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Instructions: Read the heading carefully before attempting the questions. Answer all questions.

Time: 30 minutes.


Sentence Completion

1. Hundreds of citizens showed up to___________ the planning commission’s master plan for regional centers, claiming that adding 800,000 additional people to the metro area by the year 2010 would cause overcrowding and gridlock.

(A) Vote on (B) protest (C) celebrate (D) view (E) stop

2. Man has no choice but to seek truth, he is made uncomfortable and frustrated without truth—thus, the quest for truth is part of what makes us ___________ .

(A) Noble (B) different (C) human (D) intelligent (E) aggressive

3. In these politically correct times, it has become ___________ to discuss certain subjects at all.

(A) Safe (B) eccentric (C) precarious (D) efficacious (E) effortless

4. While environmentalists and NGO’s have welcomed the move, there has been strong _______ from many a quarter.

(A) Opposition (B) rivalry (C) approval (D) defiance (E) acceptance

5. The condemnatory drivel of critics directed toward Steven Spielberg’s latest film attests to the fact that the pretentious critics have lost sight of the purpose of movies:_________

(A) to exalt (B) to correct (C) to mislead (D) to convert (E) to entertain

6. Although prices ___________ during the fuel shortage, the suppliers actually saw___________ in profits.

(A) Increased ------ a loss (B) stabilized ------ a boon (C) shot up ------- an expansion (D) fluctuated ----- a deprivation (E) decreased ------ a windfall


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Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by five lettered pairs of related words. Select the lettered pair of words.


(A) suspicious: reliable

(B) cautious: indecisive

(C) repentant: innocent

(D) peerless: common

(E) indigent : poor A


(A) harsh : kindly

(B) animate : weary

(C) gluttonous : disloyal

(D) rash : impetuous A

(E) blithe : gloomy


(A) hex : blessing

(B) admonition : censure A

(C) incantation : discernment

(D) theory : calculation

(E) conjecture : truth


(A) exalt : ennoble A

(B) entice : disown

(C) prattle : talk

(D) entreat : controvert

(E) debate : heckle


(A) muster : contingency

(B) certainty : apprehension

(C) cosmetics : appearance

(D) art : painting

(E) energy : nuclear fission


(A) portentous : contemptible

(B) exquisite : unrefined

(C) insulting : reputable


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(D) disconcerting : embarrassing

(E) bucolic : constrictive

SECTION B For the following problems, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.

1. GRATUITOUS: (A) voluntary (B) arduous (C) solicitous (D) righteous (E) befitting

2. FALLOW: (A) fatuous (B) productive (C) bountiful (D) pertinacious (E) opprobrious

3. METTLE: (A) ad hoc (B) perdition (C) woe (D) trepidation (E) apathy

4. SAVANT: (A) dolt (B) sage (C) attaché (D) apropos comment (E) state of confusion

5. RIFE: (A) multitudinous (B) blemished (C) sturdy (D) counterfeit (E) sparse

6. ABRIDGE: (A) distend (B) assail (C) unfetter (D) enfeeble (E) prove

7. PRODIGAL: (A) bountiful (B) dependent (C) provident (D) superfluous (E) profligate

8. REQUIEM: (A) humility (B) prerequisite (C) resolution (D) reign (E) hiatus

9. METE: (A) indict (B) convoke (C) hamper (D) disseminate (E) deviate

10. SEVERANCE: (A) continuation (B) dichotomy (C) astringency (D) disclosure (E) remonstrance

Reading comprehension


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At this stage of civilisation, when many nations are brought in to close and vital contact for good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that their gross ignorance of one another should be diminished, that they should begin to understand a little of one another's historical experience and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people of other countries to react as they do, to political and international situations. Our genuine goodwill and good intentions are often brought to nothing, because we expect other people to be like us. This would be corrected if we knew the history, not necessarily in detail but in broad outlines, of the social and political conditions which have given to each nation its present character

1.  According to the author of 'Mentality' of a nation is mainly product of itsA. history B. international positionC. politics D. present character

2.  The need for a greater understanding between nationsA. was always there B. is no longer thereC. is more today than ever before D. will always be there

3.  The character of a nation is the result of itsA. mentality B. cultural heritageC. gross ignorance D. socio-political conditions

4.  According to the author his countrymen shouldA. read the story of other nationsB. have a better understanding of other nationsC. not react to other actionsD. have vital contacts with other nations

5.  Englishmen like others to react to political situations likeA. us B. themselvesC. others D. each others


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1 B

2 C

3 C

4 A

5 E

6 A

7 E

8 D

9 B

10 A

11 E

12 D


1. E

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. E

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. B

10. A

Reading comp : ACDBB


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