
Endangered AnimalsBy Isobel Phoenix, Micah Williams, Olivia Gordon, Shirleen Muthoni, and Erica Anton

What exactly is Endangerment?Endangerment is when an animal species becomes very low in numbers. Everyday more and more of these endangered species are being killed off for rugs, decorations, and money.

Why do people do this?There are actually lots of different reasons that people kill endangered animals. Sometimes they do this against the law. Here are some reasons. Money Food Prizes Decoration

Are there ways to help!?Thankfully, for some of these animals there is a second chance. That second chance is you. Here are some ways to help. Protest animal poaching Join an endangered animal organization Or donate to one

Animals On Our Quilt Sea Otter Jaguar Snow Leopard Panda Red Panda Polar Bear Brown Bear Wolf Cheetah Black Panther

Sea Turtle White Rhino Elephant Numbat Orangutan Macaw Bald Eagle White Tiger White Lion Ocelot

Enjoy our quilt!!!

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