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White    Paper          The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here        

By  Jon  Oltsik,  Senior  Principal  Analyst      January  2013                                  

This  ESG  White  Paper  was  commissioned  by  RSA  Security      and  is  distributed  under  license  from  ESG.      ©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved  

Page 2: Enterprise Strategy Group: The Big Data Security Analytics Era is Here

White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  2  

©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

Contents  Executive  Summary  .....................................................................................................................................  3  

The  Obstacles  to  Improving  Organizational  Security  Maturity  ...................................................................  3  

Legacy  Security  Monitoring  and  Analytics  Tools  Are  Also  Holding  Back  Progress  ......................................  6  

Enter  the  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  ....................................................................................................  8  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Technology  Transformation  .........................................................................................  9  

CISOs  Must  Become  Big  Data  Security  Advocates  ....................................................................................  10  

The  Bigger  Truth  .......................................................................................................................................  12                                                                                                All trademark names are property of their respective companies. Information contained in this publication has been obtained by sources The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) considers to be reliable but is not warranted by ESG. This publication may contain opinions of ESG, which are subject to change from time to time. This publication is copyrighted by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Any reproduction or redistribution of this publication, in whole or in part, whether in hard-copy format, electronically, or otherwise to persons not authorized to receive it, without the express consent of the Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., is in violation of U.S. copyright law and will be subject to an action for civil damages and, if applicable, criminal prosecution. Should you have any questions, please contact ESG Client Relations at 508.482.0188.  

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White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  3  

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Executive  Summary  A  few  years  ago,  ESG  created  a  security  management  maturity  model  that  outlined  a  progression  through  four  phases  of  a  security  management  program’s  evolution.  The  goal  was  to  leverage  ESG  research  to  uncover  success  strategies  and  best  practices,  then  use  this  information  to  help  CISOs  build  a  security  management  plan  and  prioritize  the  right  activities  in  order  to  improve  security  and  lower  risk,  while  continuing  to  build  the  organization’s  security  maturity.  

CISOs  are  certainly  intent  on  evolving  the  maturity  of  their  security  management,  but  many  organizations  are  facing  unanticipated  problems  that  are  impeding  their  progress.  CISOs  face  an  insidious  threat  landscape  and  an  avalanche  of  new  technology  initiatives  that  make  security  management  increasingly  difficult.  Furthermore,  enterprise  organizations  are  finding  it  difficult  to  recruit  and  train  new  security  professionals—leaving  them  under-­‐staffed  and  over-­‐burdened.  Taken  together,  new  security  risks  and  old  security  challenges  often  overwhelm  legacy  security  controls  and  analytics  tools.  

Large  organizations  can  no  longer  rely  on  preventive  security  systems,  point  security  tools,  manual  processes,  and  hardened  configurations  to  protect  them  from  targeted  attacks  and  advanced  malware.  Henceforth,  security  management  must  be  based  upon  continuous  monitoring  and  data  analysis  for  up-­‐to-­‐the-­‐minute  situational  awareness  and  rapid  data-­‐driven  security  decisions.  This  means  that  large  organizations  have  entered  the  era  of  big  data  security  analytics.    

This  white  paper  concludes  that:  

• Security  and  market  trends  are  creating  new  security  management  hurdles.  Over  the  past  few  years,  CISOs  have  come  face-­‐to-­‐face  with  three  difficult  and  converging  trends.  First,  they  face  an  increasingly  hazardous  threat  landscape  full  of  stealthy  malware,  social  engineering,  and  targeted  attacks  from  well-­‐funded  and  expert  adversaries.  Second,  they  have  been  called  upon  to  secure  new  technology  initiatives  such  as  cloud  computing,  mobile  devices,  and  server  virtualization.  Finally,  they  face  a  security  skills  shortage,  making  it  difficult  to  recruit  and  hire  new  security  talent.  These  obstacles  are  placing  new  demands  on  existing  security  staff,  processes,  and  technologies.  

• The  existing  security  infrastructure  is  no  longer  adequate.  At  many  enterprise  organizations,  security  protection  and  analysis  depends  upon  an  army  of  independent  signature-­‐based  point  tools,  network  perimeter  gateways,  manual  processes,  and  specialized  skills.  While  this  loose  affiliation  of  security  technologies  may  have  been  sufficient  in  years  past,  they  are  no  match  for  the  scale  and  scope  of  today’s  threats  and  overall  security  management  requirements.  

• IT  is  entering  the  era  of  big  data  security  analytics.  Risk  management  and  prevention  are  critical  but  no  longer  enough.  Moving  forward,  CISOs  need  real-­‐time  security  intelligence  and  situational  awareness  to  give  them  visibility  into  their  security  status  at  all  layers  of  the  technology  stack  and  across  the  enterprise.  Armed  with  this  type  of  intelligence,  security  executives  can  then  prioritize  actions,  adjust  security  controls,  accelerate  incident  detection,  and  improve  workflows  around  incident  response.  Taken  together,  these  advances  can  improve  security  while  lowering  security  operations  costs.    

 The  Obstacles  to  Improving  Organizational  Security  Maturity  After  studying  the  state  of  enterprise  information  security  in  2011,  ESG  published  a  security  management  maturity  model  to  provide  some  strategic  guidance  for  CISOs  (see  Figure  1).  At  that  time,  ESG  believed  that  most  organizations  were  still  in  phase  2,  thus  focused  on  compliance  and  defense-­‐in-­‐depth,  but  were  intent  on  proceeding  to  phase  3,  risk-­‐based  security,  as  soon  as  possible.    



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White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  4  

©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

Figure  1.  The  ESG  Information  Security  Management  Maturity  Model  

 Source:  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  2013.  

When  this  model  was  first  published  in  2011,  ESG  assumed  that  risk-­‐based  security  would  be  well  established  by  most  organizations  by  early  2013,  but  this  transition  has  proven  to  be  more  difficult  than  first  anticipated.  The  delay  is  not  due  to  a  lack  of  effort  by  security  teams.  In  fact,  in  the  past  couple  of  years,  many  CEOs  and  other  non-­‐security  executives  have  become  more  involved  in  information  security  oversight  and  are  regularly  approving  projects  and  increasing  information  security  budgets.  Unfortunately,  the  transition  from  phase  2  to  3  for  most  organizations  has  become  more  difficult  than  projected  because  of:  

• The  volume  and  sophistication  of  new  threats.  While  day-­‐to-­‐day  cyber  threats  continue  to  increase  at  an  exponential  rate,  CISOs  are  most  concerned  over  the  rise  of  targeted  and  advanced  malware  enabled  attacks  such  as  Advanced  Persistent  Threats  (APTs).  This  apprehension  is  well  deserved.  According  to  ESG  research,  59%  of  enterprises  are  certain  or  fairly  certain  that  they  have  been  the  target  of  an  APT,  while  30%  of  enterprises  believe  they  are  vulnerable  to  future  APTs.1  Detecting,  analyzing,  and  remediating  advanced  threats  adds  additional  requirements  to  the  risk-­‐based  phase  while  forcing  CISOs  to  simultaneously  assess  and  dramatically  improve  their  incident  detection  and  response  capabilities.    

• Rapid  IT  changes.  Risk-­‐based  security  depends  upon  intimate  knowledge  of  every  IT  asset  deployed  on  the  network.  This  type  of  understanding  is  especially  difficult  when  IT  is  constantly  engaged  in  rolling  out  new  initiatives  such  as  server/endpoint  virtualization,  cloud  computing,  mobile  device  support,  and  supporting  BYOD  programs.  To  make  matters  worse,  many  new  IT  initiatives  are  based  upon  immature  technologies  that  are  prone  to  security  vulnerabilities,  and  may  not  play  well  with  existing  security  policies,  controls,  or  monitoring  tools.  For  example,  mobile  devices  like  smartphones  and  tablet  computers  present  a  number  of  security  management  challenges  around  policy  enforcement,  sensitive  data  discovery/management,  and  malware/threat  management  (see  Figure  2).2  The  continuous  adoption  of  new  technology  initiatives  adds  uncertainty  and  complexity  to  security  management.    




                                                                                                               1  Source:  ESG  Research  Report,  U.S.  Advanced  Persistent  Threat  Analysis,  November  2011.  2  Source:  ESG  Research  Report,  Security  Management  and  Operations:  Changes  on  the  Horizon,  July  2012.  

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White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  5  

©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

Figure  2.  Mobile  Device  Security  Challenges  

 Source:  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  2013.  


• A  growing  security  skills  shortage.  In  2012,  over  half  of  all  organizations  planned  to  add  headcount  to  their  information  security  group  and  nearly  one-­‐quarter  of  all  organizations  (23%)  indicated  that  they  had  a  significant  shortage  of  security  skills.  CISOs  will  likely  find  it  extremely  difficult  to  simply  hire  their  way  out  of  this  problem—ESG  research  indicates  that  83%  of  enterprise  organizations  find  it  extremely  difficult  or  somewhat  difficult  to  recruit  and  hire  security  professionals.3    

Combined  with  routine  day-­‐to-­‐day  activities,  the  security  market  trends  described  above  have  led  to  numerous  challenges  in  areas  such  as  incident  detection/response  (see  Figure  3).4  For  example,  the  overall  security  skills  shortage  has  an  impact  on  the  security  organization’s  incident  detection/response  capabilities  because  many  enterprises  lack  the  right  staffing  levels  and  skills.  Malware  volume  and  sophistication  is  forcing  security  analysts  to  sort  through  mountains  of  equally  weighted,  false  positive  alerts.  In  addition  to  staffing  and  skills  issues,  security  analysts  generally  rely  on  too  many  manual  processes  in  order  to  identify,  scope,  and  remediate  problems.    

                                                                                                               3  Source:  Ibid.  4  Source:  ESG  Research  Report,  The  Emerging  Intersection  Between  Big  Data  and  Security  Analytics,  November  2012.  








0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%  

Discovering  mobile  devices  as  they  gain  access  to  the  network  

Creaeng  security  policies  for  mobile  devices  

Supporeng  new  device  types  

Malware/threat  management  on  mobile  devices  

Sensieve  data  confideneality  and  integrity  proteceon  when  accessed  from  or  stored  on  mobile  devices  

Lost/stolen  mobile  devices  containing  sensieve  data  

Enforcing  security  policies  for  mobile  devices  

With  regard  to  mobile  device  security,  which  of  the  following  presents  the  most  significant  security  challenges  for  your  organizaPon?  (Percent  of  respondents,  N=315,  

mulPple  responses  accepted)  

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White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  6  

©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

Figure  3.  Challenges  with  Incident  Detection  

 Source:  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  2013.  

What’s  most  alarming  here  is  that  the  challenges  outlined  in  Figure  3  have  a  cumulative  impact.  Security  departments  are  short-­‐staffed  and  lack  the  right  skills  amongst  the  analysts  they  do  have.  Meanwhile,  security  analysts  spend  an  inordinate  amount  of  time  sorting  through  false  positives  and  working  through  manual  processes,  which  wastes  what  little  time  they  have.  In  aggregate,  this  situation  is  operationally  inefficient,  costly,  and  leaves  many  enterprise  firms  with  an  unacceptable  level  of  risk.  The  CEO  and  CFO  won’t  be  pleased  to  learn  that  they  spend  more  but  are  left  with  more  risk.    

Legacy  Security  Monitoring  and  Analytics  Tools  Are  Also  Holding  Back  Progress  In  addition  to  skills  challenges,  false  positives,  and  manual  processes,  it  is  also  worth  noting  that  29%  of  enterprise  organizations  surveyed  by  ESG  indicate  that  incident  detection  depends  upon  too  many  independent  tools  that  aren’t  integrated  together.5  This  security  challenge  is  certainly  understandable.  Over  the  past  ten  years,  enterprise  IT  security  has  grown  incrementally  more  difficult  because  of  new  and  unanticipated  threats  and  vulnerabilities.  As  these  changes  occurred  in  the  past,  organizations  typically  upgraded  their  security  products,  purchased  new  signature-­‐based  threat  management  tools,  created  new  rules  for  perimeter  gateways,  and  increased  their  security  analytics  activities.  Over  time,  this  has  led  to  a  security  infrastructure  anchored  by  numerous  disconnected  point  tools  for  incident  detection/response.    

Tactically  driven  enterprise  IT  security  has  always  suffered  from  operational  inefficiencies,  but  even  with  this  it  provided  reasonably  adequate  protection  against  threats  such  as  general  purpose  malware,  spam,  and  amateur  hackers.  Unfortunately,  existing  security  systems,  which  are  often  perimeter  and  signature  based,  are  no  match  for  today’s  insidious  threat  landscape.  This  is  especially  true  with  regard  to  security  analysis  tools  because:  

                                                                                                               5  Source:  Ibid.  









0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%  

Lack  of  proper  level  of  tuning  of  our  SIEM  and  other  security  tools  

Lack  of  adequate  data  colleceon/monitoring  in  one  or  more  criecal  area  

My  organizaeon  lacks  the  right  level  of  security  analysis  skills  needed  

Sophisecated  security  events  have  become  too  hard  to  detect  for  us  

Incident  deteceon  depends  upon  too  many  independent  tools  that  aren’t  integrated  together  

Incident  deteceon  depends  upon  too  many  manual  processes  

Too  many  false  posieve  responses  

Lack  of  adequate  staffing  in  security  operaeons/incident  response  team(s)  

Which  of  the  following  challenges  does  your  organizaPon  face  when  it  comes  to  incident  detecPon?  (Percent  of  respondents,  N=257,  mulPple  responses  


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©  2013  by  The  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

• Security  analytics  tools  can’t  keep  up  with  today’s  data  collection  and  processing  needs.  According  to  ESG  research,  47%  of  enterprise  organizations  collect,  process,  and  analyze  more  than  6  terabytes  of  security  data  on  a  monthly  basis.  Additionally,  the  majority  of  enterprises  collect,  process,  store,  and  analyze  more  security  data  than  they  did  two  years  ago  (see  Figure  4).6  And  this  data  remains  online  for  longer  periods  of  time.  These  trends  will  continue—security-­‐driven  enterprises  will  regularly  collect,  process,  and  analyze  petabytes  of  online  security  data  for  analysis,  investigations,  and  modeling.  Legacy  Security  Information  and  Event  Management  (SIEM)  platforms  are  often  based  upon  off-­‐the-­‐shelf  SQL  databases  or  proprietary  data  stores  that  simply  can’t  scale  for  this  type  of  data  volume.  As  this  happens,  security  analytics  needs  are  hamstrung  by  basic  technology  limitations.  This  creates  a  Faustian  compromise  where  security  technology  deficiencies  ironically  slow  down  incident  detection/response,  limit  investigations,  and  increase  IT  risk.    

Figure  4.  Growth  in  Amount  of  Data  Collected  for  Information  Security  Activities  

 Source:  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  2013.  


• Organizations  need  an  enterprise-­‐wide  security  purview.  Security  analytics  point  tools  tend  to  provide  monitoring  and  investigative  capabilities  against  explicit  types  of  threats  (i.e.,  network  threats,  malware  threats,  application-­‐layer  threats,  etc.)  or  specific  IT  infrastructure  locations  (i.e.,  data  center,  campus  network,  remote  offices,  host  etc.).  This  forces  CISOs  to  piece  together  an  aggregated  view  of  enterprise  security  through  numerous  tools,  reports,  and  individual  security  personnel.  This  methodology  is  cumbersome,  labor-­‐intensive,  and  can’t  really  provide  an  accurate  picture  of  risk  or  an  incident  detection/response  across  networks,  servers,  operating  systems,  applications,  databases,  storage,  and  endpoint  devices  scattered  throughout  the  enterprise.    

• Existing  security  analysis  tools  depend  excessively  on  customization  and  human  intelligence.  Enterprise  security  analysis  is  complex  and  requires  specialized  skills  and  strong  experience.  As  stated  previously  however,  these  skills  are  in  short  supply—even  the  most  security-­‐conscious  enterprises  are  finding  it  

                                                                                                               6  Source:  Ibid.  

We  collect  substaneally  more  data  to  support  our  informaeon  security  aceviees  today  than  we  did  2  years  ago,  


We  collect  somewhat  more  

data  to  support  our  informaeon  security  aceviees  today  than  we  did  2  years  ago,  


We  collect  about  the  same  amount  of  data  to  support  our  informaeon  security  aceviees  today  as  we  did  2  years  ago,  


How  has  the  amount  of  data  your  organizaPon  collects  to  support  its  informaPon  security  acPviPes  changed  in  the  last  2  years?  (Percent  of  

respondents,  N=257)  

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difficult  to  continuously  train  their  security  staff  or  hire  new  recruits.  Regrettably,  it  seems  that  many  security  analytic  systems  were  designed  to  be  used  only  by  advanced  security  analysts  who  have  the  time  and  skills  to  constantly  fine-­‐tune  and  customize  these  tools,  and  who  know  exactly  what  to  look  for.  Over-­‐burdened  security  professionals  desperately  need  security  tools  that  provide  more  intelligence  rather  than  more  work.    

• Analytics  aren’t  integrated  for  automated  incident  response.  For  the  most  part,  today’s  security  analytics  tools  remain  independent  from  security  remediation  systems.  This  often  means  that  without  automation,  what  is  found  isn’t  fixed  quickly  or  reliably.  Therefore,  when  an  analyst  detects  a  problem,  she  still  must  manually  coordinate  remediation  activities  and  workflow  with  other  security  or  IT  operations  personnel.  Once  again,  this  adds  operational  overhead  and  extends  the  timeframe  needed  for  incident  response  which  could  mean  the  difference  between  a  minor  security  event  and  a  major  breach.  And  this  problem  only  gets  worse  when  breach  responses  need  to  include  non-­‐IT  organizations  such  as  legal,  HR,  and  business  owners.  

Enter  the  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  At  the  beginning  of  WWI,  Allied  troops  executed  tactics  used  during  the  American  Civil  War—overwhelm  your  enemy  by  advancing  a  large  army  rapidly.  Unfortunately,  this  proved  to  be  a  costly  mistake.  Why?  With  the  invention  of  the  machine  gun,  these  tactics  resulted  in  massive  loss  of  life  rather  than  battlefield  success.    

Technology  advances  like  the  machine  gun  force  combatants  to  adopt  new  warfare  strategies  and  tactics.  This  same  lesson  applies  to  the  cybersecurity  battlefield.  As  cyber  criminals  and  state-­‐sponsored  adversaries  advance  their  capabilities  with  targeted  attacks,  social  engineering,  stealthy  malware,  and  application-­‐layer  exploits,  enterprises  have  no  choice  but  to  adopt  new  strategies  and  defenses.    

ESG  believes  that  these  new  requirements  will  result  in  an  enterprise  security  technology  transition  over  the  next  few  years.  Yes,  organizations  will  continue  to  employ  preventive  tactics  such  as  deploying  servers  in  hardened  configurations  behind  firewalls,  removing  unnecessary  services  and  generic  administrator  accounts,  scanning  for  known  malware  using  signatures,  and  patching  software  vulnerabilities,  but  used  alone  these  defensive  techniques  are  not  enough.  To  supplement  these  security  practices,  organizations  will  embrace  new  security  analytics  tools  for  continuous  monitoring,  investigations,  risk  management,  and  incident  detection/response.  Given  the  volume  of  security  data  collection,  processing,  storage,  and  analysis  involved,  security  analytics  is  rapidly  becoming  a  classic  “big  data”  problem.  In  fact,  ESG  research  indicates  that  44%  of  enterprises  consider  security  data  collection  and  analysis  big  data  today,  while  another  44%  believe  that  security  data  collection  and  analysis  will  become  big  data  within  the  next  24  months  (see  Figure  5).  7  

                                                                                                               7  Source:  Ibid.  

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White  Paper:  The  Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Era  Is  Here                                                                                                                                                                                  9  

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Figure  5.  Security  Data  Collection  and  Analysis  Considered  “Big  Data”  

 Source:  Enterprise  Strategy  Group,  2013.  

To  be  clear,  big  data  security  analytics  isn’t  a  simple  merger  of  events,  logs,  and  network  traffic  in  big  data  technologies  such  as  Cassandra  and  Hadoop  (although  these  underlying  technologies  may  play  a  role  in  the  technology  infrastructure  of  a  solution).  To  ESG,  big  data  security  is  really  about  collecting  and  processing  numerous  internal  and  external  security  data  sources,  and  analyzing  this  data  immediately  to  gain  real-­‐time  situational  awareness  across  the  enterprise.  Once  security  data  is  analyzed,  the  next  step  is  using  this  new  intelligence  as  a  baseline  for  adjusting  security  strategies,  tactics,  and  systems,  much  faster  than  ever  before.  

Big  Data  Security  Analytics  Technology  Transformation  

Ultimately,  the  objective  of  big  data  security  analytics  is  to  provide  a  comprehensive  and  up-­‐to-­‐the-­‐second  view  of  IT  activities  so  that  security  analysts  and  executives  can  make  timely,  data-­‐driven  decisions.  From  a  technology  perspective,  this  will  require  new  security  systems  providing:  

• Massive  scale.  Security  analytics  and  forensics  engines  will  need  to  efficiently  collect,  process,  query,  and  apply  analytic  rules  to  terabytes  or  petabytes  of  data  including  logs,  network  packets,  threat  intelligence,  asset  information,  sensitive  data  tracking,  known  vulnerabilities,  application  activities,  and  user  behavior.  This  is  why  core  big  data  technologies  such  as  Hadoop,  an  open  source  software  project  for  distributed  processing  of  extremely  large  data  sets  across  commodity  servers,  is  a  good  fit  for  burgeoning  security  analytics  requirements.  Additionally,  big  data  security  analytics  will  likely  be  deployed  in  a  distributed  architecture,  thus  the  underlying  technology  must  be  able  to  centralize  analysis  of  massive  volumes  of  distributed  data  while  maintaining  data  integrity  and  providing  for  high-­‐performance  needs.    

Yes,  security  data  colleceon  and  analysis  would  be  considered  “big  data”  within  my  organizaeon  today,  


No,  but  based  on  my  organizaeon’s  security  strategy  we  will  likely  consider  security  data  colleceon  and  analysis  “big  data”  within  the  next  12  months,  30%  

No,  but  based  on  my  organizaeon’s  security  strategy  we  will  likely  consider  security  data  colleceon  and  analysis  “big  data”  within  the  next  24  months,  14%  

No,  security  data  colleceon  and  analysis  is  not  considered  “big  

data”  within  my  organizaeon,  11%  

Don’t  know,  2%  

Do  you  believe  that  security  data  collecPon  and  analysis  would  be  considered  “big  data”  at  your  organizaPon?  (Percent  of  respondents,  N=257)  

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• Enhanced  intelligence.  The  best  big  data  security  analytics  tools  will  act  as  intelligent  advisors,  leveraging  models  of  normal  behavior,  adapting  to  new  threat/vulnerability  intelligence,  and  pinpointing  anomalies  at  any  layer  of  the  technology  stack  that  requires  immediate  investigation.  To  accomplish  this,  big  data  security  analytics  will  offer  a  combination  of  templates,  heuristics,  statistical  and  behavior  models,  correlation  rules,  threat  intelligence  feeds,  etc.    

• Tight  integration.  To  keep  up  with  the  constantly  changing  threat  landscape,  big  data  security  analytics  must  interoperate  with  IT  assets  and  leverage  automated  security  intelligence.  Beyond  this,  however,  big  data  security  analytics  should  be  tightly  integrated  with  security  policy  controls  for  tactical  adjustments  and  automation.  When  security  analytics  point  to  unusual  network  traffic  emanating  from  mobile  devices,  security  analysts  should  be  provided  with  specific  change  instructions  to  quarantine  traffic  flows  and  minimize  risk.  Ideally,  security  analytics  systems  can  be  used  to  automate  remediation  activities,  a  form  of  active  defense,  for  routine  changes  or  in  emergency  situations.    

Armed  with  a  comprehensive  real-­‐time  view  of  security  situational  awareness,  big  data  security  analytic  systems  will  become  the  nexus  for  both  risk  management  and  incident  detection/response.  This  includes  specialized  security  activities  such  as  regulatory  compliance,  security  investigations,  control  tracking/reporting,  and  security  performance  metrics.    

CISOs  Must  Become  Big  Data  Security  Advocates  Big  data  security  analytics  is  no  longer  a  visionary  idea—leading  enterprises  recognize  that  their  immediate  security  requirements  demand  this  type  of  solution.  To  proceed  with  big  data  security  analytics  planning  and  implementation,  ESG  suggests  that  CISOs:  

• Address  limitations  with  existing  security  infrastructure.  Compare  security  analytics  output  with  existing  capabilities,  processes,  and  requirements.  Does  your  organization  have  “blind  spots”?  Is  the  organization  conducting  continuous  monitoring  or  basing  its  security  assessments  on  periodic  (occasional)  scans?  Is  the  organization  understaffed  or  lacking  security  analytics  skills?  How  long  does  it  take  to  detect,  investigate,  and  respond  to  security  incidents?  Rather  than  deal  with  security  analytics  weaknesses  piecemeal,  develop  a  big  data  security  analytics  project  plan  that  addresses  critical  areas  through  a  phased  approach.  Remember  to  build  processes  and  technologies  that  can  serve  as  a  foundation  for  all  phases  of  the  project.  This  should  help  deliver  incremental  value  throughout.  

• Shift  investments  from  prevention  to  detection/remediation.  Yes,  it  is  still  important  to  lock  down  IT  assets  to  minimize  risk,  but  CISOs  must  realize  that  despite  these  best  practices,  networks  will  be  attacked,  penetrated,  and  compromised.  Savvy  CISOs  will  capture  incident  detection/response  metrics  (i.e.,  time  to  discover  a  security  incident,  time  to  investigate  and  remediate  a  security  incident,  number  of  tools  used,  number  of  staff  hours  needed,  etc.)  before  and  after  a  big  data  security  analytics  implementation  to  measure  ROI  on  security  operations  and  risk  management  goals.    

• Identify  staffing  deficiencies  and  knowledge  gaps.  As  ESG  research  indicates,  most  organizations  have  security  organizational  problems  around  skills  and  headcount.  In  most  cases,  CISOs  will  not  be  able  to  hire  and  train  their  way  out  of  this  problem,  so  they  need  alternative  strategies.  ESG  recommends  that  CISOs  clearly  identify  areas  of  weakness  at  the  genesis  of  their  big  data  security  analytics  planning  process.  This  will  help  them  define  their  needs  for  security  technology  intelligence,  external  data  feeds,  and  professional/managed  security  services  to  fill  the  gaps.  

Finally,  big  data  security  analytics  is  antithetical  to  today’s  typical  security  infrastructure,  which  is  based  upon  point  tools  and  limited  scale.  Impending  enterprise  security  technology  changes  will  likely  resemble  the  business  application  transition  in  the  1990s  when  departmental  applications  were  replaced  with  enterprise-­‐class  ERP  software  architectures.    

To  avoid  the  potential  pitfalls  associated  with  this  type  of  evolution,  enterprises  should  seek  out  technology  vendors  with  deep  security  experience,  a  portfolio  of  leading  security  analytics  products,  a  strong  big  data  security  

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analytics  strategy,  strong  enterprise  experience,  complementary  threat  intelligence  services,  relationships  with  proven  MSSPs,  and  security-­‐focused  professional  services  to  help  CISOs  with  planning,  deployment,  and  ongoing  big  data  security  analytics  management.  Particularly  with  its  recent  product  introduction  of  RSA  Security  Analytics,  RSA  Security  is  one  of  only  a  few  security  vendors  who  meet  this  profile.  As  such,  enterprise  CISOs  would  be  well  served  to  assess  how  RSA  Security  Analytics  and  related  solutions  and  services  align  with  their  big  data  security  analytics  vision,  strategy,  and  tactical  plans  and  requirements.    

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The  Bigger  Truth  Enhancing  security  management  maturity  is  not  a  straight-­‐line  process  and  thus  CISOs  should  expect  peaks  and  valleys  as  they  proceed  on  this  journey.  Based  upon  a  few  current  market  trends  and  ESG  research  data,  it  appears  as  though  many  organizations  are  stuck  in  a  security  management  valley  at  present.    

In  truth,  security  management  maturity  has  reached  a  tipping  point.  To  move  forward,  CISOs  should  conduct  an  honest  assessment  of  their  security  technology  infrastructure.  Can  it  provide  the  necessary  monitoring,  investigative,  and  data  analysis  to  support  real-­‐time  security  decisions?  Can  it  collect,  process,  and  analyze  the  volume  of  data  needed  to  track  security  activities  at  all  layers  of  the  technology  stack?  Does  it  require  unreasonable  care  and  feeding?  Regrettably,  CISOs  may  find  that  they  are  spending  a  lot  of  money  for  poor  incident  detection,  investigation,  response,  and  workflow  results.  

Given  the  sophistication  of  malware  threats  and  cyber  criminals,  there  are  no  “silver  bullets”  or  easy  answers  here.  What’s  needed  more  than  anything  is  better  visibility  through  improved  data  analysis—more  data,  better  security  intelligence,  real-­‐time  collection  and  correlation,  etc.  With  real-­‐time  situational  awareness,  CISOs  and  their  security  analysts  can  adjust  their  tactics,  prioritize  activities,  and  accelerate  processes.  Ultimately,  this  should  help  enterprises  improve  security  and  lower  costs.  This  alone  should  make  big  data  security  analytics  exceptionally  attractive  to  enterprise  CISOs.    





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