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What Is a Descriptive Essay?

The descriptive essay writer may use vivid language.

Essay assignments include different forms of the genre, including expository, descriptive, narrative and persuasive. In a descriptive essay, the student describes a person, memory, situation, place, experience or any object. In contrast to other types of essays, the descriptive essay allows the writer to use many figures of speech, enabling him to create a powerful image of what he is describing.

1. Structure

o While the descriptive essay does not have a set structure, well-organized writing generally produces a better reader response than a list of incoherent or unrelated descriptions. As with other essay forms, the simplest structure of a descriptive essay consists of an introduction, the body of the essay and conclusions.

The Senses

o The senses play a major role in a descriptive essay. The writer appeals to the senses of the reader, describing in as great detail as possible how the object looks, feels, sounds and smells. Visualizing what he is describing allows the writer to make the visual image sharper and easier for the reader to imagine.

Vivid Language

o All well-written descriptive essays rely on the rich descriptive vocabulary of the English language. To make the descriptive essay more interesting, the writer spices up his prose with vivid words. He may use "stallion" instead of "horse," for example, or write "the city of light" when referring to Paris. Other literary devices the writer can employ include the metaphor, descriptive adjectives, the analogy and oxymoron -- putting together two words that contradict each other, such as "bittersweet." The wording of descriptive essays is concise and the writer uses vivid language only where it adds to the description and does not make it confusing.

Emotions and Feelings

o Emotions and feelings distinguish descriptive essays from what reads like a news article or a dictionary entry, transforming the essay into a work of literature. To add an emotional dimension to his essay, the student employs a range of literary devices, including exclamation marks, hyperbole and puns, while taking care to avoid allowing emotion to carry the reader away from a clear understanding of the object of description.

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Instructions1.o 1

Determine exactly who or what you want to depict in your essay. Unless your assignment has specific guidelines, you are only limited only by your imagination.

o 2

Brainstorm the characteristics of your topic. These should include physical attributes and character qualities. Concentrate on using all of your senses to describe your subject. You might find a thesaurus helpful during this exercise.

oo 3

Use the list you created to figure out which specific aspect of your topic you want to describe. It could your sister's genuine heart, or the way her hair shines like silk. You could even decide to write about your sister as a whole. It doesn't matter which quality you choose to be the focus of your essay, as long as you are passionate about sharing your topic with the reader.

How to Write an Introduction for a Descriptive Essay

A good introduction introduces readers to your descriptive essay.

Writing an introductory paragraph for a descriptive essay requires attention to the essay topic and organization. The introduction must grab the reader's attention and describe the contents of the essay in a clear manner. Descriptive essays are normally written to provide readers with language that allows them to visually recognize the writer's intentions. This type of essay describes emotions, people or periods of time. Using a writing format to develop ideas can allow the writer to create a compelling introduction to be used in the descriptive essay.


o 1

Identify your intended audience by thinking about who will read your essay. This will help you decide what type of language and style to use in your essay.

o 2

Evaluate the essay's topic. Think about the subjects you will explore in your descriptive essay. Make a mental note of these.

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o 3

Write down three to four statements that describe your essay topic. Include all relevant information. For example, if your topic explores a childhood experience, create a statement that expresses this, such as, "This essay discusses my childhood friendship with my next door neighbor, Libby Jones."

o 4

Describe three things that you want your reader to learn. Write these three things down and use a general format for each statement. Examples of this include, "My readers will learn how close Libby and I were as children" or "My readers will learn what I learned as a child growing up in Brooklyn, New York."

o 5

Gather the topic statements you wrote in the beginning and place them in a summary form. Remove any repeated words you may have used such as: "This essay discusses". Read the paragraph aloud although it may sound odd or choppy. This can be repaired.

o 6

Create a summary paragraph that will serve as the introduction to your essay. Use descriptive filler words or terms to make the paragraph flow smoothly.

Examples of Descriptive Essays

Appealing-to-the-Senses Description: Let the reader see, smell, hear, taste, and feel what you write in your essay.

The thick, burnt scent of roasted coffee tickled the tip of my nose just seconds before the old, faithful alarm blared a distorted top-forty through its tiny top speaker. Wiping away the grit of last night's sleep, the starch white sunlight blinded me momentarily as I slung my arm like an elephant trunk along the top of the alarm, searching for the snooze button. While stretching hands and feet to the four posts of my bed, my eyes opened after several watery blinks. I crawled out of the comforter, edging awkwardly like a butterfly from a cocoon, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The dusty pebbles on the chilled, wood floor sent ripples spiraling from my ankles to the nape of my neck when my feet hit the floor. Grabbing the apricot, terri-cloth robe, recently bathed in fabric softener and October wind, I knotted it tightly at my waist like a prestigious coat of armor and headed downstairs to battle the morning.

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When I was little, I loved visiting my relatives. Although I was a country girl, I didn't have any brothers or sisters that were close to my age, nor did my parents enjoy some of the outdoor events that my extended family did. But my aunts and uncles in Manchester, Tennessee, were always doing something fun, especially my Uncle George. Uncle George loved to laugh and he loved to fish and he loved me.

Uncle George and I would head out before it got light. The trek to the pond was always exciting. The earth smelled fresh and new, promising warmth, and as the birds awoke, they'd tentatively practice the prologues to their songs. We'd walk past the apple trees, and I could smell the sharpness of the rotten fruit that had dropped to the ground. Occasionally, I'd slip on a peel, so I learned to be careful not to run too quickly. We'd walk past the water troughs where the tadpoles were busy wiggling their way to froghood and pick up...

Sample Five-Paragraph Narrative Essay

Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do

was learn how to swim. I was always afraid of the water, but I decided that swimming was an important

skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to become physically

stronger. What I didn’t realize was that learning to swim would also make me a more confident person.

New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my first swimming lesson was no exception.

After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. After a couple of minutes the teacher came over. She

smiled and introduced herself, and two more students joined us. Although they were both older than

me, they didn’t seem to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim. I began to feel more at ease.

We got into the pool, and the teacher had us put on brightly colored water wings to help us stay

afloat. One of the other students, May, had already taken the beginning class once before, so she took

a kickboard and went splashing off by herself. The other student, Jerry, and I were told to hold on to the side of the pool and shown how to kick for the breaststroke. One by one, the teacher had us hold on to a kickboard while she pulled it through the water and we kicked. Pretty soon Jerry was off doing this by himself, traveling at a fast clip across the short end of the pool.

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Things were not quite that easy for me, but the teacher was very patient. After a few more weeks,

when I seemed to have caught on with my legs, she taught me the arm strokes. Now I had two things to concentrate on, my arms and my legs. I felt hopelessly uncoordinated. Sooner than I imagined,

however, things began to feel “right” and I was able to swim. It was a wonderful feeling - like flying,

maybe - to be able to shoot across the water. Learning to swim was not easy for me, but in the end my persistence paid off. Not only did I learn how to swim and to conquer my fear of the water, but I also learned something about learning. Now when I am faced with a new situation I am not so nervous. I may feel uncomfortable to begin with, but I know that as I practice being in that situation and as my skills get better, I will feel more and more comfortable. It is a wonderful, free feeling when you achieve a goal you have set for yourself.

Basic Five-Paragraph Essay Structure

1. Introduction – The introductory paragraph should identify the topic and explain why it is

important and worthy of discussion. The sample essay begins with a general statement: “Learning

something new can be a scary experience.” This statement introduces the subject of the essay,

which is a particular learning experience the author had.

2. Body Paragraph A – The first body paragraph should support and expand upon the thesis, main

idea, and/or argument presented in the introductory paragraph.

3. Body Paragraph B – The second body paragraph should further develop the idea presented in

the first two paragraphs, and may introduce a second viewpoint and/or supplementary evidence

to support the argument.

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4. Body Paragraph C – The third body paragraph should relate to the thesis statement in the

introductory paragraph, and present the final idea or evidence.

5. Conclusion – The concluding paragraph may be the most important. The writer must not merely

repeat the introductory paragraph, but explain in expert like‐ detail what has been learned,

explained, decided, proven, etc. The writer must reveal the ways in which the paper’s thesis might

have significance in society. In the final paragraph of the sample essay, the author reflects on the

larger meaning of the experience described. The author concludes that learning to swim helped

her feel more confident about herself in other new situations, and the idea that self confidence‐

comes from conquering fears is something all people can relate to. This is the point of the essay

Opinion Essays

Opinion Essays

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing. It requires your opinion on a topic, which must be stated clearly, giving various viewpoints on the topic supported by reasons and/or examples. You should also include the opposing viewpoint in another paragraph.

A successful opinion essay should have:a) an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opinion.b) a main body which consists of several paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpoint supported by reasons. You also include a paragraph presenting the opposing viewpoint and reason why you think it is an unconvincing viewpoint; and ac) conclusion in which you restate your opinion using different words.

IntroductionParagraph 1state the topic and your opinion clearly

Main BodyParagraph 2viewpoint 1 & reason, exampleParagraph 3

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viewpoint 2 & reason, exampleParagraph 4viewpoint 3 & reason/ example*Paragraph 5opposing viewpoint & reason/example*

ConclusionFinal paragraphsummarise/restate opinion

You may include more viewpoints, and thus more paragraphs in the main body.

Points to consider• Decide whether you agree or disagree with the subject of the topic, then make a list of your viewpoints and reasons.• Write well-developed paragraphs, joining the sentences with appropriate linking words and phrases. Do not forget to start each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises what the paragraph is about.• Linking words and phrases should also be used to join one paragraph with the other.

Essays Suggesting Solutions To Problems

Essays suggesting solutions to problems, in which the problem(s) associated with a particular issue or situation are analysed and possible solutions are put forward, together with any expected results/consequences. The writer's opinion may be mentioned, directly or indirectly, in the introduction and/or conclusion.

An essay discussing problems and suggesting solutions is a formal piece of writing. You should state the problem and its causes clearly, then present your suggestions and the expected results or consequences these might haveA successful essay of this type should consist of:a) an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the problem, what has caused it, and the consequences.b) a main body in which you present several suggested solutions, each in a separate paragraph together with its consequences/results andc) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinion.Points to consider• Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarises what the paragraph is about.• Appropriate linking words and phrases should be used to show the connection between paragraphs as well as to link sentences within a paragraph.• Use the techniques given in Beginning and ending discursive essays

Useful Language• To express cause: since/because, in view of/because of/owing to/ due to (the fact that)…, The

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reason that …/why …/for… is that…To express effect: thus/therefore/so/consequently, as a result/consequence, the result of … would be …, … would result in …To express purpose: so that…, so as/in order (not) to …, with the purpose of/intention of (+ing)To express possibility/probability: It can/could/may/might…, It is possible/probable/(un)likely/foreseeable/certain that…, … is (un) likely to/bound to/certain to/ possible/probable…, The likelihood/possibility/probability of (-ing/noun) is…

IntroductionParagraph 1state the problem and its cause(s)/consequence(s)Main BodyParagraph 2suggestion 1 & resultParagraph 3suggestion 2 & resultParagraph 4suggestion 3 & resultParagraph 5suggestion 4 & result*ConclusionFinal Paragraphsummarise your opinion

* You may include more suggestions, and thus more paragraphs in the main body

Handout: How to Write The Five-Paragraph Opinion Essay If you feel confident about writing essays and usually do well at it, you may be able to skip this.  There are other good ways to write an essay that will work just as well and be more interesting to read. But if you have any doubts about your ability to write a good essay and get a good mark, learn this pattern and follow it to the letter. It is the fool-proof, fail-proof method that you can use right up through English 3201 and possibly beyond (though university profs often require a more complex approach to essay writing than this basic outline).  First, you have to understand what a paragraph is: three to five sentences that develop a single, clear idea.  When you've finished with one main idea, you move on and start another paragraph.  A good paragraph often begins with a topic sentence that sums up your main idea.

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 The most basic structure for an essay includes just five paragraphs.  Paragraph One -- The introduction.  Here you state the main idea of your entire essay -- the point you are trying to make or prove.  This paragraph should include your thesis statement -- a one-sentence summary of the main idea -- plus three reasons why you believe this statement to be true. Paragraphs Two, Three and Four.  These are the body of your essay.  Remember back in Paragraph One, you gave three reasons for your opinion? Three reasons, three body paragraph.  Each of the body paragraphs should take one of your reasons and explain it in more detail, giving an example or illustration to back it up. Paragraph Five -- The conclusion.  Former Newfoundland premier Joey Smallwood once said about giving speeches: "First I tell them what I'm going to tell them, then I tell them, then I tell them what I told them."  That's how you write an essay.  In the conclusion, tell them what you told them.  Sum up your argument by restating your thesis statement and reminding the reader what your three reasons were.  In an argumentative essay, you can finish with a "call to action" -- tell the reader what you would like them to do as a result. 

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Sample Five-Paragraph Essay Subject: Should students be required to write public exams?  


Paragraph One: Introduction

Three reasons for my opinion

Thesis statement

Paragraph Two: Develops the first reason by giving an example

Topic Sentence

Paragraph Three:Develops the second reason, giving an example

Topic Sentence

Topic SentenceParagraph Four: Develops third reason, giving an example

Paragraph Five: ConclusionSummary of reasons

Why Public Exams are Goodby an Anonymous Teacher

Many students hate public exams in their Level 3 courses and wonder why they have to write them.  Although some students experience test anxiety and find it hard to prepare, I believe public exams are a good thing.  They force students to take the courses seriously, they force teachers to teach to a standard, and they create a level playing field for all students.  For these reasons, I think Newfoundland students should continue to write Level 3 public exams.

As a student, I was nervous about my public exams (Grade 11 in those days!) just as students today are.  But I studied much harder for those courses and probably learned the material better.  As a teacher I notice students are far less likely to skip classes if they are taking a public exam course. Knowing that they have to write a major final exam forces students to take the course more seriously.

During my teaching years, I often wondered whether I was doing as good a job as other teachers in the province.  I hoped that my students were learning the same material others were learning.  When they did well on public exams, I knew that what I was teaching was meeting the provincial standard.  Public exams helped me as a teacher because they showed me that my students were achieving at the same level as students all over the province.

Public exams create a level playing field.  What if a teacher dislikes a particular student or doesn't grade them fairly? In their Level 3 course, 50% of the grade comes from the public exam, so even if there's a personality conflict between the teacher and the student, the student gets half their grade from an unbiased source.  This means everyone gets the same treatment.

While students will probably always feel exams are unfair and too hard, as a teacher I have to say I'm totally infavour of them.  I like the fact that they make students study harder, teachers teach better, and give everyone a chance to be judged in a fair and unbiased way.  I have taught in other provinces without public exams, and I hope public exams continue to be   part of our education system here in

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Restatement of thesisNewfoundland.

 The Lady of the Tiger

Frank R. Stockton


This story is a fairy tale. It has all the fairy tale ingredients: kings, queens, moral of the story etc.


King: He has a weird system of justice involving a lady and a tiger.

King's daughter: She loves this young courtier in the king's court. She has quite a temper though

Courtier: He loves the princess.


Long time ago there was this king. When someone broke the law he had a specific punishment. He would put the person in an arena and make them choose between 2 doors. One door had a beautiful lady behind it that he would marry. The other door had a tiger behind it that would kill him. People loved this because the criminal chose their own fate.

One time this young courtier started screwing the princess (King's daughter). He was in the lower class, so because of this embarrassment, the king decided to put the guy in the arena. The King went out and found the biggest tiger and the most beautiful woman. The princess found out who the woman behind the door would be. It was some chick who liked the courtier and flirted with him. She realized if he picked her they would have to marry. Then the princess uses her power to find out what which door the tiger would be behind and what door the lady would be behind. When the day came, the courtier came out and looked at the princess for help. She pointed to the right door. The story ends here.


Here is the thing about the ending: We don't know the fate of the courtier.

The princess knew the placement of the lady and the tiger. BUT, does she save her lover from the tiger? Or does she save herself the jealousy of having her lover marry the woman.

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On the one hand the guy would get killed. On the other, she would have to watch as he married some lady that she hated. We never find out the end. You have to decide what happens.

1. “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton: There’s a king (isn’t there always?) who decides that, instead of a normal justice system, he's going to let nature decide. Any offender (and apparently, all the offenders in his kingdom are men) is put in an arena with two doors. The offender has to pick a door: behind one is a beautiful lady and behind the other is a ferocious man-eating tiger. If the offender picks the door with the woman, he is declared innocent, but he has to marry the woman, even if he is already married. If the offender picks the door with the tiger, he is declared guilty and the tiger gets fed. The king’s daughter falls in love with a man who the king thinks isn’t suitable. So he puts the man in the arena. The princess knows which door has the tiger and which door has the lady, but she can’t decide whether or not to let her lover live with another woman or die by tiger.

Dear Tutors,

1. Attached is the answer scheme for test 1. sorry for the delay.

2. Test 2 is due soon. I will announce when the questions can be collected at ACS. Test2 is a writing test. The students are allowed to bring in the necessary reading materials for test 2 (the three short stories).

3. I have given the students a quiz question which requires them to draw a picture of the arena and provide descriptions from the text Lady or the Tiger. the quiz is worth 5% (2% for the drawing, 3% for the descriptions). Please grade them accordingly.

4. Please pick up the lecturer evaluation forms from ACS as soon as possible. Send in the results there too. You will be required to do it twice. One the week after mid sem and another in the final week of class.

Thank you for your kind cooperation. any inconvenience is greatly regretted.

Well I recently got an assignment to write the conclusion… Unfortunately my instructor did not enjoy my comical writing of the ending (summary, conclusion). But I thought I would share it with the world wide web anyways (I thought it was pretty funny).

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For those who have ever read “The Lady or The Tiger,” they do not know what happens to the fine young man. The finest detail, the ending had been excluded. But there were other details one may not know of, such as perhaps why the strange tarp was covering a part of the wall. Or why the time equilibrium had caused a slight confusion of when the story had happened. These were details where the author had failed to include because of intimidating pressures through the time equilibrium.


Now, under brief explanation, the time equilibrium had somehow used the previous generation (1800s) to overlap the generation in which it had meant to be (2008). It could have possibly the result of the United States (under the almost-ending administration) top secret experiment to contaminate such important statures in history. Therefore, changing how it went, and who had authored it. Now, you may have wondered how people may have known of it in the past, but all was to be erased. The US had programmed spy satellites upon one of their space missions to zap 12 (because time zones or there would be one) powerful gamma rays to earth. Those rays contained slight traces of tritium that could overwrite specific parts of our brain. Unfortunately, before the administration had time to quickly use the time equilibrium to edit the rest of the story, the new administration came into power (they didn’t believe in this). So now the only time reference that lies in the story is “In the very olden time”. Yes, I know this may be confusing, but this is how in the story “The Lady or The Tiger” supposedly came to be. And now the following conclusion that has been written on this paper, was something the US had created a back-up copy of. This document had been retrieved in early 2009, and may have proved that the US could also predict the future. After the sharing of this story’s conclusion to the Canadian government, it was inadvertently retrieved under “Freedom of Information”.


“Snap!” went the Princess’s finger, and “Whoosh!” The tarp had dropped and a third door was revealed.

“What has just happened?” thought the fine young man… “For has the Princess loved me and revealed another door?… Or is this a deceitful plot to kill me over jealousy?” he rationalized.

The young man, who was peculiarly curious, had chosen the third door. After all, he did not care anymore. For the young man believed that if the Princess truly loved him, she would have intervened her semi-barbarous father no matter what.

Well behind that door, was a package of valuable cash prizes. Something that could have possibly come out of the “Million Dollar Lottery”. He had received a $100 gift certificate to “Abercrombie and Fitch,” a brand new third world clone tube TV, and a used 1999 Chevrolet Silverado.

The young man thought, “Now the prizes, should I take and leave?… Or should I take and sneak the Princess out… Decisions… decisions… decisions…”

After his brief consideration, he had decided to through the prizes into the back of the truck and speed off without the Princess. But he didn’t know the truck had a horrendous history. After all, what he received was a “CarFax” report that said everything was fine. This history included faulty suspensions

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and structural frame damage that was never repaired. So in turn, he was never advised to lower the tire pressure for more shock absorption.


Driving off to a distant and far away city was fine for a while, until the young man decided to stop at an Esso along his route. He had decided his tires were “deflated” and needed to pump more air into the tires.

“Dang!” confounded the fine young man. “How could they be so cheap to not give instructions on filling tires!” he continued blasting. Then, he mumbled on saying, “Oh well, I guess I’ll have to wing it…”

And so he had filled the tires to what had felt right to him… But leaving the air hose for an extra 30 seconds had caused the tires to over-inflate unknowingly. For the young man had not known that 90% or air compressors were off by an average of 5lbs.


Now, while driving down the highway at too high a rate of speed for the construction zone, his driver’s side rear tire blew out causing him to spin out and hit an “escaped” tiger. Yes, the very one that the King had released to kill and eat him. [You didn’t think they would let him leave with a new SUV, did you? After all, the truth is the “Big Three” cut too many jobs to manufacture one.]

The accident had incredulously killed the tiger, totaled the vehicle and damaged his cornea and kidneys.


“Well, Dr. Jones, I don’t think this young man is going to live,” said Dr. Strauss. “Well, we might have a slim chance if we send out a plea on a worldwide television station.”“So, should we send out a plea?” asked Dr. Jones.

“I guess,” replied Dr. Strauss.

So the doctors frantically phoned CNN, where camera men rushed quickly to the hospital. They reported that, “Breaking News! A ‘Prince Charming’ has had his vehicle incredulously totaled, and hit an ‘escaped’ tiger. He now needs the gift of life by the donation of the following vital organs, some livers, and a cornea. Thank you for your time folks!”.


The Chinese government inexplicably sent two unknown aircraft types containing Falun Gong harvested parts. While the King’s daughter, naturally agreed and rushed to the hospital.


“No, No, No!!!” screamed the fine young man. “Don’t pull the plug for life support… Please… please… please…” but his final words were drowned out.

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The low-security hospital had allowed an angry mob from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). That demanded to know what room he was in. They had stormed in yelling, “Do unto others as they do unto you!” Somebody quickly found the plug, and pulled it. They had fulfilled their vengeance… after an endangered species was killed.

So all was too late; the Princess’s lover was dead. The once luxurious comfort life of the Princess had turned to one gloomy day after another. She had realized that there was nothing in the world that meant as much as her “lover”. And so to this day, she stays in the hospital of where her lover died, hoping that one day he will be revived through science of cryogenics.

Note: I had to re-write my conclusion. I thought it was pretty lame so I probably will never publish it. Please also excuse the errors (this was a copy and paste which was never edited).

The theme of “The Lady or the Tiger” is that people will always act in their own best interest.

The story is about a young lady who is the king’s daughter. The king is described as “semi-barbaric,” and his system of justice is to put the accused in an arena where he must choose two doors. Behind one door is a tiger, and behind the other is a beautiful lady.

This vast amphitheater, with its encircling galleries, its mysterious vaults, and its unseen passages, was an agent of poetic justice, in which crime was punished, or virtue rewarded, by the decrees of an impartial and incorruptible chance.

The inevitable happens. The king’s daughter falls in love with a young man. The king does not approve, so he submits the young man to his special system of justice. The young man looks to the lady to tell him which door is safe. Of course, his daughter knows what is behind what door. The question is: Which door will she choose? She made her decision “after days and nights of anguished deliberation.”

She had known she would be asked, she had decided what she would answer, and, without the slightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the right.

Was it the lady, or the tiger that she indicated? We do not know. We only know that the king was acting in his best interest when he put the young man in the arena. The young lady was acting in her best interest when she chose the door. Which door did she choose? It depends on what she ultimately decided was in her own best interest.

If the king’s daughter pointed to the tiger, she decided it was in her best interest to let the lover die, rather than see him with another woman. If she chose the lady, she put his interest above hers, or she decided that it did not matter if he was married to the lady because they could still be together in secret.

Stockton wrote this story with the express purpose of leaving the ending ambiguous. This does not matter to the theme though. Either way, everyone acted in their own best interest.

The theme of this story revolves around the power of choice. The young man and the princess made a choice to become involved with one another. The King made a choice to avoid punishing the young man

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by allowing the young man to choose his own punishment (in a way). The young man chooses to trust the princess, who chooses to give him guidance in his choice between doors. In many stories, the characters are emphasized as being under the influence of fate and uncontrollable events. Here, the characters have all the power - they must use their judgment and choose wisely. The power is shown in the description of the princess:

Possessed of more power, influence, and force of character than any one who had ever before been interested in such a case, she had done what no other person had done - she had possessed herself of the secret of the doors.

The element of choice is emphasized even more in the last paragraph, when the author turns the choice upon the audience, asking them to determine what the decision of the princess, using their own judgement and knowledge:

The question of her decision is one not to be lightly considered, and it is not for me to presume to set myself up as the one person able to answer it. And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door - the lady, or the tiger?

The story actually ends in the climax, unlike most short stories. Usually there is a complete plot diagram that is followed. However, this story has a hanging ending. That is why the climax is at the very end. We do not know what is behind the door the princess has him open. Because the story does not officially end for the reader, the falling action/resolution of the story is not presented to us. The reader must choose his or her own ending. Most students feel strongly one way or the other because of this ending. They either love having the choice of the ending, or they hate that the story doesn't officially end for them.

What is fascinating about this story is that the princess has already given her lover the signal and he is already opening the door she indicated. This story is told as if it is an actual episode that occurred in history. So what we are left wondering is not what will happen but what did happen. Whatever it was, it happened a long time ago. Maybe it no longer matters because all the people involved would be dead. What we wonder is whether the princess let her lover be killed or whether she let him be married to her beautiful rival. Her choice seems to reflect on females in general. What would a contemporary woman do in the same circumstances? How do women think? Can they be trusted?

The main conflict in the story is between the princess and herself. Should she betray her lover and send him to his death or allow him to be married to someone else, and allow herself to live in jealousy and self-consciousness for the rest of her life?

Another conflict is between the suitor and the princess and the king. The king dislikes that the suitor is not royalty, but the princess and the suitor believe that it shouldn't matter in the face of love.

The last conflict that I would consider would be an internal conflict of the suitor--should he listen to the princess or choose the door she doesn't point to?

The three major contacts in the story

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1st:The relationship between the kings daugther and the commner was discovered by her father

2nd: The princess knew what was behind each door and she signaled him with her eyes on which door he should open

3rd:He was about to ethier be eaten by a tiger or be married off to another women


Relationship between the kings daugther and the commoner was discovered by her father.The princess knew what was behind each door and she signaled him with her eyes on which door he should open. He was about to ethier be eaten by a tiger or be married off to another women

The main conflict in the story is between the princess and herself. Should she betray her lover and send him to his death or allow him to be married to someone else, and allow herself to live in jealousy and self-consciousness for the rest of her life?

Another conflict is between the suitor and the princess and the king. The king dislikes that the suitor is not royalty, but the princess and the suitor believe that it shouldn't matter in the face of love.

The last conflict that I would consider would be an internal conflict of the suitor--should he listen to the princess or choose the door she doesn't point to?

The three major contacts in the story

1st:The relationship between the kings daugther and the commner was discovered by her father

2nd: The princess knew what was behind each door and she signaled him with her eyes on which door he should open

3rd:He was about to either be eaten by a tiger or be married off to another women


Relationship between the kings daugther and the commner was discovered by her father.The princess knew what was behind each door and she signaled him with her eyes on which door he should open. He was about to ethier be eaten by a tiger or be married off to another women

Ah, that's the question now, isn't it? It makes the reader wonder, which was the intent of the author. By not telling you the ending, he let you create your own (which is why this story is so often used in schools, to generate discussion and even as the source of a writing assignment to provide an ending). All authors have ways of drawing the reader into the story and making him a co-creator in the story-telling process. Some are subtle, some (like this) are really "out there."

Sometimes the author will give clues, allowing the reader to draw a reasonable conclusion. Yet in "The Lady or the Tiger?" no such clues are given, which was deliberate on the part of the author. Either one

Page 18: Ending the Lady or the Tiger

could have come out. It is up to the reader to decide, . Or else not decide, and wonder about for a long, long time....

After reading this story, it is my opinion, based on the text quote below that the young man chose the door with the Lady behind it. Here is why. The Princess can't bear to see the young man die at her instruction.

"How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph; when she had seen him lead her forth, his whole frame kindled with the joy of recovered life; when she had heard the glad shouts from the multitude, and the wild ringing of the happy bells; when she had seen the priest, with his joyous followers, advance to the couple, and make them man and wife before her very eyes; and when she had seen them walk away together upon their path of flowers, followed by the tremendous shouts of the hilarious multitude, in which her one despairing shriek was lost and drowned!" (Stockton)

The Princess has gone through a great deal to discover the identity of the two doors. She loves the young man, but she knows that she can never marry him. The author gives us much more detail about the Princess's reaction to the marriage of the young man and the lady.

Even though she questions her decision, I think that she signaled him with the door where the lady stood, because she loved him, and could not bear to lead him to his death. She would be far more haunted by this idea, knowing that she was responsible for him being torn apart by the tiger.

The lady came out.

we discussed in class. my teacher said no the tiger came out because the princess was so jealous.

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