Page 1: End of the Civil War

The Civil War Ends1864-1865

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Sherman Takes Atlanta Siege begins in July

of 1864 Captured by Sept.

1864 Burned &

evacuated Starts “March to

the Sea”• Promises to make

“Georgia Howl”

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March to the Sea 300 miles long & 60 miles wide Pure destruction; total war

• Bridges, factories, rail lines, plantations, etc. “War is cruelty. There is no use trying

to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”

Increases bitterness between North & South

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March to the Sea Sherman’s success in GA helped

Lincoln win re-election• Lincoln thought he was likely to lose• Lincoln & GOP picked a southerner as VP:

Andrew Johnson Sherman reaches Savannah by Dec.

21• “I beg to present to you, as a Christmas gift,

the city of Savannah”

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Sherman’s March From GA he moved

northward to SC & NC• Faced little


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New Birth of Freedom 13th Amendment

passes in Feb. 1865 Took much work to

get it through Congress

Have you seen the movie Lincoln?

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The 13th Amendment“Neither slavery nor involuntary

servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall

have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any

place subject to their jurisdiction.”

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Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

March 4, 1865

Hope to “bind up the nation’s wounds”

“..It may seem strange that any men should dare ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces, but let us judge not that we be not judged.”

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Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address “With malice toward none, with charity

for all, with firmness in the right as God Gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

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The End of War Confederate army was dwindling due

to casualties & desertions• 35K defended the capital of Richmond

Finally, Grant was able to capture Lee’s men in northern VA• Lee “There is nothing left for me to do but

go and see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths.”

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Surrender Lee surrenders

to Grant at Appomattox, VA

April 9, 1865• Met in private

home of Wilmer McLean

CSA soldiers would NOT be punished as traitors

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Lincoln’s Assassination Nearly all CSA soldiers had

surrendered w/in a few weeks of Lee’s surrender

JW Booth shot him in the head at a play in Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865• Booth was a Confederate sympathizer & a

famous actor

Lincoln died the next morning

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End Results 620K Dead 4 Million Slaves Freed South in Shambles Union Preserved Bitter Hatred Between North & South What Else????

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