  • 8/13/2019 Energytech Training Programme


    SAVE ENERGY YOURSELF: A training programme never done beforeObjective:

    Energy conservation has become a keyword and has become a corporate objective for the

    progressive companies. The depleting resources and rising energy costs has necessitated for

    optimum utilization of energy. Everybody is trying his level best. But are we proceeding in rightdirection?

    Save Energy Yourselfprogramme helps you to take a quantum jump on the path of energysaving.

    How The Programme Works:n old proverb says!" Every drop of water added makes an ocean". #es! it is really a true thing. Big

    gains are achieved by consolidating the small achievements. Even small changes in working lifesave us lot of money.

    Take a case of a factory. $ere the lights%tube lights are started half an hour before sunset. nd stillcontinue for quite a substantial time after the dawn. &n cloudy days the lights are to be switched on

    many a times in day times also. &perator forgets to switch them off. There is potential energy

    savings. 'ith use of photoelectric cells (which work on illumination intensity)! to switch on %off thelights substantial savings can be achieved.

    Take another case of an administrative office. The employees go to canteen for lunch between * to

    *.+, p.m. -f we install a timer to switch off majority lights during this period! we have taken a steptowards energy conservation.

    &ur programme Save Energy Yourselfis not only about giving such ideas! but also to motivate thepeople to generate the ideas. The principle objective of this programme is to create awareness

    among the people about importance! methods and benefits of conserving energy.

    The persons trained in programme realize the potential areas for energy savings. They come outwith new ideas! which can bring you small savings. But at the end of the day when you consolidate

    the gains of number of such ideas the results are great.

    Our Programme

    The programme is designed for the operating people. The participant can be from shop floor area! oradministrative office $e can be production operator or production chemist! a boiler operator or

    maintenance engineer. &ur programmes cater to wide spectrum of your personnel. To cater to

    specific needs of the participants! we have designed our programme in two modules.

    Module is designed for skilled workmen%operators. This programme is normally conducted in

    /arathi or $indi language. This helps them to channelise their thought process! observations to aconstructive outcome.

    Module !is designed for supervisors%officers%e0ecutive. -n this module more stress is given on

    understanding the design principles behind energy generation units and its utilization.e.g.1teamgeneration in boilers! piping !steam traps! insulation etc. This helps the participants to identify the

    potential areas for energy savings and scope for implementation for the same.

  • 8/13/2019 Energytech Training Programme


    MO"#$% :

    2rinciples behind the industrial operations have their roots! which go back to our day3to3day

    operations. -f we talk about chemistry! it goes to kitchen. -f we talk about combustion engines! it has

    resemblance with the scooter! car etc. 2eople are familiar with the gadgets they use in day to dayoperations! but are not able to apply the knowledge in their work environment.

    This module helps them to correlate their e0perience in day to day life with their work

    enviorment.e.g yellow flame in 425 stove in kitchen and yellow flame in industrial burner!indicate the same things i.e. the burner is choked! the fuel to air ratio needs to be tuned.

    This module takes a journey through various such e0amples. t the end of the session the thinkingprocess for participants starts and with proper cultivation results in fantastic gains.

    Programme contents:

    /any times the programme contents are revised based on the needs and response of the

    participants! however generally following topics are covered.

    3 'hat is energy! Types of energy! 'hy save energy

    3 6ontribution of individual to energy savings3 7esemblances of day to day operations to work environment

    3 2otential areas for energy savings e.g. steam! fuel oil!electricity!hot oil etc.3 Tips for energy conservation

    MO"#$% !:

    2revention is better than cure% stitch in time saves nine.

    #es! 'e all know these but how to do it? This module helps you to apply these proverbs in yourwork environment. -t stresses on the principle behind the energy consuming operations! right

    selection and operation of equipments. This helps the participants to analyse the problems and

    identify the suitable measures to overcome the same.

    Programme contents:

    3 The energy scenario today! 8eed for energy conservation3 1team generation and utilization! -nsulation! 1team traps! 6ondensate recovery

    3 9urnace oil! $ot oil! 6ompressed air! Electricity! cooling water

    3 2rinciples behind pumps! agitators! dryers! distillation columns etc.3 $ow to select the right equipments

    3 Tips to overcome the energy inefficient operations.

    Time duration&Participants &$anguage:Both programmes are conducted at your workplace. Each module takes : to ; hrs. 5enerally *, to

    *: participants are e0pected per batch. /odule * is conducted in /arathi%$indi language! while

    /odule < is conducted in English.

    Programme 'ees:

    The programme fees for each module are 7s.*,,,,%per session. -f the location is outside /umbai!travel and other e0penses are charged e0tra.

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