
Emperor Penguins in Antarctica

Antarctica has icebergs.

Sometimes at night, you can see aurora australis in Antarctica.

Auroras are natural light displays in the skies. Auroras occur at night. At the north pole, they are called aurora borealis. At the south pole, they are called aurora australis.

What is an aurora ?

Emperor Penguins live in Antarctica.

Adult penguins take good care of their penguin chicks.

Penguin chicks sit on their fathers’ feet to keep warm.

Emperor Penguins live in colonies. They huddle together to keep warm.

Penguins love to slide on their bellies.

Emperor Penguins love to swim when they develop their adult feathers

Leopard seals are a natural predator of the Emperor penguin.

Skua birds are a natural predator of the Emperor penguin.

Killer whales are a natural predator of the Emperor penguin.

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