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» Message by Rector NUST » Brief about USPCAS-E » USPCAS-E Offerings » What’s in it for Industry! » Energy Degree Programs » 28 Students awarded with scholarships under USPCAS-E » Send-off reception of exchange program » Workshop on Solar PhotoVoltaic Systems » Workshop on Energy Policy and Leadership » National Stakeholder’s Meeting » Launch of USPCAS » USPCAS-E in a year » Hear from Samreen Siddiq about her experiences

Partner Universities

Message by

Rector NUSTIt is indeed very heartening to see that U.S. Pakistan Center for

Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) has carved out a niche of its

own within a short span of its establishment. And with the completion

of its dedicated building, it will sure attain new heights in its field of


Mindful of the role of universities in building economies in the

contemporary world, NUST has set a precedent by aligning its efforts

to the Quadruple Helix Model with community as an important

component. In this perspective, the University carries out R&D

activities, in close liaison with the government and the industry,

pertinent to current as well as future needs of the country.

USPCAS-E has been established with a view to focusing on applied

research relevant to Pakistan’s energy needs; bridging the void of

space between the government, industry and academia; and

undertaking sustainable policy formulation. I am pleased to

see that since its formal launch, the Center has essentially

proceeded to its execution stage and started meeting its

objectives in the energy sector.

I am highly optimistic that USPCAS-E, taking root in

NUST, in partnership with Arizona State University and

University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar,

shall contribute to the economic revival of Pakistan

through building nationwide network for energy

professionals and scholar-exchange program.

May Allah help us achieve the cherished goals!

Engr. Muhammad Asghar


» Implement robust scholarships and exchange programs and foster relationships with other U.S. universities;

» Enhance responsiveness of university research and graduates’ skills to public and private sector needs;

» Emerge as financially self-sustained national hubs for energy issues;

» Focus on cutting-edge applied research & finding indigenous solutions to challenges;

» Establish channels to facilitate local and international networking in the energy sector;

» Increase access to higher education in energy-related professions for women and economically disadvantaged students



» Help Pakistan unleash its enormous potential for economic growth

» Become Pakistan’s premier energy think-tank and engage stakeholders in both industry and government

» Improve relevance and quality of curricula, strengthen use of effective teaching methods, and upgrade graduate programs

» Build a nationwide network for energy professionals by establishing and facilitating channels for interaction including networking sessions, workshops, and exchange programs


The U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) aim to focus on applied research relevant to Pakistan’s energy needs and serve as a bridge between the government, industry, and academia and undertake sustainable policy formulation. USPCAS-E is a partnership between the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad; University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar (UET); and U.S. partner Arizona State University (ASU).

At the end of the project, the Centers at NUST and UET will be sustainable hubs to address energy related issues. Collaboration between the partner USPCAS-E universities and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan will help ensure institutionalization and sustainability of USPCAS-E.

MAIN COMPONENTS 1. Internationally competitive multi-

disciplinary graduate training2. Jump-start training, research and policy

innovation in energy sector3. Sound governance, and modernized

curriculum and teaching strategies4. Regular and relevant policy dialogue

between the USPCAS think-tank and Pakistan’s public and private energy stakeholders

5. Sustainability through private sector links

Partner Universities

Capacity Building Opportunities for StudentsUnderstanding the socio-economic context

of Pakistan USPCAS-E is providing extraor-

dinary opportunities to students enrolled at

the Center for their Capacity Building.

• More than 250 scholarships are offered

to meritorious yet financially disadvan-

taged students.

• U.S. exchange program with Arizona

State University and Oregon State Uni-

versity for 90 students and 10 faculty

members, providing hands-on research

and learning experience of international


• Trainings and Seminars for faculty and

students providing value added learning

opportunities on technical and other en-

ergy relevant areas.

USPCAS-E Offerings

Indigenous CurriculumThe needs of the power and energy sector of

Pakistan are more indigenous and demand

driven as per the socio-economic context

of the country. Understanding these needs

of energy sector of Pakistan, USPCAS-E at

NUST is intensely working on designing of

new curriculum in form of graduate and

post graduate degree programs. Center is

also working on the aspect of accepting

the ground theories available in the body of

knowledge with combining a practical view

of industry to its curriculum to train its stu-

dents for getting them equipped as per the

futuristic demands of Pakistani Energy Sec-


USPCAS-E is offering Graduate programs in

Energy Systems Engineering, Thermal Ener-

gy Engineering and Electrical Energy Engi-

neering with an indigenously designed Phd

program of Energy Systems Engineering.

Learning, Research and Teaching Facilities

Bearing in mind the vision of USAID for pro-

viding the Center of Excellence in Energy to

Pakistan, USPCAS-E will have state of the

art library with facility of more than 3,000

books. Alongside, 8 scientifically exception-

al research and development facilities of ap-

plied research in Bio-fuels, Solar Thermals,

Advanced Energy Materials and Emerging

Technologies will be provided to its stu-

dents, faculty and researchers of Pakistan.

Partner Universities


What’s in it for Industry!

U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) aims to address Pakistan’s energy challenges by influencing policy makers, developing human resource and technologies, promoting applied research, protecting our en-vironment and mobilizing communities to con-tribute to sustainable economic growth of Paki-stan.

In conjunction with academic research, USPCAS-E lays emphasis on practical, solution-based, industry-specific R&D, both for the training and development of our students, and for providing support to the local University.

USPCAS-E is well-equipped to serve the energy sector industry with its intellectual capital and state-of-the-art lab and research infrastruc-ture. We combine the technical and academic strengths with the need of the industry to find innovative, practical and cost effective solutions; and the need of the economy to flourish through advancements in technology. We accomplish this from the platform of the Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) at NUST. The energy sector CAC committee is headed by an industry Co-Chair and a NUST Co-Chair, and comprises senior leadership of energy companies and industry.

We seek to promote entrepreneurship, ena-bling transfer of research from laboratories to the markets, leading to the economic growth through technology transfer. The internationally recognized faculty works together with USPCAS-E collaborating partners, the Arizona State Uni-versity, providing an excellent platform to move research output to impact.

Partner Universities

Student’s Life!

USPCAS-E Exchange Program Beneficiaries showing their enthusiasm for Research Program at ASU and OSU

USPCAS-E student at the Library

Learning session with a foreign facultyUSPCAS-E exchange program beneficiaries giving a wave of hope

Partner Universities


Informal learning sessions between students and faculty USPCAS-E

Informal learning session between exchange program beneficiaries at ASU with Prof. Clark Miller

Exchange program beneficiaries visit to Grand Canyons National Park, Arizona, U.S.A

Students at the hi-tech research lab

Partner Universities

Indigenous Degree Programs in EnergyUSPCAS-E introduces its new degree programs in Energy Systems Engineering and Thermal Energy Engineering. The program mainly focuses on capac-ity building of the students on bringing the indig-enous energy solutions for Pakistan. The new degree programs majorly focus on latest technologies of Solar, Biofuel, thermal, hydraulic and other renew-able energies. The Graduate and Post-Graduate programs at USPCAS-E aims to provide access to higher education in energy-related professions for

women and economically disadvantaged students across Pakistan; by internationally competitive mul-ti-disciplinary graduate training, with improved rel-evance and quality curricula and by use of effective teaching methods. The Center builds a nationwide network for energy professionals by establishing and facilitating channels for interaction including world class research laboratories, library, networking ses-sions, seminars, workshops, and international ex-change programs.

Pinnacles of USPCAS-E!!!

is not only educating today’s bright students but its creating tomorrow’s bright future


Ehsan ur Rehman Energy Engineering Student at NUST and Exchange Program Beneficiary at ASU

Research and learning during lab activities

Partner Universities


Workshop on Solar PhotoVoltaic SystemsA 3-day training workshop on Solar PhotoVoltaic Sys-tems was held from October 26-28, 2015. Approxi-mately 85 students and faculty conducting research on energy systems at the Centres for Advanced Stud-ies at NUST and UET Peshawar participated in the workshop. This workshop was facilitated by Prof Dr. Sayfe Kiaei, Professor and Director, NSF Center on

Energy and Power Management at Arizona State University-USA, Dr. Zafar Qureshi and Mr. Ahmed Sohail. The workshop included the sessions on solar data assessments, high precision equipment instal-lation, power management system and related simu-lation tools.

28 students of USPCAS-E in the field of Energy Engineering were awarded scholarships under Merit and Needs based criteria.

USAID, ASU, NUST, UET-P with USPCAS-E students on the closing ceremony of Solar PV workshop

Partner Universities

Workshop on Energy Policy and LeadershipA 3-day training workshop on Energy Policy and Leadership was conducted from March 1-3, 2016 at the National University of Sciences and Tech-nology (NUST) in Islamabad. Over 70 engineering students and faculty participated in the workshop, which was facilitated by Dr. Clark Miller from Arizona State University (ASU) and representatives from Pa-kistan’s energy sector. Speaking at the ceremony,

Pre Rector Academics and Research said that, “After this session, I am sure that our faculty and students will definitely try to think on the broader perspective and see the economic and planning aspects of the energy challenges, because a technological solution is of no imperative unless a true plan and policy is provided for its impactful consumption”.

“This workshop was not only a 3-day technical session for me but this has made me realize how much the area of policy and economics aspect of energy is integral along with technical aspects”

Nafisa Arshad Energy System Engineer USPCAS-E NUST

ASU, NUST, UET-P with USPCAS-E students on the closing ceremony of Energy Policy and Leadership workshop

Partner Universities


Send-off Reception of Exchange ProgramSenior officials from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Higher Edu-cation Commission (HEC) and energy-engineering students and faculty from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) and the Univer-sity of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar gave a send-off reception to the first batch of stu-dents and faculty departing for Arizona State Uni-versity (ASU). Over the next four years, 100 gradu-ate students and faculty from USPCAS-E NUST will spend a semester at ASU to carry out energy-related research at state of the art laboratories under the U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies (USP-CASE) project. The exchange visits will provide fac-ulty the opportunity to upgrade their pedagogy and

corporate-partnering skills and the students to en-hance their research skills and industry awareness.

National Stakeholder’s MeetingThe National Stakeholder Meeting on Energy pro-vided an opportunity to key stakeholders in the en-ergy sector to have candid discussions on ways to create a collaborative and sustainable environment under which stakeholders and partner universities can work to enhance cooperation and foster part-nerships. The meeting had three key objectives of Curriculum Alignment to discuss the strategies to align the curriculum development at NUST and UET Peshawar to the demands of the industry and oth-er employers; Applied Research to deliberate upon strategies to align the applied research agenda at

NUST and UET to the demands of the industry and other employers and Sustainability to review strate-gies and systems to promote sustainability for the USPCAS institutions beyond the life of USAID fund-ing. Speaking at the meeting Amer Zafar Durrani, Co-Chair Energy Committee under NUST’s Cooper-ate Advisory Council appreciated the efforts made by USPCAS-E to invite key stakeholders on one fo-rum and suggested the key management of USP-CAS-E to focus on the policy and economics area of energy management.

Exchange program beneficiaries on the send-off reception with HEC, USAID, NUST and UET-P officials

USAID and UET-P officials discussing key energy areas with industry representatives

Rector NUST, Engr. Muhammad Asghar with Deputy Mission Director, USAID Cathy Moore speaking at the program

Partner Universities

National Steering Committee MeetingNational Steering Committee meeting led by HEC was conduct-ed under USPCAS-E. The meeting was conducted by HEC to review the performance of all USPCAS universities on the project targets and performance. The meeting was attended by leads of the Pa-kistani Partner Universities and Representatives of U.S. counter parts. The overall performance and achievement on the project targets was appreciated by HEC.

Higher Education Commission

Senior USAID officials Thomas LeBlanc and Dr. Garth Willis discussing the vision of USPCAS-E with its stakeholders

Officials from USAID, HEC and vice chancellors of USPCAS universities in the panel discussions on Water, Energy, Agriculture and Food Security

Partner Universities


Energy Policy Dialogue Among Key Stakeholders Maximizing the opportunity of partner university presence in Islamabad, USPCAS-E conducted Energy Policy Dialogue on June 4, 2015 in collaboration with HEC. A panel compromising of USPCAS-E from ASU, NUST and UET along with energy experts discussed policy issues related to energy. The event was well at-tended by more 150 participants from energy sector’s stakeholders and partners including USAID, HEC, Government, industry and academia. Partner Universities’ speakers are shown in above picture.

USAID senior official Gregory Gottlieb speaking to the media after stakeholder discussion at HEC

USPCAS-E officials during panel discussion with stakeholders at HEC

Partner Universities

Launch Ceremony of U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy

Rector Engr. Muhammad Asghar giving his welcome remarks to the guests at the launch ceremony of U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies

Partner Universities


US.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Ener-gy was officially launched by U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy Richard Stengel and U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Richard G. Olson, along with Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif, officially launched the U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies (US-PCAS), a $127 million investment from the United States building partnerships in higher education and research. USPCAS, will focus on finding viable long-term solutions to Pakistan’s greatest priorities. The $127 million, five-year initiative will provide op-portunities for joint research; facilitate faculty and student exchanges, and link academia and the pri-vate sector through policy development in the areas of agriculture and food security, energy and water. Speaking at the Inaugural Ceremony, Engr. Muham-mad Asghar appreciated the efforts of U.S. and Pakistan team from diplomats, administration and

academia and ensured that the project would lead to the achievement of empirical solutions of the issues faced in the field of Energy, Agriculture and Food Security and Water. Rector NUST mentioned that ‘’USPCAS in Energy anticipates that by this consor-tia Pakistani driven economy will move to Entrepre-neurial Era. The U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies will be housed in four leading Pakistani and US universi-ties. The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, (UAF) and the University of California at Davis will partner to create the center for agriculture and food security, both the National University of Sciences and Tech-nology (NUST) and the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, will partner with Arizona State University to create two centers for energy re-search; the University of Jamshoro and the Universi-ty of Utah will partner to create the center for water.

Mr Khwaja Asif Minister for Water and Power speaking at the ceremony

Executive Director and Rector NUST presenting souvenir to U.S. Under Secretory of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy Richard Stengel at the ceremony

NUST Pro Rectors at the launch ceremony

Partner Universities

USPCAS-E in a Year

Officials from U.S. Government, Government of Pakistan, USAID and NUST on the Lunch Ceremony of USPCAS

Group Picture of Collaboration Meeting among NUST, UET-P, USAID and U.S. Department of Energy

Officical from U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)

U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy, Richard Stengel speaking to the guests at the Launch Ceremony of USPCAS

Dr Sayfe Kiaei at the initial session with exchange program beneficiaries at ASU

Partner Universities


Senator Nauman Wazir giving is views on USPCAS-E Objectives at the National Stakeholder’s Meeting

Executive Director, HEC, Rector NUST and Pro-Rector Academics at the steering committee meeting

Officials of U.S. Department of Energy and NUST at the meeting for possible future collaborations

Officials from HEC, USAID, NUST and UET-P on the Send-off Reception

Partner Universities

“I want to reinvest the knowledge I will gain at Oregon State University and would devote my learning in an entrepreneurial activity. This will not only provide me a bright career but many employment opportunities to my fellow Pakistanis.”

Samreen SiddiqEnergy Engineering Student at NUST and Exchange Program Beneficiary at OSU

Partner Universities


For feedback, questions and media queries:

Specialist-Communications and Outreach U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy

National University of Sciences and Technology

Email: [email protected] | | [email protected] | USPAKCASEN

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