
Employment and Labour

Law SEMINARS | 2013

Sticks and Stones: An Update on Workplace Bullying

Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin'...

Bob Dylan “The Times They Are A-changing”


Our Objectives

Encourage you to consider and discuss these issues,

openly, frankly and without pre-judgement:

• Why it matters

• What it is (and isn’t)

• How to recognize and prevent it


Your Objectives

Whether you are an employer, manager/supervisor or

regular worker, do not be (or seem to be):

• A bully

• Ignoring a bully

• Enabling or encouraging a bully

• A victim of bullying


Practical Challenges

• Analogous to dealing with sexual harassment 25 years


• Similar challenges as when dealing with disability


• A spectrum of behaviour with no clear consensus about

the boundaries of the definition

• The moving targets of political correctness and social



Why Does it Matter?

Workplace bullying has both a human and economic


In the short-term, mid-term and long-term, workplace

bullying affects: • the victim and his/her family and co-workers

• workplace productivity and turnover

• your customers and stakeholders

• the bottom line

• quality of life


The Legal Risks

• The employer is legally required to establish a policy and program to prevent

harassment and violence in the workplace – Occupational Health and Safety Act

• Working conditions giving rise to a likelihood of physical injury can be a criminal

offense – Criminal Code, s.217.1

• Officers and Directors can be personally culpable under the OHSA and the Criminal


• Many forms of harassment constitute breaches of the Ontario Human Rights Code

• These issues can be grieved under collective agreements

• Persistent episodes of harassment giving rise to psychological or physical injury can

constitute compensable claims under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act


The Legal Issues

• The common law of negligence places a duty on employers to provide a safe


• Common law also gives a party a right to sue for other types of wrongs, such as

assault and battery or intentional infliction of emotional distress

• Employers can face constructive dismissal claims where bullying causes an employee

to quit

• Employers can be held vicariously liable for the wrongful acts of employees

• An employer and a supervisor can be held liable for damages caused to a worker as a

result of workplace bullying or harassment

• Employers must take every reasonable precaution to protect the health and safety of

workers (under the Occupational Health and Safety Act)


The Costs

• Effects on worker and co-workers:

• lower levels of job satisfaction

• blocked or delayed career progression

• psychosomatic symptoms and physical illness

• short and long term disability

• Signs and symptoms of workplace bullying may include:

• grievances by employees against their manager

• declining work performance

• increased stress and tension in the workplace

• poor morale

• increased absenteeism

• high staff turnover


A Worst Case Scenario – The Walmart Case

Boucher v Walmart – $1.46 Million in Damages Awarded for Walmart’s Failure to Prevent

and Address Workplace Bullying

On October 10, 2012, a jury awarded the highest award to date for an employment related suit in

Canada. A total of $1.46 million was awarded to Meredith Boucher, an ex-employee of Walmart

who held an excellent ten year employment record with the company before she left in late 2009.

The jury found that she was constructively dismissed when she was forced to leave after suffering

more than six months of demeaning verbal abuse at the hands of her store manager, Jason

Pinnock. Boucher had made repeated complaints to Walmart’s district manager about the

harassment she suffered and was advised her complaints did not warrant further consideration

after meeting with a committee of three senior managers.

Walmart was found directly liable for $1.2 million in damages for intentional infliction of mental

suffering and punitive damages, and $10,000 for not adequately addressing two assaults Ms.

Boucher suffered at the hands of a fellow assistant manager. Pinnock is liable for the remainder of

the award, but if Boucher cannot recover from Pinnock, Walmart will be liable for his portion as

well. Walmart has appealed.


Workplace Bullying Defined

Workplace bullying covers a broad spectrum of problematic behaviours.

Workplace bullying can include:

• harassment or poisoned work environment

• physical violence, sexual violence and threats of violence

• reprisals

The Occupational Health and Safety Act defines workplace harassment as engaging in a course of

vexatious comment or conduct against a worker, in a workplace – behaviour that is known or ought

reasonably to be known to be unwelcome

• Comments or conduct typically happen more than once (patterns, persistence)

• May occur over a relatively short period of time or over longer period of time

• Typically offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning

• May intimidate, isolate or even discriminate against the targeted individual


Workplace Bullying Defined

As with Human Rights forms of harassment and discrimination,

malicious intention is relevant but not a necessary element and not


The effect is what matters, not intent of the perpetrator.

Since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, we want to

focus on understanding what bullying is (and isn’t).


Workplace Bullying Defined

Sticks and stones: bullying with words is very common.

• Tone of voice (sarcasm, fake concern)

• Remarks, jokes, innuendo

• Chronic “call-outs” on trivial work performance issues

• Gossip

• Criticism, belittling, ridicule


Workplace Bullying Defined

But workplace bullying is not just accomplished through words. As with

Human Rights forms of harassment and discrimination, there is a broad

range of conduct.

Some bullying conduct is obvious:

• gestures (eye-rolls)

• embarrassing practical jokes

• pictures, images

• unnecessarily loud and/or public criticisms


Workplace Bullying Defined

But bullying conduct can be subtle ...even silent.

• Undermining authority - second-guessing, overruling,

- removing responsibilities without good reason

- pointedly overpraising/promoting others

• Sidelining/marginalizing/dismissing

• Isolating/excluding from work-related meetings, dialogues and opportunities

• Social exclusion

• Silent treatment

• Setting unrealistic goals/workload/deadlines

• Changing goals/deadlines without good reason/warning

• Denying information or resources or support required to get the job done

• Plagiarism, copying

• Taking credit for other’s work or denying credit and rewards (positive evaluations, recognition,

compensation, opportunities)

• Excessive or unusual monitoring/supervision (micro-managing)


The Effect of Workplace Culture

Employers may unwittingly encourage or enable bullying behaviour


• pitting workers against each other or promoting a highly

competitive work style

• lax management

• setting/allowing unreasonable demands/deadlines

• failing to give supervisors the authority to reprimand problem


• providing insufficient funding to accomplish a goal


The Effect of Perception and Personalities

Perception, experience and personality “frame” the issue differently

for each individual involved.

You need to be aware of:

• varying management styles (tough love vs. kids gloves)

• varying levels of training and “people management” skills

• the subjective/objective divide or disconnect

• the “thin-skull” employee

It can be hard for some people to distinguish differences in opinion

or fair criticism from bullying. It can also be hard for some people to

provide appropriate feedback without bullying.


What Isn’t Bullying?

A supervisor's conduct in discharge of his or her normal

supervisory/managerial duties is not normally bullying, even where it

has "unpleasant consequences" for the employee.

For example, a fair but blunt and unflattering assessment of an

employee’s performance and reasonable demands that he or she

fulfill the work expectations or risk discipline is NOT bullying.

Unless…the message, the means of delivery, or the time and place

are ill-suited to the individuals and the circumstances.


What Isn’t Bullying?

Most commonly, people will misconstrue normal work activity and

management action as “bullying” where:

• they are not accustomed to direction, or to direct communications

• there has been no preparation for the communication

• they are particularly sensitive, feel isolated or insecure

• they feel vulnerable at work, due to recurring work issues

• the manner (or time and place) in which the message is delivered is

unnecessarily abrupt, dismissive, or inconsiderate of the person’s



Open, Frank and Respectful Communications

Is this communication or action:

• fair?

• respectful (even if blunt)?

• necessary?

• reasonable?

• appropriate (justifiable)?

• proportionate?

• productive?

• designed to serve a legitimate workplace goal?

Is this the right time?

Is this the right place?

Is this the right means of delivery?

Who else legitimately needs to know/see/hear this?


Open, Frank and Respectful Communications

• People can have honest, serious disagreements about issues and questions

• They can debate and differ, all in good faith

• Supervisors/managers can critique work and assess performance

All of this is appropriate, and in fact, it is very necessary.

• Each individual employee needs to understand there is a legitimate purpose

to open, frank and respectful communication

• And each individual employee needs to understand that there is a line which

should not be crossed


Crossing the Line

Communications (or non-communications) or actions which:

• demean, denigrate or insult

• challenge character and integrity, without purpose or proof

• reference/focus on personal characteristics or vulnerabilities

• shun, isolate and diminish the value of a person’s contribution and


• intimidate (bully) or coerce

• unfairly describe or evaluate a person’s work or overall performance,

or threaten to

• harass and threaten

• cross the line.


What Is Your Anti-Bullying Strategy Trying to Foster?

• An understanding of the issues and challenges

• Insight

• Self-awareness

• Courtesy and decency

• Honesty

• Respectfulness

• A more positive and effective workplace


Make the Commitment

Learn, understand, and educate your workforce.

Prevent workplace bullying with a multi-prong strategy of:

• education and (re)conditioning

• training

• strong written policies and effective practices

• willing and timely and appropriate enforcement

When you cannot prevent, then willingly and in a timely way:

• investigate

• address and redress

• re-educate.


Thank You

montréal ottawa toronto hamilton waterloo region calgary vancouver beijing moscow london

David Law

Tel: 613-783-8829

Email: [email protected]

Melanie Polowin

Tel: 613-786-0244

Email: [email protected]

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