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Emotions, Attitudes & Job Satisfaction

Chapter # 4

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 2

Chapter # 4

Chapter Outline Differentiate Emotions from Moods, and list the basic

Emotions and Moods. Discuss whether emotions are rational and what

functions they serve. Sources of Emotions and Moods. Emotional Labor. Emotional Intelligence. (EI) Components of an attitude. Major job attitudes. Job Satisfaction and how it is measured. Main causes of job satisfaction. Outcomes of Job Satisfaction Employee responses to dissatisfaction.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 3

Emotion Vs Mood Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at

someone or something, e.g. Happiness, surprise, fear, sadness etc.

Moods are feelings or states of mind that tend to be less intense than emotions and are more lasting and general in nature, e.g. positive or negative mood.

Emotions and Moods can influence each other.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 4

Emotions Vs MoodsEmotions Caused by specific

event/object. Brief in duration. Does not require a

strong stimuli to appear. Numerous forms Action oriented in nature

mostly accompanied by facial expressions

Moods Cause is often general,

multiple factors may contribute

Last longer than emotions

It can be positive or negative and may comprise of multiple emotions.

Cognitive in nature, requires the support of emotions for outward expression.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 5

The Basic Emotions Six basic Emotions:

– Anger– Fear– Sadness– Happiness– Disgust– Surprise

All other emotions are subsumed under these six

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 6

Sources of Emotion and Mood

Personality Day and Time of the Week Weather Stress Social Activities Sleep Age

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 7

Some aspects of Emotions Gender role in emotions

Emotional stability varies in Men and Women.

Intensity People give different level of response to same stimuli. Some jobs require the ability to control intensity in terms

of specific emotions, e.g. Surgeons, Trial judges, Air traffic controllers.

Frequency and duration Some jobs require frequent exhibitions of certain

emotions like reception people are supposed to smile every time a customer walks in.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 8

Emotions at work Types of Emotions:

Felt emotion: Individual’s actual emotions Displayed emotion: required emotions

Emotional Dissonance: Employees have to project one emotion while

simultaneously feeling another

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 9

Emotional Labor ( emotions at work) An employee’s expression of organizationally

desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work.

Also called Surface Acting i.e. displaying appropriately but not feeling those emotions internally

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 10

Emotional Intelligence (EI) Emotional Intelligence is one’s ability to

detect emotional cues and information and respond favorably in work situations.

Five key dimensions: Self- awareness (being aware of what you are feeling)

Self-Management (ability to manage on emotions) Self-motivation (ability to persist in setbacks and failure)

Empathy (ability to sense how others a feeling) Social skills (favorable response)

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 11

OB Applications of Emotions and Moods Recruitment and Selection

EI should be a hiring factor, especially for social jobs. Motivation

Positive mood affects expectations of success; feedback amplifies this effect.

Leadership Emotions are important to acceptance of messages

from organizational leaders. Leaders who are in a good mood, use humor, and praise

employees increase positive moods in the workplace. Customer Services

Emotions affect service quality delivered to customers which, in turn, affects customer relationships

Emotional Contagion: “catching” emotions from others

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 12


Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events.

Individual’s Opinions, Beliefs, Feelings and intentions against the out side world.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 13

Components of Attitude: Cognitive component Affective component Behavioral component

The emotional or The emotional or feeling segment feeling segment of an attitudeof an attitudeThe opinion or The opinion or

belief segment of belief segment of an attitudean attitude

An intention to behave An intention to behave in a certain way toward in a certain way toward someone or somethingsomeone or something

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 14

Major Job Attitudes Job Satisfaction

A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics

Job Involvement Degree of psychological identification

with the job where perceived performance is important to self-worth

Organizational Commitment Identifying with a particular

organization and its goals, while wishing to maintain membership in the organization.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 15

Job Satisfaction Most important and commonly measured

Job Attitude.

How to measure? Single global rating (one question/one answer) - Best Summation score (many questions/one average) - OK.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 16

Causes of Job Satisfaction Organizational Dimension

Nature of work Work load, Time schedules Payment issues Team members

Personal Dimension Personality Competency Knowledge Career Objectives

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 17

Outcomes of Job Satisfaction Job Performance

Satisfied workers are more productive AND more productive workers are more satisfied.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Customer Satisfaction Absenteeism Turnover Workplace Deviance

Dissatisfied workers are more likely to unionize, abuse substances, steal, be tardy, and withdraw.

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Prof. Jahanzaib Yousaf, PCIT 18

Employee Responses to Dissatisfaction




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