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    I had a dream once;00:03:00.14\00:03:02.19I dreamt that Rio de Janeirohadn't been occupied.00:03:02.19\00:03:06.04

    That the to n had !ro nnearer to the mountain"#00:03:06.04\00:03:0$.22!oin! in%and.00:03:0$.22\00:03:10.22&nd then# I ent to the indoand I "a the "ame panorama00:03:11.2 \00:03:16.21that (abra% had"een hen he arri)ed here.00:03:16.21\00:03:19.11

    That *anta"tic nature#a%% o* it# the bird"#00:03:19.11\00:03:22.14the anima%".00:03:22.14\00:03:24.0+&nd the cit, %oo-in!at e)er,thin! *rom *ar a a,.00:03:24.0+\00:03:2 .20It ou%d be %i-e a paradi"e-ept throu!hout the time".00:03:2 .20\00:03:31.03

    That i" the rea"on h, onceartre "aid00:03:32.01\00:03:3+.0$that perhap" the or%d ou%dha)e been better ithout men.00:03:3+.0$\00:03:3$.29/I I & R &T &IR00:03:49.0+\00:03:+6.1+I en5o,ed dra in!.00:04:20.20\00:04:22.24I rememberthat hen I a" a chi%d#00:04:22.24\00:04:24.2$I u"ed to dra ith m, *in!eron the air00:04:24.2$\00:04:2 .22and m, mother u"ed to a"-:' hat are ,ou doin!'700:04:2 .22\00:04:30.0

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    I an" ered: I'm dra in!.00:04:30.0 \00:04:32.08ra in! ha" %edme into architecture.00:04:32.0 \00:04:36.04

    & )er, important momentin architecture00:0+:0 .13\00:0+:09.2+i" hena idea come" to mind.00:0+:09.2+\00:0+:12.10

    or e amp%e#I or- in a )er, pecu%iar a,.00:0+:12.10\00:0+:16.21

    hene)er I ha)e an idea#I "tart to "tud, a prob%em#

    00:0+:16.21\00:0+:19.22*ir"t I chec- hat the %oca%condition" are#00:0+:19.22\00:0+:23.11the economica% po""ibi%itie".00:0+:23.11\00:0+:26.04Then# I be!in dra in!.00:0+:26.04\00:0+:29.13

    hen I !et to an idea#to a "o%ution that p%ea"e" me#00:0+:29.13\00:0+:33.0$I rite an e p%anator, te t.00:0+:33.0$\00:0+:3 .16I* I don't *ind !ood ar!ument"in that te t#00:0+:3 .16\00:0+:40.16I !o bac- to m, tab%e.00:0+:40.16\00:0+:43.00

    nce# in ra"i%ia#the &%)orada "tructure00:0+:+4.26\00:0+:+$.29had been conc%uded and e entto "ee it %ate at ni!ht.00:0+:+$.29\00:06:03.12&nd hen e arri)edthere e ere o)er he%med#00:06:03.12\00:06:06.20becau"e o* hobeauti*u% it a".00:06:06.20\00:06:09.29

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    It %oo-ed %i-e a "cu%pture#"omethin! ith no other00:06:09.29\00:06:12.12purpo"e than beaut, it"e%*.00:06:12.12\00:06:14.0

    I to%d them: Ta-e a %oo-#becau"e that i" the moment00:06:14.0 \00:06:16.1 hen architecture i" born.00:06:16.1 \00:06:1$.04It'" the ne # di**erent *orm# hich i" "uppo"ed00:06:1$.04\00:06:20.12to be a "urpri"e#that'" architecture.00:06:20.12\00:06:24.2

    To u"# *reedomi" the mo"t important thin!.00:06:30.2$\00:06:3+.04There mu"t be ima!ination;00:06:3+.29\00:06:3 .14there mu"tbe a di**erent "o%ution.00:06:3 .14\00:06:39.14That i" hat i" important hen it come" to architecture.00:06:39.14\00:06:41.19

    hat i%% "ta, *ore)ero* architecture#00:06:41.19\00:06:43.26 hat ha" %i)ed on# i" not the)er, e%% prepared "ma%% hou"e"00:06:43.26\00:06:4 .06

    hat ha" %i)edon are the cathedra%"#00:06:4 .06\00:06:49.11the dome"#the !reat ba%ance"# i"n't it700:06:49.11\00:06:+1.2

    up1+< eaut, i" important00:06:+6.29\00:06:+$.1$Ta-e the p,ramid"#*or e amp%e.00:06:+$.1$\00:0 :00.16

    omethin!that ha" no "en"e at a%%#

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    00:0 :00.16\00:0 :02.2+but the, are "o beauti*u%#00:0 :02.2+\00:0 :04.21"o monumenta%# that one *or!et"the rea"on *or the p,ramid"

    00:0 :04.21\00:0 :0$.03and i" o)er he%med b, them.00:0 :0$.03\00:0 :10.0+I* ,ou are on%, orriedabout it" *unction#00:0 :12.10\00:0 :1+.0$the re"u%t "uc-".00:0 :1+.0$\00:0 :16.23It'" )er, u"ua% to "ee )er,co%or*u% chi%dren'" dra in!".00:0 :23.01\00:0 :26.0

    o beauti*u%the, cou%d be pane%".00:0 :26.0 \00:0 :2$.06

    ecau"e the, are creati)e#"pontaneou".00:0 :2$.06\00:0 :30.20/ater# once the chi%d %earn" hoto dra # it can't do them an,more.00:0 :30.20\00:0 :33.04I be%ie)e the architectmu"t -no ho to dra #00:0 :3 .0 \00:0 :39.1+to or- ith *i!urati)e dra in!#00:0 :39.1+\00:0 :41.21to %oo"enthe hand in order to or-.00:0 :41.21\00:0 :44.23

    hene)er I am in)ited to doa pub%ic bui%din! pro5ect#00:0 :46.01\00:0 :4$.19*or e amp%e# %i-e the one"I ha)e 5u"t done# in ra"i%ia#00:0 :4$.19\00:0 :+0.2+I tr, to do "omethin! nice#di**erent#00:0 :+0.2+\00:0 :+3.02"omethin!that create" "urpri"e.00:0 :+3.02\00:0 :+4.2+

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    ecau"e I -no thatthe poor peop%e00:0 :+4.2+\00:0 :+6.1+ on't bene*itan,thin! *rom that.

    00:0 :+6.1+\00:0 :+$.0$ut the, are ab%e to "topand ha)e a moment00:0 :+$.0$\00:0$:00.1+o* p%ea"ure# o* "urpri"e# hen the, "ee "omethin! ne .00:0$:00.1+\00:0$:03.26&nd that i" the a,architecture can be u"e*u%.00:0$:03.26\00:0$:06.23

    ther i"e# on%, hen there

    i" a human# "ocia% pro!ram#00:0$:06.23\00:0$:09.2$ i%% architecture*u%*i%% it" de"tin,.00:0$:09.2$\00:0$:13.00

    or no # on%, tho"e ho ha)emone, bene*it *rom architecture.00:0$:13.00\00:0$:16.03The other" are *uc-edup in the "%um".00:0$:16.03\00:0$:19.13

    ere# ta-e a %oo-...that'" m, motto.00:0$:21.12\00:0$:2+.10

    a)e ,ou "eenthe %itt%e man up there700:0$:2+.10\00:0$:2$.06That red thin!...00:0$:2$.06\00:0$:30.1$

    The *uc-ed up ha)e no ri!ht" #that'" hat i" ritten there.00:0$:30.1$\00:0$:3+.09I u"ed to %i)e in /aran5eira"#in =a""o" >anoe% treet.00:0$:3$.20\00:0$:41.2+It a" a ?uiet chi%dhood.I ent to a catho%ic "choo%.00:0$:41.2+\00:0$:4 .00&*ter ard"# there a" a timeo* %ot" o* euphoria#

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    00:0$:4 .00\00:0$:49.21,outh# bohemia# "occer...00:0$:49.21\00:0$:+2.2It a" a" i* e had cometo %i*e on%, to ha)e *un#

    00:0$:+2.2 \00:0$:++.24to a%- around.00:0$:++.24\00:0$:+ .1+/ater# I !ot married anda%on! came the commitment".00:0$:+ .1+\00:09:00.1$>, %i*e ha" nothin! "pecia%.00:09:00.1$\00:09:03.11It'" 5u"t a meanin!%e"" humanbein! !oin! throu!h %i*e#00:09:03.11\00:09:0 .14

    that i" nothin! but a breatho* air# i"n't it700:09:0 .14\00:09:10.1I come *rom a catho%ic *ami%,and m, !rand*ather#00:09:13.01\00:09:1+.26 ho a"a ma!i"trateo* the upreme (ourt#00:09:1+.26\00:09:1 .1had the pri)i%e!e o* attendin!ma"" at home.00:09:1 .1 \00:09:20.00That a" hi" on%, pri)i%e!e#him bein! an hone"t man.00:09:20.00\00:09:21.22

    e a" a upreme (ourt 5ud!e *or a %on! time00:09:21.22\00:09:23.11and that hadan in*%uence o)er me.00:09:23.11\00:09:2+.20

    hen he died# the on%, thin!00:09:26.2 \00:09:2$.20that he %e*t a"the hou"e e %i)ed in.00:09:2$.20\00:09:30.2$The *ir"t hou"e I pro5ected#I a" "ti%% a "tudent.00:09:31.26\00:09:36.0It a" *or a doctor

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    that a" a re%ati)e o* mine#00:09:36.0 \00:09:3$.21I did it *or *ree.00:09:3$.21\00:09:41.01The !u, %au!hed a %ot.

    00:09:41.01\00:09:43.02e thou!ht the hou"e a" %udicrou".00:09:43.02\00:09:46.03It a" a modern hou"e#)er, [email protected]:09:46.03\00:09:4$.12

    ometime"# ,ou ha)e to tr, andp%ea"e a per"on00:09:4$.12\00:09:+0.1that cannot be p%ea"ed.

    00:09:+0.1 \00:09:+2.19The bra do erAo a" m, *ir"t pro5ect.00:09:+6.09\00:09:+$.2& director o* bra do erAo a" a re%ati)e o* mine#00:09:+$.2 \00:10:02.0I had 5u"t *ini"hed "choo%#and "he a"-ed me the pro5ect.00:10:02.0 \00:10:0+.00I remember that that pro5ectmade a di**erence00:10:0+.00\00:10:0 .26in m, po"ition in architecture.00:10:0 .26\00:10:10.04I created a protection ith bri"eB"o%ei%#00:10:10.04\00:10:13.0$ ith "ome bo e" ho"e)ertica%" here inc%ined.00:10:13.0$\00:10:16.1Then# I ent to uropeand hen I came bac-00:10:16.1 \00:10:1$.11the bui%din! a" *ini"hed#00:10:1$.11\00:10:19.22but the, thou!htit had been a mi"ta-e#00:10:19.22\00:10:21.06that the *aAade

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    "hou%d be norma%.00:10:21.06\00:10:23.1&nd the "unentered the bui%din!.00:10:23.1 \00:10:26.00

    I rememberthat I did the pro5ect00:10:26.00\00:10:2$.00*or *reeand I ended up pa,in!00:10:2$.00\00:10:29.1+*or the ne *aAade# ith tho"e )ertica% e%ement".00:10:29.1+\00:10:32.1$It i" o* no importance#00:10:32.1$\00:10:34.09

    but it "ho " thatI a" an idea%i"t#00:10:34.09\00:10:36.0$that I anted to createarchitecture#00:10:36.0$\00:10:3$.00that I *e%t re"pon"ib%e00:10:3$.00\00:10:39.20*or hat I did re!ardin!the ra@i%ian architecture.00:10:39.20\00:10:44.2

    up1+< The cit, o* Rio de Janeiro#the capita% o* ra@i%.00:10:4$.1+\00:10:+1.1+

    ounded in 1+6+#ne t to the u!ar /oa*00:10:+1.1+\00:10:++.01it !re at the "horeo* the Cuanabara a,.00:10:++.01\00:10:+ .24Do ada,"# it ha" a popu%ationo* t o mi%%ion peop%e00:10:+ .24\00:11:00.16and it ha"a%% the characteri"tic"00:11:00.16\00:11:02.03o* a modern cit,.00:11:02.03\00:11:04.04

    here there u"ed to be thehi"torica% (a"te%o i%%#

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    00:11:04.04\00:11:06.24"tartin! point o* the cit,#demo%i"hed t ent, ,ear" a!o#00:11:06.24\00:11:10.00no ada," there i" the ne

    do nto n o* Rio de Janeiro#00:11:10.00\00:11:13.01the "p%anada do (a"te%o#00:11:13.01\00:11:14.21 ith modern "treet"and ne con"truction".00:11:14.21\00:11:1 .1$I %earned throu!h %i*e#00:11:1$.22\00:11:20.0+I %earnedat the /ucio (o"ta'" "tudio...

    00:11:20.0+\00:11:22.09ac- then# hen e ere "tud,in!#00:11:22.09\00:11:26.12e)er,bod, anted to or-in a con"truction *irm.00:11:26.12\00:11:30.1+

    ut# e)en thou!hI a" unemp%o,ed# married00:11:31.26\00:11:34.2$and a" "hort o* mone,#00:11:34.2$\00:11:3 .23I cho"e to or- ith /ucio *or *ree.00:11:3 .23\00:11:40.2I cho"e that becau"e I antedto create !ood architecture.00:11:40.2 \00:11:43.1&nd I %earned it there.00:11:43.1 \00:11:46.01I ou%dn'tadmit doin! an,thin!00:11:49.02\00:11:+0.2


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    00:11:+6.20\00:11:+$.23ecau"e c%ient"

    00:11:+$.23\00:12:00.22came to me becau"ethe, anted hou"e"

    00:12:00.22\00:12:02.19in "peci*ic "t,%e":renai""ance#00:12:02.19\00:12:04.1+

    n!%i"h "t,%e# rench "t,%e#tho"e ere m, *ormer c%ient".00:12:04.1+\00:12:0 .2+

    nce# a %ad, e)en to%d me:00:12:0 .2+\00:12:11.12

    I hired ,outo create a carria!e

    00:12:11.12\00:12:13.24and ,ou are tr,in!to "e%% me an automobi%e .00:12:13.24\00:12:16.20I remember that once# hen he on the conte"t00:12:26.0 \00:12:29.21*or the ra@i% =a)i%ionin De Eor-#00:12:29.21\00:12:31.14he %i-ed m, pro5ect.00:12:31.14\00:12:33.06

    e then in)ited meto !o a%on!.00:12:33.06\00:12:34.2&nd there e ent.00:12:34.2 \00:12:36.0I "pent more than a ,earo)er there# e did the pro5ect.00:12:36.0 \00:12:39.1

    ac- then# there ere t odi**erent trend"00:12:4+.21\00:12:49.01in ra@i%ian architecture:00:12:49.01\00:12:+0.19one trend a"to ma-e a modern architecture#00:12:+0.19\00:12:+3.13u"in! a%%the techni?ue" a)ai%ab%e#

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    00:12:+3.13\00:12:++.01 ithout an, re"traint".00:12:++.01\00:12:+ .16The other one tried to *indan inBbet een "o%ution.

    00:12:+ .16\00:13:00.14It didn't ma-e an, "en"e.00:13:00.14\00:13:02.09The, intendedto ma-e a bui%din!00:13:02.09\00:13:04.01and thenput a "ma%% co%onia% indo00:13:04.01\00:13:0 .2$a" decoration#"tu** %i-e that.

    00:13:0 .2$\00:13:10.03&n inBbet een architecture.00:13:10.03\00:13:12.23Ci%berto re,re#00:13:1+.14\00:13:16.21 ho didn't -noan,thin! about architecture#00:13:16.21\00:13:1$.20"ometime" ou%d "a,"omethin! about it00:13:1$.20\00:13:20.13a more

    ra@i%ian architecture.00:13:20.13\00:13:22.01That a" comp%ete rubbi"h.00:13:22.01\00:13:23.2

    hen the, "tarted ta%-in! aboutthe *ir"t uro =reto hote%#00:13:2+.0+\00:13:2$.0+a "tud, a" made and itre"emb%ed the o%d architecture#00:13:2$.0+\00:13:32.12the "ame indo "# modern#but ith o%d in*%uence".00:13:32.12\00:13:3+.2+&nd then the, decidedthat a" not the ca"e#00:13:3+.2+\00:13:39.20that it "hou%d be "omethin!to dra a contra"t.

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    00:13:39.20\00:13:43.00&nd that i" hat I did.I pro5ected the hote% u"in!00:13:43.00\00:13:4+.02modern e%ement"# nothin! e%"e.

    00:13:4+.02\00:13:4$.19The techni?ue to protectthe monument"00:13:+4.2 \00:13:+ .0+i" not to cop, them#but to dra a contra"t.00:13:+ .0+\00:14:00.16

    )er,bod, %i-e"co%onia% architecture.00:14:06.0+\00:14:09.00

    ut e -no per*ect%,

    e%% that it i" much more00:14:09.00\00:14:11.10=ortu!ue"e than ra@i%ian.00:14:11.10\00:14:13.13

    hen I !o to uropeand )i"it an o%d to n#00:14:13.13\00:14:16.06I *ee% better.00:14:16.06\00:14:1$.00

    hen e are in =ortu!a%#in tho"e o%d )i%%a!e"#00:14:1$.00\00:14:20.14it "eem" %i-e e arein ra@i%# i"n't it700:14:20.14\00:14:23.04I remember that in urope#"ometime" the, "aid:00:14:23.04\00:14:26.1

    Eour architectura% pa"ti" )er, poor#00:14:26.1 \00:14:30.03more =ortu!ue"ethan ra@i%ian .00:14:30.03\00:14:32.24&nd I an" ered:

    That'" )er, !ood *or u"#00:14:32.24\00:14:3+.03becau"e hi%e ,ou %i)e amon!monument"#00:14:3+.03\00:14:3$.11

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    e are *ree to createtoda, tomorro '" pa"t7.00:14:3$.11\00:14:41.23The Dationa% ducationa%>o)ie In"titute#

    00:14:41.29\00:14:44.23documentin! the %a,in!o* the *oundation "tone00:14:44.23\00:14:4$.13o* the *uture bui%din!o* the ducation00:14:4$.13\00:14:+1.00and ea%th >ini"tr,.00:14:+1.00\00:14:+2.16The e)ent i" promi"in!.00:14:+2.16\00:14:++.14

    ir"t o* a%%#becau"e there i" !oin! to be00:14:++.14\00:14:+$.1in thi" beauti*u% cit,a !reat architectura% monument#00:14:+$.1 \00:1+:02.24 ho"e pro5ectha" been con"cientiou"%,#00:1+:02.24\00:1+:0+.26per"i"tent%,and thorou!h%, "tudied.00:1+:0+.26\00:1+:09.12

    ecau"e# ith the con"tructiono* thi" bui%din!#00:1+:09.12\00:1+:13.10 e i%% ta-e the *ina% "tep00:1+:13.10\00:1+:1+.10in an e**ortthat ha" been !oin!00:1+:1+.10\00:1+:1 .2on *or a %on! time#the e**ort to or!ani@e00:1+:1 .2 \00:1+:20.1+the mini"tr, that i" in char!eo* the "o%ution00:1+:20.1+\00:1+:23.03o* man, di**icu%tprob%em" o* ra@i%.00:1+:23.03\00:1+:2+.19The time o* (apanema

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    a" "omethin! %i-e00:1+:2+.19\00:1+:2 .29the >odern &rt ee-o* Fo =au%o.00:1+:2 .29\00:1+:30.1$

    e too- careo* our hi"torica% herita!e.00:1+:30.1$\00:1+:33.06

    e in)ited Rodri!o# ho a" a onder*u% per"on;00:1+:33.06\00:1+:36.0$he "pent hi" %i*e ta-in! careo* our arti"tic herita!e#00:1+:36.0$\00:1+:39.22o* >ina"and o* a%% tho"e "tate".

    00:1+:39.22\00:1+:42.0&nd he too- careo* the cu%ture;00:1+:42.0 \00:1+:43.23he created the

    >ini"tr, o* ducation .00:1+:43.23\00:1+:4+.14It i" a timeo* ,oun! mini"ter"00:1+:4+.14\00:1+:4 .03and o* bri%%iant chie*"o* "ta**.00:1+:4 .03\00:1+:4$.23

    e ha)e Rodri!oin the education department#00:1+:4$.23\00:1+:+1.23than he i" "ub"titutedb, (apanema#00:1+:+1.23\00:1+:+3.0 ho chan!e" the chie*o* "ta**.00:1+:+3.0 \00:1+:+4.23Rodri!o i" out and (ar%o"8rummond de &ndrade i" in.00:1+:+4.23\00:1+:+6.19It i" a pri)i%e!ed time.00:1+:+6.19\00:1+:+$.0

    e i%% ne)er meet chie*"o* "ta** %i-e tho"e.00:1+:+$.0 \00:16:01.09

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    The mini"trie" -ne hoto rite and the chie*"00:16:01.09\00:16:03.01o* "ta** ere re)o%utionar,.00:16:03.01\00:16:0+.11

    >ini"tr, o* ducation andea%th Rio de Janeiro 1936.00:16:10.0$\00:16:1+.06

    "car Dieme,er# &*on"o Reid,#Jor!e >oreira#00:16:1$.23\00:16:21.2(ar%o" /eFo# /ucio (o"ta00:16:21.2 \00:16:23.2and rnani Ga"conce%%o" pro5ect#ori!ina% idea *rom /e (orbu"ier00:16:23.2 \00:16:26.23

    /e (orbu"ier pro5ect*or the >ini"tr, o* ducation00:16:29.12\00:16:32.01 a" )er, important.00:16:32.01\00:16:33.20

    e "ho ed the peop%eand the ru%er"00:16:33.20\00:16:36.20 hat contemporar,architecture a".00:16:36.20\00:16:39.06The rea"on that e p%ained h, the pi%e"#00:16:39.06\00:16:41.16the bri"eB"o%ei%# and the !%a""*aAade ere nece""ar,.00:16:41.16\00:16:44.1The pro5ect *or the >ini"tr,#00:16:4+.23\00:16:4 .0mo"t probab%,(ar%o" 8rummond de &ndrade00:16:4 .0 \00:16:49.2con)inced (apanema to in)ite/ucio (o"ta to do the pro5ect.00:16:49.2 \00:16:+3.01&nd hat doe" /ucio (o"ta do.00:16:+3.01\00:16:+4.09

    e in)ite"other modern competitor".00:16:+4.09\00:16:+ .12

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    Done o* them -ne e act%,ho to do that >ini"tr,00:16:+ .12\00:16:+9.19in a rea% modern a,.00:16:+9.19\00:1 :01.0$

    &%% o* them ere con)incedo* modernit,#00:1 :01.0$\00:1 :03.12but the, didn't mana!eit" %an!ua!e.00:1 :03.12\00:1 :0+.0&nd /ucio in"i"t"on the comin! o* /e (orbu"ier.00:1 :10.20\00:1 :14.2

    e a" here *or *i*teenor t ent, da,"#

    00:1 :1$.21\00:1 :20.21no more than that.It'" )er, %itt%e time.00:1 :20.21\00:1 :22.148urin! that time#not e)en (hri"t in an,00:1 :22.14\00:1 :24.14o* the Jeru"a%em pro)ince"did "o man, mirac%e"#00:1 :24.14\00:1 :26.2becau"e he chan!edthe ra@i%ian architecture#00:1 :26.2 \00:1 :2$.23he created the mo"t importantbui%din! o* the or%d#00:1 :2$.23\00:1 :30.1$and "car became a !eniu"# hich he a" not be*ore#00:1 :30.1$\00:1 :33.00"o much "o that /uciodidn't -no it.00:1 :33.00\00:1 :34.14(orbu"ier arri)ed ith that

    bo"" attitude #00:1 :34.14\00:1 :3 .0he "a the pro5ect/ucio had done00:1 :3 .0 \00:1 :40.03and decided to do a ne one.00:1 :40.03\00:1 :42.03

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    e pre"ented a "o%ution#/ucio accepted it.00:1 :42.03\00:1 :4+.26

    n that occa"ion# /uciomade me or- ith him#

    00:1 :4+.26\00:1 :4$.2$to he%p him ith the dra in!".00:1 :4$.2$\00:1 :+1.04(orbu"ier chan!ed the pro5ect#and did it %o and %on!#00:1 :+4.1+\00:1 :+$.14 ith the mini"ter'" o**ice*acin! the u!ar /oa*.00:1 :+$.14\00:1$:01.1That a" not po""ib%e#becau"e (apanema a"

    00:1$:01.1 \00:1$:03.29in "uch a hurr, that he a"-ed00:1$:03.29\00:1$:0+.10(orbu"ier to chan!e the pro5ect#becau"e the *ir"t one00:1$:0+.10\00:1$:0 .14 a" to be done on ma,ora%t,'"%and and the other piece00:1$:0 .14\00:1$:09.1$o* %and be%on!edto the >ini"tr,.00:1$:09.1$\00:1$:11.10The da, be*ore *%,in! a a,#/e (orbu"ier did a "-etch00:1$:11.10\00:1$:14.1$*or the bui%din! onit" no ada," %ocation.00:1$:14.1$\00:1$:16.2$

    e did it un i%%in!%,and rote a %etter "a,in! that00:1$:16.2$\00:1$:1$.23it a" not a !ood ideaand that the pro5ect a"00:1$:1$.23\00:1$:20.1$!oin! to be dama!ed.&nd then he !oe" a a,.00:1$:20.1$\00:1$:22.26The team coordinatedb, /ucio or-"00:1$:22.26\00:1$:26.1$

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    *or a ,ear and a ha%* andthen the paper "tor, happen".00:1$:26.1$\00:1$:30.24I thou!htthe *ir"t one a" better.

    00:1$:30.24\00:1$:33.13&nd one da,#I don't -no h,#00:1$:33.13\00:1$:34.2$I made an out%ine u"in!the *ir"t (orbu"ier pro5ect.00:1$:34.2$\00:1$:39.03I chan!ed the bui%din! directionon the piece o* %and#00:1$:39.03\00:1$:41.06"o that the "treet ou%d

    be be%o it.00:1$:41.06\00:1$:44.0$&nd /eFo %i-ed the idea.00:1$:44.0$\00:1$:46.22

    hen /ucio arri)ed#/eFo "aid:00:1$:46.22\00:1$:4$.13

    "car did a pro5ectand I be%ie)e it'" !ood .00:1$:4$.13\00:1$:+2.1+

    e a"-ed to "ee it and I hadthro n it throu!h the indo #00:1$:+2.1+\00:1$:++.10becau"e I didn't thin-it ou%d matter.00:1$:++.10\00:1$:+ .29

    e "ent me *or it.00:1$:+ .29\00:1$:+9.20That a" the *ir"t thin!that impre""ed me about /ucio#00:1$:+9.20\00:19:02.20hi" !enero"it,.00:19:02.20\00:19:0+.23

    e "a it# be%ie)ed it a" !ood and decided:00:19:0+.23\00:19:0 .02

    e are !oin! to do that one .00:19:0 .02\00:19:0$.29Do # our architecturei" )er, di**erent

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    00:19:13.00\00:19:1+.16*rom (orbu"ier'" architecture.00:19:1+.16\00:19:1 .11

    e ha)e e)o%)edto an architecture

    00:19:1 .11\00:19:19.04that ha" moreto do ith our eather#00:19:19.04\00:19:21.00it'" %i!hter# it'" emptier#it con?uer" the "pace.00:19:21.00\00:19:24.21&nd e !a)e him the "amecontribution he had !i)en u".00:19:24.21\00:19:2$.01

    e ere in*%uenced b, him#

    but hi" %a"t or-" ere a%"o00:19:2$.01\00:19:31.04in*%uencedb, our architecture.00:19:31.04\00:19:34.02I am not the one ho "a," it.00:19:34.02\00:19:36.01

    @oen*ant# ho a" hi" partner#mentioned it in hi" bio!raph,:00:19:36.01\00:19:42.1$/e (orbu"ier#that *or man, ,ear"00:19:42.1$\00:19:4+.11had prai"ed the )irtue"o* the ri!ht an!%e#00:19:4+.11\00:19:4$.06"udden%, be!anto thin- di**erent%,#00:19:4$.06\00:19:+1.0*o%%o in! a )er, ta%ented00:19:+1.0 \00:19:+3.11architecture thatcame *rom o)er"ea".00:19:+3.11\00:19:++.2+&nd there i" no doubtthat "car'" architecture00:20:00.1$\00:20:03.2i" born *rom /e (orbu"ier'"architecture00:20:03.2 \00:20:0 .29

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    in it" ba"ic e%ement".00:20:0 .29\00:20:10.10Dobod, in)ent" an,thin!*rom "cratch.00:20:10.10\00:20:13.20

    That i" not true.00:20:13.20\00:20:1+.03(u%ture i" herita!eand tran"*ormation.00:20:1+.03\00:20:1$.20

    hat i" e traordinar,i" that he %earn" the %e""on00:20:1$.20\00:20:26.0*rom /e (orbu"ier and"oon a*ter he i" a%read,00:20:26.0 \00:20:30.23

    creatin! "omethin!00:20:30.23\00:20:32.24that i" the denia%o* the *undamenta%00:20:32.24\00:20:36.03data o* that architecture.00:20:36.03\00:20:3$.11&nd e)er,bod, -no "the "tor, o* the HD bui%din!.00:20:3$.11\00:20:43.1+

    ho rea%%, on theconte"t *or the HD00:20:43.1+\00:20:46.29 a" Dieme,er#not /e (orbu"ier.00:20:46.29\00:20:49.02The head o**ice o* the HDin De Eor-# "car on it.00:20:49.02\00:20:+3.03The bui%din!i" an "car pro5ect.00:20:+3.03\00:20:++.03That doe"n't mean an,thin!;00:20:++.03\00:20:+6.20it doe" not dimini"h/e (orbu"ier.00:20:+6.20\00:20:+$.06It on%, "ho " "car'" ta%ent.00:20:+$.06\00:21:00.0+

    e didn't tra)e% there ith

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    a pro5ect o* hi" o n;00:21:00.0+\00:21:02.00he did at the hote%#becau"e the pre"ident00:21:02.00\00:21:04.11

    o* the committee*or the pro5ect a"-ed him to.00:21:04.11\00:21:0 .0+

    e "aid:Eou mu"t pre"ent a pro5ect.

    00:21:0 .0+\00:21:09.20e on't accept that ,ou

    come here ithout a pro5ect.00:21:09.20\00:21:13.04Then# he ent to thehote% and did a pro5ect.

    00:21:13.04\00:21:1+.19HD head o**icein De Eor- 194 .00:21:16.0+\00:21:20.1+The HD bui%din!#the, cho"e m, pro5ect.00:21:29.01\00:21:32.1In m, boo-#there i" a photo!raph00:21:32.1 \00:21:34.0o* a%% o* them hu!!in! me.00:21:34.0 \00:21:36.23The pro5ect a" %i-e that:00:21:36.23\00:21:3$.22(orbu"ier pro5ect hada b%oc- o)er here#00:21:43.22\00:21:46.24)er, hi!h#and the bui%din! a" here00:21:46.24\00:21:49.24and partedthe "pace in t o.00:21:+0.1+\00:21:+2.26In m, pro5ect#I put the b%oc- here#00:21:+2.26\00:21:+ .29I "eparated the counci%"*rom the Cenera% &""emb%,#00:21:+9.11\00:22:03.29I put the counci%" here

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    and the Cenera% &""emb%, here.00:22:03.29\00:22:0$.03>, intention a" to createthe Hnited Dation" "?uare.00:22:0$.03\00:22:13.09

    >, pro5ect a" the cho"en one#but the ne t da,#00:22:13.09\00:22:16.23/e (orbu"ier came to ta%-to me and a"-ed me00:22:16.23\00:22:19.20to put that bui%din! here.00:22:19.20\00:22:21.24That a,#there a" no "?uare.00:22:22.13\00:22:24.21

    I rea%i@ed he antedto do hi" o n pro5ect.00:22:24.21\00:22:2$.09&nd he a" the ma"ter.00:22:2$.09\00:22:30.02I "aid: Do prob%em .&nd I don't re!ret it.00:22:30.02\00:22:33.11

    i" pro5ect a" number 23#mine a" 3200:22:33.11\00:22:3$.03and e pre"ented the23B32 pro5ect.00:22:3$.03\00:22:42.0+I mean#that i" hat i" bui%t there.00:22:42.0+\00:22:4+.02/ater#there ere "ma%% chan!e"#00:22:4+.02\00:22:4 .24but i* ,ou %oo-at the !round p%an#00:22:4 .24\00:22:49.2$the adopted "o%ution a"m, pro5ect00:22:49.2$\00:22:+3.2+ ith the chan!e propo"edb, /e (orbu"ier.00:22:+3.2+\00:22:+6.16

    or the *ir"t time

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    "ince a hi"torica% period#00:22:+6.16\00:23:00.0$ e are !athered to!ether00:23:00.0$\00:23:02.04around a pro5ect

    ho"e e ecution00:23:02.04\00:23:03.29 i%% a%%o u" topre"ent the or%d ith00:23:03.29\00:23:0 .0+an optimi"tic and c%eararchitectonica% "o%ution.00:23:0 .0+\00:23:11.01

    e are o* di**erent a!e".00:23:11.01\00:23:13.00The ,oun!er one"

    *rom the dra in! "tudio00:23:13.00\00:23:1+.13and their ma"ter" *orman e ceptiona%00:23:1+.13\00:23:1 .1$and uni?ue a""ociation.00:23:1 .1$\00:23:20.10

    ut I %oo- at the pa"tand I thin- that a" !ood#00:23:20.10\00:23:22.2+I a" ,oun! andI a" !enerou".00:23:22.2+\00:23:2+.02

    ometime %ater#I had %unch ith him00:23:2+.02\00:23:2 .12in hi" *%at and he -ept%oo-in! at me and *ina%%, "aid:00:23:2 .12\00:23:29.2$

    Eou are !enerou" .00:23:29.2$\00:23:31.22&nd I thou!ht:00:23:31.22\00:23:32.2+

    Thi" !u, i" thin-in! aboutthat mornin! hen00:23:32.2+\00:23:3+.06I a!reed to chan!ethe po"ition o* the b%oc- .00:23:3+.06\00:23:3$.13

    hen I ent there

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    to do =ampu%ha#00:23:+2.0$\00:23:+4.2I ent to "pea- to J .00:23:+4.2 \00:23:+ .00&nd he to%d me that he

    a" !oin! to bui%d00:23:+ .00\00:23:+9.00a ne nei!hborhoodin e%o [email protected]:23:+9.00\00:24:00.24&n area ith a church#a ca"ino#00:24:00.24\00:24:03.0+a c%ub and a re"taurant.00:24:03.0+\00:24:06.11

    hen e *ini"hed

    ta%-in! he to%d me:00:24:13.1 \00:24:1+.1$I need the ca"ino

    pro5ect *or tomorro .00:24:1+.1$\00:24:1$.2+I a" ,oun!; it a" -indo* m, *ir"t a""i!nment.00:24:1$.2+\00:24:23.19I had to accept it.00:24:23.19\00:24:2+.03I ent bac- to the hote%and I did it.00:24:2+.03\00:24:26.24I or-ed a%% ni!ht %on!and the ne t da, I a" there.00:24:26.24\00:24:29.13&nd he rea%i@ed then hecou%d !o *a"t ith me.00:24:40.16\00:24:43.06&nd that'" h, e or-edto!ether.00:24:43.06\00:24:44.26=ampu%ha a" the be!innin!o* ra"i%ia.00:24:44.26\00:24:46.23&nd m, intentionin =ampu%ha00:24:46.23\00:24:4$.29 a" to createa di**erent architecture.

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    00:24:4$.29\00:24:+1.0$ac- then#

    architecture a" )er,...00:24:+1.0$\00:24:+3.16it did not under"tand

    00:24:+3.16\00:24:+4.2)er, e%%the rein*orced concrete.00:24:+4.2 \00:24:+ .11&rchitecture a" ri!id#a" i* it ere done00:24:+ .11\00:24:+9.2$ ith meta%%ic "tructure.00:24:+9.2$\00:2+:01.19&nd the concrete a" 5u"t the oppo"ite;

    00:2+:01.19\00:2+:03.2it "u!!e"ted a ne *ie%do* e perience and in)ention.00:2+:03.2 \00:2+:0 .22I tried to introducethe cur)e into architecture.00:2+:0 .22\00:2+:11.14

    e anted to impo"e the cur)e#00:2+:22.19\00:2+:24.13 hich i" the natura%"o%ution o* concrete.00:2+:24.13\00:2+:26.10

    hene)er one ha" a bi! "pace%i-e that#00:2+:26.10\00:2+:29.02the natura% "o%utioni" the cur)e#00:2+:29.02\00:2+:31.1not the "trai!ht %ine.00:2+:31.1 \00:2+:33.09

    o# I co)ered thechurch ith cur)e".00:2+:33.09\00:2+:36.01&nd architecture became"omethin! di**erent.00:2+:+3.21\00:2+:++.19

    omethin! more connectedto our countr,#00:2+:++.19\00:2+:+ .0$"omethin! %i!hter#

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    00:2+:+ .0$\00:2+:+$.12that re"emb%ed the o%dchurche" o* >ina" Cerai".00:2+:+$.12\00:26:03.02In the 8ancin! ou"e#

    hich a" a con"truction#00:26:03.22\00:26:06.1$I did the mar?ueein a cur)ed "hape a" e%%.00:26:06.1$\00:26:09.22

    o# I made architecturebecome more ae"thetic#00:26:09.22\00:26:13.06an in)ention#%i-e /e (orbu"ier u"ed to "a,.00:26:13.06\00:26:1 .02

    Thi" architecture!enerated %ot"00:26:19.0+\00:26:20.2$o* doubt" and di"cu""ion".00:26:20.2$\00:26:24.1$

    ut a "hort hi%e a*ter00:26:24.1$\00:26:26.11that the, hada%read, under"tood00:26:26.11\00:26:2 .22that the rein*orced concrete a" the bui%din! materia%00:26:2 .22\00:26:29.2o* that timeand e "hou%d u"e it.00:26:29.2 \00:26:32.2&t that "ame time#a )er, inte%%i!ent renchman#00:26:32.2 \00:26:36.19 ho or-ed ith/e (orbu"ier "aid:00:26:36.19\00:26:39.1+

    I% *aut *air chanter%e" point" d'apui .00:26:39.1+\00:26:42.16That i"# it i" nece""ar, to ma-ethe "upportin! point" "in!.00:26:42.16\00:26:46.06&nd I !a)e moreempha"i" to the "tructure".

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    00:26:46.06\00:26:49.00The ca"ino ha" a "%i!htre"emb%ance o* /e (orbu"ier#00:2 :22.02\00:2 :24.26the church

    i" comp%ete%, ra@i%ian00:2 :24.26\00:2 :2 .26and the mo"t important thin!00:2 :2 .26\00:2 :30.2i" the "pace*or the popu%ar ba%%.00:2 :30.2 \00:2 :33.1

    "car decided thatin the Ju"ce%ino pro!ram#00:2 :33.1 \00:2 :3+.22the ca"ino a" *or rich peop%e#

    the church i" a church00:2 :3+.22\00:2 :3$.00and the, ou%d not acceptit in man, ,ear"#00:2 :3$.00\00:2 :39.20the c%ub a" *or the bour!eoi"ie.00:2 :39.20\00:2 :41.0$

    o# he anted to create a ba%%#a "ma%% i"%and#00:2 :41.0$\00:2 :43.10it re"emb%ed a "treamer,ou thro up in the air#00:2 :43.10\00:2 :4+.2+ hich !oe" %i-e that...00:2 :4+.2+\00:2 :4 .14

    o it became "omethin!ra@i%ian# carni)a%#

    00:2 :4 .14\00:2 :49.02peop%e# baro?ue#00:2 :49.02\00:2 :+0.19and that "ma%% bui%din!ha" chan!ed the ima!e00:2 :+0.19\00:2 :+4.22o* the ra@i%ian architecturearound the or%d.00:2 :+4.22\00:2 :+ .11The "ma%% one.00:2 :+ .11\00:2 :+$.2$& hou"e made b, "car

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    a" the *ami%, dream.00:2$:04.11\00:2$:0 .24There a" thi" pieceo* %and near I!uatemi#00:2$:0 .24\00:2$:10.1

    there a" the "-etch#a !i*t *rom "car.00:2$:10.1 \00:2$:13.10There a" the promi"ethat one da, e ou%d !o00:2$:13.10\00:2$:1+.22and %i)e in "car'" hou"e.00:2$:1+.22\00:2$:1$.11I !re up *u%% o* impatience#becau"e m, *ather#00:2$:1$.11\00:2$:21.04

    a%thou!h he a" the o nero* the Ipiran!a mu"eum#00:2$:21.04\00:2$:23.23ne)er had "a)in!"enou!h to bui%d "car'" hou"e.00:2$:23.23\00:2$:2 .21

    e%%# %ater I ent toa boardin! "choo% in (ata!ua"e"#00:2$:2 .21\00:2$:31.14 hich had beenan "car pro5ect.00:2$:31.14\00:2$:33.1I %i)ed *or "i month"in that bi! hou"e *rom "car#00:2$:33.1 \00:2$:36.13I thou!ht it a" not enou!h00:2$:36.13\00:2$:3 .24and I decidedto become "car m,"e%*.00:2$:3 .24\00:2$:40.11/ater# I dropped architecture00:2$:41.1+\00:2$:43.14and I becamea Tom Jobim apprentice.00:2$:43.14\00:2$:4+.20

    hen I create a !ood "on!#00:2$:4+.20\00:2$:4 .14I thin- it %oo-"%i-e a Tom Jobim "on!.00:2$:4 .14\00:2$:+0.01

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    To me# Tom'" mu"ici" an "car'" hou"e.00:2$:+0.01\00:2$:+4.0+

    It i" not the ri!ht an!%ethat attract" me#

    00:2$:+$.19\00:29:02.04or the "trai!ht# hard#in*%e ib%e %ine created b, man.00:29:02.04\00:29:09.04

    hat attract" mei" the *ree# "en"ua% cur)e.00:29:09.04\00:29:13.1+The cur)e I *indin the mountain"00:29:13.1+\00:29:1 .19and the ri)er" o* m, countr,#

    in the c%oud" o* the "-,#00:29:1 .19\00:29:20.11in the bod,o* m, *a)orite oman.00:29:20.11\00:29:23.11The uni)er"e i" entire%,made o* cur)e".00:29:23.11\00:29:26.16The cur)eduni)er"e o* in"tein .00:29:26.16\00:29:29.20>, architecture i" nota "o%ution *or a%% architecture#00:29:42.26\00:29:4+.24it'" m, architecture.00:29:4+.24\00:29:4 .12I* e a!ree that therei" not modern paintin!00:29:4 .12\00:29:+1.22and ancient paintin!#there'" 5u"t !ood paintin!00:29:+1.22\00:29:+3.26and bad paintin!# the "amehappen" ith architecture.00:29:+3.26\00:29:++.2$I be%ie)e e)er, per"on"hou%d *ind their o n00:29:++.2$\00:29:+$.00 a, and do hathe or "he %i-e".

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    00:29:+$.00\00:30:00.1+I mu"t con*e"" that00:30:01.0$\00:30:02.20I'm tired o* ta%-in!about architecture.

    00:30:02.20\00:30:0+.19ecau"e it i" the "amecon)er"ation o)er and o)er#00:30:0+.19\00:30:0$.2the ?ue"tion" are the "ame.00:30:0$.2 \00:30:10.22

    ut hat i" more importantthan architecture00:30:10.22\00:30:11.24i" to be read, to prote"tand to !ather a%on! the "treet".

    00:30:11.24\00:30:14.14That i" the important "tu**# hat ma-e" one *ee% !ood.00:30:14.14\00:30:1 .2It ma-e" one be%ie)ethat one i" not a piece00:30:1 .2 \00:30:20.02o* "hit#that one can be u"e*u%.00:30:20.02\00:30:22.13& !u, mu"t thin- about po%itic"#po%itic" are important#00:30:2+.01\00:30:2$.01it i" %i*e it"e%*.00:30:2$.01\00:30:29.16

    ne mu"t thin- about po)ert,#tr, to he%p and#00:30:29.16\00:30:31.24 hen one *ee%" that e)er,thin!i" too horrib%e00:30:31.24\00:30:3+.04and that hope ha" *aded a a,#then it'" time *or re)o%ution.00:30:3+.04\00:30:40.1The architect "car Dieme,errecei)e" the /enin =eace =ri@e#00:30:4+.1$\00:30:49.24a arded b,the o)iet Co)ernment.00:30:49.24\00:30:+2.29

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    The Ru""ian &mba""adorde%i)ered the pri@e00:30:+ .1 \00:30:+9.29and prai"ed Dieme,er'" or-.00:30:+9.29\00:31:02.19

    The arti"t recei)e"the meda% *rom the hand"00:31:02.19\00:31:0+.0+o* a Ru""ian repre"entati)e#00:31:0+.0+\00:31:06.26a tribute to the cu%tureo* our countr,.00:31:06.26\00:31:09.29I 5oined the =art,in 194+.00:31:12.21\00:31:1+.12

    hen the !u," ere re%ea"ed*rom pri"on#00:31:1+.12\00:31:1 .20=re"te" ent to m, o**ice#"ome comrade".00:31:1 .20\00:31:21.1I put *i*teen o* them inm, o**ice and I "tood there#00:31:21.1 \00:31:26.24%i"tenin! to that con)er"ation#that "tru!!%e#00:31:26.24\00:31:29.12that enthu"ia"m#that abne!ation.00:31:29.12\00:31:3+.03I %ent the hou"e to =re"te"#00:31:3+.03\00:31:3 .12he created therethe >etropo%itan (ommittee.00:31:3 .12\00:31:41.1+&nd thin!" ent on.00:31:41.1+\00:31:42.2I remember that henI ent to >o"co once#00:31:4+.19\00:31:4$.0man, ,ear" a!o#it a" the time o* ta%ini"m#00:31:4$.0 \00:31:+1.10and a teacher a"-ed me:00:31:+1.10\00:31:+2.2

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    8r. Dieme,er# hat i" ,our opinion00:31:+2.2 \00:31:++.04aboutthe o)iet architecture 7

    00:31:++.04\00:31:+6.2+I an" ered: I am on ,our "idein the po%itica% a"pect"#00:31:+6.2+\00:32:00.0$peace and e)er,thin!.00:32:00.0$\00:32:02.20

    ut I don't ha)e an an" er*or that# I *ind it )er, bad.00:32:02.20\00:32:0$.02

    o# "ho u" ,our critici"m" .00:32:0$.02\00:32:10.0$

    I "aid: I did notcome here to critici@e#00:32:10.0$\00:32:12.22but i* ,ou a"- me#00:32:12.22\00:32:14.09the co%umn" here are too c%o"eto each other#00:32:14.09\00:32:16.2too thic- *or the "pacethat e i"t" bet een them#00:32:16.2 \00:32:20.0+circu%ation i" bad#and )enti%ation i" bad.00:32:20.0+\00:32:23.02

    o# in our re%ation"hip ith the/e*t# e had to be *raterna%#00:32:23.02\00:32:2 .22but e had to te%% the truth.00:32:2 .22\00:32:29.29Ibirapuera =ar- mar?ui"e

    Fo =au%o 19+100:32:36.29\00:32:41.20

    iena% =a)i%%ion Fo =au%o 19+100:32:49.1$\00:32:+3.10It i" e%% -no n that

    "car Dieme,er hate"00:33:0 .19\00:33:12.2+capita%i"mand hate" the ri!ht an!%e.00:33:12.2+\00:33:1 .12

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    &!ain"t the ri!ht an!%e#that o**end" the "pace#00:33:1 .12\00:33:23.0$he ha" been doin!00:33:23.0$\00:33:2+.0

    an architecturea" %i!ht a" the c%oud"#00:33:2+.0 \00:33:30.16*ree# "en"ua%#00:33:30.16\00:33:34.14that %oo-"a %ot %i-e the %and"cape00:33:3$.06\00:33:42.1+o* the mountain"o* Rio de Janeiro#00:33:42.1+\00:33:4+.0$

    mountain" that %oo-%i-e omen'" bodie" %,in! do n#00:33:4+.0$\00:33:+1.16dra n b, Codin the da, Cod00:33:+1.16\00:33:+ .06thou!ht him"e%*to be Dieme,er.00:33:+ .06\00:34:00.14&*ter ard"#I pro5ected that hou"e.00:34:12.19\00:34:14.2+I %oo-ed *or a pieceo* %and ith a )ie #00:34:14.2+\00:34:1$.12I anted a "imp%e hou"e#"ma%%# *u%%, adapted to nature.00:34:1$.12\00:34:23.16I pro5ected the hou"ethe a, I anted to#00:34:23.16\00:34:2+.0a" "imp%e a" m, a, o* %i*e.00:34:2+.0 \00:34:2 .12&nd it i" e%% inte!ratedto the "pace.00:34:29.0 \00:34:31.1+I did not touch the %and.00:34:31.1+\00:34:33.22The room" are do n"tair".00:34:41.19\00:34:44.01

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    Hp"tair" therei" the %i)in! room# the -itchen.00:34:44.01\00:34:4 .03& *riend o* mine !a)eme "ome "eed%in!"

    00:34:49.23\00:34:+2.16and the p%ant" "tarted!ro in! in a natura% a,#00:34:+2.16\00:34:+6.24 ithout a "trict contro%.00:34:+6.24\00:34:+$.2

    hen the hou"e a" *ini"hed#one da, Cropiu" "ho ed up00:34:+9.24\00:3+:03.19and I "ho ed him the hou"e.00:3+:03.19\00:3+:0+.11

    hen he a" !oin!a a,# he to%d me:00:3+:0+.11\00:3+:0 .14

    It i" a beauti*u% hou"e#but it i" not mu%tip%iab%e .00:3+:0 .14\00:3+:10.2+I thou!ht it a" *unn,#"uch a rubbi"h in the %ip"00:3+:10.2+\00:3+:13.14o* "uch a !reat man# i"n't it700:3+:13.14\00:3+:1+.11There a" nothin!to be mu%tip%ied there.00:3+:1+.11\00:3+:1 .11It'" a di**erent piece o* %and.00:3+:1 .11\00:3+:19.10The hou"e a" madeto that %and#00:3+:19.10\00:3+:20.2$it adapt" it"e%* to the "pace#and ho can it be mu%tip%ied700:3+:20.2$\00:3+:23.26

    ut I thou!ht it a" *unn,#00:3+:23.26\00:3+:2+.1becau"e peop%ea% a," "a, "tupid thin!".00:3+:2+.1 \00:3+:2 .29

    e didn't in)ent rubbi"h#did e700:3+:2 .29\00:3+:31.20

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    It ha" a% a," been there.00:3+:31.20\00:3+:34.09

    auhau" a" the paradi"eo* mediocrit,#00:3+:3 .10\00:3+:40.10

    %i-e /e (orbu"ier "aid.00:3+:40.10\00:3+:42.04& !u, %earned ho to draa dinner "er)ice#00:3+:42.04\00:3+:4+.0*or e amp%e and that a" u"ed00:3+:4+.0 \00:3+:4 .23to e"tab%i"h ru%e"the, had to *o%%o .00:3+:4 .23\00:3+:+3.1$&nd architecture ha"

    nothin! to do ith that#00:3+:+3.1$\00:3+:+6.01architecture i" in)ention.00:3+:+6.01\00:3+:+ .1

    * e)er,thin! I !ot *rom00:3+:+ .1 \00:3+:+9.0$/e (orbu"ier#the mo"t important00:3+:+9.0$\00:36:01.0+ a" "omethin!he to%d me one da,.00:36:01.0+\00:36:02.14

    e "aid:&rchitecture i" in)ention .

    00:36:02.14\00:36:04.04I under"tood that %aterreadin! )ariou" boo-".00:36:04.04\00:36:06.2$

    hen I *ir"t readthat rench poet...00:36:06.2$\00:36:10.26I don't rememberhi" name no ...00:36:11.23\00:36:13.0

    e u"ed to "a, that in)ention#the o)er he%min!00:36:13.0 \00:36:16.20i" the main characteri"tico* a or- o* art.00:36:16.20\00:36:19.1$

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    In m, architecture#in hat I do# the *ir"t orr,00:36:19.1$\00:36:22.22i" that it need" to be di**erent.I ant peop%e to "top there#

    00:36:22.22\00:36:26.0"urpri"edto "ee "omethin! ne ...00:36:26.0 \00:36:29.03... aude%aire.00:36:30.04\00:36:32.00/a!oa o"pita%Rio de Janeiro 19+200:36:3$.11\00:36:41.21

    ne o* the ba"ic de*inition"o* the ne architecture#

    00:36:4$.1$\00:36:+2.26*rom the be!innin!o* the t entieth centur,00:36:+2.26\00:36:++.10i" the e c%u"iono* the other art".00:36:++.10\00:36:+9.02The a%%# the pane%#the in"ide o* a bui%din!00:36:+9.02\00:3 :03.20i" beauti*u% in it"e%*#00:3 :03.20\00:3 :0+.22in it" proportionand *unctiona%it,.00:3 :0+.22\00:3 :09.0+There*ore# there i"no need *or an,thin! e%"e.00:3 :09.0+\00:3 :11.10Then# "car "tart" u"in!!%a@ed ti%e" and mura%".00:3 :12.0+\00:3 :1+.19Then# he inc%ude" the arti"t#the painter# the "cu%ptor#00:3 :1+.19\00:3 :1$.24and that too i" parto* hi" rebe%%iou"ne"".00:3 :1$.24\00:3 :21.16In m, or-# I ha)e a% a,"in)ited the arti"t"#00:3 :23.10\00:3 :26.14

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    the painter"#00:3 :26.14\00:3 :2 .22the "cu%ptor".I e)en did that00:3 :2 .22\00:3 :29.24

    on m, *ir"t a""i!nmentin =ampu%ha.00:3 :29.24\00:3 :32.20The architecture cannot be"een a" "omethin! i"o%ated.00:3 :3+.13\00:3 :3$.13

    hen the architect create"a pro5ect# hen he dra " a a%%#00:3 :3$.13\00:3 :42.1+he "hou%d ima!inethen i* thi" a%%

    00:3 :42.1+\00:3 :4+.1$ i%% be a paintin!#a hite a"h# a "tone a%%#00:3 :4+.1$\00:3 :4$.09or i* it i" !oin! to bea "cu%pture# "hou%dn7t he700:3 :4$.09\00:3 :+0.1The arti"t "hou%d notcome %ater to put the paintin!00:3 :+0.1 \00:3 :+2.22 here)er he ant" to.00:3 :+2.22\00:3 :+4.23

    * cour"e thereare in*%uence".00:3 :+4.23\00:3 :+6.24

    )en *rom %iterature.00:3 :+6.24\00:3 :+$.29There i" thi" !u, ho rotethe in*%uence o*...00:3 :+$.29\00:3$:0+.19I i%% !i)eup "pea-in! *or toda,.00:3$:0$.1 \00:3$:12.0+To *or!et (am e"# "hit.00:3$:12.0+\00:3$:16.0+I *or!et name"...00:3$:19.20\00:3$:21.09&h# but that i" norma%.00:3$:21.09\00:3$:22.2

    ut I e)en *or!et

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    the name o* the per"on00:3$:22.2 \00:3$:24.1+ ho i" ri!ht ne t to me.00:3$:24.1+\00:3$:2+.2$The other da,#

    ta%-in! to them#00:3$:2+.2$\00:3$:2 .10I cou%dn't remember>ie" )an der Rohe.00:3$:2 .10\00:3$:30.00That'" too much.00:3$:30.00\00:3$:31.1$

    nce# I a" auto!raphin!a boo- o* mine#00:3$:31.1$\00:3$:34.1and an en!ineer that had

    been ma,or o* Rio arri)ed.00:3$:34.1 \00:3$:3$.16BI can't remember hi" name.B=a""o"...00:3$:3$.16\00:3$:41.13It i" not him# a !u, ho i" our a!e#00:3$:41.13\00:3$:43.16B*rom our !eneration.BTamoio.00:3$:43.16\00:3$:4+.14Do. e came iththe boo- and I "aid:00:3$:4+.14\00:3$:+1.2

    I *or!ot ,our name .&nd he a" pi""ed o**.00:3$:+1.2 \00:3$:++.09&nd he had to te%% me hi" name.00:3$:++.09\00:3$:+ .26The ra@i%ian manno %on!er a%-"00:3$:+$.22\00:39:00.2+on the "and %i-e the crab".00:39:00.2+\00:39:03.16

    ra"i%ia#a ma!netic po%e in Coi "#00:39:03.16\00:39:06.21i" *ina%%, the an" er tothat t o centurie" practice.00:39:06.21\00:39:09.29

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    It i" a%read, a pro)i"iona%cit, o* ten thou"and peop%e#00:39:09.29\00:39:13.00bui%t under pri)ate initiati)eand ith in)e"tment"

    00:39:13.00\00:39:1+.09that e ceed *i)e hundredmi%%ion cru@eiro"#00:39:1+.09\00:39:1$.04thi" pro5ect i" one o*00:39:1$.04\00:39:20.01the bi! or-"o* the !o)ernment.00:39:20.01\00:39:22.09Ju"ce%ino came here# e ent do nto n

    00:39:29.1$\00:39:32.0$to!ether and he to%d me:00:39:32.0$\00:39:3+.06

    >, intentioni" to bui%d a capita%.00:39:3+.06\00:39:3 .0& di**erent capita%.00:39:3 .0 \00:39:39.00I don't ant a pro)incia% capita%;00:39:39.00\00:39:41.23I ant "omethin! beauti*u%00:39:41.23\00:39:43.11that "ho "the importance o* our countr,.00:39:43.11\00:39:46.11&nd it a" !ood# e "tarted or-in!.00:39:46.11\00:39:4$.23&t *ir"t# I thou!ht ra"i%ia a" too *ar a a,#00:39:+1.00\00:39:+3.13but thenI !ot u"ed to the idea.00:39:+3.13\00:39:++.19Ju"ce%ino'" i%%po er a" "o "tron! that e)er,bod,00:39:++.19\00:39:+$.06"tarted thin-in!that e)er,thin!

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    00:39:+$.06\00:40:00.02 a" !oin! to be *ine.00:40:00.02\00:40:01.1&nd ra"i%ia a" a -indo* ad)enture#

    00:40:01.1 \00:40:03.1 ith %ot" o* prob%em"00:40:03.1 \00:40:0+.02and mi"under"tandin!"#the %od!in!" ere primiti)e.00:40:0+.02\00:40:0$.2+

    ut there a" J '" i%%po er#and the pro5ect ent on.00:40:0$.2+\00:40:13.11Ju"ce%ino o*ten *ini"hed or-in!in (atete# near thi" p%ace;

    00:40:14.09\00:40:1$.20he *ini"hed at "i o'c%oc-#00:40:1$.20\00:40:20.22!ot on the p%anein anto" 8umont airport#00:40:20.22\00:40:22.16arri)ed in ra"i%iaaround midni!ht#00:40:22.16\00:40:2+.22he in"pected the bui%din! "ite"#00:40:2+.22\00:40:2$.06at "i in the mornin!he *%e bac- to Rio#00:40:2$.06\00:40:30.22at ten o'c%oc-he a" bac- in (atete or-in!.00:40:30.22\00:40:33.03It a" a )er, hard time.

    ra"i%ia a" not e%come.00:40:33.03\00:40:36.16The ho%e pre"" a" a!ain"t it#00:40:36.16\00:40:3$.2+in Fo =au%oand in Rio a" e%%.00:40:3$.2+\00:40:40.2Rio de Janeiroi" !oin! to end...00:40:40.2 \00:40:42.1$Rio de Janeiro i" !oin!

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    to become meanin!%e"".00:40:42.1$\00:40:44.24

    e are !oin! to ra"i%iaKIt "ounded %i-e a threat.00:40:44.24\00:40:4 .03

    I am not !oin!to ra"i%ia#00:40:4 .03\00:40:4$.21and m, *ami%, on't !o either#00:40:4$.21\00:40:+0.11e)en *or a %ot o* ca"h#00:40:+0.11\00:40:+2.0+I don't antto %ea)e (opacabana .00:40:+2.0+\00:40:+4.04

    To encoura!e peop%eto !o to ra"i%ia#00:40:+4.04\00:40:+ .11not on%, ci)i% "er)ant"#but other peop%e a" e%%#00:40:+ .11\00:40:+9.1$to popu%ate ra"i%ia#there a" the doub%e pa,:00:40:+9.1$\00:41:02.2the ci)i% "er)ant" ho accepted to !o recei)ed00:41:02.2 \00:41:0+.04a doub%e pa,# "o i%%, %anco rote thi" "amba:00:41:0+.04\00:41:0 .23Dot e)en i* i" to %i)e ith %ot" o* ca"h.00:41:0 .23\00:41:09.16I'd ratherbe poor in (opacabana...00:41:09.16\00:41:11.16In one o* the I&=I bui%din!"there i" a "ho *%at00:41:13.10\00:41:1 .04 ith a%% the re?uirement"o* modern com*ort.00:41:1 .04\00:41:20.0&%% *%at" bein! con"tructed i%% be %i-e that one.00:41:20.0 \00:41:23.26

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    ometime"#I tra)e%ed b, p%ane# a 8(B3.00:41:24.20\00:41:2 .12It cou%d "top an, hereand it too- three hour".

    00:41:2 .12\00:41:31.09ut I remember that one da,00:41:31.09\00:41:33.0+I had %unch ith the pre"ident and he "aid:00:41:33.0+\00:41:36.1$

    hen e *ini"h ha)in! %unch#,ou're *%,in! ith me00:41:36.1$\00:41:39.12in the he%icopter to "eethe bui%din! "ite" or

    00:41:39.12\00:41:41.01I i%% ha)e ,ou arre"ted.&nd e %e*t.00:41:41.01\00:41:43.23I *%e in the he%icopter ith him#00:41:43.23\00:41:46.02 e ent a%% o)er the cit,and I a" at ea"e.00:41:46.02\00:41:4$.2+

    ecau"e the, u"ed to "a,that hene)er a he%icopter00:41:4$.2+\00:41:+1.03ha" a prob%em#it !oe" do n natura%%,#00:41:+1.03\00:41:+3.16 ith that contro% prope%%er.00:41:+3.16\00:41:+6.11

    ut onceI a" bac- on the *%oor#00:41:+6.11\00:41:+$.0+I ta%-edto the pi%ot and he "aid:00:41:+$.0+\00:42:00.04

    The other one i" much "a*er#00:42:00.04\00:42:02.06thi" one *a%%"do n i* it ha" to.00:42:02.06\00:42:0+.0$

    hen I ent there

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    00:42:09.1 \00:42:11.2I too- *i*teenarchitect" ith me#00:42:11.2 \00:42:1+.14but I a%"o too- an en!ineer#

    t o 5ourna%i"t"#00:42:1+.14\00:42:21.02*i)e *riend" o* mine ho ere in a "hitt, "ituation00:42:21.02\00:42:23.19and needed to or- andI *e%t that a" an opportunit,00:42:23.19\00:42:26.1+to he%p them.00:42:26.1+\00:42:2 .23I anted the con)er"ation"

    in ra"i%ia to be di)er"i*ied#00:42:2 .23\00:42:31.0I didn't *ee% %i-e ta%-in!about architecture a%% the time#00:42:31.0 \00:42:34.00I anted %i*eto be more *un than that.00:42:34.00\00:42:3$.00

    e had a !ood time# e ent out to!ether#00:42:40.1+\00:42:43.0+and e did not ta-ethin!" too "eriou"%,.00:42:43.0+\00:42:46.03

    e had "torie" to te%%#it a" a 5o,*u%00:42:46.03\00:42:4$.03and entertainin! !roup...00:42:4$.03\00:42:+0.10

    ecau"e that i" hoI thin- %i*e "hou%d be.00:42:+0.10\00:42:+2.03

    e mu"t c%ari*, thin!".00:42:+2.03\00:42:+3.26/i*e i" about %au!hin!and cr,in! a%% %i*e %on!.00:42:+3.26\00:42:+6.14

    e "hou%d ta-e ad)anta!eo* the ea", moment"00:42:+6.14\00:42:+9.04

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    to ha)e "ome *un.00:42:+9.04\00:43:00.19&nd then *acethe other moment".00:43:00.19\00:43:02.22

    /i*e i" a breath o* air#i"n't it00:43:02.22\00:43:0+.03

    e or-ed thereand ent to "ame di"co"00:43:1+.02\00:43:1$.0+the or-er" did# e)er,bod,dre""ed in the "ame a,.00:43:1$.0+\00:43:21.1

    e e)en had the impre""ionthat the "ociet, ou%d impro)e#

    00:43:21.1 \00:43:2+.16that men ou%dbecome more e?ua%.00:43:2+.16\00:43:2$.16I* the ra@i%ian peop%e ere ab%e to bui%d00:43:30.2$\00:43:34.02the ne capita%# and a capita% ith tho"e "pecia%#00:43:34.02\00:43:40.22ori!ina% characteri"tic"#*o%%o in! the or-00:43:40.22\00:43:43.12o* "car Dieme,erand /ucio (o"ta#00:43:43.12\00:43:4+.1$ ith an ae"thetic thou!ht#a comp%ete%, di**erent00:43:4+.1$\00:43:+1.14rene in! urbani"tic thou!ht00:43:+1.14\00:43:+3.11The e cou%d be ab%eto do e)er,thin! nece""ar,00:43:+3.11\00:43:+ .12to chan!e ra@i%.00:43:+ .12\00:43:+9.0+>o)in! the capita%00:43:+9.0+\00:44:03.16to ra"i%ia meantto chan!e ra@i%.

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    00:44:03.16\00:44:0 .11ut it did not happen.

    00:44:0$.04\00:44:10.00nce the cit, a" inau!urated#

    the po%itician" came

    00:44:10.00\00:44:12.20and "o did the bu"ine""menand it a" the "ame "hit#00:44:12.20\00:44:1+.09the c%a"" "tru!!%e#the mone,00:44:1+.09\00:44:1 .20and the bu"ine"" intru"ion#00:44:1 .20\00:44:19.21e)er,thin!that i" "ti%% there toda,.

    00:44:19.21\00:44:21.29J '" i%%# he u"ed to "a,# a" to ta-e the pro!re""00:44:23.2 \00:44:29.04in%and# and that ha" been done.00:44:29.04\00:44:31.26LThe 5o, o* the or-eri" "eein! ra"i%ia inau!urated00:4+:02.0 \00:4+:06.09Lthe pre"ident at the =a%ace"mi%in! at the or-er"00:4+:06.09\00:4+:10.22LI am happ,amon! the or-in! c%a""00:4+:10.22\00:4+:1 .29LI %et m,"e%* !oI ear m,"e%* out00:4+:1$.1 \00:4+:22.12Lni!ht and da,00:4+:22.12\00:4+:26.23I tried to !i)e more re%e)ance00:4+:34.22\00:4+:36.22to architectureand it" "tructure".00:4+:36.22\00:4+:3$.29I )a%ued the en!ineer'" or-.00:4+:3$.29\00:4+:41.1+In ra"i%ia# hene)era "tructure a" *ini"hed#00:4+:41.1+\00:4+:4+.0

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    architecture a" a%read, there.00:4+:4+.0 \00:4+:4 .2$

    hat I mean i" architectureand "tructure a" thin!" that00:4+:4 .2$\00:4+:+0.12

    are born to!etherand "hou%d be00:4+:+0.12\00:4+:+2.19made moremeanin!*u% to!ether.00:4+:+2.19\00:4+:++.06

    hen (on!re"" a" read,#the "tructure#00:46:01.04\00:46:04.03the architecture a" a%read, there.

    00:46:04.03\00:46:06.00The "ma%% detai%" ere not "o important.00:46:06.00\00:46:09.0+I %i-e that pro5ect )er, much.It i" )er, "imp%e.00:46:09.0+\00:46:12.10It en%i!hten" hatha" to be en%i!htened#00:46:12.10\00:46:1+.02the p%ace" here the or-i" more important#00:46:1+.02\00:46:1 .0$the (hambero* 8eputie" and the enate.00:46:1 .0$\00:46:19.2+I anted to bui%d the roo*00:46:21.19\00:46:24.0$on the "ame %e)e%a" the a)enue".00:46:24.0$\00:46:2+.26&nd it'" ea", to e p%ain h,: hen one arri)ed#00:46:2+.26\00:46:2$.1+one cou%d "eethe Three =o er" ?uare#00:46:2$.1+\00:46:30.24 here the (on!re"" bui%din! i".00:46:30.24\00:46:33.1I* ,ou ant to empha"i@e the

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    architecture around a "?uare#00:46:33.1 \00:46:3 .1+,ou "hou%d %ea)e it ithoutan,thin! e%"e.00:46:3 .1+\00:46:39.19

    ecau"e then ,ou %oo- around00:46:39.19\00:46:40.24and ,ou "ee the di**erentbui%din!"#00:46:40.24\00:46:42.0the connection amon! them#00:46:42.0 \00:46:44.01,ou *ee% the importanceo* that "?uare.00:46:44.01\00:46:46.1+In ra@i%# "ometime" the mean

    "ide o* peop%e "ho "00:46:46.1+\00:46:+0.2$and the, -eep comp%ainin!:

    ut h, doe"n't00:46:+0.2$\00:46:+3.00the Three =o er" ?uareha)e an, )e!etation 700:46:+3.00\00:46:+6.03

    h, "o much "un 700:46:+6.03\00:46:+ .22&nd e *ee% ob%i!ated00:46:+ .22\00:46:+9.0+to e p%ain"omethin! "o intuiti)e...00:46:+9.0+\00:4 :00.2$becau"e it'" a ci)ic "?uare#it'" "omethin! di**erent#00:4 :00.2$\00:4 :03.2+the architecturemu"t be )a%ued....00:4 :03.2+\00:4 :0+.22(an ,ou ima!ine

    an >arco" "?uare00:4 :0+.22\00:4 :0 .23i* e *i%%ed it ith tree"700:4 :0 .23\00:4 :09.19

    hat ou%d happen700:4 :09.19\00:4 :10.26There ou%d be more "hado "#but "omethin! ou%d ha)e

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    00:4 :10.26\00:4 :12.16di"appeared# the art thin!.00:4 :12.16\00:4 :1+.04There mu"t be an e p%anation*or e)er,thin!.

    00:4 :1+.04\00:4 :1 .24&cti)e mediocrit, "uc-"K00:4 :1 .24\00:4 :21.01&nd e)en thou!h e erein a hurr,#00:4 :24.11\00:4 :26.03 e di"cu""ed thin!" a %ot.00:4 :26.03\00:4 :2 .22I remember thatone da, (ardo"o# a poet#00:4 :2 .22\00:4 :30.01

    a )er, bri!ht !u,#phoned me and "aid:00:4 :30.01\00:4 :33.14

    "car# I ha)e *oundthe tan!ent that i%% a%%o00:4 :33.14\00:4 :3+.24the (hamber dometo %oo- %i-e a" i*00:4 :3+.24\00:4 :3$.1it bare%, touched the *%oor.00:4 :3$.1 \00:4 :41.13

    o# I tried to ma-e the pa%ace"bare%, touchin! the *%oor#00:4 :44.10\00:4 :4$.12 ith thin co%umn".00:4 :4$.12\00:4 :+0.13In the =%ana%to =a%ace#*or e amp%e#00:4 :+0.13\00:4 :+2.12I made the co%umn" %i-e that.00:4 :+2.12\00:4 :+4.26&nd# "ince I i"hed the peop%ethat a%-ed bet een them00:4 :+4.26\00:4 :+$.11and the bui%din!to *ee% protected#00:4 :+$.11\00:4$:01.10I made the co%umn"a% a," %i-e that.00:4$:01.10\00:4$:04.1

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    I made the co%umn"00:4$:0$.00\00:4$:09.2$o* the other bui%din!in a "imi%ar a,.00:4$:09.2$\00:4$:11.20

    ere the, arethree meter" apart#00:4$:11.20\00:4$:13.13there it'" on%, onemeter and the,'re a %itt%e %o er.00:4$:13.13\00:4$:1 .13I remember the %ac-o* under"tandin! o* thin!".00:4$:21.21\00:4$:24.01

    nce# a 5ourna%i"tin Fo =au%o a"-ed me:

    00:4$:24.01\00:4$:2 .198r. Dieme,er# ,ou -eep ta%-in!about di**erent architecture#00:4$:2 .19\00:4$:31.09"o h, did ,ou ma-e the"e00:4$:31.09\00:4$:32.16co%umn" "imi%arto the other one"700:4$:32.16\00:4$:34.24I an" ered that i* "he -ne hat unit, a"#00:4$:34.24\00:4$:3$.12"he ou%dn'tbe a"-in! that ?ue"tion.00:4$:3$.12\00:4$:41.2

    ormer%,# there u"ed to bea connection in the citie".00:4$:41.2 \00:4$:4+.03I* ,ou !o to =ari"#the hei!ht" are the "ame#00:4$:4+.03\00:4$:4 .10the indo " are the "ame#that i" hat e ca%% unit,.00:4$:4 .10\00:4$:+1.23Hnit, in architecturei" hen the e%ement"00:4$:+1.23\00:4$:+4.22that compo"e a ho%eare p%a"tica%%, connected.00:4$:+4.22\00:4$:+9.0+

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    The &%)orada.00:49:04.10\00:49:06.14I re"earcheda di**erent co%umn.00:49:06.14\00:49:09.06

    I did not ant a parapet#I didn't ant a per"on00:49:09.06\00:49:11.26to be "tuc- to the parapet#I anted the co%umn"00:49:11.26\00:49:14.06to *o%%o an unu"ua% rh,thm.00:49:14.06\00:49:19.12That a,# the per"on a" eitherabo)e or be%o the co%umn.00:49:20.06\00:49:23.13

    &nd the co%umn or-ed )er, e%%.00:49:23.13\00:49:26.21I "ee that co%umn in %ot"o* p%ace"#00:49:26.21\00:49:29.06I "a it once in Creece.00:49:29.06\00:49:31.0+

    ne da,# I a" at the beach00:49:31.0+\00:49:33.00and henI came bac- *rom the "ea#00:49:33.00\00:49:3+.21I "a a bui%din! iththe &%)orada co%umn".00:49:3+.21\00:49:3$.06It made ra@i%ianarchitecture# didn't it.00:49:3$.06\00:49:41.13&*ter that# there erethe other con"truction".00:49:+$.12\00:+0:01.10

    or e amp%e#there a" the cathedra%.00:+0:01.10\00:+0:03.01I didn't ant a cathedra%%i-e the o%d one".00:+0:03.01\00:+0:06.09I anted a cathedra% thatcou%d e pre"" concrete.

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    00:+0:06.09\00:+0:09.00&nd# e)en thou!hI'm not a catho%ic#00:+0:10.19\00:+0:12.2+I thou!ht that a per"on

    in the na)e "hou%d be ab%e00:+0:12.2+\00:+0:16.22to "ee the in*inite "pace.00:+0:16.22\00:+0:1$.26I mean#I %oo-ed *or a connection00:+0:1$.26\00:+0:21.00that i" important*or catho%ic peop%e#00:+0:21.00\00:+0:23.0the connection o* the na)e#

    o* the earth# ith hea)en.00:+0:23.0 \00:+0:26.19I remember that an emi""ar,o* the pope ent there00:+0:2$.1$\00:+0:32.1+and a" o)er he%med ith "uch a !ood idea.00:+0:32.1+\00:+0:3+.20/ater# e p%aced the "tained!%a"" indo "#00:+0:36.0$\00:+0:3$.21 hich are )er, beauti*u%#00:+0:3$.21\00:+0:40.09but e %e*t a "pace "othat the e,e" cou%d00:+0:40.09\00:+0:42.04%oo- up to the "-,.00:+0:42.04\00:+0:44.09The *ir"t timeI ent to ra"i%ia b, p%ane#00:+0:4$.2$\00:+0:+2.1$ e ent ith the mi%itarie"#00:+0:+2.1$\00:+0:++.0$I "at ne t to mar"ha% /ottand he a"-ed me:00:+0:++.0$\00:+0:+$.20Dieme,er# our bui%din!00:+0:+$.20\00:+1:01.0$i" !oin! to bein c%a""ica% "t,%e# i"n't it7

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    00:+1:01.0$\00:+1:03.2$I e)en "mi%edat him and an" ered:00:+1:03.2$\00:+1:0+.20

    &t a ar# hat ou%d

    ,ou %i-e be"t#00:+1:0+.20\00:+1:0 .13an ancient eaponor a modern one00:+1:0 .13\00:+1:09.09

    e "a each other#the mu"ician"#00:+2:26.03\00:+2:2$.12the mo)ie director"#the theater peop%e.00:+2:2$.12\00:+2:31.16

    It a" the "ame !an!.00:+2:31.16\00:+2:33.1e u"ed

    to !o to the "ame p%ace".00:+2:33.1 \00:+2:3+.01&nd architecture a" inc%udedin that too.00:+2:3+.01\00:+2:36.2$

    o much "o that GinMciu"in)ited "car00:+2:36.2$\00:+2:39.01to createthe "ettin! o* rpheu".00:+2:39.01\00:+2:41.20Giniciu" and Tom ent to ra"i%ia00:+2:41.20\00:+2:4+.21and compo"edthe ra"i%ia inphon,.00:+2:4+.21\00:+2:4$.10

    )er,thin! a" to!ether:mu"ic# poetr, and %iterature.00:+2:4$.10\00:+2:+2.01

    )er,thin! a" happenin!at the "ame time.00:+2:+2.01\00:+2:++.04The architect" /Ncio (o"taand "car Dieme,er.00:+2:+6.0$\00:+3:00.13The *ir"t a" !i)en

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    the ta"- o* pro5ectin!00:+3:00.13\00:+3:02.2and coordinatin! the urbani"m.00:+3:02.2 \00:+3:04.29The "econd a" re"pon"ib%e

    *or the architecture.00:+3:04.29\00:+3:0$.01oth are technician"

    and arti"t"#00:+3:0$.01\00:+3:09.2$de"er)ed%, admireda%% o)er the or%d#00:+3:09.2$\00:+3:11.2$compo"e ith %ine"#)o%ume" and "pace"00:+3:11.2$\00:+3:1+.09

    the ra"i%ia ",mphon,.00:+3:1+.09\00:+3:1 .19ra"i%ia a" born

    *rom the primar, !e"ture00:+3:1 .19\00:+3:21.24o* "omeone ho e"tab%i"he" ap%ace and ta-e" po""e""ion o* it.00:+3:21.24\00:+3:2+.12In other ord"#it i" the "i!n o* the cro"".00:+3:2+.12\00:+3:2$.21The cit, o* ra"i%iai" ba"ed on the &then" (harter.00:+3:33.26\00:+3:3$.06The "ame ","temo* i"o%ated area":00:+3:3$.06\00:+3:41.00 or-# %od!in!00:+3:41.00\00:+3:43.16It ha" ad)anta!e"and di"ad)anta!e".00:+3:43.16\00:+3:46.20

    ut /ucio didit ith "o much *ee%in!...00:+3:+1.0 \00:+3:+4.21

    e mana!ed to obtain"omethin! )er, di**icu%t:00:+3:+4.21\00:+3:+ .09to maintain in the %i)in!area" an architecture

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    00:+3:+ .09\00:+4:00.0$that a" "imp%er and home%i-e#00:+4:00.0$\00:+4:02.19and at the "ame timeto create a monumenta% part

    00:+4:02.19\00:+4:04.1+re?uired b, a capita%# ith that a i".00:+4:04.1+\00:+4:0 .10

    ne mi%%ion inhabitant".00:+4:10.29\00:+4:13.20There are more thanone mi%%ion inhabitant".00:+4:13.20\00:+4:16.11I" there room *or an,bod, e%"e7Do# there i"n't.

    00:+4:16.11\00:+4:19.29De)erthe%e""# peop%e %i-e,ou -eep comin!#00:+4:19.29\00:+4:23.09*rom a%% o)er ra@i%.&nd it i" *air.00:+4:23.09\00:+4:2 .00The *uture i" here#in the (entra% =%ateau.00:+4:2 .00\00:+4:30.14

    e *rom "ocia% care# e ta-e care o* ,ou00:+4:30.14\00:+4:3+.19and e !uide ,ou.00:+4:3+.19\00:+4:3$.1+

    e "he%ter a%% the *ami%ie".00:+4:3$.1+\00:+4:41.2$

    e%%# it cannot be here#do nto n...00:+4:41.2$\00:+4:46.0

    ra"i%ia "hou%d "top.00:++:1+.22\00:++:1 .2It ha" reached "uch a pointo* demo!raphic den"it,00:++:1 .2 \00:++:22.1that nothin! "hou%dbe added to it.00:++:22.1 \00:++:2+.0+Do more apartment b%oc-""hou%d be bui%t in ra"i%ia.

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    00:++:2+.0+\00:++:2$.26&nd there i" the rea%e"tate "pecu%ation.00:++:2$.26\00:++:31.23The, ant to chan!e

    the !au!e# it i%% be chao".00:++:31.23\00:++:3+.2$I* the, con"tructbi!!er bui%din!"#00:++:3+.2$\00:++:3$.00i* the, create ne area"o* %i)in!#00:++:3$.00\00:++:41.00the cit, i%% "u**erthe "ame de!radation00:++:41.00\00:++:43.0+

    o* Rio and Fo =au%o.00:++:43.0+\00:++:44.20There are %ot" o* peop%eon the "treet"#00:++:44.20\00:++:46.13e)er,bod, ten"e00:++:46.13\00:++:4$.01becau"e the, cannot mo)earound# unemp%o,ment.00:++:4$.01\00:++:+1.20The citie" "hou%dn't !ro"pontaneou"%,# ithout contro%.00:++:+1.20\00:++:+6.2The, "hou%d mu%tip%,.00:++:+6.2 \00:++:+9.1$That i" the correcturbani"tic point o* )ie .00:++:+9.1$\00:+6:03.06&nd ra"i%ia i" at thi" point.It "hou%d "top !ro in!.00:+6:03.06\00:+6:0+.19There "hou%d be a!reen be%t around it.00:+6:0+.19\00:+6:0$.03&nd then# other citie"#that are a%read, !ro in! too#00:+6:0$.03\00:+6:11.00"hou%d *orm around it#a%% !uided b, the "ame idea00:+6:11.00\00:+6:14.0+

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    that the, "hou%dnot !ro inde*inite%,#00:+6:14.0+\00:+6:1 .0+becau"e that i" the prob%emo* the bi! citie".

    00:+6:1 .0+\00:+6:20.04Cue"t" arri)e at the=a% cio do" &rco" in ra"i%ia#00:+6:26.16\00:+6:2$.11monumenta% bui%din!created b, Dieme,er#00:+6:2$.11\00:+6:30.13to a mar)e%ou" part,.00:+6:30.13\00:+6:33.04>ore than one thou"and!ue"t" "urround

    00:+6:33.04\00:+6:3+.12Eo%anda (o"ta e i%)a#the *ir"t i*e#00:+6:3+.12\00:+6:3 .21 ho "pon"or"the *a"hion "ho00:+6:3 .21\00:+6:39.20o* the rench "t,%i"t=ierre (ardin.00:+6:39.20\00:+6:41.2+The tab%e" eredecorated b, ur%e >ar .00:+6:41.2+\00:+6:44.2$(ardin a" a" "ucce""*u%a" one cou%d e pect.00:+6:+3.0 \00:+6:++.2

    e to%d the pre""that he ant" to create00:+6:++.2 \00:+6:+$.04not on%, *or the rich peop%e#but a%"o *or the or-in! c%a""00:+6:+$.04\00:+ :00.21and e)en *or men.00:+ :00.21\00:+ :02.03&nd ra"i%ia#in thi" ma!ic e)enin!#00:+ :02.03\00:+ :03.2$become" a%"o the capita%o* the *a"hion or%d.00:+ :03.2$\00:+ :0 .19

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    The moment arri)ed hen I had to choo"e.00:+ :16.01\00:+ :1$.23The mi%itar, coup a" there#

    00:+ :1$.23\00:+ :20.23the, "tartedto me"" around ith me.00:+ :20.23\00:+ :22.1$The, antedme to ?uit.00:+ :22.1$\00:+ :24.19I -neI cou%dn't or- an,more;00:+ :24.19\00:+ :26.26the, didn't ha)e

    the !ut" to *ire me.00:+ :26.26\00:+ :29.1+&nd I decided to !o a a,.00:+ :29.1+\00:+ :32.12&nd thu"the, made me a *a)or.00:+ :32.12\00:+ :34.13The, anted to "hut me up#but the, a%%o ed me to "ho00:+ :34.13\00:+ :3 .13m, architecture o)er"ea".00:+ :3 .13\00:+ :40.14

    cience Hni)er"it, &%!ier"&%!eria# 196$.00:+$:04.14\00:+$:09.23I ent to &%!eria to or-.&nd I a" )er, happ, there#00:+$:14.0$\00:+$:1 .21becau"e I rea%i@edthere i" ",mpath, a%%00:+$:1 .21\00:+$:20.09o)er the or%d and that#in !enera%# men are !ood.00:+$:20.09\00:+$:22.24

    hen I arri)ed in &%!eria#oumedienne a" the pre"ident

    00:+$:22.24\00:+$:26.1$and he in the euphoria o*the )ictor, o* the re)o%ution.00:+$:26.1$\00:+$:30.1$

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    o# he to%d me:Eou are !oin!

    00:+$:30.1$\00:+$:32.16to be m, architecturecon"u%tant.

    00:+$:32.16\00:+$:3+.02&nd I or-ed there#00:+$:3+.02\00:+$:36.20I made a "tud, *or &%!ier"and I pro5ected00:+$:36.20\00:+$:39.29the Hni)er"it,o* (on"tantine.00:+$:39.29\00:+$:41.2$(on"tantine# *or e amp%e# a" a uni)er"it,.

    00:+$:4 .16\00:+$:+0.06It had t ent,Bthree bui%din!"and I propo"ed "e)en.00:+$:+0.06\00:+$:+3.14I pro5ected a bui%din!*or the a%% the c%a""e"#00:+$:+3.14\00:+$:+6.29a "cience bui%din!#00:+$:+6.29\00:+9:00.26the %ibrar,# the auditorium#00:+9:03.24\00:+9:0$.01the re"taurant andthe admini"tration bui%din!#00:+9:0$.01\00:+9:10.2$ hich a" a hi!h one.00:+9:10.2$\00:+9:12.2+

    o# I chan!ed a uni)er"it,o* t ent,Bt o bui%din!"00:+9:14.1+\00:+9:1$.13in one o* "i .00:+9:1$.13\00:+9:19.23&nd it or-" prett, e%%.00:+9:19.23\00:+9:21.14The "pacebecame more !enerou".00:+9:21.14\00:+9:23.20I tried to ma-ethe ho%e thin! prett, radica%.00:+9:23.20\00:+9:26.2+Thi" bui%din!# *or e amp%e#

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    i" a %on! one#00:+9:2 .29\00:+9:31.1he ha" three hundred meter"%on! and the co%umn"00:+9:31.1 \00:+9:34.04

    are *i*t, meter"a a, *rom each other.00:+9:34.04\00:+9:3$.01Thi" a%% mu"t be "tron!er#00:+9:3$.01\00:+9:41.29in order to "upporttho"e "pan"# ri!ht700:+9:41.29\00:+9:43.2

    hen the rench *irme amined the pro5ect# the, "aid:00:+9:43.2 \00:+9:4$.19

    It'" !reat# but the a%%abo)e the co%umn"00:+9:4$.19\00:+9:+2.0mu"t ha)e 1#+0 meter" .00:+9:+2.0 \00:+9:+4.23

    ur en!ineerdid it ith 30 centimeter".00:+9:+4.23\00:+9:+$.12The rench had "aid thatcon"truction a" in*ea"ib%e.00:+9:+$.12\01:00:01.21That a" thecorrect ord: in*ea"ib%e.01:00:01.21\01:00:04.2+

    o# I !ot the pro5ect#made a "tud,01:00:04.2+\01:00:0 .2+and e pre"ented a "o%ution01:00:0 .2+\01:00:10.19to that in*ea"ib%ebet een in)erted comma".01:00:10.19\01:00:13.23&nd then# the rench "aiddurin! the meetin!:01:00:13.23\01:00:1+.24

    That e can do.01:00:1+.24\01:00:1 .2&nd the &%!erian an" ered:

    o come# ,ou can do that701:00:1 .2 \01:00:21.09

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    ir"t#,ou "a, it'" in*ea"ib%e#01:00:21.09\01:00:23.00then a ra@i%ian !u, come" ith a "o%ution

    01:00:23.00\01:00:26.11and ,ou decide,ou can do that701:00:26.11\01:00:2 .29>ora% o* the "tor,:The &%!erian "aid:01:00:2 .29\01:00:29.10

    The ra@i%ian !u,i" !oin! to do it.01:00:29.10\01:00:32.20

    e tra)e%ed throu!h urope

    "ho in! e)er,bod, that ra@i%01:00:3 .10\01:00:39.29-no " the "tu**#that e are no Indian"#01:00:39.29\01:00:42.0that /atin &merica mu"t*ind it" p%ace.01:00:42.0 \01:00:46.24

    ith time# or-in!# e end up creatin!01:00:+1.23\01:00:+4.26our o n princip%e"#thin!" that e *o%%o .01:00:+4.26\01:00:+9.16&nd one a% a," thin-"di**erent *rom the other".01:00:+9.16\01:01:02.19

    o# the or-i" "omethin! per"ona%.01:01:02.19\01:01:04.21

    ne "it" do n and come"to a "o%ution.01:01:04.21\01:01:0 .14

    ometime"# it i" not nece""ar,to thin- a %ot.01:01:0 .14\01:01:09.26I remember once# hen I had tocreate the mo"?ue in &%!eria.01:01:09.26\01:01:12.2$I a" in bed# read, to "%eep

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    01:01:12.2$\01:01:14.2and "tartedthin-in! about the mo"?ue.01:01:14.2 \01:01:16.1+I be!an to ima!ine thin!"#

    the mo"?ue cou%d ha)e01:01:16.1+\01:01:1$.16a circu%ar *orm#I ent on thin-in!.01:01:1$.16\01:01:20.2$Then# I !ot out o* bedand dra it.01:01:20.2$\01:01:22.26&nd that a" it#the mo"?ue a" created01:01:22.26\01:01:24.13

    hen I a" a%mo"t a"%eep# a"n't it01:01:24.13\01:01:26.00&*ter ard"# e ent to =ari".01:01:33.13\01:01:3+.02The part,'" bui%din!#*or e amp%e.01:01:3+.02\01:01:36.24I created a cur)ed bui%din!.01:01:36.24\01:01:3$.22

    ut I anted to beread, to an" er an, ?ue"tion".01:01:3$.22\01:01:41.21&nd# in order not to %ea)ean empt, "pace#01:01:41.21\01:01:43.26tho"e are the acce""e".01:01:43.26\01:01:4+.2+The auditor, had a bi! dome.01:01:4+.2+\01:01:4$.02I did not ant the dometo occup, a%% the "pace.01:01:4$.02\01:01:+0.2+

    o# the bui%din! i" %i-e that#here i" the piece01:01:+0.2+\01:01:+4.02o* %and and the domei" be%o it#01:01:+4.02\01:01:++.26

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    on%, a piece o* it "ho ".01:01:++.26\01:01:+$.06&nd I e p%ained to them01:02:09.0 \01:02:11.02"omethin! the,

    had *or!otten a %itt%e:01:02:11.02\01:02:13.01the connection bet een )o%ume"and *ree "pace01:02:13.01\01:02:16.12i" e""entia% in architecture.01:02:16.12\01:02:1$.2$B "car Dieme,er pace/e a)re rance 19 201:02:23.00\01:02:2 .0+

    a)re: the *unn, thin! i"

    that the "?uare i" )er, bi!.01:02:2 .2$\01:02:31.23The "i@e o* the "?uare01:02:31.23\01:02:33.04i" *our hundredb, *our hundred.01:02:33.04\01:02:34.1I !ot there and "aid:

    I ant to %o er the "?uare .01:02:34.1 \01:02:3 .1+The, a"-ed:

    /o er the "?uare 701:02:3 .1+\01:02:39.24(omp%icated# i"n't it701:02:39.24\01:02:41.1+

    ut then I e p%ainedI anted peop%e to "ee01:02:41.1+\01:02:44.00the "?uare *rom abo)eand that I anted01:02:44.00\01:02:46.13to protect the "?uare*rom the ind.01:02:46.13\01:02:49.00The, under"toodand it a" e ecuted.01:02:49.00\01:02:+1.2Then# a%on! the "?uareI created )ariou" bui%din!":01:02:+1.2 \01:02:++.22

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    a theatre# a cu%tura% centre.01:02:++.22\01:02:+$.26&nd "ince the, are bui%din!"that can be c%o"ed#01:02:+$.26\01:03:03.03

    the re"u%t a" a di**erent#more "cu%ptura% architecture.01:03:03.03\01:03:0 .20I did not ant to inter*ere ith the cit, architecture#01:03:23.26\01:03:2 .1 hich i" "imp%e#but important.01:03:2 .1 \01:03:31.00&*ter ard"# I ent to Ita%,#01:03:31.14\01:03:34.01

    I or-ed ith >ondadori#another !reat character...01:03:34.01\01:03:3 .12

    e de"ired a beauti*u% bui%din!#"omethin! di**erent.01:03:3 .12\01:03:40.10

    e made a pa%ace.01:03:40.10\01:03:42.16It i" a pa%aceand the arche" are di**erent.01:03:42.16\01:03:4+.23In architecture# hen e dra an arch#01:03:4 .1+\01:03:+0.09not on%, the arch i" important#but a%"o it" interna% "pace.01:03:+0.09\01:03:+4.11It'" %i-e Ri%-e u"ed to "a,:01:03:+4.11\01:03:+ .0$

    hen ,ou "ee a bu"h#01:03:+ .0$\01:03:+9.06not on%,the tree" are important#01:03:+9.06\01:04:01.1but a%"othe "pace amon! them.01:04:01.1 \01:04:04.12

    o I made tho"e arche" ith di**erent interna% "pace".01:04:06.0 \01:04:09.1

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    ne ith a "pan o* 1+ mt#the other o* 9 mt#01:04:09.1 \01:04:12.02the other o* 6mt" and "o on.01:04:12.02\01:04:14.0

    It a" "omethin! that hadto do ith mu"ic# a"n't it01:04:14.0 \01:04:1 .2+&n Ita%ian en!ineercame and a"-ed me:01:04:1 .2+\01:04:20.20

    (an't e do them a%% ith $ meter" 7 I "aid: Do .01:04:20.20\01:04:23.09Rea"on i" the enem, o*ima!ination# hich i" *anta"tic.

    01:04:2 .2 \01:04:32.04e do not anta correct architecture#01:04:32.2 \01:04:3+.09 hich or-" e%%.01:04:3+.09\01:04:36.20&%% architectureha" to or-.01:04:36.20\01:04:39.06

    hen I made the head?uarter"o* >ondadori# it i" a pa%ace...01:04:39.06\01:04:42.10/ater# he anted a bui%din!in >i%an do nto n01:04:42.10\01:04:44.20and he came to me.01:04:44.20\01:04:46.0I* the head?uarter"hadn't or-ed e%%#01:04:46.0 \01:04:4 .16he ou%d not ha)e come bac-.01:04:4 .16\01:04:49.0+

    hen I pro5ectedthe =art,'" head?uarter"#01:04:49.0+\01:04:+1.06ten ,ear" %ater#the, decided to bui%d01:04:+1.06\01:04:+4.0$the umanitO#and the, a"-ed me

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    01:04:+4.0$\01:04:+ .028o ,ou thin- that i* it hadn't or- the, ou%d ca%% me a!ain701:04:+ .02\01:0+:00.13Dobod, i" a *oo%.

    01:0+:00.13\01:0+:02.24nce I a" abroad#up"et about e)er,thin!.01:0+:16.06\01:0+:20.21I a" thin-in! about ra@i%#m, *riend"# m, *ami%,.01:0+:20.21\01:0+:24.13I a" "o an!r,I made a poem01:0+:24.13\01:0+:26.26and put it on the a%%.

    It ent %i-e that:01:0+:26.26\01:0+:29.11I am *ar a a, *rom e)er,thin!

    )er,thin! that I %i-e01:0+:29.11\01:0+:32.10

    rom that beauti*u% countr,That "a me be born.01:0+:32.10\01:0+:3+.12

    ne da, I i%% burn m,"e%*et m, *oot on the road

    01:0+:3+.12\01:0+:3 .20It i" in ra@i%I ant to %i)e.01:0+:3 .20\01:0+:40.10

    ach per"on in it" o n "paceach one under it" o n roo*.

    01:0+:40.10\01:0+:43.12To p%a, ith m, *riend"To atch time *%o01:0+:43.12\01:0+:46.03I ant to %oo- at the "tar"I ant to *ee% %i*e01:0+:46.03\01:0+:4$.20It i" in ra@i% I ant to %i)e01:0+:4$.20\01:0+:+1.0$I'm pi""ed o**Thi" co%d on't !o a a,01:0+:+1.0$\01:0+:+3.2

    * hearin! "o much crapI can't he%p m,"e%*.

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    01:0+:+3.2 \01:0+:+ .1$ne da,# I i%% burn m,"e%*

    /ea)e e)er,thin! behind01:0+:+ .1$\01:0+:+9.22It i" in ra@i%

    I ant to %i)e.01:0+:+9.22\01:06:02.0+Thi" doe"n't "uit me.It doe"n't "uit me at a%%.01:06:02.0+\01:06:04.2+I ha)e made m, deci"ionDobod, i%% "top me.01:06:04.2+\01:06:0 .2$

    uc- the or-&nd thi" "hitt, or%d01:06:0 .2$\01:06:10.1$

    It'" in ra@i%I ant to %i)e.01:06:10.1$\01:06:13.22There a" a hou"ein the (onde de /a!e "treet01:06:21.24\01:06:24.00 ith man, room".01:06:24.00\01:06:2+.1+

    or a %on! time#m, "tudio a" there.01:06:2+.1+\01:06:30.04

    ut ith time the thin!"ha)e chan!ed#01:06:31.10\01:06:33.0+it ha" becomea pro"titution @one.01:06:33.0+\01:06:34.2&nd the hou"e turned outto become a brothe%#01:06:34.2 \01:06:3 .02a" it a" "uppo"ed to be.01:06:3 .02\01:06:3$.2I remember bein! a -idand a%-in! around that area.01:06:40.2$\01:06:44.0It *e%t !ood to "eetho"e *ree omen#01:06:44.0 \01:06:46.11a%mo"t na-edaround the "treet".

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    01:06:46.11\01:06:49.13The bar at the corner#the !u, p%a,in! the !uitar...01:06:49.13\01:06:+2.03 e u"ed to drin- beer there.

    01:06:+2.03\01:06:+4.12>, "tudio a" a% a,"%i-e that#01:06:++.29\01:06:+ .19a )er, bohemian mi%ieu#01:06:+ .19\01:06:+9.12but it didn't inter*ere ith the or-.01:06:+9.12\01:0 :01.14

    e ere ,oun!.01:0 :01.14\01:0 :02.2$

    ometime" e c%o"ed the "tudio01:0 :02.2$\01:0 :04.2and made a -indo* >odern &rt ee-.01:0 :04.2 \01:0 :0$.06

    e p%a,ed a bit.01:0 :0$.06\01:0 :09.2+Rio "u**ered )er, much.01:0 :14.13\01:0 :16.19Dature i" rebe%%iou"#but accept" e)er,thin!.01:0 :16.19\01:0 :20.09

    ecau"e i* the, had donearra in"tead

    01:0 :20.09\01:0 :24.24o* increa"in! the center#and had pre"er)ed the o%d Rio...01:0 :24.24\01:0 :2$.22The o%d Rio#I am not bein! no"ta%!ic#01:0 :2$.22\01:0 :31.01the o%d Rio a" better#01:0 :31.01\01:0 :32.20 e u"ed to a%-around it" "treet".01:0 :32.20\01:0 :36.0$There a" the tram; one cou%dread the ne "paper in the tram.01:0 :36.0$\01:0 :40.00

    e had /apa# one cou%d !o

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    and ha)e "ome *un there.01:0 :40.00\01:0 :42.26It a" di**erentand it a" more humane...01:0 :42.26\01:0 :46.2+

    &nd the do nto n a" )er, nice.01:0 :46.2+\01:0 :49.16I am a"hamed to !o to arra.01:0 :+4.21\01:0 :+ .11It'" "ad# becau"ethe rea% e"tate "pecu%ation01:0 :+ .11\01:0$:01.14ha" in*%uenced it a %ot.01:0$:01.14\01:0$:03.0$&%% the bui%din!"

    ha)e ba%conie"#01:0$:03.0$\01:0$:0+.04e)en thou!h nobod, u"e"01:0$:0+.04\01:0$:06.19tho"e ba%conie" becau"ethere i" too much ind.01:0$:06.19\01:0$:0$.1$

    ut apartment" ith ba%conie""o%d better.01:0$:0$.1$\01:0$:10.1$&nd the bui%din!" are u!%,#bi! "?uare"#01:0$:10.1$\01:0$:13.02one a!ain"t the other.01:0$:13.02\01:0$:14.29It'" >iami.& >iami "uburb.01:0$:14.29\01:0$:1 .12The, e)en put therea tatue o* /ibert,.01:0$:1 .12\01:0$:20.11

    hen e arri)e at arra# e "ti%% *ee% that connection#01:0$:20.11\01:0$:23.23that &mericanpre""ure o)er u".01:0$:23.23\01:0$:2 .16That u"hi" a "on o* a bitch.01:0$:2 .16\01:0$:30.0

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    e "aid he cou%d tradeha%* o* the ra@i%ian debt01:0$:30.0 \01:0$:34.26*or the &[email protected]:0$:34.26\01:0$:36.14

    &nd e %i"ten to thatand nobod, comp%ain".01:0$:36.14\01:0$:39.14

    hat *i%% u" ith enthu"ia"m01:0$:4 .04\01:0$:49.13no ada," are the %and%e""and the ome%e"" mo)ement#01:0$:49.13\01:0$:+1.2tra)e%in! around our road"#01:0$:+1.2 \01:0$:+4.0$

    de*endin! %andthat "hou%d ha)e been01:0$:+4.0$\01:0$:+6.0+their" *or a %on! time.01:0$:+6.0+\01:0$:+$.1+I ha)e pro5ected"ome monument"01:09:06.12\01:09:0$.1$and the, are a%%prote"t monument".01:09:0$.1$\01:09:10.12The *ir"t one a" *or Do more torture .01:09:10.12\01:09:13.20I did thi"#01:09:13.20\01:09:16.2$ ith a human*i!ure "tuc- here.01:09:1 .29\01:09:22.26/ater# I created the monument*or the three or-er"01:09:2+.04\01:09:29.00 ho had been -i%%ed01:09:29.00\01:09:30.16b, the mi%itar,in Go%ta Redonda.01:09:30.16\01:09:32.13

    e bui%t the monument#and in the inau!uration da,01:09:32.13\01:09:3+.1$

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    the, ent thereand e p%oded it.01:09:3+.1$\01:09:3 .20I ent bac- there# e rebui%t the monument#

    01:09:3 .20\01:09:39.2 e %e*t the "car"#the or-er" "tood01:09:39.2 \01:09:42.09there *or three da,"ta-in! care01:09:42.09\01:09:44.03o* it andthe monument i" "ti%% there.01:09:44.03\01:09:4 .00I a" in)ited to do

    01:09:49.21\01:09:+1.0a bi! 5obin the Hnited tate".01:09:+1.0 \01:09:+3.10

    o I ent to the con"u%ateand the %ad, there to%d me:01:09:+3.10\01:09:+6.2+

    There i" no )i"a *or ,ou .01:09:+6.2+\01:09:+$.24B h,7 I" it per"ona%7BIt'" per"ona%.01:09:+$.24\01:10:01.16

    o I "aid: Eou -no hatThat ma-e" me happ,.01:10:01.16\01:10:04.14I* a*ter more than t ent, ,ear",ou den, me a )i"a#01:10:04.14\01:10:06.2+it mean" I ha)en't chan!ed.01:10:06.2+\01:10:09.1

    ne ha" to be *aith*u% toprincip%e"# and not to tactic"#01:10:09.1 \01:10:14.21po%itica% "trate!ie"or ri"e to po er.01:10:14.21\01:10:1 .24It ha" nothin! to do ith it.01:10:1 .24\01:10:19.1$It'" about princip%e" and ecannot renounce our princip%e".

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    01:10:19.1$\01:10:23.0"car Dieme,er didn't renounce

    01:10:23.0 \01:10:2+.0+them and I don'tcon!ratu%ate him *or that.

    01:10:2+.0+\01:10:30.2$I don't con!ratu%ate "car*or not renouncin!.01:10:30.2$\01:10:34.04I don't than- him either#becau"e it i" "imp%,01:10:34.04\01:10:3 .09an e pre""iono* hi" o n humanit,.01:10:3 .09\01:10:39.22I be%ie)e he i" a per"on

    at peace ith him"e%*.01:10:39.22\01:10:43.2$&nd to be at peace ith one"e%* i" not ea",.01:10:43.2$\01:10:49.11

    e %i)e in a or%d01:10:49.11\01:10:+1.2+o* contradiction"and ten"ion".01:10:+1.2+\01:10:+4.02The bottom %inei" e %i)e under a "torm.01:10:+4.02\01:10:+ .04&nd "car ha" mana!edto -eep hi" a, in the midd%e01:10:+ .04\01:11:00.03o* thi" "torm# ith ind"b%o in! *rom e)er, here.01:11:00.03\01:11:0+.16I *ind optimi"m"omethin! ridicu%ou"#01:11:20.1 \01:11:23.19it doe"n't ta-e u" an, here.01:11:23.19\01:11:2+.24

    e don't ant nihi%i"m#01:11:2+.24\01:11:2 .13but e %oo-*or a rea%i"tic %i*e#01:11:2 .13\01:11:29.02 ithin

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    the e i"tent po""ibi%itie".01:11:29.02\01:11:31.22It i" hard#but that i" hat i" there.01:11:31.22\01:11:33.2

    e can mention artre#he a" )er, pe""imi"tic.01:11:33.2 \01:11:3 .16

    e u"ed to "a, that a%%e i"tence i" a *ai%ure.01:11:3 .16\01:11:39.21

    ut he *ou!ht *or (uba#he a" intere"ted#01:11:39.21\01:11:42.13he a" a !reat riterand he en5o,ed %i*e.

    01:11:42.13\01:11:4+.0$e u"ed to te%% u"#bac- in =ari"#01:11:4+.0$\01:11:46.2$that he had mone,in hi" poc-et on%,01:11:46.2$\01:11:4$.1+to !i)e a%m" to the poor.

    o# that i" %i*e.01:11:4$.1+\01:11:+1.218o ,ou be%ie)e in hat i" "aidaround the or%d#01:11:+1.21\01:11:++.12that ide% (a"tro ou%d ha)e di"torted01:11:++.12\01:11:+9.01the purpo"eo* the (uban re)o%ution701:11:+9.01\01:12:02.10

    i%% !i)e a pre"" con*erencetoda, to the )ie er".01:12:02.10\01:12:06.0+

    e i" )er, tired.01:12:06.0+\01:12:0$.20Jean =au% artrebe%ie)e" that01:12:24.19\01:12:2 .0the (uban re)o%ution *o%%o "it" natura% cour"e01:12:2 .0 \01:12:30.03

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    and that i" the on%, cour"eit "hou%d ha)e.01:12:30.03\01:12:3+.06&nd a%% that ide% (a"tro01:12:3+.06\01:12:3 .00

    i" doin!i" comp%ete%, correct.01:12:3 .00\01:12:3$.24/on! %i)ethe (uban Re)o%utionK01:12:3$.24\01:12:40.22

    ord" o* Jean =au% artre# hen he arri)ed in Fo =au%o#01:12:40.22\01:12:43.03at the (on!onha" airport# here he a" !reeted

    01:12:43.03\01:12:4+.1+b, inte%%ectua%"and member"01:12:4+.1+\01:12:4 .24o* the ne !eneration.01:12:4 .24\01:12:+0.03

    nce# one o* the man, time"I ent to te"ti*,#01:12:+0.03\01:12:+3.2$the, a"-ed me:01:12:+3.2$\01:12:++.2

    8r. Dieme,er...01:12:++.2 \01:12:+ .1+the, put me ina dar-# c%o"ed room01:12:+ .1+\01:13:00.21and I "tood there an" erin!the ?ue"tion"#01:13:00.21\01:13:0+.0$thi" b%ac- ,oun! !u, a" at the t,pe riter.01:13:0+.0$\01:13:0$.02Then#the other !u, a"-ed me:01:13:0$.02\01:13:10.10

    8r. Dieme,er# hat do ,ou peop%e ant 701:13:10.10\01:13:13.10

    I ant to chan!ethe "ociet,.

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    01:13:13.10\01:13:1+.1+o# the !u, "aid: t,pe that#

    chan!e the "ociet, .01:13:1+.1+\01:13:1$.12&nd the b%ac- !u,#

    ho probab%, anted01:13:1$.12\01:13:20.06a better %i*e *or him"e%*#turned around and "aid to me:01:13:20.06\01:13:22.00

    It i" !oin! to be tou!hK01:13:22.00\01:13:23.29

    amba (at a%-Rio de Janeiro 19$301:13:23.29\01:13:2$.04The "ambPdromo "ho

    i" ma!ni*icent# i" onder*u%.01:13:36.01\01:13:39.12&nd the omen are beauti*u%#01:13:39.12\01:13:41.02the, dance#the, ro%%... it'" !reat.01:13:41.02\01:13:43.14That con"truction hadman, !ood characteri"tic".01:13:+2.10\01:13:+4.26

    or e amp%e# under the "tand"#8arc, bui%t "choo%".01:13:+4.26\01:13:+9.11

    hen Jac- /an!# the >ini"tr,o* (u%ture o* rance#01:13:+9.11\01:14:03.0+ a" here and he "athe "choo%" under the "tand"#01:14:03.0+\01:14:06.0+he a" "urpri"ed:"choo%" under the "tand"701:14:06.0+\01:14:0 .2

    I ha)e ne)er "een "omethin!%i-e that# "uch a !ood idea #01:14:0 .2 \01:14:09.1+

    e a" de%i!hted.&nd that idea a" [email protected]:14:09.1+\01:14:12.2$I had to or- ith pre*abrication#

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    01:14:16.2 \01:14:19.16the *ini"he" are )er, "imp%eand e cou%d or- *a"t.01:14:19.16\01:14:24.13

    ne mu"t be a "coundre%

    to critici@e a pro5ect01:14:24.13\01:14:2 .01that brin!" educationto the ho%e "tate.01:14:2 .01\01:14:31.1$I don't u"ua%%, !o an, here#01:14:33.1$\01:14:3+.19but I ent to oneo* tho"e "ociet, !atherin!".01:14:3+.19\01:14:3$.11&nd I "at there#

    and a*ter a hi%e#01:14:3$.11\01:14:40.26the %i)in!Broom a" *u%% o* peop%e.01:14:40.26\01:14:42.24

    )er,bod, dre""ed up#beauti*u% omen01:14:42.24\01:14:46.12 earin! %ot" o* 5e e%"#e)er,bod, "ho in! o**#01:14:46.12\01:14:+1.1$"pea-in! %oud# each one o*them tr,in! to be con"picuou"701:14:+1.1$\01:14:+4.14I thou!ht it a" di"!u"tin!and I %e*t#01:14:+4.14\01:14:+6.24%ea)in! a note *or m, *riend.01:14:+6.24\01:14:+9.03

    * cour"e# e need moment"o* %ei"ure# o* 5o,.01:14:+9.03\01:1+:02.29

    ut the ra@i%ianbour!eoi"ie i" )er, i!norant.01:1+:02.29\01:1+:0$.23There'" thi" tendenc, to "ee01:1+:0$.23\01:1+:10.2$thin!" on%, on the bri!ht "ide#it happen"01:1+:10.2$\01:1+:13.0

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    a%"o durin! (arni)a%.01:1+:13.0 \01:1+:14.19The, don't !i)e a "hitabout the peop%e on the "%um"#01:1+:14.19\01:1+:1 .01

    but hen the, come do nto the "treet"#01:1+:1 .01\01:1+:1$.29the, cometo p%ea"e the bour!eoi"ie.01:1+:1$.29\01:1+:24.0

    hene)er I !o to ra@i%and to Rio#01:1+:40.2$\01:1+:4+.29I a% a," ha)e dinner ith &parecido de %i)eira

    01:1+:4+.29\01:1+:+0.1and "car Dieme,er in are"taurant near (opacabana.01:1+:+0.1 \01:1+:+ .00

    ome ,ear" a!o#I ent to the other "ide01:1+:+ .00\01:16:00.0o* Rio# to DiterPi..01:16:00.0 \01:16:02.1$&nd the ma,or o* DiterPi01:16:02.1$\01:16:0+.03to%d me"omethin! e traordinar,:01:16:0+.03\01:16:0 .10It a" "car Dieme,er ho cho"e the "ite01:16:0 .10\01:16:09.13to bui%d that mu"eum.

    e "aid:01:16:09.13\01:16:11.23

    I ant the mu"eumto be here.01:16:11.23\01:16:14.22

    The ma,or he"itated:01:16:14.22\01:16:1 .14

    8o ,ou rea%%, thin-thi" i" the p%ace701:16:1 .14\01:16:19.2$

    It i" here# there'"nothin! more to be di"cu""ed.

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    01:16:19.2$\01:16:22.21e ent to a "tea- hou"e

    and on the paper that01:16:22.21\01:16:2 .1$ a" o)er the tab%e#

    he too- hi" pen01:16:2 .1$\01:16:31.0$and ?uic-%, drathe mu"eum pro5ect01:16:31.0$\01:16:34.16that "tand" there toda,.01:16:34.16\01:16:3 .02Thi" i" the ma"terpiece-no n e)er, here a" >&(.01:16:3 .02\01:16:40.0+

    e did it %i-e that#

    ith *our %ine".01:16:40.0+\01:16:43.00(ontemporar, &rt >u"eum#DiterPi# 199101:16:+0.03\01:16:+4.29Then I didthe DiterPi mu"eum.01:1 :01.09\01:1 :03.14It a" nice "pot# the ma,or anted "omethin! "pectacu%ar.01:1 :03.14\01:1 :0 .04It a" a hi%%# a pieceo* %and %i-e that# o)er the "ea.01:1 :0 .04\01:1 :11.01It ma, "eem incredib%e#but it i" a "imp%e pro5ect#01:1 :11.01\01:1 :14.2$the bui%din! a" to be here#the "ea a" here#01:1 :14.2$\01:1 :19.0it a" "uppo"ed to !o o)erthe ater#01:1 :19.0 \01:1 :21.12it had to be "omethin! %i!ht#in order not to di"turb nature.01:1 :21.12\01:1 :26.24

    o I did the mu"eum%i-e that.01:1 :2 .1$\01:1 :30.06&nd the u!ar /oa*# and a%%

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    nature are be%o the mu"eum.01:1 :34.02\01:1 :3 .2It'" a e%%Bthou!ht mu"eum#it i" circu%ar.01:1 :++.26\01:1 :+9.06

    &nd it ha" a ba%con, a%% around#becau"e the %and"cape01:1 :+9.06\01:1$:02.10i" a ma!ni*icent "pectac%e#i"n't it701:1$:02.10\01:1$:04.2$The !u, atche" the )ie *romhere and the mu"eum i" here.01:1$:04.2$\01:1$:0$.2&nd the mu"eum a" "ucce""*u%#

    01:1$:21.1$\01:1$:23.14becau"e I anted to a)oidthat -ind o* "tu**01:1$:23.14\01:1$:26.2+ here paintin!"are put into pane%".01:1$:26.2+\01:1$:30.14The !u, here# %oo-in! atthe paintin! o)er there.01:1$:30.14\01:1$:33.02I anted to !obac- to the o%d mu"eum#01:1$:33.02\01:1$:34.2 ith the paintin!" on the a%%;it en%i!hten" the paintin!.01:1$:34.2 \01:1$:3$.2

    o# there are no %oo"epane%" in the mu"eum.01:1$:3$.2 \01:1$:41.20The a%% a" bui%tin a *a"hion that01:1$:41.20\01:1$:44.01a%%o " paintin!"and "cu%pture"01:1$:44.01\01:1$:4 .1+to be "ho nin an inte%%i!ent a,.01:1$:4 .1+\01:1$:+1.10&*ter that# I pro5ecteda ramp that i" %i-e

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    01:19:11.10\01:19:13.24a "tro%% around architecture.01:19:13.24\01:19:16.10It come" thi" a,#!oe" bac- and *orth.

    01:19:16.10\01:19:19.01"car i" a mi%itant man#a%% hi" %i*e acti)e%,01:19:49.23\01:19:+3.09committed to the *i!ht*or "ocia% e?ua%it,#01:19:+3.09\01:19:+ .03*or the chan!in!o* "ociet,.01:19:+ .03\01:19:+9.16&" an architect#

    hen he produce" architecture#01:19:+9.16\01:20:02.2$he ant" to !i)epeop%e beaut,#01:20:02.2$\01:20:0+.1+the 5o, o*the beauti*u% *orm#01:20:0+.1+\01:20:0 .20that i" hat he ant"to o**er to peop%e.01:20:0 .20\01:20:09.29

    ecau"e he -no "ho important beaut,01:20:09.29\01:20:12.24and mar)e% are.

    e "a,":01:20:12.24\01:20:14.22

    I ant peop%eto be o)er he%med .01:20:14.22\01:20:1 .04&n,one ho "ee"the tatue o* /ibert, "a,":01:20:30.04\01:20:33.10

    De Eor- # but it i"not beauti*u% becau"e o* that.01:20:33.10\01:20:3+.1The i**e% To er i" beauti*u%#and one "a," =ari" #01:20:3+.1 \01:20:3$.03the, are emb%ematic *orm".

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    01:20:3$.03\01:20:39.20The (hri"t i" Rio#01:20:39.20\01:20:41.2a%thou!h it i" nota "cu%pture ma"terpiece.

    01:20:41.2 \01:20:44.00ut "car mana!e" to createa ma"terpiece ith that po er#01:20:44.00\01:20:49.00it turn" to be emb%ematic.01:20:49.00\01:20:+1.0Thu"# ,ou identi*, the cit,#the countr,# the "ou%#01:20:+1.0 \01:20:+4.26the moment#the hi"tor, ith "car'" *orm.

    01:20:+4.26\01:20:+$.01I i%% "a, the *o%%o in!: hene)er a "oap opera01:20:+$.01\01:21:00.04 ant" to i%%u"tratethat the chapter i" in Rio#01:21:00.04\01:21:02.21the, "ho the (hri"t#and i* the, ant to i%%u"trate01:21:02.21\01:21:06.02the chapter i" in Fo =au%o#the he%icopter *%ie" o)er ( =&D.01:21:06.02\01:21:09.20

    "car ha" the ama@in!abi%it, to create a *orm01:21:10.19\01:21:14.09and that *orm become"the ",mbo% o* the p%ace.01:21:14.09\01:21:1$.11

    e a%% ha)e a hidden bein!in"ide u" ho ta-e" u"01:22:03.13\01:22:06.21to one a, or to the other.01:22:06.21\01:22:0$.22>ine i" thi" one:he %i-e" thin!"# he %i-e" omen#01:22:0$.22\01:22:13.1+%i-e" ha)in! *un#%i-e" to cr,01:22:13.1+\01:22:16.16

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    and orrie" about %i*e.01:22:16.16\01:22:1$.24

    e i" a comp%icated*e%%o # i"n't he701:22:1$.24\01:22:21.0$

    &nd e are not*u%%, re"pon"ib%e01:22:24.04\01:22:26.19*or our ?ua%itie" and *%a ".01:22:26.19\01:22:30.01The per"on i" born hite#b%ac-# ,e%%o # b%ue#01:22:30.01\01:22:32.2+rich# poor# and inte%%i!ent.01:22:32.2+\01:22:3+.22

    e mu"t accept peop%e

    a" the, are.01:22:3+.22\01:22:39.11hene)er I "ee a per"on#

    I a% a," "a,: it i" %i-e a hou"e#01:22:41.0$\01:22:4+.20 e can paint it#*i the roo* or the a%%"#01:22:4+.20\01:22:+0.11but i* the pro5ect i" no !ood#it i%% a% a," be de*icient.01:22:+0.11\01:22:+4.0I am ner)ou"about bein! a%one.01:23:00.2 \01:23:04.02I need to be bu",#I rite# I dra

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