Page 1: Emmons County record. (Williamsport, D.T. [i.e. N.D ... · It *\ -1 -r * " „ 1 * ;c / - $£•" - f ! • vMn -Wr i g^y Mrs. Kate Etter OP MISSOURI, BwM Of Heart Disease by Dr

I t * \ - 1 - r * " „ 1 * ; c / -$£•" - f !

• v Mn -


i g^y

Mrs. Kate Etter OP MISSOURI,

BwM Of Heart Disease by Dr. Mllar Now Heart Our*.


\Z' TBS. KATB ETTER wrote from

Neosbo, H o., in March last. "Two years ago I waa severely troubled

with mj etomach and kidneys, and a treat affliction so nnaerrad ms that my condition became alarming. The telegraph brought a prominent physician In a consultation which resulted in no benefit. I went to Wyoming for change of climate without

I benefit, was brought I back to Atchison where 1 nurses worked with me I night and day to keep I me alive to reach my I friends here. My heart 1 became so bad that my I friends gave up all I hope. I began taking

Or. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine alter­nately and was restored to health. It Is now months since and I am perfectly well."

Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug­gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.


The Imported Percheron Stallion

V I V I A N T . JOHN PEHRY, Owner.

Copr ®I Certificate of Pedigree. Office of American Percheron Horse-Breeders'

Association, Chicago, 111., Nov. U, 1890.—This i* lo certify that (he black Peroheron Htalllon VIVIANT (2747i» was foaled May 8, 1888; was imported in 1890 by £. Knott & Co., ol Waverly, Iowa; was bred by M. Dallier, commune of St. Dennis, department of Orne, Prance. Got by Bon Evpoir (10032), be by Paul 3478 (964). be by Vaillant (404), heby Prosper (893), be by Decide,

by Vieux.Pie (803), be by Vieux-Pierre he by Cooo (712), lie by Mignon (715), he by Jean-Ie-BUnc (730). Dam Bijou (10176), by Waterloo (4874), he by Passe-Partout (1403), he by Comet 104 (710),

"onarch '***" lie

by Ilderim Vieux-Chas-

by French Monarch 2905 (734), he (5303), he by Valentin (5901), he by V lln (713), be by Oeoo (713), be by Mlgnon (715), be by Jean*le*BUnc (739).

VIVIANT has been duly entered for registry In the sixth volume of the Pereheron Stud Book of America, and his recorded number Is 13905.

DATBS. VIVIANT will stand at the Yeater t» tables,

W 111 lamsport, Fridays and Saturdays; at Oscar Nelson's, section 8, township 183, rang* 74, in Logan district, Monday afternoons and Tues­days; balance of the time at home of owner, 24 miles east of Wllliamsport.

TERMS: To insure a mare with foal, 110.00; for the season, 17.50, service fee due when mare Is known to be with foal; single leap, $5.00. Dis> posing of a mare before she foal* forfeits the insurance. Acoldents at owner's risk.

GROCERIES We are Headquarters for Orocer

ies, for Dry Goods, for Boots and

Shoes, for Hate and Caps, for Hand-

Made Harness for Hardware, for

PAtent Medicines, for everything

asnally carried in a first-class Gen­

eral Store.

Tomatoes by the'Case a specialty.

Batter, Eggs, Hides, etc., taken

in exchange for Goods.

Your patronage is respectfully so­


W. L. Yeater & Co. WILLI A.MSPOBT. N. D.


* * a o o H CO R°

o PI CO *

1 Pioneer Cash Store. fees

I Buv for Cash.

2 %T,'V V»« *<•

i3wr ->r

Vlaeaa. Correspondence of the Record.

April 19. -Messrs. "Kid" 8Uk, -'Ed. Langlier, Joseph Allen and W. W. Put­nam, of lower Glanavon, mingled with the busy throng on our atreeta yesterday. ... .Mrs. A. M. Sleaaing and daughter Ada, and Miss Eva Bales, of the Dale neighborhood, were in town, shopping, yesterday—Messrs. A. P. Black, Blair, Martin Green and Clarence Carr crossed the river, yesterday, en route for the Grand River country....Judge W. A. Patterson is expected in aoon from bis ranch near Seim, S. D Mrs. John Waldon received a telegram last Thurs­day fram Glendive, Mont, to the effect that her sister was seriously ill. She left on Fridsy's ata^e for Bismsrck, where she took tho train for Glendive....The two companies of infantry now stationed at Yates leave on the boat' to-day for Bis marck, whence they are1 to1 toe transported to the southern country, to be near lhe:

scene of action when needed. The fifty' six mules, wagons, etc., also go. The cavalry will remain.... Some of the peo­ple are taking considerable pride in the matter of cleaning up their, yards, mak­ing things look more neat«nd tidy.... Mr. Naaden's little girl, Ellen, earner down from the hospital last Friday, wbere sbe had been receiving treatment for a broken limb....Miss Harriet Newberry and her brother Frank visited friends in this city last Saturday nnd Sundaj'. Frank returns to bis Iowa home, via Eureka, next Monday....Last Friday the river WHS just a "biling," doubtless caused by the melting snows from above. Mr. Merrill had caught a nice lot of logs, a few days previous; but the high water carried them away. He valued the logs at $25 ...Mr. Morrison is now located here, and is doing duty on the ferry....Mr. Horatio Wilson will occupy the McGregor place, on Fourth street, the coming summer. He will open a harness-repairing establishment.... Mr. Frank M. Loutzenhiser has purchased the S. S. Enny place; consideration, $100. Frank also bought G. W. Tracy's tree-claim for a team, a Imrness and a wagon....Mr. B. J. Wutland, who has been with his family in Adams, Minn., during the past winter, returned the lut-ter part of last week. He will remain until July....F. P. Caldwell and Mr. Forrey were across the river a few days last week, raking in the shekels.






County auditor $ 547 00 County Treasurer Ml 30 Register of deeds 9i 25 County iudice 300 jSO Ntaiee attorney 470 54 Superintendent of schools. 012 03 County assessor* 453 00 Poor 576 31 8lieriff, deputies and bailiffs 804 08 Election expense* 109 63 Fuel and light 643 83 Books and stationery 495 72 Printing and advertising. 814 10 County commissioner und mileage,

district No. 1 go 00

fkste* •tail*


WHITE BRONZE. Geo. L. Houghton, Bismarck, is agent

for the Western White Bronze ('ompAny, of Dea Moines, Iowa. White bronze is rap­idly taking the place of marble and other materials used in the making of tomb­stones. The elements have no effect what­ever on it, and it will last forever. Several specimens of the company's work can bti seen in Bismarck. Mr. Houghton is at the Custer Hotel, and will be pleased to explain to any one the merits of white bronze.

EIHPLOYJIBNT. The Marsh Mfg. Co., 358 W. Lake St.,

Chicago, are supplying agents with Un­celebrated Marsh Reading Stand and Re­volving Book Case combined, on which they are netting $4 and upward per day. There is now no good reason why any one able and willing to work cannot be prof­itably employed. The Stand recommends itself, and comes within the reach of near­ly all. Address company as above. Sam pie may be seen at this office. They will make you an offer you will readily accept.

CASTORIA For Infanti and'Children.

TbCu* b«

The American Navy, Cnba and Hawaii.

A portfolio, in ten parts, sixteen views in each part, of the finest half-tone pic­tures of the American.Navy, Cuba and Hawaii, has just been published, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ralilway has made arrangements for a special edi­tion for the benefit of its patrons, and will furnish the full set, one hundred and sixty pictures, for one dollar. In view of the present excitement regarding Cuba, these pictures are very timely. Send amount with full address to Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent C-. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago. 111. |ap29

Donbl?n (lie Plramnv or a I)r;vp. A lino carriuso double* tiio iriciMuro of driv­

ing. Intending buyers of carriages or har­ness can savo dollars by sending tor the large, free catalogue of tho Elkhart Carriage SM Harness Ulc* Co., Elkhart, Ind.

FOB SALE. I have for sale three and four horse

Harrows, Mitchell Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wagons. Also, a new line of Harness, Collars, Sweat-Pads, Halters, Whips and Copper Rivets.


I Sell for Cash.

J. I. Bontillier DEALER IN


MEBCMMSE, Wllliamsport, N. D.

A Ltfge Qtook of Fresh Groceries. Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Etc., kept constantly on hand.

Batter and Eg goods.


Sggs taken in exohangefor

r of Steele-Williams-port mall line. Passengers arriving at Htaelaon Tuesdays, Thursdays or Satur-

can take atage same day to Will-

CkMMls purohaMd from me prill (^delivered free along mall line*.

Business and Profisssional Gards. GEO. W. LYNN,

ATTOBBBT AT LAW, Winchester, N. D,

Special attention paid to doing bullae** for aon-resldente.


W: ...... . . -inona. N.D. A full line of Blanks kept on'hand.


_ Wllliamsport, N. 1), Deeds, Mortgages and Other Inati

written and affidavits taken. Instrument*

T71RANCI8 JASZKOWIAK. F WlllinmRport, R. D.,

Dealer tn Goodhue Pumping and Power Wind-Mills, Trahern and Anntln Pump Sup-riles. Wells drilled to a depth of 800 feet, and Wind-Mills put up on short notice.

Slate general State Interest 8tale apportionment StatoS mill school... Lease of school lands County general County Interest County rosd County bridge Road poll School poll Dog Interest and penalty Salary Advertising fee Stock indemnity Private >redemptlon... Register of deeds

salary County sinking Fines, forfeitures and

penalties R.T. and F. W Institute State bounty School districts


Balance December 31, 180T


I)a. Cs.

I as 14 573 03

30 SS 3784 03



163 30 73 08

raoo 370 00 430 10

33 43

338 82

32 00 330 46

6 80


. 3007 l»

8112 44 3311 00

•Oouhilr TtOMS.

f 2,31« *7 80S 04

&784 S8 1,307 72

31 25 •e.iittt 44 -2.018 87

SIH 3S £0 81

1,150 50 «10 (O SWOO

1.M.V30 773 OS M IS

HH 3342

98 Si 353 m

50 OS 05!) 38 30 00 so ir>

5,384 47

38,305 71



* 3,010 06 342 08

4,857 80 1,101 80

fit SO 10,880 86

"557 45 804 70

1,150 50 088 00 883 00

2J35 55 S3.85 00 33 83 81

00 85 501 12

73 00 «8» 83

30 80 :20 IS


MM 51 (•8 26

38408 SS


1088 SO


033 03 131 08

8,857 54 515 55

41) 78 3,304 05 1,552 00

3219 47 62

l.ino 50 800 00 883 00

2,885 55 200 01 00 22

04 87 40

98 25 13 00

50 00 80 80 15 40

"w'i 16,470 47

14,628 78

83,108 25

BAUICI DscEMB'n •-ill. 1807. ;


I 1,037 04 . 211 00 '1,610 81

are'81 1 7*

7,080 21

""ftSfSB 357 17


470 34


570 12

32 00 808 07 11 40 80 15

4,701 55

10,107 64 3,510 80

16,036 78


•8,540 80

2.540 80

CASH m HAND, DEPOSITEO AS FOLLOWS— Currency, coin, checks and easli items ... Checks nnd drafts on various banks In First National Hank, Bismarck, N. D... Lees outstanding drafte ....$ 16,900 60

983 89-

386 35 298 88

11,946 71

t 10,626 78


Carried forward % 5,961 70

Brought forward ...I J County commissioner and mileage,

district No.2 County commissioner and mileage,

district No.8. Clerk of the dlstrlot court, salary.... Jurors and witness district court.... lustlce fees Jurors and witnesses, justloe court Constables tees Roads Bridges Private redemptions Miscellaneous

5,901 70

120 86

117 85 88 00

316 81 181 SO 286 70 88 24

" 9 40 18 88 48 70

893 66 Total- 7.481 18


ASSETS. Uncollected taxes, county funds..... County buildings Real estate Bridges Furniture, fixtures, safe, etc Cash in connty funds

61.739 72 4,378 81 2,000 00 4,105 00

200 00 7,235 48

8 09,038 71

„ , , LIABILITIES. Bonded Indebtedness I 45,000 00 Warrants outstanding 14,701 09

Assets over liabilities. 9,887 62

• 60,088 71

STATE OF NORTH ©AKOTA,) ^ ! £°i',NTr A We, H. W. Allen, Coa^y Treasurer, and Kdwd.

V^!lin « i°r J1?."} for la,d eounty, do swear that (he above is a true and correot " ®\" of ,'1® B"#nclal condition of said county on the date above named, lo the best of our

know ledge and belief, ua appears front (lie book* in our respective nfflooa. H. W. ALLEN, County Treasurer.

Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 38d day ofTpSf l^0"00^ CoUnty AudUot-JOllN P. GKIt, Notary Public, Emmons County, N. D,

[First publication April 22—Lust, June 3-3 Notice off Nortiraffe Sale*

NOTICE II hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by John '

Parker nnd Lois Parker, his wfcfa, aaorWagore. .Braddock, mortgagee, dated tlas

0th day of and «fiied for record In i^e o™ce of the Krister df Deeds of the eounty of Emmoiiv and«tate of North Dakota, on the Oth day of August, 1893, at JJ o'clock a. «in*nd re* corded in <SookA of Mortgages, at pages 490 -and 401, and assigned by said mortgage, by an in* struiuent in writing duly executed, to A. L. Po-, e I'etrie, and filed for record in

the office of the Register of Deeds of said Kiu-mons county, on the 31st day of Harcli. 1808, at 4 o'clock p. m.. and duly recorded in Book 7 of Mortgages, on pages 05 and 06, will be fore­closed by a sale of the in such mort-Sage and hereinafter dracribol. at the front

oor of the Court Houie at Williamsport. in tlie county of Emmons and state of North D«-kota, at the liour of S o'clock p. m, on the 1 ltli day of June, 1898, to satisfy the amount due upon sueh mortgage on the day of sale. The premises, described in such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are de* soribed as follows: The north half at the north half of section ten, township one hundred and thirty-two north, of range seventy-seven west of the fifth principal meridian (N.UofN.U of Sec. 10, Twp. lag, ltange 77), In Kmmous county, state of Nortli Dakota. There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale, as

1807, the sum of two hundred aad thirty dollais and forty-six certs tS30.4«).

Dated April 14,1898. A. Li. PETItlE AND L. C. PETBIB.

,, .. ,, Assignees of Mortgage. F. II. REGISTER,

Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage.

[First publication April 33—Last, May 27.] Notice •( Homestead Final Proof.

LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., I April 7,1808. (

NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notloe of his inten­

tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before D. R. Streeter, clerk of the district court of Emmons county, N. D., at Wllliamsport, N. D., on May 27, 1898, VIEm

STEPHEN A. FISCHER, Por the southwest quarter of the southeast

quarter of section 23 and the north half of the northeast quarter and the southeast

quarter of the northeast quarter of section 20, township 131 north,

range 74 west, 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove

his continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land, vis.:

Joseph Krek, of Exeter, N. D. Anton Benger, of Exeter, N. D. Koehus Vetsch, of Exeter, N. D. John Vetsoh, or Exeter, N. D.

E. A. LAMB, Register.

[Firstpublication, April 8—Last, May 40.] mortgage Sale.

XT OTICE is hereby given that that certain ^'jmortgsge executed and delivered byChartes J. Payne and Marv A. Payne, mortgagors, to Spencer Marsh, mortgagee, dated the 11th dav or April, 188«, and filed for record In the office of the Register of -Deeds of Emmons uounty, Dakota Territory (now state of North Dakota), o® theWthday of April- 1887, and recorded in Book n)ue" of Mortgages, at pages 570 to-880 Inclusive, and assigned by decree of the Countv Court of Burleigh oounty, North Dakota, to Lothrop Marsh, Pllinelson W. Marsh and Lo-visa M. Brown, heirs of Spencer Marsh, de­ceased, and assigned by Lothrop Marsh. Phln-e1*®", W. Marsh and Lovisa M. Browu to Harriet M. Gage, bosh of which as-Mgnmenta are duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Emmons county. North Dakota, will be foreclosed by a sule of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter de-serlhert. at the front door of the Court House at Wllliamsport, in the county of Emmons and stale of North Dakota, on the 23d day of May, 1808, at lO 'O'clock In tbe forenoon of said day, to satisfy the amount due Upon such tnort-ga5? i"1. the day of sale. The premises de­scribed In each mortgage, nnd which will be sold toI satisfy the same, are described as fol­lows: The northwest quarter (N. W. X) of sec-tlon eleven (11), in township one hundred and thirty-four <134) north, of range seventy-five u5) west of the fifth principal meridian. In North Dakota. There will be due on such mortgage at date of sale six hundred and twenty dollars (1630.00).

Bated April 4,1898. J. B. GAGE, HARRIET M. GAGE,

Attorney for Assignee Assignee of Mortgage. of Mortgage.

[First publication April SS—Last, May 27.] Notice of HoaesuaC Final Proof.

LAMS OFFICE AT BISKABCK, N. D., I April 12,1808. (

VTOTICE IS hereby given that tbe following i.1 named settler has filed notice of his inten­tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said woof will be made before D. B. Streeter, Clerk of District Court of Emmons county, N. D., at Wllliamsport, N. D., on May 87,1808, via.:

ANTON 8ENOER, For the north half of northwest quarter, south­

east quarter of northwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southwest quarter,

section 35, township 131 north, range 74 west, 5th P. M.

He names the following wltnessee to prove biB continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:

Joseph Erck, of Bxeter. N. D. Anton Benger. of Exeter, N. D. Bochns Vetsoh, of Exeter. N. D. John Vetsch,of Exeter, N. I).

. E. A. LAMB, Register.


„ Wllliamsport, N. D. Final Proofs, Homestead Filings and Notice*

•f Intention to Make Final Proof caraftilii written. Letters of luqulrjr regarding sueh matters promptly answered. Settlers from dis­tant parts of the County eaa have their work done so aa to suit thelr eon venlenee about re­turning bom*. 111 Ml IWW—


Willlamsport Camp, No. 4MB, meets the second a»»d fourth Saturday evening of each ssonth, at^WUlamsgort. HTW. AuSr.V.C.

[First publication, April 8—Last, May la] Notice of Contest— Ttaaber-Caltare.

V. 8. LAND Omcc, i ' BISMARCK, N. D. >

April fi, 1898. J /COMPLAINT having been entered at this V/office by John Bruner against Florlun Weiss, for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 4074, dated May 11, 1885. upon the northwest quarter of section 24. township 129 north, range 74 west, in Emmonscount/, N. D., with a view' to the cancellation of said entry, contestant alleging that Florlan Weiss has failed to plant and cultivate ten acre*, or any number of acres, of trees, on said land: and that be baa abandoned eaid land; and that there ere no trees growing on said laud, and never were any trees planted thereon; the a&ld parties are berebv summoned to appear before D. B. Streeter, clerk of the district court of Emmons



HERD NOTICE. The undersigned, now located on tbe

Jondreau place, eleven miles west of 'Williamaport, will take cattle'to herd during tbe coming season. Price, 76 cent* per head. Plenty of good water and exoellent r»Dfe. -


[First publication, April 8—Last, May 13.] Notice of Homestead Final Proof.

LAND Orrics AT BISKABCK, N. D.. I .. „ , , , March 81,18S8. f Notice Is hereby given that tbe following-

named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and1

that said proof will be made before D. B. Streeter, clerk of tlie district court of Emmons 14 "sos" vis: *' Wllliamsport, N. D.. on Msy

CHABLES F. LESTER, Fnr 'he southeast quarter ef section 82, town-

ship lct4 north, range 78 west, 5th P. M. He names tbe following wltnessee to prove

reeldence upon and eultivaUon «f Midland, via.;

ClArenoeEast, of Hampton, N. D. Silas E. Ryder, of Hampton, N. D. Andrew M. Weller, of Hampton, N. D. Thomas E. Lawler, ef Hampton, N. D.

B. A. LAMB, Register.

[First publication, April 8—Last, April 22.] Petition for letters of Adnslnlstrn-

tion. 8 TATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) In County

COUKTY or EKKOHS. f Court. In Ike matter of the estate of Cyrus 11. Bobin-

son, —• KTOriCE is hereby give* that Maty D. Bobln-i-^.son has filed with tbe Judge of this Court a pMIUon praying for letters of admlnUtratlon

Cyrus M. Boblnaon, deoeased; a.°f Monday, the 3d day of May, 1808, at 3 o clock p. m. of said day, being a day of a regu­lar term of this eonrt, at Williamspon. iii said

i>M,boen «Bt for hearlng eald petition, when and where any person inttmUd may appear and show cause why the said peti­tion should not bejrranted.

Dated April 4,1886. , C. BOWERDINK,

Judge of tbe County Court.

[First publication. April 8—Last, April 22.] Petition for Letter* of Atalalsttf


In the matter of the estate of Jacob Van Put-_t»n, deceased. s< XTOTICB Is hereby given that Anne Bakker

flled with the Judg« of this Court a retltlon praying for letters or admlnlatratlon

j l? J*!?" Jacob Van PuUen, deceased; and that Monday, the second day of May, 1808, at t o clook p. m. of said day, being a day of a regular term of this court, at Wllliamsport, in said county and state, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter-•sled may appear and show cause why the said petition should not be granted.

Dated April 6,1808. ; a C. BOWERDINK,

'v.; . ' Judge of tbe County Court.

^ A V ' •? U C T m < 7> * *• ^ ' rf • ' - ?*.r«

^ J s SP I

Folks up from Winona say that Jack Flynn is becoming remarkably expert us a bicycle rider. They say, too, that be is very fleet of toot; and that, while-mak­ing the greatest effort of his life, the oth­er day, between the post nnd tbe river, he ctughl up with a jnckrabbit; and that he kicked it out of bis way and told it to sit down and watch the motions' of a KemlrniHn thai kuew how to run—like the feller in the story.

Reception to Mr. and Mrs. Wr»y. Rev. and Mrs. Wray will receive their

friends at the Hotel Yeater from April 28th to Muy 2d. A donation will be made to the worthy couple during their visit hire. Anything, that can be used by ii family will be accepted. A special invitaiimi is extended to every one. The d'.'tiili iu p:iriy will take place Saturday r*" 'nil,', A.ptil 30th, at the hotel. There will hu ii:n civ m, c.ake, etc., tbe proceeds of Uiu a ilu of v> will go to the min­ister. MRS. W L. YEATER,


' Committee.

Tits of tliene Birds Eagngd In • Bit­ter StriiRj*le In a Kleld.

A fierce combat between n large gray hawk and a smaller red one occurred a few days ago on the farm of George Williams, in 3ristol township, reports the Philadelphia Record. Mr. Williams was standing in his corn field, when he heard a series of fierce squawk in the air above him. Two 'hawks circling about each other and dropping rapidly to the earth next attracted his atten­tion. The birds fell almost at bis feet and continued to fight with great fe-rooity. It was evident from the very start that the battle was an unequal one, the gray one being much too heavy for his opponent. The farmer, seizing a stick, sailed in to take a hand in the fight. He made several vigorous swipes at the rapidly revolving bundle of claws and fe&thera, but- somehow or other he always failed to land. Then he foxily decided to startd off and wait until one •bird had been killed, whereupon he would jump in and dispatch the victor. The ved hawk was growing weaker every moment, nnd finally fell over on his back, and the gray victor drove his -beak deep inte the breast of the van­quished. WitK a squawk of triumph the gray fellow suddenly raised himself upon his broad wings and sailed away before Williams realized what he was about. The red hawk lay dead upon the field literally clawed to ribbons.

Queer Memorial to a Woman. A remarkable memorial is the bell

tower to contain a chime of 11 bells which is being built on the grounds of this Iowa agricultural college at Ames. It is in memory of Margaret McDonald Stanton, wife of the professor of polit­ical economy in the college. The tower is being built by the state in>apprecia­tion of Mrs. Stanton's services as an educator and as a founder of the col­lege. The bells are to be the gift of Prof. Stanton. Woman's title to of-ficial appreciation seems to be frankly rccogurized in Iowa.

Another Aerial Failure. A Pteerable aluminum balloon,

driven by' a benzine motor, was tried reeentl'y in Berlin. It rose to a height of 1,1500 feet, but would not work against the wind, and soon came down with a crash. It was 13 meters l:??h by 45 me­ters long-. «r.d wedg-hed 7,500 pounds. It is snid to have cost 200,000 marlts, while the experiments preliminary to its con­struction cost 3,000,000 marks.

\\T ANTED—TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE '» gentlemen or ladies to travel for respon­

sible, established house in North Dakota, lonthly $85.00 and expenses. Position steady.

-Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. T, Chicago.



CO o

o o o >

a „ " - ....

m -H.' . „ BIOTICB* To Wbon It May Concern: . An *° P">Uct ouraelveK agains? rnlnour eon*petition, and tor the purpose of aerating tolr. just and legal rates for our work, we, the undersigned publishers of Bmmons county, N.

nerebyj agree that hereafter no legal g0tt°— any kind, except "Taken-Up" {•migrates. published by us for lea than "Furthermore, as we have heretofore loet a targe portion of our fees for publishing 'Taken-yp",notlcea. we do hereby agne .thS we will S2l5S?*fi5r t?85rt »"Taken-Up" aottoa tor anyonanntU the fee therefor ta paid. Tbe legal fee for jnbilalUng aueh noUoerta |8J00 inSi S t*"p« arett<,p-lbr one animal and WMton^thanoiieanlaal. . • DaiedfJunaSt. 1807.



General Merchandise,

Wllliamspert, North Dakota.

Butter, Eggs and Hides taken in exchange for Goods.

We sell cheap for caab. You can't afford to go anywhere else after you know the buying pow­er of your dollar here.

A. well-assorted line of DRY GOODS just received. It will pay you to see our new atock and compare prices. No trouble to ahow goods. A superior art­icle at pricea usually asked for inferior goods.

A Genplete Line if Hardware Just received, which will be sold cheaper than ever before in tbi« town. We are selling Groceriec cheaper than ever. 3 lbs No. 1 Uncolored Japan Tea.. (1 IS I be Choice japan Rice.' 88 large bars of Santa Claus Hoap.

We give yoa a square deal. Trr wa.


> a




Capital. - - *100,000

Foreign Draft* Bought and Sold.

Ceneral Banking Business.

O. fi. LITTLE, President. F. D. KENDBtCK, Vice President

M£. A. DILLON, Onahier, S. M. PTE, Asaistant Cashier.

B I S M ARCK, N. D. Ltatar ui BnlMlit Mitiflil,

•v C4,

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Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will

Cure Nervous Prostration.


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DR. MH£s* RESTORAHVB NEKVUIB RBSTOKES BHALTH, not by any miraculous instantaneon* proooaa, but In accordance with science, which is the practical, common-sense way of first re-moving the germs of disease, and then supplying nutritions, healthy nerve food, that gradually starts Into new, vigorous growth, strong healthy nerve tissue, increases the appetite, helps digestion in too* ing the stomach and entire system; and strengthens the brain and will power to control the nerves, that induce deep and test with­out stupefying or paralyzing tho senses.

The case of lbs. M. B. Reed, the estimable wife of the leading merchant in Delta, Iowa, interestingly shows that desperate cases require prolonged treatment. Mrs. Heed writes

" I had been troubled with nervousness and occasional spells of prostra­tion. In July 1801,1 was stunned by a stroke of lightning striking the house,' and became much worse. My limbs would all draw up, and my left arm and hand was in a cramped condition, and the chords in my .neck woiild lie out prominently.' "One physician pronounced it a light stroke of paralysis. I would., have throbbings in my chest that seemed unendurable. For three months I oould not sleep, and for three weeks I did not close my eyes in deep. I thought I couj&not stand it. I Just prayed tor eep, and felt that if relief did not Come I would soon be dead or insane. ' My physicians (two from "What Cheer, one from Springfield, and one from Sigourney), all agreed there was no help for me; that I was incurable. January 1892: Catching at a last straw as I thought, I tried Dr. Miles? Servine, and it helped ine from the very flrst bottle. The second night I slept two hours, and from that time on my sleep kept increasing and my health Improved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I have taken in all forty bottles, but that first bottle was worth 1500.00 to me. No words can express my sufferings, and I can't explain in words how grateful I fed towards Dr. Miles for wonderful Restorative Nervine. I am now perfectly well and have not taken the wiftfltntnA for over four months." : ilss. ADDH BEED.

Dr. Miles'Nervine ig gold by all druggists on tbe positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit, or mtaey will be refunded.

Book on Heart and Nerves Fraa By The Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana.

Dr. Miles' Nervine




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