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contact skype//email : [email protected] Rizhao Eminent Group Co., Ltd.

Eminent, where Organic life startsIntroduction Eminent Group, a professional manufacturing & trading company, provide series of products rely on a multifunctional seaweed microbial fermentation technique which has a number of national patents for inventions and be awarded by Shandong province government for technology progress. Our company has complete agricultural production facilities, excellent marketing team, perfect marketing network, strong technical support. We provide high quality products and professional technique service, welcome OEM orders, moreover, we would like to provide our technique to raw organic fertilizer material owners who’s willing to establish an organic fertilizer factory. Raw fertilizer materials include but not limited to animal waste, furfural waste.

Contact Us

Website:www.rz-eminent.comAddress:No.169 yantai road, rizhao, shandong, China Post code:276800Tel:0633-8828696 Fax:0633-8828696Domestic Business:[email protected] 13561955412International Business:公司介绍日照市赫洋工贸有限公司(Rizhao Eminent Group Co.,Ltd.)成立于 2013年,注册资金 1000万元,是日照益康有机农业科技发展有限公司的南方销售及出口公司。益康有机是国家农业部批准登记的微生物有机肥料生产企业,国家级高新技术企业,公司总部位于美丽的海滨城市“日照”。在新疆、东北、山东、浙江以及长三角等地区周边分别设有分支机构和办事处。赫洋工贸主要经营益康有机旗下“海晟宝”系列产品。

bacterial manure

fertilizer bacteria

 biological activated fertilizer

Catalog Seaweed Microorganism Fertilizer Series, Seaweed Microbial organic Fertilizer (Powder, Granule) Seaweed Microbial organic Fertilizer With Plant Growth Regulator (Powder) Compound Seaweed Microbial Fertilizer (Granule) Soil Amendment(saline-alkaline soil & acid soil)(Powder) Seaweed Microbial Foliar Fertilizer(Liquid, 100% Water Soluble) Seaweed Microbial Water Flush Fertilizer(Liquid, 100% Water Soluble) Bio-organic watering manureAmino Acid 100% Water Soluble Fertilizer (Liquid) Root promoter Seaweed Microbial Agent(Liquid) Root Rot Killer Seaweed Microbial Agent(Liquid)

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菌剂系列--发酵素Organic Matter-Decomposing Inoculant(Liquid) Fermentation Bed Specific Inoculant(Liquid) Aquaculture(freshwater/seawater) Series, Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Water Purifier(Liquid) Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Ball Water Purifier Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Water Fertilizer 环保改良剂Seaweed Bio-bacterial Environmental Protection Amendment

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seaweed Micro-organism Fertilizer series

Seaweed Microbial organic fertilizer 1-A POWDER

1-B GRANULEProduct introductionSeaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award. Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed ,furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.Algae microbial organic fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.

Main IngredientBeneficial bacterium≥0.02billion/gram, organic matter≥50%, amino acid≥10%, secondary & micro-element≥2%, N+P2O5+K2O≥5%,

ITEM Content N 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 50% min

Alginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%

PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


Bacteria(bacillus subtilis) 9.4billion/G(检测结果)

Main function1.Promote growth and increase production.Effectively strong the root system, promote the growth of crop and bud differentiation and protect flowers and fruits, So it can increase production.2.Inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacterial ,enhanced disease prevention and resistance and reduce diseases.Beneficial microbial flora in the product can inhibit a variety of harmful bacteria,to provide a good environment for the growth of crops.

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3.Activate soil, fix nitrogen ,decompose extra phosphorus and potassium.The product can activate and improve soil harden caused by long-term heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides effectively, promote the absorption of various trace elements such as P,K,Mg,etc.,and improve utilization of fertilizer.4.Improve the quality of agricultural products.The product can improve the uniformity of all types of fruits,increase sugar content and dry matter content obviously.And also can improve the taste, exterior and the color distribution of fruits.Application Apply to all kinds of fruits, vegetables and field crops.Used as base fertilizer, furrow application, broadcast, hole application. watering after can celerate the decomposition of fertilizer for plant absorption Dosage: 600-1200kg/ha,can increase if poor soil.Packing specification20kg/bag (powder), 40kg/bag (granule) 海藻微生物菌肥产品介绍本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌及海藻中富含的 18种氨基酸以及碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分。海藻微生物菌肥主要能够增加土壤有机质及中微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分有效活菌数≥0.2亿/克(枯草芽胞杆菌),有机质含量≥5045%,N+P2O5+K2O≥5%, 海藻酸,氨基酸,中微量元素。ITEM Content N 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 50% min

Alginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%

PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


Bacteria(bacillus subtilis) 9.4billion/G(检测结果)


使用方法适用于各种瓜果蔬菜及大田作物。沟施、穴施、撒施,施用后可浇水以加速肥料分解,便于植物吸收。每亩用量 40-80kg,如土质贫瘠可加量使用。

包装规格粉剂:20kg/袋 颗粒:40kg/袋

3Seaweed Microbial Organic Fertilizer With Plant Growth Regulator

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Product introductionSeaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtain patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award.Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed ,furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.Algae microbial organic fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and  potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer..This product added alginic acid and plant growth regulator on the basic of seaweed microbial organic fertilizer.Main IngredientBeneficial bacterium≥0.02billion/gram, organic matter≥45%, alginic acid≥5%, amino acid≥10%, secondary & micro-element≥3%, N+P2O5+K2O≥5%, plant growth regulator≥2% ITEM Content living bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksN 3%P  (P2O5) 1% Can be customized ac-

cording to requirementsK (K2O) 1%Organic matter 45% min

Alginic acid 8-15%Amino acid 10%plant growth regulator 2%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%  PH value 6.0-8.0

Main function1, Supplemented with soil bacteria. Effectively inhibit a variety of plant pathogens, increase the number of beneficial bacteria in soil, downy mildew, blight, gray mold, root rot, wilt, virus diseases and prevention and control of root-knot nematode has a good effect, preventing the dead trees.2, Amend soil, promote root seedlings: automatically adjust the soil pH, and promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, loose soil, water permeability, developed root system, rapid absorption of nutrients, increase seedling survival rate and transplanting. activing the soil, solve soil hardening, restore soil self-production capacity. Releasing fertilizer damage due to excessive or unreasonable fertilization caused injury, reduce barriers to continuous tillage, degradation Agrochemical residue and heavy metal content in plants and the soil3, Tolerante to continuous cropping fields . This product contains a lot of useful microorganisms, be capable of secreting biologically active substances, Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and  potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer. 4, Effectively reduce the heat, rain, cold and other weather damage to crops caused by drought cold, anti-physiological diseases.

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5, Increase production and improve quality: promoting plant differentiation, protecting flowers and fruits, to improve uniformity, early maturity; decomposition of agricultural residues, improve the quality and taste of fruits and vegetables, increase the sugar content of fruits, extending shelf life.Application Apply to all kinds of fruits, vegetables and field crops.Used as base fertilizer, furrow application, broadcast, hole application.Dosage: 300kg/haPacking specification20kg/bag (powder),植物生长素产品介绍 本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌及海藻中富含的 18种氨基酸以及碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分。海藻微生物菌肥主要能够增加土壤有机质及中微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。本产品在微生物菌肥的基础上添加了氨基酸和植物生长因子。主要成分有效活菌数≥0.2亿/克(枯草芽胞杆菌),有机质≥45%,N+P2O5+K2O≥5%,中微量元素≥3%,海藻酸≥5%,植物生长因子≥2%,氨基酸≥10%ITEM Content living bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksN 3%P  (P2O5) 1% Can be customized ac-

cording to requirementsK (K2O) 1%Organic matter 45% min

Alginic acid 8-15%Amino acid 10%plant growth regulator 2%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%  PH value 6.0-8.0

主要功能 1、改良土壤,增加土壤有机质含量,补充土壤中的有益菌。有益菌再生繁殖过程中能有效抑制多种植物病原菌,增加土壤中有益菌的数量,对霜霉病、疫病、灰霉菌、根腐病、枯萎病、病毒病及根结线虫具有良好的防控效果,防止死棵。




2Compound Seaweed Microbial Fertilizer(10-5-10)

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Product introductionSeaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award. Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed ,furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.Algae microbial organic fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora, which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction, So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease; Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Main ingredientBeneficial bacterium≥0.02billion/gram, N+P2O5+K2O≥25%, organic matter≥50%, amino acid, secondary & micro-element, seaweed extract.ITEM Content

RemarksN 10%

Can be cus-tomized ac-

cording to re-quirements

P  (P2O5) 5%K (K2O) 10%Organic matter 50% minginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 2 %Benificial Bacteria 0.02billion/gram  Water soluble 100%  

Main function1, activation of the soil, releasing compaction, improve soil physical and chemical properties, increase permeability.2, improve crop root growth capacity, promote growth and improve production.3, antibacterial sterilization, enhance crop disease prevention and anti-cropping, drought and cold, resistance to lodging, etc., to reduce soil-borne diseases.4, nitrogen fixation, Phosphate, potassium, improve fertilizer use efficiency.5, to improve the quality of agricultural products.Application All kinds of fruits, vegetables, field crops, nursery stock, flowers,etc.Base fertilizer or topdressing, 1500kg/haPacking specification40kg/bag复合微生物菌肥(10-5-10)产品介绍.本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌及海藻中富含的 18种氨基酸以及碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分。

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海藻微生物菌肥主要能够增加土壤有机质及中微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分有效活菌数≥0.2亿/克(枯草芽胞杆菌),N+P2O5+K2O≥25%(NPK 比例可定制),有机质含量≥20%,海藻提取物,中微量元素,活性生物酶。ITEM Content

RemarksN 10%

Can be cus-tomized ac-

cording to re-quirements

P  (P2O5) 5%K (K2O) 10%Organic matter 50% minginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 2 %Benificial Bacteria 0.02billion/gram  Water soluble 100%  主要功能1、增加土壤有机质和有益菌的含量,活化土壤,解除板结,改善土壤理化性状,增加通透性。2、提高作物根系生长能力,促进生长,提高产量。3、抑菌杀菌,增强作物防病抗病能力和抗重茬、抗旱抗寒、抗倒伏等抗逆性,减少土传病害。4、固氮、解磷、解钾,提高肥料利用率。5、改善农产品品质。 使用方法各类大田作物和各种蔬菜、瓜果、花卉苗木等。基肥、追肥均可,也可与其他肥料搭配使用。用量:100-200公斤/亩。 包装规格:40kg/袋

4 seaweed Soil Amendment for both saline alkali soil and acid soil

Product introductionThe product was developed by the algae bio-bacterial,soybean meal powder,furfural residue and humic acid,etc.The algae bio-bacterial was developed by our company and obtained patents and Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award.The product contains many different kinds of beneficial microflora and natural nutrients

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which contains 18 kinds of amino acids as well as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc..The product‘s obvious effect has been tested by the agricultural center of the xinjiang production and construction crops, experimental station for improve soil at Paotai town,Shihezi city,and experimental station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences for improve saline soil at Dezhou city. Seaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award.Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed ,furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.Algae microbial organic fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Main IngredientBeneficial Bacterium≥2*109/gram, organic matter ≥40%,seaweed extract, amino acid, chelate micro-elementITEM Content Bacteria 0.02billion/gramN 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 40% minAlginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%Water soluble 80%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


Main function1.Improve the soil environment. The product can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure,adjust and balance the pH of soil and increase organic matter and trace elements.2.This product can inhibit and kill harmful bacterial, increase the ability of prevention and the resistance to diseases, cold, drought and lodging and reduce the soil-borne diseases. It also can promote cell division and repair and enhance the self-regulation.3.This product can strong root systems, promote the growth of crops and increase production.4. Improve the quality of agricultural products. The product can improve the uniformity of all types of fruits and increase sugar content and Vitamin C content obviously. And also can improve the taste, exterior and the color distribution of fruit.Application Suitable for saline wasteland reclamation, improvement of low-yielding fields, landscaping and so on.Base fertilizer, or broadcasting, topdressing. Seven days after sowing crops base fertilizer, planting. When transplanting seedlings with soil mix can be used directly. 300-600kg/ha,may be appropriate to increase the amount when the salt content is too high.Packing 20kg/bag产品介绍 本品是采用由我公司研发并获得发明专利和山东省科技进步奖的海藻生物菌剂与豆粕粉、糠醛渣、腐殖酸等经发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌和海藻种的 18种氨基酸、碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分,经新疆生产建设兵团农八师一四七团农科中心和炮台土壤改良试验站、中国农业科学院德州盐碱土改良实验站试验示范,效果十分显著。本技术成果经科技成果鉴定确认达到国际先进水平,并获得发明专利、日照市科学技术奖二等奖、山东省创新基金立项扶持。已获有机产品投入认定,可作为有机种植用肥。本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌及海藻中富含的 18种氨基酸以及碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分。

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海藻微生物菌肥主要能够增加土壤有机质及中微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分 有效活菌数≥0.2亿/克,有机质≥ 40%,海藻提取物,多种植物生长因子,高活性生物酶,螯合微量元素,氨基酸等。ITEM Content Bacteria 0.02billion/gramN 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 40% minAlginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%Water soluble 80%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


主要功能1、能增加土壤有机质含量,有效调节土壤酸碱度,改善土壤团粒结构,增加土壤中有益菌和微量元素含量,为作物生长提供良好的微生态环境。2、所含生物菌的再生繁殖能力,再生过程中能有效抑制有害微生物的生长繁殖,并能促进植物体的细胞分裂、细胞修复及增强自我调节功能,增强抗病防病、抗盐碱能力和抗重茬等抗逆性,减少土传病害。3、能有效强壮根系,促进作物生长,提高产量。4、改善农产品品质。显著提高各类瓜果糖度和维生素含量,改善口感和外观色泽,提高商品率。使用方法适用于盐碱荒地的开垦,中低产田改良,园林绿化等。基施、撒施,也可作追肥使用。农作物基施七天后播种、定植。苗木移植时可与土壤拌匀直接使用。每亩用量 20-40kg,盐碱含量过高时可适当增加用量。

包装规格 20kg/袋5 Soil conditioner Special for Acid Land

Product introductionThis product was developed by adjust the microflora and use other recipes based on the soil conditioner for saline land.It is specifically for acid land. Algae microbial organic fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora, which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the

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occurrence of plant disease; Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and  potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Main Ingredients: Beneficial Bacterium≥2*109/gram, organic matter ≥40%,seaweed extract, amino acid, chelated micro-elements

ITEM Content Bacteria 0.02billion/gramN 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 40% minAlginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%Water soluble 80%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


Main function 1.Improve the soil environment, adjust soil PH value. The product can promote the formation of soil aggre-gated structure,increasing probiotics in soil, adjust and balance the pH of soil and increase organic mat-ter and trace elements. 2.This product can inhibit and kill harmful bacterium ,increase the ability of disease prevention and the resis-tance of cold,drought or lodging ,and reduce the soil-borne diseases.It also can promote cell division and re-pair and enhance the self regulation. 3.This product can strong root systems, promote the growth of crops and increase production. 4 .Improve the quality of agricultural products. The product can improve the uniformity of all types of fruit, in-crease sugar content and Vitamin C content obviously. And also can improve the taste, exte-rior and the color distribution of fruits. Application method basal application, spread application or top dressing Packing specification 20kg/bag 酸性土壤改良剂详细介绍:在盐碱地土壤改良剂基础上,通过调节微生物菌群及其他配方,由海藻经生物菌发酵制成,专门针对酸性土壤环境。本产品能增加土壤有机质的含量,所含的生物菌群,具有再生繁殖能力,能增加土壤中有益菌的含量,抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,从而减少植物病害,从根本上预防病虫害的发生。主要成分:ITEM Content Bacteria 0.02billion/gramN 3%P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Organic matter 40% minAlginic acid 8%-15%Amino acid 10%Water soluble 80%PH value 6.0-8.0Trace Element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)


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主要功能 1、能有效调节土壤 PH 值,改善土壤团粒结构,增加有机质和微量元素,增加土壤中有益生物菌的含量,为作物生长提供良好的微生态环境。 2、能有效抑制有害微生物的生长繁殖,并能促进植物体的细胞分裂、细胞修复及增强自我调节功能,增强抗病防病、抗盐碱能力和抗重茬等抗逆性,减少土传病害。 3、能有效强壮根系,促进作物生长,提高产量。 4、改善农产品品质。显著提高各类瓜果糖度和维生素含量,改善口感和外观色泽,提高商品率。 使用方法 基施、撒施,也可作追肥使用。 包装规格 20kg/袋

10 Seaweed Microbial Foliar Fertilizer 10-A 25ML/BAG,10-B 500ML/BOTTLE

Product introduction

This product is confirmed reached the international advanced level by Chinese ministry of science technology, access to patents and Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award and the National Science and Technology Innovation Fund project funded seaweed biological agents, added chitin, chitosan oligosaccharide, chelated trace elements, etc. research and development of plant foliar feed. Seaweed is rich in 30 kinds of amino acids and nutrients and a variety of natural minerals and other beneficial microflora. Algae microbial organic foliage fertilizer can mainly increase contents of trace elements, is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Organic products have been identified, it can be used as organic fertilizer for planting.Main ingredient Beneficial Bacterium≥2.0*109 CFU/ml(photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes,Lactobacillus casei, Pichia membranaefaciens ,streptomycs), seaweed extract, plant growth regulator, Highly active enzymes, amino acid, micro-elements, bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksAmino acid 10%min

Can be customized according to requirements

Zn 25g/L minCu 7g/L minB 4g/L mininsoluble matter 1% maxtrace element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 20g/L minHighly active enzymes 1%PH value 6.0-8.0  density 1.19g/ml  

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Main function1, To increase production. Many products are rich in nutrients can be absorbed by plant leaves quickly, promoting chlorophyll synthesis, enhance photosynthesis, increase the accumulation of dry matter, promote growth and improve production.2, Enhance disease prevention and disease resistance and stress resistance. Products in a variety of beneficial microflora can effectively inhibit the reproduction and growth of harmful bacteria, enhance crop immunity and disease prevention capacity, enhance cold hardiness, disease and other anti-physiological stress resistance and reduce disease.3, To improve quality. Can effectively improve the quality of agricultural products, especially fruits and products can significantly improve the sugar content and vitamin C content, sweet taste, the fruit surface glamorous.4, The decomposition of agricultural residues, extend shelf life, can achieve planting green pollution standards and organic products.Application scopeFor vegetables, fruits, tea and other crops as well as urban lawns, flowers and so on.Foliar spray: 1: 300 dilution of spraying.Packing specification25ml/bag, 500ml/bottle, 1L/bottle海藻生物叶面肥产品介绍 本品以海藻生物菌剂(通过科技成果鉴定确认达到国际先进水平、获得发明专利和山东省科技进步奖以及国家科技部创新基金立项资助),添加甲壳素、壳寡糖、螯合态微量元素,等研发成叶面用肥料。富含海藻中的各种氨基酸和天然矿物质等三十多种营养成分及多种有益微生物菌群。补充微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。 已获有机产品投入认定,可作为有机种植用肥。主要成分


living bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksAmino acid 10%min

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


Zn 25g/L minCu 7g/L minB 4g/L mininsoluble matter 1% maxtrace element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)

20g/L min

Highly active enzymes 1%PH value 6.0-8.0  density 1.19g/ml  主要功能


使用说明 尤其适用于各种叶菜类,茶等作物,根菜以及城市草坪、花卉等。 叶面喷施:按 1:300 倍稀释液喷施。

包装规格瓶装:500ml*24 瓶/箱 小包装:25ml*400 包/箱

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9 Amino Acid 100% Water Soluble Fertilizer

Product introduction Seaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award. Algae microbial organic soluble fertilizer can mainly increase contents of trace elements , is rich in algae microbial flora, which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer. This product is added extra amino acids and micro-elements Cu, Zn, B at the basic of seaweed microbial foliar fertilizer.Main ingredientAmino acid≥100g/L, Cu+Zn+B≥20g/Lliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksAmino acid 10%min

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


Zn 25g/L minCu 7g/L minB 4g/L mininsoluble matter 1% maxtrace element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)

20g/L min

PH value 6.0-8.0  density 1.19g/ml  

Main function1, rapidly activation of cell activity plant, prompting rapid foliar absorption of nutrients, leaves hypertrophy, high chlorophyll content, enhance photosynthesis, promote root development, thick stem.2, Improve crop toleration of dry, hot, wind and other anti-disease prevention and anti-low temperature, drought, lodging capacity.3, To promote crop growth, improve uniformity, ear big grain, full grain, yield significant results.Application For all kinds of field crops, fruits and vegetables, nursery stock, flowers, tobacco, tea, etc. as well as urban lawns and so on.Foliar spray: 1: 300 dilution of spraying.Every 25 ml products against the water for 15 to 30 kg, stir well, in the early crops jointing stage, heading stage, grouting spraying on the leaf in the early crops jointing stage, heading stage, grouting spraying on the leaves. Packing specification25ml/bag, 500ml/bottle氨基酸水溶肥产品介绍

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本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;在叶面肥的基础上,添加氨基酸和微量元素制成的氨基酸液体肥料。结合氨基酸和多种微量元素(螯合态微量元素锌、铜、硼等)制成全水溶性肥料,一般用于叶面施肥。补充微量元素,富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分

有益菌≥2亿,氨基酸≥100g/L,微量元素Cu+Zn+B≥20g/Lliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion RemarksAmino acid 10%min

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


Zn 25g/L minCu 7g/L minB 4g/L mininsoluble matter 1% maxtrace element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B)

20g/L min

PH value 6.0-8.0  density 1.19g/ml  


使用方法各类农作物,食用菌。(如大田作物、瓜果蔬菜、苗木、花卉、烟草、茶叶等)。每 25ml产品兑水 15-30kg,搅拌均匀,于作物拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆初期叶面喷施各一次。

包装规格25ml*400 包 25ml*50 包

6 -A 5L/BOTTLE,6- B 10KG/20KG/BUCKET Seaweed Microbial Water Flush Fertilizer 海藻生物冲施肥(果丰)

Product introductionSeaweed Microbial organic fertilizer was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award. Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed, furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This

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product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.Algae microbial organic flushable fertilizer can mainly increase contents of organic matter and trace elements in soil, is rich in algae microbial flora, which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease; Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.

Main IngredientBeneficial microorganisms ≥2 * 109CFU / ml, seaweed extract, plant growth regulator, chelate micro-element, amino acid,Highly active enzymes.ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 海藻酸 5%

Amino acid 氨基酸 10%

plant growth regulator 生长素 2%

Highly active enzymes 高活性生物酶 1%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%PH value 6.0-8.0  living bacteria count more than 0.2billion

Mainly Lactobacillus caseiPichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videousRhodopseudomonas palustrisbacillus subtilis

Main function1.Improve the soil condition. The product can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure,adjust and balance the pH of soil,effectively reduce the damage caused by the fertilizer and pestcide’s excessive application.2. Anti continuous cropping.Inhibition and reduce the soil-borne diseases. algae microbial flora in which contained can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogens and harmful microflora in soil. It can enhance the ability of prevention and resistance for disease of crops,reduce the incidence of dead trees disease and root rot.3.Fix nitrogen,decompose extra phosphorus and potassium.It can increase the utilization of fertilizer and soil nutrients,And to supplement a variety of trace elements for crops.4.Increase production.It can promote the growth of crops, strengthen roots, make the seedling neat and vigorous ,and protect the flowers and fruits.5.Improve the quality of agricultural products. The product can improve the uniformity of all types of fruits, increase sugar content and Vitamin C content obviously. And also can improve the taste, exterior and the color distribution of fruit.

Application Applies to strawberries, watermelons, grapes, peach, pear, loquat, banana, pineapple and other

fruits; tomato, pepper, cucumber, wild rice, lotus root, Artemisia and other vegetables; rice, wheat and

other food crops; herbs and gardening, horticulture plants.Irrigating: 75L/ha

Drip: 15-30L/ha diluted by1:400-600,used with micro-element chemical fertilizerPacking specification

5L/ barrel,10L/ barrel, 20L/barrel

Plant Time of Use

Melon&Fruits Transplanting, a spike fruit or flowering and fruit setting stage, fruit enlargement; 5L-10L for each time.

Vegetables Irrigating at seedling, vigorous growth, heading stage of cauliflower, kale, cabbage and similar vegetables. vigorous growth early, middle, with underground stems enlargement period. 5L for each time.

Field crops Irrigating at seeding, vigorous growth stage. 5L for each time.

Fruit tree Seeding stage, before flowering, fruit swelling stage

Tobacco, tea, cotton

Growing sprouts new branches, new branches sprout vigorous growth (tobacco transplanting, the strong growth period) cotton before flowering

Flowers, lawn Seeding vigorous growth, flowering

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海藻生物冲施肥产品介绍 本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。含有乳酸菌、酵母菌、光合菌、放线菌等多种有益菌群和海海藻提取物、多种氨基酸、腐殖酸、甲壳素、螯合态微量元素铁和锌等。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生,;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率 。主要成分 有益微生物≥2*109CFU/ml(乳酸菌、酵母菌、光合菌、放线菌等),海藻提取物,多种植物生长因子,高活性生物酶,螯合微量元素,氨基酸等。(可定制不同含量NPK 的水冲肥)ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 海藻酸 5%

Amino acid 氨基酸 10%

plant growth regulator 生长素 2%

Highly active enzymes 高活性生物酶 1%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%PH value 6.0-8.0  living bacteria count more than 0.2billion

Mainly Lactobacillus caseiPichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videousRhodopseudomonas palustrisbacillus subtilis


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使用说明 适用于草莓、西瓜、葡萄、桃、梨、枇杷、香蕉、菠萝等瓜果类;番茄、辣椒、黄瓜、茭白、莲藕、芦蒿等蔬菜类;水稻、小麦等粮食作物;中草药及园林、园艺植物。 冲施:每亩用量 10-20公斤,高效型每亩用量 5公斤。 滴灌:稀释 400-600 倍,每亩使用 1-2升,可与其他无机肥料配合使用。包装规格 1L/瓶,5L/桶,10L/桶,20L/桶

冲施种类 冲施期瓜果类 移栽缓苗后、一穗果或开花坐果期,果实膨大期各施一次叶菜类


次;旺盛生长前期、中期、地下跟、茎膨大期,各施一次作物类 苗期(移栽缓苗后)旺盛生长期,各施一次秧果类 幼苗期、开花前、果实膨大期,各施一次果树类 幼苗期、开花前、果实膨大期,各施一次烟草、茶树




7 Root promoter Seaweed Microbial Agent Seaweed Fertilizer---Root Promoter 

Product IntroductionThe seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents,It was developed by compound microbial agent(imported) added chitin,amino acid, chelated trace elements(Zn,Cu,B etc. ), This product not only promote plant root system growth, enhance the resistance to disease, cold, dry, the growth of root, to assure the plant alive and strong , prevent from desease,but also improve soil texture prevent compaction and enhance the ability of preservation moisture and fertility. So as to realize crop nutrients absorption, ensure the nutrient supply to flower bud ,keep flower and fruit, finally achieve the purpose of increase production .It's rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Applied crops: Cotton, rice, corn, wheat, vegetable, watermelon, melon, fruit trees. Main IngredientBeneficial microorganisms ≥2 * 109CFU / ml, seaweed extract, plant growth regulator, chelate micro-element, amino acid. highly active enzymes,ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3% Can be cus-

tomized ac-P  (P2O5) 1%

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K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Chitin 甲壳素 1%plant growth regulator 2%highly active enzymes 高活性生物酶 1%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%

PH value 6.0-8.0  living bacteria count more than 0.2billion

Mainly Lactobacillus caseiPichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videousRhodopseudomonas palustrisbacillus subtilis

Main function1. during seedling: using at the seedling stage (2 leaves&1 bud), promote root elongation, bold, multi-lateral roots, enhance root activity and absorption intensity, form seedlings as soon as possible, in order to facilitate transplanting.2. When transplanting: dipping or irrigating root when transplant can increase seedling survival rate.3. during rowing stage: irrigating root at growing stage can significantly stimulate root levels occur and elongation, increased root absorption area and absorption intensity, to provide protection for the growth and development of the aerial parts. Application1, Seeding: irrigate seedbed with 500-time dilution2, Transplanting: dip root or irrigate after diluted by 1:300-5003, Growing period: root irrigating with 300-time dilution at week&diseased seedling, 5 days a time, twice return to normal growth. Packing Specification1L/bottleWarning: 1. Stir equally and completely before usage.2.  Good effect can be received if used in the morning or in the evening.3.. Respray if raining is available within 6 hours after spraying.Validity: Two years. 根 旺产品介绍本品采用进口菌种经特殊工艺发酵而成,添加了氨基酸,微量元素,甲壳素等,能促进根系生长,壮苗。既能防病抗病,增强抗旱耐寒能力,又能活化土壤,可改善土壤结构,防止土壤板结,增强土壤保水、保肥、保温透气性,从而实现作物营养全面吸收,保证花芽养分供给,保花保果,最终达到增产增收的目的。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率 。适用于:棉花小麦玉米,瓜果类等作物主要成分有益微生物菌,海洋生物藻,甲壳素,多种植物生长因子,高活性生物酶,鏊和微量元素,氨基酸等。ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3% Can be cus-

tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Chitin 甲壳素 1%plant growth regulator 2%highly active enzymes 高活性生物酶 1%

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secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%

PH value 6.0-8.0  living bacteria count more than 0.2billion

Mainly Lactobacillus caseiPichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videousRhodopseudomonas palustrisbacillus subtilis

主要功能1、苗期:在苗期(2 叶 1 心以后)使用,可明显促进主根伸长,加粗,侧根发生多,增强根系活力及吸收强度,尽快形成壮苗,以利移栽。2、移栽:移栽时使用本品蘸根或灌根,可提高秧苗成活率,缓苗快,发根快,克服地温时高时低障碍等。3、生长期:生长期使用本品进行灌根,可明显刺激各级根系的发生和生长,增大根系的吸收面积和吸收强度,为地上部分的生长发育提供保障。使用本品还可抗重茬,并可有效防治烂根、锈根、死秧苗、植株早衰等。

使用方法1、苗期用量:每平方米(m2)苗床用 500 倍稀释浇灌2、移栽用量:将本品稀释 300-500 倍蘸根或浇灌3、生长期用量:使用本品稀释 300 倍液进行浇灌,对弱苗病苗灌根,每五天一次,灌两次即可恢复正常生长,建议亩用量 1-2L

包装规格 1L/瓶 12 瓶/箱

8 Root Rot Killer Seaweed Microbial Agent(Liquid) 根腐康

product introductionThe seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patent, It was developed by compound microbial agent added amino acid, chelated trace elements(Zn,Cu,B etc. ),not only can improve and prevent from the rotten root,but also can promote the growth of root, to assure the plant alive and strong , increasing yield and income.It's rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.

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Main IngredientBeneficial microorganisms, seaweed extract, plant growth regulator, disease-resistant factor, chelate micro-element, amino acid.ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Chitin 甲壳素 1%

Antidisease-factor 抗病因子 2%plant growth regulator 2%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%

PH value 6.0-8.0  有益菌living bacteria count more than 0.2billion


Lactobacillus casei

Pichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videous

Rhodopseudomonas palustris

bacillus subtilis

Main function1, inhibit of harmful bacteria: It's rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, provide a lot of beneficial bacteria and inhibit harmful bacteria multiply, forming a protective root environment, reducing plant root rot, black root rot, wilt, blight, bacterial wilt, damping-off disease and other soil-borne diseases occur.2, Improve soil condition: restoration of soil aggregate structure, alleviate soil compaction, increase soil permeability retention, nitrogen fixation, Phosphate, Potassium, improve soil organic matter content.3, promote root: bacteria secrete a variety of active substances to promote cell division, root growth, the formation of seedlings.Application1, Dipping: diluted 200 times, dipping for 10 minutes before transplanting.2, Root irrigating: irrigating root with 100-time dilution when root rot severe. Use twice with 5 days interval, normally recovery.3, Flushes or drip: diluted 300-500 times, flush or drip with water, 15-30L/ha.Packing Specification1L/bottle 根 腐 康产品介绍本产品由海藻提取物经生物菌发酵制成的生物菌剂,针对植物根系腐烂问题研发的产品。添加了水溶性氨基酸、螯合态微量元素锌、铜、硼等,除了能改善和预防根腐病的发生,还能促进根系生长,从而达到活苗、壮苗的作用,增产增收。

富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分有益微生物菌,海藻酸,甲壳素,植物调节因子,抗病因子,氨基酸,生根剂等ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-

P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%

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Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Chitin 甲壳素 1%

Antidisease-factor 抗病因子 2%plant growth regulator 2%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 3%

PH value 6.0-8.0  有益菌living bacteria count more than 0.2billion


Lactobacillus casei

Pichia membranaefaciens


 streptomycs micuoflaudio-videous

Rhodopseudomonas palustris

bacillus subtilis

主要功能1,以菌克菌:所含的生物菌群,具有再生繁殖能力,抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,形成根系保护屏障,减轻植物根腐、黑根、烂根、枯萎病、立枯病、青枯病、猝倒病等多种土传病害的发生。2,改良土壤:修复土壤团粒结构,缓解土壤板结,增加土壤透气保水性,固氮、解磷、解钾,提高土壤有机质含量。3,促生根:有益菌持续分泌多种活性物质,促使细胞分裂,根系生长,形成壮苗。使用方法蘸根:将本品稀释 200 倍,移栽时苗根浸蘸 10分钟,然后移栽定植。灌根:在根腐重灾区,用本品 100 倍稀释灌根,间隔 5天,连续使用 2 次即可恢复正常生长。冲施或滴灌:将本品稀释 300-500 倍,均匀随水冲施,每亩用量 1-2L包装规格 1L/瓶

16 Inoculant for Decomposing Organic Matter-有机肥发酵菌product introductionThe seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents,It was developed by compound the photosynthetic,lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes,etc..It is a highly effective bio-fermentation agents. The content of effective living bacteria is more than 200 million / ml.(photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus),To ferment various organic matter and farmyard

manure (all kinds of livestock and poultry excrement, crop straw, seed cake, bran shell, organic waste, all kinds of waste residue produced in agricultural products processing ).

It's rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of plant disease;Nitrogen fixation, Dissolving phosphor and potassium actions, thus can enhance the utilization of chemical fertilizer.Main IngredientNumber of effective living bacterium more than 200 million/ml, (photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus ),seaweed extractMain function1. Strong ability of fermentation and decomposition. It can make high temperature

in the process of ferment to kill disease ovum and weed seeds. So it can reduce the incidence of pests and diseases.

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2 Beneficial bacteria in the product can produce a large number functional bacteria and a variety of metabolite which have special effect, such as biological endogenous hormones and antibiotic. So it can promote the growth of crops, increase the ability of disease prevention and the resistance of cold, drought, lodging and continuous cropping.3. After the beneficial bacteria into soil, it can fix nitrogen, decompose extra phosphorus and potassium and increase nutrients. It also can promote the mineralization and humification of the organic materials, improve the soil structure and increase the utilization of fertilizer. Application suitable for all kinds of livestock and poultry manure, crop straw, meal, bran shell, organic waste, processing of agricultural products to produce a variety of waste (sucrose mud, Marc, mushroom, Lees, furfural residue) and other organic materials maturity.1: 500 dilution and then mixed with the feed mix to a moisture content of about 40% of raw materials; compaction, sealing anaerobic fermentation; fermentation time of 3-5 days in summer and winter 7-10 days. Dosage: 1L for 2-3 per cubic organic material. Diluent spray on the surface of animal Waste or other organic matters.Diluent spray on surface directly,its effect is a bit poor than sealing.Packing specification 1L/bottle有机肥专用发酵素产品介绍:本产品针对生产有机肥等有机物料发酵的需要,将光合菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌、放线菌等多菌种与海藻提取物复合而成,是一种高效生物发酵剂,能够发酵腐熟各种有机质和农家肥(各种畜禽粪便、作物秸秆、饼粕、糠壳、有机废弃物、农产品加工产生的各种废渣)。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病虫害的作用,减少植物病害的发生;固氮、解磷、解钾;从而提升化肥的利用率。主要成分

有效活菌数在 2.0亿/ml以上。(光合菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌、放线菌等),海藻提取物。主要功能


使用方法适用于各种畜禽粪便、作物秸秆、饼粕、糠壳、有机废弃物、农产品加工产生的各种废渣(蔗糖泥、果渣、蘑菇渣、酒糟、糠醛渣)等多种有机物料的发酵腐熟。发酵素按 1:500 倍稀释然后与原料混合拌匀,使原料的含水量在 40%左右(手握成团松手自动散开);压实,密封厌氧发酵;发酵时间夏季 7天,冬季 10-15天,散发出酒曲香味或出现白、红色菌丝,表明发酵成功。用量:每 2-3立方有机物料使用本品 1L。

包装规格1L*12 瓶/箱

17 Specific Inoculant for Making Fermentation Bed 发酵床用发酵素 2x108

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Product introductionThe seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents,It was developed by compound the lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes,etc..It is a highly effective bio-fermentation agents. The content of effective living bacteria is more than 200 million / ml.(photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus),This product is applied to the ferment of padded material for fermentation bed of pigs, sheep, ducks, geese, rabbits, fox, mink, deer and other is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction,So playing the role of prevention of diseases and pests , fundamentally to reduce the occurrence of animal disease. Main IngredientNumber of effective living bacterium more than 200 million/ml, (photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus ),seaweed extractMain function1.It can create micro-ecological ferment bed after this product mix with the padded material of fermentation bed, which can decompose and convert the organic of excrement of animals fully. It also can reduce and decompose harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, remove off-flavor, improve the environment of the animal’s house.2.Beneficial bacteria can produce physiological activator such as antiviral agent and somatomedin during the breeding process. It can increase the disease resistance of livestock and reduce diseases obviously3.This product can balance the gastrointestinal flora, promote the absorption of nutrition ,increase the feed conversion, make the cost of feed down and slaughter in advance4.Improve the quality of livestock and poultry products.Application Applies to pigs, sheep, cattle, ducks, geese, rabbits, fox, mink, deer and other animals1L diluted 1:50 mixed with 1 cube of organic padding material, keep the humidity at 30%-40%, fermentation time of 3-5 days at summer, 7-10 days at winter.Packing specification 1L/bottle制作发酵床专用发酵素产品介绍

由海藻提取物经发酵技术,把乳酸菌、酵母菌、放线菌等多菌种有效复合,互不拮抗,协同作用,是一种高效生物发酵剂。适用于猪、羊、鸭、鹅、兔、狐、貂、鹿等动物的发酵床垫料的发酵。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;从而从底部起到预防病害的作用,减少动物病害的发生。

主要成分 有效活菌数 2.0亿/ml以上。(乳酸菌、酵母菌、放线菌等)海藻提取物。主要功能


使用方法 适用于猪、羊、牛、鸭、鹅、兔、狐、貂、鹿等动物的发酵床养殖。

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按 1立方米有机垫料与 1L发酵素充分搅拌均匀, 湿度 30%-40%为宜。冬季温度较低时,适当增加发酵素用量。发酵时间夏季 3-5天,冬季 7-10天。包装规格 1L*12 瓶/箱

15Microbial preparate for organic feed additive 微生物菌剂-动物饲料添加剂Seaweed Microbial Agent For animal breeding (Liquid)

Product introductionThe seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, This product is made by a variety of amino acid, seaweed pulp and photosynthetic bacteria, actinomyces, nitrogen-fixing bacteria ,bacillus and the other many kinds of beneficial microbial flora. by fermentation adding chitosan oligosaccharide.

Seaweed Microbial Feed Additive is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction, at same time fermenting the feed ,improve the feed quality, thus can enhance the utilization of feeds.This product is applies to the feeds of pigs, sheep, ducks, geese,

rabbits, fox, mink, deer and other animals. It was developed by compound the lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, etc.The content of effective living bacteria is more than 200 million / ml.Meeting the standards of feed safety.Main IngredientNumber of effective living bacterium more than 200 million/ml, (Lactobacillus Casei, Saccharomyces cerevisiae),seaweed extractMain Functions1, Fermenting raw materials, such as slag, roughage and cake class, reduce the amount of toxin, reduce costs, improve the animal’s palatability.2, ImprovING the quantities of animal products , such as meat, eggs and milk production, improving the quality of animal products.3, To enhance immunity, improve the survival rate and uniformity.4, To improve the body's ability to resist stress, reduce the production loss caused by turning group, vaccination, or the temperature change, etc.5, To balancing animal intestines and stomach, promote the comprehensive nutrition absorption, improve feed conversion rate. Adding weight by about 5% - 10% and output in advance.6, To reduce the harmful gas in the housing, such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and fecal odor, improve the breeding environment, promoting livestock and poultry growing healthly.Application Mixing: 1:200 diluted for feed, mixed 3% - 5%.Drinking Water: 1:500-1000, used for livestock and poultry drinking water. Sick animals can eat the original liquid, by 1-2ml per kilogram of body weight; once a day, stay for three days.Fermented feed: mix 1-2 kg of this product evenly to 300 kg not fermentation raw materials, sealing fermentation, fermentation is about 30 for 3 to 5 days, at low temperature fermentation time should be ℃extended appropriately. When the fermented materials have a sweet and sour smell, mixing fodder by 5% - 15%.Packing specification 1L/bottle,12bottles/carton

海藻生物菌饲料添加剂产品介绍本产品由我司自行研发并获得国家发明专利的海藻生物菌发酵技术制成,由多种氨基酸、海藻浆料与多种有益菌复合发酵,海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖;有益菌再生繁殖过程中,能发酵改善饲料的品质和被吸收率。结合乳酸菌,酵母菌等,菌数目每毫升 2亿。适用于猪、羊、牛、鸭、鹅、兔、狐、貂、鹿等畜禽动物。本产品符合饲料卫生标准。 主要成分有效活菌数≥2.0亿/ml,干酪乳酸杆菌、酿酒酵母菌,海藻提取物。

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主要功能1、发酵粗饲料及饼粕和糟渣类原料,降低毒素量,降低成本,改善适口性。2、提高肉蛋奶等动物产品产量,改善畜产品品质。3、提高机体免疫力,提高成活率及整齐度。4、提高机体抗应激能力,降低因转群、疫苗接种、气温巨变等造成的生产损失。5、调节动物肠胃平衡,促进营养全面吸收,提高饲料转化率。提高只均活体重 5%-10%,且能提前出栏。6、降低圈舍氨气、硫化氢等有害气体及粪便臭味,改善饲养环境,促进畜禽健康生长。使用方法搅拌:将本品 1:200 倍稀释后用于饲料拌喂,添加量 3%-5%。饮水:将本品兑水按 1:500-1000 倍,用于畜禽饮水。病弱动物可按每千克体重 1-2ml 灌服原液,每天一次,连用三天。发酵饲料:将 1-2kg本品均匀拌到 300kg未发酵的原料中,密封发酵,30℃左右发酵 3-5天,温度低时发酵时间应适当延长。等到发酵料有甜酸气味时,按 5%-15%拌料饲喂。注意事项1、开瓶时请缓慢开启,以防菌液外溢。2、阴凉避光保存,用后密封。3、使用本品,卫生防疫措施应照常进行,前 3天后 5天不要使用杀菌剂。4、稀释本品最好使用井水或将自来水放置 24 小时除氯后使用包装规格 1L*12 瓶/箱

Aquaculture(Freshwater/Seawater) Series 水产养殖系列14 Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Feed Additive 饲料添加剂

Product introductionThis product is made by a variety of amino acid, seaweed pulp and photosynthetic bacteria, actinomyces, nitrogen-fixing bacteria ,bacillus and the other many kinds of beneficial microbial flora. by fermentation adding chitosan oligosaccharide.

Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Feed Additive is rich in algae microbial flora,which have reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep good bacterial reproduction, at same time fermenting the feed ,improve the feed quality, thus can enhance the utilization of feeds.Suitable for Fresh and salty water aquaculture such as fish, turtle, shrimp, crab, shellfish, bullfrogs and so on, This product meets the standards of feed safety.Main ingredients:

Number of effective living bacterium more than 200 million/ml,(Lactobacillus Casei, Saccharomyces cerevisiae),seaweed extract

The main function

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1, improve feed utilization, reduce feed coefficient;, fix function of intestines and stomach, improve the absorption and utilization of various nutrients, reduce water pollution.2, optimize water quality, improve the environment, increase the number of beneficial microbes in water, aquatic animal promote metabolism.3 .improve water quality, stable PH value, replenish trace elements, keep the water plankton proportionally and probiotics balanced, inhibit the growth of harmful algal blooms.4, Rapidly and completely degrading the harmful amino nitrogen, argon nitro nitrogen, eliminate hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances. 5, efficient decomposition residual baits, waste water, remove odor; Clear water pollution, improve dissolved oxygen concentration. Maintain the micro ecological balance of inside aquatic animal body, enhancement organism immunity and disease resistance, improve the survival rate.6, promote the aquatic nutrient digestion and absorption of nutrients, and promote aquatic animals growth, increase the individual weight, improve the aquatic product quality, increase production. Application(Usage and dosage)optimum using period: change water every about 15 days, at the beginning using interval of 10-15 days, in water quality deterioration or when the weather is too hot, use irregularly.1. Splashing: 1L can be diluted and used at 0.13-0.2ha water surface area at 1m depth.. usage can be appropriately increase or decrease with different depth 2. Mixing with feed: at the beginning:1L can be used with 100-150kg feeds. The middle and later stage: 1L for 50kgAttention:1, on the premise of guarantee quality, can't use drainage within 15 to 20 days after using this product, in order to avoid the loss of nutrients.2, please store the product sealed, avoid placed in sunlight 3, the product cannot be used with fungicide.Expiration dateunder correct condition of transportation and storage , 24 monthsPacking specification:1L/bottle ,12bottles/carton.海藻生物菌水产养殖饲料添加剂产品介绍本产品由多种氨基酸、海藻浆料与光合菌、放线菌、固氮菌和芽孢杆菌等多种有益微生物菌群并添加了壳聚糖,壳寡糖等经发酵复合技术制成。含有多种有益再生菌群,能抑制有害菌的繁殖,有益菌的再生繁殖过程中,能发酵饲料,改善饲料品质,提高饲料利用率。适用于鱼、鳖、虾、蟹、贝类、牛蛙等淡、海水养殖业。本产品符合饲料卫生标准。

主要成分 干酪乳酸杆菌、酿酒酵母菌,海藻提取物living bacteria count more than 0.2billion  laboratory report

Mainly Lactobacillus casei 0.28billion/mlPichia membranaefaciens 0.08billion/ml

主要功能1、提高饲料利用率,降低饲料系数;调理、修复肠胃功能,提高各种营养物质的吸收利用,减轻水体污染。2、优化水质,改良环境,增加水体有益微生物的数量,促进新陈代谢。3、改善水质、稳定水体 PH,补充微量元素,保持水中益生菌和浮游生物比例平衡,抑制有害藻类繁殖生长。4、快速、彻底降解水中的有害物质氨基氮、亚硝基氮,消除硫化氢等有害物质。5、高效分解水中残饵、排泄物,消除异臭味;清除水底污染,提高水体溶氧量。维持水产动物体内微生态平衡,增强肌体免疫功能和抗病力,提高成活率。6、促进水产动物对营养物质的消化吸收,促生长,增加个体重量,改善水产品品质,增产增收。使用方法及用量使用时间:换水间隔期稳定在 15天左右,开始使用,间隔 10-15天再使用一次,水质恶化期或天气温度过高时,可不定期使用。使用方法:

泼洒:按照 1米水深标准,每 2-3 亩水面使用 1L,水体高低可适当增减使用量。饲料拌喂:前期:每升本品拌饲料 200-300 斤;中后期:每升本品拌饲料 100 斤注意事项1、在保证水质的前提下,使用本品 15-20天之内不能排水,以免产生流失现象。2、请将本产品密封储藏,避免放置在阳光直射的环境3、本品不可与杀菌剂同时使用。保质期在符合运输、贮存条件下,保质期为 24个月

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包装规格 1L/瓶 12 瓶/箱

11 Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Water Purifier 水产净水剂 IntroductionThis product is confirmed reached the international advanced level by Chinese ministry of science technology, access to patents and Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award and the National Science and Technology Innovation Fund project funded .This product is aimed at the reasons of aquaculture water body pollution and state and city sewage treatment . product is compounded by a wide variety of beneficial microbial flora, used in aquaculture water treatment, and improve its quality. Confirmed by the identification of scientific and technological achievements ,reached the international advanced level, has obtained a patent for invention and progress prize in science and technology of Shandong province and got the fund from the national ministry of science and technology innovation project . Main IngredientBeneficial microorganismsphotosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus),bergmeal

,seaweed extract, disease-resistant factor, amino acid.Main Functions1,Obvious effect on fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, sea cucumber, abalone, shellfish and other aquatic animals red skin, rotten gills, solid phosphorus, skin ulcer, poor nutrition and metabolism, slow growth, thin and weak. 2,Efficiently decompose the water residue bait, excrement, remove the water pollution, improve water quality, stable water pH, add trace elements and increase the count of probiotics , keep the balance of the proportion of probiotics and plankton in the water, inhibit the growth of harmful algae. To maintain the number of beneficial bacteria quantity in the water, and inhibit the colonization and invasion of other pathogenic bacteria.3, Rapidly and completely degrade the harmful amino nitrogen, argon nitro nitrogen; eliminate hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances.4,Maintain the aquatic animal micro ecological balance, increasing the body immune function and disease resistance;5, Promote the nutrient digestion and absorption of aquatic animasls, improve feed digestion rate, promote growth, increase individual weight 10-20%Application1.Splashing:1L can be diluted and used at 0.2ha water surface area at 1m depth..2Mix with feed: diluted, spray to feed and mixed 1-2 hours before feeding. Dosage: 3-5L for 1 ton feed.Packing specification 1L/bottle水产(淡水、海水)养殖系列 海藻生物净水剂

产品介绍本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。本产品是针对各类水产养殖水体污染原因、状况以及城市污水治理的需求而研发制成。产品复合了多种有益微生物菌群, 富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效地抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖; 用于处理养殖水体,其改善水质效果显著。经科技成果鉴定确认达到国际先进水平,已获得发明专利和山东省科技进步奖以及国家科技部创新基金立项资助。

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主要成分:有益菌(光合菌、酵母菌、放线菌、乳酸菌等)海带提取物,氨基酸,抗病因子,主要功能1、 对鱼、虾、蟹、鳖、海参、鲍鱼、贝类等水产动物赤皮、烂腮、坚磷、皮肤溃疡、营养代谢不良、生长缓慢、瘦弱无力等有明显作用。2、 高效分解水中的残饵、排泄物,清除水底污染,改善水质,稳定水体PH值,补充微量元素,增加有益菌数量,保持水中益生菌和浮游生物比例平衡,抑制有害藻类的繁殖生长。保持水体益生菌种群数量,抑制其他致病菌的定植和侵袭;3、 快速、彻底降解水中有害氨基氮、氩硝基氮,消除硫化氢等有害物质;4、 维持水产动物体内微生态平衡,增加肌体免疫功能和抗病力;5、 促进水产动物对营养物质的消化和吸收,提高饲料消化率,促进生长,增加个体重量10-20%使用方法及用量1、泼洒:按照水体深浅不同区别用量,以 1米水深为基准,每 2-3 亩水面使用本产品 1L(也可兑水稀释泼洒,便于均匀使用)喷洒,根据水体深浅不同酌情增减用量。2、拌料投撒:每吨饲料使用本品 3-5L,可将本品配成稀释液,均匀喷洒饲料表面,放置 1-2 小时再投喂。包装规格

500ml*24 瓶/箱;

12 Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Water Purifier (Ball) 净水球 Product Introduction This product is made by using bergmeal as carrier containing seaweed microorganism agent which obtained the science and technology progress award of Shandong . Through high-tech advanced fermentation system, fills in the home gaps in some respects,has obtained a patent for invention . It contains photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacilus and some other beneficial bacterium. No chemical added, non-toxic no side effects. It can increasing the probiotics in water and improve water,usually be settled to the bottom sludge to remove harmful substances and improve the water qulity.Main Ingredients:Beneficial bacterium≥0.2billion/ml(photosynthetic bacteria, saccharomycetes, actinomycetes, lactobacillus),bergmealMain Functions1, efficient decomposition of water and bottom feed residues and other organic contaminants suspended in the water putrefaction and decomposition of water

and mud skin and suppress and prevent formation of mud-cake.2, the rapid degradation of polluted water ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic substances nitrite, eliminate odors and water pollution and eutrophication, improve water quality.3, inhibition of harmful bacteria growth and reproduction, maintaining ecological balance of water, stablizing water PH value, improve farming products immunity and reduce disease.Application15-22kg for 1hectare water area,based on depth of 1meter even put into water. can increase area of bait casting. Packing Specification 4kg/Poly-bag.


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成的国内空白产品,已获得发明专利。产品含有光合菌、酵母菌、放线菌、乳酸菌等多种有益微生物菌群,无化学添加剂、无毒副作用。一般用于水底净化,能增加水中有益菌含量,改善水质。主要成分:有益菌(光合菌、酵母菌、放线菌、乳酸菌等),硅藻土主要功能1、高效分解水中和池底残饵料等有机腐败物及水中悬浮污染物,分解水中泥皮,并抑制和防止泥皮的产生。2、快速降解污染水体中的氨氮、硫化氢和亚硝酸盐等有毒有害物质,消除异臭味和水体污染及水体富营养化,改善水质。3、抑制有害病菌繁殖生长,维持水体生态平衡,稳定水体 PH 值,提高养殖品机体免疫力,减少病害。使用方法及用量1、按水深 1米为基准,每亩水面使用本品 1-1.5公斤,均匀投放水中,投饵区可适当加大投放量。2、出现黑浊、红浊、浓浊、藻相老化等水质时,可酌情加大用量,配合海藻生物净水剂一并使用效果更佳。包装规格4kg/包

Seaweed Microbial Aquaculture Water Fertilizer 水产用肥水剂 13Product introductionThis product is confirmed reached the international advanced level by Chinese ministry of science technology, access to patents and Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award and the National Science and Technology Innovation Fund project funded ..Algal microbial fatten agent, is fermented by microbial agent researched and developed by ourself company and gets patented .processed by adding chitosan, sugars such as shell compounded and with many kinds of amino acid, seaweed extract and photosynthetic bacteria, actinomyces, azotobacter(nitrogen-fixing) ,bacillus and so on. . seaweed extract has a microbial flora with reproducing ability, can effectively inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, only keep probiotic growth ;Can increase the number of beneficial microorganisms in water, fatten water effect is remarkable, it's widely used in all kinds of seawater and freshwater aquaculture. Pollution-free product, no residue, is organic green product. Organic

products have been identified, it can be used as organic fertilizer for planting.

Main IngredientBeneficial bacterium≥0.2billion/ml(bacillus subtilis,photosynthetic bacteria,Actinomycetes, azotobacter), Amino acid, seaweed extract, secondary&micro elements. Highly reactive nitrogen phosphorus ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Seaweed Extract 3%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 2%PH value 6.0-8.0  Main Functions1, improve the water quality, clearing water, to form good water and promote beneficial algae growth, promote the healthy growth of the breeding biology.

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2, nitrite nitrogen in aquaculture water can be quickly converted into nitrogen and escape out of the water, control and reduce the content of nitrite.3, supplementing trace element, accelerate the growth& reproduction of beneficial algae and plankton, provide natural bait for aquatic animals.4, effectively solve the problems of old water concentration and uncomfortable, black water, red water, as well as the cyanobacteria water, improve water quality, increase dissolved oxygen, prevent hypoxia symptoms.5,increase the yield and improve the disease resistance, provides the fine water environment for aquatic farming animals.6, this product is organic green products, pollution-free, no residue, ensure the safety water environment.

ApplicationSpray evenly to the water surface. 7-15L for 1ha water surface area at 1m depth.Veriing the dosage when the depth increasing or decreasing.When the water temperature is low, it’s better to take into consideration the increased usage. with organic or inorganic fertilizer using, can get better effect,.use suggesting being used on sunny morning, cooperating the aerator.Packing Specification1L/bottle

海藻生物肥水剂产品介绍海藻微生物肥水剂是我公司研发的专利产品.由多种氨基酸、海藻浆料与光合菌、放线菌、固氮菌和芽孢杆菌等多种有益微生物菌群并添加了壳聚糖,壳寡糖等经发酵复合而成。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖,而从能起到预防病害的作用; 能增加水中有益微生物数量,培肥水体,效果显著,广泛适用于各种海水和淡水养殖。无公害,无残留,是有机绿色产品。主要成分海藻生物菌≥2亿/ml(光合菌、放线菌、固氮菌和芽孢杆菌等),高活性氮磷素,螯合态微量元素,氨基酸, 海藻提取物等

ITEM Content Remarksliving bacteria count more than 0.2billion  N 3%

Can be cus-tomized ac-cording to


P  (P2O5) 1%K (K2O) 1%Alginic acid 5%Amino acid 10%Seaweed Extract 3%secondary&micro-element(Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,B) 2%PH value 6.0-8.0  


使用方法及用量1、按照水体深浅不同区别用量,以 1米水深为基准,每 1-2 亩水面可使用本产品 1L(公斤),如水体难肥时加倍使用。2、水温较低时,也可适当酌情加量,或配合有机、无机肥使用,效果更佳。3、建议晴天上午使用,配合增氧机效果更佳。

注意事项:1、使用本产品前后 3天内避免使用杀菌剂、消毒剂。2、根据当时水温,如水温低则适当增加使用量。

保质期在符合运输、贮存条件下,保质期为 24个月

包装规格 20L/桶

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工业及环境污染治理系列 18Seaweed Bio-bacterial Environmental Protection Amendment

IntroductionSeaweed Microbial Environmental Protection Amendment was developed by the fermentation of seaweed microbial agent and seaweed extract. The seaweed microbial agent technology was researched and developed by our company and obtained patents, got Shandong Province Science and Technology Progress Award. Raw materials are mainly composed of seaweed,furfural residue, humic acid and other organic matter and fermented through biological technology .This product contains a variety of beneficial bacteria,18 kinds of amino acids in kelp and natural nutrient content such as I,Ca,K,Fe,etc.

This product is dominated by photosynthetic bacteria and yeast, cooperated with other beneficial microbes, by means of oxidation reduction fermentation, decomposing organic matter, turning the toxic and harmful substances into harmless substances, widely used to deal with environmental protection, such as the living garbage, sewage treatment and industrial "three wastes" (waste water, waste residue, waste gas) etc. Applicable to urban landscape water, a moat, sewage pool, industrial wastewater and garbage deodorization treatment, air deodorant, and so on.Main Ingredientphotosynthetic bacteria and yeast,seaweed extract Main Functions1, sewage treatment, keep the water clear, make the water recycled, save water, reduce the energy consumption and reduce costs.2, water treatment effect is remarkable, reduce the turbidity, COD, BOD and SS etc effectively, improve water quality.3, controlling bacteria of disease-causing, removing hydrogen sulfide and other different odor, improve air quality.Application1, the city landscape sewage treatment: spray, dilution ratio by 1:300.sprayed it on surface of water or waste material. Standard is 1 meters water depth calculation, using this product about 0.5 –to 1 L/mu, if the degree of stunk is very heavy, the usage can be increase.2, industrial wastewater treatment: join this product according to the 0.01%-0.05% of the amount of waste to be processed, under the condition of the water temperature of 10 to 40 with 12-24 hours. Usually COD, BOD℃ ℃ can be reduced by 50% - 70%, and can remove hydrogen sulfide gas and different smell obviously.Attention:1, please store the product sealed, avoid placed in exposed direct sunlight environment.2, this product cannot be used with fungicide.3, this product PH value is normally below 3.5, if appear the bad smell , do not use.Expiration Date:24 months in storage conditionsPacking specification 1L/bottle工业及环境污染治理系列--------海藻生物菌环保改良剂产品介绍 本品是由我公司自主研发的海藻微生物菌群发酵技术生产;产品申请国家专利并获得国家科技进步奖;原材料主要由海藻,糠醛渣、腐殖酸等有机质经生物菌发酵制成。产品富含多种有益菌及海藻中富含的 18种氨基酸以及碘、钙、钾、铁等天然营养成分。富含海藻微生物菌群, 海藻微生物菌群具有再生繁殖能力,能够有效的抑制有害菌的生长繁殖,只保留有益菌的繁殖。

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主要成分光合菌、酵母菌, 海藻提取物

主要功能1、净化污水,保持水体澄清,使水资源得以循环使用,节约用水,降低能耗,减少成本。2、水处理效果显著,有效降低浑浊度、COD、BOD、SS等,使水质得到改善。3、抑制病原菌,消除硫化氢等异臭味水体,改善空气质量。使用方法及用量1、城市景观污水处理:喷洒,将本品按 1:300的比例稀释后,喷洒与水面或垃圾物上。按 1米水深标准计算,每一亩水面使用本品 0.5-1L左右,若腐败发臭程度较重可加大使用量。2、工业废水处理:按待处理废水量的万分之一到万分之五加入本品,在 10 -40℃ ℃的水温条件下处理 12-24 小时。一般情况下COD、BOD 可降低 50%-70%左右,并可明显去除硫化氢气体及异臭味。注意事项1、请将本产品密封储藏,避免放置在阳光直射的环境。2、本品不可与杀菌剂同时使用。3、本品 PH正常值在 3.5以下,若发现气味腐臭即为变质,勿用。保质期在符合运输、贮存条件下,保质期为 24个月包装规格 1L/瓶

*Note: the min order quantity & price  based on EXW term .The prices subject to change based on quantity.Pls contact us if the products open up to your satisfaction.


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