






ROLE OF PECALANG IN BALIby Anak Agung Putu Sugiantiningsiha

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Institute Of SingaporeStudent Paper

Kåre Moen, Anne-Lise Middelthon. "Qualitative

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P. Singh, V.P. Sharma. "Integrated Plastic

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Environmental Sciences, 2016Publication

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H.L.J. Spiertz. "The transformation of traditional

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Results Query Domains (original links)

Unique Finding the best conclusions is subsequently realized as input -

Unique DPRD is the supervisor of the performance of the executive -

Unique Human resources are championed and there are many there -

3 results Many problems often arise from channeling social assistance funds

Unique With the support of intellectual abilities that support these leadership figures -

Unique The Minister of Home Affairs Regulation will come into force since January 1, 2012 -

Unique Population and Sampling TechniquesThe population is the entire research subject -

Unique The more uniform the population is, the smaller the sample can be taken -

Unique Precision required from research -

Unique The higher the level of precision desired, the greater the sample that must be taken -

Unique Power, cost and timeIf you want high precision, the sample must be large -

Unique Therefore the data must be transposed first -

Unique This data is concrete data produced by respondents research samples -


70 results Secondary data is used by a researcher for further

Unique Interviews are used to obtain information directly from the parties related to the research -

Unique Data Analysis TechniquesAccording to Arikunto (2006 -

Unique Transferability, this concept is a substitute for external validity in qualitative but not identical research -

Unique Dependability, this concept is a substitute for the concept of objectivity in quantitative research -

Unique Commission, FactionCommission, FactionSocietySocietySecretary of the BoardSecretary of the BoardFigure -

83,100 results In addition to the issue of the discussion that we are

Unique Absorption of aspirations in each of their constituents -

Unique In Law number 22 of 1999 which regulates -

Unique self and create a ministry climate -

Unique After getting the position forget what the mandate must be carried out -

Unique References Abdul Wahab, Solichin -

Unique Analisis Kebijakan dari Formulasi ke Implementasi Kebijakan Negara -

Unique pengantar Analisa Kebijakan Negara -

28 results Reformasi Pelayanan Publik, Kajian Dari Perspektif Teori

Unique PT Danar Wijaya, Brawijaya University Press, Malang, (1998) -

Unique Analisis Kebijakan Publik Teori dan Aplikasi, FIA -

Unique Hukum Tata Pemerintahan dan Proses Legislatif Indonesia -

Unique Kebijaksanaan dan Administrasi Pembangunan -

Unique Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Era Pemerintahan Modern-Industri -


Unique Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik -

Unique Gajah Mada Univercity Press, Yogyakarta -

Unique Efendi Tajuddin, Noer, 1993,Sumber Daya Manusia, Peluang Kerja dan Kemiskinan, Tiara Wacana, Yogyakarta -

33 results Merangsang Partisipasi Politik Rakyat

Unique Prinsip-prinsip Perumusan Kebijakansanaan Negara -

Unique Materi Pokok Kebijakan Publik, modul 1-9 Universitas Terbuka -

Unique Prosfek Otonomi Daerah di Negara Republik Indonesia -

Unique Paradigma Baru Otonomi Daerah yang Berorientasi Kepada Kepentingan Rakyat -

Unique 34:22-11, IIP, JakartaKusnardi Moh -

Unique Susunan Pembagian Kekuasaan Menurut sistem UUD 1945 -

Unique Otonomi Daerah Sebagai Salah Satu Pilar Utama Menuju Masyarakat Madani -

16,400 results Politik, Birokrasi dan Pembangunan

Unique Translator Tjejep Rohendi Rohidi -

Unique Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif -

Unique Hubungan Masyarakat, Prinsip, Kasus dan Masalah -

Unique Pustaka Pelajar, YogyakartaRasjid, -

Unique Kajian Awal Birokrasi Pemerintahan dan Politik Orde Baru -

Unique Indonesia dan Komunikasi Politik -

Unique Gramedia Pustaka Utama, JakartaRiwukaho, Josep -

Unique Prospek Otonomi Daerah di Negara Republik Indonesia -

Unique Rajawali Press, JakartaSantoso, Priyo Budi -


Unique Birokrasi Pemerintah Orde Baru -

Unique Mewadahi Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat -

Unique DPR dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia -

Unique Thoha, Miftah & Darma Agus (ed) -

Unique Reformasi Administrasi, Konsep, Dimensi dan Strategis -

Unique Effectiveness of Performance of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly in Supervision of Distribution of Social -

Unique the working effectiveness of the DPRD in the distribution of social assistance funds to the -

Unique The data analysis technique used is by collecting data, compiling data, presenting data, drawing -

Unique The research allocation is at the Denpasar City DPRD office which is located at Jalan -

Unique With the following considerations: the number of problems that arise because the DPRD is -

Unique Because executives have the duty to channel grants and social assistance funds to the -

Unique The results of the study indicate that good cooperation between the executive and the -

Unique Because after all the fate of the community is in the hands of these two -

Unique All obstacles must be found out because the problem is that social assistance is -

Unique General Election (PEMILU), is held every five years to elect Regional Heads and people's representatives -

Unique Chosen through the Election of Regional Heads, Governors, Mayors, Regents, and members of the -

Unique the people, it is indeed not easy, therefore, it is necessary for independent institutions that -

25 results Each establishment of an institution is of course intended to achieve the results

Unique The success of a government is determined by various factors, including the regional government -

Unique any government institution that aims to build the viability of Denpasar City and Bali in -

Unique In recent months, Social Aid (BANSOS) may often be heard both through media and -

Unique But for the general public there are many who do not understand what and -

Unique from the regional government to individuals, families, or communities that are not continuous and effective -


Unique Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 59 of 2007, and Circular of Minister of Home -

Unique Many misappropriations of social assistance funds by participants in regional head elections were allegedlyinfluential -

Unique For this reason, the government through the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) Number -

1 results The purpose of using regulated social assistance is for social rehabilitation, social protection, social

Unique Disaster Emergency Response) or or optimizing other sources that can be used to give or -

Unique title “Effectiveness of DPRD Performance in Supervising the Distribution of Social Aid Funds in the -

Unique success of Social Assistance for the City community, according to the Policy based (Law Number -

Unique of evaluating the success of the Social Assistance Fund for the people of Denpasar City, -

Unique So in a study in essence it is not always necessary to examine all -

Unique In determining the sample size of a study, there are four factors that must be -

Unique if it is associated with the needs of the analysis, then the number of samples -

Unique But when the amount of funds, labor and time is limited, it is not -

Unique Types and Data SourcesSugiono (2005.238), data from the point of view of information science is -

Unique Secondary DataPrimary data is data obtained directly from the subject in question or the person -

Unique of tables, graphs, diagrams, images and so on, so that it is more informative if -

Unique Internal and External DataInternal data is data obtained from within the organization company where -

Unique For example, researchers will examine the effectiveness of the DPRD in distributing Social Aid -

Unique phenomenon that is obtained in certain time intervals, for example in weekly, monthly and even -

Unique While the Cross-Section data is a collection of phenomena one time a single drum, -

Unique Data collectionData collection is a systematic procedure and a standard for obtaining the required data -

Unique The methods used in detailed data collection are as follows:Questionnaire which is a data -

1 results Observation, namely direct observation at the research site whose function is to obtain secondary data

Unique The data collection method used in this study is 2 methods, namely observation and dissemination -

Unique Research InstrumentResearch instrument can be interpreted valid if it is able to measure what is -


Unique 235), “Data analysis consists of 3 (three) steps, namely preparation, tabulation and application of -

Unique Data analysis consists of 3 (three) flow of activities that occur simultaneously, namely: Data reductionPresentation -

Unique and Moleong (1998) as follows:Degrees of Credibility, Credibility is a substitute concept of the concept -

Unique Result and DiscussionResultMechanism for Absorption of Community AspirationsThe Regional RepresentativesCouncil (DPRD) of Denpasar City -

Unique The hope of the people towards their representatives sitting in the Government as Regional Heads -

Unique And the DPRD or often referred to as a legislative member is very eagerly -

Unique and budgets so that the community felt the touch of the government in each of -

Unique / or faction meetings, which results are submitted to the deliberation committee or discussed further -

Unique its functionsThe need for coordination will always develop in accordance with the development of organizational -

Unique The Regional People's Representative Council of the City of Denpasar organizes coordination related to various -

4 results of a plenary meeting or commission sessions, is a vehicle for all members of the

Unique In addition, with coordination, we still know whether the targets we have set have -

Unique 22 of 1999 explains that the Regional People's Legislative Assembly has an increasingly important and -

Unique Pre SessionThe draft Regional Expenditure Budget (RAPBD) submitted by the mayor to the Chairperson of -

Unique TrialPhase I, II, III, and IVRegional Regulation Discussion ProcessActivities carried out by factions include:Review of -

Unique meetings of the DPRD Leaders and Faction Leaders are carried out in the context of -

Unique for Selection of Community AspirationsThe insensitivity of legislators to the social realities that can be -

Unique The roles and functions of the Denpasar City DPRD in 2014 election results have -

Unique head has an obligation to “submit a plan for regional regulations and stipulate it as -

Unique ”Regarding the existence of members who are representative of democracy, the demand to always be -

Unique often sees social assistance in a formalistic angle while the legislature sees from a realistic -

Unique be decided, first the executive as the initiator of policy making and seeing the condition -

Unique due to the pattern of recruitment of DPRD members who are not in line with -

Unique inhibiting factor, which is prioritizing the interests of the party rather than the common interest -


Unique In addition to feeling that during the new order in power, executive Human Resources -

Unique functioning of political institutions including the legislature, which mentioned 10 factors, including information,expertise, social -

Unique there needs to be a comprehensive understanding of empowerment as a member of the legislature -

Unique This is done in order not to be used by the executive to always -

Unique Factors of Constraints and DriversThe ability of human resources is crucial to the quality of -

Unique be able to see the problem clearly so that you need to solve the problem -

Unique the value of honesty will be able to minimize the inhibiting factors in the process -

Unique Proposition V: Supporting factors must be used as a medium to improve the quality of -

Unique ConclusionsEvaluation of the Work Effectiveness of the Denpasar City Regional Representative Council, to channelsocial -

Unique to the community, and which means that the Regional Representatives of the City of Denpasar -

Unique obtain maximum results in following up on how to channel and social assistance to the -

Unique was decided through the Plenary Meeting of the Regional Representatives of the City of Denpasar -

Unique Denpasar in carrying out their duties is the lack of understanding of statutory law which -

Unique to be used as optimally as possible potentials for the welfare of the community, besides -

Unique which dominates, is something that can be tolerated, but if it is not recommended, the -

Unique skills be increased for members of the Regional Representatives Council of Denpasar City through training -

Unique the preparation and discussion of regional policies is more optimal, periodic faction communication is carried -

Unique The need for transparency transparency of the executive in each policy formulation and its -

Unique of legislation, so that a paradigm shift occurs that really takes the interests of the -

Unique is no excessive euphoria of democracy and the emergence of anarchism and coercion of the -

Unique more concerned with the interests of their oppressed people than to be selfish by enriching -

Unique Law Number 22 Year 1999 concerning Regional Government and Law Number 25 Year 1999 -

Unique Regional Legislative and Executive Relations According to Law Number 1999 and Law Number 22 -


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Effectiveness of Performance of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly in Supervision of Distribution of Social Aid Funds in Denpasar City CommunityA. Putu SugiantiningsihStudent Doctoral Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences, Merdeka University, MalangEmail correspondence:[email protected] research is a qualitative research with the intention of obtaining a description of the evaluation of the working effectiveness of the DPRD in the distribution of social assistance funds to the community in Denpasar City. The data analysis technique used is by collecting data,compiling data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and suggestions. Finding the best conclusions is subsequently realized as input.The research allocation is at the Denpasar City DPRD office which is located at Jalan Melati Denpasar - Bali. With the following considerations: the number of problems that

arise because the DPRD is where the people's voice is accommodated. DPRD is the supervisor of the performance of the executive. Because executives have the duty to channel grants and social assistance funds to the community. Human resources are championed and there are many there. The results ofthe study indicate that good cooperation between the executive and the legislature is very necessary.Because after all the fate of the community is in the hands of these two institutions. All obstacles must be found out because the problem is that social assistance is a very sensitive issue. Many problemsoften arise from channeling social assistance funds.Keywords: soul of leadership, dedication, loyaltyIntroductionThe introduction of a way to elect a DPRD, namely General Election (PEMILU), is held every five years to elect Regional Heads and people's representatives who will voice the aspirations of the

people to achieve good results. Chosen through the Election of Regional Heads, Governors, Mayors, Regents, and members of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD). With the support of intellectual abilities that support these leadership figures. Looking for a figure of leader who is populist, whounderstands the wishes of the people, it is indeed not easy, therefore, it is necessary for independent institutions that are specifically tasked to selectively filter them before going on in the next stage. Each establishment of an institution is of course intended to achieve the results that have been set. The

success of a government is determined by various factors, including the regional government body of the Representative Council itself as the operational executor.This is inseparable from the desire of each regional leader to run all organizations or any government institution that aims to build the viabilityof Denpasar City and Bali in general. In recent months, Social Aid (BANSOS) may often be heard both through media and chat in various places. But for the general public there are many who do not understand what and how the Social Aid (BANSOS) is. Social assistance is the provision of assistance in the

form of money or goods from the regional government to individuals, families, or communities that are not continuous and effective which aims to protect against possible social risks. So far, based on the law on the provision of Social Security is: Government Regulation Number 58 of 2005, Minister ofHome Affairs Regulation Number 13 of 2006 and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 59 of 2007, and Circular of Minister of Home Affairs Number 8 of 2007 and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 32 Year 2011.Many misappropriations of social assistance funds by participants in regional

head elections were allegedly influential for imaging. For this reason, the government through the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) Number 32 of 2011 tightened the management of grants and social assistance to regions. The Minister of Home Affairs Regulation will come into force sinceJanuary 1, 2012. The purpose of using regulated social assistance is for social rehabilitation, social protection, social empowerment, social security, poverty reduction and disaster management.If seen from the budgeting mechanism of a rigid and rigid social assistance grant, then for regions that are likelyto occur frequently incidental nature must be anticipated by enlarging Unexpected Expenditures (which will later be used in the event of Emergency, Urgent Needs and Disaster Emergency Response) or or optimizing other sources that can be used to give or help the community, for example the Regional

Head of BPO, BPO of the DPRD Leadership. Based on the background and description above, this research was carried out in the title “Effectiveness of DPRD Performance in Supervising the Distribution of Social Aid Funds in the City of Denpasar”.Research MethodTypes of researchBased on the existingresearch objectives it is basically to assess the success of Social Assistance for the City community, according to the Policy based (Law Number 23 Year 2011).Conceptual Definition of VariablesBased on the description of the background and the formulation of the problem and the use of a public policy

evaluation approach, this study uses the parameters of evaluating the success of the Social Assistance Fund for the people of Denpasar City, using a Likert scale.Population and Sampling TechniquesThe population is the entire research subject. So in a study in essence it is not always necessary to examineall individuals in a population, because it will prioritize time, energy and large costs.In determining the sample size of a study, there are four factors that must be considered, namely:Degree of homogeneity of the population.The more uniform the population is, the smaller the sample can be taken.Precision

required from research.The higher the level of precision desired, the greater the sample that must be taken.Analysis planSometimes the size of the sample is covered according to the desired precision, but if it is associated with the needs of the analysis, then the number of samples is insufficient.Power,cost and timeIf you want high precision, the sample must be large. But when the amount of funds, labor and time is limited, it is not possible to take a large number of samples, this means that it will decrease.Types and Data SourcesSugiono (2005.238), data from the point of view of information science is

a fact and a number that can relatively not be used by researchers. Therefore the data must be transposed first.Based on the nature of the data can be divided into several types, namely:Primary and Secondary DataPrimary data is data obtained directly from the subject in question or the person beingstudied. This data is concrete data produced by respondents / research samples.Secondary data is primary data that has been further processed for example in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, images and so on, so that it is more informative if it will be used by other parties. Secondary data is used bya researcher for further processing.Internal and External DataInternal data is data obtained from within the organization / company where the research is conducted. For example, researchers will examine the effectiveness of the DPRD in distributing Social Aid Funds to Communities in Denpasar City.Data

Time Series and Cross SectionData Time Series is a set of data from a phenomenon that is obtained in certain time intervals, for example in weekly, monthly and even annual times. While the Cross-Section data is a collection of phenomena one time a single drum, for example data about the results offilling out the questionnaire (Sugito, 2002: 125).Data collectionData collection is a systematic procedure and a standard for obtaining the required data (Sutrisno Hadi 2008: 231). The methods used in detailed data collection are as follows:Questionnaire which is a data collection tool using sheets of

statements that have been prepared, then distributed to respondents.Observation, namely direct observation at the research site whose function is to obtain secondary data as primary data equipment.Interviews are used to obtain information directly from the parties related to the research.The datacollection method used in this study is 2 methods, namely observation and dissemination of instruments or questionnaires.Research InstrumentResearch instrument can be interpreted valid if it is able to measure what is desired and can reveal the intended variable.Data Analysis TechniquesAccording toArikunto (2006; 235), “Data analysis consists of 3 (three) steps, namely preparation, tabulation and application of data in accordance with the research approach”.Data analysis consists of 3 (three) flow of activities that occur simultaneously, namely: Data reductionPresentation of dataData Validity CheckTechnique.In examining the validity of the data or reliability of research for this study it was found by following the criteria from Lincoln and Gubu (1985: 289), Muhajir (1996: 125-129) and Moleong (1998) as follows:Degrees of Credibility, Credibility is a substitute concept of the concept of internal validity

in quantitative research.Transferability, this concept is a substitute for external validity in qualitative but not identical research.Dependability, this concept is a substitute for the concept of objectivity in quantitative research.Result and DiscussionResultMechanism for Absorption of CommunityAspirationsThe Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Denpasar City absorbs people's aspirations using a two-way form of communication, namely giving and receiving.The hope of the people towards their representatives sitting in the Government as Regional Heads is called the Executive. And the

DPRD or often referred to as a legislative member is very eagerly awaited.For this reason, the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Denpasar City held a coordination meeting after the recess period and continued at the plenary session in the submission of programs and budgets so that thecommunity felt the touch of the government in each of its programs. media for the aspirations of the community through a mechanism by which the DPRD is not private but on behalf of the commissions and factions in the DPRD that try to accommodate all community aspirations which will then be

submitted at commission meetings and / or faction meetings, which results are submitted to the deliberation committee or discussed further in the plenary meeting “...... (Interview, 15 July 2016).Commission, FactionCommission, FactionSocietySocietySecretary of the BoardSecretary of the BoardFigure 1.Primary data processed for research purposesThe process of coordinating the DPRD in carrying out its functionsThe need for coordination will always develop in accordance with the development of organizational activities.The Regional People's Representative Council of the City of Denpasar organizescoordination related to various discussions on regional regulations implemented.Related to this coordination the Secretary of the Regional Representative Council of Denpasar City, I Gusti Rai Suta also stated:“The implementation of coordination in the Board, whether in the form of a plenary meeting or

commission sessions, is a vehicle for all members of the Board to unite their views on the issue of the discussion we are facing. In addition to the issue of the discussion that we are facing. In addition, with coordination, we still know whether the targets we have set have been implemented or not.“(Interview, 17 June 2016).Implementation of the Role and Function of the DPRD as a place for aspirationsLaw Number 22 of 1999 explains that the Regional People's Legislative Assembly has an increasingly important and strategic position as the spearhead of community empowerment. APBD

Development Mechanism.Pre SessionThe draft Regional Expenditure Budget (RAPBD) submitted by the mayor to the Chairperson of the DPRD is discussed at a Deliberation Committee meeting to obtain a meeting agenda setting.TrialPhase I, II, III, and IVRegional Regulation Discussion ProcessActivitiescarried out by factions include:Review of the fieldHearings with various components of society.Absorption of aspirations in each of their constituents.The results of all these fraction activities are used as input material Leadership DecreeThe decision-making mechanism of the DPRD leadership can be done

through 2 (two) stages, namely:DPRD Leadership MeetingConsultation meetings of the DPRD Leaders and Faction Leaders are carried out in the context of policy decisions and decisions of DPRD leaders.Factors that Become Constraints and SupportersSupporting factorsEra ReformasiKondisiDaerahKeberadaan DPRDConstraints FactorsSumber Daya ManusiaKepentingan tertentuAdministrasi DewanDiscussionMechanism for Selection of Community AspirationsThe insensitivity of legislators to the social realities that can be ultimately lead to gaps and create a gap between the legislative

members and their people. The roles and functions of the Denpasar City DPRD in 2014 election results have been progressing.In Law number 22 of 1999 which regulates. Regional Government is precisely on the 19th paragraph (1) letter f, where it is stated that the DPRD has the right of initiative in theframework of the proposal to make a plan for regional regulations, but on the other hand the right to design regional regulation is regional head or major stated in article 43, where the regional head has an obligation to “submit a plan for regional regulations and stipulate it as a regional regulation togetherwith the DPRD.”Regarding the existence of members who are representative of democracy, the demand to always be in favor of their constituents. Follow-up ProcessThe contextual communication between the legislature and executive has been carried out so far in order to bring together two perspectivesthat are often contradictory, where the executive often sees social assistance in a formalistic angle while the legislature sees from a realistic and conditional angle. To be able to know correctly the purpose of the Regional Regulation which will be decided, first the executive as the initiator of policy making

and seeing the condition of the community.Human resources in the DPRD of the City of Denpasar are still inadequate, this is due to the pattern of recruitment of DPRD members who are not in line with the expectations of many because it is the political parties that each determines.In addition to theweaknesses of the aspects of human resources, there is also another inhibiting factor, which is prioritizing the interests of the party rather than the common interest (community). In addition to feeling that during the new order in power, executive Human Resources were more adequate.According to Fried(1966) in Thaib (1994), it has proposed several factors that hinder the functioning of political institutions including the legislature, which mentioned 10 factors, including information, expertise, social power, popularity, legitimacy, leadership, violence, regulation, economics power and office (office). Form ofCoordination of Regional People's Representatives CouncilMembers of the Regional Representative Council of the City of Denpasar have different characteristics according to their environment and educational background so there needs to be a comprehensive understanding of empowerment as a memberof the legislature in terms of carrying out their roles and functions as legislative members. This is done in order not to be used by the executive to always implement what the government wants.Factors of Constraints and DriversThe ability of human resources is crucial to the quality of the output that will

be produced. If you have good and quality Human Resources, you will be able and able to see the phenomena that grow and develop in the midst of the community and be able to see the problem clearly so that you need to solve the problem solving solution.The above propositions can be taken asfollows:Proposition IV: Quality of Human Resources by upholding the value of honesty will be able to minimize the inhibiting factors in the process of distributing appropriate social assistance funds.Proposition V: Supporting factors must be used as a medium to improve the quality of work effectiveness of

the Regional Representatives Council of Denpasar City, not the other way around.ConclusionsEvaluation of the Work Effectiveness of the Denpasar City Regional Representative Council, to channel social assistance with existing mechanisms, it is only necessary to re-optimize all existingpotential.Community Aspiration Shelter Mechanism, the model used to accommodate community aspirations is a 2-way model, namely giving, which means that the Regional People's Legislative Assembly is obliged to provide information to the community, and which means that the Regional

Representatives of the City of Denpasar are directly and indirect.Forms of Coordination of Regional Representatives of the City of Denpasar, coordination carried out in the form of active communication with both the executive and the community in order to obtain maximum results in following up on howto channel and social assistance to the community, so there is no misunderstanding.Follow-up of the Regional People's Representatives Council on Community Complaints, a form of follow-up of complaints after going through the process from the public, factions and commissions, after which it was decided

through the Plenary Meeting of the Regional Representatives of the City of Denpasar and resolved with executives and related agencies.Obstacle Factors, the main inhibiting factor of the Regional Representative Council of the City of Denpasar in carrying out their duties is the lack of understanding ofstatutory law which must be held firmly for the Government.Supporting Factors, Natural Resources in the City of Denpasar that can increase the creativity of the Regional Representatives of the City of Denpasar in generating Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget to be used as optimally as possible

potentials for the welfare of the community, besides that there is also a reform era to make the authority to take the initiative.RecommendationsExecutive Domicile of the Regional Representative Council of the City of Denpasar in every discussion on the Draft Regional Budget and Expenditures, except forthe argumentative nature of the legislature which dominates, is something that can be tolerated, but if it is not recommended, the Regional Representative Council shall implement it proportionally and openly. self and create a ministry climate.To increase the effectiveness of the work of the Regional

Representatives of the City of Denpasar in implementing as a place for community aspirations, it is recommended that capacity and skills be increased for members of the Regional Representatives Council of Denpasar City through training and education.It is recommended to show the effectiveness of theRegional People's Legislative Assembly so that the preparation and discussion of regional policies is more optimal, periodic faction communication is carried out so that a common perception is achieved in regional policy making.The need for transparency / transparency of the executive in each policy

formulation and its implementation in the community, to obtain more optimal success.The need for an executive understanding of the current dynamics of society and the demands of legislation, so that a paradigm shift occurs that really takes the interests of the community.The need for the community tounderstand the true nature of democracy so that there is no excessive euphoria of democracy and the emergence of anarchism and coercion of the will that can damage the image of democracy itself.The most important thing is that the legislative members of Denpasar City will always be more concerned

with the interests of their oppressed people than to be selfish by enriching themselves. After getting the position forget what the mandate must be carried out. References Abdul Wahab, Solichin. (1997). Analisis Kebijakan dari Formulasi ke Implementasi Kebijakan Negara. Second Edition, Print I. BumiAksara, Jakarta., (1990). pengantar Analisa Kebijakan Negara. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta, (1999). Reformasi Pelayanan Publik, Kajian Dari Perspektif Teori Governance. PT Danar Wijaya, Brawijaya University Press, Malang, (1998). Analisis Kebijakan Publik Teori dan Aplikasi, FIA. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.Ali,Faried. (1996). Hukum Tata Pemerintahan dan Proses Legislatif Indonesia. PT Raja Grafindo, Jakarta.Anonymous. (1999). Law Number 22 Year 1999 concerning Regional Government and Law Number 25 Year 1999 concerning Financial Balance Between Central and Regional Government, East Java ProvinceLegal Bureau, Surabaya.Cokroamijoyo, Bintaro. (1991). Kebijaksanaan dan Administrasi Pembangunan. 2nd printing. LP3ES, Jakarta.Cipto, Bambang. (1995). Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Era Pemerintahan Modern-Industri. PT. Raja Grafindo, Jakarta.Dunn, William N. (1998). Translator Darwin Muhajir.

Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Gajah Mada Univercity Press, Yogyakarta.Efendi Tajuddin, Noer, 1993,Sumber Daya Manusia, Peluang Kerja dan Kemiskinan, Tiara Wacana, Yogyakarta.Gaffar, Affian. (1998). Merangsang Partisipasi Politik Rakyat. PT. Pustaka CIDESINDO, Jakarta.Islamy, M. Irfan. (1997).Prinsip-prinsip Perumusan Kebijakansanaan Negara. 8th Printing. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta., (1998). Materi Pokok Kebijakan Publik, modul 1-9 Universitas Terbuka. Karunia, Jakarta.Kaho, Josef Riwu. (1992). Prosfek Otonomi Daerah di Negara Republik Indonesia. RajawaliPress, Jakarta.Koswara, E. (2000).

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Unique Effect of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 on Pecalang Organizations in BaliA -

19 results Bali Province's Regional Regulation

Unique 3 of 2001 concerning Pakraman village as amended by Bali Province's regional regulation No -

Unique According to Denzin and Lincoln (Moleong, 2001 -

Unique As for Bogdan and Taylor Mloeng, 2004 -

Unique In line with these definitions, Kirk and Miller (Moleong, 2001 -

Unique Research sitesBased on preliminary observations about Bali Province Regional Regulation No -

Unique 4 of 2019 concerning customary villages in the lives of Pecalang in Bali -

Unique 4 of 2019 on Pecalang Human Resources (HR) in the Province of Bali -

Unique As well as the role and function of Pecalang after this Perda was ratified -

Unique Even the research itself is the instrument (Moleong, 2001: 241) -

Unique Scheme, working network table related to activities -

Unique Humans as social creatures have a tendency to live in groups -


Unique The growth of interaction between them is interdependent -

Unique In community life what emerges is called a role -

Unique And there is no elementary school education -

Unique While those who work as entrepreneurs are 158 people or 38.9% -

Unique While as private employees as many as 70 people or 17.2% -

Unique And as many as 42 civil servants contracts or 10.3% -

Unique The task of Pecalang is arranged in the Guidance of the Sasana Pecalang -

Unique In order for the ceremony to work in an orderly and solemn manner -

Unique In this case, the role of pecalang in implementing its Tupoksinya has expanded -

Unique Or the role of Pecalang in the Hindu community in Bali is enriched -

Unique Pecalang perangkat keamanan Desa Pakraman di Bali -

Unique Denpasar: LPM Universitas UdayanaWindia -

Unique Celang, Cling, Celong, dan Pecalang, Bali Post -

Unique Pecalang Benteng Terakhir Bali, Surabaya: ParamitaWidyani -

Unique Ajeg Bali Pecalang dan Pendidikan Budi Pekerti -

Unique Denpasar: Penerbit SICOka Suparta -

Unique Adat dan Demokraasi di Desa Walait -

Unique Suatu Pengenalan awal, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers -

Unique, accessed on 11 January 2011 at 10:00 -

Unique years old and still exists today which plays an important role in maintaining security and -

Unique Pecalang is often also called traditional Balinese police whose job is to secure an -

Unique Swadharmaning, but along with the development of the pecalang function is no longer only contributing -

Unique In addition, Pecalang when on duty does not use uniforms as other security units -


77 results are those who according to the judgment of the citizens have a personality that

Unique to be able to help smooth the implementation of activities even though they do not -

Unique people and has the right to take care of the area and life of the -

Unique Adat Village, which has been developing for centuries and has origins, traditional rights, and -

Unique of Tri Hita Karana rooted in the local wisdom of Satkerti, with Hindu religious teachings -

Unique Adat Village is very important in maintaining sustainability in Bali, and as a World -

Unique and conditions in Bali so that it is replaced about Pakraman Village being converted into -

Unique 5) states that qualitative research is research that uses natural settings, with the intention -

Unique 4) define qualitative methodology as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the -

Unique 4) define that qualitative research is a certain tradition in social science fundamentally depends -

Unique right interpretation, describing precisely the properties of several group or individual phenomena determining thefrequency -

Unique The analysis was carried out based on ex post facto, meaning that data was -

Unique data collected is first compiled, explained then analyzed because descriptive methods are often called analysis -

Unique The purpose of descriptive research is to describe the individual characteristics of symptoms or -

Unique 4 of 2019 concerning Pecalang, the research was conducted in Parum Pecalang District -

Unique Research focus The focus of the research in the study was on the issue of -

Unique The phenomenon of observation in this study is the regulation of Bali Province Regional -

Unique information about the situation and background conditions of research, he must have a lot of -

Unique Information is the chairmen of the Parum Pecalang Se-Bali, and the Indigenous Village of -

Unique Research InstrumentOne of the main characteristics of qualitative research is the role of humans in -

Unique problems and other tools, because it can make research to make verification or conclusions that -

Unique patterns, discovering what is important and what is learned, and deciding what can be found -


Unique In this study, the analysis technique used is interactive data analysis techniques (Miles, Hubernam, -

Unique By presenting data, researchers will understand what will happen and can do something in -

Unique Result Pecalang Main Duty in Denpasar CityIn carrying out their main tasks, one must first -

Unique In this case the role is an orderly series caused by a position or -

7 results In group life, there will be interactions between one community member and another community

Unique Role is a dynamic aspect of one's position, if someone carries out his rights -

Unique task of the state security forces after coordinating with Prajuru Desa AdatEducation of Pecalang in -

1 results In this case Pecalang Human Resources (HR) in Denpasar City is very adequate from

Unique school K education amounting to 240 people or 59.1% and those with S1 education -

Unique 54 people or 13.3%, as security officers security guards as many as 65 people -

Unique with a total of 406 members of Pecalang in the Customary Village of Denpasar -

Unique pecalangFinding 9There is no salary for Pecalang from the Banjar level to the regencies and -

Unique Regulation is because Governor Koster considers the existence of Customary Village as vital for the -

Unique aspects relating to Indigenous Villages in Bali to strengthen the position, authority, and role of -

Unique Substantially, Regional Regulation Number 4 Year 2019 concerning Customary Villages in Bali does not refer -

Unique Government, namely Article 236 paragraph (4) which states that ‘Regional regulations can contain local content -

Unique Therefore, the understanding of Adat Village in Perda 4/2019 is specifically, different from the -

1 results 4/2019 has territory, origin rights, traditional rights, original structure, and original autonomy to regulate and

Unique Through this Regional Regulation 4/2019, for the first time Indigenous Villages in Bali are -

1 results Pastika (2008-2018), giving grant funds provided by the Bali Provincial Government to 1,488 Customary Villages

Unique Luckily, at that time Governor Pastika and the DPRD Bali could provide strong arguments, -

Unique Now, with the existence of the Perda Desa Adat in the era of Governor -

Unique states that the source of income for the Adat Village is from the APBN-APBD and -

Unique Regulation, which regulates the existence of organizations in Adat Village, such as the Elderly, Paiketan -


Unique is decided by deliberation and consensus, manut dresta (adapting to the rules applicable in the -

Unique Perda 4/2019 concerning Adat Village 2 April 2019 ago, Nyoman Parta asserted that the Adat -

Unique and respects customary law community units and their traditional rights as long as they are -

Unique referred to in Article 43 paragraph (2) letter d carries out tasks in the field -

Unique Pecalang was also appointed and dismissed by the Adat Village based on the Prajuru -

Unique of participation in assisting the task of the state security apparatus after coordinating with Prajuru -

Unique In improving the ability to carry out tasks as referred to in paragraph (1), -

Unique In carrying out the tasks referred to in paragraph (1) the Pecalang gets cleared -

Unique Sasana Pecalang guidance as referred to in paragraph (6) is determined by MDA at -

Unique charge of securing, and curbing the customary and religious ceremonies in the Banjar, Adat Village -

Unique As expressed in an interview with Denpasar City Hall Pecalang I Made Mandra that -

Unique Order in Bali, when there are Banjar activities, for example when the Ngaben and -

Unique is also a necessity, but because of the voluntary duties of this pecalang, not all -

Unique With the existence of Bali Province Regulation number 4 in 2019 Pecalang gets education -

Unique Pecalang LivelihoodsPecalang is a task that is carried out, is not the main work or -

Unique Because the task as a pecalang is a form of duty of devotion to -

Unique duty to participate in assisting the task of the state security apparatus after coordinating with -

Unique ImplicationsBased on the final results it can be concluded that this still uses the same -

Unique In its tasks and functions as Pecalang is a Pecalang Role theory including the -

Unique Where the occurrence of social change in the main tasks and functions of -

Unique enrich the role theory with the existence of a commitment and dedication in implementing Auth -

Unique to be able to add scientific knowledge from various diverse customs, cultures and religions that -

Unique Pecalang will bring positive energy to the city of Denpasar, can become an icon and -

Unique As well as always being able to synergize with all elements and elements in -


Unique 4 of 2019Law Number 5 of 1979 concerning Village GovernmentRegional Regulation of Bali Province -

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Effect of Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2019 on Pecalang Organizations in BaliA.A. Putu Sugiantiningsih1., I Made Weni2., Tommy Hariyanto21 Student Doctoral Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Merdeka University of Malang2 Lecturer Facultyof Social and Political Sciences, Merdeka University of MalangE-mail: [email protected] originates from a unit of Balinese royal warriors that has been hundreds of years old and still exists today which plays an important role in maintaining security

and public order in Bali. Pecalang is often also called traditional Balinese police whose job is to secure an activity related to adat, such as: religious ceremonies, Ngaben processions, wedding processions, etc. related to traditional ceremonies in Bali as a form ofIndigenous Swadharmaning and State Swadharmaning, but along with the development of the pecalang function is no longer only contributing to maintaining security during the implementation of traditional cultural and religious activities. In addition, Pecalang whenon duty does not use uniforms as other security units do but uses traditional Balinese clothing. Pecalang members are chosen from each banjar or hamlet, and those who are elected are those who according to the judgment of the citizens have a personality that is

both intelligent, disciplined, skilled and active in banjar activities. In every security activity carried out by pecalang, pecalang do so with full sincerity as a form of service to the community and religion so that they feel proud to be able to help smooth theimplementation of activities even though they do not get a salary as a form of Ngayah.Keywords: Regional Regulation, Pecalang, BaliIntroductionAdat Village is a Government unit that is managed by Indigenous people and has the right to take care of the area andlife of the community in the Customary Village environment. Adat Village, which has been developing for centuries and has origins, traditional rights, and original autonomy rights governing its own household. Adat Village is also a unit of Customary law community

based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana rooted in the local wisdom of Satkerti, with Hindu religious teachings and cultural values and local wisdom that live in Bali. Adat Village is very important in maintaining sustainability in Bali, and as a World touristdestination. Bali Province's Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2001 concerning Pakraman village as amended by Bali Province's regional regulation No. 3 of 2003 is no longer in line with the current development of laws and conditions in Bali so that it is replaced about

Pakraman Village being converted into Adat VillageResearch MethodResearch design This study uses a qualitative approach perspective. According to Denzin and Lincoln (Moleong, 2001; 5) states that qualitative research is research that uses natural settings, withthe intention of interpreting phenomena that occur and are carried out by involving various existing methods. As for Bogdan and Taylor Mloeng, 2004; 4) define qualitative methodology as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written ororal words from people and observable behavior. In line with these definitions, Kirk and Miller (Moleong, 2001; 4) define that qualitative research is a certain tradition in social science fundamentally depends on observations in humans both in their nature and in theirterminology. According to Nazir (1983), descriptive research is a study to find facts with the right interpretation, describing precisely the properties of several group or individual phenomena determining the frequency of occurrence of a situation to minimize bias and

maximize reliability. The analysis was carried out based on ex post facto, meaning that data was collected after all events took place (Nazir, 1983: 105). Descriptive methods generally have two main characteristics: (1) focusing on current problems (2) the datacollected is first compiled, explained then analyzed because descriptive methods are often called analysis methods. The purpose of descriptive research is to describe the individual characteristics of symptoms or certain groups precisely or find the spread

(frequency) of other symptoms in society.Research sitesBased on preliminary observations about Bali Province Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning Pecalang, the research was conducted in Parum Pecalang District / City of Bali. Namely 8 Regencies and 1City.Research focus The focus of the research in the study was on the issue of the influence of Bali Province's Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning customary villages in the lives of Pecalang in Bali. The phenomenon of observation in this study is the

regulation of Bali Province Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019 on Pecalang Human Resources (HR) in the Province of Bali. As well as the role and function of Pecalang after this Perda was ratified. The research is:Effect of Bali Propisi Regional Regulation Number 4 of2019CompetenceHuman ResourcesWork ProgramPerformance and scope of workSelection of Informants Information is a person who is used to provide information about the situation and background conditions of research, he must have a lot of experience aboutthe background of research (Moleong, 2001: 132). Information is the chairmen of the Parum Pecalang Se-Bali, and the Indigenous Village of Bali.Research InstrumentOne of the main characteristics of qualitative research is the role of humans in the entire research

process, including in data collection. Even the research itself is the instrument (Moleong, 2001: 241).The auxiliary instruments used in this study are photographic tools, recorders, documents relating to research problems and other tools, because it can makeresearch to make verification or conclusions that are more concrete or valid for the phenomena studied.Data collection technique Data collection techniques carried out in this study are as follows:ObsessionIn-depth interviewsDocumentationData Analysis

TechniquesAccording to Bogdan and Biklen, qualitative data analysis is an effort carried out by working with data, organizing data, sorting it into manageable units, synthesizing it, finding and finding patterns, discovering what is important and what is learned, anddeciding what can be found with others (Lexy J. Moleong 2010: 248). In this study, the analysis technique used is interactive data analysis techniques (Miles, Hubernam, and Saldana 2014). Scheme, working network table related to activities. By presenting data,

researchers will understand what will happen and can do something in the data analysis or other steps based on the research (Miles, Hubernam and Saldana 2014).Result Pecalang Main Duty in Denpasar CityIn carrying out their main tasks, one must first know theirrole in the task. In this case the role is an orderly series caused by a position or position caused by a job. Humans as social creatures have a tendency to live in groups. In group life, there will be interactions between one community member and another communitymember. The growth of interaction between them is interdependent. In community life what emerges is called a role. Role is a dynamic aspect of one's position, if someone carries out his rights and obligations in accordance with his position, the person concerned

has carried out a role. Based on these descriptions can be seen findings include:Finding 1The synchronization of Pecalang with other security apparatus such as the police, military and transportation agenciesFinding 2There are Pecalang who do not know theassignment as stipulated in the Regional Regulation number 4 of 2019 article 47 paragraph 1Finding 3The existence of Pecalang who did not participate in assisting the task of the state security forces after coordinating with Prajuru Desa AdatEducation of Pecalang

in Denpasar City That the majority of pecalang members have high school education. And there is no elementary school education. In this case Pecalang Human Resources (HR) in Denpasar City is very adequate from the level of education. Seen from educationstarata. At the junior high school level there are 87 people or 21.4%, with high school / K education amounting to 240 people or 59.1% and those with S1 education are 79 people or 19.5%.Finding 4There are still Pecalang whose education standards are below SMA /

SMKFinding 5There are Pecalang who have not completed 12 years of compulsory educationFinding 6The existence of Pecalang who do not have education because those who become Pecalang are people who voluntarily serve the Adat Village of their ownvolitionPecalang Livelihood in Denpasar CityPecalang's livelihood as a farmer, gardening and raising as many as 17 people or 4.2%, as construction workers as many as 54 people or 13.3%, as security officers / security guards as many as 65 people or 16.0%. While

those who work as entrepreneurs are 158 people or 38.9%. While as private employees as many as 70 people or 17.2%. And as many as 42 civil servants / contracts or 10.3%. with a total of 406 members of Pecalang in the Customary Village of Denpasar City.Finding 7The existence of Pecalang who still works as construction workers is not suitable for wages while the Pecalang task is ngayahFinding 8The absence of a fixed budget for pecalangFinding 9There is no salary for Pecalang from the Banjar level to the regenciesand cities, but it is not yet in line with the UMRDiscussionEffect of Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019 on the Pecalang Adat Village in BaliThe issuance of this Regional Regulation is because Governor Koster considers the existence of Customary Village as vital for the

continuity of religious, social and cultural aspects in Bali. According to Governor Koster, this Regional Regulation broadly regulates fundamentally and comprehensively regarding various aspects relating to Indigenous Villages in Bali to strengthen the position,authority, and role of Indigenous Villages.Substantially, Regional Regulation Number 4 Year 2019 concerning Customary Villages in Bali does not refer to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Indigenous Villages. But this Customary Village Perda refers to Law Number

23 Year 2014 concerning Regional Government, namely Article 236 paragraph (4) which states that ‘Regional regulations can contain local content material in accordance with the provisions of legislation '. Therefore, the understanding of Adat Village in Perda4/2019 is specifically, different from the definition of Traditional Village in Law 6/2014 concerning Villages. Due to referring to Law 23/2014 on Regional Government, the Adat Village in Perda 4/2019 has territory, origin rights, traditional rights, original structure, and

original autonomy to regulate and manage its own household. Through this Regional Regulation 4/2019, for the first time Indigenous Villages in Bali are officially recognized and explicit as legal subjects, with clear and firm legal standing. In Perda 4/2019 it isregulated that Customary Villages in Bali can legitimately source income from the APBN, APBD, and regional grants, in the era of Governor Made Mangku Pastika (2008-2018), giving grant funds provided by the Bali Provincial Government to 1,488 Customary Villages

in -Bali has been questioned by the central government. Luckily, at that time Governor Pastika and the DPRD Bali could provide strong arguments, so that the issue finally faded. Now, with the existence of the Perda Desa Adat in the era of Governor Koster (period2018-2023), concerns regarding the source of income of Adat Village are practically non-existent. Because, one of the articles in the Customary Village Regional Regulation, namely Article 66, states that the source of income for the Adat Village is from the APBN-APBD and regional grants. What strengthens the existence of Adat Village is Article 46 paragraph (2) Customary Village Regulation, which regulates the existence of organizations in Adat Village, such as the Elderly, Paiketan Pemangku, Paiketan Serati, Yowana,

Pecalang, and Krama Istri. In addition, Article 32 paragraph (2) which regulates the electoral system in Adat Village is decided by deliberation and consensus, manut dresta (adapting to the rules applicable in the local Customary Village).This was also acknowledgedby the Chairperson of the Customary Village Special Committee Raperda Bai DPRD, Nyoman Parta, in his speech at the plenary session with a hammer agenda of Perda 4/2019 concerning Adat Village 2 April 2019 ago, Nyoman Parta asserted that the Adat Village

had a special position in the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) this. It was stated in Article 18 b (paragraph 2) which reads ‘The State recognizes and respects customary law community units and their traditional rights as long as they are alive and theirdevelopment is in accordance with the principles of the Republic of Indonesia.The effect of this regulation number 4 of 2019 on Pecalang organizations namely Pecalang as referred to in Article 43 paragraph (2) letter d carries out tasks in the field of security, peace

and public order in the Watidangan Adat Village. Pecalang was also appointed and dismissed by the Adat Village based on the Prajuru Adat Village Decree. In addition to the tasks referred to in paragraph (1), Pecalang has the duty of participation in assisting the taskof the state security apparatus after coordinating with Prajuru Desa Adat. In improving the ability to carry out tasks as referred to in paragraph (1), Pecalang receives education and training from competent institutions. In carrying out the tasks referred to in

paragraph (1) the Pecalang gets cleared according to the Awig-Awig. The task of Pecalang is arranged in the Guidance of the Sasana Pecalang. Sasana Pecalang guidance as referred to in paragraph (6) is determined by MDA at the provincial level.ConclusionsEffectof Regional Regulation Number 4 Year 2019 on Pecalang Organizations in Bali, When viewed from Indicators:Pecalang Main TaskBased on the Awig-awig of the Adat Village and Sesana Pecaang, it was stated that the main task of Pecalang was as the Bali CustomaryPolice in charge of securing, and curbing the customary and religious ceremonies in the Banjar, Adat Village and Denpasar City in particular and Bali in general. In order for the ceremony to work in an orderly and solemn manner. As expressed in an interview with

Denpasar City Hall Pecalang I Made Mandra that the role of Pecalang is to protect and guarantee. Order in Bali, when there are Banjar activities, for example when the Ngaben and Pecalang Ceremony will play a role in guarding the traffic.Level of Education forPecalangPecalang in Denpasar City has the highest level of education which is also a necessity, but because of the voluntary duties of this pecalang, not all pecalang have high education. With the existence of Bali Province Regulation number 4 in 2019 Pecalang

gets education and training from competent institutions.Pecalang LivelihoodsPecalang is a task that is carried out, is not the main work or the main. Because the task as a pecalang is a form of duty of devotion to the State and Religion. Because of the influence ofRegional Regulation number 4 of 2019 Pecalang has the duty to participate in assisting the task of the state security apparatus after coordinating with Prajuru Desa Adat.ImplicationsBased on the final results it can be concluded that this still uses the same theory

and there is no new theory. In its tasks and functions as Pecalang is a Pecalang Role theory including the social fact paradigm. Where the occurrence of social change in the main tasks and functions of a Pecalang. In this case, the role of pecalang in implementing itsTupoksinya has expanded. Or the role of Pecalang in the Hindu community in Bali is enriched. So the implications in this study, do not support role theory but broaden or enrich the role theory with the existence of a commitment and dedication in implementing Auth

as a Pecalang in Denpasar City.RecommendationsThe results of this study are expected to be useful for institutions, as well as the community in general, which can be formulated as follows:To all parties, it is expected to be able to add scientific knowledge fromvarious diverse customs, cultures and religions that are owned by Indonesia. Especially in the area of Denpasar City, Province of Bali about the influence of Bali Provincial Regulation number 4 of 2019 concerning Traditional VillagesEspecially for the Denpasar City

Government, Pecalang will bring positive energy to the city of Denpasar, can become an icon and bring tourists to Bali. As well as always being able to synergize with all elements and elements in the city of Denpasar in every activity both custom, religion andgovernment.ReferencesWindia, Wayan P. (2004). Pecalang perangkat keamanan Desa Pakraman di Bali. Denpasar: LPM Universitas UdayanaWindia. (2006). Pengantar hukum adat bali. Udayana. Denpasar.Windia. Wayan P. (2002). Celang, Cling, Celong, dan

Pecalang, Bali Post.Widia, I Ketut. (2010). Pecalang Benteng Terakhir Bali, Surabaya: ParamitaWidyani S. Ag, Nyoman Et al. (2003). Ajeg Bali Pecalang dan Pendidikan Budi Pekerti. Denpasar: Penerbit SICOka Suparta. (2000). Pecalang Desa Adat. Undiknas Denpasar:Yudistira.Oktora, D. (2009). Adat dan Demokraasi di Desa Walait. Papua O’dea, Thomas E. (1990). Sosiologi Agama. Suatu Pengenalan awal, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers., accessed on 11 January 2011

at 10:00 p.m.Bali Provincial Regulation No. 4 of 2019Law Number 5 of 1979 concerning Village GovernmentRegional Regulation of Bali Province Number 3 of 2001 concerning the village of Pekraman

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