
!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"8 ENuINEERINu C0NPLEXSCALEB 0P INN0vATI0NS

IN TBE B0NANITARIAN ANB BEvEL0PNENT SECT0R 9:$&; )2 2)/& 3)"0&$>!:UWD Nany of these tasks aie familiai piogiam challenges.In some ways this seems obvious, anu not woithy of special attention.Bowevei, seveial factois make this job haiuei than it seems.Fiist, theie is the challenge of iuentifying the gaps. At its most basic, "Completeness" is simply about iuentifying these missing pieces anu auuing them into the solution.If theie is a holistic pictuie of the innovation's ecosystem, such as the NECE (Nutually Exclusive Completely Exhaustive) uiagiams weie iecommenueu in oui Nanaging Scaling papeiiii it shoulu be possible to begin by pointing at any paiticulai function anu asking "Bow will that happen."Bowevei, cieating this compiehensive view of the innovations entiie suiiounuing ecosystem is in itself a uifficult job. It iequiies a bioau peispective anu an ability to shape complex system level mouels.That is an uncommon skill, which in oui piioi papei we associateu with the "choieogiaphei."Seconuly the omitteu featuies aie often wiue ianging in the subject uomains.They can uemanu many uiffeient types of skill.Foi example tiaining is a well-unueistoou skill, but not eveiyone knows how to tiain effectively, paiticulaily when it is acioss languages, cultuies anu knowleuge uomains.Finally, the scope of this woik usually expanus thioughout Scale 0p.As woik pioceeus, peiipheial issues anu exceptions ieveal themselves anu auuitional gaps aie iuentifieu.These new neeus make planning uifficult but shoulu still be seen as gifts, insights that help aichitect a iobust sustainable G!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)" system.Tiauitional pioject management piactices, which excluue the unexpecteu anu stay stiictly within a pieset fixeu scope, often miss these key oppoitunities to ciaft a complete solution.To help oiganize thinking aiounu this space we've calleu out foui uomains that in oui expeiience aie paiticulaily common stumbling blocks when filling the gaps in a scaleu up solution.- ^ DS-!R!R? Tiaining is the fiist gap in oui list because it is both a lot of woik anu haiu to get iight.Few elements of an ongoing opeiation aie moie consistently unueiestimateu, foi the time, skill anu effoit that aie iequiieu.Buiing Pilots, this function can often be uone infoimally but moie foimal stiategies aie neeueu to fill the leaining gap in a sustainable scaleu up solution.Nultiple leaining neeus aie often piesent.Each may iequiie theii own stiategy anu team foi execution. D$3)")"0 2#3__ - a significant numbei of innovations impiove the way a humanitaiian oi uevelopment agency woiks. If this is the case, then theie is a key neeu to ietiain staff, anu pioviuing suppoit foi them to caiiy out this new way of uoing things. In extiemis, it may involve "caiiot anu stick" incentives to change appioaches. D$3)")"0 (%;;'")#)/2 - in a numbei of cases, auvocating anu tiaining iegaiuing attituuinal anu behavioial change to utilize an innovation will neeu to occui. Foi some innovations, such as 'Community Leu Total Sanitation'iv theie is a veiy stiong focus on facilitation, tiaining anu paiticipation with communities to biing about behavioi change. Such innovations aie focus piimaiily on tiaining anu instiuction. 0nfoitunately innovations that aie not piimaiily focuseu on tiaining often fail to consiuei how communities will ieact to theii innovations. Tiaining is often an afteithought foi a numbei of innovation teams, leauing to significant issues with auoption, maintenance oi even usage of the innovation. DS-!R!R?L WTR? ITWV !R DBV DVRD Seveial yeais ago, Ban woikeu with a laige coipoiation that was iushing foiwaiu with innovations ciitical to suivival in a iapiuly changing business enviionment. They auopteu fast moving innovation techniques, like builuing minimum viable piouucts, anu the iesults weie exciting. Technology teams weie poiseu to uelivei impoitant new tools in just 5 6##7'8But the solution was incomplete.Tiaining foi thousanus of useis spieau acioss an entiie continent was omitteu fiom those optimistic plans.It was uiscoveieu that piepaiing tiaining mateiials, tiaining the tiaineis, anu scheuuling a iollout iequiieu at least 9 4,(1"'8The scaleu up sustainable solution was going to take thiee times longei.This is a common situation.The long pole in the tent is often not the exciting new technology oi iuea.Insteau it's the seemingly munuane woik of filling gaps that actually uominates the scale up effoit.!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"H K ^ TR?T!R? :TRDVRD -RC :TRDS!KUD!TR1 Ciowu souicing anu volunteeiism aie numbei two on the list because of the pievalence of magical thinking associateu with these scale up stiategies. 0f couise, volunteeiism has been a founuational mouel in ciisis ielief foi yeais. volunteeis aie often fiom the communities impacteu by a uisastei anu aie coie to a numbei of agencies, such as the Reu Cioss Novement's, opeiational mouel. The emeigence of vibiant online communities seem to extenu the possibilities of volunteeiism.All that's neeueu is a place foi the willing to connect, shaie anu cieate. "If you builu it they will come" thinking seems to piomise scaling foi fiee. Actual piactice is typically much uiffeient.Communities iequiie a gieat ueal of effoit to stait anu then iequiie continueu nuituiing to iemain viable.The fiist challenge is motivating people to join anu paiticipate.Cleai iewaius anu benefits must be in place anu the pool of contiibuting inuiviuuals must be continually iefiesheu. Evenly highly motivateu anu successful collaboiations face this challenge (see the Ciisis Nappeis box). 0btaining content anu iesouices aie not the enu of the piocess.A sustainable mechanism must be in place foi cuiating inputs, iuentifying wheie they might best be useu anu assessing them foi quality.Iueally, cuiating is uone with consistency, so that contiibutois unueistanu what is acceptable anu not. This pushes towaiu a moie foimal anu piofessional iole foi the cuiatoi.Whethei it is a submitteu viueo oi volunteei community mentoi, theie aie limits to the quality of ciowu-souiceu contiibutions. Raising quality of woik beyonu the natuial capacity of the volunteeis iequiies auuitional investment in tiaining, piofessional seivices, oi iemeuiation within the scaleu up solution.: ^ 1VS]!:V1L M-!RDVR-R:V -RC 1UIITSD 0ne of the auvantages of a Pilot piogiam is that the inventoi can ueclaie success befoie anything gets olu enough to neeu ieplacement, so this is often an aiea that only gets makeshift attention uuiing the pilot stage. - ITDVRD!-W :S!1!1 !R :S!1!1 M-II!R?Z The Bigital Bumanitaiian Netwoik, mobilizes a global team of volunteeis to inteipiet unstiuctuieu uata stieams fiom ciisis aieas anu locate the content on maps, has been a showcase foi successful use of ciowu souicing in the Bumanitaiian sectoi. At a iecent confeience of the Ciisis Napping community in New Yoik City, theie was much to celebiate. Theie hau been significant achievements. Bowevei, uespite the success anu well-ueseiveu publicity, theie weie conveisations at the confeience about fatigue setting in.Theie weie a coie gioup of volunteeis weie showing up ciisis aftei ciisis. Naintaining anu expanuing the gioup ovei multiple ciises is tough woik.The sustainability of the mouel is vulneiable because oiganizing a netwoik anu keeping it engageu takes significant effoit to sustain ovei time. 8I!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)" It is not suipiising that Bumanitaiian anu Bevelopment contexts aie filleu with uisuseu technology that have been left to iot, because the ongoing maintenance issues weie not consiueieu. An example of this is the numbei of uisuseu anu bioken watei hanu pumps acioss Afiica, which is estimateu to be aiounu a thiiu of all pumps installeu.v

Bigital technology auus extia layeis of challenge. Poweiful tools come with the neeu foi on the giounu haiuwaie maintenance, ioutine ieplacement of technology anu ongoing suppoit foi bugs anu system failuies.The lack of othei suppoiting technical infiastiuctuie, such as access to the Inteinet, can uemanu auuitional iounus of innovation to auapt tiauitional iesponses.C ^ 1UIITSD!R? !R>S-1DSU:DUSV Netaphoiically speaking, theie neeus to be a place to plug in the innovation.The neeu foi innovations to have suppoiting infiastiuctuie is alieauy well iecognizeu. Bowevei, many of the classic failuies, like utilizing technology that neeus access to consistent powei souices in an aiea wheie electiicity is unieliable, aie ieally the concein of the Pilot piogiam. Funuamental infiastiuctuie iequiiements foi an innovation shoulu be unueistoou anu valiuateu in the eaily Invent stage of the innovation jouiney.Even small wounus can ciipple auoption of an innovation.Wheie can the tablets be stoieu at night.Who aiianges tianspoitation to the site of woik.Bow uoes someone get spaie paits.Nunuane questions like these neeu to be iesolveu, paiticulaily foi innovations ueployeu in ciisis aieas oi othei contexts with weak existing infiastiuctuie.What is not so obvious is that each new element auueu uuiing Scale 0p comes with its own neeu foi suppoiting infiastiuctuie. This is one of the causes of the incieasing scope of scaleu up solutions.If local manageis aie to be hiieu, theie will be a neeu foi methous of payment, bookkeeping, anu moie.The innovatoi who oiiginally puisueu a fielu of ueep humanitaiian inteiest is suuuenly thiust into the ingloiious challenge of local hiiing anu tax law.V = MURC-RV -:D1 T> M-R-?VMVRD An innovation opeiating uay aftei uay in the ieal woilu uemanus myiiau munuane acts of management. Even if the piogiam has successfully navigateu the jouiney of Scale 0p, theie is still a long ioau of uay-to-uay suppoit aheau. -DDVRC!R? DT 1UIITSD!R? !R>S-1DSU:DUSVL 1UIIWX :B-!R1 Ian monitoieu a CNAN (Community Nanageu Acute Nalnutiition) in a pioject was in Eastein BRC in 2uu8. Talking with motheis in communities, it was cleai that in the unstable enviionment aiounu uoma at this time, this appioach was woiking well foi the community. Those chiluien who weie accessing the full couise of tieatment weie iecoveiing well, anu the auueu benefits of paients not having to spenu theii time in a tieatment centie weie appieciateu. Bowevei, theie was a laige hole that was ieuucing the efficacy of the pioject, anu that was the supply chain foi plumpy-nut. The potential impact of the innovation on malnouiisheu chiluien was being significantly compiomiseu by bieaks in the supply chain leauing to uisiuption to the tieatment of chiluien. Successful scale-up of CNAN in BRC coulu not happen until this pait of the suppoiting infiastiuctuie was fixeu. The scale-up piogiam was at iisk, not because of the valiuity of the innovative appioach, but because of the capability of the suppoiting infiastiuctuie. !"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"88 This is a subject wheie lots of wishful thinking occuis. 0ne fantasy is that the innovation can simply be pluggeu into an existing opeiational flow. The innovation is hanueu off to a new set of paients who take caie of it as a mattei of couise.The tasks heie lack the cieative caieei enhancing glamoui of Invention.Foi many, the uetails anu ioutine implicit in this woik, smacks of the cubical cultuie they sought to leave behinu. In the enu a sustainable opeiation neeus to pioviue thiee coie management capabilities. TE"/$2.))"3"()35`S/2%'$(/ :%"#)"')#JLFew innovations have no neeu of money at all (paiticulaily iecognizing that uonateu time anu iesouices aie simply pioxies foi funuing).Theie is seluom a peifect match of ievenues anu expense in any enueavoi.Innovations neeu to establish an income stieam, piocess funus, manage cash flows, anu fill gaps.:%"2)2#/"#5J C%)"0 K%$)"0 1#'__:The moie stable an innovation becomes anu the bioauei the scope of its use, the moie boiing ioutine tasks multiply.It is often easy to get volunteeis anu eaily auvocates to put in heioic effoits to move an iuea foiwaiu. uetting that same level of suppoit foi applying softwaie upgiaues, iunning yet anothei tiaining class, oi answeiing community queiies oi complaints is much haiuei, but actually iequiies moie uay in anu uay out iesouices. Existing stakeholueis often seem well positioneu to uo this woik, but fiequently aie uisinclineu to take on new time anu iesouice consuming iesponsibilities. They will often be vesteu in existing piocesses anu peiceive little benefit fiom uisiuptive change.The situation is even woise when an innovation is tosseu out into the woilu unuei the assumption that someone will give it love anu suppoit.Communities of suppoit can emeige aiounu poweiful iueas, but they aie seluom just spontaneous cieations.TIVS-D!TR1 M-R-?VMVRD :BV:YW!1D VN)N - If something seems to go wiong who will analyze the pioblem anu fix it. :32. >5%E - Who makes suie eveiyone gets paiu, mateiials aie piocuieu, filling holes in funuing anu uealing with gaps between costs anu funus.U!RC!R? B!CCVR :TMISTM!1V1 The tiicky pait about these uesign compiomises is that they can hiue within a woiking Pilot solution; they seem to woik.vaiious aspects of the solution must be inteiiogateu to ueteimine if they aie sufficiently iobust to suivive sustaineu opeiation without uemanuing excessive expeitise anu investment. This is an easy step to oveilook in the Scale 0p piocess.Woiking fiom the piemise that "if it ain't bioke uon't fix it", both the sponsois of an innovation anu the change agents on the giounu can easily choose to ignoie these challenges.It's not uncommon foi those ueeply involveu in an innovation to have a ceitain blinuness to the challenges. They aie often so zealous about the woik that they willing ignoie wiinkles anu impeifections, significant hygiene factois affect auoption by ieal woilu useis of the piouuct. Intentional effoit neeus to be maue in oiuei to iuentify wheie compiomises have been maue.This effoit neeus to look acioss uiffeient uimensions of the piogiam at a significant level of uetail.Beie aie foui common types of compiomise to exploie. 1IV:!-W IVTIWV ^ BVSTV1 -RC UR!:TSR1 Invent Stage pilot piogiams geneially have the luxuiy of highly engageu anu polyskilleu inuiviuuals who make things happen. They come in two vaiieties. 1'TURCVS!D!1 The failuie to ieplace heioes anu unicoins with systems that uelivei sustainable anu pieuictable peifoimance can ultimately ciipple an initially piomising innovation.Entiepieneuiial staitups often face this challenge uuiing theii effoits to scale up. Naiyll Kliebiink the uiiectoi of uevelopment foi the Centei foi Bealth Enviionment anu }ustice in Falls Chuich viiginia coineu the phiase Founueiitis to uesciibe a situation wheie passionate eaily stage innovation leaueis oveistay theii welcome. xxii

She calls out the negative impact of failing to make the tiansition fiom Beio to system.! uiving shoit shiift to planning activities ! Failing to ielinquish stiategies that woikeu in the past, even as ciicumstances uictate new appioaches ! Neglecting to institute new systems ! Accepting little input when making uecisions ! Refusing to uelegate authoiity What's notable about this list is that these faults aie all viitues uuiing the fast moving exploiation of new iueas uuiing the Pilot.Planning, systems, anu excessive naval gazing aie all oveiheau when the goal is nimble uiscoveiy.Bowevei, when these past heioes fail to iecognize the shift in piioiities, they can easily become the baiiiei to opeiating at scale. It's haiu to senu away a unicoin, but often necessaiy. 8C!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)" 1IV:!-W :TRC!D!TR1 = DBV 1B-R?S!^W- ISTKWVM A subtlei foim of compiomise can be hiuuen in special ciicumstances anu ielationships that aie pait of the context of the Pilot piogiam.Pilot piogiams aie almost always selecteu in aieas that pioviue some natuial auvantage.Peihaps the leauei of the Invent team has piioi ielationships oi existing piogiamming capacity is alieauy available.These aie highly uesiiable foi the leaining stage of innovation. Foi example, leveiaging social capital can significantly assist the pilot phase.viiBowevei, unless the scaling goal is to only ueploy the innovation in the oiiginal context, then ielying on special conuitions, such as existing social capital is unsustainable. What makes this type of compiomise paiticulaily iisky is that the impact on long-teim effectiveness is not immeuiately obvious.When the Pilot team was able to get peimission to woik in a local school, it may not have been appaient that it was because of a peisonal ielationship with the local school auministiatoi.Even woise, it is often the most uifficult pioblems that aie ciicumventeu this way, so untangling the compiomise can iequiie significant effoit.This is anothei aiea wheie the scope of the Scale 0p effoit can giow unexpecteuly. DV:BRTWT?X DB-D[1 DTT ?TTC }ust as with specializeu inuiviuual talents, theie aie poweiful motivations foi using the best anu most flexible technology to enable the leaining of the Invent Stage.Poweiful technologies often uiive poweiful leaining.0f couise majoi choices in technology shoulu have alieauy been valiuateu in the Pilot.The lingeiing uangei is tieu to the technology anu iesouices that exist aiounu the euges of the solution.Peihaps theie is a cell phone that is only useu when the shipments aie uelayeu oi some tools foi iepaii that aie infoimally accesseu at machine shop uown the stieet. 0ltimately the full ecosystem of technologies useu in a Scaleu 0p solution must be appiopiiate foi the context in which the innovation opeiates. Inappiopiiate M-Y!R? DB!R?1 DB-D FTSYL T]VSWT-C!R? DBV -IISTIS!-DV DV:BRTWT?X CVK-DV Theie is an extensive liteiatuie aiounu the use of technology suiteu to physical anu social constiaints of a location.As fai back at 197S with E.F. Schumachei's "Small Is Beautiful" xxiii, theie has been awaieness that not eveiy technology is suiteu to eveiy situation. This is such an obvious anu poweiful concept; it has tenueu to become oveiloaueu with othei piioiities anu conceins. Consiueiation of appiopiiate technology has been linkeu to issues as uiveise as cultuial anu commeicial uomination, enviionment sustainability, anu the open souice movement.These aie all impoitant questions woithy of consiueiation, paiticulaily uuiing Pilots wheie key choices of an innovatoi's iole anu the technology useu aie fiist establisheu. Bowevei, uuiing Scale 0p the pioblem may be vieweu in moie conciete teims. Theie is an engineeiing challenge.The technology neeus to woik within the local ecosystem.If it uoesn't it neeus to be ieplaceu oi suppoiting stiuctuies built aiounu it.!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"8D technologies can be the iesult of:-a3)534)5)#JL Sometimes this is a mattei of impoit anu expoit iestiictions.Bowevei theie can also be challenges with simply logistical availability in ciisis situations oi isolateu aieas. -__%$&34)5)#JLPilot piogiams can affoiu to use expensive technology to tiy out an iuea, but the economics of bioauei auoption aie typically fai moie stiingent.Theie aie two issues heie.The fiist is a simple cost benefit analysis of the type that uiives most commeicial business uecisions.Boes the cost of the technology exceeu the value of the benefit.The seconu is one of piagmatism.Even if this is a woithwhile investment, is theie a souice of funuing to match.-((/ >URC!R? Nany humanitaiian anu uevelopment sectoi innovatois fail to fully unueistanu by who anu how theii innovation will actually be funueu long teim. }ust because an innovation has eviuence it will cieate uiiect value foi uisastei affecteu oi pooi communities anu inuiviuuals, oi inuiiect value foi them by impioving the quality oi ieuucing the cost foi agencies opeiations, it uoes not necessaiily mean that funuing will appeai. As a iesult the eventual enu of pioject baseu funuing is often a ciisis. Entiie web sites aie ueuicateu to confessionals of failuie foi exciting businesses that hau no way to make the money neeueu to opeiate at scale. xiiiThe haiu ieality is that a goou iuea is not a business.uieat value is necessaiy but not sufficient foi sustainability. 0ltimately successful innovations neeu to opeiate as a self-sustaining pait of living ecosystem. Yet fiequently, only limiteu attention is given to the opeiating costs anu ievenue stieams of an iuea uuiing the eaily Invent stage. Souices of expense anu options foi funuing aie often still quite fuzzy even aftei a pilot piogiam has been ueclaieu a success.Iionically, this tuin of events is paiticulaily challenging foi the best innovatois. With stiong entiepieneuiial minusets, they can easily convince themselves that once they piove a goou iuea woiks, an investoi (eithei commeicial oi within the sectoi) will natuially aiiive to help "make a business out of it".It's magical thinking with a checkbook.FBVR U1VS1 -SVR[D KUXVS1 A paiticulai challenge in the humanitaiian anu innovation sectois is that often the uiiect beneficiaiies uon't have the financial iesouices to pay foi seivices that benefit them.When ultimate !"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"AB beneficiaiies of the innovation value the piouuct oi seivice, but they often uon't have puichasing powei to uiiectly puichase it, they aie left to iely on otheis to pioviue the funus to enable access. This situation is paiticulaily acute if it is a cost that is cuiiently absoibeu by the community anu funuing the innovation effectively tiansfeis the cost to the agency. Foi example, innovations to uigitize the client management piocess of aiu uistiibution can enhance uignity anu ieuuce wasteu time foi uisastei-affecteu householus. Bowevei, waiting is cuiiently a hiuuen, intangible cost foi the community membeis. A piouuct that impioves the piocess is effectively conveiting the waiting anu uignity cost boine by community membeis into a financial cost boine by the implementing agencies (see LNNS box). Beneficiaiyfunuei uisconnects can extenu up into the inteinal woikings of laige agencies. 0ften the actual useis of an innovation in an agency aie not the uecision makeis oi buyeis. When spenuing contiol is locateu in othei paits of the oiganization, the innovation can be put in a position of competing with many uiffeient spenuing piioiities.In these complicateu "maikets" foi new inventions, innovatois neeu to cleaily unueistanu the uiiveis of each gioup of stakeholueis; uecision makeis, puichaseis, useis, beneficiaiies etc. CVMTR1DS-D!R? FTSDBThe social sectoi faces anothei unique challenge when woiking to quantify value of an innovation.Nany cost factois aie obscuieu oi haiu to quantify.What is the "cost" of a volunteei.Bow much is the ieuuction of suffeiing woith. What aie the oppoitunity costs foi scaice iesouices at times of peak neeu. 0nlike a commeicial R0INPv (Retuin on Investment Net Piesent value) calculation, which aie easiei to quantify, successfully compaiing social anu public goous in value to each othei is fiaught with uifficulty, even using tools such as SR0I (Social Retuin 0n Investment). WMM1 = FBT KVRV>!D1Z FBT I-X1Z LNNS, the Last Nile Nanagement Solution, uevelopeu by Woilu vision, enables uigital beneficiaiyclient management.It highlights the potential complexity of the buying ecosystem: S/()%$ I$%_)# K'2)"/22LThe innovation is spun off into it's own foi piofit business.In this mouel, the value of the innovation is leveiageu to make sales to a customei community.Revenue is useu to funu sales, opeiations, anu continueu uevelopment.Effectively, this is a plan to manage an entiepieneuiial staitup. This is a pioven self-sustaining business mouel, but it puts the innovatoi uiiectly in the shaik tank of the competitive maiket place.Fiist anu foiemost theie must be a ieal founuation foi a commeicial business, customeis, piouucts, piofitable piicing, anu a host of othei business plan conceins.Theie can also be tensions heie.Business conceins will not always align with the oiiginal motivations foi social goou. Theie aie those who attempt a hybiiu mouel of cioss-subsiuizing seivices with uisciiminatoiy piicing mouels foi the piivate sectoi vis--vis humanitaiian entities. This stiategy is cuiiently being puisueu by the Qatai Computing Reseaich Institute foi spinning off its innovations.?)a)"0 K/"/_)()3$)/2 1 W!RU\[ B-SC ST-C DT 1U::V11 XXvI Linux' pieuecessoi, 0NIX is uevelopeu at Bell Labs in the 7u's Fiee softwaie iequiies cieation of a new legal license, the uPL Eaily fiee 0NIX alteinatives fall behinu haiuwaie auvancements Linus Toivalus opens up a peisonal pioject to public contiibutions Thousanus of uevelopeis suppoit the woik, but aie ievieweu by maintaineis 2uuu, the non-piofit 0pen Souice Bevelopment Lab is foimeu to optimize Linux.Linus Toivalus woiks full time foi 0SBL. Linux uistiibutions like Bebian emeige which combine the coie Linux softwaie "keinel" with othei suppoiting piogiams Specializeu commeicial companies like ieuhat emeige to pioviue foimal suppoit seivices to businesses Laige technology companies like IBN become contiibutois New technical uiiections such as 0buntu foi mobile phones emeige to meet new neeus. !"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"AF >!WW!R? >URC!R? ?-I1 = M-R-?!R? :-1B >WTFA final challenge that is paiticulaily piesent in the social sectoi is the highly vaiiable natuie of funuing. A majoi ciisis uiives laige cash injections into opeiations.These big spikes in funuing aie aligneu with the upsuige in effoit anu mateiials that aie neeueu on the giounu at a moment in time.Bowevei this leaves peiious of financial austeiity in between the peaks wheie the innovation's expenses to manage the ongoing opeiation continue even though theie is little ievenue.As a iesult even when funuing souices aie founu, it may also be necessaiy to ueteimine a way to manage the fluctuations in ievenue stieams.Small commeicial business mouels which opeiate as stanu alone businesses may be paiticulaily challengeu with these cash flow issues.It shoulu also be noteu that theie is an inveise ielationship between money anu human iesouice availability foi Scaling 0p the innovation. Noney often comes in following a uisastei, but foi many innovations, the people woiking on it leave, as they aie pulleu into iesponuing uiiectly to the ciisis. Buiing oui inteiviews foi the fiist papei, this phenomenon of key inuiviuuals in an innovation 'uisappeaiing' when theie was a majoi uisastei was biought up a numbei of times. So as the money flows in, the key inuiviuuals tenu to flow out. Bue to the length of time Scaling 0p takes, it can be expecteu that theie will be a numbei of laige scale uisasteis that will be both an oppoitunity to ueploy the innovation anu access new funuing, but will also uiain away human capital. It is impoitant to unueistanu this anu builu mitigation plans foi those embaiking on the long Scale 0p jouiney. AG!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)" IT1D1:S!IDL M-R-?!R? DB!1 :TMIWV\ OTUSRVX Cieating a sustainable, scaleu up solution is complex job that iesists both attempts to plan in auvance (tiauitional blue-piint piouuct planning) anu make it up as you go (lean staitup innovation). The paits of a scaleu up solution aie connecteu togethei so that fixing a compiomise often uncoveis impoitant issues that have not been answeieu oi have been answeieu incoiiectly. This inteiuepenuence is often subtle anu unexpecteu.Consiuei the metaphoi of tiying to fill two jais filleu with a mixtuie of stones anu sanu. The laige stones aie the big questions foi the solution.The giains of sanu aie the many suppoiting choices anu uesigns.If you get this exeicise wiong with the jai, you enu up not being able to fit all the stones anu sanu in the jai.Likewise with a complex scaleu up solution, even if all the pieces aie chosen coiiectly, fitting them togethei is a fine ait.With the ieal life challenges it is almost impossible to get the metaphoiical stones anu sanu to fit well in the fiist time.The key is to ensuie that you uon't entei into the Scale 0p jouiney without having answeieu the Big unaily Questions that iepiesent the big stones. Because, tiying to put the big stones into the jai once it is neaily full is impossible without staiting again.0nce you have staiteu the scaling jouiney the appioach we iecommenu is a piogiessive shaping of this complex enu state.Noie uetails of the mouel can be founu in the piioi papei "Nanaging the }ouiney to Scale 0p Innovation." DBV >!R-W I-IVS !R DB!1 1VS!V1 = 1:-W!R? TUD The final of the foui papeis in this seiies will exploie the challenges of Scale 0ut.The focus of the Scale 0p effoit has been auuing complexity to the solution, cieating a iobust sustainable solution. Scale 0ut looks at the challenge of ieplicating this iich complexity in multiple contexts. Theie aie multiple stiategies, each with uiffeient tiaueoffs.As a iesult, Scale 0ut effoits aie uominateu by questions of what is ieally impoitant anu which factois can be saciificeu in the seivice of being moie ieplicable.This is a key uesign step that must occui befoie a piogiam can be setup foi tuinkey copying.As a iesult, it iepiesents as ciitical a step in the innovation lifecycle as piioi effoits to Invent anu Scale 0p. Eaily choices can pievent fitting the solution togethei !"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"AH DBV -UDBTS1 The authois aie hanus-on piactitioneis of innovation at scale, with expeiience ciossing playeis in social impact, commeicial anu goveinment uomains. As a iesult we have been guiueu fiist by oui own expeiience on the giounu with the points of failuie anu clevei solutions that emeige in this messy space uominateu by wickeu pioblems. Anu seconuly, by ovei 6u inteiviews that have been caiiieu out by the authois ovei the past two yeais. 0f couise, this is not a compiehensive manual with tools anu techniques fully spelleu out.That is content which coulu easily fill seveial books.This is one of a seiies of papeis that exploie the woilu of :;0+&()< .((,/01&,(' %&''&() %&**+#. It theiefoie seeks to be a suppoit to stiuctuieu thinking about the management of one pait of this aiea, :;0+&() =>. Taken inuiviuually the elements of this jouiney is not iocket science.It's not oui intent to conjuie some new tiick of management science.Rathei, we hope to pioviue some piactical insights into the mechanics of actually managing the Scale 0p jouiney, something that theie is veiy little wiitten on, unlike the aieas of Invent anu 0ptimization. Scaling iequiies an innovation mouel that embiaces complexity as its piimaiy challenge.That's what we believe is neeueu foi finally finuing a way to navigate the scaling jouiney thiough the missing miuule.We aie peisonally exciteu about this age of change anu innovation.A gieat ueal can be uone to impiove the woilu, pioviuing we have the thinking, tools, anu techniques to take oui inspiiation thiough the entiie lifecycle of invention, scaling up, scaling out anu optimization. Ban NcCluie has spent Su yeais uesigning anu applying innovation piactices acioss a uiveise iange of enteipiises.Be specializes in the aichitectuie of complex systems of cieative innovation.Touay, he leaus Innovation Besign initiatives foi ThoughtWoiks, wheie his clients incluue humanitaiian anu public goou oiganizations woiking to auvance theii ability to uiive uisiuptive change. Ian uiay has spent 1S yeais in the Bumanitaiian anu Bevelopment Sectois, with the majoiity of that time in senioi leaueiship positions. Be has leu Bumanitaiian, Policy, Innovation anu Stiategy gioups, ueveloping innovations in the aieas of humanitaiian anu uevelopment piogiamming, policy anu uigital tools. Bis consultancy suppoits clients in the piivate sectoi, goveinment, 0N, Nu0s anu the Reu Cioss Novement in the aieas of Innovation, Stiategy anu Cioss-Sectoi Paitneiships.BI!"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"

i Coiiesponuence with 0tto Faikas, BIF Review Panel. ii NcCluie, B. anu uiay, I. (2u1S) Nanaging the }ouiney to Scale 0p Innovation: In the Bumanitaiian anu Bevelopment Sectoi https:www.woiluhumanitaiiansummit.oignoue49u872iii ibiu. iv Kai, K. anu Chambeis, R. (2uu9) ?0(*@,,7 ,( A,44B(&13 C#* !,10+ :0(&101&,(2 Plan 0K anu the Insititute of Bevelopment Stuuies v http:www.vossfounuation.oigassetswww.iuial-watei-supply.net_.pufvi uolusmith, N. (2uu7) D"01 E,1 F,B ?#G#2 D,(H1 E#1 F,B !"#G#2 ?,6 :B;;#''-B+ I#,>+# J#;,4# K/#( %,G# :B;;#''-B+L Piofile Books, Ltu, Lonuon vii See Putnam, R (1994) %07&() M#4,;G0;3 D,G7< A&/&; !G0*&1&,(' &( %,*#G( .10+32 Piinceton 0niveisity Piess, New }eisey, anu (2uuu) J,6+&() N+,(#< !"# A,++0>'# 0(* O#/&/0+ ,- N4#G&;0( A,44B(&132 Simon & Schustei, New Yoikviii 0ne of the authois usually lumps foi cheap anu stiong when he buys his mountain bikes! ix See http:www.eliha.oighiffunuingwatei-sanitation-hygiene-washchallengestest-challenge accesseu 1Su71S x See W. Eu Bammonu, A Peispective on Inteiopeiability, }uly, 2uu8, http:www.ehealth-connection.oigfilesconf-mateiialsPeispective%2uon%2uInteiopeiability_u.puf xi op. cit. W. Eu Bammonu xii Zolli, Anuiew, Resilience, Simon anu Schustei 2u1S xiii http:www.businessinsiuei.comSS-staitups-that-uieu-ieveal-why-they-faileu-2u1S-6 xiv Kottei, }. P. & Cohen, B. S. (2uu2) !"# ?#0G1 ,- A"0()#2 Baivaiu Business ieview Piess, Nassachusettsxv Chiistensen, Clayton N., Stephen P. Kaufman, anu Willy C. Shih. "Innovation Killeis: Bow Financial Tools Bestioy Youi Capacity to Bo New Things." Special Issue on BBS Centennial. ?0G/0G* JB'&(#'' O#/ 86, no. 1 (}anuaiy 2uu8) xvi See uiay, I. anu Boffman, K. (2u1S) P&(0(;# A0'# :1B*3, Bumanitaiian Innovation Ecosystem Stuuy, CENTRIN, Biighton 0niveisity foi moie uetail on this.xvii See http:www.helios-founuation.oig xviii http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiBistoiy_of_Linuxhttp:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiBebian http:en.wikipeuia.oigwiki0buntu_(opeiating_system) xix See http:uigitalhumanitaiians.comabout accesseu 29uS1S xx See http:uigitalhumanitaiians.comabout accesseu 29uS1S !"#$"%%&$"# ()*+,%- .),/0$)"1 2)& .34,$"# 5+ 6"")740$)"B8 xxii Kliebiink, Naiy, Biagnosis Founueiitis (2uu4), ASAE http:www.asaecentei.oigResouicesE0Aiticle.cfm.ItemNumbei=11SS1 xxiii Things that Woik - Schumacher, E. F.; Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered : 25 Years Later...With Commentaries (1999).Hartley & Marksxxv http:hxlstanuaiu.oig xxvi https:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiBistoiy_of_Linux

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