Page 1: English Dramatic monologue

Character: Macduff

Scene: Before battle with Macbeth

Overview: Dramatic Monologue about Macbeth.

(Macduff stands in front of the army of men, making a speech)


Gramercy to England,

May the raging Tyrant be beaten, and stripped of virtue.

But, let us grief, for the death of our comrade that had climbed class,

Then shall we put on faces and wits of stone,

And put to death the naught and its sovereign.

May the power above have knowledge,

And watch over us.

Crowd Cheers

Exits scene

(walking towards his room, helpers hurrying along side him putting on his armor)


Bother not with me,

Get the men ready for battlement,

And leave thy be, for making ready mental state,

Fleeting is time, even so betimely offer a prayer.


Aye, my lord

Exits scene through room door

(Stride into room, collapse in a chair [next to a table] and rub forehead)


(Sigh) Macbeth, thee a supposed kinsmen.

Thy been a geck.

Not till now, has my deceived vision not seen,

The sightless vicious side of you.

Present, does actions speak, Translated,

Manifests are you savage and shrewd.

Page 2: English Dramatic monologue

I reminisce, formerly,

Through all tranquil. Before thee came to fame.

Duncan reigned land.

The birth of thou favor, held none suspect.

As I too, held none suspect.

Nary a soul, enough great courage to challenge thou.

But thy is destined break the barrier.

Many mourn quietly for the moral comrade, once known.

(Bang fist against table)

Despite that, thy anger is waxing,

To what do I owe the wrongdoing,

To deserve the death of own flesh and blood

Had thee shared implicit common knowledge,

To which had give rise to death?

Had thy relations displease you?

Even so, furnish my unsettled mind with honesty.

And clear the hesitant angst,

All which reside, an angry tenant in my mind.

If thy pay no heed to thee presently-day

Shall life be doubt free, I not know yet yearn for.

For now, the dream be a weed in a tended garden.

-Using modern day language

Character: Macduff

Scene: Before battle with Macbeth

Overview: Dramatic Monologue about Macbeth

(Macduff stands in front of the army of men, making a speech)

Page 3: English Dramatic monologue

Many thanks to the king of England! Let us stand before Macbeth and strip him of his pride. But, before that,

let us grief of the death of our faithful comrade that has been thrown away during Macbeth’s claim to fame.

And THEN shall we man-up and put an end of the dark age of Macbeth’s rule!

Crowd Cheers and Roars

Exit scene

(Walking towards his room, helpers hurrying alongside him putting on his armor)

Macduff: Go get the men ready for battle; I shall be in my room, praying. Now go.

Helpers: right away, my lord

Exits scene through room door

(Maduff alone in his bedroom, sits down on a chair, rests his elbow on the table and massages his forhead)


Macbeth… Macbeth… Macbeth

You were supposedly my brother; I’ve been a fool to fall for your trick. Actions speak louder than words. Now

that you have shown your cruel true self, my suspicion is rising. When your become favored, neither did

anybody suspected anything nor did anyone rebel against you. But now I can see that our paths are destined

to meet, and killing is unavoidable.

I remember the times before you came to fame, when Duncan ruled the lands as far as the eye can see. When

times were peaceful, and killing was either to gain new land or to place the people in order.

Many still hope that there still is the Macbeth, that we’ve known, deep down inside you. The courageous

Macbeth that soldiers fought with on the battlefield, and the faithful Macbeth that held a banquet to honor his

king. What triggered the switch in you? What has made you a stranger to me?

(Bangs fist on table)

Oh- Macbeth,

What crimes have I committed to result my family being killed?

My only hope to carry on my bloodline, cut off.

I’ve racked my brain, ten of thousands times, and cannot find a reason.

Clear my already-muddled mind, and set me straight.

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