


Offlne on BlukweU Strut ne_i uoor to tin

H»tiooal Union Bulk,


Six HosTna..


SPAOB. 1 ws. I a win.! S

1 2 51 752 252 75'S 60» BO5 60

10 002KO8.

4 251 5 506 25 7 1)06 50] 8 008 001 II) 261 12

8 HOB.I & VOB. 1 YB.

I 9 60 $ 4 51

10 0(125 00

» G 0010 0014 0018 0021 0025 EO28 60B7 CO «r,

180 Oi

rEBOirtiaox aSDBD nut x l m a . LOCAL HITIOES 15 GEHT8 PB6 LINX.


(tenor of BUckwdl ana 9 u a m BH.

DOVER, N. J .I. B, JOLLEY, Proprietor

Bonevud Cwrlagea to Lot.


ATTORNS! AT t i f f ,


DOVElt. N. J.

p E0. O. OUMMISS, M. D.,












DOVBK, H. J.flpeaitl offloe bonn Dn Batnrdiws from 8 A.

II. [ill 11S. 17-t!


BTANHOPE, N. J.Contracts for buildings lafeen from tlio O

cavntlnn or the collar, anil nmU>r!nIa fumlHlie,^AlflD Bali, DOOM, Winds, MOUIIIIDR*. FRIUIBItoatlnq Felt and Mtmnu' Maltirii.lBeoi.HUn.lyon band. Sltte roofing. 8 l


BBECTANIA. TPAKE,A fa] BBBortmcat or



1EADEJIS, and all Hud. of Joltfas In u ) 111ono in tllfl boat manner ami at ilia Bliortcalotioe. Highest prices paid for old Iron.Copper leai aud powtor lakon In eioliac

'""'"'' ALEXANDER WIOHTON.mmbirMth.lSrO. 1-lfr


Carpenter and Builder,fcifl remstwl toTJmrk'r'H

rear of the Ooutral Ba<l^r building, in tlj

draw briilgt.',

NEAIl THE CANAL BASIN.09~ JobblUR and repairinK pro

atltlitkul t9. A ICDE DxporiuDco in tlio lDona, will.IbeliQVD.ouablo tue to Klve t/tL'lioQ to ill COBlomerB. CofltiftotB lakemalorlala Inrnifllin^.


SUSSEX STREET,[betweenthe MANSION nOOtiE»ntlDepot,)

I>0VER, N. J.Tbe pluce UHB boen Qatirolf roflitedin nnct t


M A I t p N & B U C K ,SBUSD, iSi s ui torasitil Pates,GBAIHER8, GILDEIlfl wil PAPER HAN(i-BUS. Contracts taken andnitttorlatifurniBlit-J.Ituonie docorated in fret*coo ityleB, Unvingatlioroneli knowledffO of lioimo and «i«u paiut..inff. wo fee) competent to moot tJio domaniln

' qfa.II, Pftint iliap over Mffls Wbito'a millineryuiorei t o i t to VqngUt i KiUgufe'i Ama a tors.

i Bpooi»ltj m&do of itcndl oatUng. i

J.KABTIK. '19-lv A.UDGE.




CaD oFTor Ibe boat and tnuat libcial indncc-nen t l to dealers.



PORT 0RAM, N. J.,h*B t UtR* Itbck ot FALt inXLIrTKRY orKit kindi, wliloh slio l i i i JiiHt received fromNew<7ailr.nlilvfl %ka fnteodi (n let! t t tutbomprioei. Qa and POP ber ODD stock.


OHAS. A. HDKFOEB, - - - Prop'/.

nuTEB, N. J.

Will tpen April lat, 1881, u a On-.-clBot«l fot fatoiiies And the trarclins;

public generally.

4OTK, . . . . . Mnna



1 FOR SALE.TheJumfcnown iu tbe Charlea King far

, , . . , , tBliTg..H.J



LEIGHol'gtmi nml MilKtimtlal hlmctuie


BEPAIBIIG-frfnlly attauilnt to.



Hot Air Furnaces,If tlie istobt am! must lui|inmd ulylw, for

itcfninWle mid private l> nil el in git. A largenuaortiuont of atovos, cheap for oasli.


STOVES, RANGES,4o. Alxoa variety of

H E BEST PLACEor ils Uiuil for eiiiiiymrnt m HUB ftctiou ia


UUVEK, N. J.Juat received ami jilaml in portion TH11E.



Fool Tables





" H & 3jt

, . a _

* - "• &

ffi «




Nlnte Iffooiing-WithbotterfROilitlD* I nm enabled to puti rll.Vl J: HOOFS cheaper thui ever ntiugme but the best quality ol aluto an! om-oyiog Srnt'daw laeolaanics. I can goar-

muteriftl ami work in aver; par lion-I V Hheathlng Folt alwriya on hand.

Dated Ootobor lMth. 1880.


LDUM&BBO.proved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus



B0VEE, H. J.•'PIOEailiniiiinjTtUfl Dover Lumber nom-pnuv'imill. OontraciB tftlion, urn] plane,iilcationa ami mntomls of overy biud fur-eil for buildltt^B, Jobbing A jpcdaJty.

SLATE ROOFING..AU furalatidd from the boat qnartle. bj

ba atnalt quantity or oar load, tnS Uld.lf de>irod, by experienced workmen at low rate..



Shop on Olinton Bt, Doy?r..n eipsneooe of IB ;eara In Dover on the

jxt irork, ia tlio ft*o«nnt<!ii 2 o&flr ottajHit/ to plaaae the pnullo. My motto u "Olr.•ificltatoill." 1->I

County Collector's.Notice I»lll lit at tin oflio ol Us Bteojats, MofoVBi (or the tranaaQtlonu>t:-OonDtr Unii':, on Tlictsda; of 0«enM«k7.nif •finei or George Bfeharili Btq Dorer on



OECEESTRIONIIDH also just been a applied wilt new HIUHI.and wilt dvllght the p&trom uf i\\(s Jcntisonionthin ever, furuielnng muiio tsqtiiil to a bruibandotCCpiofOB


LAGER BEERihvnyB on (Irfiustit and the best of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalways- provldrjit for tbo pitrona of









Sera superior lodacoAieutt Iu eflucfttiojor.fic men B>ndtadi.ei, Ott&lojrne&nitCoilvgf

pipcm frco. - » > ' • -

ttir riSlTUBS WELCOME. • «C.T, MILLE11, Principal.


Fall and Winter Goods13* Tie latQHt utylcs Bad newest designs,

fo trouble to show goods. Qhe bar a oath'HE InoN Eai and New York papers OSB b#

'oucd on her new oouctor.



Tito best work at loirsat prices. Itupilrlnsluapljind promptly done. Next to old Pros-

bytoriia OMnh, Olaokwell 20-ly


Estate of WUlimn Scoble,deceased.

P tJRSUANT to the order ot the BnrtORilcot tbo County nf Uon-ii, nude on the

" . OK; of Febrairy, A. D. ODD thocsBndhundred and dR-ktMonr, notlfo U

lie County of Mom*, accea»;d. to preiect the,Wi l r ottu or •fltmitloD, to the •«b-

— ; r , on or befow tbe mth da; of Norem-ber next, being: nioa month*-from tba dale" - S o r t e r ) HiiliiiVatetlltol' „ in tad eilfibjt 5li or ber t)Um, ooder

c»th or snnnatlun, within the time lo limited,will be forever tarrfcd of hit or ber lotion

B j m p i t t o r u u.Dited tb« ilitb day of Fatirairr A. D. 18B1.

' J A M E B N K S O

RcelR, tines,' Files, Hools, BnskcU^ etJX. fall mcitmetit oonihntlr on bind of tjpit

.uioonmoa .

_ ;


nAaDW»nii'iSD lkba i m




L. W. WALTON, - Auctloneei


Thursday, March 20,at JO o'ejopk -A. M. a o t l i e prem-bdoliove named LOTS, Bitnotoon

tbo NEW AVENUE cotmeutintf PorMorris add South Stanhope. Thisenue BH laid out brines tho two pi,within a half mile of each oilier, Hhorl

distance tnoro tbnn openod ia certain ta be the main thorough-furo betwcDu tliu two plnceg, Tbo lotsire clieilily Bitunied irn litgli gramn)( easy iceesB lo uuy nud all the iirial OKtabliBbtamitBip tlw vicinity. TbfiriuL-a at wliicli tlicso lols will be soldiind Ilio teruas so easy lltat, every uinuwill be vtiabled to

OWN HIS OWN HOMEIJ pimngbitt litlln more Hi tin be is noinjiiig for rout. Tliin is HID opportm

lv of a life Hnie to gatb.uguumnr d'lire homes. Bultipositi/p. Nu \incmiuit on tmcount of wcutber an

ribev tartniUclUirispiov'tdvi), Iferu,will wuit evory one,

HUGH ALLEN.I'ort Karris, Mnrcli Olli, 1884.

ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LAND.Tho iobeorlber,OeorK''W. Jrublun, AmicticrfFraticw y , 0n»e, will w-ll at Public Vwidno ilm bigliMt Wrtder al Ilia Court House IurriBtuwni.on :

MONDA?, tho 7lli day of APRIL,t. D. im, hetwosa tho hours ot 12 21. and'cluck P, Mj, thai la to n8y at 3 H'clock in HiHvrnobaat snld fliv, all thuau cortnlu tract

iiarct'ls ol land and promises, aitnato tn tinwmWpof flojtbury, in tlioOonntr of Morriid BUte of Vbv Jersoj, knUed and bannili

Maryott mid one Biggs, and known us tha"MfMinlaln Pond Lot;" rnnninft HiPiice (1

tflh Qlteea JsKree* cast.tlilriy-two ohntmi-aco (2j ucmtl. fiKlily-ilirco fli-Rraei fartynmtep cast «% lit eon ohntns and no von iilia; tlicnco (3) Boutli ciclit ttcurQDH wesno clutne ten lints ; tlinieo (1) south fnrl1

ilirve degrees west twelve cUnni and thirtF-*ovon nulci.; Uienco ( « wotitli ttlity dn^rccn

ices wchl 11 vo chuina and thirty linliijco (7) Boutli eiglily-fivo (k'Rreee wenly-lbreo clmitiB mill tliittj lioka to tlio!O of i)o iTiiifr)f>, aoDtaitifng fiftj-nii ncJny-two Imiidri'dlbBncrfS! bpidKtlm santoluieea coiivoycii to miit Trundis N. Onvti bydeuds-ono (nmi Eilj-iirW. Twin am) wife

_-(lJiily lUli. 1872, ami rreonloil in UorrhItmuty Oicrh'n OHICO, in iionk I* a,y

othe from ii i i . SI

/rbt ofius date


iatca westfour sdr ami

».c» Aiwiiat lfi, 187S. KIPII reefifdalia'ftfork's OUice, tn Bogk D G, JIBR*) 055, Ac,

BKOONU Ti.iOT~ISfr.uij a jurt of a trncland tbnt Alliftrt It. Kitftfu hoiurli) of WililIrecn. Inntor, Uy OrtJ hLBife, ldfia. aud bc-Klosit th „if mi tract, to-ivit, at a. largw it6«m« «nrt flfty huts firK(ant on n

ODO degrcu null forLy-tlvu mnwliitn nak heo marlicd onblaao ami two notches ttndi

hovo BBitt lilnzo, bt-inp Ilio Ibirj c „ct of (Hty-gc'ven unrug ami ilftv-nix luin-iAlh» returned to Ltmacl Uobt> ,jn tbu lOHi

lnyot Jalv. 1805, ami recorded in UimkS 15Hfto45; theticc by said nnp niict Kiirwyfl)itlhllfty-Bli mid a linll ticRiei'n wesicifilituinu and eiRtity lions t o tho llotrln conal;!) nortli firiy-sevcu di>j>*ets eatt two climnBuUwi'iil.v links; (I!) nortii tliiity^two mid a,sllilfKrct'H I'BHI tun clmins anfl furty links;.) Dnnhm-vnttv-iwo rirciwnri.4f»nr chalusil BUty-llireu tinhii; |Q, funtli tliirty uiinJSIRQBI nliiccliamn snil fifty throa luikn tou Ucfjiuiiiiitf, uunittmiiiff i wo ucreg unJ thirtyit hHHi.feilthB of an luro.iniBD TBAOT—beg inning nt P. honp of utonrsit bnttur-uut fljiroutg, bolug tho Dcrtnttarupr >s dt&cribtil in a iked ot convtrnitco

•om William Greon. Jr., toTbomaBL. King,Bd t ntm tlienoe H tbo nccdlii mw yointH(A.

f) (1) Funtii sevinty-lwo nnO it quarterRrefB (rout onu ctiain ami Hcvcufy-fivo lintsHie iiftb (torner of tlio For«o traot; tlienoeI *loi]R a. Hnc nf tlie aamo norili two ttuil Bmrtcr t]('£fc(n nest HUGO fliElnit and iwontv

ix ImtHto tlio tilgc of iturlng jiatli or tlior rhcan t l ; tlicucc (3)'ilut)g \ lino of theueHOrlb tffeniyioardfgrwacmtiiticliaiDiI fi.ity-llino Hubs to it reck; (lierjeo(4Jng tbo onlHirfo tluo of the wbnle traot sooili.• untl a halt defines iveit eight clialUR nnd

mventj-soven links totboplico nf boslnniod,(inI,lining one aero and iiaeun lmuilrvdlbt ofi Here. moroorle«a.

ibo !ant two UitclBlicing tlio rtitne premier*wrajtil to FrauclB W. Gore b? Bjuior) Nor*iin and wire, bv det-tl ilaud AURuat 16,1872,m. rtcoraej in Book miolDecdg, p»so6Sl,

In laitl O^erk'4 offlco,

QEOHUK W. JBNKINS, ABilence.Dated Jan. 3d. WSl. $1110

LIVER CHILLED PLOWSBest In Ilic mirttl. GOD sold IJ; UR.

D41B IIAHHO1V.Eagle VVIiecl C u l l i v n i a r ,

Casttdny ^ l P

rain and Garden Seed Drills,

Waller A. Wood's J]cruelB,


'honiaB & Field WhBel HayEakes,


.over and Trt;»a P«»«n,Lyou'i lau Mult,

Vhve>hen< Cleaner*. Jic,<all Dlbpr flriUtlaiB farmlns


GEO. E. TO0BHEES,1; (Bnooe«or to Voorlnol Brother!,)





Edwin 0. Hurt & (Jo. nmkc the lust Fine Shoes forLadles' wear tu tlie world. We are tlic sole

agent for Hie wile of them in this section.

Just received an elegant line of DANCING PUMPS.

HEAGAN & Co.OI'P. 1).. I. .t W. DEPOT, DOVElt.



First Bay of April,1684, to tlio alore now occupied by







Wffl. 0'DWYER, - - - - Proprietor.






ieii,uon*aliiDni, Fin,fcdeobo, Nerron* Proatniioo ca'tucd ta'oriiwbolor lobscco. Vibirnlneu, ^_._I Depwidon,;• Sanealnjr ot tno Brain,reaaik-giatnBWttTBna \tvulileitb.-iPrtimtnM _„ . . .

,of powtr in utter •«. , , :^jfincd 8p*nn«tnrrliij* ciRitku<.uT uyor-

Exertion ol tbotnJn,i6U'»tb»*eoi'pF<r-lij]nl-KeooB. Sicb boSQoatilliioliomDBlh'il IreiU

ient. | 1 • box, oi ill boxei for IS, ifltt bylUprepaldoaifoeiptofprioo. -, WB QPABAhTED SrX DOXEU

Ta money

llntaVha\) rerand xbaifftel * oHw y y

R. Klllgore, Agent, Dover.

UnghinatMlmetit doei Dottd fltly .by t '


75&BRO4Pi.'St, NEWARK, N. J.

"Opening of Spring Styles!"

HOW THE SHOW WENT OFF.An Illustrated Version of tbe Heoent Political

Oiroas la Morris County.

The tent BUS locatedia the pleasant townof Boontoo, near thepost-offi<je. antl tbe at*

were BO gigantic thattbe Attention ot thevliola County of Mor-ris WAS attracted to(lie fho(

ulorly BO us Itiereno probabililj tbatBucb an exhibitionwoul2 be given an j

wfiera else wfthin ber borders. Anoltior featnre waa tbetoot that tbe ootupanj was made op entirely of nmateortalffiir. under Ike direction ot the versatile end acoampliahededitor of the Et-llelic, who hud agreed on tbia occasionto nek as ling-nutatec, na well aa to perform soroo of tbeprinciple feaU iu the arena. His " orgnn" wos also speciallyengaged to furnish tlio music for tbe occasion, and after athrilling overture DOtbe lame tlie perform-awe proper beganwith the grest act ofriding two homes toUlaBtratetliQfactthntthe same individualswbo rode the OonntyCommittee ia one _ ^ —direction four jeara ago ooufil tlcivs tbem iu otolher diition tliis yonr wilboufc falling off. Tlie start mis ancceasfullynude ns uliown in ibo ncoompaDying iJlnstration, but

oranotbor the gearing which held tlie oppnaing steedstogether parted suddenly and (Itperformer ol tha daring not fellbetween and was terribly mutilated.He vae conveyed to bis liom^trliereour reporter and special artist visitedhim. Tlio latter lias prepared tberccoinpnoying graphic sketch wbiobebons that if a man wants to ride apan of political horses be ot leastshould drive tbem in ihe same direa(ion. Of coarse the mishap' dis-turbed tiio aodioncG a trifle and tbeyounger part thereof could Dot berestrained even by tbe

if tliadibiietor Iroui indulging in a heartynugli, at tlte ladiarous termination of tbo;reat feat In question. Order waa finallyrestored, however, end the aecond Blurt-ing act of tho perfoi-maiiGe was announced.

This wus ealitled, "A Thrilling and BloodCurdling attempt to Bust a War Becord."TUo acrobat who was to achieve this peril-

ous feat was carefullydisguised to

in the oveut of failureno one cotiM bo abletu fix tbe responsibil-ity. He wrote biarecord curefnlly «

^Bul le t in and placed itn a Loop belli far

iitiovc his Lead. Andy succeeded

- :i teniuc icui* in piuicturing tlio rreord But unluckily•or hits, whilo thoaHminng maltituda was showering salvosjf opplnusa upon him,

ily transpiredhnt the daring per-

il jul got bold ofthe wrong war recor'I.Kn unprincipled presslocated in n tonn notfur ftway bad printedcopiosofthetruereeordwhich bnd never been punctured, anil when the anonymousperformer discovered this fnct lie retired from the arenaoofneiuu. Something had lo he done to redeem the failures

tbe sirens people they packed np all their things and pre-pared to start np gait River.

But before JJie steamer [left the dock tbe manager put npanotherfBalletiu in which ho

dready made. Tbe maiiagora bit upon a lucky thought—they would fall backupon the resources of(lie menagerie nml in-stitute an investiga-tion. And so the greatinvestigation wasturned loose, but somefcow or other got outfrom under the lent,nnd being urged on bytbe malicious enemies

inpposed to bo at largo somewhere. Tho managers hope,lowover, that when be once gets at the BOOT of tho matternmetliing may be discovered tbat will put a bolter /nac uponr {ailarea of tbo previoua performances. Tbi3 was tbo last

bratp that broke tbe cam-1'B book. The editorialaanagor could endure ito longer, so be arrayedimself with a whole ar-ary of weapons nod wentsearch of Moot}. Some"

ow be suspected tbnt tbBtepubtican elephant was

the bottom of alt the disturbances ami so he nt onceipened war on the elephant. He accused him of leokloss-

and extravagance and all sorts of bad things. Tli«leplmut aforesaid bad interfered with the bridges and badteen an expensive luxury to tbe ooucty. An election wasoon to bo beld anH it was resolved ta submit the matter to,B people. Now in the menagerie them WOH a Salmon

uuder it tried to bold tho chair to tbe floor, but tlint underlipr mysterious touch tlic chair pulled to pieces' The little;itl was in Roma Tuesdny, and while in one oftfia storesilio placed her bniid upon a stool and it promptly moved injbedieucQ to her will.

pPrew^uidlioroO)tlofi»tceD», a^ntanior-.innov

OO0D8, ombrnidoMd anJ pitta i HAStnOIia EUBBl* b l u n s i t '

•lo did not like tbe Bepabliean elephant nnd tbia wos hisanco to get even. Ha organized MB forces and tbe oirons

tlba fall in with Mm, The manager put np a Bulletin toe effect that the Mayor of a neighboring town was tha bosBthe elephant, end named a case where this wicked Mayor

jdotlie elephant do bis bidding. Bat in tbisonsof tbeoiroas men want back on tbe manuring editor so fat as to

y it was fill fetee that he said, Whealie wflB Cornered tho lean ran down hisface and be said, " I cannot tell a lie;did it with my little bntabet." But tbelopbant was not afraid of tbe Salmon and tbe oirons folksd be want into tbe election fight with a Btont heart. He

first got a good Backerand stood in to win.And Ibe people allstood b j tbe elephantbecause they ! noughtlie didn't have sny-thing to do with thefoolish things the cir-cus folks bad feiokedup- By and by t lofolks irbo were wait-

ing at tha eiraus tent for tbe returns saw a horseman comeup tbe ritrest, shouting the news. That elephant had j t


. '•:•..','. .'. ISH AT NE(T TOBK PUfOSS.

A Standard Quality of illack Silk at $1.00 per yard.

XAD1BS' HUSUff UNDSRWBARila wprMiir tor oar i»l« In fettriotire- itylai and prioei, LA0B ODBTAINS ID Sertm and

i SotHoRliam I*eo ttBdClnnr l i e s Oartum, OotUgB Dr&porri 4o.g H»t.rl«li In Untiiu, OotloMa, Aa*. In f«n llnei.

Ho juat pranced around tbe l ioj nml ioformedthose folks tbat he hod oomo book lo that circus to stuy and

s going ts run it without having any aiore jntiungera. And

Dear friends I wasn'treally the manager ofthis circafl. TbB traomanager didu't recoverwhen tlie elephant satdown on him and bis have beenembalmed and laidaway in tbe graveif political oblivion.

Ttieaurviviug friends1

go to join him, andin a little tlmo a few UIOIIQOS under Ilio willows will mprk ellthat (Jjeie OUT tvus of this kidly planned circus. Let meadviee you never to try lo rnti a eke us until you can controlthe olephaut. For ftutlier purticulnra BCO my obituary inthe Morris County History."

Thus ends tbe sad tale of tlic most remarkable circus everknown in the history of Morris County. While sorry fortlio fulu of itio misguided participant* we are glad that wa

)iv,.- to tell tbe tale, tor tliemunugei's vainly endeavored todemolish as. But we stilt liveand occupy the quarters setforth in tlie annexed engraving,wliero we ahull continue tolabor to promote the aneoess of

ihellepuhhona elephant, In tbehope tbnt all bad feeling shall die away asd that all whowere engaged on both aidBsiu Ibis foolish Boonton cirooowill Boon be grasping bands over a compact to promote theaur.0098 ot this same Bepublicnu elephant in the big eiroosof next fall.


Judge Cmlnrer Off on n Tour." Judge Cadaver wfH please stcpdfs way," nid Brother

Gardner, as bo motioned to Samuel JhEn to raise tho alleywindow anil let out the odor of burning bootleg, Tbe Judgecame forward with a pressure of 250 pounds to tbe squoroinch, and the President continued : " Judge Cadaver, asociety at Defiance, Ohio, known as ' Be Aggregation ofPhilosophy an* Science' has requested me fo send etn dowusome member ob dis club who kin dellber a kctnr' full ofinterest an' instruckBuun. I has selected you. Heah am 88in cosh an' a railroad pass, an' yon will leave heah to-morrow •afternoon." Tho Judge looked so meltingty sweet tbateverybody began to grin, " I now desiah to spoke a fenremarks tu you," said the President, an be laid aside bisBpeotncles. " You aregwine among strangers. You will meetwid blacklegs sod bondholders an' all odder classes ofmen. Doan talk too much wid your mouf. Boan' try to makeanybody believe dat you am a miilynnaire. Doan' stop tobet on de string game or tbrea-card monte. Poan' pur-tend you know what you doan' know an' nebber beard of,Doan' atop to argy migun wid infidels, nor pollytioks wida young man who can't wo(e. If anybody caJMyou 'Ker-nol' yon needn't stop to explain bis mistake, but at de sametime doan' hire any one to call you 'Perfeasor,' If jouloaeyour money by ptoyia1 paliey wliile you am gone, oomo homeby the highway and say uuffiV to nobody. If you am knockeddown an' robbed yon kin telegraph nB, as' count on receiviu''bout fu' dolJora iu casli. Pat'a all. Judge, aa' you kinnow resume yer roost,"—Detroit FVte Press.

k Wonderful tieorffla tilrl.Thero is now living in Polk county, about fourteen miles

from Borne, a girl liyecrsof ago who possesses wonderfuland inexplicable powers. 8he is a daughter of one of Polkcouulj's best aud most honorable families. We will notfiro tbt1 Sainily nowo, aiiuplj because the parents of theiliild do not wish the facts so gonerully known, as thenlie stream of the curious would cause (bem inconvenience.

We ahull tell the tale as it told to ns, and we have onlythis to any, that our informant is one every way worthy ofnil coutldencu, acd further that what he reports is notoriousiu tilt! iniDKHiiala neighborhood at tlio Jilt Jo girl's home.It is suid llmt the little girl can phca ber baud upon a chairand it will walk all about tho room. SUe plnceg her handipon a table and it mover ns slie nindes it. Oar iaforataatiivs that she placed her bond upon a cbalrin which a man

Bat, and the cbitit, mau and all, moved at her touch. Hetbnt a man sat in tbo chair, and another mail lying

Hint "us all UlghtA Goveramcotfigent, TVIJD wnssont to Wisconsin last fall

:u look up trespass cases on Government lands, was out ottbis travels ono day when he found a man whaling away atsome oboJee timber on ono of Uacle Sum's sections.

"Any land for sale nronnd here ?" queried tbe agent." Wall, thar' might be, "win tbo reply." I'd like to bay a whole section."" Huve ye tbe cash to pay ?"" I haTe.""Imougli t eell you tliie.""Can you give a clear deed ?":l Clear ns ft whistle, stranger. Gimme $800 oosb, and I'll

[eed ye the Bection afore Bundown,"Tbe agent coo.y unrolled a map, spread it out on a log.

tud <said :You will Beo by this mnp lhat Uncle Sam owns this sec-

tion. How, then cm you give mo a deed of it ?"" See by'ar, stranger," eaid the chopper after a long pause,may bo you is one of those chaps as argaeflefl that Uncle

Hum is a bigger man tban a freaborn citizeD of old WiB-cousin I I'll giv' yo just three mim'ts to skip I"

~ e noont didn't want but two.— Wall Street 2feu>».

It Was .\«rjil."It was awful, awful, awful!" exclaimed the train boyt f l d i d l t f

l, ful, wf exclmed th n ylist as a group of ladies were passing down tue platform."Wht as that which was so awful? Baa anybody beenkilled ? Has there been a terrible catastrophe? What did

i h th d d 1 Wh did b l l i i t k

st as aWhatikilled ? Has here een t e r l e c a s t r p h e ? h

ibcy do with the wounded 1 When did tbe collision takeplace 7" Such wore a fow of tbe questions tbnt osaaiicd tbe

ontli. " T'wan't no oollisiou. ladies; but it was awful allhe same." "What WHO i t? Don't keepu* in suspense 1"Well, you B"C ladies, a gentleman was standing right hero

on the platform, and just as tho train Btarted he gave a jump—" "And was crushed beneath tbe wheels and binnunglod. cprpso was strewn for miles along the track." "Notexactly, mana, but the train took his head right off."Instantly the air resounded with orieB of horror from thefeminine group. When the boy could make himself heard,borem&rked: " I don't see anything horrible about itidles. The train took tbe man's body off, too. Bat he cameMolly ocdr being left." Aa the ladies trnuea to move

on, tbe words, "disgusting little creature" were borneupon the air, mingled witb a loir chuckle from tbo train-bojr'Bvicinity.—Baton Trantcript.

IllanaderatanJtatr.'I thought I would take R run up and seo if yoa didn't

'nut to buy ft sowing machine,' said tbe agent to FarmerGrimes.

lI don't know as I do/ replieJ the farmer; 'I've got most ofmy spring sowing done.'

'But wou't you oeed it for sowing ia tbe summer!''Look here, young feller, we don't BOW in tbo summer.

Wo cats no1 gathers an' binds.''Ob, well, tbia machine gathers and binds.'•Mobbe you'll be telling me next tbat yoor machine willml ia the crap an' put it in tbe bsrn. Don't come aronndire withany ofyonrbtgetories/'Don't be raffled, my dear Blr, I think you do not under-

stand me, I me&u a machine to sew doth, not grailto the'Aneml yon do, do yoa, Then ;, D . _

witamtn. It 's » good thingyoa didn't mean tbe other Wad,or if .you'd kept on toiling me about yoar wonderful taaohiaeor plantiQ1 an reapio,' yoa'd got me a ripptn' an' teartn' tillI'd basted yon.'

Leap Tear Rotes,The first loop of a marriage knot is & beta knot.Qitls, this is tbe year for you. Wfcen you give a yoang

tan ulippen. give trim fits.From tbe combinations of leap year and a cold winter moet

every girl bus ohaps on her hands. ,HapplneBs. Aeartained, warm room; a little, Httio l ight ;10 chair; two lovers; night, end a disabled clock."Don' t RIVB me away" is ft very common expreaaion, yet

yoa wou't find one girl in a hundred who is bold enough, tosay tbat to ber pap.

A woman says that very few men bavo the slightest ideahow to hold a tnby. No, not until it gets to be about «ix*teen or auveotean years o i l .

Banjamin Fronblid B<ild, "Ha who takes a wife takes cote.1'Wo think that BcDJjmic WQS sliffbtly miatakcii, and that be

bb takes aVflto ia more likely to lose hair.

111 am rcnl glad that I married in December lttBt," spid ablnabing Philadelphia bnde. " I f tbe oeremony liai] beendelayed tiutil tlilH mouth, people might have thought tbut Itook utlvnolnge at leap jear'and proiiosed"

TSEIBQNERA.Tite Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, March 15,1884.

THE IUOH DEE IHP0RTATID1A lliii.u>Ul|i.i..tirin<lt?i)>au canned •d with

•jf. irou ore U t d u t m , aud who in laiB«lynieiesieil tu SlurrU ci.souif statistic* ol

tutily liiiute, fuut) iuijioruiion

i D iroa me, which are itally s tMm following artttmiinl va'.u1 nf iron •UuiifilHta'ca during

December 81. 1883:Custom DiutricU

lliiltimant, Md.u..iilart, 8. 0JU.-U.II and CbftriMto^l]tttii»lnii)lJJ>J[..—\<e'wma£ it. *..'."'."

< "w'Tork^N." T *" *.'.')Bwrgetehie.'N.'Y.V.'.

i'l'rtli Ainu'oy"s*J...]'hiladelpUm I'll,l'ngt* Souail, W.T. . .Vrnuout, Vtv

•ut hbown Ibis i

of for-urlitug.uuutity

re imported into tlic-tho year wliiith ended

gTm2 tJ


.•n, MiHH. 2,4711









« . 7 H29,181}


Total 490,8761,207,9111This atatement Bhowe that nearly half a

million tons of ore were imported into thiscountry during tbe past yeir, whioh woknow by bitter experience to have been oneof aerere depression in the iron ore business.Tlia import* of the preceding calendar ye*t—1842-were E89,65fi tons valued at .J.,640,-C8*. Our informant farther writes: " H o o kfor a luge increase of Imports In this year(18S4) over 138.1. obiefly from tbe citemines nearSiuliago, on theCubaaooast, nowbeing vigorously workuS by the BethlehemIron Company and tbe Pennsylvania SteelCompany. The influence of strong protestmads by reprcseotaliTo Iron ore men, Feb.18th btfore the Ways and Means CoiDtnittaoresulted, as yon know, in tbe prompt re-moval nf iron o n from the free list, as ori-ginally proposed in the Morrison tariff re-duction bill. But ereu with this concessionno cut of twenty per cent , as this bill pro-poses; can yet bo tolerated in rliher ora orIron, and I am confident that t i e Morrisonbill; as it now stands, will never go throughIhe Home. I think it however a matter ofcongratulation for tlieoro producers to knowthat Hon. A. B. Hewitt's pet scheme forfree ore and free scrap could not ba engi-neered through bis ovu committee, but busbeen overthrown in tha bouso of bisfriends."

We giro those remarks editorial proral-uence because of the valuable informationiboy contain, bnt while we oongtalulatoourselves upon tbo temporary ndvanUgothuBfar gaiuod, wo matt remember that i t wasc i ty tbe pressure ot the iron ora producersand irou workerr that oouiptlltd tha Demo-crats tOttbandoQtheUowlttbMeir of free ore;that they still propose a reduction of twentyl>er oeut, nnd that should they be successfulin the next Prwidenlial campaign any1>i««ure that might bo brought to bear uponthem would prove ummillLg. It 1B a. mat*-U-r of policy now; then it would be a mat-ter of principle tbat snob pressure couldmot change.

AIT jjreuxr TO NEW JBBSSY.Tfco long cherished DemocraUo idol erec-

ted to thoaacredneiH of State rights, la ap-parently toppling over. An example of thisi n afforded last Saturday whenliepresentivtive Pholpa asked permission to Lave printedin tbe record liie resolution of the Now .Ter-uay Senate introduced by Senator Young-blood in opposition to tbe Morrison bill.To« reading of tne resolution was demandedrftnd it began, but before tho clerk ooncludedTownttfaeod, of Illinois, and a> BOOM of otber(Democrats were on their feet, objecting,and (be resolution was withdrawn. ColonelMorrison Recmed to feel on interest in tliennrttd portion of the resolution and wentover to Mr. Phelpu'n desk and examined thedocument critically. To rafuee to allow tobe spread on lbs public records of the Housea resolution adopted by a Utate Legislature,or either brnnch thereof, lean extraordinaryif not unprecedented not It wai not only ftflat repudiation by the State Bight's Demo--cnttsofthe most cherished tenets of their(political itllb, bnt a flolaUon of Ihe eourteiyduo to a Btata, BO curt as to onnse genenl

Tin- nitlmlluu

POST M0EEIS.tiitic;eafor m-bool ui.mtBM are .mt in

'tlng for thu»( TrmtBM are .mt in tfefi »ad nd-

.ui I1.1 H.84WUH ranhv «<"n. N». ffl I t«Ueve

™. . . . t l ie O. I,. &. W. uanl tn in

"fc?u^*iu«T l | i j lu l ' iu!« Mm. sod

tllii! tlin iodt tntlu IVHH coming to--Hint i*. it WPIR miming Imclni-ard

i. IlKuflnunr uiiil Uaklf.nlthe fa1»iii« .M-lonfE*. It w

II behind i

the primary it

HEWF0UNDLAHD.{lulling coium

tlllH lUttYwill Hud iK v , V l i

i(< tind i

kllll tniiii'


holt- innit making Bfnjjiini, mid

rut burned up. Hit* wnoii wnrkon whirl, tin* toll-tali' wan fined '

Iwiit, ilic toll-tulii vtu lurn«il mul rondoainiiletoly USCII'DB. Tltut jiurlioumr tull-lUl never tell t .U- nuv ninn-. t h o u S » '

had not been lurncd up it wmilii bi.vo e<ittlrd the que*t'im of vwnrlt.v nlMnit

dnf thcMft l tn ln . Tlie tii.iiknpoou nfgine No. 114 tried U ct into it liox ci

ftutot inn

jiart of It Buoooodert fcetlinr it


Will Hubert, (or Hoifor Bini»n C •aufttAlDedtlio top (i

it pretty '""1 lonkinit uririlittle clamnjti- dot

r), WIID was brake!

, H O ' V M knookt... ._.. . . car down u bank uin

_lcep ns tho oue Sflcroim.v Kflsey wentwhen he WM blown oft1 tlio )>us«otij{i>ron the P. It. It. tliat time, nml Huover hibin foot winwfflint gevcrely. tmt I am Rimsnv he feaU a uaod (leal uiu-it-r at tliis writ

Saturday ntzht Gourde llnbnock bonjilticket from DrakeAvill'' to Btnnltopn nnd cito the latter iilnce ou Nn. 8, John Heflemntrain. It ficenm that «eorge wn« a «orlbogs, nr Bomotbinp, in tlm Hurt Jliuo, uputto Drukenvlllo ilo)iot, or nearly «o, W<Oeorce was prtt ty drunk wlon bo camStnuUopenii.1 weut o m to Soutli 8tauliotelf Mr. WUInumn'a, to Bot«u a Uttlu iitoam. Mr. WHInmnn concluilod lie budmouifli and would not let bhn have nny uxxhlikcy. He went ovor to oue ot the bomou 1he Jlorris Ooiinty side of tlio funutond, stHid there awhile, walked out orinuso on to the rottcii W ou tlio ponil inttne towttlknorosult, falliunndwii* ilmn-iilo won about thirty years old. a crnnt sir•mifiod innn in the prime of Un Hie. '>ffort« of tbo ticonlr of the huii»» to B IVH Jwere in vi.ln und Robert 8!nek ti-npp'cil.ill with a Enipplltifi Ir<iu nt ahmit tin-wlif'rti he «

RiiMei c u n t y side. Uudertakor O. W. Almtook oliariR' of tlio roiimlun. » ord wu« HOIJ hi* friomla, hilt none of tliimi ahowi'd

[I he van burled in tbe Btanh Vaiolety on Tucsilny ttftornoou. I snptu

tbe towngiiip of liyram will Luve to foot 1bill.

Hnme of the pooil peoplo of BVL -skip, in wliicli la Stnnliope, couoluueu tuithey hud hotter hnvo thn mutius Iiol'l in tlevening instead nf in tlm afternoon as licitoforo. It would Rive tlio fnUnwn wbn lito work for a living a cimiicn to ntt

t l i k l f d y h l l l


out losing liiilf a dny, so they trailed anioetlug ut Saitmol l'oU'ruoirg tin » .nntuo a ticket toboTotwl tnr nt townintotCharley Herriuk nann into tlm cimrau"injj Dnrn Knijrht by tho fiiiat ooltur Andfui; "limtt'H oim of tlio felltiw* whahns eoleii," hut if jmi coiiBUlt tlio tli-ket whlciionoinao you will Hue that Uonnto T. K»l«dtil not have to co. 1 cnoloBe tlio tickot hidid not have ting Ihe nutneityou nwd not

o go. Itof tliasi

i d tl

I enclune tbe ticKiioceaaful cimillilatPl fl h i h ITou nted uot mind tlio n i u m whlok I hv

jotteil down on tlio timriHii. I ntu Kind «•tlun ia over tiioiifch I (loiPt ollow It to liol

Tlio Hc'unte of Sew Jersey havo doneKrnimfiil tliiiiK aud rcco(tn|ii'flouoor(hi) muIHipulnr eoliliors in " "this y gave the iilnofAnliBtoEnosOolil

Thnt romindii mutbat I jiiat took.iff ui.v

ol. It. V. IlniuCB. Mr. \U:\was resljniPil und Mr. UainitH taken his piumlenTiHiiil thiit Mr. Itoyiiolila IIIIH beo

ntHliibHH in Now Yurk nlune FMinuny Int.1 uiu gitui tfl sne Mr. 3. \\\ Cnllnu'e urog

« roDordeil In the. piiper*.Tbe UHIIUI Hoinl-muiithly lueotiuK cf '

nsiOiTturian Mite Hoi-loly met at tbo tinf Ulr, \V. II. BtackbuUBe on Tu^U.iv e\iuinil hud their usual guad time, IX .1

'HieI l

BT&HHOPE.w i u l at tlio II. E. Churcli Hubln

___. _. mom wns quite well attendwlweek on Tue«ilny uventnjr. This inntiluiliromliWH to lieounio iw popular an the HiSociety of the I'rosuyterinu Church.

Sclioo] meeting for thoolentluu uf trunkmid mining monej for noccuKoryosiiPUbcs:inr publin giiliool for another yearly mlvtwed. 1 wuuilur If tliero in 11 louutle pluinunufib to lmcoiuu a mind I (Into for trueituioii).' U>. I have iiu doubt but that a 1;li.lnio of that M'S would be e\vcU-H h;audauAms1 I l

of that MSniR uinjority.u liy tuis oaiulb f

rity.oaiuo of liidii-nok w

d t thkml nt thl» ]ibii'ii li„ „ _„ . _._O UttPlllplillR f "-

,th, . {.•.•. Ha callod fur liolp Uut 1boat eoulil be praoured he lost lit* I10I1Itketocaud ws» driiwiiul. A

l t l tl h l fl nml .l J ..Mil

mi wltUB»floij tlio whol<,-IHSCII, Juetfiw ol tbo neacr, liciniupon lu the alisoneo nf 0 Curouor,that on inniirvt wm iinnnviutKiiry HA It wmMidi j] pluiii naeo. Ho wna Intmlontcil 11tbe tiroo nnd BO mo of tlm Ifcfiira Clitliniip)itmiiiH]uostiiiliiUt to 1m lioli tn 1)out whore ho Rot ID flint conilitloo. Hutwns aecertiiuiod that ho wan iutoiicutwhoti liot'nt off tlio Irnluand thorunttnr wu

Tha date of the XUpubiioan BtaU Onn-veDtiou baa been changed from April toApril 17th. The reason foi tain obange waimat Taylor Opera Hcuve, Trenton, wasunder previous engagement for Ihe flnt

U n . Willfun Walter Thdpa has ocmeEl-«d to deKvar as addresi before the Bepubll-«an State Convention and to proc'jre another•equally eloquent and forcible advocate ofItspablican prlnolplci.

ItisUlloTed that tbe gtowlhof mlnins•nil in the South will causatbe tariff reduction Demoonojr tbe loss ofttv« a.wl possibly throe Southern States nextMl. "

Joel Parker teems te havo been bora tobe named quadrennially aa an ImpossiblePresidential candidate.

HOOKA WAY.Oh My! We eip*ct a terrible going orer,

tiila week from t ie " Rookftwajani«Dr4(nK to last week's. EttA we will eateh ithod. What we have done we know not.Wont » hlewlng it wns that it did not comeimt In print last week. * How true tbo old mty-1ng Ii, formrarned 1B forearmed, coDseqnentty«e will try and survive the attack'.

A Mirnrisfl patty wugiven at tlie house of.Mr. &W.Crane.onr P.&R.E.R1I. TicketssnU nn Vriday cvenlnit of hut week. Botli-old and jonng report a very Rood time Indeed,mw\ wem plensecl to hnvo the enjarinonE fur-mlriiod tbeu at tiiia nooial Kathorlng.

-..lalunho wan buried in tnemeiery hero, after tbo usual sorvloeu. 1w u about 85 years <ild and uumarrisd.

TLonvte Illsacll, gnulunto of the Now Jiaer State Hcruial School, and son of J.Bfcsull Eaq., of this jiliice, l a s taken a Boliuoltn Someriict County, am-nrtw to him.

ROT. Mr. Duollukt ami wife nre nnjouruiiainonKtbe orange grove* of Florida at IUTHent. They havo the ge«d VVIBIICH of iholrmany friends fur A plcimnnt time,


The Mlto Sootety nf tlio Pnntliytcritvu ohunilmot on lust Tiioflctny evoiiluc nt Mr. W."^okbouae'fl. Tlie unrly portion of the are

K wns ilevotetl to buiUuesH, Hevoral Uattuw<?tn brouglit l^fore tlio society und it wvoted that $100 he appropriated to t i e pursosee fund, Tlio committee li> oharue—MiW, II. tttnoklwiiBc, ami MiiuVidlo IICHI—tliiroccedod to Barry out tholr iirugrmnmvhioh lifter eveuu proved to lie (tiuinuntlitucosfiful. A cbtti'ijui wits reudercil liy tljuartetto as a prelude (fl tbefixordnes folio1

int. Mlsfl Ford read In s very vriuitablinntmor, n sontion upon Mother llnbbard,rliioh itrove to luauloato, wpeoiiilly, *

duty of dignity, peraoremiioc, and resiitfim to tho inevitable. A quiirtetta, " t mfor Breakfast" was a capital porforraanc.

btoli isoved all tu Inuuntor, und

Imps tlio beat featuu Iniiulnrc of

ohnBrown'fl ltoihtlio t

„ lepnblloan caucuo over held InIlili Township, wu belioTe wan the one held In.Htickk's Hall on Saturday afternoon lort.l-Hilly 125, and iir»bably more, were present.Most ol tlie voting far uomtnocs wus done bylmllot. ItvMntiitoaijexclUnpofHicus. TheVenoorats held tbelVs a t 2fggott'§ HotelAkortly «ftorwardn,

A number of JoiinG Isdlsfiaatf gentlemen•MkJloekftway^audTleinl'ylndtbe pleasure,



fron Jloekiiway aud Tleinlylndtli-tbroocb an Invitation, Us make a41m Vronk Stephen! on Mondnribis * « * . ' Miiiio wan abnndantlT mpiAiMinnd all flittM wlio nnrtlsipnted in th(i douelng*t*Tiiedt(icnJoyiti*thoiilghMtdegr*e. Welure HO doubt tint thlsnleasare it ejqnlaiteto thote who like to Indulge in it and there-for* (bey urn only too happy to improve auehopportunities of dotatao. i Of eoorwtit alltime* wewillflnS .•bJeeUoBtralaed.but aal i t U i d i U

dirpe, " J l . . . .eight younc Indies,

tlic yoUDj people in rarlimsvordlot of all on lonvlug, TIovcuinK,"

niliifj.wan given bj

-n—-^r—« ——'j '•«""" ..lontity wna conocaM(l) by tho oritrinnHty and unlfunnitynf their costumes. Tlio tableau "Heroof tboCvenlng" w u niite amusing, lnumuob in

tbe point was not linuimliately rocooaixed 1all. Au acted Bontancn "Around tbe Mpole,- wastha last item, in whlob UlsaKdUKnight held the place ot h o n o r s Hay Qnecu,and WON surnmndiid by numerous little subjects. The titae remauiuig was oocnplod by"'" ' - ' - ^arUms n;mnp-ii,nnd the

"' " a plensanUASKKLU

* wewillflnS .•bJeeUoBtralaed.but aaloug MitUcarriedon.ifl*Miipect«Ue way•wa do consider there is not miMb more barm*lo»e than then ta nt thow gartftrfaei wheretbo fiwlialikiMing garnet are brcupktup tor(he y*wff and «KDfUme» tho <dd to eugoclu. Tbt tntfreat taken to stake every onebappy and cheerful was duly shown to tbefiuPBtn br nil tboito inti-restwl in l u Hnaacia.

It !• repottwi that Mr. William Kobianun,fwuierlr of tfcli iiinco, but sow of Ornnse,UTJ. iparrled ta Miti ttnihiB Fringnm ofSluu t Hope ou Thnwdaj' afterooun, nt tboi : k ' l | t m W w b hlioekuvny Trcibytertnii parwnrgc. Wo wbhtlirni u proflperoui Journey thrwgh tbcirmat-riinoual Irfe.

Alimit half a daienmon from here, M,d*omefrom Hlbembi. loll Tlinrsdny mornins fur•l-'abit to work in a raiue at that place for tbuUeUjIohctn Iron Cn.

ll'e olioerve thnt some of tbo huyannt al-riunly toning tlie ball, we inppDM to get theirh»H4U ia ivtiiplo order fa* tha comtuD H U O D .The Uiy« did well last smwon hut it In honed

The Inrjje franw. ldiUdlng usod by the JudKOH rowiler Company BS a mill anil anlnglioiiHe cnught lira Friday morning aud burnoi'own.

Tbe fterpoptlcon lecture ou SwltierianIveu iu the PrtMbytoian Cbureh Frida

evening by Itov. Dr. f^oildnrd, was well ntcnilod. The views wem very good oud wcrwell lirongbt nut by nn oxcollent light Thlouluro wns ictw^ntinjr and iDHtrnutlvc, Mrsud Mrs. Stndilnrd are a t n consldernblitrouble and «omp c i w n w U> givo these enter-tiilnruonlit tho first Friday of each month.What would runt at least (KX) they givesratnitouH. The only cot&pmiuttott tnoy »le-f>ire in a full house and a know!edge tbat thoimlilic are beiictlted. Tho TIOWI tliat thi111m nro all Urst-cIatB and many of them we.mnilo exprculy for k ECU tie m 11 n In the oltjiim! tkcre are net dupllcat«K. The views 0SwlUerland nnil mnuy UM.H) In the farmerleotnrea rflfo loaned by tbe abort) se*>tl<

Over twentjr sahalani and vlnltoniwl' " tbn clww In elocntlnn at 1'landen


n did well lout smwon bwill do for Iwttct tills TCHT.Chftrle* l'oue, wbo knpt a rcstaannt In

th2r^ - —HIM place] fan* moved l a DoTer, where1

" 'whi le Mr, Harry Caw.HecmurmnM 1>;HV)iult ,JUorc»n. WM deilverlsK etuHln on-Ttniailartineriloon tbo6tn. tBrt.fgrJlr. JofcnXorrta, tft a manHvlue fttlbe GeTenme&turcri* »t Middle Forge, bs met with quitencoidwii, which mlglit have been worse thIt was.' 4* near M we can j M at' tba partieu-iatt, It aH«ars tbnt tbii man had commencedthe dlKKmBfifai well, elosb to 10* bouw sinceJUr. C, MTbcsa there lastaad had put a torn'Hwory covering over It. Tho recent falls uf--~T nail eotued up the boatds w t la t no

would lisrii Noticed II. Not knowing olhe started to drive up to tho home andthlieovBrW, vbenaUorasaddeu tbe

e was pretsptatoa.iBio ththol* wblohiras Aboat 7 or i A»t tleep- Tba -Idgh wasprarented fwm going In al»o, WiUi a goodoaal of sulstsheo It was' orer t h m hoarsJlh.l of •MUUh H M orer t h m hoarabefore the iiiMM WM act out aud thonwithooD^dorflhlo.'dinlfiuiry, Ilie horn haabwnunQtfor,aw,«inp*. Quit* 8ABB.

fWtat of jrriaos again prevenii the public*-iion of the " BodcainiTaBj" attack ou " QulfinJBabe,"«QdllaMtiowb«e«nieueldwe will2uvnt4tdroplbED]

Tuenday cvoninR, tn Indebted tu the kind'noHi of J. N. Youtigfor taking tliom there.

The socUl at tlin reitldenee of UT. R. G.Sliaw Tliursdny evening was a very pleasantaffair. There were n goodly number uf ynuiijpeople nmaent; aim igalte anumbcr of mnrHod folk*. Tho proceeds amounted tu $28,

Prof. Force's clum In elocution met at th*.rettldtMuw »f Jlr. I). A. Nicholas, Flanders,Tnetttay weiriim- Tlm simn and visitor»"wether niunbpftvl IJ5- Tho iioxt mwting

'UlbenextTiiiiMl»ypvcttuienJttIiB mtttdouiof Wr. Idclturd Baliuoti, Oni£e8,rlllo.' Mr. Aleck Crater Is n utt# • geatns; lio liiua small engine whloh ha mad* blnuelfwltlithe exoention nf the balance vlieel and heilpicco -wlilcli be liad o u t und then wurkpd#jit nf the n>u|th. It le a fee simile of u latluriiontRl onKino nml is perfect in nillmrti ma worka an witll ns a lnrger onp.lins it throe infill «tn>kt>, one and a half in

' ' one man power anil c...pounds one foot from the

pUton: iirnlae six ibPHPon.l p o n d one foot from thfloor In olio minute. H.

[KoiB-Some t.Ypogrnphleul furors in ot..SuccuMinnti c«ne»]ioinlrueB kut jteiji miuliii t read undly. Tbo fault wan o 'tbatoftho onrre^po

fault wan ours and

D&ASE8TTXL&Bev.-lobu Clsuyuas returned from Vh-

Kiniu. We nro g3*d f» valpomc him again toour communttj.

At the la«t sociable, )ir!d last TbnredByhjht at Bolwrt Shaw's, they realltwl O).*fcra will be « aoetable 1*1 J At * e V- £•

liarranafo en Friday, die 2Jat of Aluth.This will lie t ie U*t toetebU ottht season.


also ihe wedding jtonlFprwy of Ux, JaaasThnmaa aud wife. Asthry nwleaTous foranother Held of labor we tnuttiwlr friocdawllltleemJtapleiwun temaketbsni a visitand prove that •• it Is more blessed to sirsthantoreoelTe."

UluAlau Phllbow.r, of KenTC,uled ontl^'JGthulL, of contraption. Bbe was •boat17 years old, bon her llngerliigUuieH withohrlstian fortuJe, mid left a bright eridibehind of her asfitfptatwewitfa Obriat.

The large dope mill of the Jnitaon PowderCo., of tills plaoe, was Hurtmed by ilnthamoralngofthB7Uiinrt. Tbortswaiiworth of dope in the mill, whplo UWsTio eniEUoTwen located •boci fllfrmj tfiTboHding » d worigin ofttoflreii a mjttMT. ' ^

tfenry MiUersara he baa nine brotben andeaohonohataiiiter, Duxknujur

TMkat Book*,The fluMt auortmint in Dover at the Briok


"Wc«t Ii,icd, but we cituiiot dc-

ciilv ui j»rr«Jttt writing.

inetil uiiil *•« gliulf in- •luililinl t*i wbini'*1'" 1«juu tivur tlic wires uf tin- latent nnw*.

Mr. (ttid UI-H. Uoorjie Kiiulilc.ol N'rwfnuad-l;ui»i.iireJiiWkiitor.ii-lwo>;irl1.nbie(* Thoyhaniwn to lie twins.

Nine of tbn ten Inrlbf iu tlii* iiuuiMiatevti-inil.v withiu tlm luat muiitU are it'|Hirted

Hl uf Mrs. Eiiwi, wil" *>f Mrn

Tin- ii

ThcrL- U trouble iiiniu with tlii> mill ut-nntiami ut«t tlit KUA A«e» not reuch u . untilMonday.

I'ruf. Ullkr wan -track «ith a slouc tltrowuthrnnitb u window while trivia* VU clnss utthe Cliiitou 6ishm\ home iiwlrm-tiniiii.

We wish t«> call tlio attnnlimi »f tlin TinblioIn the runtl ilintricls at tliu cleotian nf achool

-UKt<«K to vnlf I'm' the om-htnive right fornbllc! BL'linoH)iiililiuj!s to lio used only forlueaHoiml imn>^eB-ThoriiHtiiinoriiHlimniii-iiiiblkHnhoalbuihi-

inc» for the bmrlltnf fvvi-.v cah-h penny nffiifrthat eoinoi* iiUin^ sliauM IJO c ail side rod us a

Ki'luml miMetM Hhonlil cloao tlio adioolImibliiij! wlicw pcrfpdt order onn not he main-luiiicd t1irfin™ii n-liKimiR uioetiugs, especially

We HtiL'iieat un nine 11dment in tho nclinolliiw I'nr the eleotioii of HOIIOI.1 tnirtoen, thatraiKHclith'K r>fWi> an cxnviiiiintion fdotlng tothn duties of scliool .ilHcew.

Sir. Kiiward GUtuin. «f Franklin, recentlyfniui tbe West Point Military Academy, tuhea

Tolwatt le iinrtyltovpniHiUldnlta own low 11, uttflpkloj; othiolden, and took tha utate men t» nf pm

pern utHividciiur of inUeninluut at tlio JICKThe dlHalTuotPil f.<w who train wit

him v.«iit gut tu the imllw on lm»Mby unfouKht openly all day tu dsfust Mr. Uaoke

in ltupublimu nomiueo for Freeholder, in or.;.r thnt they might nhow that they wi**U'keil by tlio Ropilblitmu party iu Buimton.

tnud n DakuU bli;oftliisFrtiolmUUTWoilefeatt

lu Iltmntmi, 1

iiit Itt'iiiibllcim. inn! ticket* hcaiied t b i f waymmireil bU election.

Tbn yory ecople who "hm-ptliPHo iudepDndeu! Itepublinan tiokete

ld not even trust tin Bulletin in an to printtbnm, nnd JiroiiRht tliom nil the WOT tn TBRII«>K EIIA tnbavethework done. If the Did'

liy Hit retirement of Mr. W. H. Vnu S.vokle.C. P. J .

M0UHT FEEET0K.We .ItidRe there wan n go oil attendance nt

Ihe pulls on election day, many being mostlyinterested ,u eluwgiug the place of rotlug InIbis district.

.Jenio Lake, an employee of the 11. R. Com-jianr. bn» inovoil bia fauillr from 8tauho|io tothia'plnce, occupying bUfittiier-lD-law'a res!

An Jnroh Dnilco wrni to fucd bin stock liutSuniluy Diiirnliii!. Ms foot flipped between tlm

..,. JI 111* flldo nml rniisine ft laineueng; but lieIs iiblo to h« an.-.iiiil.

The PronbvtorlaiiH hnre iionrly two bun-drcd ilullnr<i*iti snifts kcejilitK for ropiitri upontheir church which they eon to in pi ate making

Hov. J . (!. Honnnl Is eiijoyitiir it visit fromhi«brothcr,Dr.irowar«l,«fi'eiin.

Pallor Hovant tircaihns his farewell Rer-inon tbe last nf tbin mantli, oxiioctiup to jo hiConference ami bo sout to aiiofhor fleld of la-Imr.

Four new iiii'i.ibf rs worn added to the Pro*-bvferiat ohincli on nniftamon. nt tbn com-iiiunii)n sciison n wci'K ago lint finbhalh, one.vtuuit; Indyn-cuivin^ tlie onllnuucc of baji-

lirrpaiatiothur ntininr,on tne "aeeonu ununuI'briat." Tlu'CiLlijirni-b writing machineiirniiKht Into requisition and did good tier iceiuthctiutrlniti

Our aohnoi bus been closed for two woodson account of whooping cough, the pupils'' whfwntng It up" lively I

a .D.Tonngs.N. Ilnlbert, and tf. Wright,iinimivrd tbn Hlclchlng by Tlxltlne friendsiienr Sparta, Sussex county, IUHL week.

BAETLETVILIE.F. T. Sivackliiinn-r has Buoceedod In getting

" [)ur ii'iorcbniit, 8. Jr. ltarick, him sold hiciitiro tttiH'k of dry noodH and grorerinn, Jtev.

Sf living tltiie in draw Ing ncur. There willhu (i ultc a fi'AV chauuitx In this )ilacol

1 rpimried In >"ii last week that DanielJen sin 1 clime ucnr freeiinft to dentil wliile uihit) wuv to bis work. Since then I mu mrr\to suy bo barely upcujicd with his life. WI1U1busy -wJirhinK at tlm turning lath he wascaiuflit 1>v ItHgearhic nud would IHITC hcoutinwlii'd fiud it not fcc-ii for Jonenh Hutu ley,one ol' tiie onipluyoes, fvo of biH rilii worehnikcu, but 1 cnu nut any for curtain tbat he• - • •- • avmm.

•'A Grani Triumph.1

this head tbe BulleUu this weak•« out aud trlea to make a slaw of rejolo-

vr the fltvatncpnblicao victury in Myr-inty. vhinbisthc mustuolossalexblbL

liuu ofehcekufthe ouutury. TLia tjamtt ]uvlicr uiily last weekendonYoreil iogiveeucour-tif!ciiiuiit to the enemy by claimingtiousiutne Bepublicsn ranJu and viitfeat. I t la* attuekei! the patty for estra-vfiKnuti1 and misooaduct andbooiued no

aJ-ticli'B Uuvu boon copied nnd fluttered by tho

uulioektlmtwimia tvilk-iird, ftnyH«ftliB election

rwhouihlHlittlcfaotlou tried

gMitirman has boen electedlieenanindpi>enrt-


eouditet Iiu i

tinnrc) H U B of the re.rcfertuicfi to hiercee

il<l linvo ronnhed one of tloonoluslonB. Hi* opinion of lilmself or Ida

fop those lndoiioudoutB, would barlieen considerably lessened.

Another Slander Xefntad.Mn. EniTnii:—1 oVuIrn lo renly tommrtl

.ilo mtblifliiui hi tbn ludox (if lu*tir<<h (ttii.bended " I^ t to r t from tliP l'oo)ile," Tlio

iKlinjc i» an absurd fsWhnoil to bi-uln with,dwlien It Isoxphiineil wlnitdplrilnrDniT'ti'd

tills lar-HPchijtHcntliM-nnn with nil blnir>ll!i-tl cbiranory to rnnh Into print with snob

..imsyi.niderdiiMi, ilwlll bo takoti for whatir in' worth. Rtimily liccnuao HIP IJnard ofHealth tlioiiKlit Prs. Ditvlson nnd Cnobrnnmore conntoloiit to euro for tbo Ivtnrotfl oftho toffuahlu tl.nn Jfr. "Taxnaycr." ns 1mlalfe liiuiRclf. nnd hprninpn 1m iliil not get theA-e innteitd of tiifsni. lm HIIOWB big ohngrln 1>yMs grimace*. If iu the jiulinneiit of tlioHoard of Health they thntiRlit Ors. mviilf-on& Coolirnn more roni|ioicnt tlmn tills Icnrnnd

" nrnan. nnil for the bast Intorentn of thothin, tlicy littd uitil<>r tho law n imrfoct

rijht to secure tlmlr Hirv^nn. and I think tliopeople of the township will honor their juilu-monl. Ki!siippriiiE rim eximva^nnco of thoDonvd of Health of Ml. (Jiirci Townnhit), Itiiiuk It la far from it. According tn ltiw theyaru nllowoil fall a year, nnd moro If niwwuirvIn nnne* nf oiaoricf ai-y. In atom! nf

$50 a y«ir tlioyliavtf cxpmiileil but J u „,..yuar*. Tho tact In that it lias been tlio prao-• iiici of this irentleuinti for year* post to orcnloIHL'IIPUW toaroupe tbn people of the towii-

jliipaiiu oreitto vrojuclinn unit lll-fettllnp to-wurd same of the town*!,!]) oll.olnla, that lie

' " i rry bis own points nnd rilP intoniiRii liis alleged Hmnrtnciu. In thin•.Jiint boforo town iimcting, ho pub-

lislio.4—not Bimiptlilni; now, nnr Hometliiujc hehas uncovered by bin own nhrciYilnms—but


nikeu, lint 1 cnu ihnrt tnwiu-diy.

Mayor Snliuou rcnolved nun (tor our lotiil ofwe«teru hnrons Haturdoy night}li iiiatcb teiiim uiuunii tbci

C wtiiriecf tori H

ne iiiWin

ciu.r Slnlte,

t tWin. Cararni wtiiriecf tor Slnlte, Himmrl,

lust Moiiilny iiHiruini,'. Ho exjiocte to work inl i t sldiia ininrry ut that JJIOCO.

nli Hiuioi) l)un moyed h b Jewelry storeto bis old stum) ou Mcclanfu street.

Thewluilo Itcimblloau ticket was cluqtcdnu Tiii'fcritiy with tbe oiuBptieu of (.'ouetntile

d ()v<:r*rt>.r of (bo Poor, Uofli iHirticvrkcil linn] (or tholr Hsket; 6i6 vuti'a wore

l led, Imt so IIIIIPII earatehloK wns done liytli «idea thnt tlmy did not get througb

euuntiug until 4 n'cloek A. U. DION.«-*-<•>

WEST KOF0HD.Mr. Edward ffm. Unnoroft, l»tc

HinrlottelturRh paid this scotlou a vbi t n fewitiys a^o uftor nn aliaenee of lOyenis; tho peo-ple Jugeiicral wore prowl to sec lilm look ewell, n« be wns n bmnane nnd kind friend t<_tlm werkingnwn and dons many kind and

nevolent. net* WMIB owner «f Cltnrlotte-ir«h. .Mr.Baiici-aftliaapnipcrtvHtill on thet k l U between Echo J^ako oudtiie ruilront

tlio pro]ierty of Cooner nn<i

Clerk, iiu.l duly authoriiEnil by tho tomishtptccordinR to luw. Ills only liojio in goiucIntnpriutnndnrthofalse jjitlso of "I>tfoi-uTi-om the Peottln" wna tn create a feelliiRigaiust tlio Towimliiji Committ«e. Hut tlie•nmilt nftliotoTviimcelliig on Tuesday, In thoilwtlon of thu old C^irurnltlw is eonoliiNlrn,mil nrnvM to the public that tlio fiilr-mlniUHl

:t.QtlvoTAvtis]i,p.aM not infiii-nirod npnttWftiiy fitnrios told byviilunl who dttsirei stiuply to y "'

A niiultiv of raraoiiB were baptiaed In tineeausl ut Port Murray last Sunday.

ll furray l y

Km-. W . T. O«rawi has rrijeived a call from& Congregational Churcb in Coiinootiout-

TUe bill irautlng a |>oniiuii to the widow ofGun. KilpaWoi baa j»»»ed tLe UouM of Con-greaa.

&ev, C. J. Wood l i u mlened the xtotor-ibip of the EpUoopsl niiudon at Haoketto-

Major Refine, ot HiidiuwputaWe boose

H>«ittatawn, olnared ont, . in tbat town and niada

ipnuU leave tho plane undor threatof prosecution.

An ipppul lint been takru by tfesars. Nolimnnd Hlaatsof WaflUnston, from the decisionof tin* BupmnM Court sRttlKg wide[thehotel Ifcemea granted to them by the TViuKtoti Coamou Couac|L

R«v,E.AV. Biirr , t ie reilriug pastoroftbe!nok£tt«town H. B, Cbiiroli, haa been pw-

mntud with a handsome eu*j ohair coaUngf55and a portable lihron- desk. lira. Burrva t also given a pretty chutr.

W. T. Wright, Colleotorof Wantage town-slilp, flusaet oountyVicollected for three yearsIn anocoMioit every dillm- cf tlie tax assoweo.The tax of tbe tow»Ii!p amounU to about

entire tax of the county,Dr. W. A.Ronnrar.iionrllackettfltown, hateon offeied U2.O0Ofor four yearling Alderueys.A hog Iftlonilng to Olayton Drake, of

Unioutown, Wairen county, fell into an oldunused well a few days ago. It disappearedso niyaterioiwly that It was nt first thoughttlio porker liad boon ttoleE. Mr. Drake occi-

cnially discovered - • •ay, and aflor touch ... . . . .

.„!„,; it. The veil was one hundred feetdeep, anil tliere was twenty feet of water.—Warren Bepublloan.

Mrs. Betsey Boloeon of Montague, Sussexoonuty, is a mod remarkably preserved oldlady. Last week she was U years of age andHominy noootnpllfibed tt:c task of walkingfrom tlio residence of John Nearpasa In Mon-tague to Smith's Corners in the town ofOrennrllle, and from tliere back to Cnrpon-tor's I'olut, a dUtaiioe of ever twelve miles.The walk did nut tire her iu tho least, al-tiiougli i t would have worn out half the dr-liof the period. Mrs, Bolognn's mother livedt« ha 10O years old and retained her faculitc*until Iier death.

How Beodi,Tomato, Cabbage aud Gross Seeds at tbe

Brick Drug Stare,

Bloodl Blood! Blood!1 • recestltr to all aoliail life, and to be freem dl*Mse the blood uu*t be pur*, Tbora la no

_ jbt tliat Pt.raiolio'« Blsod Purifier OIMIIS in tUsdrU-liigoiit of all impudtiei »ud liaildlER up tUeavstem by miking new Hood, turn prnventlnff tbeilinordtri ao oomrnon, ol Boris, 01oeri, uninon,I)i)]1«, Muiplai, Eirslpalai, ID. DO not wslt bui

went them by a Irsa uie of the Partner. LargeItloi ft. Bold br Botiert Kills ore, Dour.

Do Too Value_ horiestnd cattle r Attention to Uelr hasltli

s ** ncceiury a« tliPlrnanltr food. If 70m lioraeis suffering frim EpUootlo, ninRlione, BpntloadLett, Sp»rlr, ?cver ID Sent, atraini, Brufaen, orOmi, or your Cow has Caked Dag, Bora Te*U. or~ il Blood, joa will save money by biijlcj Far-

iloe'sDnlviwvl Liniment tnd uilug It Iteoij tatr or «ll of those troubles, and io btiu« your stock

. .0 • liwlthoil and nimble condition. It U thetieit Liniment »t«n for RaD«nl family tin. PrlM

" •"- Sold 1)7 BobortKlU-

&CO,offer lax tbelr vi complete Xlxiew of |ood« la.

Coninmptloii Cured.old pbjilolsn, retired frnm MUTS 11 riot foe,

L.vlug Uid plioed In hi» binds br in Eeit IndiaMiitlomry the formula ol • ilmple tegeUble recvilf foriha tpeadr nnd perra*nopt cure of Co 1•nmptlun, IlroDcliltlB. OnUrrli, Anlim*, and allTitan and Lung affections, alia s potltfve and nd-Iml onri fur general Debllltr and sll oerfoui com*ulilnti, after having tborooghly totted l(awoadcr>ill cuwllve pawflrt in tnouMiHU of CSIM, feeli It

lilsdiiiytomikaltknawata his su(Taringftllows.ncljie will bo wilt iraB ol chargo, to ail whn1II, witb full dirootiona for rreparlnft

hla 1


Awful Diftth a t Stanhope,Mr, Ocorcn Dnliroek, overseer nf work mitbomlnont Dnikitnvillo, oamotoa feurf

jil by drownitiH, while intoxicnteil, in tlItnnd nonr tlin funiiico, on Sitturiiny evmiiiMnreh 8tbf 1884. Mr. Unbcock when sober«ai<l to bare linen im oscellent workmnn, amn man of pleasiuit manners, It is reportedlinwi'vcr liy thono who knew bim from onrlylife, that mini boyhood be bud acquiredtn»tfl far intoxicating 1 lemurs. As .yours ivitncedtbe invidious apjiotib) iuflreimeJ.liiura lie would abstain nt lenst jinttialiy, nIny by ooiifiidornbla BUUIS of cjonoy. At otLtiiuoa Iiu wonlrt hneonin as orliorn ili>. qullb l l t h i i fo l l l Hcitnuliamloiioii t« hii>]iaNsinii for ilrink. I locum

from DrakflsHlIo tn S U n W ^ "» Sotimla,quitfl intoxlontuit. It IsIiiftitiebrity by viaitfl to

ld i 8tinlm| Wh

im DrnkflsHl toiling, quitfl intoxl

i d d t I i i b i t yroiling, qtided to Iiiftitiebrity by via

i Hold iu 8tiinlm|ie,r n h he l

MU,! that h'l

niro0 ptaporty Is very valm It, und wu urc Infm

valuable and' ivillsfur

aale. Mr. It micro ft ]>rninisea to rtalt _friends in tlila wttUm again 111 tho fitimmcr,


During tlio progress of tho Jloonton P. O.intrororsy, In nn article laying claim to all

tbe cardinal virtueB In the Uepubllean partynf this township, the Hullo tin epitomised i tsriant up wrath iu the extract looted above,

day of political doom wag naiil to hareroini!; tho obnbxlona fow must go. I t

itod't" our people" were " nrouseil" ns-ver before, nnd friend (Ji ' " ""

•liiimlnp; liiumelf(larrison, loudly

tlio uliiof "moutlt-piccn". LAitns JtAJOitiTY of the Bopitlilicnn

item of Hootitoii, deularod that, tbu Springlootion. then at band, was ubaut to Jisnlono

" " n of fielinR whloh tlio Countya& so arbitrarily. Ignored, Very

___ „ he ilefbtod tuo neoesaity fortragically wounding tho Jlcipaulican parly inthe hoiino of Ita frioudi. The dlaBntiMfacuon* the " citizens nf our town" must be eni-

aHiicd byrepndlntlniitheltepiilillcDn nom-..itlou for Prot'holder and oluotiiiK a Dpnici-

nut In hiH aloud, oa In that way only couldier tcivoli tlie county a t largo the lesson ofletr itiilijiniitloji. Tho moimuro uf tliuirrtuvnticn wiw only oqnaliied by tho gront-eu uf ttieir limnbon, anil Mr. 0 . aud bislUwwers ilcflUred they 'wooui mnke thoni-tlvcii folt tbrounliotitthe lontflh and lirendth

if the county, i t was in tliat spirit that theyiciied tholr oainpniftn. mul witli tliat umler-

tmiiJIui? the gnjto of battle was esgorly no-3c|itid!>y all thoso whom tho itullDtin hasLiiiou pluoHOil tliiritts the lust three tnnntlin10 ountiuuolly iletdgiiate in too iicstllcntlul

1 low."I wuuld not liave U understood abroul that

my hero arc In the habit of underrating the•inooritv of Mr. Garrison's motives, He tiesived with us acini ten — *;—'••- *liniiiR all that time,'iilnority upon' all poii"tbo Kcpuulionn pi

liquor In Hold iu Stanhope. While thu* aimnmtly verr mn«h heclomloil iu intalleolio attemptod to orosa tlio dtmp rmuil, whi(wns htittiartinlly ravorctt wilh fee, anil wnlid illracliynffiiro tliowntcr. Jlis pierolirries for holp wore heard hy several jtorsons.Ho oliine to tlio eilfio of (hi! ico for sometlmo,nntl van rnjolnorl to hold on till he was ran-cued. Hut AH it wm not nosy to reach ldm lioreplied tluit lio could not retain liis srnsp «

md Hunk, nnd was drown oil. Tho clraces of Ills death were re((nr(Ioil as HIT tlie propet nuthoriHoR tliat tin.enr by tlio proper.nnthoriHoR that they

deemjrippJnmiqsMsDfloosinry. 'flic lnuornwa* ntt*ndod on Tuouluy nft^raoou at 3o'clock, Rov. -T, J. Cmtio, olmplnln of thelurco active flouHitbiutt Stanbone Befgnocloclurco,olun,

, Rov. -T, J. Cmtio,active, flouHitbiutt Sffiitd Itev Br Holuh. oflicinte.]. fiov. Dr. Jlou'inuu, partt . _

' *<resl>Tterlan olmroli, partiolpafed in tbiRervWa. Tho pnatop oftho ftlotlo'llsl

olmroli (»(» Florida, or ljo would (joiili"linve be«n present. A (loop, tender and _— fooling prevailed. A nunjloe of tbe

hors oftlio gefora club, anil others woreprmopt aa elnacre mourners. His kindred,wto IIPO aaid to tosido jn Warren oonntjwero iiotprosent. Tho oventle. flftod tpmnkea profound Impression far good, ni a wamiujr,Ibrough tbo wliote cgmuninity. "

The Late JonphTho funeral services of tlic late Josephrink, wlio wns killed in tlie Andovor Mine,

Hiberniaon Thursdny nfteruoon, MnrehOtlworn bald In tte obnrdb of UID mimo plnce oSubbftth »ft«raoon, Wawli Btii. Notwithstanding tbo stormy •wentbor tbo olmrob wusor»wued with poopin. rorsoiia went nrcaentfrom I'ort Ornni, Jllno Hill, Dover, MountHope, Hockiiwnv mul other plnces. Some flf-ty i l n fCitUonhliodKe No. 144 or theI, O. of Odd FOIIDWB, IV oro in the ouurek andwent to the gnvve, The HDrrloDa in tbochurch were ciindaeteilby tbopiwtor Iter. O.

. . . — . „thoi lewaaed. Thodopartedone was born in Cornwall Ennlimil, JuneSd,&I4, Hobeoamo a member of the WflalDyon

Methodist Society in 1803. Totir yearn after-wards, wkttu iu bis twenty-second yunr, liowas licensed as a lotml proaubrr. Ho'oamc toMount llopo. Ootohor SOtli. 180S. Ho VIM

1 0 > ,ba8 aiMtdud in th«lointa nffoc ting the welfarepnrtsr, « applied to cur

upon him as,como m no-SHesHing the

~T-V" TifJ fwl kindly. .niidbelloyelhatbeliua

tally been DESiitouB of purging bli purty,>th lu tiia tawt)8b)p «nd throndiout the>uutyj but If ho ia to bo measured by tlie1 ' t»s we roust Of course admit that

ft lipientnblo fiiilurs. So far ns1 concerned he h M per&rjiicd his

, - . , .13* theile<ii«ucrt»sweiBi(atof ooursa admit thatihaa lima, ft lipientnblo fiiilii^- " "

srmim nro foneerned ha bus p e ^ , , „ „full duty in tlw mutter, \n\% flu u t t y has•efiwedrobn YVWW, ODil lio cfmljln'f Jielp

&lr.Oarriaon lisa nut rolled Bololvinion,.».. ..fl-^s, cither. JKr. ft li. VlwiZ.

istraanter, baajnat \ma wllovcdncpUJsfttlVpe.

jforeod posi-

it of 'a hoiige"No, thnuk >•••'tunrolioaiiletlplace, wlisru 1;. _ T1. ^irotected from this cqln

iur rnllrcd postmnster, hnajnirom tbctramincisfaticlenioluehattllvettiKiUtluallyition (lurinc lue I u t lonrti

leotions become k m n , find Mr. „ „ „ .secured him. We has reoelrod fliirinB —-IOUK tenii of olllco tho nim of twenty-flvathouwini! .lollnrs for Us urvJoea as nortmas-»rof this town, but tliat party not beluit luiiKinltiim to employ him longer ho felt atbi-rty to transfer bis ulleginnca elsewbore,nd tliorvforo Mr. Onrriuou was able to secure

awn counterpart as an airy. Mr. Dawoni beeD Uoraocrntio turonchont his lifo time

nUl he ftMtimoil tbe duties of postranHtcrtid lie n-tiiruud to hla first love ns soon aatadutlcH clototl. THO nr three other* altololiied li> n-prewiit "tbn poople" at the pollsnd that tlii',v ilid not p!v Ibrtr vocation wellad faithlnlly draw UJWII tlioir atoeSc in tnulo,ilo not think will ever bo charged nit toinlr ucWimt. But niter nil, H was Ihn Mine

. . . o v o r UR | | i u w l c D t]Mj y c t e g w p r o

if It was fimuil that tho " fnotloii" mlodlgaln aud timt tlif(myibipat) '• people" liadmen CTOMhudby " maul polo t ion.'f

Kivo linnilrcd and JIIHY-UVO Totes wenlanil to lie oast, ol wllion the Dtimocrallturty had polled 220, and tbu Ilnpublicuus5, riviag tho latter nn uvorase ma|ority ofJ, rhB "pno]i|e" ropreitcnted liy tho Bui-tut mode tDrir riBhtou Mr. Booker for Frec-ilder, but he was elected by 62 majoritylat number ilcdaotcd from tlio avenue"••••Mean mujoriiy nl.<raa tlicntrengthof

mttectcd vote to li« only 57. as tliatiiulier of lteppbllcan vutus tiirnnd OTCT to

lio ptjaocrata," nnil' oouatinit bbtli ways,'cold maluj up for U10 iUJriiiiiu-e or53. Divtut this number from' ifa* B*iWbliSiMLnngth and It stands thnn: 27 BBVOLHTIOIT-

voUr* against UDS true and loral tt&i-vu-x vottra. Auil yut it is told by yourInguisbed oontBniponuy that the "poo-do not niTe In Uoantau. Great Swtt!

niolberlloonbin township, all Uilne* oon-idered, oau olaiui Jo be tbe .baiinef 'tawnaldnbis apong, or not it Is too' oorly at thfiriUjiR to docide, but I think a be i» will ma» moueitly RO JhefiKi tU*elil|»n| 9t JuJ'wfr tD \* JaiWil far TnMdKra record.

1 ffipe of pglltW (Wjohetj by ouf' - *., and the ntulevHhifjpft of those wb«

i u m » h » l fallMul to Utiiolillo.L>1 TLe -aitmiterleai Mad. ordimentiou u

eclyaown did UM ukc vltolnrat,and tbe"oipMt of tuoir tner doing HI !• not at tliliimii fUttering. . BOONTOH.SUrnh Uth, 18H.

nnirrleiltnMlME)ijiapeaiiQot(ilierand,Ib,»le lost two oWldwu liy Boarlot fe?0T in the

Summer of 1882. lie served tlin pulpit oM t H l l l ISummer of 1882. lieMount Hope cliuroli ostOf O t b b l l I

8 erved tliHope cliuroli os ta supplv

nd a Loral Dt«to« a t f r t

fe?0T in tlin pulpit

lv In IBM a-18701"

onlMund a Loial Dt«te« at fort JeWi., hTDialiup Morrill. He onma to live at lllborniaIn tto n i l of 1878. Ilk «nild.n d W *deeply deplnwd. It Itus cant a gloom

• ;hp»rta. Truljltm.y bo>uld,. vAt.nnnbnti.1' ^ '

ourin Hi. Hltokhg Port')! m a > y . t

HELP WANTED.An liooeat, induitrfous man and wife—tbe

man to Torkon nnd tho wonian ukeeper. ••, Audreii'

. . ? . P08T.OPPICE BOX 88,I5-1W • * - • - ' ? . Dover, N.J.

/ n s h V d « T ivw tbo otber liny,nl idj <'riKht over

...Jklne nndBut Doctor,

AalRof mttl«s ponbl•w Ma liorm tip Dominie tiiok ftmn bla

fat* larni "awY c f fa i id h.ld It«, 'ifljorB I . oir ll(,,l,lhB pMt.» anil

sorewlHfl ttinto th* Capn eempjlVborse. "T duf lojni mtntWtiff, and'sl

ana to H i t iavory valuable. Jtoft*,.,n tbat we havo niiloa.mnn scolusloue ioutbern expanse of some building or

Hub board tonne, "hut owing totiie smpotbatirfaceit ii unnviUlaMt fnrTiarsei timt willnot atand untie!. Will, tbe Uonimie'i "liltob-i"8 Wrt in jour pocket » you liconmo uosloroftbo sUiiatlon. Provide yourself with oneanil every tiraoyoa uieti thank Dr."foi the Inventionanil every tiraoyofoi the Invention,

10 Caster find £irtbilay Cards itBrink Drug Stow. .

Artist Gtodi.full line at the Brick Drug Stare.

, Weekly Iroa Heport,The£n|iiiaering nnoi-Uuiins Journnl of

lout Hiitar-lny anya: ; ;-AKBIUCJLN Fto.—There bn.vo been no fen-

irwofflrcciU interest,! hnsiitcss being con-jed (o smnll l'llo. Tlin Uadlnft fitrnnce com-

panies hnvc eontraPts abend, ami nro not nowanitoim to sell. Thus we understand tbatslnoe tlia lietclnnlng nf the ysur tbo Thorn anIron Comiinny tins booked orders nnnrjrnt-Ins 69,000 ton*. In spite or tbis, Ifiow Isnuxicty sbown by rame sellnrx, and tbts

ticdally the cue with niU irons. We auoteRsticdally the cue with niU irons. We auoteNo. 1 Kouodry at «O).65 n«d « I j Ko* 2, |lflnn.l <19.B0j and .Qwj Fo rged *17.6O andfl tUK^nim Jias Tteen s e i i f

9.B0j and Q j g d *17.6O an^ n i m Jias Tteen some inquiry fo

ortfRO BetMincr jik, wliloli remains qnlett tliJ.SO and $30, and 20 per cent, Spiegel isili t fS850 d US ei nhip Fcrr

at tliJ.SO and $30, and 20 per cent, Spiegel issailing at fS8.50 and US ei nhip. Fcrro-ninn-

so, 45 per cent, ia worth i)15.

A Kew Tmtk lino Opened - ••It wns semi-ulHolally annnnnceil In Toledo,b k l M S t u O a r nlgbt tbat the HelawanO b k h M S s r g , bat the

and I,nok^jVi;.,.1wia Wtuub bad atTocledarrftQgpmcnt witn tho Nlcklo Plate, andtktfs HpuredTor tlienliUr^a nn nnbrtkon

UnlfronitlisSnit lotLe Wast' i t WsSP acnoonoM by tne -s«a« antnoritr

w Ifue tuus nmlunated wouldrates w t t f t t

l V

Inmkturtbethat tlie no

in ntT

f g wouldin nt once pie catting b r rates wttftont

laiit- Thetnov* vraabroofiUt HlnnitVy theIburiralnatlon nsainst Toledo fa f«vnr of

s b y VaiiSerbllL and will be larpilylij Toledo gmln tapitallBfs wbQ arS

aiiSebifcrcdlj Toledo gmlnheart and tonl ja tffii go

EnrroB or I ROK ERA ;-iK+aplBi-r-PlenaBBllir columns, for B « .tax it now paid. As a preacher ho was

never taxed before, consequently had no ldmof being taxed, in Dove*. I l a O a Motivedhie tax bills Ida name rVould not haysed as a delinquent Ui ja jor .

Coojwud Tar Oo^ i eyrup,Kothlng bettsr'for family ue,' At the Brlok

DrugStaw. ' - .

AWNINGSTnr stnriH andprivata houses made. A1L_C!l!ILDIlIiNa TENT3 fur eal?, 7x7 feet 6inches iquars by

W. B. OOLLAHD,Upltoliterer,

Dover, N.J .

Letters r e m a i n i n g u n c l a i m e dtn tliePostOffice a t Dover .N . J .

Dorcr, N, J., March 14,1834.Sllunle Alien, Mrs. A. Qritmu,Mrs. T. Uorrymuii, 0 . C. Haacensou,I W Cnlligan, U n n B. Jennlugi,Currio Dpty, J. Jeukjns,Snralt FnW, 1». J. KcGnlra.Krad. Galley, Aunla H. Slaigbt,Simon (lines, Joliu 8pic«r,

Annlo Sticker.To obtain my oftbe abovelettera aa; "au-

rorltsed" and giro date of Ibis list.G. 0. HINOHMAN, P . M.

ATY aratL¥L Qniil

My tbinkQrdu; b

ein of SpallTrcfits spprooiated.lity katLxiorkniamlnp of tlie boit

inke for liberal patronage in tlia past.u ; byjulegnpli«io«aeii8«r or iQlsplooe

dea to. . - .JOHN JONES, Un.lcrtaW.

I Rookiwij, K.J.

; yja to. .

lIKPl'AIin-AtMm. Il lnlnth:Hraij S u b ,yonpBaU0

lmiil, «BKh4H,dnonitorot Hr


1«>T, SWcli 13. byWilliam a. Bol.ln-mi Illn H U T E.

TO LET,A homo nearly DOT with six roams, largo

garden and goad water* About ana nils(tfrom depot. Enquire at


GIRL W&KTEB,To do Idtobtn n i t . ,Nono bnl ' i i imiicknt

oIpneMspply. ff ; '{i t:t-\<

• MB8. JAB. H, SIMPSOK, ;!

>•'» ProipeotStVlluwt.

FARM TO RENT.Caulfttns 51 acr» of Rood land, wlt'i nownnK< anl ontbmltl nca, and «ltl be rented TorICO per year Ani»|v to

E. If VA1JN1EB,5-tf BnccMunna, K. J,

A. Q. HEYLilUN,Cniiniolloratlnv~ — _ Cniiniolloratlinv,

,ndSoUcltororPBtentJ!.MflF. Street,Wwh-agUm, P. C. Corroflpasdence solioitod. Nolinr^efiirPrrllnilnaryExaniinntiona. TermsndrefercnoeRKivenonappliDatloa IMv





Browu and Bleaclied MuslinsALL WIDTHS.



m m m mwmi TABIB mmtFancy Table Damasks,

Mon'i, Ladle.', UliaBa and Gbllann'i

Hosiery and Underwear.Also a good aaaoiiiflont of NOTIONS, including

Silk Handkerchiefs,

Bibbons, Toilet Articles,

Perfumery, Toilet Soaps,





FEED AND MHAI,,Choice Setf Crop IVeiy Ui leant UO|BIM|I,

Porto lllco Molaiiei, Fornfoio Oolpp;,Young Hf ion aqd English Brenkfait Teat,Beit O. a. Jura and Rio Coffeei, Stcani-Oooked, Urushefl Oati and Wheat, tootherwith a lull Btqcli of Fancy Urooerlet.


SHOES,r inoLiii,.- a B|j(oia[iy of

HARDWARE!Wo «lw»J« turry u lull llur ut

BUILDERS' HARDWARE,including Nails, JJOOMS, KDobs, Btitte, Pulloya, Snab

Weights, Cord, Hat (tud Oont Hooks, SaaliFaelfl, Door Bolts, OoDg Belle, Hinges,

Bora Door Hollers nnd Huugcrs,

MECHANICS' TOOLS!A fall line of 6BWB, PIBOPB, Leveia, DntwiuR Kuivea,

Broad Axes, Hammere, Braces, OIIJBCIB, Ualcbots,Bitte, Aioa and Adzes.

BLACKSMITHS' GOODS.Anilvils. Bellows, Drills, HiiumerB, Steel, lion,

Nail! ami Shoes.

SPORTING GOODS.Powder, Shot, Caps, Shells, Fisliiug ROLIH, Hooks,

Lines, Snells nud Hauls.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS.Toilet SettJ, Willow and WooJon Ware, Hona Bells,

Clothes Wringers, Tlble Outleiy, Spoons,Bhcara, Bird Citgcn, etc.

MINING SUPPLIES.Gas Pipe, Ftttiogs, Tonge, SIiovols, Picka, Flnndles,

Plteking Eope, Oils, Candles, Leather, MineLamps, Powder aud Fuse.

Agricultural Implements,H«f Cutters, > V H Ifnkcu, Ilocn, Spades, Scoops, ami tlio

OelelrAtedBtTCKTIIOUN SOLID S T E E L DAUB PKNC-I B a ^ g r c a f l j reduced rntes. We nre IIIBD tUt BOIO ttgeuti)f<pr t^e qelelrate^




. tort Fie Sloes,end, Kill llntlon. Ynnvh l ied, Uox TM

e Slvlt-rt, nm, ifl.rrti nnd uiiwurdn.

1' Fine Frcucli Kid Butioi

Uaaitu I'cliblo Gout " SJ2.50, 1(13.75, (^50.


Tlione goodii uro very [slylbh, perfect fitting n d IIBTO

oxuelhiiit wtariujt qualities.

W P nUu carry n full Km, of lower priood] gooCa, aelllDg

LOIUOH' Fine Button Slioea for «1.50,l$ljr>, $a.00, (S.SJR

UiHes* amlJChildrcn'M Spring Heel Btuni iu great vnrletj.

Bay State Shoe and LeatherCompany's Goods.

In tbiH lino wo ntirr.v a full assortment of Men's, Boys' std

Yuutliw', Ladles, Miflaes' nud ClilUnn'a. For lung Borvico

tiinse fiouda Lavono e<tua1,



We aw, solo Bgeuts for the

LESTER BOOT,If you want a uniform ^oftd baa* that will giro long ner-

vico buy tho l^eeter Boot. Enoli riglit liont atftmpod

"Leater." Those are BU band made goodB and

vnrraut id in every partloular,



FH0M » ot.. to (UO.

LADIES' SLIPPERS,from 1& cts. lo g'JOO.

'.tlf I




omnful ngontL For terron ^ d d n u ,ute and nfomuwa, HOOPBG, BBOT)

IIOMAS, Went C l H P

IM0KE THE PUG CIGAB,ft belt Qre tont ojgar In tbe njirlrat. All

; ordon or tba trade supplied by .

ohn Barrett, Boonton, N. J.N, B.—in elcgint olgirlfRhtar in presentedth tbe first order for 1,000 clean.


Tbe (ntisprihor will null at pnbllo SK1«, oar-er (Sold md Obestbnt 6lr.. Sorer, on

MONDAY, March 17th,1881, tlie following persons] property to-wit:

T W O H O U S E S , W A G O A S .iTlNESS, lotoffly nets grind stone, lp*lr

Itttorm icalei, 3 HIROD pnlca, Jot of forki,mvelf, nke«, hoei, b»ri, Ac, lot or ehslm,0CBGB0LD AWD KITCHEN FURNITPRR,nil Jots nf other mfoioi not ennmented.

inoilllro and to oomtnonoe at 1 o'clock P.TKBia—All t an i otor 110 Ibree montbi

•rodit *itb sppruved arcarilv, Nntn ptysblebuk. 1UOHARD H. B0WDSN.

A. JCDSOM 0OE, JknolIoDeer.




t»to of Now Jonojr, at Iho oloieth 7<1 d f U b l B U

Doror, in tbo 8t»to of Now Jonojr, at Iho olorbmlneai on tho 7<1) dtyof Uucb. lBU.

LotmandBboonnU, 1123,819.19Orordrarts, 117.128D. B. Bondi, to iBDore oironlaUon 100,000.00

" ' " " " 3718703Dou fromDuo fromB l Et

apnro*edother Kilt

F i t Fix-

37,187.034,455.13Best Estate, Fornitnn >nd

tnroe,Current eipcmei Knd inn pkldClioolifl tnd otber Itemi,flillB of ctlior Nations! Bunk*.Frictlonil Ourrcnoy, (Including

nlctol*) 1,200.54Specie, - 16,830.15LcKalTenilorSotoi, 81.531.00Bod«mpt(an Fund with tT. S.TrcMtirer 4,000 00


THURSDAY, March 20th,l.lUlollcmlonnrs, ntrrow,

SSSsT•toTs, b tml ofjldcririi

L pklror hob il ._ if limeti, 1 sinslo

M£r I l«e(K ,»fclo?.in«,h.mU»dh.»,aq[iaEHfJLl}nflEhvii£FtmHrrjfBB new tinchburd wigoa, Uitmbls

- • :on, 8 slioiUj B«k'-" "*

AIM *t the SIOB time ibd plies WlOliun B,• ihe rolio-iru Rood.: QOET

i bun, Snmhr alA-bu»££, Kfalilngla fannaa, nIHiiiator, hifroaSiilani

ptj kega, aonn Hanlioii tldor, Ae_ aedith« artlelu not nonlloned. But to .am.iflBOfl .11 o'dook P. V,

amnj, tta aale will' takepui'the"

V. D. EITCHEL, AnetljinMr.

Cr.plt.1 Slock pild InHnrplm Fond,

National Bank niiUaotilDiridenda napaiil,iDdividaal danoilti inb-

JcottoclooL ,Demand -oertlfleatca

C e r t K chmil,

DOB to other Ntticiul BunUi

SrinEofKawJenej, (OoaiitjplMorri«; J •



• «l,«8.9>»e i7J9

bank, do aolemnly nrtar th|l ib« aboro Bla£-nunlli true, to thi b«il of toj tnowWirc «nibelief. OEO.D. MEEKEI1, fflhi«r.

Snbactibed and aworn to before me, thllUlU daj pi Manb, 1«8I. . ™ ™ •'• W

Mituo» R r a n , Holarr Pnbllo.t i t

[ Dlicntora.*FaiD, H. BtUH,Binuao Ouaoi,I.B.Jpn.15.


^ eTerjUilDg for fABkf ASD.GABDENY

OEORGE E. V00HHEE8,m a i a n i TO rooimou uonoLBi, ' ':

Morrlitown, N. J.BXSD OROiTliOanK. .


New Jersey Real EstateOffice: 758 BROAD STREET,


PABalS, TTMQER L\HDS, H0D8E3 ANDM I S . OODNTEI 8EA18, fa., .to.,



EXCHANGINGcountry property for oily property

A SPECIALTY.: LotBi nepotlitedon

BOND AKI» MORTGAGE.Bwnnrat; • Mo»Ht»Towjr, N. J.



Trad. Jnuid Bujar., tUH p«t lop,J e i a t o • ' • • ' ' " i « • « • «Tnlltoo ..J.eOf"

JJA,BElDBir, lLp,, . . .

Vmniaa an B

Omm [ 8 u, 8 A.M.

)mni-in mirboiM'i Building, Blaekwali




30 per cent, below Regular Prices,TO MAKE K00M FOIl ALTERATIONS.

CARPETS.25plcceiof Velvet, per yard JSO piecea of Body Btusiela, per yard 1SS75 pieces of TapeBtry " »* .'.'.'.'.... 7640 Pieces of Tline-I'ly Carpet, per inrd 10050 piecei of Extra Super Sl »t goIS piecea of low price Ingrain, as low per yard aa from 50 et«.to 8Q ctn. Ileiides an immenae Btock of Li»t, Bag and Hempl,Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Oocoa Matting, China Matting, Matt, Bnsi,Urnnets, &c, at extremely low prices, in order to close them out.

SUITS.Parlor Suits in Plush from §300 domn to »M

SO Parlor Suits in I n n Silk, StuHcd Back, ... 350 down to 4035 Parlor Suits In Hair Cloth from 100 own to ii»« Parlor Suits in Rep, from 1OO down to 28


from $300 down as low as $45.


$100 down as low ns $30.NOTICE—Those Afh Suits arc liiinkriint stock, nnd ire nre sellinc tlierri

from $5 to $10 below tlio regular prices.

ENAMELED BSD ROOBE SUITS.i00 Enameled Bed Room Suits, from $50 down as low as $15.

B » • can truly my tb . t wo lmvo tbo largmt aaaortnunl, latest . 1 , 1 . andcolors In the Also Iiu™ rtock of WriliDO Dtsks EMkeaaea

} « S « ° » l E l i T.blr«. JHn t l . a n d Pie , G l ^ » , M.rblo} S . blr. JHntl. and Pie, G l ^ » , M.rblo


itioBsi& tne Quito, ifi our lino. ' ' ' ' i - 1 - * . . >- ™rWeekly ind jnonthlj payinents (nfeen without Biln. phnrge.HOOcfi delivered free fp any pnrf of (|ie ^tafe. ' ' • ' ;• ;*; i']'.}','







THE IRQN ERA.Saturday, March 15,1884.


Eini r iph TowTUhlp Offlaws KlwtT!i*BfBi(|olpTi ftntoddp Comtpittw wm be

' S t d f WW A.

M. to 4 P. M;, tit wtleb titan tlie Assessor, Col-lector, ConMniMlonors of Appeal, Sarrejorsof HigbwByi,. CbitBtRWei. and Overseer oftlie Poor, are requested to meet them aod filetLelrofflolfllCROniitabondB. ' "


"Henoo these weeps."— L. Garri-

John Eelbel. store keeper at Stanley, bwtfoiled.

Black boM.o&i.not be taken lawfully tillJune l i t .

John Tottflo, of Mt. Vnedtm. intca<U locut-lug in Dakota.

Have von observed nnj Demoeratie r«.ter» this week!

It is said the Stanley mills will HOOHrunning again.

Revival meetings ore being held in tbe l'iMetbodiat Church of Oils town.

A dog supposed to be mail vim Tt il I i-*l utlic Horristowii depot hint Friday.

S. 8. Beach At Bon, of Bnoknvoy, will retfrom tbe'NeTTton Creamery April IMI.

Tho ERA, BS nannl, rfvm tur -•U tUnturns from every townnliip in tin1 rmuiiy.

Poor Putter gota tlie uffiee liwi In lii- b"inevery spring but IIUH lout tlie knm'.k nf lii-. ingit.

Tlio condensation of nnr ct.iTeHjiiiiiileni'ethiH week la on accoinit of the nnnmiiil pn»<H

ft. M. Hockenhflrry, nl'Morriatown, din!Huddmij ftom heart tnultln lifter dinni-r »nSunday.

Tho bill Rlvlnu power to lowiiriiiji ^pinimt-

becorae n law.Michael Wiill frightened a Clmllimii pirl

into a flt. by meeting her Buddenlr wbibs wear-ing ft Mm ((wo.

Mr. Jolin Lawlonn, oi FUHII1.0|K>, iiil.-mU Vtwmovo to Andovor iimluiid ol1 Newark, mpreviously atutoil.

Next Mondsy U tlmt good old ilny, rti-ar inevery Irishman, Hct apart to pcnuMiiiit'' llmmemory of Bt. Pntrlok.

Mmcr*. John and Win. V. Liiijp>rw<n)d, ufMorriBtfiWO, lout WO.000 worth nf put I CVIIH bya recent (Ire lii Brooklyn.

It If Hnld ii'iem was 11 Brunt wi't fniTow »nnltli«r Mde of Brn. Gnrri«oii'« imt*.' wben in;received tho rntiirnH on Tuesday.

Tlio Boonton township umnniit I n- linn ap-pointed Bomoo Fowl Fwrlioldvr t« ill. fit"unexpired term uf Chiw. V. ih.pVwn,

It IB boHeved tlmt ttov. Dr. HrlnturV .HILPHH.In not BoriouH, but n pretcuoo to nvoid liiutrial ot the ensuiug M. E. Cfmlermicfi.

Daisy KlsBiMn, n littlo girl in MwriM.mvn,died last Bimdiiy front the effects nf bumseansodbyherelotlm igniting at it stove.

Tbo fata of tho IKIIMIPO ol the JtmiMii-rslioticket on Tuesday BIIOWR who HiilTereil tumuli isup for Mr. Mellok running nliead of bis tlckut.

Private parlies have lenwl the Hiu k pond,at Drakcavlllo nnd have prohibited nil pci-amifl from flailing tbero, under penalty of tho

Chatham must bo a ilangproua plnoa to llvoin during loup year. There nre thirty mar-riageable young Indies and 12 willows in tbut

Clas , lffv Ucrtiiby, pf^e^flilnBtflji, ^raov* bis family to Itoror Aprd l i t ,taken a plaoe with the Singer wsiving m

Jna. lfuir twl)o ^mill property a t Wltippnny, will enlarge thamill and traiiBform h Into a pftitft" hoard mill

jmblioun tbronghottft£aflttiU)';^:13ie SoiricrgctHoard of Frooholdere ia Republican for tbofirot time in years.

H. M. Oliver,

IM initiqhlacksoiith hy nuaweringtiHemcnt in the ERA.

Tlicrc is nn ?ld weather provajb Ilu^ " furevery fog in FobriiMy tborowlDbBaTfroBt fnJune." We ahBiild aot i ike to MO'tWe veri-fied Cho onuiing sen gen.

Tlio willow of tho late Joseph Prink, pr Hi- :Lornia, wights tut to ejiiro&H our tliankh to'!the ninny wlm liavo linen BO kind tu licr iulurgrcat bpranvomont* \ 'j.-> ; " / I

Wns it Mr. Geo. HcC'rnekcn'H rcBiieduhllitywliitU madfe 1dm »o dbaosioud U ttw De.aio-'crnt8thatthoycutbimto][)iecc8in tlio ninii-ncrtboyiUd in Tuesday 1 , ,•

Tlio golden wedding of Robort Curter, thevrntt known New Toi'c boot pntiliniior, iin<1father of Kev. Robert Cuttot, of Iloaiituti, will

Au eclipse of tho moon will lu vimblo in thU

This-will bo tbo only eclipso of nny kind Inthis locality during the year.' ' '

Mr.,Win. 8. Uopkias expect* tu leovc Boon-ton aboutiprtilut far DiikutA. l t ( ^ ainontworthy young RCiitlonmn nsd bosta ul'fiicmlg

Tlio expert loveitipntion into uffiurt* at tU:omuty l i 'V^CnnAaV Tbo t W y C.illr*.tor'g books and pnpera have been I'suniiiifiland have boon Jbimd correct.

Ij6t us have some more BO roc (In on Iii^htaxes and Bmm^Ufuui e^trava^nnei'. ^Ve arcdeairoua&^KOttin'e on'otlier lilfi Knpubik-nnmajority la Bandolpli next full.

ThR^tapitriahfoncrHDfRev.FnthRrHirkie,recently of Mt. Hope, presented him vith abandsoniB gold watch, -wbioh vi\n funiislin]by Reilly, tbo FatcrHun jewdnr.

Five hundred dollars rewind IUM bp«n or-fcred for tlio arrcHt uml cimvictiim of the JKT-aon Whoflftatlio Imru on the invmlKfs nfftjrs. ppfjktlS'iiiiiiclt.i-rot'r^ly.

By a recent chnugo in -flic- regnhitinpn oftbo Central D i l l o n of Ilin Philadelphia anilHendinj: Railroad, cicuniion tkki'ia lu-twomiall st-atione m i l be good uutil mfi\.

Tho Dnnocr hna donlitlesB readied tim rou-oliislou tltnt sudi a iitf n* it pulilUh^l fur iiiivoral \reek*before tlia olection ilofwn'l li;»vcmuch hifluQm-e with SPIIBIIIIC pPDpli'.

Itav, II. A. But(5,1). U., Pnwlilwil of HKWBcmlriary, will lootiironi'itWedncrtilny even-ing in tho Buocaaunnn M. K. Olureh on" OiimpBoa Abroad.'' Aihnission, 13 .•oiiln.

Lynch, tlio doteotivo who wns CDKII-OII Inwatching the Dover saloon* lnet Sutimicr, IIOHbeea aonlencod to nix montlm in Stuto in-;smifor Ms blodkinaiUli|!Ol>fintioiinia Pati'rtiun.

Some of tbo lunmbcn of 'independent Hour'Will gold the Macon, Ga,, tflnniament, onApril lCtb. The.ooBt of the roitint trip isplaned at |Sfi, bn*|100 ^l\ banlly OOTLT it.

ThBilratfairofthoMorriB Ooimty-Ap'tpul-tural Boeietywaa held Nov. 20,1831. when ll,epnperiOBtinnted tho largost crowd ever BWHiu iTurriitown up to that time ut 4,1)01) people.

C. A.' Yonqg, ProfeB<or of Astronomy alPrlaoeton.College, will lootuie OJJ " Thn Rni."In Uorriatown on tho 25th Inet., nuiler thoauaplcei of the nianacers of the Cliililr»tn'»Home.

The fmb'cf tlietatfiWifilain V. Bei-rn fourmiles weft oTMorriatoffn W sold a few dayaago for110,000. It contained 154 nrre»,aud-was oouBiderod one ot the bust fruit form* iuMorris county.

Hr.W.&-Wrighth»HbMa-file(rtml ft mcra-beroft tom-Tt^ Voiuntfiif Fiw DepirtmeiitAnooUtlan, he bsvinff hern ft moraher otionalliWfKu.?;!, when the vohmtwT

•-•If ran the muotlnB.'1

It appearfl flintMrB. Htighr* wan m.t rolled... «___. if th epguus tiist Btriio|c hprsat

TiwOfiuntjof KorrU Oo« Solidly BepuUloAB,

About 76 OQUJ>1M enjoyed the hop and oy«-_ Bt nipper of thB H t OUyeB»i*f itt the Por-Mt House, Budd'sfcfce, Mt Wa&ittday night,and through the ktndnaw of loodbrd Shafeihad s moat enjoyable time. ' ^

Mr. D.B. OvertoprWbp recftntJy ntume.from Hondnnw ^here bs hfp b»ft puttinftup machinery, broufbt wftb him ft comicaland well trained white-.ooed i p n ] ^ for hisUttlo Kraniiaoii Ad, Liu4»ley,

Mr. Abraham Van Qlh i r dlftd at Morria-;wn on Fridm last ftt tlic age of 79 years.

He war. u binlilv rtspeetfiil Uflldent of Doverfor iibimt tliirl\ >cnrpf mid nuny old friendshere will rrgret to hear of IIIH death.

^ui]iln,v 3UHI won out' uf 1!IO most rpinnrkEi-lilo days of this r-'markablu winU'P. WItbJai IIMV lirnrri we wero treated to rain,,minr uml it iituloiiijdl ami heuvy peal ofliniiiUv, wliiHi <iiin< lu the raidst »t' a »tionn.

. reliable Bepablieaiu ofHerri* Gaunt; have won a victory of n u t dproportfoni againit the tuarieit oddi ( r -^pitted agsiut tiera la » Bprlsg o&inpalgs.fow dUuttified Uepublioiiffwbo " R <

dioUte " — - - -8 track


•1. XVn liivc Dovi-i-


tlv c::incltliiil lift wl.l! iloonlim him the i))-

Mi-Duvlt I'.wt. 0 . A.

Mtris M. F. Host'l l i i i i d f . . i - t l i r i r i t c


can Board of FreeboliBulletin, persistedgreat disaffection e:tlte connty, that it w u corntpt ui& extrava-gant, aud about gone up gi[>Daocratic papen Joined In tlftricd to eonviaoo tlie people that tbe Kepub-icaua of tlio aonn^ vere •quandfiring ( themblio moueyii. TUB ttemDoratid manager*,

cuuQtliig upon thia Republican diaaffeoth>a.jmade nu ulinoat superhuman effort to carrytbe Board of Freeholders. They nominatedan oldmiiuufmoaDBinMotTtaandoiiloi

:reuKth of hia hor'l, but it dlift'TUcy not out their full vote In the alwaysV«|'.Y (.'low iowusl)iii of Hcndham, EUdolectBdlieir ticket uuiinly, but Ueiijiiniin Losey'ei.-!Khbor» ilia uot b«llovu him inenpahle or]Hhoui>rii_. us* ptUcd him ffl^|ft.'foi

mc-rifiecd tlie "whole of their ttefret iiuiiry J. MiBtl Frctihuldcr, but Wm. F. Mer-•it*. llm I!i'|iiiblk>iui mini In no wm to-elected.hi Ilonntnn tliL'.v bad tlic iijien Hiijinort of thoilisgrimtkdthem il l daj-'at'the^

ill ut MiiiTi«1iivn, runicluiilcr, (in tint :<tl iiiHl,, liy imiWine it

nliT it withtmi lmviiisj run ^ a t e r in it.» riftli- uiiii-rxiiliwiTe kind, ur Iho tale

•. I H I

•x lFr i i lu .V <•(In ' -Mill a

s lit-bl at tbe

lust- 'ThisIvi.^iry of 11ni) imarcBting llnio 1H nnlii-i-

>ut<'il touim-hi i l l i i ro invited,>.i-. K. M. Y.nmg lias tii-oflualod In innliiBnl u'Timslii-rt in tin' New Englmiil Cimncr-

•*].mini l»l <i imsitiMi in I hut inMiMUiou. AllH numy frhiiid* will nyuico with us ovurhm

iiutaiiiiioiiisoii all theirnapcraionaIIH ecntrc oi dlHull'eution by returning tbaibliuiiu noujlflue, < Tlicj curiiod th»,forinto Hunover and by trading and' bogui

itfl iittcniptEd to defeat Win,: WaUwfeE, but full far abort of {lie mart; Thby

wore routed all aloug Iho line and only, uq-oovcred tbe now potdtivo foot that MbrriB'oourity is unalterably Hopubllcuu, aud wiltgiven g r^ t^ fcu r t ty ;^ .* . ! «?er i^r 11liittiokut tblrifall; Wio refeniB nhow Hint;theBoanl of Fre«hulilBrH VIII' be itepublliJiii by

iton-Kdmuiiri A Barker, It.h«iu—L'njiiiil B. Meeker, U. , { ;•

i j t i-t .m»i-rau<<a nittn,n d b u i u - r " iKilHicUuii,ulilii-i.n ( l u l l l i n v e u l l 1I 'n i i i iuM- Ilic ii> juiUl>'L

o ( ' r iuB," "liTuoduil tho yoniifj Ki

.ui iicv.ii^'d in turn

- IE,,,

lifiinism, tiw. ltullilillfiiiuHo lit Kret-hnlder

Hit' iviniil liridKi: ul tlm-, ||IHt Kiiiliii-.-v.-nliifi.I ke.-i . . ' r , rr^iinl hi-t,!.•. Jh-I'.'i'k. II.

nmi dmniinK. MK> "null- the tennft al-I'mpt Ii. jumii intu tliot-imnl Iml w»» dwn.v-ri'il in linit lu In tukfii cum of by l..--r

Tamil will RIV« nn entertainmnit in Witil-iek'« Hull, "n Wfdiu-fldny owuhip, MawhIHli. Tlieni •will be a ilnimn .'nlitled "Aunt)iiinli'BlllinlRc,"afiirRn nnili'il "The Slupfd

Srrvunl," ninsiugi riH'itulkiUH nml other en-lyalilu fmilures.Mr. Jacob ApplcgHto, of Snconminnn, busritteu mi iiiterpsliiig work ou "The Secondibuiiug of Christ/' which ia original ill >>>*

Jen* nud intereBting in its trcntinun't of tlieibjeot. EsV: Butter Smith, of Mt.' FreeflonVU8 prepared it forpubllcallou and It .* Baidmt it will eoan he hiued in book form.

\Vednendayhallway of a house lu JefferBon street, Hobok-en, (u'Bcting irora'laliJiiiintn poisoning. HB

cd to St. Mnry's lloapital where hellud.

Troy, M. Y., tTOdJmd o brother iii l)bver, N. ,T.Tlio BBOOUII i>f tho courso of sernionB oilChrUtiau ErHencea," by Bev. Air. Hullo-

y, t ; ^ » ^ w e t flcp *eenrcli itmt'oarcfnl pre]»arn!ioH anil \TUS thor-

iiBlJy npprcniutfil by tho listener*. Titolird of tlia'tlouiffe,' iioxt Saining eveninj;,•illtrnaloftho "Cnutiniiiitiun iif the Uiblii

itllLT Of tllCll-

i^oiiiHt Hand lvltl • givoI'Bjtiyiilih

.1 Mi'HiiiniiM' Hiill.Sutiinlnyi'von-if!, March 26th. Tbo puipiinime n-ill eonsirt

H fan-.i-H, band nml nn-henimicWtiima, nml TMHI iinulo, R.vlnk1 nl. who

nu cnldrtaiiiniuiL, wi'H wm-tii the priwitttitin rbiir«fil. !!'• miiv nml bviwit.Dcrnuri-jih" ul" li:u (.luipli wore H,I banlmiitcriil in tliis l.i.i chctimi tlmt tlu-yilcil for a .ru<lc<! of Kif-ctiira Mr. John 0.

icklinrt.uliii ' 1ODS lfa'imlilinm, who vvtc4ijicniy nsiiitift iiiinHtli lii t*tiow IK; wan not a

irty Id (hf tnitiHiii'lLon. We arc'il tbut,Mr. .loUn l)»wr, one of thd r


Tlm Miircb niM'In.R <>f Ibr Cimiimm Council

• llielirml*, liwonlisrC'riMfiMlun, Alitrnuanuilli, nml {.'miuciliiii'ii Wliitioi-k, Iti-arli imiliiirl-lcy. Tlii) inliiiitw of (lie lust nicittlne

A iiptition vimriirdvpilfrmuUitta. A.Slum-nl lo kiu'ii an in ii or tuvuru In the placeI.MVII an the Stickle Hoime, front April 1st,in, prtiliim wn» Hul.irst'.l l iy l j frodioliler*,it there bfitiy » utipsliim an to one ef themwnn rrfurred buuk for aiiotJior ^li^uafiiro..-.A petition wen rcisulvcd from rtaiilnnts oforris Bti-cot, iwliinj! for it cnisaitig on tbut

itrect bctivcon tlie .Tunen proportj and'tlieBtnto now m-ciiliictl UyTlios. Hnmmoud. Kc-'i-red to t i e Hlroot Cominitlce tvilli po^^r.Minimi! Kclley rrp.n-ti'.l in* avn-stn for tln<

ilonlh of February iiudCl main tramps no-lltilo<lt!infiH. Actii

T;IC ri[ll i-d u rilud pttid ; .las. 1'. Kelly, two inontltH *;il(iry ut*Iiirslulliiiiil niiiMiiniitli iin liiniplightiT, l*U10;

A. Tuylor, Astttswir, PJX$\ I'. J . i'oii-onin,•lor, $111; I. K. Jolh'.v, "#; CoT[,nratl(iii

iiiiHWtr |o an iprjuiry \hv Street (Vmtnit-tid tlii',v b)id n n t w t dciiTniinfxl wlitw to

Notice the advertlbemc^t elsewhore of tinerocatorB* sale of the jjronerty of tho lat'jqhn Qtbnro, JieM.Bouih frnnlopt.' It wli^eone, »',W8 nioaj, imi;o];tant (jalefl that hoi

pne of the beit pUreB fo apend an evening|n Royej) U i t fls of tlio V

t bt)i jtqvfl o t i V ' ^ S ^ P

Tbebayinomto bepartioalsrly' l I k | l a i d

JbB MantcleirBteamor uifiic I»t' wae|t' onQpieiiiTiMdT feels«bfli)tt«iT feat of vsler.Ito oompaty w «,!»««,•* f ^ » H p SiuJ,Inilcronl. ibiMll I s t t r r i p l u I M u d

ontia DStelaU,' rm.£. fc j ^ wWm. 8. fcwghrfgh'ty of .WuUIngtoiv hardIMAII wturnad b> the Bond of Frtataoldani

1 iil'iiiiiiMiiiitiiijiiij; the

f the {'.miiniltirlutiinol time tmitli'iiil to Hit:nutter they employ tin- ril.v Pnj-lnrrr t oe t -inline utber crackt-ra uml Rfcu hmv thejf *re

.tout' tn lie iMC'l. Hein^^rntctl to Ri't slttnr irnin lin: HitiornlaHinen, vhich bcinj,' n {jiiftufl r..u-k, »ii(;lit to bo;IM«1. They bad heard 1'r.un Uw D. L..'ompiiny that tliuy would curry IUEH frtonoi-oin lioeknvvny nvVr their roiid fnr4fl centMT Ion. The. llilicrnia Mine linilroiid wnnb•nrry it al .-(mt over tbeirline, or about innails ii 1oii, ami il «iw mtidllie Cent nil would•nrry it rin-iilnnit i-tsnti per ton. Tlio ro t i


IICBQ townahip offlaiah, exoept a ooapleelection board offloen. were elected. Thefol-

rotci polled for tbe var-

8. 0 . N. D. Total.



IKBPBCTOBB OF KLBCT10K.Joha A. llrirul.B, 1H

iruiiiOOratiD1'mblbitiOn I' ::.


Win, OIII,A 8 T l i


H C. Knjnol.l., II. MI

Wm,MoKiRoati,1 P. 3 s ' * ' ^^, AagRRflr

Kiua 6. SMt/fc


t l»

_ [ H m i H (;. Vuwger, U.—Vin. WuUat-i' Cook, It,"i - ^ i u . F. Merrill. Ii . 'i—llfii|;1uiiii II. Losuv, It.*

l>r. Biepheu I'lcrwm, E..—TLiM)d«ro A. Vcv.r, It.*

»livo-»iivid II. WoltV, I>.*Joisl T. Ilcbniii, I).1

m'k—Joliu II. M. Ilriry,It.l>—CIIHM. E. I'lurk, ft.

Ti R»T-Kai ii'l TiKi

ft.t, R."

Wit hiIt.pul.

. [ »TKain i i i l Tiiipclt,rv—Wm. K. King, 1).'I "ton —Win. S. NaiiL-liHi-lit, !>.*iciuts, 10; U,>mtiiTaUl&, •Bfl-electoii.w Hoard nil! b.n.mi of tho moat in-ami ciijmbli; tho t:ouuty has ever- nuir Hcptil.lii'im iiic.tubtrH lire al!

ii ol* liifli iiiutlinVfttituia and aroin- vi-ry ln-si imBint-** men In thutii-M uiu.v n-prtmciit. I>r. Stepln-urii'Miiriiti, i\-liu U it innu ol' wtrong

laloni, imd IUH hntl non^idrrnhlo.HtH n pi.^idliLg officer, iw alreadyily iiiiiin:il(iirDiiiM-tiir of tin-Hoard.

Tlio Dtmouraia of tbint(iwnflhi]i WIH* neverHire c<iin]i]iHi'ly lluUcuid out Ibuil iu'liim uu Tnobduy. '4'liBy wont nut 1o gurotuii'hoily, au<l nime Itiifk tlio worst jrorudit i.f itidiviilimlti cvur wvu. VoUvv va«IOH( inixi.niH for ti comliiiititiuii, but euotigli

if tlio Oe'nio'c ratio iiiiiitnjf era "were W.i«o. foril did u»t rhiViji'febll'ulni- Hp'.t

it:irte ofonn

olin W. Jnokaon, D. ,'178 . 10Jiw. RoiilueoD, P. ' 19 s ' i flWm. liittle, • ^1» ; . • » ) £ ' •Wm. V»n Wlnkla •• .»>W•«••!;• '

Horatla A. Lyon, P. » ,84 LqOMMIflllONRllB OF ArPBAt- , :

re» l'alnia-, W i« t . 880i '•'

W«i, II. Pc«r, 1". 1B0 . . 880 .Adam Kirlai, D . ' . 1 « , 1 6J ', 'K. Hr.KulKF.U..'' I B ' - 158 '

TlltJO, >. Alfltti I • • £i :•; M -.. .AnUipuy Zflek.Jr., P. M . ,' 23Anthony Force, I1. ai 23

SIIUV£roU9OV HEflilWAtB.\L V. Kltehell, B. ., 148 276hm. HI ni.lmr.l, 11, 1M 380Jtilin B-JUiekoraon, P.. l«j ..l«f ,Wm. Ayi'w, I>. 181 1«Jacob C. darduor.r. 22 2flI'oterFrtuiimn, P. • SB •' ! J4

.rUBTItfiiOI'rTHB PBACB.Tolm-a-Coz, tt. &-»- -825- ~ * . 4 » U . -JiiirHflJ.Lan«»lffn,K., 15^ E " , Jffl

. y. * All RepdbH-

luid thieves accordiug to;lmir organ, nud they wero loud in their jirom-

torciltme the taxon.! Thatthny.*ero notOHt in what they claimed wne Hhonn by

;bo fuct that thcyryotcd toa^cps the 'jjpjrtj-."over. Siich liiiWenfuBti

,ud triokary would not ho swallinvotl by etin-" •------*-^ -'nTa¥i"refluft"tno"IlL'pii"hUeanB

weight end iiifluenoo tho sheet which doestticfr onnipatEn blnnkgB»rdiD8*ttiM>f.t' Wlrio'whero it la beat kWKP'g Tbo Qenio«fut«air|t)ibolr tylif oowawjil^ IRWIO tlieit ti£kn| Iti BIDarl(,*Jurif on'tbe evoof oleotl jn, BO that theanu-a could not bo puMblind for the Infrpne-inn of tho yeoplo lii comparison with tlio llv-uhliaun jioiiiinces. Wlitn oluction ilay crnue

it van early inude oitpEreut tlmt every effortwas to ho concentrated upon tlid eleotion uf

s Deniiirriilie naiuiuuii for Awctssur. Theu of tlie rent ef thft tluket^plululy tliey idTivnd but little citfe 01 ultdntion.

Mr. 11 ro' jMct'riielton, who WHH by nil mills

ted im theirtickut, nudn ptcutli'iiiun of frn-iNichitlili- uhunictcr, wna rutUlfis^ly ulaught-!il, HI* liirt vote (dinn'M, being bciiton by !ifi!(ijurily. All tlie rny tajj ami bob ti»il iii*-inn-y nf tlic tttwiiriliip vn* id In motion tn

olcat thn Aflopsnnr and plentifully nupjilleilitli the, 'VekjioiiH usual t.t Hiieh eontestn.udertheiiiroiiiiistm.m, Mr. Wm. 11. MiiMi-iiilii a n]ih!iidlil run uud is to ho (•uiigrutu-tiid.nq Uiefawjorityhereceiyed. The oulyrinibUi'Ui dWiiiitci! J t i tae townulrip V;m theidgo of Election in the Simthurn Dlstricl,id tlio Democrats did not eluet liiiu, un Imml nko tlm CJrednbaek i.oiiiiimlion iu iuldi-iiu tu tho DiMliocratto, Tho voto of tlmiwnnkli>lufullvii«>tifcillov«:


: CD. ,S.». Total.2IM1: ' 1 2 5 32315(1 l « S2H

. . 1 8 21) K > U

for Renuithcon ticket ovor Benit)-crutio lfll; Scpublicnu raiijoiity over both

* v? N. I f . ' C . t f "S . 1>. I'otal.'8. HicTtnrnoii, 1J.' 1W» , 1 S ( l

i o , I . E c k h a r t , D . Kt M r :• • : ' 8 2

'wnjUiTift, 'H. * •" 211 "'•' 211ilin H. Stnninf, I>. 148 1 «.ilin Wo™), N- 17 17

[•et«r C. Totten, R U7 117K.T. lluwinan, D . & N . " •' 131'- Ifti

lfil. . . J a f t D . 7« i ' • ?G

.ilin PUrt fy .H. .'.:** ' • - 'WII. II. M,ilom-,v. R- 210 210

ivni'l'jtvirttkl'j^ ;;!- ,,'- 2jJt . ;; .."^a)

^•S t ;ip. : 1J .u '5. -I,\tnlrow 0 . Otr.V.' ••' . U/V » ' • ' • ' * «>

£I.)toriUM OtjEJlW, • . • -'. S. Raitonl, B. ltt* -' ' " ^ ' " « «>bn (irin.iii, D. 75 . . . . ^1

Ihri's. ( S I ' I . A ".ilm V. Uiiiu, 1>. .

Eiili. F.llall, N, '"... () 1£]

Dcmooratt brought out their full T»tethis ttlwoy* oloae to-wiwhjp In the hope of

getting B Frwnotfer, hat ' althangb theyelootefl t l t ewi t ' o f thdr ' Uoket,, BonJ. II.Loneyj t ie Eepublioan notutooe for Frcehold-

y'palled through by oni? Seoring, HcpnbUoan, was eleet^d a mem-

her of the Town Committee, t.,,';' . - • ." " " EWtioQ, Georgo S. (iurrnbranti

ol ElootioQ, llobcrt Al. fiarritt,Cbiui.E.ClnrV.B.ira 219 _1M

ce; AsseeBor, Euon O. Uudil; ColleotoBonC«ker iProahoWor. DuviA II. Wolfe

C l t t Willi R M P k 1 yJUSTICES QV THE PEACE. „

fl. K. Brown, It,n C « k e r iProahoWor. DuviA II.Commlttw, William R. MoPwik

J l AiberoMt (ii aWMlnis. ana l»y pegmiiinitearjy airetty K"1"1 ""I'P'.V conlil'lih htcttniilnfed.rim imitttT HIIOUM be souo Into eurefully nndiiuie fitvcin to the cnrtliil ilwjMipn of i t | Amrfnc- stone is imilitied to lie soft aud ertunblymil eurli inaU-riiil nlioiild ho avoidoil.

It ivUH inovi'dniid enrriod that tho StreetL'ommittco be cm no we red to employ nn ex-[,ert to lent theqtUli(r«trtbi)iitnBef:4U.'lonnied, • . •


JiB;Tonkin)t.R. ^F.H.BcaJ.A.Aim. Elliott, D. 7*.Jai). C o o i w r . . W

Peloa-ioM Amnlt ; /\^;''^'^A YLLUH uiisaiilted CuiiduutoV, Heffcnnau

early thin wDek.' HeeniloaVoredtOBhaWbutaIT, which remitted tbualy; At firri l i e i i

U l f l i u t l y h o

|,ntiu#^pii*jotidenco1 or t t o JtrUJgle of Oio

; U f y fl((n. John carries tho mark of tho eneoniiMr,

.[Han ticket*me-; a wonndeil finger on his hand, and In afling. It took aoverat alinga bafore I t waa

lung. Soma tma «aa bmWnaud to BBS It

WAIIBOO Cook, tlie RepultUoan nominee, ^ i k f & J j i

of48,w'hlUthBWl)o1eIIapnbliBniitlok«tlBU.O.Ban.elt,D 73 1H IMKliall»Me«ltar,H. « •"•11" 20•arrow. Beware, IELORB, beware.

Sao'l BuitUell«. a l ' dT t to ««NulTrfthmajtlniott. Th«otli«t

eleoted by tlio fiillWmf WWOnoKJl

Jdaopb Xltoltell, Jr., JO.H««. of the Peaoe,Williwn H. Qiimiw, Br, Sdw«d DIXOR:CaoltobU, Join H Adaniaoa, Onraeer ofPoor. Edward P. Byron | Pound Eecpera,Jicob Eomlm, DuWl I . Tottll, A.

| Road tnoneja, OBe- ftb of oneMr cent o

n> n e t t b g l n Horthem DUHot at tla

it al thTluiiial ABoajn F.Martlii, VPblp-

t i i tbaDraMMtle



, B.8yra.lM ',:, ','.

id KaeperajrWsrron. WaA lltll(Hr¥'"' «6Ahf'j' JiUMMW *

r^.L.^d^C K.jD»,,

J'• » ' 160 S4J

?H, B. M-ort,

- j r inonw. & 1 Bounty on ' » » « t l , nSo. OTbriJwlM 'caM--M.«Mtala H i *l k S»,eont»i.|iext eleet ta »nJ Mwn

l 1 V S ; . | 5 i , , ' t - p i * "

The TOteTolled in •Jcfferaon was 30B, known in yciiM. Tin. tlrmo^ratf. tiirrefl oHthcftvily nml mudo a (tenpernto fifthagainst tlie rc-uleeiion of Freeholder Blorritt,mt wew not Micecsflfnl nu lio pullcif throngif il mnjnrlly ofi'-'. Upon tlie head of th

tlrliflt, lio*BT«r, the Kepuhllcniw hud tlilame .injoHty «f 87. Tho whole Kei-nblK-a

' ' " h u l L ^ o f K f i i " ^ SiC"l>. Unwlnnd: In-i-cror of Eleution. Marphnll Muse; ' iWuurk WilHnmK. Gordon: AHner.»or, AW.'avi-r; I'olWmr, Ilornco Cook ; Win

Vrertwldur. Williom V. Mcnitt; TownshiitCnnmdttre! lVnnl« H. DntllrSyi-am, Jm'whUniiiMT Syciirn, Jt.Hi'jih ll'llmnkri 1 yt ~-;,,miniH«ioiierH of Aiiiical. Willium KHIKM

Wllllaiii P. Winlcrl ml linn, Wilhnml). \

!".', Thuitii.r. HiMnbraud; 't'rmnti.bli-ri, llor-

IvillUim'VliM'.r.ri'v'ui'i'^Vw.'r'of^MTilUiim P. Wiuloriiuttoin. •

Tnwiirihip inomiv, tlMI: road mnijcy, *t,iftlfml on ri'iiit, tl.frlHiid bun<! nnd U-,m, f:t.n<)rdiiir; Imnitvoii fmPiL (fl: noi.1 . - I . T " -

I'll el, wlJ H.1 tieii'ctnr IIl«rk. l)iindaloy

IM no opi-iicli was <>1f Kid linn

f Elcotion

Hiiirii in innet.idui.follu

fhiirlcK XVChiideH Al


vlJ K. Ilorkowjn t AMSIWC..Hi!c1or, Willliitn

linitcii FrciilnibltT,<ip Ctii

in 3 VPfl

niUlr«, A

a' nv.<m'p

Joel T. llelidrf.w S. U


lixl2 yeiirn. F. L. 1r'oflbo l'0i> . A


'fit; '1




rii-lii> It

lieli- (!oiiiininsioiioin <if Aiiin'til, ('liirkMin II.tfoiHtl John P . .Tali!iKcin,.fi>hii 0 . FmrHiilil;Hsrvivom *f th« lliKuwuyn. l lnr id 11. Mtllur

] - V e i l 1 , J u w H. Huley 3 y « i * ; I'nuDdKnejnu, HliiuB. liladsifT. S. " • Cornish, John 1ruliwin, JoHpnli l l i lhrH, John U. CramInnica Hnvy, J w n n H. Wliitbiiiiek, ° - ^ ^

>oor"liaont'vl.tV«W;' " ™ t election ui-i lownce t lnga tNcwVemoi i .

WAHHINOTON.Tho Dcnioei-ntlc primury wus uot held till

Saturday evening, Imt n- Ultlxewt' ticketmiuloafterward. It. had little timoliowev

>eome known and tlid not succeed, i\lth<iteroaUid HumeanniBcnieiit. The DemooiiUicelected wns elected as follows:

Northernnutrkt-Judito, J.H. Parker; ItupectOT*. PiiTid Wilier, Wm. Force; CJorll

Soutbom DiBtriiJt -^Tiidjiei Henry W Duf-ford; binreotorH, I'liiliji L. Yfddt, PbDinIQIIVTIOC; Clark, .Inlin V. \Viso; Tnnuibm

Clert, JohttV. Wbso: Rlnetlon Olcrk, FriinkH. StBphenBi Ai«w«Bor. Willium McUan;

\Vj0T8.N(ni«lirlKl,t;.Iustl.-ei.ftlicl'encC.OteS. Hollinan ; SurvcyorH of UiKUwaytt, Johi

Jr. , John Ifhiiiplnirl; Towuship Con., John Uhtnuluiit 3 yew, Lnunuteo II

limit 2 yeura, Rlltw Nctgblior lyeaT;OvMBeer of f oor, .Tolin Nnurijtht i Ci.n»lnble, Al-tert Iliuiti HytiUTt; Comiiiinsioiiursoi Amieitl,lan'iiol Pickle^Villinm Ddllclipr, Hollowny

W.Uuu t ; l'windkeeiwn, Williinii VorbewrHenry P. DuflTonl, Albert Bunn, •^fferspu

" ~* ertliiy; towaihlp uiouo;

tt 4kc JtXiib •Tiekefc, m It 1* csllml, wiwTcmnerauae

Township Clerk, Jnmes W, Campbell- J -n of Section,- Jujhton-Kinnnn a |nspeo

" bliorf, NeMii SaJiuftn/Jtooh P.

Lppeftla, SBmnel M. — _-f Tuttle, Fullorton CoxjT*yii Henry W. Onme,


jaiew JiofcJoai Collentor, W5IUM» H.Oroeu: Cljoieo FrMtliol^r, WlllUmE. Klntt:

yean, Theodore P. Kln« *

^5S-. -~P«v», John Wv Pmoher, for 5 yeuit, NathanDarli, to fill Taoanoy ,of,;BAntdi» Bravtt:

fThBDeuiooratlo ticket, as folloiri, vaaeleo-tod bj,jw-.T«r»f-a aujority of about USt


_ Jiraona, for 3 yearn, John1 fl FOftra [.gurviiyore of thep t p t o d f r , Tbeodom B.

, i-oneri of AppeaU, Ellas

,0 vpraoor oi thd Poor. J r ~ -

o aaeaulta of tlio common twentyand tiie fnltlil^M!iet« of oft rewarded frlentls,

io bad bouted tliut tlio part}- could not beuo«if4il^lqatfcee«d Uuttl# woujd

bring upon it a diBRstroiu defeat because itwould not submit to thoir dictation. Fruw

'BixVartirf HIDebnnty lieoyea ofttll Bo-.(.ti-r.-., --•£,« t.|jB-jj tbpro tp^eo.lf whnt

in'vmuitM could bo true, 'and allobeou niidfl g lad.bythe nowitaat tho

^..pMn hfw goua. Republican by 105 niu-joHt j t ' Even the Freeholder, upon whom tlioipoolnl anBlaiight nm mude, wa» elected by82 ni^crity;' Hie folio win a aro the tuoecisqfUl'snndldatcu on tho straight out, regular, un'oompronilniugHopubllcuu tlokut, nnd there-'^njt shoffB co the world that the peoplo ofBooiitou tin) aittisflBd -ffitH Republican man-

it. i« the Caco of nil assertloiiB to the

! TowfecierU, Tiflwls EHtlor; Tinlgfl of Eleo-tlou, H. 8. Lynn; Inxiieotur, W o . DonnBtt;ArucHgor, Ltiwin HriUer; Collector, EnochUHuimoiitl; Freoholdor, lMmund A. llncker;Burvoyort, Tliontos Byitiil, 1-Mwnrii Stlekla;'o«ii OoirtmlttMi. Ifnruce Kord 1 year,- JehuV, Leo 2 yeiirn, Wniter W. ItidiUeS yenra;FuHtioc oi the PeaO(, John I. Konu; Cunstnhlo,Monxn Rioveistoti; Ovcroenr of Poor, AlamoUeveutau; Coinmlsfllotiers of Apnottl, A. P.froehindj.AbisAanKiDgaland, Jolin A. War-ilnll; Pound Keeper^ A^ffl. A. Utll, TidiottiyStickle, John H; Peer, Jos, Conkeroo. "• ''" '

Hoitil inonoy, (2,000; townnblp money, 9150;oxt. election and town luootlcg at t l . S.

RapublinanB nnd a Union ticket, oontoiulng apnrt nf tha regular ttephhlldan ticket. AboutolHhttflinjtfilpoffldera elected were Repiil)lounB. It wa*,»tflret reported tbat in tboia»o of tho Freeholder them was a tlo be-

tfUJafl,'. Cook t l i | BepuhUnau noininee,hp.oaore Peer, H Eopniilloan on the

irdou ticket. 34*er ndvlcea itate that Hr.hud ouo ranjorlty. He Is a solid Be-

pnblloEii and the result in the Board hi notafleoted. 'liirf folloffing oro tbe; aaoceMful

indi dates:Town Clerk, Isano II. Vonnessi Jndgo of

ElueUnn, CnrueUiu .VrueUud; Inspectcra,Snninol lii owe r«, lumo Oillnnd; ARnessor,

- 1 ; Towu Coiumittcfi, Jaa. P. Vreo-md, 1 year, Peter. 1. Onok 2 yearn, Prnnols. VaiinpflH3yehrn; Overseer ofpnor, Petor. KUIKHIHA ; Coiumi^iniKTH of Apiirnl,l^ihlf.UiutKa,., Ifk'luird UmU, Wm. Vituym<li ('oustitMtie, fSWjjlit'ii O. I'it'it^e, VvUnjmiiiisn; Survnyorn of Higbwayn, John•lowcro, John I. IJni-oHIIIB.

iiil'NfiC"!^dST"v«nrf'!»HmtrfuMrru""»^$>; on ivi'asolH.Wf wnU; nuxt clt-vtkm nud

cetinR at Win. Knnoiwi-V, Mm.tvillc.

twt-un 1h<> vc(;iilurnlnn lickcl. Tim

nl. but nil ll,c oflicln w«w Itrpulilicn

lliiimu-fiiKlidatuJ o bH.l nu Lnrli tlck

(I.M.rii-nT, Hi

Milling-, hut In-1« aHUuaehRo])iiblii-ii]iau;iil su:t v/iiMliiil party in Ilm Itoanl. TJilhiwiiiB were till'Biim-ssfulwindMnteri:Town (.'U-i-li, Albert Van VnrliiVH ; Jmljri> of"

t ioii, Siiii'iitri I\rt in ii ti!']1' Ss*n ui'u-l ll.'vmi Siiuti ii»r, Kli^hnW. M.irtin 1 Colli'i-lur,; Clwufii<!r, John II. St.; ChtiH. I-:, Sniitli, for JiiHtice of tlir. for uiicxjiireil term of 1'. S. (.Uranium,Cntiiiiilttor, .Saiiiiu-1 Utmiiitt. fur lS vuurx,nl -I. Lnwi.furaycars, Tlmniiis Jjiiiiju-tii* 1 yniir; CoiniiiiaBioiiprH of Anuoftl,X. Hmbl, Kiirni'v Dubow, Edward llob-

, ,„ , HurveyorH ol Illgliwuys, Tuuia Ityemm,I'.iihraim It. Dninnd; Overscnr oft bo I'imr,['(irimliui It. Van Vorlni*; t,'onstable, Cor-iclliiH II. Vnii VurhecH; Poiinil Ki^jiers, Ed-VIUI! IfolxatH, John Onilen.ll. Julius ISmltb,tlulmnl Y.lliuld. Henry P . Stub, Lumoreo.'ni.diM-i.nnf, Aiidn™ DiiRler.

Knad montiy. (1.C00; town money, $300;xiinity on foxes, #1; nuxt election nnd townueetuiK nt Gillmid'a llutel, Pomp ton Plains.

HOMIIS.Tlio County scat township went as uau&l

mlidly Kopublicnn by larger mojorltie^ thoprrmiori.Lfl Doing badly worried after fti^, un4uBunlly linnl flglit. The •iueoentfiii 'oaudf-fAtitm were, ns follows:

N. D.-Judge, A..W. Cutlwj InBgootora, I.

B. D.-sfmlp), Chas. H. Hn-8'it i lixipeotarB,loo. Ciil.l^U, 1|. A. F r o a W tllork, H. C.' I t n p y , J r . '• ' • ' • """

•I-]. D,—Judge, F. A. Day: Inepootoni, F.:. OelRW, i f k r l l r ion t i GlerkJ. J : FrrinkJndolcv.Tawnsbln Clerk, Pnn. S. Yoorheei | Alt

M . .ir, Callfni Woir: ('"llootor. hoii Pniatn;'—uit teo, Lowla fir. Walton S yrs.; Wm. B.

tt,T2yrj. Edwln j .^ rno ld ( ;yr. t ,$i«B.

Jaooij Crane;n . : d , Harsh, Wm.

,r, Geo. W, VreelandlBftrtrand, Wm. W.

N. O.'iiatBh j Pound Keeper*, Hugh Reiloy)J .W.J i ibWtt . Jobu Hnff, Henry It, Prnden,JUC. BtirroUgiiri,-MloliBel Amliroie.-1 • ; ! - '

Bond inouey, 17,000 L poor monoy, $300;tjieolal rend money; fl,O0Q.- •••-'=•

[ohu V. Hulbert, Lott •_ .Ldwla Hi.Loroe, threa

i yean i anrrayora

VJoliii &. Htney |l?nljootor, BohertOnrrnbpDiit; fChosen ireeholder, 'Benj, H.Lossy | Town Comtnittee, Fred. II . Qitmt-iranVljyewj^C.JL Searing. 2 yc_arij_MM-

Buraott] ~

WiSe ni^Vuh ^wa'aohwir^'ooVhT-IHB B.BttoioYen,v . : ( : . - , . '

•".qiwl-intmRy. «1.&X): hand 15 oenU andmSODont* per hour; poor money, |12&;;t aleatioQ and town meeting at BUck

House Hotel, Uandham;

Steady-going and rollnbln' phatbom itoodsolid as of nM for Ittpnbliean principles

of IM forth? Bopabllrjftn

ujy'^1. The anooeuful oiinll-


|obyL.jW«i Geo. W.

H. Hanoookj Ai«»»or,tM, M.-0ibwnileholder. OarnotB. Meeker; Town Com-• "'HUani J.Ur.tlin, Ue id t tB . Lam,

A. Hopping; Surveyor* of ltlsa-A Bmn.-prftaniB.B^trd)

iwcntioi'Appeal. BwrgBi CKapniMi,A. Webb, Dayid H. Illcka; Qvenoertulajiio -11. Geunag} Ot-nauble'.' lUkao,

%\ fjenunifj Juatleei ot tho Peace, I'hlBp'Ciwkrcra, ThBQdoroA;Hft|r|iiug, ' - '

;Can buy wngon u d carriage material,h^Dwand^arnbbuiaUaweit —'—


„ S. H. Berry's Htl.6paqtook..:..;

. AD-'

Qfloted from ft Qw.Biehanl Bowden, tbeliutcberuf tbisplooe,

was eomlnn with airlend from Sew Toik onamukinsraroft l ieD. L. & W. road lMt" "' r flventpg. He B&T* Hint &*? v e n

unable to flail Mats b aoy other part of thetrain, and the n u k e bain* very thick, beraised a window ilighUy to get tome air.whena party of oard pluyera behind him objeotedapd tried to get brakemtn Cole to ootnpelhim to putlt down. Hr. Bowden aslft hewould if the cntkeman would get him Kidhit friend aeati together in another part oftbe train, which he vent away to find anddid not ( « r book. Then the oar* partyflailed in Conductor Slagbt. and he told Mr.

' to put Hie window down. The latterrefused to do H , whereupon, Hr.•ay», the train WM atopped and the coBduo-tor, trakeman, and aome of the party forcedhim out oi the on and off tbe platform to tbeground. Ur. Bowden alleges that theychoked him and that tome one kicked him;thai a fcftdlj wounded finger was torn open,that bin orenoatwM torn, and that hli latwuloit. We nave not heard aa yet the ver-sion of the train men. Hr. Bowden, who la •young matt of j[ood oharaoter and soherhabltt, wtt| ina the Company for damages.

Thla morning we received direct Conduc-tor SUght'i verilon of the affair, wbiob it ajfoUowat He iaya Bowden andhla friend oo-espied thB seat as itoted and that than waaa party of Horrijrtown nentlemen pUyingcards In the seat behind him; that they « -quBitadhtmtopat the window down and herefnaed very curtly f that they requestedbrakeraan Cote to have the window put downand being refused the brakeman hlnisolf abutIt sereral time* only to b»ve)it opened agalihyUr.fiowdeii. Brakcnian Cole denioa that

it Into another port of the train tohunt seats. Conductor Slight wns then call-ed and ho requested Hr. Howden to prt

'io window and got a vary decidedrnfiiHal. He told Ur. Bowdon that he was In/(be cantor of thb o»r and tUo draught aunoy-«d everybody; that If he wlahod the air hemight go unek in tho lost seat of tho car andraise tha window, and then tliBro would bono draiglit to annoy the other passengers,

sayi Bowdou very curtly refused all hispropositions, Buying he *A4 paid for that•eat, was going to have it, and would havetho window up if he wanted to. TLoduotor says he shut tlio window, butBowdenntUed U ogalti and put hU elbow under it' toprevent It being .abut, fba conductor thsu

_'"" th^tralnandtookholdofhiaooatio'put hint oat, when the ilcevo aame off. Uidenies that there, was any unnecessary forooorhrutulltytuadtn.putting him off. Whonthe train atorted he got on again, but did notraiaa the window. Conductor fllaght has sl-

raysborno the reputation of being a politeand aooommodating official und it' is' onlyjubt that his aide ot the story should he pub-lished. • ' • ' . ' • ' • ' ' .

' Hi* Leetnn Court*.The first of the uoune of lectures under the

BUspIocj of the young People's Union wasgiven 111 the Dover Presbyterian Churoli lastFriday evening by Bov, N. H. Van Arsdale,i-f 2'aterson, upon tbe subjoct of. " UneasyPollu." The weathet was very nnpleasai.t,yet tlioro waa a goodly attendance., Theloo-uio was preceded, l y aeleottoua upon the

organ by Ulu JenklriB, the ehurCb organist,the mutio being of a flue oharaoter. ood ^ °axecuildn BQ* uniformly good as to win forthat lady many eoniplementa upon her skill.Ur. Van Andnle'a snljeot was a wdtohoson

and was roada Tory interesting to ailnrosont by showing Uio ouusta in every phasenf Ufo which contribute to man's uneasineia.It was hottlthful In tone, full of Bound reason-Ing, and intcrspered with lllustrutiom, ^hlniithough humorous, had a strong hearing o[Kinthe subjefft In land. It fully: merited thecordial eniloreuheat vrhioh the ouiienoe gave

txt lecture of the course is one "whichIs doitbtlesB well worth the prioe of a ticket

irthewhola Bourse., The lecturer,Ber.'-J.Clement Freneh, D. D-, of Newark, is rouoK-niiod as oneof the moat entertaining speakersIn the country, nnd iaflo popular lu tho lec-ture field M to conunand the highest prkea

II Ida engagements. He will make tho aeo-oiid leotute of the course lu tbe ProsbyterlanChurch next Wednesday eveniiig upon a sub-ject of absorbing Interest-" Rod, Rifle andBapids In the Adirondnoks." If he has annuilienco eommenaurato with his ability ae aootui-or, nnd tlio lutoroat with whiob lin in-vent* Oils subject, thoohurch will ho bnrdlylui'gti rnough to contalu It. We will guahin-UJU tlml miy who nttcud will not bo iU*np-

ited in nny high estimate tliey in ay fonn.i spenkliiKof this l.'rtnrc, m delivered iu

Newark, Ibn JJaily Adverilwr anys :

An a ilnscrii-tivft lecturer wo havo rarelyi-iiril Dr. ricnch'M emiiil. Hit. tu-urio-H imr.

ii(; round tlio umup lire, ivhiuh lio Haid vanhv omini of sylvitu Iif.', un<l if tlm Htnnoitn'tciiltiiH funuv an Im ri'httcd, wo enu inni:iiio h«w thu wwodH niiiK with lutigkter. IliaIfucription nl' thciwn.v BUOHsre were cxlin-;iilnlicil win pnrticulurly ainusiiiK. Onu oflinn, vlio nwil nu air <>iishii)ii fir it pillow,on nd lib luxuriiiiih lirmt tvhi sullenly disup-

'iili',il<^l!.ri'il tlmt "tliisi'oitHHiiluiiiti! ttiini;iiuiHt limit siiiiiRivlicni." Tlio iluest imrt oflii« li-ctiirt',, WiiHinthu uxtiomliuElyIKiHicnl nnd craiihio o.!rtiunt* of trout llaliiug,ik'cr huntiiiff hy ilny nml liy night, mid filmot-

; the rapiUf. II l)r. Fniiichls an ulTcotivuthe juilpit its ho sli(i\vf:d UiniHotf to he inlulling it llrtliinij; rod aii'l rllto, ho imist ho uoiileil iiuqiiiaitum. Tlio ulitireti was filled,

_.d for nunily un hour mid a half tbc lecturerhi;ia Iiie itiifliu'itcti In rapt attention und uiotry

The Ut* V. B, Babbitthis gBntleman, wno» death wo briefly

winouncod lait week, was one of the fore-most business men of this part of tbo State.and the story of his life Ii valuable b*ea««of tha incentive it will giro to young men tow*l" their way in the world by honest effortBom In tbe township of Kendbam, n» »moved when a yoiinft man to Morrlatowv.and. entered the employ of B. 0 . Candeld asa clerk, where lie eo fnoronphlT mattered thebtuineu, and made for himself snob R goodreputation that he WM enabled to bar U*employer's business, and bos since duringtbe twenty^™ yean that he baa done bosl-BCM for himself made a Mirh reputation forvommental ablljtv. Altbpusb his extensivehastneH «ngros«ed bii attention very Urge]?,lie yet found time, and was liberal of Itsmeans in promoting all good eauaea havingfor their objeet the advaueement of religion,ihanromotlonofmoralitT.or tiie alleviationef the condition of; the pgor. In these Roodworks hi* lioilasM talents were of great™lfwand wen always availed of. Ho wasfor years Depository of Harris County BibleSociety, VIM President of tlie.Morris ConotyBunbUy Bclool AuooUtion, Manager andfteefetary of tla Ubnry and Lyceum, one ofthe organlura and ofiloen of tee 7 . M. C. X.,Superintendent of the South Street Presby-leriane«tbsthacbool, and a Deacon of thatChurch, No better eulogy can he offered hismemory than the simple foot that in each ofthese positions be performed his whole dutyno matter what amount of personal saorifloeand labor they might require of bim. InnoHtioshe was* oonsistant supporter of theRepublican party, without seeking any of Itsemoluosojits, but always aiding in seekinggood men to represent its principles. Hiswhole life was &modB»t,uuosUmtatlouif cursorof good whtoli wai never ehnraotorized byBelnshucsi. auit in ills death tbe county hnslost one of Its most valaablo, as well as mostpromluent oltikens. Be ltod been ill

IIUQ time with pneumonia, wliioli Anallysited la typhoid favur, the itnmediate eaune

of bis death, Ur. Babbitt was 48 years ofago nud loaves a wife, a sou and four daugh-ters. Tho funeral services were held onHoaday aftorfloon. wben the business placesf tbo town were closed, and tlio general sor-ow of the community woa ttnUiually marked

anil expraaslva His remains were taktm toilefldtiani for interment.

Freeholdera' HeeUnK,Thu Unitrd met ou Wednesday with nil tbeiciubors preacnt, Tlie minutes of tbe lastKitting wcro read ami approved.A communication was read from Win. H.

Kollcr, Snperlntnniiout af tbo Morrln Canal,ing tliat the wall of the Siisaox street

bridge, Dover, is aad'y out oi repairs, andigbt to be fixed before the regular bontbg

Benson opens. The company tender the useof tlio coffer dam, pump, etc.. for $7 per. dayfor thonext thirty days. Should the bridgefall and obstruot navigation the company willoharge the county ntthn r«t« of f 1,000 popdny(or damagca. Th» wntql diseuiaiou followed,Mr. King and. other freeholders itill express.ngtheliDliefth,atthebrldKewaago<>fears yot, The eamruunlc&tjon was r ,l>ut no aetian was takon.

Tlio' PommHtoe Cf Inyeatlpntian reportedirogress. . r, • . : > •

A number of bills were presented nnd or-A'i ld : • • •

A motion was tnad.6 that W.000 ot the unnp-propriatod monica In the hands of tho CountyCollector be transferred to tbo bridge appro.priaUou. Carried unanimously.

Ur. Cook, of Hanover, spoke of tho matteraf defacing bridges.' In his township enebridge reoently hullt of pine had hma shot atirid badly defaced, and snggcated the offer,ingofarewardfcrthoiUTettaod conviction ofmohonendore; Mr. Cook; of Montville, don.nficedtho defaoing otho»at Powoirllle,Pino,3rook,and ether plnoeahad been badly shot and Injured ty nmrkB-men. He thought one of the offenders was

'decided that it WM tho duty' 6f tbo Freehobl-cr» to l»V after and prowot tho Boimtj prop-erty without action by the Board being nec-

• o e l a a r y . ' ;:

"i ;

'"' ' " • " ' : . • " .

Board iidJouniBd. ' ; :

An ExhlUtioa of HonieniB,For ifeekii iwo, bftVa fbefld. treated to' long

dlRsertntionH going to show that If tho Im-maculate incongruity known BJ the Dorao-uraoy'of1 Randolph tawnthlp onoe got Intopower, there would ba a'rednotion in thetaxation for township expanses tbat : woa,!dstartle people.' Of ebuwe it Isknoiftt,by ayeryBeasiblo man that township t w M w . is basedupon the appropriaUanB yoted

ttujso are»t eopnomUts T«|lft W Wuc* fleir,npproprlatlont "that the*rate of-wtafldnmUjnt be lessened^ ?ut lo, belaid, whontba combined wl(tdpn> ftf ihc paTty got to-

h l l i ^ / b W do vote for precisely tho. same, appropriations1

which have earned the high taxes they hivebeen, growling snout, vrhteii was a virtualadmission on their part that tho BapuSllcansh d brought (he township expenses'as low asj y ooald be brought, and that allthln news-

paper talk was ,aimnly the worst Mndof rot..It ia'bMomlng more a'npMnt aTary-yearthattlio Democracy of RHndolnh will never raiseIts bead again witbbai nS "Infusion ofbralns


(Judge Wood's oourt wai .crowded on Mou-olay afternoon to hear a casd "bronaht beforehim and JustW Gago Tiy tVt tcwnalilp ofRandolph to oompet Janes Smltn, a fannerliving near Ironin, to aware tho township forthe support oftlio p to j ^ l l ve cliUd of NcUleTori. amltnlaanbiaimdfMkleiMWgniVn,whoso rtlVdfres/ nol lire witb bin,' ttnit1 Net-tio Ford had buen eraployed by Smith u btshonseke«p^r. Hra.\BmIUi wo» In Conrt,'liow-orer, and listened to the dugnstlttK details o:the trial. The jury found that Smith waiguilty and the Court took the necessary step!U make thB old man pay for hU folly. >

St, fatrkk'i Day EntorUkmont.The natal day of Ireland1* Patron Saint will

ho obierved In Dover by an entertainment luthe evening at AIOIIGL-'B Opera Home, underthe direction of the Yaung Men's Catbolio Vn-

i. Prof. W. J. Callan, A. tf., who it gain-ing nn ouvlablo reputation as un oloouUoniat,wUL givo n number of select readings, and

' will be other literary exorofoea bybors and .frlonda of the Union, oil of whloh•lit to Interapersed with, renditions of vocal

and Instrumental tnusio of a high order. Theentertainment promisee touch in the way ofjatercsfc and will doubtless be worthy of alarge nudiBnoo. Then It will afford an oppor-tunity to show an appreciation of tho soholna-Ho attainiaont* of Prof. Ottllan, who la oao ufour own boyaoudhni nitulebls way in hi*profession-by his own oflbrts, while at thosaino tjhio it will encourage the young men ofthe Union iu tho good work they are, doing.Boeorved seata may be bad at Killgoro'a dragstore and should bo seeurod early. '

Two uf Ilm aeloetlans by Ur. Callan willavo organ ; acoonnouiinente aud will > beimething eiitircly new, novel and entertaln-ig la' tlio wny of elocutionary rcndltloQi

Oar Ooarti a n Not of that Kind.Our young joumollstio friend nf the Hack-

cttatown QaictU commenU upon a itatcinontiade In the Bn\ two weeks ago, that hi

would never find the KepuHionn ofuoiale ofMorris tn the criminal predicament of the

icratio officials lu Warrou a fow yearsago. Our friend argues from this, that theEHA. is going to prevent any Republican tromsuffering in the investigation now Instituted.We feel flattered that the Gazette Is ao muchimpressad by tlio power of the E m , even if

latinot endorse the manner In tvhloh theysuppose we use I t There Is only oue littlodifilonlty In the way of the Oaiette'e argu-imint. Tlio invcetigatlon la In tho hands of

Courts and tbe Exk doesn't own thiDonrts. So that, Bven If wo were as venal as

Onxotto bolleviiH its, wo muit of necessityrely in thin instance upon tho honesty of our>mdnJn for UicirvinJlontfoii,ae oiirosteemodontfinipornry will plainly see. When the\azBtif dlBCovurs its error it will oi course biappy to mako the uorruotlon.

Yhitlag tbe Horria Flalna Asylnmi'bo Joint IiOglHlulivn Commlttoo. ou Lutin-c AnyltmiH virtitfld tlie institution at Morris'iiiiiialnst Friday. BcunUirsStniimby, HIKB,

Doughty, Cminnmr nncl Puucnaat nud Aesom-lymcul^iilhnuh, Cbiipinun, Uell, Harrison,on« , Hough, Jenkins and Woodruff, withIon. ( leor^ A. IIOIBLJ- mid wrvcrat (fiiests,u.ilo UJI tho Hut of visitors. They wcro ro-livt-il by l)r, lluttolpb, tho Superintendent'nil <ondiictcd tlinm^h the institution. Theoiiil>luint>i uhout tiniltiuiiiil liy Ibo purchuHV of a truct of landdjoining thu Anylutn funn and tlio diversionif the 80WHH" from tbo atrenuiB to this plot.

Thu Agyliim is In UMII of new bums and ithue been suggested that an appropriation ofuliuitt $10,000 for this purpose and to put tlio

>umlu in proncr condition would bo desir-iblo. A Itlll ior tlila paipoaa will probably

introducud In tho Legislature. Tbe visi-tors returned home Friday evening muchlilcaaedwiththeji

EDGINGS!which will be found very acceptable to the Ladies by rea-

son of their quality and price.


3xr. ar-

AFnUIineif Dock Aah liangCB aud Blinor'a oook stovest low jrioen nt< ALLBH d M

To Hotuekeepen.Llmo, KalamntnoV Alnbostlno, Pajnte, Oils

ind BniBbDH," at tVe itriek Drag Store. '

Oougbi,OoM»1B(onoliitli,4o.l«»«llth« Manttsof negleot or aspoaun. and muit hare prompt ind

"vo nmedtM to Mmovo ILen. Ocoup wCoopliif Cough n u n great itilTerttig became aictfve,M0WilT ii not at hand. Wny than laavi

_- jrseirand ililldren cxpoieJ to dangar Ani flwthrhsn Hiuilltnu'i CouKhi Balinm will raltere all of

lung difficultly *re removed by tlili rsmsdy. Prk.39 ind: 80 conta per bottla. Hold by Bobert Kill-

'* Stock Qrowsraill igreetuatfai general uio In their bnaliPowder la bettor odouittea to Bi« n»ttif»ttory re-mits thin tlime prepared by & II. Parmaloe, hictnae tiioy r.-nllj oouUln tlie valuable i-euodlrolelmod.aDd do not Wl to Ht quick Ii md elTcttlvelr ia Oouubi, Colds, Epizootic, B&tl Blood,

1 o r Water, »nd Poor tUgHtlon, Ac, irPor o»ttlo, linsi, ihcoD, poultrj, they irt

la Full pouiidi only 35 oaati. Sold byBobert Klllgore, Dov«r.








Sctal Fumtefi.





If IOU liave a couHi or cold n » XX Couib Brropmade at


If ran lumi an ache or pain me XX CamphorCream made at


XX COUGH SYRUPis tbe lieit remedy made (or Couch and ColdCai

hnnilreds can teitlff; made at


XX Camvhor Creamvas uever kuowu to fail l a BUbdulnglpain.i Try






HIM k uill particular alt en (Ion to •


« )siC38-]>r O F T:H:ES P A D L O O K . ,








Sr£CIAIj DEVICE Mr pi anil nff ooro for tbo ATTACHMENT

Oupauallfil, ami i« ivurTantot tn dlntrltiute aciu-ratclj, i veiilj nnd mull j-on j / coipmercLsl IwUll«>r

"Sraft'ligiit and casll/ handled. Co'nutructlin.lllH|l]c,

Materials and workm ittMhlnthe IMIII

BVLKYlHfAKDkVLOATl"8' HAlUKWS, CULTI-VATOKS. beof h'ol"? anil aie tlio'bOBl'^Bh'erttm'hiniwn. No '

Bii-on for trinl Iwforo (Mtlcmcnt. HI1OADCAST<iR.\INHEKi;K.llS,wl[ll SBLKY HABB^WH, when

~=*^Z4£Zr,*iJ.-^.v j ^r^apiI, M I —-• dfslrcd. Buuuri>ruuecri|iuvcpamiiiuti»n) -.

OEEE, TEUMAN, PLATT & CO., Owego, Tioga County, N. Y.





PER PAIR.This is NO OLD STOCK OR TEASH usually Bold at

prioe, but a Olova fully worth Jl j w pair.

mmK. • . VBBM1III, JR.

This abild who wandered last, alone, the;stoppad upon the street;

Flic looked into their (act* with a imiliiiiUrn. and sweet

And out iho (poke: "My ]i»pa loveimuntun >0vei me, too.

Zej toll no no 'moit every night, and so a

kiiows scy da"

When -whttB she 11 red or what her name tlkindly-htarlcl wkeil,

She shook her golden eurhj H If die wonlinot then bo talked.

And ftniwred Duly: ".'atwlovc* me; min n lovos mo, too.

Zey tell mo HO 'moit evury night, outl BO

knows ley do."

Tbe twilight came, and tired and sore beilittle feet tripped ilaw I

A tiny itgh from the baby breast whencould no farther go;

But no complaint-" My pnpa love*mamma loveimo, too,

Zey tell me BO fnw»t every night, and so mi

knows tty do,"

They brought bei to a Hehted room where tlwalls were dull nnd bare,

And tbe faces all were strange to her, asobbed amid the glare

The Bane iweet words i "Mypapa loves me

Zey tell me so 'moit every night, and ai

knows «ey do."

At length, she slept whero tendor oare himade a gentle tod,

And as t ie blue eyes shadowy grow aad feltbe weary head,

Tbe listeners heard; "My paps loves imamma loves me, too,

Zey tell mo BO 'moit every night, aud eoknows icy do."

The father and the muttwr oiune, dlibearenei, anxious-eyed;

They cftUfbt her t» their joyful liearla, awcried and laughed and cried.

Bhe woke and smiled: " My papa loves imamma lovei we, too,

Mo told 'oo so Kit. very niglit, and nowknows xey do I"

BHS WOTfttri tBE AHfArTOEL.I wkedmy ottlelove onelday,

My unor , wiUjhlng Lu,II If she would U my own through life,

My angel food and true."

But the tossed her nut brown ringlets,And said " Bhe did not oare

To be an angel yet awhile,

This world seemed very fair."

Ob, Ln! HyheartloBa, cruel one,With month like Cnpid'sbow,

Why will you always laugh at me.

How can yon treat me **c I

Why will you lift that little noesIn haughtiest dladatn,

Pray tell me tbat my pleadlngi, dear,

Have not been all in vain t

She turned ber merry eyei on meO'urbrimmed witb fun and life,

" I cannot be your angel, Fred;B u t - I will be your wife."


Up to the scratch—A barbedfence.

A lone exhibition—picture of an otibachelor.

It is a hot daj when an ice carnivalgets left.

Too much of a good thing—tho watiia Cincinnati,

Tbe sk/a greeting to tbe MonlreaCarnival-All bail!

A February thaw 1B as soft OB a BHEQ'skull, bat there's more in it

Sang of tbe Bullion fiivei Tannt" Over tbe river tbe; beckon to ma."

An Onnge County dairyman calls 1favorite cow Pleaid, became she is al-ways in tbe mtlkj way.

It's mighty aggravating to u prison,to hear a jailer whistling, " Mother kitbe gale looked now."

" Hie 1" is the nnmB of a new novel.A good dent of literature seems to beoooiing from Illiaoia this year.

'* There is a coolness between nanow."•aid a youth to bii sweetheart as he tried<o bint her obt from under the ice.

A ett with a thick antf Bleelc coat cfar is a source of constantthe woman who has had no«acqne.

When Arnold wrote ot "awettnessend light,"he moat taVe referred topretty girl with her hair like sunshine•aad £v«8 like stars,

The iMgest word in the dictionary Ii•dlapropoxtionablenesB." By pnnohiofoat every other letter it ought to maki•an excellent comb.

In the days of Qneen Blizateth men•carried fans aid pocket glasses, Owingto t bigher civilization: they now carryiflaaks and brass knnokles.

Tender: "Now, ehildten, which oneot yon out tell me what a consonant isBright boy: "loan I It's a portion olJand Mmmflded by water."

Talking'Xexan—"There goes a manthai'B takea nine lives!" Astounded^Stronger— uIsi tbat so P Who's b.killed ?" T. HI—" He killed a cat"

What ia the difference between a man*wbo tears down a picket fence and onewho dresses a spring chicken ? Onetpulta the piokot and the other picke tbpallet.

Economy h wealth, bnt the boanling-iioase mistress who split the feathers in•half so that tbey would go farther inmaking beds, carriod economy loo far.

" In to-day already walks tomorrow,*ald Coleridge, all of which goes to ehow-that the poet* like some of tbe rest of us,"reached home occasionally about mid-•Bisbt. . . -

" Come, let's bill sad coo s littlo, as>wo used to," said Miiey to bis wife, afterthey had been married a jear. " Yes,"she replied ; "you look oat tar tbe billsand I'll do the cooing."

Washington Irving onoe told i motherto tench ber danghten to be emafly pleas-•ed. Tbe girl who married the living•skeleton mait have been imbued witb<he same doctrine.

A Chinese dentist In San Franciscois building up an immense business.When a tooth is particularly refractory,he has an assistant to get hold of bispig-tail, and tbun it has to eoae.

A Mhwonstrood BimUe.-Bii.elwr (topoet:) "Well, how are youring?" Foot: "Ob, splendidly! Tbey£0 like fresh sausages do witli yon.1

Butcher: "Aba, by tbe pound."

An exchange Mys that a bloat ia alunettane iquarry near Bodie, Col., an*covered flvBpetriAed gull's eggs. Soientisui are now wrestling with tbe ques-tion ; " Can a petrified gall lay QD egg ?"

Occasionally we are encourage to learnthat the Indian, is capable pf civilization,

etoiflnpseUtka whole

"Did tk-e AtftfeiBod," Mked the OCT.«mr, BcntMtioiiBly, of the nrs l witness,-"Did the deeuaed die tinder atupfoloiuoiroumatanoei V " Haw*" be didn't, be4iad io the water, under the ice."

OTiat ibis oonntry la yearaiiig lor is aimkUo achool lystem which will fencatbe wfetwcJ ihe fature that light hen•keeping is something more than readingnewel* and aiuehing then hnsbAnd'a«(oekin0s> " , - .

A btttwp wu pcU 1600 for pronounc-ing tba benediction at a wedding theother day, and yet in leu than a weekthe couple quanelkd orer tbe questionai to which should get tip first and itart;(he fire.




ft read? for it vltU a largo Block of nooAa ftJareolle Bporta, iadoillnj,'

Base Balls and Bats,

The Professional Dead Ball

Marbles- of all sorts,

Wagons of all kinds,

Jumping Ropes,and a great variety or

Wooden ToysI WELL 18 TBE USUAL LalWE 8T0CI



ill at prlcoB as low as tlisy can be lioutrltt *tany plaoo ID the coautry.

Hamburg Embroideries

TERHUNETFREEMANliare on ula one of the choicest Beioctlom


Ibat Ibe7 liave Mat ibown and itt prlcui full10tol5 per cent, lest tliaa a vcar ftgo.


Corsets and Ladies' Muslirnderwear

.nniiexct1lod,an<lattliclr DSD*1 low prii

NOTTINGHAM LACESin isti »ad bj tbejird.

Swiss Curtain Drapery, Scrim!mil all kfndi of

WINDOW HANGINGSin greftt rftrleij. Their slock of

Bleached and Brown Sheetingand Shirtings

ire being dftity replenlibed and at ioveilmarket prioua.

731 B110AD ST., NEVA1IK, N. J.



BEEMER & PALMERwill continue tlie baiineel a tlie Did etind,

d ndeayor to keep a Urge ttBOXtmout <i in bii line of trade, oonaiitlni of

COAL AND WOODScrtnton and Leiilgh of all lizoi; alao BI-

IBDJIDOUS Coal for bltcksmltlitng. Oord woodlived and wilt retdj lor age tlw*yi on baud.

Flag Stones I Curbing.Older* rooelved >dd oootrtod taken for Uj-

laf lidnnlti and letting curb, and all otherwork requiring Bias Stone irill be promptly

'MASONS* MATERIALS iHtrd ana P*lo Brick, CUna, Oetneot, Oal-

oinod FlaBter, Hair, Sire ami FrontBrick, HreOlajr. OrdartvUlbe

promptly filled t t t -o


Saw Mill.for hard wood lauber ont to any size and

length denred alnara on band.iW oocdl aeuoaed woodforsate.

AddnnLOOK BOX 18,




Belf-Abnie; aalou of Memory, TJnlycriti Lai-•Hade, Pain ID the Bach, Dimnoii of Tlilon,!»rematnre Old Age, and manf other diacuoahut lutd to Inpmitj or CoDsumptlon and a'romatnre Qnve,

EVAUoradvertlicmenti to rofanil raoner,whnn drwRlili from whom lha mcdldoo iaboagnt DO DOT RSFUKD, bat refer yon toHio mana(aoUir«n, and the reqairementi ate

ch that tbey am iioldom, II «rer, compiled1th. See their .written guarantee. A trial

of one aInB.6 package »r Qas't Spenaowlllconvince the moit akeptloul of Ita reil merit*.

On account nf ooaatcrfeltt. ire hare adoptedha Yellow Wrapper; tbe only gennino.

« 7 fall pirHcaiiri In oar pampblat, whlolieaealre to Bead tree br mail to everyone.aa- The BrwoiQa Medicine .• told by all

ruRslita at II per paokige, or ilx packicear 16, or will be icnt free by mall on tbe le-iot pf tbB monev. by addnnrlBRTHE QUAY MEDICINE CO.. Itr.ff&lo, N.Y.

Sold In Dover bj V, H. OaoDALE.

BSLI0U8MESS.Bilious sympttrau Invariably

rise from lndigtwHon, such asBirred tongut, vomiting ofJile, Rlddlnast, t5|fjc headache,rregular bow«l«, fbg liverlooretes the bile andaels Jlkj. niter or sieve, to c leame .n)rrarities of the blood. By Ir.

. igularity In i ts action or I U S -jenslons of Its funotlons, theJlle is liable to overflow Intohe blood, causing: Jaundice,allow complexion, y e l l o w

ayes, billons dlarrhooa, a lan-guid.-weary feeling and many-other distressing symptoms.Mlousness may be properlytermed an affection o f theIver, and can be thoroughly3iired by the grand regulatorof the liver and biliary organs,BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Aotupon the stomach, bowels andiver, making', healthy bile andpare blood, and opens the onl-erts and gluioeways for the

outlet of disease. So ldevety-whera s s d guaranteed to cure.

l o t tale br W~, Jf. OStQBALE.

STORE POB BENT,One of tin oldlst u d be« •tands id tie

lillige of Slanfaope for not,EaqDire of

W. H. 8TA0EH0U9E,fflta*?

MASON AND BUILDER,DOVEB, N. J. Contract* taken u i nitenalitamblud. BUmeuill Brick Work, Flaiterlagaod Jobbing promptly attended to. OrientaflttWilUu. II. fcater « i t o n will reoeim

urafulaad prompt aU«DtioD,

Freeman WoodjFIRS



D O V E R , TV. J.LeoailT authorised aseat of tbe follewlDE Brsl

elsaaeompaniea—taebeatlQ tbeworld!


OLOBE, Capita! S20,t»0,0M


Capital 810,O[M),O0C


Capital «10,O0O,O0C


Capital M,000,00C

EUDS0S 0 0 U N K , Jeraej City,

Ospital t8OO,U0CNorth Dritlili and Ueroantlle Iniiarinoe Co.

,1 LoDlim aod Eionbirgli; upltal 110,000,000.

Coinmerclal Unjon Agaarence Cempsn;Lonioiii capital «,000,000.

The Londoo Asstiruioe CorporationLondon, ospilal 15,800,000.

Springfield Firs Imraranoe Oo., Id&uaolsett , capital H.MO.OOO.

Westoheiter Fire Insaranoo Oompan;Ne» Tork, oftpllal »600.000.


ABHSTS, >3,60O.J0

OlKTll t

Freeman Wood,Juatie* of the Pti*c« tod Police Hfglitrite.

tUeCouutyof Jlords:Notice Is litreliy given >bi< on Bp]i

to me hy Sine Nolan, at ttiK Townniiipof JelrenaD.Iu tho Oounty of Morris, N. J., winclaims in uudlvklel one-thirJ p»rt or all tlntlitnotraclR nr pmcels tf kud. eitaata ID tinToffnihfp of JulTorsou. tu the (Jaunty of M<irrlitodStato of Now Jera*j,liciuuded autl ilcsurlbcd u follon*:

Bei IIK tho sawo two tmctg ol Uud irhlewoio set fit and aulgnad to thstild ZorvlalSpace {by tlionaraaaud description oTSopljScwnrj) oao of tho dinptitrm of Aurulii.SeffirJ, lato or tlio Torcnaliip ut JeffernoiaforcBSiJ, lUooAScd, by ComniiiBfoo>'r a]pa! ii tod by the Orpbiua- Court of tlio Cuunlof Morrle, to diiitlo the niid lauds among liclilldrcn ftnil boira atlatr.

THE FiasT TBAOT bCRftiDtntr et the first oonor ot lot No. 1 in mid dirUioii, thetioe (1)norlb twentj-two degrceii and thirty mlcutti*eait l-B-entj-twoclialnsaDii ton lluko; tlior-(2) north forty-eight (Ifuroes and farlj-fnilBUtent'Aattiilnion clialus loacornnrofHo. S; tbewf t9) ailocff a Una of lot Soeotilli lorttvlkro ot-trraes cost tvclru t-liaitlilrty llnhi to auotUor .corair of lot No, _iHence (4) south |V>] | f.-uine degrees ivpiteigbobnluannd tvn iiolis s ll* (p) aputb fortyo30(lear«ei went tlireo obaios ami ttiirty-dilitiki; tlieaoo (0) Durlli forir-fiioo ilngrui'and t>tij-Qxe ininittcn west flvo clinjuft an<Boventy-flvo links to tlio bagfnning, oaBUinin;ililrty-four vmm.

T B S BEcojii* TJIWT heinp at tb* mast aoutlin-ly eoruef of a tract #f thlrtj-sevtn aorea anttirculy-i'iBljt liundicdths or an acre, wWcli tba

ii) Atirilitm ^evaril purchtseil of Hubert-lorrif, bolDg tlie tuott toitberJy corner of lotNo. 3 ; tlioooo (1) iCBih «i(le«o dCKrces »DIrljlrly mltintci fist tirontT-BCVBH chaigi andiweiitj-flvellnki, ttienco loutb BJt'.VrflTodo-iteca and thirty pinatai weit tnnlytenajhsinB ami eighty links; tbent o north iitteendetrrcon east t.i.rtj-iocen obaiiiH aud ejgbtvItokt: thetico uotth elahly ilegreoi ei*t tovcachiiaa end ttvonty links to tbs botrlnniDg,cunl tilling fifty acres, an tbo laid tiro loti are[kicritjediuilio reliira of tbe Bald Oumrnia-Hiouerf, dit£d tforomber 0,1807, and now on|]lc ia tboSurro«»Uj'i office of tlie Mid Count?if Morris, putt at trtiiet. said land Is now

J-iweil witli water.Belt.* tbo aaniB promUes eon*«5«d in Tuon

Nohii.deoM, br (feed from ffm. 8(iK)« aninire.dBtodCceenibor IS, 1833. aud rocordedIn tliB Morris Couiitv Olerk'a Offlru, iu BooklB Horrii CouutvNBot Deeds, nnge 10,

Bat there Is t J be otoopted and dodnetsifrom tlie ibnro tlesorlbea trnati or land twol l t f tb b id T

, Acotoopted and dodnetsi)lba t t r ld to tlesorlbea trnati or land two

s unoTtyeil out of tbo same by slid ThomasNolan io Inn Ufa time; ono whereof was onn*pcjod to James L. Dlcaoraon. by deed dated\prll 10. 1804, and recorded in tba MorrisCouutv OlBrk's Offloe, In Book L B of Deadf,we* Wli *o., and containing 3 80-100 aorei.Tbe ottterof ulld Jots was coot-eyed lo MorrisSlojatov«.j7<lriQ' dated AprlflS, 18fl9, andecorded in ••*! (Clerk's Qffioe, In Book N 7 ot

Deodi, piRA (W, tad xwut^tbing 1 25400 aorei..I b a n oumlaalAd *• foflafp 0 9 ; Wlillm

E. Kine:aD<10bartei A.0iile10 dinde tbe acid t ru t i olimes or ptrta,AiidtlQle»i proparoJfljeotfonBare stateil to mo at my uffloe. In Us HiuonalUnion Bank Building, In tlie Uwn flf porer,in•aid Oonnty of Morns, on the tweniy.fonrtUday o( Maroh next, tbe said k. fattigu One,WillitmE, £>ng and Oharles A. aillan. will

en be appoinM OomralsBlonon to makejrtillonor tbawfrtlaix!, pannant to an act

entitled "An Mt for tUo more easy partitionof lands bold by qoparcenon, joint tenants and'"iianti In common."

Given nnfler m j band tble clclitoentli day olcbrmvry, ID (he year or nnr Lord, one lliott

tttUBninANL' n o o t i DIVISION.)Depots In Not? Vork, foot or Barclay St. aoc

fooCofOiiriitopliertit.HUUMEB AltBANGEMCNTfl,

iueuoiiigUONUAY,JUN£ IHili, 1B83LiiAVE NEW i 'UM.

AH.aOA. jit. {iiitnua Mail Tralu),con-aoetiot' with tliB liuuu.uii Uranuh at DtOTliielurxiuuutuu; tliu Ulioater Ifranoli atDovcrfor'''icoaauuiiaautlOlKiatcr; tho SaHHexBallroad

.Vaturlou, for Audovar.Sewton and allsta-rnu; tiieU.,L. & W. It. 11. at Waihlngton

Jorxn.uc, Binghatuton, Utica, JlmlifiofiJjprlngii, Hornet, OortlsoJ, 8yr»ou8e, OSRCKClud pulate on tbe L»ckuwmna *nd BlootueQaru tvuU DeUwarti uuil Uuilsuu Ittikokda4I10 at PbllUpib'ntg with pMul Yalltty Itall-roatf inil Lflhlgli *nd Suiduebinnsv RailroadTor fldhlobem, ^anoh'Cliinl.'.'Bojidinij mi

™*1tSogk. M. DlngliftiiiUplIsil (DrawingBoomOars«(«ohed)ItpmMejv Yorkrli.Ht-unon njdltepstpn.rBpB through to WaterJap, Dtroildsbars. aartDtOfi, Oreit Beadaid BiugkUBtoUt uoBnownc >l Ppver withJUoHtur itiitrotjl, i t W»H>rloo witli fluseeia*ilroid for Audovpr, Meffton apd all «ta-tlou8:»t Delaware vtth lii»iritoi.u By,, atdcraaton, with tAoomubatg UJVIIIOD for Pltts-vm, Kingston,, Dnvllle, North-uaibeiiand, i o . P»iiengetB UKlug thistialufrom Hew Sfork, Patersoa aiidBoontooem oDDoeot at Washington witli train for'liilliEBUiirg, Kaiton, Uetbleliem, Ulentoto,

Harrislturffand points on tbe Leb^b VtJley,»Dd Labigli BDII BusaQBhanDa llftilrsade: atPkllUpibQrft witb Uelvldsre Pif uiou or Fa. B.B.roriAmbsrtTUle.Trentonamirbiladelphlii.

jfio 0. 0 . Pieai,


Nursery and GreeoljoysesH9BMSiFO\HI, B, /.






Thorburn's Flower SeedsFOB S+LJB..


NOTIOB.Estate of Thomas Searles,

deceased.T>UHS0ANT to the ordsr of the Barrogate

of tbo County of Morris made on thotweDtj-flrit day of Jannirj. A.D. one thoasandeight liandrM >ud eisoty-fonr, notice Ii

1 i«n to a.1 geiiojw bavlng alaims"TbosiM Betrles, lite of, dMS*ased,to preioit tbt

sroe, nDder oath or tOrinatton, to tba nub-loribur, on or before tile InsMty-firat rlay of Oo-lobor aflxt.LwInfcnlne moitha from tin date ofiilt) order; tab any creditor neglectlDfr to bringo and exhibit oil or ber oUim, nndwottb orfflrraitlon, nlllitn tbe time ID mallei], ntll b*otvvor burred ot Ills or her actlou thereforgainst tho Administratrix.Dated the tffcaty-drst day of Jmnary A, D.&8i. MARGARET A. 8EABLE3,

' Atln.lniitn.IrlE,i, K. J .

for the working cl««i. SenttlCccnltfor poit&iia ftnd wa will mall 70ai n n , 1 royii, nlaable boi of umplaBOoJn tbtt will pat r°a In Utewax of

BTHIDHV in a\ fn* dftf • Itim arnn ntrsap

Ima or Is i n n tine opJf. T$t> jraiuUrtdaptrita both le^ti, rang keth sully urn tnm 111 tWDW | 7 H k.Thai all who want work mi* tatt tb*

tka this nnp*nli«led oSett U. ail11 ullMfled we wlUMnd II to piy ft. „ „ . _ _

If writing Dl. Full ptrtJDlMl, lllfMtll4UI, «tn\,tent free. Fortnatw wUl b* nadobr tbom wtn>

n their whole tim« to il» work. rOrtftt HODMI•Uolntelj inn . Don't diltj ; itartnow. AddrMI

m»»ON*Co.,IJoctUnd Vtint.

iban i»rSB our price. Thsfaiteit MlUntt bookD Amitrioi. Immenie proBU to agooti. All

_, | t H t Anj wo nao bf-ID Amnjrioa. Immenae proBts to ageoti.inteUJsent people want It. Any one oacctns_a •aoceiifal asant. Terai free,

PTIT17T1 ^d ilzoenU forpoit-U I / L sse.and reoeWe froe, aII I llVi ooitlynoxof jtoods whichl l l s U J U i will bain jon lo mote

money riobt iway tbtn anything «l«o ia tbiiorld'-Ail, of eTtber sei, ittaxwl from Jirat

ionr. s 31W broid road to fortnneopesi Ittonthe workfln, abtolntetj aure. At ones addreuCICI& Co., Angnita, Maine.

a week ftt horn*. tS ontflt free. PayabiplnUIy sun. No risk. Capital notreanttpa. Beader, if yon want bnal.

_ , acl»at wuTcti txrwni or either SBI,r ljonnir or old, can nfa^a xroat pay all tbeJne Ui«y work, with acioJoLe.cocUWj, write!« puUcnlars to H. B i u k r r tflD-.^ortWd,


dealen In Btovef, BMsei, Tlnwan, eto. Xr>erjrthiog new In tbeM linei cooatanily in itock.Firs ininr»ec«'rJilu 16 fbe bwt companlM.W. nTQD-f («; Itf)"1-—"



BOCEAWAT.BUDfl'S LAEX, LAKE HOP AT-CONO AKDBOHOOLBl'8 ll6cMTAIN.Tims Uhlefor pusenger trmlni, to taktefieol

NOV. 18th, 1883.PAISBKQW aiATioin:

Is Kiw Toss, foot of liberty et.. North rit<In Bftoott,™, (BrooklyE Bridgs Pier.)IK FHIUUKLCTU, depots 9th and Grecti, am

8d and Berlu fits.o r i au iM.

LEATEi .H. i . M. P. M, P.

New York 9 OO 4.1Brooklyn ( t Pulton i t . . . . . S.4B 8.8Q


s.ao9.050.OSB.BO 4.87

10.09 eaa- 7.63 lO.flfl O.10.. 8.0911.08 8.2fl.8.0911.13. 8 H 11.17 6.83. fl-23 ll.M t.16 fl.80. 8.29 11.80 4.10 6.1. 8.86 11.86 4.21 0.19. 8.4111.49 4.30 6.6. 8.U U.4i 4.BS 0 &. 8.60 11.50 4.38 7.0. B.6S 11.58 4.41 7.0

.. B.M 12.03 «.5a 7.1Oorer fl.O7 18.07 4.57 7^BookairaT Arrive fl.lS 12.15 S.OB ~ '

Pnupzunu .Gor.Sthand Qreen att.

" adandBerlaB "TrentonKemrkEliubetbBoundBrookHlgli BridgeOaRftiDTernoyMiddle TillerGerman Valler".ughright_^rtley....»FlandersOan't...DraUatriUeKemllFcrtOrauO

ft. U. k.X, A.K.P. K, f. H.Ueroaa Valley 7.103^011.354.1S 6.16Cherter Arrlre 7.80 8.4B 11M i.80 7.00

RoolawajDoverPort OramK l i

l . H. A . K . ? . K . P ,6.30 11.09 8.30 6.46.3013.07 8.88 6,6.89 12.11 a.88 5.6.1213.23 S.4S 6.


Ilidole Valley .•.7.7.1^r»r»yOslirmSigli Bridge ArrlvBonnd Brook "Sllstbetb "Sewuk ••

Tfeutsn "

Cor. StdanaBorka "" StbaDd Qre«n "

Ncwlork "

. 8.W 19,90 8.18 0.

. B.W 11.81 S.tS 0...«.M12.»JS.B£0.. 7.0012 441.00 6.. 7.07 1S.M 4.07 6.. 7.!*. 7.10. 7.S10 7.B8


4.H S.4<.ie 0.04.99 B:1.08 7.15 8S6.2S.17 D.07til 3,807.10 0.8

A.M. i .K . i . M.P. M,Obeuter 6.50 8.0S 11.00 8.69 0.01German Talley 7.05 8.20 11.10 4.00 0.11

Trsfnfl IcivoKoofil rnr nijnnixliik mrl UkHopilcouffatfi;00.1.11.; 12:25.0:10p.a. Fonil ulitioii! to Offdcn at 12:25 P. u.

Oouvejmoui can ba prncarcd at OenVallev to and from Schooler's MouutaiuFlanuors to and froiji pudij'a I<ake.

E C w O t l Ip d i j a I<ake.

EAITOS CoMtiioT/owji.—.Ooontotlon Is mit High Bndgfi to aod frtfm Eiiplon.J. B. VOOTTJBNJJOO. Haoagor.

fi. P . QATI1)WIW,0**D. EaBiorn Pass. A*0 . 0 , H*NOflO¥. Oen. Paw. * T'o'k Ag'

Drawing Boom Cant) Water Osp,nrff.SorHlon, BlngliiinituD, Oires?. Ithaw,faTcrly, £lmlr», Moant MorrlB and Buflalo,

AIBO flyraoo*e &nd Oiwego, oonneoilag atillDghimtoa for UUoa aad BloliSeld Spring).

At 10.1O A. M. Dover Aoootomodatlott.At MiiH> M. Kaaton itW P. M. Elmln Einnis, Drawing Uoain

Itraattaotiatl ram through to WaferU»p, Hirouda<burg, Soratotoa, Biaahamtan, Bjnwui* andOswtgo,oono«tlpg»tBortnfon wlti Lack, k BloomibargB,B,forWttito«,WromlDg,KliiBiton*ndWtUM.

irre. Fautngars taking tbli tralu from Hewirk. Pitman u d Oooaton can connect at \Vuh>

' i t a . M P . JI (Eartoa'Bx-


....ISB«rnardsvllle, Bftwlagridijii anil all point 1 on'tRsaie and Delaware Ballroad.) Olijtliim,btdisoii, Mirriitown, Morns PUlne. Danville,

Bocll»wayandDavor.At mo V, If. [HaokettstovD £xproiB)BtDp-ng at MHIim-n, Smnmit, Obatham, Hadisoo,

lorrlstown and d l itaMons west to HickettB-town,connoting at Waterloo with train oriuaoTer anil Newton.

r:Oop,M,OawDgaand Buffalo Ex. Iron. New'ark [ileaplng dariattBohnd) via, Palorsoa &

BooatoD turonclj to Water Gap, BtroudsburK,Soranton. Binanamton, IJsle, mrathon,ODrt-land, Homer, ojiaome and OIWDRO.

Lt Dlnghamton with train Tor flreene.Oiford,Karwlth, Diohflold SprlDRi, Ctloft, At. Thistrain ram throqgh to Oitrego Buflalo ind

1 1 leld Springs Ibut not to Ithaca) Sunday

.'ML'1- .", Aocomraodation for


GEOBGE E. VO0IIBEE8,(Suoeeesor to Vaorlioee Brothers)



rralni aniva ami deput from (hit ataUonu followa; <

ttBXBOTOD A, H. WUT BOtntD A.U.D.wegoKijroii' S.30 EutonMall CAS

- - - - - - ~ - "•"" Binith'ton Mail* 6i69ib ExprtM 10:2T

DfwegoEiproii B.38Dover Exprsai 7rfK)hokeltntoTOEip.7;fll

•»_ _* yn •••!• , D.JA

DofBrAeoom, 13:35Eaaton Expteia 3:00Elmtra Exprcas* S39E t £ E^!9


U. P.M.[9.17 7.000,17 6.520«7 O.«•.It l.«1.17 «.»8I.B5 e.soI.S0 I.3I


KilTWHDA.M. P.M8.00 8,50S.07 4.D08.12 4.108.17 4.288.20 4.&0

8.|S B.00

JOS. TORSrill politicly sell Stovci and bit foil li«- o'louse Farnliliing Goods at very nearly whatbey cost, for tbe purpose of rodnolng bU

Immomo atock before

His Removal, April 1st, 1884,the now IhtoMlory Brlcl Bolldlog, nUclila now eieotiDg, and wbloh will be Bpeeiall;

adaptel lo kli eodlea, nrletjr of good).Oppoiilo tbe Telegraph OfflM, aojolnlnglbfl ^f^ d l to ibepiiblio park,


0 to 90 dfcjl witbont spring trust or stopping>ork. refpudlen of ego or period of .diction,entilated ADdomlnal Bapporten br mill.

M O M moderate, AddrMi,BoiC3,8tanhopc,N.J.

Or call mt Prenob Boof floue, oppodte thePreabTterian Ofaorcn* , , SD-lr

THOS. JOHBTSON,v manafaetorer and dealer In

Knuuiti, Bedilnii, lluitli,»UllwDtllnUrbl«ana Oraalle. ill wort


Hextto Vutot ft Olark'a.Bhokwellalnal,Hunt. Ulial unpha recclnil dalli I • Paris,LDdan and Mev York raehloii plate* aTcrrtaoalbl BUIia>aillu,Ao^OBdiiloonlerwUaone daT'a notloet Ladiee' aud tzenta' JKU-Duotslltewdtatbelataatatjlo, OaJlanaareELT Ue Aiflo.Injll.1. nUcr.

H. COLEHAB, farsDirai.

Coleman Business College.707, 708,711 fc m BBOAD ST.,

OpDUlla Ceotre Harkat,HEWABK,

Beoelria alarglrLOOAI sn l SA 1SALpatrooage oombuied toao aaj otber L jmer-:!•! 6=h5ol io AmiriOS.

Tbe attendanae from SSHX and adjolalngjouutteili double tbat of aor home , r L "and It emplora mure tban doable Ibe tea

Write for tue dnea't sohoal oatalogne ereilaiaed,

OOLEHAH k tana, Proprietor,.


OYSTERS!mi BATJW.ES of sit klude iuppll«d X

"EMORY'S"Favorite Restaurant,

Warren S t , Dover, N. J.. E. VAN GILDER, Prop'r,

SMITH & ECKHART(fiticeesaon to Ire O. Ct


OoutrMta takuu aod materlala Airnlilied f.r


Offlse on Morris ttient, Deii to former IsoxE«i bnlUicg. Dow. N. J.


ARND ,SUSSEX St. GROCER,till maintains bis renutatiou for ltocplng full

and complete stocks of


Eltro Engine Oil,Tallov Ensine Oil,No. 1 Engine,Dark Eugin» Oil,Snenu Maohinary OilNo. 1 Maohloor; Oil,Dark Lubricating Oil,Bailroad Lubricator,Shafting Lnbricatot,lent Virginia Oil,

Oroitn'T^ool Oil,Stain"No.Steam

PROVISIONSj i j tjlao


StiiDgen vliltloa Dover are invJUd to cal| «nilxiralu n r goods. popDisr prfwi BlM|M>H0

tblD Uie n u . of taoss wboaenjeau »raii my ana asioriniBtit c t fillsly tbe matt oritlMl b NEW AIR.COMPK1SSOR.

HfQH SPEED. 110 io 200 HQHSE;BQWEf»,





Seeii anil Fer«lll«er»,



DENTIST,m us, ram™ STCSE,

N. J.







SIOBBI, Oatnm.OsFnax'B OODST.Io tba natter of tlio BRIQ of laid* of Alpbea,eemBr, dto'd, for tlio pijmont of lija debts.

3lFl<iaoefiDOr!k,nr tha Uorrla OonntjJ Orptana' (toftf, eilsrad lo tba abon

iuieamatter,OD tl)p Iblrd day of December183, we, E ecutorBof A|pbsii, Boemer, deo'il.

sltalisali s> pnlilio itclce at Ihe liotal or II. Idle;, 10 Eo«r, oo TDESDAI, tho elgtesnllilBj of Marotl. A. B. IBM. at Wo o'ctock

In th» antraoon, tbo toltawlm! Jeicrlbrt lot,orpatoelaot land and preialaa,, Hilb Ibo ap-parterjani.;, brtnB III. iame leicrlbsrl In tbo•aid ordor. ii.c „ |» „ , , t b 0 I B t l i n e | o l B „parade of laid and premlaei, situate ln IbolowmhijofRaiiilplpb, io tho bonntj of Uor-

insy, bonuded and da.

FlEBlLot-AlotoflanasltBaUlnllanilolpUlowmalp. aforiaaid, near tbe, u&-awanna k Weslem Ballroad Oar Bbop., EaitDover, wberaon aro ibre« lenail lioana, at-•'Ibid la a daed from Joi.pb Bcalea toJpluoi Boon™, dalod April attb, 180S, oon-

lalnljR aboal root aoria originally, oil o[•bM., .aid lieomBr convoyia one 101

- . h - ' "• -.r-«na.'BoeinBr by Seed

InBookOeolB.rf.paj.ny.V, H

,T«ra)> imr -ThB koaao and lot illmu onili aomh aide of Wukoell atree), in tbe aocaplBd bt jiarRaret L. Seemara store, pnrehaied br tin ,»U Alphooi

«""">fKoaeB Pnly bydeed dsted >ebrnarrt, 1SOT, >nd rtoordjj iq ino llorrla Countyerk'e UOoe lo Book N T ot Oseda, pass £a.nUlnlnk about imswaf f i sT ' ' '


Siototor.of A, BeeuBr.dee'd.SsledJannsTy Bab, 1&14,

MANSION HOTEL.A . J . TOLXtfH, . . . . F n p ' r

(Foavasr.i WUL. llaowx,)


Good BOeammodBtbmB for pannanant antfIratulinl boarders. OOOD 1ABIE. I « -rOBTED AND DOHKBT10 UqGOBS.wlHXS






DOVBR, N. J.l> offering tbe belt bargain, io bet line ot good! ever known In Ibla seotioa

in order io get rsidj {or ber


New Brick Block,wlere she iotendi to SIOTT the


isror seen ln Morris Comity, at prices to suit the timesEverybody should take Advantage of

this opportunity.



SEW JERSEY LEOAL TEST, 100° FL18H.'« • HAOH1NERI OIlS—We take plesaire In latrodnetn; to tba trade onr nriona jrade

of Uaobinery and otber Heavy Oils. These goods are manofaolnrad by ua at onr frorka, eon.aejoentlj WBgne ttain tbe beneSI of onr peraoiial enpBnlllon, and guarantee them to glT<

rfect BstUraotlDD, both in quality and pride, or nn Bale.Brick Pressed Oil,W. B, Bperm Oil,W. B. Whale Oil,Prime NeaWoot Oil,No. 1 Neatatoot Oil.

" Crown" Light Oomponnd"Faasaio" Dark OompoimRolling Mill Oreaso,AzIeQreaBfl,SDermSignaHHI,

a Heaflligbt OU, 160°, W. Strained Prime Lari OiNo. l lardOil ,W. Para Salad Oil,Prime While, 115",Oawltoe, 90», •Dark Car Oil,

nlesa Spindle OH Spenn Packing Oil, Gasoline, 88',1 Spindle Oil, , _ &tra PapWng 0il, . Painters' ofi.

a Headtipbt Oil, 150°,P. Water WWto Oil, 120°,W. White Cotton Seed OilW. Yellow Cotton Seed Oil,OneolinG, 88o,Gasoline,

U,D UM, u*ui« 4;upaiug i-rn, Painters' pi],neii Paualo Cylinder Oil, Doodoriiea MaplbM, all Qraritles.PTHttirastm O I L T A W KJ O I I i TAKTBDS. , .

•ikaEoutaai foxr P r e m l m u SfBLT&ty OH.!&• ALL OTO1 OILS QUABANTEED STRICTLY PORE. -®l


CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!The ODdeMlgned will lioro»fler dovota all IIIB time and attention to Iho OABPET bnilnen

Firct-olifiHworklQillklDdtiofvroa^nsiud tbe making of felt crpeta. Hioheat osah prtuptlil fcroH r«R». A lonjf ind eiteQBlve knawledgo ol the builoeBi o^blea me to d U bwork ana t i l l l I t

iud tbe making of felt crpeta. Hioheat osah prtuce knawledgo ol the builoeBi o^blea me to do Ui8 bes

T.. DOVER, (NE.UI D., L. 4 W. DEPOT.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tnbidar, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy with each.


T H E DOVER LUMBER Q<offers to builders t lo bost opportiiniHes in tlie pnriihsBe of LUMBERof overy grade and desnriptlon including LOW PJJICES and the greatadvantage of baring

Lumber Worked to Order>y machinery at the place whore it is purchased, greatly lessening th

cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Ourstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings^ of every description, and especial pains are taken'tp'riye'satlsilkction in every particular.

W». IT. tommlsw'j »nd Treei

I, W. Sia«l«), Oon'lM»r.#s«'.

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market 8t.,Jloinlng Pirat RBfQrraea OhnroL, SEWABK, K.Xnllre nToraga coat i>r Full Courao, Including Bnoks, Stationery, etc., S34 7S.EngroBBiDg and Oara WdliQg execntod in tlio lilf;beiit aljlo or art.'' ' v • ' " M. H T J L V E Y , A . M,. P r iuo lp i J ,

PBOF.JMQS ALtOWif. Penm... T V ^ " ? E B S U








deceased.BfiUANr ta tho ordor of tbo Barrogiteof tbo OOIIDIJ of Uorrii, m»do OD tbe

iinl dir ot March, A. D. ono thoaunr]ight kandred »nd olphly foor, ooUoe

bj sirou to &11 prrioai b»ins claltnijt tbo eaUto of JobD Otbom, Ute or

II Ccantr of Horni, (locotHrd, to preiont tbr•tine, nndero»ihor •fflrmiHon, to tho 10b-•otlberi, on or twforo the ihiiirl diy of(eiember next, belnfc nine moothi from lbsitaoruitiorderj u i l any creditor nitleot*

1 off lo bring ID and exhibit bia or her claim,QDclerotth or afflrmtttoD, within the time BOl i i t d , will be forever bured o( Us or her

lbenrnrisaloitlheBiMiitmisCited tbe third <Ur c* Itareb A. D.1884,


BFrannl olalma ta





"•10» t ta iBrT.eaaeB^dotkVrt ialC; ' ' '^

BRUBN&BUNNELL,•my, »r. *••

IHolt's Obi filM FBI!

vitb Iteel ohtvta &ad Oani.iln Bpraco tubingwhich ii taiteiena, Tbay give tlio Ijeat or BatiB-raotion. Tbsy »1BO key. Tn Htook " THE fiEWEMPIRE1' iiot-Air, O u and fiakto-liiirumgCooklDR Stove, tbo U i t baking stovu iu tbuworld, AUo, a largoamortmeut orother wtyleaof CooklQfiStovee, Ransofl. Parlor StovuH, Ao.,for BUMMEB ANB WINTER UKK. Also, aChoice stock of H4BDWABE, ODTLElllT,Olaii, WoQdon. Oopper, Plain toi JapannedTINWABE. Oil Ulottu, Carpom, Latupi.PalDti ftDdOiln.btrdCiigoB, FofttbutB.rnvtt'sAstral Oil (nou exploaivo.} Alao, (lertlcrs IuCO4L- Boonnji, Pliiniblnr nurt J<>1» MTorkpromptly atteiidtd to. Fiirlmiik'ii HcaliB atmaQufacturor'a iiricea. Tliey also liavo on«of tlio abarc Hcakia in trout of tlii'li' placo ofboiinoBB for public weiffbiuc. Old Iron, Cop-er, Draae, Lend, IUgi and GrtoubsckB tske

•« exchange for V W b MMZU,,

Alat), nwiuracliirGr, or Unnuoll's BelM'iglit-eulnB Win tiirlnu B«d JJoltom.

Another Solid and Very Inter,estiitg Fact About

A B.raDRor In Nuw Egypt was fnriuiiaio inBolting a barro! cf " OGUMEROE" wiiiehsamioil lilm to " oDtlmao" aa follows :PIBM IABK, NewEyypt, N. J., June 12,1833.

OBHXLB MILUSO Co,:flmTa:~DurInB the past 27 yesra I lnvu

isoil all tho prominent It ramie of F LOU It butjkve DGVor before fouml BO onIform a qualityis the "Cumiuorco," HO perfucily adapted toany kind of iiaetry and cautmig our no if;!) boreafter to oiolaim '* wlmt boautihil croamy wbllebniouit anrl tread J'DU nlwsja bavu anj suclian igrocabletaatc.

turn now nsiug my miaoaii Imrrol and wasfearful it would not provo agnoodris tbe otherbni It oanuot be •jxoulleil. Oar morebsut didnot know viurc it W*B raailo, but a circular ofyonn reroalg " Ua lioino." Every ounca of Itie all ilike. Ia tiie Brut effusions of a youngglrl'a affeotlQiia " it'a Jnat lovely."

We are strangers tn yon bat HUUQOII friendsof your "Ootnmorco" Float. I t Is a raiefor-*— (or any family to l>o without It.

JOHS B. MALLOEY,Qon't Uan'g'r Oakford Park.





St. A. Wllhlqaqn, p«i't,







for all klttdi of building!, «DA the oon»lmcUon

of buildings laperiatended,

Will be at bla office Iu Cover, 5(1 Floor


WEKK, from 0:30 k. v, to 6:80 r . M,

j aMthrtthtniflaUdtiM make preparation for an

hu, M^ » i M i Vr.g.jStiL

w A la tl-large dry good, .towgr iuPply of bHwAuaUbing good.'be geaerally curriw ttwugtut Z

year. The few itemi he few given to M

^ I W M f l t o f o t t r U a d i Uterett to thote of t tem -who &re boiu(orexpiMtiooiitobeJeTeii if rtuywe unfa" " l l b t o to the amjorftj of Uw iterner aex."—.aral eue i of & good rtnr.dard bnvnd ofunlaleaofaed rotaUu, inch tu la uaed for heavyibeeting, la sold at ..even centa a yatd, nadin «IB esme proportion, u regardt quality

friee, tlie yarioujwidtbgol alicetingmaybe bou^it, In bleached muslin his »took 1H

HO6Q at aiice to be ?ery large and roried,and tlie prices are without doubt low •whena brand of niiuUu wliich & few vtxika agosold for twelve cents may now ha purohjuedIn aiflull or large ixiiautUiei at ten centa.

Wo were mach surprised wltli the greatvftriety of qualities and patera,, digpUyed intable linens,.in article of which tbe thriftyjQuspltocpor ii always uot a little prouU.I'hc loom dkt is sold at twenty-two cent § ajiml und upwfu-d, which seHninly ahowaitself to lie of grtulCT value. The Gennanlinen begbflBt thirty-live routs lu price. TLiit

u liRuvitT linen, nnd a greater variety ofattcniB arc showii, 'Jlic daumak begins atirty-iivo ci-nlB ami finds at $1.35, aad haanrioiiH wiiltbn, (>ii,,]ltk-ii aiidiwtterag. 1hm

i«m to btj by far tli« bust Cor iictuitl sear oatbltidiitliH. 'I'hoTariotyofblcai'hwl lincitire at lartjo m nn- found ia nnj store in Newvitivy, wf itro iuftiriucd, mid ctrtainly tlmro

Hlioulil j-o (o New York JW Iier Jiueu. Tliejirioea vt tlio blciu-lied linuiHat Mr. Babbiti'srtmi nt forty etuis and nm to «l.B0 l-nr janl.Soiim of tli» better gnuies-that in, aboroa«votity-flvn r«m*—swtn iunru liko worlwrfirt tiiuu talilu dotlw. Kaiikiimure maile tonmloli tlio clotba, n» that if you were to pur-ibi.M« n table dutli witli it nqiiirrol irinkingiibout it u( n'culnr intL-rviiU, tbe proper eapern-oiild 1m to imvi' tins littlo BiiuiriulB frUkinjt«tioUt«nj.ntrnB].kliill.

Mr. Habbitt latoly liud ft whole sbovr win-uw in ihr front «,f bis etorc devutoa to llncunveiN iin-1 tlio Htaiiks riMiclnid from tiio floor> Ilii ci'iliuj;. Vet tbiB auiount of Hum»W€'1H were fully rejirt-scntad jit kit etook, lie wan tible tu furniBh dtnoiis withoutinlMforing witb tbo ,li»i)lay in the BIHW win-'uv. II« ban ]at«ly uildod to Ills nlreadytrgu Btock nf towels aud 1B fully prepared toictt tlto wiinlB of tbo many. Towels arould from eight centa coub to twelve ilollatsdiizuii. A gonii iirtii:le for uso muy be had

t eightoen cents wliich UHUoliy re tail a for a,uiirtcr, aud l(n;s«, henyy linen both O.W?lnro mild for twi!uty-fi\;e pent* cauh.Tbe Wunket* whioh ho no. Jargely ^dyp-.

Used, and which his tustonierH &d>fliae(lfor him, nm Rruittly reduced in nuant|(y a ^

Mr. Ilubbitt lakiid b^a ((upuul ijiy(in(ftry (^feliriittry iind uujore (li(i^ « W t trflflaiprei ^Ji\\i qiiluuyiir t<i sell hlu dptjss noods at agrout riidnction ruther thau curry (hemtbruugh tha summer. He Informs us thatalready tba reductions just mtvdo in manyiaBtnnccu thirty per cent, and more—have re-duced tho she of it good niimy pieces of dressgoods, wbilo of n large portion tho plnoo tbatonce know them aro filled by otber goodB.

G1O. MANN_ .'lies a oall from all hit friend! to bii plac

on CLINTON STREET, wborofot theirannmenthobas %

FINE POOL TABLEand % well fitted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYil new and in perfect order. Also, tba bei

LAGERS and (itbor drinks, and iho choiceSEGAIta All who fsTor mo with & cillwifind tkoraeehei agreeably enterlained anwell treated. QEO. MANN



opp. Mollcri Opor* Hume.







Notice of Settlement.Notice Ii bercbr giTen thnt the acconu'i ofte lahicribor, AdroinU.ratar of Irt, C

Jooner, deceased, will bo auihteil audut&u,,by jbtf Barrogate, ndreported Tot lottlnmeatto the OqibaDi' Court or tbe Conatr of Mar-rii, oaUondtythe #«fenth daj o( April noit.


- A S D -


831 BROAD St.

l lBOEffl AMD IB8T 6T00K In 0.6 BlaU.

Isaac N. Doty & Co,,NEWARK, N, J.



SALE.Ladies desiring to avail

themselves of the extraor-dinary values wo are nowgiving in DRESS SILKSshould, lose no time o,s th(s|Is an opportunity that willnot again occur lor a longtime to come.

BLACK, COLORED ANDSUMMED SILKS for lessthan cost of manufacture.


159 & 161 Dfarket St.,

Newark, N. 3,


Tbe snbicribcr mil lell at Pabllo Anotlon,between MILU1BOOK aad WAL1SOT onOVE,

TUESDAY, March 18th,18P1, a HQUHO, Lot and Barn, all in Rood con-(titiQH. The bonso i i a tbree-»tory bnildiuff IIbo lot contains 8 A0IIE9 OF LAND, and thubarn U nlmoat uow. Sale to commence Kt Ho'clock P.M. ibarp.

I will alBo BBlltl Tublic Anatioo, betweenMt. Freedom and' l :<1-" '

WEDNESDAY, MARCH gfitl),18fii, tho following named coods I

2 Cows, 1 Horse. Wagons,1 Buggy, Harness,

- —JJ, OaTS. *<>. Al.oa lotoIHODSBBOU)ana KITOniiN IlJIIlilTLKE. S.I. U mm-m»nc>. ai 1 o'clotk r . a. Ir Ho abo»o daja

v« Bloimr, tl.i m , Ml tata plac lbs nulday. Conditions maao known on u»T or


WI. S. WRIGHTI&I removed his office to tlio gtoro of 0. H.

D&EE9E, Ho. 3 Brick Block.

Mathushek Pianos,ESTEY ORGANS,

i cap foi cih, nr insialmEDtit, BO flonti pek will buy tt now otgan.

Notice of Settlement.JOBJB honbr jinn Uat tho aeconnls of

... jnbacrlbjra Eiecnton ani Trnteci oftbeeatatoDfWUliam H.Diker.deeeaaed wiltbe andllra and alatedbj Ibe borroiata andriportrf fcr a.ltUn»nl jo Iba O^ffijSonrtot the Ootnl, of llorria, on HorTdu U» "tlhdaj of llay BOX,. •



J?<l!J3lsBrriiaUBi CBmoH SUILD-SO.JOTCB, H.I. jJIUadiofoafpelwaar-ln«amU,,l,1,don.lnH.talnaaa.r UKa SutM or s l a O U R on haul he tab.

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