Page 1: Emotions in intercultural encounters during the Year Abroad Towards new perspectives on research and pedagogy SoniaGallucci University of Sheffield Sonia

Emotions in intercultural Emotions in intercultural encounters during the Year encounters during the Year


Towards new perspectives on research and Towards new perspectives on research and pedagogy pedagogy

SoniaSonia Gallucci Gallucci University of SheffieldUniversity of Sheffield 09 09 July 2009July 2009

Page 2: Emotions in intercultural encounters during the Year Abroad Towards new perspectives on research and pedagogy SoniaGallucci University of Sheffield Sonia

Main aims of this presentation Highlight the role of individuals’ emotions

in intercultural encounters in actual face-to-face interaction (e.g. Pavlenko: 2005).

Highlight the ways in which individuals can experience cultural difference according to the concept of Intercultural Sensitivity (Bennett: 1986, 1993, 2000, 2004).

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Organisation Organisation

1. The Year Abroad & the cultural turn in studies of the YA

2. A study of three British YA students in Italy

3. Some examples

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1. The Year Abroad (YA)

The British HE system requires students of foreign languages to spend a YA - ERASMUS exchange programme (one of the large-scale EU student mobility schemes)

1987: EU commission & academic community to promote cooperation between universities & expand EU work market (3,000 students)

1995 – 2006: ERASMUS + SOCRATES (including Schools & AE)

2007 – 2013: Lifelong Learning Programme (9 sectors including ERASMUS) (150,000 students)

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Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) Hoselitz,1954; Gardner, 1962 - researchers interested in technical assistance and the work of Peace Corps volunteers abroad.

“[T]he ability to behave appropriately in intercultural situations, the affective and cognitive capacity to establish and maintain intercultural relationships and the ability to stabilise one’s self identity while mediating between cultures”

(Byram & Feng, 2006: 211)

Intercultural Awareness (IA) origins in the concept of Cross Cultural Awareness - analysis of education for a global perspective in order to enhance individuals’ abilities to understand and to become aware of their condition in the community and around the world (Hanvey, 1976: 1).

Intercultural Sensitivity (IS) Developmental Model of IS (DMIS) proposed by Bennett (1986) to describe individuals’ responses to cultural difference.

“The construction of reality is increasingly capable of accommodating cultural difference, and this constitutes development” (Bennett, 1993: 24)

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DMIS: further detailsa framework to explain the observed & reported experiences of people in intercultural situations

Development of Intercultural SensitivityExperience of difference

Denial Defence Minimalization Acceptance Adaptation Integration 

1 2 3 4 5 6

  Ethnocentric Ethnorelative Stages Stages


(adapted from Bennett: 2000) 

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Research questions

Analytic approach

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Daphne Ilaria Lucy

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University of Birmingham 3rd A.Y.

Good French

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University of Cambridge

3rd year

Fluent in German &


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University of Warwick 2nd year A-level Spanish

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ContextDaphne: Ferrara (Emilia Romagna) Ilaria, Lucy: Cagliari


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Research questions

1. How was participants’ intercultural communication evolving during the YA? Specifically, to what extent was their Intercultural Sensitivity developing?

2. To what extent were participants’ emotions bound up with the ways in which they were experiencing, and dealing with cultural difference in actual (face-to-face) encounters?

3. What range of learning environments and social networks, with opportunities for speaking in Italian, could be identified for the participants?

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Analytic approach


Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) (Bennett: 2000)

PARTICIPANTS’ COMMUNICATION OF EMOTIONS Affective Lexicon (Clore et al: 1987) / variety of

cues to emotions in naturally occurring situations (Planalp et al: 1996)

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e.g. arousede.g. aroused


e.g. happy e.g. cheerful e.g. encouraged



e.g. sexy e.g. e.g. sexy e.g. abandonedabandoned


(Clore et al, 1987: 753)

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1.Affectionate2.Afraid3.Aggravated4. Aggrieved5.Agitated6.Alarmed7.Amused8.Angry9.Anguished10.Annoyed11.Ashamed 12.At-Peace13.Attracted 14.Awestruck15.Bitchy 16.Bitter 17.Anxious 18.Blue 19.Broken Hearted 20.Cheered21.Cheerful 22.Comfortable (Psychologically) 23.Compassionate24.Concerned25.Contemptuous26.Contented 27.Contentment28.Crushed31.Delighted 32.Depressed33.Desperate34.Despondent35.Disappointed

36. Discontented 37. Discouraged 38. Disenchanted39. Disgusted 40. Disheartened 41. Dismayed 42. Displeased 43. Dissatisfied44. Distressed45. Disturbed 46. Downhearted 47. Ecstatic 48. Elated 49. Embarrassed 50. Envious 51. Euphoric 52. Exasperated53. Emotional54. Excited 55. Fed-Up 56. Fond 57. Frightened 58. Frustrated59. Fulfilled 60. Furious 61. Gleeful 62. Gloomy 63. Grateful64. Gratified 65. Grief-Stricken 66. Grouchy 67. Happy68. Heart-Stricken69. Heartbroken 70. Heartened71. Heartsick

72. Homesick73. Hurt74. Ill-at-ease75. Impatient 76. In-Love 77. Incensed78. Infatuated79. Intimate 80. Intimidated81. Irate 82. Irked83. Irritated 84. Jealous 85. Joyful 86. Joyous 87. Jubilant 88. Kind 89. Light Hearted90. Livid 91. Lonely 92. Lovesick 93. Loving 94. Low 95. Mad 96. Miserable97. Mortified98. Mournful99. Moved 100.Nervous101.Placid 102.Pleased 103.Proud104.Satisfied 105.Scared 106.Self Conscious 107.Self-Satisfied

108.Sensitive (Easily Hurt)109.Sentimental 110.Shocked 111.Sick-At-Heart 112.Sorry113.Spiteful114.Sympathetic115.Optimistic 116.Outraged117.Overjoyed 118.Overwhelmed 119.Passionate120.Peeved121.Petrified 122.Pissed-Off 123.Terrified124.Threatened125.Thrilled126.Tormented127.Troubled 128.Uncomfortable (Psych.)129.Uneasy 130.Unhappy 131.Upset 132.Uptight 133.Vengeful 134.Warm Hearted135.Woe-Stricken136.Worried137.Horrified138.Hostile 139.Relaxed (psych) 140.Relieved 141.Resentful 142.Sad


142.Admire143.Appreciate144.Desire145.Enjoy 146.Grieve 147.Hate 148.Love149.Resent150.Adore151.Despise152.Detest153.Disapprove-of154.Dislike155.Forgive156.Like157.Loathe158.Want

AFFECTIVE LEXICON (Adaptated from Clore et al, 1987: 763-65) (original summative list: 251 words)

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Participants’ affective lexicon (prosodic direct-verbal cues)

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4. Some examples

Communication of emotions

Development of Intercultural Sensitivity

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Communication of emotions

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Communication of emotions – Daphne


D: Mmm... yeah... in the beginning when I first got here, it was horrible and I was, I was a bit CROSS ... but [laugh] because I wanted to come here and find it when I got here and not on the internet, ‘cause you can’t .. can’t see what you are getting. But when I actually got here and I didn’t have anywhere to go ... I was really cross that my family would let me come and then ... that someone hadn’t told me ... oh I don’t know, because if someone had told me I’d have said ‘No, I’ll be fine’, but I wish that someone I had said to me ‘it will be really difficult and you just have to wait and be patient ’

 <Internals\DAPHNE\transcripts\(2D) 18.11.6> NERVOUSNESS SELF-CONFIDENCE

D: [yeah..] I think, I think so, it’s quite .. I was really nervous when I arrived and I found it hard to speak to people, and I found it quite hard .. to get to know at beginning, ‘cause I was nervous of making mistakes, as soon I spoke Italian and.. but now er.. (short pause) I don’t mind if I make mistakes because .. people still understand what I’m trying to say, and everyone is really friendly and (short pause with sigh) I think I’m a lot more confident, about speaking Italian, and I just get out and meet people in general.. yeah…

<Internals\DAPHNE\transcripts\(5D) 8.6.7> 

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Communication of emotions – Ilaria

Feeling offendedI: although sometimes they say to me that I’ve still got an English accent, and it’s been really

hard for me to loose it. My flatmate said “you speak really good Italian” but they can still tell I’m English, because I haven’t got the intonation.

S: when they said that, did you get offended?I: erm... when they FIRST said it, I was a bit offended, then they said “EVEN for someone who has

been living here for five years, six years, they could still tell, an Italian can still tell if someone is English or foreign.  I think I’d need to live here for a long time, before being able to pick up the intonation. Or maybe just like listen to tapes or while someone is speaking in Italian.

<Internals\ILARIA\transcripts\(2IL) 3.12.6>Feeling happy and sadI: … eh… mi sento un po’ triste che fra due mesi dovrò andare a casa. Però[:] ci ho vissuto una bella esperienza qua, è una cosa che io ricorderò per sempre e allora[:] sono anche felice. […]Cioè sono ancora contenta, sto ancora migliorando l’italiano (short pause), no solo che … è cominciata l’estate, e le giornate sono più … migliori per andare al mare, diciamo. (short pause) eh.. poi non ho più lezioni, sono finite e allora .. sono più libera di godere il sole … […]S: e .. è stata un’esperienza positiva, o così-così?I: no, molto positiva, sono molto contenta con quello che ho fatto, e.. lo rifarei se avessi l’opportunità.

<Internals\ILARIA\transcripts\(5IL) 6.6.7>

I: … eh … I feel a bit sad that in two months I’ll have to go home. But [:] I’ll have had a good experience here, it’s a thing that I’ll remember forever and so[:] I’m also happy. […]Namely, I’m happy that I’m still improving my Italian (short pause), it’s only that … the summer has started, and days are better to go … to the seaside, let’s say. (short pause) eh..then I don’t have lessons, they’ve finished and so.. I have more time to enjoy the sun … […]S: and…has it been a positive experience, or so-so?I: no, very positive, I’m very happy with what I’ve done, and… I would do it again if I had the opportunity.

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Communication of emotions – Lucy


S: so how do you feel? You’ve nearly finished your experience as an ERASMUS student, in Cagliari, and how do you feel about it?L: erm … I feel a big sense of satisfaction, because it was difficult at times, and now it’s over and I feel I made it, I got through, so I’m proud of myself. […]S: And do you have a general positive feeling about this experience or negative or so-so? What is your general impression of it?L: mmm… it’s quite mixed. I feel negative … because … I think I could have got out more from this experience if I’d in Italy arrived with a more … positive attitude, because I was erm… in a bit of a dark route (eh eh) when I arrived. And I think it affected how I picked up the language and … definitively my motivation. […] I feel very positive because I still managed to gain so much from this experience. My language skills have improved, greatly, and (pause) I’ve got a lot more confidence, in general, I feel like a more a outgoing person.

 <Internals\LUCY\transcripts\(5LU) 6.6.7>

HOMESICKNESSS: Good. I would like to ask something, erm... first of all ‘how do you feel about this experience in Cagliari?L: erm.. (short pause) I think I’m enjoying it. Erm... it’s .. I’m finding it difficult ... it’s still a challenge. And I feel…erm…I just feel I’m really looking forward to going home at the moment. And getting the first .. CHUNK of this experience out of the way.  Go home and then re-assess how I feel, and then come back out here “fresh”. I feel erm … yeah.. I feel like a need a holiday. [nervous laugh]S: oh … do you miss your .. country or your family?L: erm…I don’t really miss England exactly [short pause] erm… the weather in England it’s not so nice and gets you down, but I really r e a l l y really miss my sister, and my boyfriend, especially my boyfriend, I miss him very much.

<Internals\LUCY\transcripts\(2LU) 3.12.6>

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Development of intercultural sensitivity

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Daphne - ADAPTATION: empathy (attempt to understand by imagining or comprehending the other’s perspective)

The strange graduation parties of the Italians

<Internals\DAPHNE\transcripts\(3D) 13.4.7 photos>

D: […] la foto.. due, che è della vita universitaria, questa è un’amica italiana che.. è .. ha.. si è laureata a a.. a novembre, credo. Erm.. e.. (pause) erm… (pause) mm… l’ho scelta perché.. le feste della laurea in Italia o anch.., sì in Italia, in generale, credo, sono molto.. er.. strano per un inglese (eh eh). -------------------------------------------------------------The picture n.2 is about the university life. This is an Italian friend who.. is…has… yes she graduated in in.. November, I think. Erm.. and.. (pause) mm.. I have chosen it because the graduation parties or also.., yes in Italy, in general, I think, they are very strange for an English person (eh eh).

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In her house “Adesso andiamo per pranzare in un bar dove vado praticamente ogni giorno.”

At the local bar “È molto bello perché mi sento più una parte della città, perché le persone mi riconoscono. È bello sì.”

[…]“È molto bello anche perché in Inghilterra non c’è una cultura … c’è una simile, ma è diverso, perché non è di solito che le persone eh sì, si siedono per un’ora per pranzo, per due ore e si rilassano. Qui è diverso … non so se mi spiego ma … è più rilassante, sì.”

Paying at the bar and interacting with the waitress (the waitress has offered the coffee )

Video Ferrara 7 June 2007

“Now we’re going to a bar where I basically go to eat every day”

“it’s really nice because I feel more as a part of the city, because people recognise me. It’s really beautiful”

“It’s very nice also because in England there is not such a culture … there is one, but it’s different, because usually people yeah, it’s unlikely that they sit for an hour for lunch, for two hours and they relax. Here it’s different … I don’t know if I’m clear but … it’s more relaxing, yeah”.

Daphne - INTEGRATION: constructive marginality(operating outside of ‘normal’ cultural boundaries. The experience of one’s self as a constant creator of one’s own reality . Cultural marginal mediating role)

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Ilaria - ADAPTATION: pluralismInternalizing different cultural worldviews/increasing the number of cultures with which one identifies. Extending /developing alternative communication skills, engaging in a new culture/developing multiple cultural frames of reference.

Da noi c’è quasi sempre un’ospite a pranzo o cena, oppure qualche festa. Ci divertiamo un sacco insieme.

At our place there are almost always guests for lunch or dinner, or some parties. We have a lot of fun together.

<Internals\ILARIA\transcripts\(3IL) 18.2.7 photos>

Ci piace cenare fuori e cerchiamo di cenare fuori almeno una volta al mese, è sempre bello conoscere i piatti tipici sardi.

We like having dinner outside and we try to have dinner ouside at least once a month, it’s always good to know typical Sardinian dishes .

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Ilaria & Lucy – ACCEPTANCE

Respect for behavioural difference“people at this stage begin to recognize differences in communication style. Phatic communication such as greeting rituals, may vary in content, length, and purpose. Description may be more linear or circular […] feelings more implicit or explicit. These differences now begin to elicit curiosity rather than animosity. One of the most dramatic discoveries in acceptance is recognising the cultural relativity of nonverbal behavior”. (Bennett, 1993: 48)

Video 12 February 2007 Introducing new people (greeting rituals) Asking Lucy if she likes the place Socialising while eating and drinking Lucy imitating my nonverbal communication/kinesics (raising the glass) Ilaria & Lucy interacting with locals, imitating Italian nonverbal communication (nodding, using hands … )

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Lucy – DEFENCE : superiority

difference is recognised & tolerated, but not perceived as viable-own cultural pride (Bennett, 1993: 48)

S: Do you feel a change in your life?

L: erm … […] I think, it’s strange because it’s almost things like .. the year abroad has reinforced my English feelings as well. (long pause) And … I feel … I never before had any kind of yearning or passion towards England, but being away for a while … erm …

I really have … a sort of love for my home country. At the same time there’s a soft spot for Italy as well (eh eh).

<Internals\LUCY\transcripts\(5LU) 6.6.7>


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Lucy - DENIAL: isolation, separation “CD is not experienced at all or experienced as associated with a kind of undifferentiated other such as “foreigner” or “immigrant” (Bennett, 2004:154)

Video Cagliari May 2007


Leaving home

Going to University (feeling silly, disappointed)

“people look at me all the time anyway – it doesn’t make that much of a difference”

Booking her return ticket (feeling homesick)

“now I have something to look forward to”

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My view …


















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Implications for pedagogy

Psychosocial & affective dimensions of intercultural encounters (emotions & intercultural sensitivity)

Real-life observations (rather than textbooks)

Action research (understanding more about the ways our students are responding to different approaches to preparation for the YA)

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