Page 1: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Entertaining Excerpts from

A child’s Garden of


by Art Linkletter

Page 2: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

When the moon is between the sun and the earth, we have a lunatic eclipse.

Page 3: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Q. On some clear nights we do not see the moon. Why not?

A. Because of invisible clouds.

Page 4: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

“We know much more than ancient peoples did. They thought it was 240,000 miles to the moon. We found out it was 240,000. The difference is we know.”

Page 5: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Astronomy is to look in the sky and see stars while astrology is to look up and see lions and virgins and other spooky creatures.

Page 6: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

The sun is really a star. How it fools us is by shining in the day and being of the unpointed kind.

Page 7: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

The Milky Way was discovered by Louis Pasteur.

Page 8: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Air is called atmosphere when we want it to sound more important.

Page 9: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Stratus fear is something that astronauts get, but they take a pill for it.

Page 10: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Seaweeds is something you don’t want your neighbors to do when they look in your garden.

Page 11: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

If you eat a toadstool and don’t die, it’s a mushroom.

Page 12: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Chlorophyll is something plants have to make them smell nice to other plants.

Page 13: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Anyone suffering from an electrical shock should be put in an insulation ward.

Page 14: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

The Mnemonic Plague is remembered to this day.

Page 15: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Cold makes everything get smaller and heat makes everything get bigger-if you forget about ice cubes.

Page 16: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Chemistry was begun by alchemists who were looking for gold but had to settle for chemistry.

Page 17: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Humidity is the experience of looking for air and finding water.

Page 18: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Although I weigh 88 pounds, I weigh only 40 kilograms. Everybody weighs less in the metrical system.

Page 19: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Heavy water is like with ships in it.

Page 20: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

The General Law of Accelerated Bodies is that the faster a body goes the quicker he gets there.

Page 21: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

My experimental materials are a box of matches, a candle, and an empty glass of water.

Page 22: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Q: If you put the tip of a thermometer in boiling water, what would it say?

A: Take me out, if it could talk.

Page 23: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

A weather vane tells the direction of the wind. When the wind blows in various directions, use a varicose vane.

Page 24: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

If a man has only one of them why is it called an abdomen instead of an adoman?

Page 25: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

When ice and water are put in the same glass the ice always comes to the top. One of them has to, and it would look kind of silly the other way.

Page 26: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

A fire must have oxygen, but not too much. Giving it too much is known as blowing it out.

Page 27: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Iron is very useful unless it meets oxygen. Then it is rust. It is like a person getting in with the wrong crowd.

Page 28: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

Molecules all pull toward each

other. They have learned the value

of sticking together. Because of

this, even though they are very

tiny, molecules will probably never

become extinct.

Page 29: Entertaining Excerpts from A child’s Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter

When animals seem to be thinking, they are usually only instincting.

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