  • 8/9/2019 Enterance Exams Knowledge


    Hi all..

    I was about to open this thread. But, this thread has been activated & put sticky

    by moderators.Let me not put thow different they are, rather let me tell u what extra do you

    require for these exams (from the trend of questoins that were asked in the past

    2 yrs)

    1). IIFT

    (before reading this strategy for IIFT, pls go through the analysis of IIFT 2007

    put by TIME/CL/IMS/CF/PT etc.)

    This will be the first exam after your CAT. You will have just 6 days of time togo for it. But that will be the case with all. A few smart people will begin their

    prep for GK right from the beginning.Most of the junta will be comlacent about

    it. Once CAT is done, panic sets in & u never ever know what to do (coz, IIFT

    will be finished by that time)From the shock that I faced (infact it was the case with most of the aspirants) in

    IIFT 2007, let me tell u the strategy this way.

    It is clearly observed that those students who cracked all those 18 questionswhich had negative marking in 2 hrs, managed to get a call from the IIFT.

    See to it that u devote max time (45-55 min.) for those 18 questions. Then, u

    can go ahead with all other questions which do not have negative marking. So,if you can score a total of 25 at that level of difficulty, you have a greater

    chances of converting, given that ur presentation is good.

    2). FMS

    All the institutes predicted a lower cutoff for FMS ranging from 280 - 330. I

    expected it to be at 350. Coz it is easier to find 300 candidates who will begetting a better score (350+). In that case, how a call can be assured at a lower

    score? (well! u might get from MS).The strategy is:

    Speed solving/Speed Reading coupled with 85% accuracy is the greatest asset

    for this exam. Very few pople will practice consistently for these things.

    The competition is most intense (than for IIMs). The open category seats forMBA will be around 60 after deducting reserved seats. The no. of people

    appearing for this exam will be a good 40000+, if not more. Look at the

    percentage of available seats to the no. of candidates writing this exam.

    So, be prepared with all sorts of questions including higher maths (many

    problems from Coordinate geometry etc. appeared recently). Start practising

    Speed reading after CAT. That one month time is more than sufficient to scaleur reading speed from 280-300 to 370-400.

    Reasoning books (well, the advanced reasoning SM books provided by TIME

    as a part of take home package/any such books provided by the other coaching

  • 8/9/2019 Enterance Exams Knowledge


    inst.) WILL BE extremely helpful for you to crack this section.

    Verbal should not be a problem if u were preparing for JMET/SNAP/NMIMS

    before this exam.

    (to be continued)

    Praneeth.. now a history of IIT-K MBA Chapter'09

    Last edited by SureThisTime; 29-07-2007 at 07:11 PM.


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    Hardcore PaGaLIME IITK

    Strategy for JMET, SNAP & NMIMS - 03-07-

    2007, 01:50 PM


    3). JMET

    Jmet verbal - easier than CAT verbal

    Jmet Quant - tougher than CAT quant (in its own

    way)Jmet DI, Reasoning - easier than CAT
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    If u want to get into IIT B/D/Kgp/M/K/R & IISc, u

    need to clear the cutoffs in all the 3 sections (forquant, the cutoff will be at 2-3, di 10+, reasoning 15+,

    verbal 12+) But the overall score reqiured to get

    GD+PI calls will usually be between 58-65.

    Grammar/Parajumbles need a special focus.

    Those mugged up words for GRE/CAT will be

    sufficient for synonyms/antonyms.Analogies will be asked in greater no.

    For quant, pls go thru Vectors, Complex nos., Heights& Disctances, Matrices, Definite Integrals,

    Application of Derivatives, Limits etc. Look out for

    easy questions in 20-25min. U can definitely spot 6-8

    questions. Solve them & exit the quant. Maximise urscore in DI/Reasoning/Verbal.

    A special focus is required for Syllogisms. Theywon't be as simple as they were introduced to you in

    the basic classes. Anyways, u can refer to previous

    papers & solutions to get a gist of how they were &what kind of analysis was required to crack them.

    DI, pls judiciously follow what ur faculty say/said inBasic classes & speed maths sessions. U can

    definitely score 22/30 in 25-28 min.

    Reasoning, don't worry too much about it. U can doit.

    4). SNAP

    No. of people appearing for this exam improved like

    anything since its introduction. Last yr to theknowledge that I have, 50000+ people registered for

    SNap. SIBM+SCMHRD will be leading among the

    other Symbiosis Institutes. The conteders for these 2inst will be huge in nos.

    For SIBM - getting a top mark is very important. If u

    have prepared well for CAT (at 90-92 mock CATpercentile level), all the sections are taken care of

    except for GK. The Gk section will spoil ur chances

    of making it into SIBM if u don't get good marks. So,
  • 8/9/2019 Enterance Exams Knowledge


    start preparing early for it. Magazines, GATs will be

    extrely helpful.

    No cutoff will be enforced among the sections. So,score 20+ in GK.

    For SCMHRD - ur profile matters to a greater extentthan marks. But to convert the final call, its better tohave good marks.

    For other Symbi institutes - just fine tune ur strategy(if u r at 85-90 percentile of mock CAT level) for this

    exam after CAT. Give couple of mock tests. U'll sure

    get calls from theM.

    5). NMIMS

    Want to get into this inst for MBA (core), preparewell for MAT.

    Yes! both the exams will be conducted by AIMA.

    The difficulty level does not vary to a greater extent.But GK is something that cannot be ignored for

    NMIMS. It is just like SNAP. More the overall marks

    (NO sectional cutoff), better the rank, call assured.U need to be speed enough to solve more problems in

    lesser time.

    Quant - try attempting 30/40. Most of the questions

    will be from Time, Work, Distance, Percentages,Profits & Interests.

    (to be continued)

    Last edited by SureThisTime; 29-07-2007 at 07:18



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    Xat, Mat - 03-07-2007, 02:07 PM

    6). XAT

    Verbal will be as difficult as CAT.

    Quant & Reasoning will be at the level of CAT 2005/4 &

    CAT 2004 respectively.DI - depends.

    If u aiming for XLRI (BM), get atleast 95 percentile in XAT

    quant. For PMIR, get atleast 90 perecntile in verbal.I got 98.1 percentile (LR - 98.65; Quant - 96; Verbal - 68.xy


    No calls from XL/XIMB for that stupid score in verbal.First try maximising from ur strongest area in the first 45 min.

    Then go for weaker area & see that u r atempting 10-12

    questoins confidently.

    Then go for a moderately better area & see that u r doing wellin 12-14 questions.

    In all, a confident 40-45 attempts with a good accuracy of 85-90% strike rate in ur stongest, 75-80% S.R. in ur

    weaker/moderate sections will fetch u a call from XL+XIMB.

    7). MAT

    Many people think about the exam as 'meant for normal

    colleges'. U write it, u'll understand how difficult it is to get99.98/99.99 percentile.

    That kind of percentile is required if you want it to apply forCET based colleges if u r an O.M.S. candidate. There aremany people who will aspire to get that 99.99 percentile. Its

    no that easy.

    In ths paper, pls IGNORE gk. Spend ATMOST 1-2 min.

    Thats it.

    (to be contd..)
  • 8/9/2019 Enterance Exams Knowledge


    Praneeth.. now a history of IIT-K MBA Chapter'09

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    Re: How is FMS, JMET and XAT different from CAT and

    how to prepare differently for th - 03-07-2007, 02:17 PM


    So, one thing that i would like to tell u.

    If u were following what i was tryig to say in all the above

    posts, the following things must be clear

    1). Be good in all the sections

    2). Never ignore speed reading (after CAT)3). Be in touch with Speed calculation4). Start with GK right from now (ofcourse, just spend not

    more than 15-20 mi. per day on an avg.)

    Remember, as soon as FMS is completed, u'll have TISS. U

    have to score very high in the gk section to bag a call.

    And ur IIFT, SIBM, SCMHRD GDs will be ready to greet u.
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    In between U have to face with ur engg sem exams, labs & the

    projects. I am not trying to scare you but telling you that u

    need to be prepared to face such events.So, spend time judiciously. Priortise ur work & do it


    Because I did not do it, i have lost many chances narrowly

    For instance - calls from XIMB, SCMHRD, FMS, IIM A/L

    (ABM), IIT Kgp/Madras for the want of lower score in a

    particular section/overall.

    If I would have cleared those margins, I am sure that I would

    have converted atleast one of them. Anyway, nobodyentertains ifs & buts.

    I am happy with my conversions & am ready to prove myself

    at IIT Kanpur.

    All the best.

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