

382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Empirical Approaches, Questions & Methods

Dewayne E PerryENS 623

[email protected]

[adapted in part from Steve Easterbrook, U Toronto]


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Empirical ApproachesThree approaches


DescriptiveGoal: careful mapping out a situation in order to describe what is happeningNecessary first step in any research

Provides the basis or cornerstoneProvides the what

Rarely sufficient – often what to know why or howBut often provides the broad working hypothesis


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Empirical ApproachesRelational

Need at least two sets of observations so that some phenomenon can be related to each otherTwo or more variables are measured and related to each otherCoordinated observations -> quantitative degree of correlation Not sufficient to explain why there is a correlation

ExperimentalFocus on identification of causes, what leads to whatWant X is responsible for Y, not X is related to YExperimental group versus control groupWatch out for problems


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

DiscoveryProcess of Discovery

Plausible: interesting ideaImportant: is it worthy of further consideration?Acceptable: do we have a testable theory, can we create an hypothesis for experimental confrontation?Justifiable: amenable to evaluation, defense, confirmation?

Sources of DiscoveryIntensive case studies

Document certain variables/conditions as prerequisite for a more theoretical study

Paradoxical incidentsPuzzled by contradictory aspects of a situation

Metaphors that stimulate our thinkingRules of thumbs, folk wisdomAccount for conflicting results

Eg, performance in presence of others


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Asking QuestionsAsking questions + systematic process to obtain valid answers

Make the question clearHypothesis should be consistent with questionsStatement of the problemCritical: asking the right or important questions

Types of QuestionsExistenceDescription/ClassificationCompositionRelationshipsDescriptive-ComparativeCausalityCausality-ComparativeCausality-Comparison Interactions


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Types of Research QuestionsExistence questions

Does X exist? X is a thing, attribute, phenomenon, behavior, ability, condition, state of affairs etc.

Is there a tool that can generate X?Is there a programmer who can write 200k lines per year?

Important when controversialGeneralization not important, existence isRequires careful scientific workRule out alternative explanations

Description/ClassificationWhat is it like, is it variable or invariant, characteristic limits, unique of member of a known class, a distinctive description?

What are the limits of tool X?What are the characteristics of structured programs?

Answer requires statements about:Generality and representativeness of sampleUniqueness/distinctness to population


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Types of Research QuestionsComposition

What are the components of X?What are the principle traits of a good programmer? What are the main factors in a maintainable program?

Requires analysis or breakdown of whole into component partsFactor analysis requires care and accuracyNeed large enough samples to rule out biases

RelationshipsWhat is the relationship between Xand Y?

Are exceptions needed for maintainable programs? Is elegance a function of age?

For predictiveness, can use multiple regression techniquesOr do the relationships fit theoretical modelsNeed valid/reliable measures, sufficient and representative samples, accurate computations, and interpretations supported by the data


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Types of Research QuestionsDescriptive-Comparative

Is group Xdifferent from group Y?Are Fortran programmers different from Lisp programmers? Do novice C++ programmers make more errors than Java programmers? Experienced programmers?

An elaboration of the simple description questionComparison may be organismic

Eg, age, weight, height Comparison may be socio-economic

Eg, income, job, neighborhoodMust ensure equivalence of other characteristicsCriteria measures critical – need validity, reliability


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Types of Research QuestionsCausality

Does X cause, lead to, or prevent changes in Y?Does C++ lead to complex programs? Does using exceptions lead to simpler programs?

Manipulate independent variables to get changes in dependentNeed control group for non-treatmentMust select sample carefully to rule out biasesReplications to warrant generality

Causality-ComparativeDoes X cause more change in Y than Z?

Is C++ better than Java in preventing race conditions? Is the Jackson design method better than the Booch method in producing concurrent systems?

Compare rival treatments, controlMust guarantee that rival treatments are valid and are given in an unbiased manner


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Types of Research QuestionsCausality-Comparison Interactions

Does Xcause more changes in Ythat Zunder certain conditions but not others?

Do formal methods work better than informal methods for Europeans but not North Americans? Is the MacOS easier to use than the Windows by naïve users but not experiences users?

Add more independent variables


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Many Methods Available:Laboratory ExperimentsField StudiesCase StudiesPilot StudiesRational ReconstructionsExemplarsSurveysArtifact/Archive Analysis (“mining”!)EthnographiesAction ResearchSimulationsBenchmarks


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Laboratory ExperimentsExperimental investigation of a testable hypothesis, in which

conditions are set up to isolate the variables of interest ("independent variables") and test how they affect certain measurable outcomes (the "dependent variables")Good for

Quantitative analysis of benefits of a particular tool/technique(demonstrating how scientific we are!)

LimitationsHard to apply if you cannot simulate the right conditions in the labLimited confidence that the lab setup reflects the real situationIgnores contextual factors (e.g. social/org’al/political factors)Extremely time-consuming!

See:Pfleeger, S.L.; Experimental design and analysis in software engineering.

Annals of Software Engineering1, 219-253. 1995D. Perry, A. Porter, L. Votta “Empirical Studies of Software Engineering: A

Roadmap”. In A. Finkelstein (ed) "The Future of Software Engineering". IEEE CS Press, 2000.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Field StudiesExploratory study, used where little is currently know about a

problem, or where we wish to check that our research goals are grounded in real-life settings; studies organizational practice using anthropological techniques.Good for

Setting a research agenda (what really matters?)Understanding the context for RE problems (naturalistic inquiry)

LimitationsHard to build generalizations (results may be organization specific)Observers’ bias

See:Klein, H.K., and Myers, M.D. "A Set of Principles for Conducting and

Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly, vol 23 No 1, pp67-93, 1999.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Case StudiesA technique for detailed exploratory investigations, both

prospectively and retrospectively, that attempt to understand and explain phenomenon or test theories, using primarily qualitative analysisGood for

Answering detailed how and why questionsGaining deep insights into chains of cause and effectTesting theories in complex settings where there is little control over the variables

LimitationsHard to find appropriate case studiesHard to quantify findings

See:Flyvbjerg, B.; Five Misunderstandings about Case Study

Research. Qualitative Inquiry 12 (2) 219-245, April 2006


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Pilot StudiesControlled introduction of a tool/technique into a real

project, where the researcher can no longer control the context, but where the net effect can be measured (e.g. against a baseline, or against previous experience)Good for

Measuring the benefits in a real settingPreparation for tech. transferGetting organizations interested in your work

LimitationsHard to get organizations to adopt unproven ideasHawthorn effect (and other bias problems)

See:R. L Glass “Pilot Studies: What, Why and How” J. Systems

and Software, vol 36, no 1, pp85-97, 1997


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Rational ReconstructionsA demonstration of a tool or technique on data taken from

a real case study, but applied after the fact to demonstrate how the tool/technique would have workedGood for

Initial validation before expensive pilot studies Checking the researcher’s intuitions about what the tool/technique can do

Limitationspotential bias (you knew the findings before you started)easy to ignore “signal-to-noise ratio”

ExamplesLAS; BART; … etc.

See:Examples in Cohen Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

ExemplarsSelf-contained, informal descriptions of a problem in some

application domain; exemplars are to be considered immutable; the specifier must do the best she can to produce a specification from the problem statement.Good for:

Setting research goals,Understanding differences between research programs

Limitations:No clear criteria for comparing approachesNot clear that “immutability” is respected in practice

Examples:Meeting Scheduler; Library System; Elevator Control System; Telephones;…

see: M. S. Feather, S. Fickas, A. Finkelstein, and A. van Lamsweerde,

“Requirements and Specification Exemplars,” Automated Software Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 419-438, 1997.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

SurveysA comprehensive system for collecting information to

describe, compare or explain knowledge, attitudes and behaviour over large populationsGood for

Investigating the nature of a large populationTesting theories where there is little control over the variables

LimitationsRelies on self-reported observationsDifficulties of sampling and self-selectionInformation collected tends to subjective opinion

See:Shari Lawrence Pfleeger and Barbara A. Kitchenham, "Principles

of Survey Research,” Software Engineering Notes, (6 parts) Nov 2001 -Mar 2003


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Artifact / Archive AnalysisInvestigation of the artifacts (documentation, communication

logs, etc) of a software development project after the fact, to identify patterns in the behaviour of the development team.Good for

Understanding what really happens in software projectsIdentifying problems for further research

LimitationsHard to build generalizations (results may be project specific)Incomplete data

See:Audris Mockus, Roy T. Fielding, and James Herbsleb. Two case

studies of open source software development: Apache and mozilla. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 11(3):1-38, July 2002.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

EthnographiesInterpretive, in-depth studies in which the researcher

immerses herself in a social group under study to understand phenomena though the meanings that people assign to themGood for:

Understanding the intertwining of context and meaningExplaining cultures and practices around tool use

Limitations:No generalization, as context is criticalLittle support for theory building

See:Klein, H. K.; Myers, M. D.; A Set of Principles for Conducting

and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems. MIS Quarterly 23(1) 67-93. March 1999.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Action ResearchResearch and practice intertwine and shape one another. The

researcher mixes research and intervention and involves organizational members as participants in and shapers of the research objectivesGood for

Any domain where you cannot isolate variables, cause from effect, …Ensuring research goals are relevant When effecting a change is as important as discovering new knowledge

LimitationsHard to build generalizations (abstractionism vs. contextualism)Won’t satisfy the positivists!

See:Lau, F; Towards a framework for action research in information systems

studies. Info.Technology and People 12 (2) 148-75. 1999.Kock, N.F., (1997), Myths in Organisational Action Research:

Reflections on a Study of Computer-Supported Process Redesign Groups, Organizations & Society, V.4, No.9, pp. 65-91.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

SimulationsAn executable model of the software development process,

developed from detailed data collected from past projects, used to test the effect of process innovationsGood for:

Preliminary test of new approaches without risk of project failure[Once the model is built] each test is relatively cheap

Limitations:Expensive to build and validate the simulation modelModel is only as good as the data used to build itHard to assess scope of applicability of the simulation

See:Kellner, M. I.; Madachy, R. J.; Raffo, D. M.; Software Process Simulation Modeling: Why? What? How?Journal of Systems and Software 46 (2-3) 91-105, April 1999.


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

BenchmarksA test or set of tests used to compare alternative tools or

techniques. A benchmark comprises a motivating comparison, a task sample, and a set of performance measuresGood for

Making detailed comparisons between methods/toolsIncreasing the (scientific) maturity of a research communityBuilding consensus over the valid problems and approaches to them

LimitationsCan only be applied if the community is readyBecome less useful / redundant as the research paradigm evolves

See:S. Sim, S. M. Easterbrook and R. C. Holt “Using Benchmarking to

Advance Research: A Challenge to Software Engineering”. Proceedings, ICSE-2003


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

QuestionsDo any of these idioms capture your research?

Do the distinctions make sense?Are there other idioms we’ve missed?

Are we (as a community) using the right idioms?Should we be using some of them more than we do?Should we be using some of them less than we do?

What standards of reporting should we demand?Eg, when reviewing papers for SE conferencesShould we be more explicit about our research methods?

What practical steps can we take…Workshops on research validation?Benchmarking initiatives?


382C Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

© 2000-present, Dewayne E Perry

Lecture 2

Validating SE modelsLogical Positivist view:

“There is an objective world that can be modeled by building a consistent body of knowledge grounded in empirical observation”

In SE: “there is an objective problem that exists in the world”Build a consistent model; make sufficient empirical observations to check validityUse tools that test consistency and completeness of the modelUse reviews, prototyping, etc to demonstrate the model is “valid”

Popper’s modification to logical positivism:“Theories can’t be proven correct, they can only be refuted by finding exceptions”

In SE: “models must be refutable”Look for evidence that the model is wrongEg, collect scenarios and check the model supports them

Post-Modern view:“There is no privileged viewpoint; all observation is value-laden; scientific investigation is culturally embedded”Eg, Kuhnian paradigms; Toulmin’s weltanschauungen

In SE: “validation is always subjective and contextualised”Use stakeholder involvement so that they ‘own’ the requirements modelsUse ethnographic techniques to understand the weltanschauungen

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