  • 1. Engaged Interaction InEducation By: Joseph B. Clady

2. Table Of Contents Blocks Board Games Arts and Crafts Physical Activity Conclusion Bibliography 3. Building Blocks Activities, involving toys such as blocks, Legos, and Lincoln Logs, assist in the production of the childs motor skills and social interaction with other children. The utilization of blocks literally build problem solving abilities and opens up a new world of imagination. 4. As a child plays, he or she unknowingly experiments with mathematics and spacial interpretation. Regardless the time or outcome, a child releases an immense amount of creative force and maintains a strong yet steady rate of maturation. 5. Board Games Game night has been a favorite to many families for a long time but board games are sometimes skipped over when thinking about the class. Playing games that can relate to a current classroom topic is great for the child to develop a deeper understanding for the lesson while having fun. The use a board games force the children to cooperate and compete against eachother in hopes of realizing the importance of good sportsmanship. 6. Board games can be more than just a board and some pieces. Decks of cards, flash cards, and dice are fun and specialize in areas of math and memorization while other games focus for on trivia and information quizzing. 7. Arts and Crafts Though sometimes messy, arts and crafts is a very exciting and anticipated activity of the day. The child is able to find a creative outpost and explore the right side of his or her brain. 8. Children who do create their own special masterpiece often view it as a gift to themselves or present it to someone else. These are early signs of generosity and independence The paramount reason of arts and crafts importance is the creations are never wrong. A child could not be told they are incorrect because imagination is original. 9. Physical Activity The desire to move and run is strongest at a young age. Children need to get their hearts eating beating, especially after being kept I kept inside a classroom all day. K They develop their sense of balss balance and become aware of the the limitations of their bodkasdkjf bodies. 10. Many health reasons are benefited by physical activity in children. Early heart exercise and muscle growth are gained thus leading to a healthier, longer, more confident and comfortable life to live. 11. Conclusion There are many for educators to better tie the lesson of the day into an activity. Involvement in such activities make for a more engaged and happier child. The more a child can experience more than a mere book and pencil the better. The chance to tap into all brainfunctions makes a child strive for more. 12. Bibliography Investing-Money-tips-role-of-wooden-blocks-in- education-and-development-of-children/ 16/can-children-be-taught-important-life-lessons- through-board-games/ _Kids-a990947.html physical-activity-for-children.html

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