


La afirmativa se forma con will + la raz del verbo. Ejemplo:

The council will install TV cameras.(El ayuntamiento instalar cmaras de televisin)

Para construir la interrogativa se coloca will delante del sujeto y a continuacin la raz del

verbo. Ejemplo.Will you accept this idea? (Aceptars esta idea?)

Para construir la negativa se coloca not detrs de will, y la contraccin de estas dos palabras es won't. Ejemplo:

Freedom will not (won't) be threatened. (La libertad no se ver amenazada).Usos del futuro simple

a. Para expresar hechos futuros.The members of Parliament will hold a special meeting on Monday.(Los diputados celebrarn una sesin extraordinaria el lunes.)b. Para hacer predicciones sobre lo que creemos que ocurrir en el futuro.

Some people will support the authorities' decision. Others will not accept it.(Algunas personas apoyarn la decisin de las autoridades. Otras no.)

c. Para decisiones que se toman espontneamente, sin planificacin anterior.

I am getting tired. I'll take a taxi. (Me estoy cansando, (as que) coger un taxi.)

EXERCISE: Make predictions for the future with the future simple and the verb in brackets.

In the future, people ..................... (live) in underwater cities.

Spain ........................ (win) the Eurovison Song Contest next year.

Within 10 years, scientists ............................ (discover) a cure for AIDS.

England ....................... (win) the next football World Cup.

EXERCISE: Match sentences from I and II. Then fill in the blanks with the correct Future Simple form of the verbs from the list.

Be have help like phone


1. I don't understand the homework...a Ok. I ..................... you later.

2. The maths test is tomorrow...b I think I .................... a pizza.

3. Remember to tell me what's happening...c It's easy. I .................. you with it.

4. Did you buy a present for Mike?..d I hope it ....................... too hard!

5. What are you going to order?..e Yes, but I'm afraid he .................. it.


La afirmativa se forma con el presente del verbo to be + going to + la raz del verbo. Ejemplo:

He is going to come. (l va a venir)

La forma interrogativa se construye poniendo el verbo to be delante del sujeto, y a continuacin going to y la raz del verbo. Ejemplo:

Are you going to complain about the cameras?(Vas a quejarte de las cmaras?)

La forma negativa se construye colocando not despus del verbo to be. Ejemplos:

She is not going to do that. (Ella no va a hacer eso.)

Usos de be going to.

a. Para expresar planes e intenciones. Se traduce por pensar, tener la intencin, ir a. Ejemplo:

Local authorities are going to install cameras in public places.(Las autoridades locales van a instalar cmaras en lugares pblicos.)

b. Para expresar la certeza de que algo va a ocurrir inmediatamente (tenemos evidencias o pruebas de que va a ocurrir). Ejemplo:

People are going to complain. They are not going to accept this intrusion.(La gente se va a quejar. No va a aceptar esta intrusin.)

c. En negativa se suele usar para rechazar o para negarse a hacer algo. Ejemplo:

I am not going to vote for these people again.(No voy a votar ms a esta gente.)

EXERCISE: Translate these sentences using be going to.

La chica va a comprarse un helado......................................................................................

El trabajador se va a caer......................................................................................

Est nublado. Va a llover......................................................................................

Vas demasiado rpido, vas a estrellar el coche!.....................................................................................

El hombre va a llamar por telfono......................................................................................

EXERCISE: Look at Brad and Jane's diary for next week. Write sentences saying what they are going to do.

Brad's diary.Jane's diary.

Monday 2.00 take Jane to lunchMonday lunch with Brad 2.00

TuesdayTuesday tennis with Michelle

Wednesday dentist 7.00Wednesday

Thursday Thursday

Friday cinema with JaneFriday cinema with Brad.


Sunday visit aunt BettySunday go to beach

1. Brad and Jane are going to have lunch at 2.00 on Monday.

2. .............................................................................................................

3. .............................................................................................................

4. .............................................................................................................

5. .............................................................................................................

6. .............................................................................................................


Es la forma que tenemos de expresar acciones que van a ocurrir con toda seguridad en un futuro prximo porque ya se han programado de antemano.

Es imprescindible el uso de adverbios que indiquen que la accin es futura: tomorrow (maana), next week (la semana que viene), in a minute (dentro de un minuto), in a couple of days (dentro de un par de das).

Ejemplo: We are acting next week. (Actuamos la prxima semana)

EXERCISE: Complete the dialogues with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1A: What time ............................. (you / go) out?B: I ......................... (leave) at exactly 3 o'clock.

2A: Where ........................... (Fred / spend) his holiday this year?B: He ...................... (go) to Paris.

3A: What ................... (we / have ) for supper tonight?B: We .................... (have) fish and chips.

EXERCISE: Match each question or sentence in I with a suitable reply in II.


1 What a beautiful shirt.2 How's your sister?3 Don't phone Dave this evening.4 Meet me at 3.00.5 When are you coming?....a. He's going to the cinema.....b. We'll be arriving at 4.00 on Sunday.....c. I think I'll buy it.....d. Great! She is going to have a baby in June.....e. I will have finished my homework by then.

EXERCISE: Will or be going to?

1 Nobody in Jane's team can play basketball. They .................................... the match.will lose || are going to lose2 - I'm thirsty.- I ........................................ you something to drink.'ll give || 'm going to give3 He's driving too fast. He ......................................... an accident. 'll have || 's going to have4 In the future, people ............................. in ecological homes. will live || are going to live5 Don't worry, mum, I promise I ......................................... good care of the plants.will take || am going to take6 I have bought a guitar and I ............................................ to play it.will learn || am going to learn7 -Why are you putting on your coat?-I ............................................ will go out || am going to go out8 -Look! That car has had an accident.-Oh, no. I..................................... an ambulance 'll call || 'm going to call9 -Did you invite Ann to the party?-Oh, no. I ............................................... her now.will telephone || am going to telephone10 When we are old, life ..................................... easier.will be || is going to be

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