
D e c e m b e r , 2 0 1 2

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Clovis

T H E G R A P E V I N E  Dear brother or sister in Christ,  Advent is the time in the Church Year just before Christmas. It is  4 Sundays long.  If you are a child, Advent seems an eternity, stretching endlessly throughout the bleak days of December, awaiting Christmas.   If you’re an adult, preparing for the holidays, the more relatives coming for Christmas, the faster it speeds by.   During this time of waiting, in the Christian tradition there is not just one Advent we celebrate, but three.   The First Advent is the coming of Christ to earth.    The Second Advent is the birth of Christ in each one of us on earth.   The Third Advent is the final return of Christ to earth.   The First Advent brought God into this world as the infant Jesus.   The Second Advent celebrates Christ’s continued presence in our lives, our churches, our homes, our communities, our world. St. Paul alludes to this on‐going presence when he declares how “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed”.  The gift of the Holy Spirit, given to all, brings the power and presence of the divine into the everyday, each day. This presence is the impenetrable “armor of light” Paul counsels the Roman Christians to “put on.” When we “clothe” ourselves in “the Lord Jesus Christ” we wrap the Second Advent around ourselves.   There is, finally, a Third Advent, that final transformation of all things and the culmination of the fullness of Christ in a new creation. This is the Advent about which we can know the least, but for which we long the most.   Don’t neglect to live out all three Advents this Advent season. You get to celebrate the First Advent—the birth of Christ. You get to live out the Second Advent—Christ’s birth in you. And you get to pray for that Third Advent—‐the coming new creation, in which we are summoned not just to prepare for, but to participate in. Remember, you are Adventing‐‐‐‐battling the forces of evil and injustice and wickedness in our world.   Come to Bethlehem and see  

Him whose birth the angels sing:  Come, adore, on bended knee  Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.  Happy Three Advents, church.   

Pastor Ed

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel


From Your Vicar: 

Glory to God in the highest!

I pray that this letter finds you in a spiritually strong place in your lives. Sometimes I find that it is easier to encourage others to put their concerns, hurts, and worries on Jesus, than it is for us to actually take our own advice. I remember that old saying that you better, “practice what you preach.” Jesus tells us the same thing in Matthew 23:3 when he talks about the Pharisees. Jesus told the crowds and His disci-ples, “you must obey them [the Pharisees] and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” It’s amazing how many of those “old sayings” come from the Bible. This month I am going to work on giving more of my own worries to Jesus – just like I encourage everyone else to do.

I was recently in a meeting with many of the local pastors and vicars, and they asked me what the “secret” was to Emmanuel’s growth. It was a very easy question for me to answer. The “secret” to our growth are the people in our congregation. I told them that new visitors don’t have to worry about intro-ducing themselves. Our congregation is so friendly that we introduce ourselves to the new visitors and then we introduce the visitors to everyone standing around us! I also added that prior to Emmanuel, I had never been in a church where so many people just like to hang out and visit after the service. We are without a doubt, the friendliest church I have ever been at, and I think that is why new visitors seem to stick around and become members here. At Emmanuel, we are trying to practice what we preach. We may not be perfect, but we are sure getting better at loving one another!

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Thank you again for being patient with me as I “learn the ropes” about how to become a pastor. Does anyone know where that phrase came from?

In Christ, Vicar Gary

The  Governance Board presented the 2013 work plan to the congregation on Sunday 11/11/12 voters’ meeting.  Pastor presented a short video on what has happened at Emmanuel during the last 6 months. Pastor also reported on suggestions from pulse meetings . We wish to thank all of you who participated in these meetings.. The congregation approved the 2013 Budget as presented.  Unanimously . May we all give thanks for the many blessings God has given to each of us and His church at Emmanuel.  Darrell Strickler 

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of October And November

The Monday morning Bible Study group had it’s monthly birthday luncheon at the home of Maxine McCullough.  Ardis and her sister Bonnie (above) and Cheryl Deis and Cheryl Smith were the other two for October.  The Crazy Lady whose playing with Ardis’ hair is Bobbie Blair. 

We started with Bible study of Ruth. 

And ended with a feast of good food and lots of it!  We are the eatingest group of women you ever saw! 

Joy Cunningham and Carl Watkins  in a Duet November 4th.  Thanks Guys!  Pastor  prepares for communion. 

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of November

First meeting of the first daytime small group at Emmanuel. Vicar Gary gives children’s message. 

Judy Strickler and Jill Gerloff harmonize to Gary Gerloff’s Guitar.  Beautiful music. 

Ross Young Gave a testimony about handing your anger over to God in order to live your life to the fullest.  He told of the death of his son hand his anger and grief over it and how he had gotten over it with the help of God.  Very Touching. Thank You. 

Doug Richardson led the Congregation meeting and we passed the budget and plan for 2013 UNANIMOUSLY! 

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of November

Chad and  Keisha Watkins and daughter Katlin worked on the  Operation Christmas Child for the whole week of November 12‐18th all day every day.  Thanks you guys! 

Women of Grace working on cards for the sale they are planning for 2013. 

Cheryl Smith and Annette Sargent serving in the kitchen on Sunday morning. 

Nancy Mcgehee with Claudine Steinhauer.  Nancy is visiting. 

Big boy Liam Hutto the  explorer 

Karina Howansky played and sang “How Great Thou Art” on Sunday November 18th.  Beautiful as always Karina, Thank you! 

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel

Busy Month of November

Chad Watkins was used as an illustration of “Putting on the Armor  of God” on Sunday morning November 18th.  What a great illustration of the protection offered against the evil in the world by God’s spiritual armor of Integrity, purity, peace, faith,  sanity and maturity in the Word of God.  And the way to put on the armor is through prayer. 

Know  your  enemy.  For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of dark‐ness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. 

Ephesians 6:12  

Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil.   

Ephesians 6:10‐11 

Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the  enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm! 

Ephesians 6:13 


December , 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapev ine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

Youth Fund Raiser

Remember to SAVE your PLASTIC WATER BOT-TLES, & SODA BOTTLES for the green youth trash can located in the Church House. Thank you for supporting our recycling program.

December 2 December 9 December 16 December 23

December 30

Communion Assistants

Mike Kipp Scott Linenbroker Fon Vangsycha

Andrew Vangsycha

Mike Golden Neil Hoppus

Darrell Strickler Todd Weber

Usher Don Rutherford Vern Meyer

Gordon Miller Fon Vangsycha

Ken Paar

Joshua Daily Mike Kipp

Mike Golden Scott Linenbroker

Chris Watkins Fon Vangsycha Vernon Meyer

Don Rutherford Bob Hammond Pat Hammond

Travis Kirby Joshua Daily Neil Hoppus

Info Booth Pr. Heidel Sue Garcia Martha Wilson Chris Watkins 24th Chris Watkins

Carole Strosnider

Counters Don Rutherford Darrell Strickler

Sandy Wisener Suzanne Garcia

Irene Stinson Sandra Lucero

Travis Kirby Steven Chow

Acolytes Nickolas Beck Curtis Chow Jordyn Samper Katlin Strickler-Watkins

Poinsettia Sign-Up There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex for those who would like to provide Poinsettias for the Sanctuary for the Christmas Holidays. The cost for the flowers in the past has been $7.00 ea.


PRAYER CHAIN The Emmanuel Prayer Chain is led by Helene Kipp. If you or someone you know needs

prayer, Helene can be reached by phone 447-9369 or

e-mail [email protected].

Our Praise Team: Jill and Gary Gerloff, Paige Weber, Judy Strickler, Keisha Watkins, Amanda Hutto, Doug Richardson, Darrin Lowenthal, Joy Cunningham and Art Howansky. Contact Jill if you are interested in joining.

IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED AND CANNOT SERVE . . . Please call your team leader. For the info booth it is Chris Watkins, 297-4922 ([email protected]), for Communion Servers it is Mike Kipp 447-9369, Counters and Greeters, let them know at the

Want to raise extra money for Emmanuel? Just turn in your empty inkjet cartridges to our church office for recycling.

This is a continuing project that we will do throughout the year.

CPR CPR is led by Martha Wilson on Wednesdays in the church house at 12 noon. Come and join us!

Cards Available at Information

Desk to use at Save Mart, FoodMax

grocery stores to Get 5% credit for


Prayer Praise & Bible


We meet Mondays at 9 am for fellowship, Bible Study of Ruth and Esther, to Praise our Lord, and to pray for whatever may be on our hearts.

December , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

Mission Statement:

Inspired by the holy spirit, we share His love and invite people to Christ by proclaiming and living the Good News.


Doug Richardson DebbieSpence Darrell Strickler

Rod Kirby Sandra Lucero


December 2nd HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study December 9th 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study December16th HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study December 23rd 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study December 30th 9:00 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Youth Bible Study Adult Study


Cristy McNicholas, Office Manager (559) 298-0725

[email protected] Office Hours: Mon.—Fri


Electronic Fund Transfer is available! You can have your Tithes/Offerings automatically withdrawn from either your

checking or saving account and given to Emmanuel. There are

many benefits to the New Emmanuel, as well as to our

members and friends. It is safe and secure. For more

information, please contact Mike Kipp at 447-9369, or you

can email him at [email protected].


If, as Herod, we fill our lives with things, and again with things; if we consider ourselves so unimportant that we must fill every moment of our lives with action, when will we have the time to make the long, slow journey across the desert as did the Magi? Or sit and watch the stars as did the shepherds? Or brood over the coming of the child as did Mary? For each one of us, there is a desert to travel,  A star to   discover,  And a being within ourselves to bring to life. 

                   ‐‐‐Author Unknown 

 Please join Women of Grace for their      Christmas Brunch on Saturday, December 8th, 9:30 AM, at the home of Linda Miller. We ask that you bring a brunch food to share. Signup is in the Narthex. We are encouraging the women of Emmanuel to get their creative juices flowing and join or create a small group to work on craft items which could be sold at the holiday boutique in November of 2013.  A group of women got together in November and made Christmas cards for the event. It has been said many times that our lives are gifts from God‐‐‐that what we do with them is our gift in return.   From the Women of Grace‐‐‐Merry Christmas and God’s richest blessings. Anyone who is interested in      

serving at the information booth, please talk to Chris  Watkins,      297‐4922, she needs more        

Helpers to talk to new people as they come in to worship with us, give them a gift, and have them 

sign in the guest book. 

Bible Study Wednesday Evening Is discontinued until January 9, 2013

Editorial Staff of the Grapevine Cristy McNicholas, Sandy Wisener,

Elizabeth Bombini and Marlene Coffman Suzanne Garcia and Lee Cates

CALL TO PRAYER Join CPR on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon for an hour of prayer for our church, our country , our state, county, city, schools, and safety  organizations as well as  fel‐low congregation members.  Whatever we feel called to pray for.  This is so impor‐tant, you don’t have to pray aloud, just be willing to say the AMEN.  “Wherever two or more are  gathered in  My Name . . . “  

The next day John saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “There is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I was talking about when I said, ‘A man is coming after me, but he is greater than I am, because he existed before I was born.’ I did not know who he would be , but I came bap­tizing with water in order to make him known to the people of Israel. “ And John gave this testimony:  “I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and stay on him.  I still did not know that  he was the one, but God, who sent me to baptize with water had said to me, ‘You will see the Spirit come down and stay on a man; he is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’  I have seen it,”  said John, “ and I tell you that he is the Son of God.” 

John 1:29­34  

December, 2012, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapev ine www.emmanuel c lov is .org

Christian Education News…

Lesson themes for December:

December 2nd Bible Story: Prophets foretell Jesus’ coming Theme: God promised to send a Savior

December 9th Bible Story: Zechariah prophesies about Jesus Theme: God meets our needs December 16th Bible Story: John prepares people for Jesus’ coming Theme: Living right honors God

December 23rd Children’s Christmas Service

December 30th Bible Story: Wise Men find Jesus Theme: Jesus is worthy of our worship

YOUTH NEWS from Vicar Gary

Kem and Joy Cunningham are now teaching the Youth/Young Adult Bible Study after church. If you don't know who they are, just ask me on Sunday and I will be happy to point them out or introduce them to you. They are both very friendly. The Youth group is hanging in there, and you should start seeing them doing more things around the church. If you don’t know one of their names, please introduce yourselves to them (even if you have been worshipping here for many years). Just like us, they are looking for a place where they feel loved too, and it sure makes a difference when other people know your name.

Kem and Joy Cunningham are now teaching the Youth/Young Adult Bible Study after church. If you don't know who they are, just ask me on Sunday and I will be happy to point them out or introduce them to you. They are both very friendly. The Youth group is hanging in there, and you should start seeing them doing more things around the church. If you don’t know one of their names, please introduce yourselves to them (even if you have been worshipping here for many years). Just like us, they are looking for a place where they feel loved too, and it sure makes a difference when other people know your name.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 9 AM WORSHIP with Communion 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

3 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 9:30 Staff Meeting 12:30 Sm. Group in House 6 pm Sm. Group


5 12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team


7 6-8 pm Family


8 Women of Grace 9:30 am Brunch at Home of Linda Miller. Bring a brunch item to share.

9 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

10 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 9:30 Staff Meeting 12:30 Sm. Group in House 6 pm Sm. Group


12 12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team



15 1 pm Country Christmas

16 9 AM WORSHIP with Communion 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

17 9 a.m. Bible Study in the Church House 9:30 Staff Meeting 12:30 Sm. Group in House 6 pm Sm. Group


19 6 pm Praise Team




23 9 AM WORSHIP Children’s Christmas Service 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

24 6:30 Christmas Eve Candle Light Service

25 Christmas Day

26 12 noon CPR Group 6 pm Praise Team


28 Assemble Newsletter


30 9 AM WORSHIP 10:30 Sunday School Youth Adult Bible Studies 6, 6:45 pm Sm. Groups

31 6:30 NEW YEARS EVE Service

Jan 1, 2013 New Years Day

Jan 2 6 pm Praise Team

Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5

If we have omitted your birth date or anniversary date or have the wrong date listed, please call the church office with the corrected information. Please accept our apology and HAVE A GREAT DAY IN THE LORD! THANK YOU.

December ,  2012 ,    Emmanue l  Lu theran  Church  Grapev ine                                                www.emmanue l   c lov i s .o r g  


December Birthdays 12/02 Suzanne Kirby 12/04 Carole Strosnider 12/05 Amanda Golden 12/06 Gene Garcia 12/19 Katlin Strickler 12/20 Pastor Ed Krueger 12/20 Scott Linenbroker 12/20 A.J. Garofalo 12/24-5 Jesus Christ 12/26 Darrin Lowenthal 12/27 John Beck 12/29 Joshua Daily

Newsletter Deadline

December  Anniversaries   

Gee Vue and Zeu Yang 12/18/98 14 yrs Sandy and Austin Wisener 12/24/87 25 yrs

God’s Blessings and Our Congratulation’s

December , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

This year Emmanuel will be providing the Turkeys for the California Hotel. The California Hotel has from 50 to 70 residents. They are mostly people on SSI. A downtown church has been providing them with a meal every week. We are too small a church to do anything on that scale, but with the help of Thrivent, we can provide the turkeys for Thanksgiving. Pat Hammond, Sarah Ariaz, and Lori Young will be baking the turkeys and with their husbands will go and serve them. Other churches will provide the rest of the meal. We would like to do something on a more regular basis. If you would be interested in providing/serving drinks or something else on a regular basis or have suggestions, please talk to Helene. Her phone number is in our directory her e-mail is [email protected] . Emmanuel has also given the Rescue Mission $125.00 and 6 Turkeys and the Evangel Home a check for $250.00 for food.

Report from Social Ministry By Helene Kipp

Women of Grace work on Cards for next year’s Rummage/Craft sale 

December ,  20 12 ,    Emmanue l  Lutheran  Church  Grapev ine                                                www.emmanue l  c lov i s .o rg  

Advent Calendar Many people view Advent as the month of December leading up to Christmas day. A popular way to mark the days of advent, particularly among children, is an Advent calendar. These calendars can carry religious messages, little chocolate shapes, seasonal pictures or anything of unique interest to people. They have a door for each day of Advent that is opened to discover what's inside.

Advent Wreath The four Sundays of advent are often celebrated with four candles on an Advent Wreath, with one to be lit each Sun-day. The first, second and fourth candles are traditionally purple, but the third candle is rose-colored. A fifth white candle is often lit on Christmas day in the center of the Advent wreath.

December , 2012 , Emmanuel Lutheran Church Grapevine www.emmanuel c lovis .org

The Meaning of Evergreens The meaning of using evergreen branches, holly sprigs and mistletoe is their beauty in winter when most things seem to be dying on us. When the days are short and darkness seems to overcome us the greenery reminds us that life continues.

Nativity Scenes Nativity scenes depict the birth and birthplace of Jesus. Christian nativity scenes normally show Jesus in a manger, Joseph and Mary in a barn or stable, any structure that accommodates farm animals. A mule and an ox usually accompany them. The scene also includes the Magi (Three Wise Men), shepherds, angels and the Star of Bethlehem. 

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