  • Page Four Phone RE public 9-3200 LONG ISLAND DAILY P K £ S 3 , TUESDAY, MARCH 5 , 1 9 5 4 . Phone REpubUc 9-3200




    Long Islanders Find Escape from Winter In Florida Sunshine

    » i •

    {Special to THE PRESS) am. PETERSBURG, pia. — Many

    Loot Island residents axe vacationing In Florida this winter.

    Recent arrivals from Jamaica were Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Ayasse, Wal-ter L. Baylis. Mrs. Emma W. Baylis, Mrs. Boat F. Birdsall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gracy. Mrs. Gerald T. MCfernan. Mrs. Clara Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Reuter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth and Mrs. W. D. Sullivan.

    From Jackson Heights came Mr. and Mrs. Henry C-. Bollln, Katherine L. Collins. L. Gordon Hyle and Mary M. O'Brian.

    Queens Village is represented by George Sense, Alma Benze, William H. Bosch, Mrs. C. Eurlich. Mrs. E. Belms, Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Helms. Mrs. Emma Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stevens and Mrs. J. G. •ax wood.

    Arriving recently from Richmond Bill were Carrie J. Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brush. L. V. Doerschuck, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Esper, Adelc Glass. Mrs. J. Goldman, C. Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. George Meuer, Mrs. 3. W.

    . Holler, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rabel, Robert J. Rakers. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. •auerbrun, Emilie L. *Plmmerman and August W. Volkens.

    Other visitors included Thomas Foy, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Slater, Lou • a n De Water and Mrs. Downing •aux of Flushing; Alexander Brower, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hauck, H. Hinterschek, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinterschek and Uddy Hinterschek, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Meyer.

    I Charles Uhlinger and Marie Uhlinster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vogt and Ray-mond Vogt of Woodhaven; Paul H. Galligan. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hohle, Jr., and children, Helen and Adolph Hohle, and Mr. and Mrs, Paul R Ranch of St. Albans.

    Rose H. Deitz, Mr. and Mrs. George Schildknecht, George Schildknecht and Lorraine Schildknecht, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Trace of Ridge-wood; Mrs. Freida Mareck and Mrs. J . H. Van Wyck of Middle Village; Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Gernhardt, Barry Holden and Kay Holden of Long Island City; Mrs. J. J. Clark and Mrs. A. Miller of Hollis; Emil Jardi-niar and Joseph Jardinier of Glen-dale; James P. and Edward Gorman and Mrs. B. Graf of Elmhurst; Mrs. Caroline Reinhardt of Ozone Park; Peter Labialaw of Little Neck; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Phillips of Kew Gardens; Mrs. L. Frewin of East Elm-hurst.

    Mrs. Lillie Rosenberg of Edgemere; Mrs. S. W. Landon of Douglaston; Mr. and Mrs. A. Brokate of BelleTose; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Deardorff and Alice Deardorff of Bellalre; Arthur Frohbach of Bayside, and P. J. McGlynn of Astoria.

    Poetry, Verse Topic At Women's Meeting

    Present at Legion Auxiliary State Officers Dinner

    The state officers dinner of the Auxiliary of the American Legion was held last night at the Whit-man Hotel, Jamaica. Seated, left to right, a re : Mrs. Vera Litchhult, Queens County chairman;

    Mrs. Schweig Fetes Women of Hadassah

    1 ^ "Poet •pfised :

    "Poetry and Verse of 1933" was dis-yesterday by the literature de-

    ^Jiartment of the Jamaica Woman's Club In this Young Men's Christian Association, Parsons boulevard, Ja-

    p, Mrs. Donald Klttell, chair-i, conducted the discussion.

    Mrs, A. T. Nickerson spoke on "The Name and Nature of Poetry.'" by A B. Hausman; Mrs. R. W. Higble, Jr., on "Strange Victory" by Sara Teas-dale; Mrs. Harold I. Cross and Mrs. «*. B. W. Wing on "A Book of Ameri-cans'* by Rosemary and Stephen-Vincent Benet.

    Mrs. 0. L. Thomes read portions of Christopher Morley's "Mandarin In Manhattan"; Mabel Re id read from "Frescoes From Mr. Rockefellers City** by Archibald MacLeish; Mrs. S. B. Crossman read parts of "Out of My Head" by Margaret Fish back and "Happy Days'* by Ogden Nash; and Mrs. A. H\ Carpenter read from "The Winding Stair' "by William Butlei Yeats.

    Mrs. Klttell announced that an "original work" contest sponsored by the department will close April 1 Contestants should submit to Mrs. Fred A. Duncan original work in: poetry, short story, play or mono-logue, expository essay and critical article writing. Two prizes will be awarded.

    Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Joist 4 Weeks

    Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo. writes: 'I 'm only 28 yrs. old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box Of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also have more energy and furthermore I've never had a hungry moment."

    Fat folks should take one half tea-spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast—an 83 cent bottle lasts 4 weeks—you can get Kruschen at any drug store In America. If not joy-fully satisfied after the first bott le-


    Mrs. Joel Schweig, president of the Jamaica Chapter of Hadassah, enter-tained the executive board yesterday at a luncheon In the Jamaica Jewish Center.

    Plans were made for the "donor" luncheon in Manhattan, March 21. The program will include an address by Mrs. de Sola Pool of Manhattan, and a recital by Mrs. Chendah Schneiderman, radio singer of Jewish songs. Mrs. Miriam Seldin, general chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. A. H. Mittleman, treasurer; Mrs. Dora Smith, hospitality chairman, and Mrs. Ogden Herson, secretary.

    The chapter will discuss "School Luncheons in Palestine" at the next meeting, March 27. Heads of all local Jewish organizations have been In-vited to attend.

    Guests at the luncheon yesterday were Mrs. Ada Victor, Mrs. Ciel Black, Mrs. Seldin, Mrs. E. S. Spechler, Mrs. Samuel Miller, Mrs. Sadie Bisnoff, Mrs. Bernard Lissey, Mrs. Benjamin Pollack, Mrs. Ethel Levinson, Mrs. Sylvia Hoffman, Mrs. Herson, Mrs. Miriam Sirkln. Mrs. Eva Levy, Mrs. Celia GogeL Mrs. E. M. Greenfield, Mrs. L. F.. Rosenthal and Mrs. Cora Levy.

    m Hillside Auxiliary Greets President

    The Ladles Auxiliary of the Hill-slde-HollJs Hebrew Center, 89th avenue and 182nd street, welcomed their president, Mrs. Fanny Felber-baum, on her return from Florida from Florida yesterday.

    Plans were made for a Dutch sup-per and card party March 11 with Mrs. Minnie Jacobs and Mrs. Rose Schneidkraut. co-chairmen.

    The next regular card game will be held March 6 at the home of Mrs. Lillian Greenblatt, 88-30 184th street, Holll*.

    Plans are also being made for a country store March 15. Mrs. Lucilla Maryanov, Mrs. Lillian Berman and Mrs. Greenblatt are in charge.

    There will be a joint meeting of the men's and women's groups March 8.

    Morris Park Auxiliary Plans Party

    Cards and bunco followed a busi-ness session yesterday of the Ladies Auxiliary, Morris Park Council, Knights of Columbus in the club-house, 111th street and Atlantic ave-nue, Richmond Hill.

    Prizes were won by Mrs. Lillian Carmody, Mrs. Agnes Carroll, Mrs. Mary Brown and Mrs. Anna Batter.

    A card party was plenned for May 2 at the club. Mrs. Mary Karg Is chairman.

    Mrs. Enid Valk, Queens vice-chairman; Mrs. Isabel Burnham and Mrs. Marie TJffer. Standing are Mrs. Mae Strong (left), Nassau County chairman, and Mrs. Clair Graney, Kings County chairman.

    ^ 1

    Choral Arranges Spring Musicale;

    Plans Elections A nominating committee was

    appointed by the Jamaica Choral last night in the home of Mrs. W. A. Mohr, 89-37 98th street, Woodhaven. It includes Mrs. J. B. C. Bartlett, chairman; Charlotte Krug and Helen Johnson.

    The program was completed for a formal concert and entertain-ment to be given in the Jamaica Methodist Episcopal Church next Tuesday. Mrs. Harry North will lead the feature, "Peak Sisters Review," and Mrs. John Rumph will accompany at the piano.

    A card party and luncheon will be held tomorrow at the home of Mrs. John Batterman, 182-32 Radnor road, Jamaica Estates.

    Kluters Entertain In Rosedale

    Mr. and Mrs. George Kluter of 241-02 Memphis avenue, Rosedale, en-tertained at their home Saturday eve-ning.

    Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slemering, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sey-mour, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter, Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. George Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scbaef-fler, Mr. and Mrs. John Casey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder.

    — •

    Joan of Arc Club Plans Bridge

    Plans were made at the meeting of the Joan of Arc Club of St. Mary's Presentation Church, Parsons boule-vard, Jamaica, yesterday for a bridge to be held March 16, with OlgaAvenia as chairman. She will be assisted by Marie O'Rourke, Pat Smith, Evelyn McHale, Frances Schrage, Frances Perrotti, and Ann Perrotti.

    Arrangements were also discussed for the annual bridge to be given in May. Marie Gertland, Lillian Gree-ley, May Morris, Pat Smith, Frances Perrotti, Marie O'Rourke, Ann Per-rotti, and Frances Schrage form the committee.

    Jewish Women Plan Relief Work Show

    The Jamaica Section, National Council of Jewish Women, yesterday in Jamaica Jewish Center, completed plans for a benefit show the week of April 2 in the New Jamaica Theatre. Proceeds will be divided between so-cial service and immediate relief work

    The annual open meeting will be held, March 13, in Temple Israel, Hillside avenue and 161st street, Ja-maica. Dr. Sidney S. Tedesche of Union Temple, Brooklyn, will be guest speaker.

    Council Sabbath will be observed Friday night in the Temple. Mrs. Beulah Bruckheim will address the congregation.

    Joining with the 200 sections of the Council, the Jamaica Section will help In the establishment of study groups In 200 centers throughout the coun-try. Classes to begin shortly, will dis-cuss Nazi propaganda from study out-lines prepared by noted Jewish think-ers. Under the direction of the "Committee of One Thousand," now being formed, literature will be dis-tributed to libraries, and lectures ar-ranged.

    Delegates to the New York State convention at Syracuse April 15, 16 and 17 will be Mrs. John Flaum, president; Mrs. Benjamin Marvin, Mrs. Henry Berman, Mrs. Ruth Ber-man, Mrs. Eva Levy and Mrs. Samuel Platzer.

    Queens Village Women Plan Fathers1 Night

    Plans were made yesterday by Parent Teacher Association of P. S. 109. 213th street. Queens Village, for fathers* night Thursday. Mrs. Leon Ronca is chairman.

    Charles Tonsor, a member of the group, will speak on "Guidance." Frank Turbet will be the soloist, ac-companied by Mrs. Henry Hayes.

    Members will present a sketch. "Mothers in Review."

    560 ATTEND EXHIBITION Five hundred students attended the

    glass blowing demonstration Friday afternoon at P. S. 133. Bellerose, un-der the sponsorship of the Parent-Teacher Association. Mrs. Fred Lanke was chairman.

    Algonquin Women Play Cards

    Mrs. Joseph Conety was chairman of a card party yesterday of the Ladies Algonquin Democratic Club in the clubhouse, 197-30 Hillside avenue, Hollis. She was assisted by Mrs. Flor-ence Fisher, Mrs. Betsy Madison and Mrs. Meta Anderson.

    Mrs. Teresa Murray won the dark horse. A special prize went to Mrs. T. J. Riley. Other winners were Mrs. May Moran, Mrs. May Karsborn, Mrs. Eve Brady, Mrs. Anna Grimmell and Mrs. Olive Page.


    Councils to Join In Reception

    Forest Park Council, Sons and Daughters of America, will Joint the Nathan Hale Council March 19 in a reception of state officers in Audi-torium Hall, 122nd street, Richmond Hill, according to final arrangements made last night at Neier's Hall, 87-48 78th street, Woodhaven.

    •' m

    Legion Aides Play Cards At Howard Beach

    Mrs. Lucille Green and Mrs. L. M Wessells were in charge of a card party of the Ladies Auxiliary of Frank M. Charles Post, American Legion yesterday in the Howard Beach Casino. Twenty attended.


    Help Society Arranges Social Program

    Plans for two socials were discussed by the Queens Church Mission of Help Society yesterday in the home of Mrs. Chester Bogart, 88-25 164th street, Jamaica.

    The first, a card party, will be held. April 3, in Grace Episcopal Church parish hall, Jamaica.

    The group will hold a party, Jun« 6, in the home of Mrs. Charles Mac-Lean. Riverhead. Mrs. MacLean is a former member of the society and the wife of the former assistant rector oi Grace Church.

    Eastern Star to Stage Radio Skit Tonight

    The Cathedral Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will present a play, "Radio Skit of the Goldberg Wed-ding," tonight at Civic Hall, Liberty avenue and 113th street.

    Lead roles will be played by Winnie Ledwith, Lou Craz, Myra Packages and Francis Sturm. There are 40 in the cast.

    . * .

    Mrs, Baird Entertains Blind Workers

    Mrs. Agnes Baird was hostess at a card party of St. Albans Branch Queensboro Workers For the Blind yesterday at her home, 114-12 174th street, St. Albans. The special prise was won by Mrs. Robert Maxwell.

    Other prise winners were Mrs. Anne Clodlus, Mrs. Irene Wood, Mrs. Ger-trude Mills, Mrs. Mildred Hunt, Mrs. Louise Pape, Mrs. Evelyn Rouse, and Mrs. June Bieschang.


    A bus ride to an Ice cream plant In Long Island City, sponsored by the Mothers Club of P. S. 100, Richmond Hill, for yesterday, was postponed until tomorrow. Mrs. Frank Franz and Mrs. James Stone are in charge.

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    Other Foods Freshly made cranberry sauce makes other foods taste better.

    Your grocer now has fresh cranberries. Try this recipe: t pound or quart (4 caps) cranberries, 2 cops water, I Vi to 2 caps sugar. Boil sugar and water together 5 minutes; add cranberries and boil without stir-tins (9 minutes is usually sufficient) •mil all die akin* pop op—. Remove from the ire when the popping stops, and allow dM sauce to i

    True Si|ters' Lodge Plans Spring Events At Masonic Temple

    A spring program has been ar-ranged by Queens Lodge, United Order of True Bisters, in the Rich-mond Hill Masonic Temple, 86-21 114th street.

    The meeting of the Philanthropic Committee is scheduled Thursday afternoon. A oomedy will be pre-sented by the Dramatic Group.

    Evelyn Silvergtein will be chairman of a bridge patty Friday afternoon.

    The lodge will attend the fifth an-nual concert and dance Saturday night in the t rue Sisters Building. Manhattan. Otda Peck has charge of tickets.

    The Cultural Group will men* March 21 in the home of Ida Schwartz.

    Grand President Martha Gould, and her staff, will be guests at the regular meeting March 22 at 1:30 P» m.

    The Exposition at True Sisters Club House, Manhattan, is scheduled April 12, 13 and if, Luncheon will be served.

    Eleanor O'Connor Given Pre-Nuptial Shower

    Eleanor O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor of 102-37 129th street, Richmond Hill, was given a miscellaneous shower Saturday eve-ning by Midge Donovan of 95-15 132nd street, Richmond Hill. Miss O'Connor's engagement to Herbert Modee of 130-17 95th avenue, Rich-mond Hill, was announced recently.

    Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Donovan, Muriel Cantwell, Mrs. Gert-rude Baietti, Myrdin Baietti, Catherine Jakoby, Frances Scullion, Ann and Berimdin Byrne, Ruth Donaldson, Murial Stacom, Helen Hanson, Kay Petersen, Mabel Oliver, Teddy Modee, Mrs. Fred Fisher, Mrs. Thomas Mul-ligan, Mrs. Michael Herbert, John Mahoney, Lowell McElroy, Harry Cole, Mrs. Joseph McAtavie and Mrs. Worti-mer Van Damm.


    Party Honors Rowitzers On Silver Anniversary

    A surprise natty was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rowitzer in celebra-tion of the silver anniversary of their wedding Sunday, at their home, 192-28 120th avenge. St. Albans.

    Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubel, Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemann, Mr. and Mrs. William Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Otto. Mrs. John Wellington, Mary Hannon, Elizabeth Siegaann, Ruth Fischer, Belle King, Rage Schneider and Ray-mond and Harold Rowitzer.

    Newlywedi Are Feted By Bride's Mother

    Mrs. James Gibbs of 197-10 91sl avenue, Hollis, gave a reception Sun-day night to her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fletch-er, whose wedding was announced re-cently.

    Present werg Mr. and Mrs. Ray-mond Meischeid, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herrman, Bertha Vis, Ethel Schroed-er, Mrs. Louisg Gladd, George Chap-man, William j^enard and Louis Deck-inger.

    ENDEAVOR SOCIETY TO MEET The Senior Christian Endeavor So-

    ciety of Dunton Presbyterian Church will hold a bpiness meeting March 15 at the hom# of Mrs. Fred P. Wood-bury, 114-20 l p t h street, Dunton.

    200 Present at Tea For 65th Birthday

    Of Chapin Institute Two hundred attended the Founders

    Day tea in the Chapin Home, 165th street and Chapin parkway, Jamaica, yesterday. The affair marked the 65th anniversary of the founding of the first home in Manhattan by the late Dr. Edwin Chapin.

    Mrs. Horace E. Fox, president, opened the home for Inspection at 2 p. m. and welcomed the guests among whom were the Rev. Frank Oliver Hall, pastor of the Church of the Divine Paternity, Manhattan, and subscribers to the Home from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. On the reception committee were Mrs. James Beveridge, Mrs. Hattie Miller and Mrs. George Wilder.

    Fancy goods, cake and candy made by members of the board of trustees and inmates of the Home were sold at booths under the direction of Car-oline M. Hoe. H. D. Parmelee, Mrs. Charlotte Lewis, Mrs. E. S. Watkins, Mrs. William McLean and Mrs. F. L. Ellwood Briggs. Mrs. George S. Reitter, Lois Clark and Louis Thomas served tea.

    The present Chapin Home, erected in 1911, houses over 100 aged or in-firm men and women. It maintains a library, an infirmary and a chapel and is non-sectarian.

    The board of trustees governing the institution includes the following women: Mrs. C. F. Watcrbury, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Wilder. Mrs. H. E. Miller. Mrs. Beveridge, Mrs. R. S. Darling. Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. W. H. Childs, Mrs. O. F. Taussig, Mrs. H. S. Hull. Mrs. J. F. Degener, Mrs. F. O. Hall, Mrs. William D. Faris. Mrs. H. T. Lock-wood. Mrs. H. P. MacGregor, Mrs. G. W. Pearce, Mrs. George Sawter, Mrs. Frank T. Wall. Mrs. L. A. Ames, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. E. F. Bunzil, Mrs. A. H. Carnegie, Mrs. Hoe, Mrs. Parmelee, Mrs. J. C. Brower, Mrs. E. E. Mapes, Mrs. E. S. Watkins and Mrs. Reitter.

    An advisory board of 15 men is composed of Dr. Hall,. the Rev. Thomas E. Potterton. George G. Carey, William H. Childs, Eugene E. Mapes, Ruel S. Darling, Herbert F. Gunnison, Oscar F. Taussig, Louis Annin Ames, the Rev. Arthur W. Grose, Harold S. Hull, James Beveridge, F. Ellwood Briggs and Edward S. Watkins.

    Republican Aides Give Lunch, Party At Richmond Hi

    Mrs. Eva Keller was chairman of a luncheon and card party given by the Ladies Auxiliary for the Richmond Hill Republican Club yesterday In the clubhouse, 86-17 Lefferts boulevard. She was as-sisted by Mrs. Irene Heuer, Mrs. Mary McCormac and Mrs. Alma Eisler. Thirty attended.

    Special prizes were won by Mrs. Ida Moster, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Mc-Cormac and Mrs. Carrie Betz.

    At the meeting Thursday night, plans for a large card party, March 24, in the clubhouse, will be discussed.

    Benefit Bridge Held For P. S^95 Parents

    One hundred and fourteen attend-ed a luncheon and bridge yesterday for the benefit of the Parent-Teacher Association, P. S. 95, Jamaica, in a restaurant at 168th place. Ja-maica. Mrs. Mae Schnoor won a per-manent wave, a special prize.

    High score winners were Mrs. E. C. Fleer, Mrs. C. E. Wenner. |f!S. E. A. Collison, Mrs. M. J. Andolf, Mrs. W W. Werner, Mrs. C. A. Aff, Mr1?. M. E. Hecht, Mrs. M. S. Said, Mrs. H. T. Rcedes, Mrs. J. C. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Ochs. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. R. O. McNaughton, Mrs. E. A. Marsch, Mrs. R. J. Renchen, Mrs. A. J. Noe, Mrs. W. I. Indell, Mrs. F. H. Halm, Mrs. C. F. Flannagan, Mrs. D. R. Klacers. Mrs. I. J. Krossney, Mrs. L. J. Tam-askin.

    An executive board meeting will be held Thursday at the school, 179th street and 90th avenue.

    Lillian Frank Marries Clifford Keiser

    Lillian Alma Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Frank of 119-06 157th street, Jamaica, and Clifford J. Keiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keiser of 11-11 Cypres.* avenue, Ridgewood. were married Sunday by the Rev. Warren M. Blod-gett at the latter's home in St. Al-bans. A reception at the bride's home followed.

    The bride wore a gown of pale blue crepe with gray slippers and a cors-age of sweet peas. Caroline Loysch, of Astoria, was maid of honor, and Gil-bert Frank, brother of the bride, was best man.

    The couple will make their home at the 157th street address.

    Mrs. Kenn Is Hostess At Bunco Party

    Mrs. George Kenn of 130-14 190th I avenue, Richmond Hill, was hostess at • bunco party Saturday evening of the j Good Cheer Circle, St. John's Episco-pal Church of Dunton. Proceeds will benefit welfare work.

    W. A. Merritt won the door prize' High score winners were Fred Both. Jessie Johansen, Mrs. Walter Werner and Mrs. George Humphreys.

    Women's Club Hears Mussolini Acclaimed For Opposing Nazis

    'Fascism and Hitlerism—A Com-parison" was the subject of a lecture yesterday by Dr. Bruno Roselli, Italian writer and lecturer, before the Forest Hills Woman's Club at the Commun-ity House, Borage place, Forest Hills. Mrs. George Southgate was program chairman.

    According to Dr P ' -' performed the greatest act of his 13 years' dictator.)...,,) -united with England u:.d jr...n.-c :n advising the Nazi government to keep aloof from the Austrian disturbance. It had been his policy to side in favor of Germany.

    "Within 12 years Italy has settled her own emigration and financial problems, she has placed on the high seas steamers that are considered the world's most fashionable ships, she has overcome the agitation of secret societies and she has built 11,000 schools," the speaker said.

    The program was preceded by a business session at which a revised constitution presented by Mrs. John-Price was accepted with amendments. Mrs. Michael Lucey presided.

    The reception committee included Mrs. Marvin Connolly, chairman, Mrs. C. H. Clung, Mrs. G. R. Genung, Mrs. J. F. Francs, Mrs. Price. Mrs. Leo Rochlitz and Mrs. George Simons.

    Mrs. Louis Berthenthal Is Hostess Tonight

    Mrs. Louis Berthenthal. in honor of her 13th wedding anniversary, will be hostess at a meeting tonight of the Ladies Auxiliary,, Congregation Sons of Israel, South Ozone Park. Nomina-tion of officers is scheduled.

    The 10th anniversary of the Syna-gogue will be celebrated at a banquet March 18 at Patchen Temple, Greene avenue, Brooklyn. In charge are Mrs. Frances Stoloff and Mrs. Pauline Muskin.

    Mrs. Wertman Addresses Reserve Auxiliary

    Mrs. Katherine E. Wertman, na-tional president, addressed the Ja-maica ^Auxiliary, Fleet Reserve, yes-terday in Town Hall. Parsons, boulevard. She told of plans for the national convention to be held in Boston in September.


    . • • they spoil good ingredients, waste your time and money . . •

    Bridge Club Series Continue Tonight

    The third game in a duplicate con-tract series of toe Jamaica Bridge Club under the direction of Mrs Charlotte Bach, will be played to-night at the Whitman Hotel, Jamaica Winners in the second game, played recently at the hotel, were Mrs. Lena Jacobs and Dr. M. J. Lapin.

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