


    INTRODUCTION: Vector spaces-properties-dot product-basis-dimension, orthogonality and orthonormality-relationshipbetween vectors and signals-signal spaces-concept of convergence-Hilbert spaces for energy signals-Generalized Fourierexpansion. (8)

    FOURIER ANALYSIS: Fourier Transform-drawbacks of Fourier analysis-Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis-spectrogram plot-phase-space plot in time-frequency plane-Time and frequency limitations-uncertanity principle-Tilling of thetime-frequency plane for STFT. (8)

    CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM: Wavelet transform-properties-concept of scale and its relation with frequency-Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)-scaling function and wavelet functions: Daubechies, Haar, Coiflet, Mexican hat, Sine,Gaussian, Bi-orthogonal-Tilling of time scale plane for CWT. (9)

    DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM: Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)-Filter bank and sub-band coding principles-Multi-resolution analysis-Time scale difference equations for wavelets and scaling functions-Wavelet filters-scale variation in discretedomain-Mallets algorithm for DWT-Inverse DWT computation by filter banks-multi-band wavelet transform. (9)

    CASE STUDIES: Sub-band coding of images-Image compression-Image de-noising-Detection of sag, tilt, swells and surge inpower signal-Fractal signal analysis (8)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Strang G Nguyen T., Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley Cambridge Press, 1996.2. Vetterli M, Kovacevic J., Wavelets and Sub-band Coding, Prentice Hall, 1995.3. Mallat S., A Tour on Wavelet Signal Processing, Elsevier, New Delhi, December 2005.4. Rao .R.M and Bopardikar.A.S, Wavelet Transforms, Addison Wesley, 1999.5. K.P.Soman and K.I.Ramachandran Insight into Wavelets-From Theory to Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.6. Meyer Y, Wavelet Toolbox Manual, Mathworks Inc., 1995.


    MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION BASICS: Generalized Systems, Constraints. Classification of Biomedical Instruments, Biostatistics, Generalized static and Dynamic Characteristics, Regulation of Medical Devices. (7)


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    SENSORS, TRANSDUCERS AND AMPLIFIERS: Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive, Piezoelectric, Thermocouple, Thermistors,Fiber, Optic Sensors, Radiation Sensors, Smart Sensors, Electro Chemical Sensors, Electrical Fibrosensors, Blood-GlucoseSensors. Operational Amplifiers, Inverting, Noninverting, Differential, Instrumentation Amplifiers, Pre amplifiers, Isolation

    Amplifiers, Active Filters. (7)

    BIOELECTRIC SIGNALS AND ELECTRODES: Origin of Bioelectric Signals, Electrical Activity, Volume Conductor Fields,ECG, EEG, EMG, MEG. Electrode- Electrolyte Interface, Polarizable and Nonpolarizable Electrodes, Electrode Model,

    Recording Electrodes, Internal Electrodes, Micro Electrodes. (7)

    MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS: Patient Monitoring Systems, Measurement of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Pulse Rate,Temperature, Heart Sounds, Blood Flow and Volume, Respiratory Systems, Measurements, Cardiac Output Measurement,Blood pH, pO2 Measurement, Oximeters, Audiometers, Spectrophotometers. (7)

    MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS: Information content of an Image, Radiography, Computed Radiography, ComputedTomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, PositronEmission Tomography, Ultrasonagraphy. (6)

    THERAPEUTIC AND PROSTHETIC DEVICES: Cardiac Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Hemodialysis, Lithotripsy, Ventilators,Incubators, Drug Delivery devices, Artificial Heart Valves, Heart Lung Machine, Applications of Laser. (5)

    ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Physiological Effects of Electricity, Important susceptibility parameters, Distribution of Electric Power.Macroshock Hazards, Microshock Hazards, Electrical safety codes and Standards, Basic Approaches to Protection againstshock, Equipment Design, Electrical Safety Analyzers, Testing. (3)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. John G.Webster, Editor, Medical Instrumentation application and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc Noida. 3rd Edition, 20012. R.S.Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation,, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 20033. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson Education, 2003.


    INTRODUCTION: General Functional description of a digital instrument - Block diagram of a Virtual Instrument - Physicalquantities and Analog interfaces - Hardware and Software - User interfaces - Advantages of Virtual instruments overconventional instruments - Architecture of a Vir tual instrument and i ts relation to the operating system. (8)

    SOFTWARE OVERVIEW: LabVIEW - Graphical user interfaces - Controls and Indicators - 'G' programming - Data types - Dataflow programming - Editing - Debugging and Running a Virtual instrument - Graphical programming pallets - Front panel objects- Controls, Indicators, Object properties and their configuration Typical examples.(10)

    PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE: FOR loops, WHILE loop, CASE structure, formula node, Sequence structures - Arrays andClusters - Array operations - Bundle - Bundle/Unbundle by name, graphs and charts - String and file I/O - High level and Lowlevel file I/Os - Attribute modes Local and Global variables. (8)

    HARDWARE ASPECTS: Installing hardware, installing drivers - Configuring the hardware - Addressing the hardware inLabVIEW - Digital and Analog I/O function - Data Acquisition - Buffered I/O - Real time Data Acquisition. (6)

    LABVIEW APPLICATIONS: Motion Control: General Applications - Feedback devices, Motor Drives Machine vision LabVIEW IMAQ vision Machine vision Techniques Configuration of IMAQ DAQ Card - Instrument Connectivity - GPIB,Serial Communication - General, GPIB Hardware & Software specifications - PX1 / PC1: Controller and Chassis Configurationand Installation. (10)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. Garry W Johnson, "LabView Graphical Programming", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2001.2. Sanjay Gupta and Joseph John, Virtual Instrumentation Using LabVIEW, Tata McGraw-Hill, Ist Edition, 2008.3. LabView: Basics I & II Manual, National Instruments, 20064. Barry Paron, "Sensors, Transducers and LabVIEW", Prentice Hall , 2000.5. William Buchanan and Bill Buchanan, Computer Basics, CRC Press, 2000.


    INTRODUCTION: Simple Graph Finite and infinite Graphs Incidence and Degree Isolated and Pendent Vertices Sub-Graphs Isomorphism Paths and Connections Connected Graphs, Disconnected Graphs and Components The Shortest

    Path Problem Trees Spanning Tree Algorithms Cut Edges and Bonds Cut Vertices Cayleys Formula The ConnectorProblem (9)


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    CUT-SETS, PLANAR AND DUAL GRAPHS AND CONNECTIVITY: Cut-sets Properties Connectivity Blocks Construction of Reliable Communication Networks Euler Trees and Hamiltonian Cycles Planar and Dual graphs Kuratowskis Graphs Directed Graphs Euler Digraphs The Chinese Postman Problem The Traveling Salesman Problem


    MATRIX REPRESENTATION OF GRAPHS AND GRAPH ENUMERATION: Operations on Graphs Incidence Matrix CircuitMatrix Fundamental Circuit Matrix Cut-set Matrix Path Matrix Adjacency Matrix Types of Enumeration CountingLabeled and Unlabeled Trees Polyas Counting Theorem Graphs Enumeration with Polyas Theorem (7)

    MATCHING, COLOURING AND COVERING: Matching Covering in Bipartite Graphs Perfect Matching The PersonalAssignment Problem The Optimal Assignment Problem Edge Colouring Edge Chromatic Number Vizings Theorem The Time Tabling Problem Independent Sets and Cliques Applications Vertex Colouring Chromatic Polynomials FiveColour Theorem Applications (12)

    GRAPH THEORY APPLICATIONS: Network Flows Transport Networks Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem Activity Networks Graphs in Game Theory (5)

    Total 42REFERENCES:1. Narsingh Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice Hall, 20072. Jonathan Gross and Jay Yellen, Graph Theory and Its Applications, Chapman and Hall, 20053. Reinhard Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer Publication, 2006

    09EA28/09ED28/09EM24/09EE27 SOFT COMPUTING3 0 0 3

    FEED FORWARD NETWORKS AND SUPERVISED LEARNING: Fundamentals Biological neural network Artificial neuron Activation function Learning rules - Perceptron Networks Adaline Madaline Back propagation networks Learningfactors Linear separability (6)

    SINGLE LAYER FEEDBACK NETWORKS: Hopfield network Discrete Hopfield networks Associative memories Recurrent auto association memory Bi-directional associative memory Boltzman machine (6)

    UNSUPERVISED LEARNING NETWORKS: Hamming networks Self-organising feature maps Adaptive resonance theorynetwork Instar model Outstar model Counter propagation network Radial basis function networks (7)

    CLASSICAL AND FUZZY SETS AND RELATIONS: Properties and Operations on Classical and Fuzzy Sets - Crisp and FuzzyRelations - Cardinality, Properties and Operations, Composition, Tolerance and Equivalence Relations - Fuzzy Ordering -

    Simple Problems (6)

    MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS: Features of membership function - Standard forms and Boundaries - fuzzification membershipvalue assignments - Fuzzy to Crisp Conversions - Lambda Cuts for fuzzy sets and relations Defuzzification methods(6)

    APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGIC: Application of Neural Networks - Pattern Recognition -Image compression Communication - Control systems - Applications of Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy Pattern Recognition - FuzzyImage compression - Fuzzy Logic controllers (5)

    GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Introduction Terminologies Genetic operators Selection, cross-over and mutation Fitnessfunction A simple genetic algorithm Applications (6)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES:1. S N Sivanandam, and S N Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India (P) Ltd.,New Delhi, 2007

    2. S N Sivanandam, S Sumathi, and S N Deepa, Introduction to Neural Networks using Matlab 6.0, Tata McGrawHillPublications, New Delhi, 2005.

    3. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 2004.4. Timothy Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1998.5. Zimmermann H.J., Fuzzy set Theory and its Applications, Springer India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.6. David E Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimisation and Machine Learning:, Pearson Education, New Delhi,



    REGISTER TRANSFER LANGUAGE AND MICRO-OPERATIONS: Register transfer language Inter-register transfer -

    Arithmetic micro - operations Logic micro-operations Shift micro-operations Control functions. (3)

    DATAPATH AND CONTROL: Data path Organisation - Binary arithmetic unit BCD arithmetic unit Floating pointarithmetic unit Processor bus configuration Data transfer and manipulation Hardwired and micro-programmed control.



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    MEMORY UNIT: Memory hierarchy Main memory Back-up storage units Multiple module memories Interleavedmemory Associative memory - Virtual memory systems Structure Paging TLB Segmentation Replacementstrategies Cache memory: Basic cache structure Direct, fully associative and set associative mapping Replacementpolicies Multiple caches Memory management hardware.


    INPUT-OUTPUT UNIT: Characteristics of I/O subsystem Interrupt mechanisms and special hardware Direct Memory

    Access I/O processors and I/O channels Asynchronous data transfer. (5)

    PARALLEL PROCESSING: Basic uniprocessor architecture Parallel processing mechanisms Levels of parallelism Balancing of subsystem bandwidth Parallel computer structures Architectural classifications Parallel processingapplications. (3)

    PIPELINING AND OTHER HIGH PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTURES: Linear pipelining Pipeline processors Instructionand Arithmetic pipelines Organization of pipelined units Instruction pre-fetch and branch handling Pipeline hazards Reducing branch penalties Branch prediction strategies Vector processing: requirements and characteristics Superscalar

    Architecture VLIW Architecture. (5)

    ARRAY PROCESSING: SIMD array processors Masking and data routing mechanisms Parallel algorithms forarray processors: SIMD Matrix multiplication SIMD Interconnection networks Associative array processing. (5)MULTIPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE: Functional structures: Loosely and Tightly coupled Multiprocessors Processorcharacteristics for multiprocessing Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMP) Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

    Interconnection structures for multiprocessors Cache coherence Thread level parallelism Multithreading Clusters (6)RISC ARCHITECTURE: Main characteristics of RISC architectures RISC-CISC trade-offs RISC pipelining (4)

    Total 42

    REFERENCES :1. Mano, M.M., "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 1993.2. Kai Hwang and Faye A Briggs., "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing", McGraw Hill Book Company, 1985.3. Stallings W., Computer Organisation and Architecture Designing for performance, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.4. John Hennessy and David Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative approach", Morgan Kaufmann

    Publishers, 2007.5. Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space Approach

    Addison Wesley, 19976. Moreshwar R.Bhujade, Parallel Computing, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 1995


    The student will make atleast two technical presentations on current topics related to the specialization. The same will beassessed by a committee appointed by the department. The students are expected to submit a report at the end of thesemester covering the various aspects of his/her presentation together with the observation in industry visits. A quiz coveringthe above will be held at the end of the semester.

    09EE51 EMBEDDED SYSTEM LAB - I0 0 3 2


    1. Introduction to programming PIC MCU using assembly language2. Getting started with MPLAB simulator3. Introduction to programming PIC MCU using CCS C compiler4. Simple experiments using the PIC MCU starter kit5. Learning to use In-circuit Debugger

    09EE52 EMBEDDED SYSTEM LAB - II0 0 3 2


    1. Design of EDF Scheduler 2. Design of RMS Scheduler 3. Creating tasks using MicroC/OS4. Using a Semaphore to coordinate tasks in MicroC/OS5. Using an ISR and Mailbox in MicroC/OS


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    09EA53/09ED53/09EM53/09EE53 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION LAB0 0 3 2


    1. Implementation of Star-Delta Starter using RLL for S7-200 PLC2. Development of a Monitoring Program for Induction Motor in RLL/STL for S7-3003. PWM/PTO based drive control using PLC4. Analog Sensor Interface using PLC5. Monitoring and Control of PLC through HMI6. Monitoring of Industrial drive through WinCC SCADA system7. Interfacing of S7-300 with WinCC SCADA system8. Programming and Control of a robot for pick and place application9. Machine monitoring and control through Ethernet10. Simulation experiments on Robot

    09EA55/ 09ED55/ 09EM55/ 09EE55


    PRINCIPLES OF OOP: Programming paradigms, basic concepts and benefits of OOP, applications of OOP. (2)INTRODUCTION TO C++: History of C++, structure of C++, basic data types, derived data types, symbolic constants, dynamicinitialization, type modifiers, type casting, operator and control statements, input and output statements. (3)

    CLASSES AND OBJECTS: Class specification, member function specification , scope resolution operator, access qualifiers,instance creation, member functions, function prototyping, function components, passing parameters, call by reference, returnby reference, inline function, default arguments, overloaded function. Array of objects, pointers to objects, this pointer, dynamicallocation operators, dynamic objects. Constructors, parameterized constructors, overloaded constructors, constructors withdefault arguments, copy constructors, static members and static objects as arguments, returning objects, friend function andfriend class. (7)OPERATOR OVERLOADING: Operator function, overloading unary and binary operator, overloading the operator using friend

    function. (2)

    INHERITANCE: Defining derived class, single inheritance, protected data with private inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance, multipath inheritance, constructors in derived and base classes,abstract classes. (5)

    INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURES: Abstract data types, primitive data structures, analysis of algorithms, notation.(5)

    ARRAYS: Operations, implementation of one, two and multi dimensioned arrays, different types of array applications. (5)

    STRINGS: Implementation, Operations, applications. (3)

    STACKS: Primitive operations, sequential implementation, applications. Recursion definition, process and implementationusing stacks, evaluation of expressions. (3)

    QUEUES: Primitive operations, sequential implementation, applications. Priority queues, dequeues. (3)

    SORTING: Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, heap sort, radix sort algorithms and analysis. (4)

    Total : 42

    REFERENCES:1. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley, 2004.2. Stanley B Lippman and Josee Lajoie, The C++ Primer, Addison Wesley, 2005.3. Harvey M Deitel,and Paul J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, Prentice Hall, 2007.4. Aaron M Tanenbaum, Moshe J Augenstein and Yedidyah Langsam, Data structures using C and C++, Prentice Hall of

    India, 2005.5. Sahni Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Universities Press, 2005.6. Nell Dale, C++ Plus Data Structures, Jones and Bartlett, 2006.7. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Addison-Wesley, 2006.8. Robert L Kruse and Clovis L Tondo, Data Structures and Program design in C, Pearson Education, 2005.


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