  • 1. First Comenius Meeting November 2009 Jessheim videregende skole (Norway) Energy in Spain


  • Petroleum

3. Coal 4. Natural gas 5. Electricity 6. Nuclear power SOURCES OF ENERGY IN SPAIN

  • IES El Palo


  • Solar power

7. Wind power 8. Hydro power 9. Sea power Renewable 10. Sources of energy: PETROLEUM

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Our major source of energyBut Spain is not rich in oil so we buy it from Rusia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, Libia, Nigieria. 11. Sources of energy: COAL

  • IES El Palo

Spanish coal has poor quality. Spain's coal reserves are located in Asturias, Sevilla, Crdoba and Badajoz. It is more expensive than imported coal. 12. Sources of energy: NATURAL GAS

  • IES El Palo
  • It is becoming very popular and the amount consumed is increasing.
  • Natural gas is beingused to reduce our dependence on imported oil.

13. Sources of energy: NATURAL GAS

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Where does it come from? 14.

  • IES El Palo

NuclearPower Nuclear power generates 18% of electricity in Spain. Nuclear power is as polemic in Spain as everywhere else. The Spanish government has recently decided to close a nuclear plant thatwould carry on producing electricity. 15.

  • IES El Palo

NuclearPower Nuclear power in Spain 16. Spanish goverment is committed to get a target:SolarPower

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12% of primary energy will come from renewable energy by 2010with an installed solar generating capacity of 3000 megawatts(MW) 17. SolarPower

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Spain is the 4 largest manufacturer in the world of solar power technology.La energa solar termoelctrica esa que aprovecha el calor del sol para calentar fluidos que luego movern turbinas generadoras de electricidad est de moda en Espaa. Si el pas del "sol y playa" ya fue el primero en dar el salto de lo experimental a lo comercial (con la planta de torre central PS10, en Sevilla, y con la de almacenamiento en sales fundidas, Andasol 1, tambin en Andaluca), ahora se convierte en el primero de Europa en enchufar a la red comercial una central solar termoelctrica de colectores cilindro parablicos, con lo que las principales "versiones" que presenta a da de hoy la tecnologa solar termoelctrica ya tienen sus correspondientes ejemplos comerciales en territorio espaol.9-5-2009 Exports 80% of this output to Germany. 18. WindPower

  • 2008:wind power produced about 1.5%of around the world electricity usage and is growing rapidly, having doubled between 2005 and 2008.
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WindPower Several countries have achieved relatively high levels of wind power in 2008:

  • Denmark: 19% of stationary electricity production

20. Spain and Portugal: 11%

  • Germany and Ireland: 7%

21. Hydro Power

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Spain now meets the target of 30% of electricity from renewable sources, set for the EU in 2010. In January and February with good rain and wind, and less demand because of the crisis, renewable power have produced 30% of the electricity consumed in Spain, according to Red Electrica of Spain, the company that manages the system. 22.

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But now, rainfall has decreased significantly and high temperatures are doing the water reservoir to evaporate, so the amount of hydropower is decreasing. In 2008, wind and hydropower generated 18% of the total. Hydro Power 23.

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Hydro Power Hydropower stations in Spain 24.

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Electricity production2007 25.

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This is the only technology for using solar energy in large power plants commercially proved over a number of years. NEW WAYS OF PRODUCING ENERGYParabolic trough power plants 26.

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This new solar plant continues working during the night or when it is cloudy. Parabolic Trough Power Plants 27.

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With a net electricity output of around 150 GWh per year and a collector surface area of over 510, 000 square mts.Parabolic Trough Power Plants The largest solar power plants in the world. 28.

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The ANDASOL 1 solar power plant, is Europes first parabolic trough commercial power plant. It went online in November 2008 and it was built by Flagsol, Solarmillennium and ACS. Parabolic Trough Power Plants Granada (Andalusia) 29.

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Andasol 1 plant has started operation.Andasol 2 has started the commissioning phase. Andasol 3 is currently under construction.Parabolic Trough Power Plants 30.

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Molten salt storage systemThe only commercial scale demonstration project under development consisting of central tower receiver, heliostats and molten salts storage energysystem . Torresol Energy promotesGEMASOLAR 31. Molten salt storage systemTorresol is the first company in the world to apply this molten salt storage system in commercial plants.Seville (Andalusia)

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32. Waves energy Ocean tec is a new estation promoted by two privatecompanies, that uses waves strengh to produce energy.Guipzcoa (Basque Country)

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  • Household

34. Industry 35. Transport 36.

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Energy consumption: Industry 37. Transport energy consumption 38. Transport energy consumption 39.

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Energy consumption: Household Household consumption(2003) % of houses having this equipment(2005) Electric hot water 3% 14,87%Electric stove 9% 39,61%Electric heating 15% 11,95%Small appliances 7% nd Television 10% 99,69% Fridge 18% 99,80% Dishwasher 2% 36,77% Washing machine 8% 98,87% Tumble dryer 2% nd Microwave 2% 78,01% Electric oven 4% nd Computer 1% 49,71% (58,3% en 2007) Air conditioning 1% 35,7% en 2007 Lights 18% nd

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