Download - END OF UNIT TEST 2


END OF UNIT TEST Student: Elza Nishimoto Listening (1 mark each)1. How many times has the customer visited Everest Stores before? Once. Never. A few times.2. Why is the customer buying a hat? Because she's going to her sister's wedding. Because she's going on vacation in New Orleans. It's not for her, but for her sister.3. Why does she need a new toaster? Her old one doesn't work anymore. She needs a bigger one. Her children asked her to get one.

4. What will the customer get on the 4th floor? A small kitchen appliance and some information. A small kitchen appliance and a large one. A small kitchen appliance and a picture frame.5. Why is she buying a DVD? For her sister's birthday present. Her daughter asked her to buy a DVD. As a present for her daughter's birthday.6. Why does she decide to go to the 6th floor first? Because there's an escalator straight to the 6th floor. Because she has to buy something that is large and heavy. To get some more information.

Listen and complete (0,25 each)Yesterday I (1) at half past six. First I (2) to the kitchen and (3) a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I (4) to the bathroom and (5) my teeth. After that, I (6) dressed and (7) my hair.At half past seven I (8) to work. I (9) the bus to Cabramatta. I (10) at work at ten to eight. At twelve o'clock I (11) lunch and at four o'clock I (12) home.At seven o'clock I (13) dinner with my (14) and then we (15) TV. At a quarter past eleven I we (16) to bed.The Scotland TripHere are the instructions for next weekend's camping trip in Scotland. There are seventeen people going on this trip so it's important that you arrive at the meeting point early enough for us to be able to leave at 8am. There will be two minibuses and please make sure you are on the right one. Last week's e-mail gave all this information.We should arrive in the camping area at about 2pm, which will give us enough time to buy the food we need in the local supermarket and then go to the area where we will set up the tents, which is a long way from town.There will be a total of four large tents put up and each tent will have a tent leader, a person who went on this trip last year and therefore has the necessary experience. If you have any problems during the two days, you should always go directly to your tent leader and speak to him/her.We are not expecting there to be very bad weather this weekend in Scotland, but the weather situation in the Scottish hills is always very unpredictable and for this reason, we have advised everyone to take wet weather clothing with you. If windy, stormy weather arrives at the camping area, it may also be necessary to leave the hills and go down into the town.It's very likely that your phones will not work in the hills, so you must warn your parents of this. You will be able to use your phones when we are in the town, but not when we are camping.If you have any other questions about the trip, come either to me or Mrs. Sanderson.

1 - Answer the questions:1 - When was an email sent with information about the trip to Scotland?______________________________________________________________________________________2 How does the author describe the weather in the Scottish hills?______________________________________________________________________________________3 Who should you talk to if you have any problems?

4 How long is this trip going to take?_______________________________________________________________________________________

2 - Decide if the information is True (T), False (F) or Not Stated (NS)

1. Instructions about the minibuses will be in a future e-mail. true false not stated2. The tents will be set up near the supermarket. true false not stated3. Some of the people going camping this year also went last year. true false not stated4. There was very bad weather on the camping trip last year. true false not stated5. Wet weather clothing can be hired in the town. true false not stated6. Nobody can use their phone during the trip. true false not stated

Grammar Exercise 1

Complete using comparative or superlative forms:1.The weather was much _______________________in England than in Spain last week. (COLD)

2.Liverpool didn't play as _______________________ as Manchester on Saturday. (WELL)

3.John is the _______________________ professional in the company. (HARD-WORKING)

4.His latest film is_______________________than the last one. (BAD)

5.The new chairs aren't the ______________________ uncomfortable I have ever had. (UNCONFORTABLE)

6.It's_______________________ in Germany than in England during the winter. (WARM)

7.I feel _______________________ today than I did yesterday. (RELAXED)

8.She's lost a lot of weight and is the ___________________ supermodel in the agency. (THIN)

9.We are going to be _______________________month than we are at the moment. (BUSY)

10.This is the_______________________ puzzle in the world. (COMPLICATED)

2 -Complete the text about Leonardo DiCaprio. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or past simple.1 you (ever / dream) of being a film star? Leonardo DiCaprio was only five years old when he 2.(star) in his first TV show, and just thirteen when he 3 (appear) in his first film. Since then he 4 (not stop) working. He 5 (be) in over fifteen films and he 6 (work) with stars such as Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp. Leonardo 7 (be) born in Los Angeles in 1974. After appearing in TV shows, he 8 (get) his first film role in Critters 3, then he starred in Romeo and Juliet. But it 9 (not be) until Titanic that he 10 (become) a world-famous teen idol. It was then that Leonardo 11 (begin) to appear on magazine covers around the world.Since Titanic, Leonardo 12 (be) very busy. He 13 (already / make) three more films and 14 (just / start) work on another.

3 Complete with have been/gone:1. Let's ask Peter about Florida - he's there twice.2. I've to museum to see the exhibition on old dolls. It was a bit boring to be honest.3. Lily isn't here now. She's to the dentist's.4. I'm sorry I am not here to answer your call. I have to Europe for one month and will return on the 17th.5. "We need some sugar." "It's OK, I've already . It's in the cupboard above your head."6. He doesn't know what to do about his college choice. He's visited about twenty to see what they are like. Now, he has away for a few days to think about it.


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