
Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report

Semi-Annual Report No. 4

Loan/Grant Number: L2851 NEP/G0284 NEP July-December, 2016

Nepal: Integrated Urban Development Project

Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not

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nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or

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Government of Nepal Asian Development Bank

Ministry of Urban Development

Department of Urban Development and Building Construction

IUDP, Project Coordination Office


Loan/Grant Number(s): L2851-NEP; G0284-NEP


(July-December, 2016)

January, 2017

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development BankBoQ Bill of QuantityCBR California Bearing RationDCP Dynamic Cone PenetrationDSC Design and Supervision ConsultantDUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building ConstructionDWSMB Dharan Water Supply Management BoardEA Executing AgencyEARF Environmental Assessment and Review FrameworkEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentEMP Environmental Management PlanGESI Gender Equality and Social InclusionGoN Government of NepalGRC Grievance Redress CommitteeGRM Grievance Redress MechanismIEE Initial Environmental ExaminationIUDP Integrated Urban Development ProjectMoSTE Ministry of Science, Technology and EnvironmentMoUD Ministry of Urban DevelopmentMPMC Municipal Project Management CommitteeNGO Non-Government OrganizationOHS Occupational Health and SafetyPCO Project Coordination OfficePAM Project Administration ManualPMSC Project Management Support ConsultantPIU Project Implementation UnitPPTA Project Preparation Technical AssistanceREA Rapid Environmental AssessmentRF Resettlement FrameworkRP Resettlement PlanSLF Sanitary LandfillSMC Sub-metropolitan CitySMR Safeguard Monitoring ReportSWM Solid Waste ManagementToR Terms of ReferenceVDC Village Development Committee

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017

Table of Content1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1

2 Description of Sub-projects....................................................................................................... 1

3 Purpose of Report..................................................................................................................... 2

4 Environmental Category of the Project...................................................................................... 3

5 Environmental Safeguards Implementation Arrangements ....................................................... 4

6 Overall Project Progress Status ................................................................................................ 5

7 Environmental Safeguard Compliance Status........................................................................... 7

8 Compliance on Environmental Safeguards During Construction ............................................... 8

9 Monitoring and Reporting System on Environmental Safeguard ............................................... 9

10 Major Project Issues ................................................................................................................. 9

11 Conclusion and Recommendation ........................................................................................... 9

List of FigureFigure1: Project Municipalities

List of TablesTable 1: Compliance Status with Environmental Loan CovenantsTable 2: National Statutory Environmental RequirementsTable 3: Physical Progress Status of SubprojectsTable 4: Status of Environmental AssessmentTable 5: Municipality Wise Provisional Cost for Environmental MitigationTable 6: Remaining Input of Environmental Safeguard Expert of all DSC

AnnexesAnnex-I : PhotographsAnnex-II : Meeting MinutesAnnex-III : Status of Environmental Safeguards During Planning and Implementation StageAnnex-IV : Environmental Monitoring Format,

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


1 Introduction

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP) is funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) andGovernment of Nepal in four Municipalities/SMC in order to develop the urban environmentalinfrastructures. These four municipalities/SMC are: Nepalgunj SMC, Siddharthanagar Municipality,Janakpur SMC and Dharan SMC. The project cost is $ 83.87 millions. The project started from July2012 and will end in June 2017.

The project provides the population in the municipalities/SMC of Nepalgunj, Siddharthanagar,Janakpur and Dharan with better access to municipal infrastructure and services in a sociallyinclusive manner. In accordance with the priorities of each municipality/SMC, integrated urbanenvironmental improvements, including drainage systems, solid waste management (SWM)facilities, and urban roads, will be implemented in Nepalgunj, Siddharthanagar and Janakpurmunicipalities/SMC. A water supply development subproject will be implemented in Dharan SMC.The project will also undertake community development programs (CDP), focusing primarily onpoverty pockets in the municipalities/SMC and communities that may not benefit directly from majorinfrastructure improvement subprojects. Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) will bemainstreamed in all subprojects in the municipalities/SMC, and the capacity to address GESI in theMinistry of Urban Development (MoUD) strengthened by establishing an appropriate institutionalstructure and mechanisms for GESI mainstreaming.

2 Description of Sub-projects

Nepalgunj SMC• 60.051 km new storm water drainage, 12.62 natural water course, 13.206 primary drain,

11.032 secondary drain, 7.038 tertiary drain, and 16.155 road side drain• 8.09 km urban road construction and Improvement• Integrated solid waste management with sanitary landfill site• Community development program and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion

Siddharthanagar Municipality

• 42.742 km new storm water drainage, 11.295 primary drain, 8.03 secondary drain, 2.159tertiary drain, and 20.628 road side drain

• 10.36 km urban road construction and improvement• Integrated solid waste management with sanitary landfill site• Community development program and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion

Janakpur SMC

• 31.08 km new storm water drainage• 9.29 km road construction and improvement• Integrated solid waste management with sanitary landfill site• Community development program and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion

Dharan SMC

• 375 km water supply construction, improvement and expansion• 7 new tube wells construction• Dharan water supply management board (DWSMB) formation for operation and

maintenance• Community development program and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


Figure1: Project Municipalities/SMC (Nepalgunj, Siddharthanagar, Janakpur and Dharan)

3 Purpose of Report

As defined in the environmental requirements semiannual environmental safeguard reports have tobe prepared and submitted to ADB. The semiannual environmental safeguard report prepared forthe project covering the period from July to December 2016.

The following covenants to the financing agreement with ADB be complied with during design andimplementation stage.Table 1: Compliance Status with Environmental Loan Covenants

List scheduleand paragraphnumber ofLoanAgreement

Covenant Status ofCompliance


Schedule 5,Para 3

The Beneficiary shall ensure or cause MOUD to ensure thatthe preparation, design, construction, implementation,operation and decommissioning of the Project, eachSubproject and all Project facilities comply with (a) allapplicable laws and regulations of the Beneficiary relating toenvironment, health and safety; (b) the EnvironmentalSafeguards; (c) the EARF, for Subproject under Part 2 of theProject; and (d) all measures and requirements set forth in therespective IEE, the EMP, and any corrective or preventativeactions set forth in a Safeguards Monitoring Report.

Complied with/Being compliedwith. These arethe part ofsubprojectappraisal report.

Schedule 5,Para 7

The Beneficiary shall make available or cause MOUD to makeavailable necessary budgetary and human resources to fullyimplement the EMP, the RP and any indigenous peoples’ plan.

Complied with.






Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


Schedule 5,Para 8a to 8e

The Beneficiary shall ensure or cause MOUD to ensure thatall bidding documents and contracts for Works containprovisions that require contractors to.(a) comply with the measures relevant to the contractor setforth in the IEE, the EMP, the RP and any indigenous peoples’plan (to the extent they concern impacts on affected peopleduring construction), and any corrective or preventativeactions set forth in a Safeguards Monitoring Report;

Complied/beingcomplied with.Provision ismade in biddingdocuments andcontracts forworks.

(b) make available a budget for all such environmental andsocial measures;

Complied/beingcomplied with.Provision ismade in biddingdocuments andcontracts forworks.

(c) provide the Beneficiary with a written notice of anyunanticipated environmental, resettlement or indigenouspeoples risks or impacts that arise during construction,implementation or operation of the Project that were notconsidered in the IEE, the EMP, the RP or any indigenouspeoples’ plan;

Complied/beingcomplied with.Will be followed.

Schedule 5,Para 9a to 9 c

The Beneficiary shall do the following or cause MOUD to dothe following:(a) submit semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Reports toADB and disclose relevant information from such reports toaffected persons promptly upon submission;

Complied with/being compliedwith.

(b) if any unanticipated environmental and/or social risks andimpacts arise during construction, implementation or operationof the Project that were not considered in the IEE, the EMP,the RP or any indigenous peoples’ plan, promptly inform ADBof the occurrences of such risks or impacts, with detaileddescription of the event and proposed corrective action plan;and

Compliedwith/Beingcomplied with.Will be followed.

(c) report any actual or potential breach of compliancewith the measures and requirements set forth in theEMP, the RP or any indigenous peoples’ plan promptlyafter becoming aware of the breach.

Will befollowed.

4 Environmental Category of the Project

According the ADB safeguard policy statement the project is classified as category B with respect toenvironment. As per legislation of Nepal, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is required forwater supply, storm water drainage and road subprojects, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)is required for solid waste management.

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


Table 2: National Statutory Environmental RequirementsNo. Sub-Project Name Statutory Environmental

Requirements1 Nepalgunj SMC

Solid Waste Management EIAStorm water drainage and Road IEE

2 Siddharthanagar MunicipalitySolid Waste Management EIAStorm water drainage and Road IEE

3 Janakupur SMCSolid Waste Management EIAStorm water drainage and Road IEE

4 Dharan SMCWater Supply IEE

5 Environmental Safeguards Implementation Arrangements

The following are institutional roles and responsibilities to ensure IEE, EIA and EMPs areimplemented during design and implementation stages.

Project Coordination Office (PCO): The PCO, with assistance from the project management supportconsultant is to:

• confirm IEEs/EMPs are updated based on detailed designs• confirm EMPs are included in the bidding documents and civil works contracts;• ensure contractor EMPs are prepared by contractors prior to construction and endorsed by

PIUs;• establish a system to monitor environmental safeguards of the project including monitoring

the indicators set out in the monitoring plan of the EMP;• facilitate and confirm overall compliance with all Government rules and obtain all required

environmental clearances and any other environmental permits prior to contract award;• supervise and provide guidance to the PIUs to properly carry out environmental monitoring

and reporting;• review, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness with which the EMPs are implemented, and

recommend necessary corrective actions to be taken as necessary;• consolidate quarterly environmental monitoring reports from PIUs and submit semi-annual

environmental monitoring report to ADB;• ensure timely disclosure of final IEE/EMPs in locations and form accessible to the public,• address, record and report on any grievances brought about through the Grievance Redress

Mechanism in a timely manner as per the IEE/EIAs.

Project Implementation Units (PIUs): The four PIUs in Nepalgunj, Siddharthanagar, Janakpur andDharan, with the assistance of design supervision consultants, are to:

• ensure the draft IEE/EMP prepared during the feasibility study is updated during detaileddesign stage, where necessary;

• ensure EMPs are included in bidding documents and civil works contracts;

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


• ensure overall compliance with all Government rules and obtain all required environmentalclearances as well as any other environmental permits prior to contract award;

• oversee implementation of EMPs including environmental monitoring;• take corrective actions when necessary to ensure no major environmental impacts;• submit quarterly environmental monitoring reports to the PCO, and;• address any grievances brought about through the Grievance Redress Mechanism in a

timely manner as per the IEE/EIAs.

Regarding institutional arrangement, Grievance Redress Committees (GRCs) have been formed inall four municipalities to address overall safeguard related issues (environment, social andresettlement).

6 Overall Project Progress Status

Table 3: Physical Progress Status of SubprojectsNo.

Sub-Project Name Progress Status

1 Nepalgunj SMCStorm water drainageand Road

Contract awarded to CTCE - Kalika Construction JV on December17, 2014.Construction of about 59.391 km (60.051) of storm water drain ;12.62 km (12.62) natural water course, 13.206 km (13.206) primarydrain, 11.032 km(11.032) secondary drain, 6.718 km (7.038) tertiarydrain, 15.815 km (16.155) road side drain and 7.72 km (8.09) urbanroad (Asphalt) has been completed. Overall, about 99% ofconstruction work is completed.IEE report approved by MoUD on August 9, 2015 .and uploaded inproject’s website. Approved IEE report submitted to ADB.

Solid wastemanagement withsanitary landfill sitedevelopment

Land acquisition: 12.5 Bigha (8.47 ha) Private Land/ Ward -7,Hirminiya VDC procured on May 23, 2013.Contract agreement signed with RAMKY-NANC JV on June13,2016.Joint topographical survey of landfill site and its approach road iscompleted. Construction work commenced at Sanitary Landfill site.Revised EIA report submitted to MoUD for approval process.

2 Siddharthanagar MunicipalityStorm water drainageand Road

Contract awarded to M/S China Guangzhou-Sharma & Co. Pvt. LtdJV, Sitapaila, Kathmandu, Nepal on December 15, 2014.

About 33.113 km (43.07km); 9.568 km (11.295) primary drain, 5.348km (6.289) secondary drain, 0.467 km (4.858) tertiary drain and17.73 km (20.628) road side drain is completed. About 6.377 km(10.36km) of asphalt concrete work is completed under urban roadwork. About 81.24% of total construction works has been completed.

IEE report approved by MoUD on August 9, 2015, and uploaded inproject website Approved IEE report submitted to ADB

Solid wastemanagement withsanitary landfill sitedevelopment

Land acquisition: 6 Bigha (4.06ha) Private Land/ Ward -8, PatkhauliVDC. The municipality received the ownership of land on 29 June,2012.

Contract awarded to M/S UPLEEL-NANC JV on April 18, 2016.Contractor was mobilised from May 20, 2016. Work not yet

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


No Sub-Project Name Progress Status

commenced. Dialogue continued with local people who areobstructing contractor to start construction work of sanitary landfill.EIA report is submitted to MoPE through MoUD and is in the finalstage of approval.

3 Janakpur SMCStorm water drainageand Road

Contract awarded to ZIEC-Sharma JV on December 23, 2015.About 17 % of construction works completed.

• Laying of 6.565 km out of 11.362 km of NP3 RCC pipes of 500-

1200 mm dia is completed.

• Installation of machine for RCC pipe (NP2) at camp site office is

completed and commercial production started, about 685m (400-

600 mm dia) of RCC pipe casted.

IEE report submitted to MoUD for approval.

Solid wastemanagement withsanitary landfill sitedevelopment

Alternative site has been identified at Bhoyal, JSMC-18 owned byGuthi Trust. DSC has been instructed to prepare final detaileddesign report of integrated solid waste management includingsanitary landfill.

4 Dharan MunicipalityWater supply Contract agreement signed with Tianjian and Tundi JV on March 25,

2015. Contractor mobilized from July 15, 2015.Physical progress of water supply construction work is Physical

progress: 55.68%.

.IEE of rehabilitation, extension and development of Dharan watersupply sub-project is approved by MoUD on October 6, 2016Resettlement Plan submitted to ADB.• Production well: Drilling work of production well no. 4 at Udaya

community forest completed, development work and pressure test


• A total of 245.40 km of 375 km; 23.336 km DI (200-400 mm Φ )

transmission and distribution, 222.132 km of HDPE (63-225 mm

Φ ) distribution and 0.848 km of GI pipe laying work is completed.

• Railway distribution system RVT (500 cum): RCC work

completed, plaster and water proofing works completed.

• Phushre distribution system RVT (500 cum): RCC work

completed. Plaster work ongoing.

• Pindeswor distribution system RVT (900 cum): RCC work


• OHT (200 cum) for backwash of RSF: RCC work completed.

• Phushre operator house: Plaster work ongoing.

• Pindeswor guard house: Finishing work ongoing.

• Flocculation tank: Concreting work of baffle wall is ongoing.

• Sump well generator house (Udaya community forest): Booster

pump is installed and painting work ongoing.

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


No Sub-Project Name Progress Status

• House connection and interconnection works: Ongoing in both

Railway and Pindeswor distribution systems.

• Reinstatement of surface pavement work: Base, prime coating

and asphalt concreting ongoing.

7 Environmental Safeguard Compliance Status

Progress status of preparation of environmental assessment till December 30, 2016 for thesubprojects is presented in the following table.

Table 4: Status of Environmental AssessmentNo. Subproject


screeningTOR/EIA/IEE Status GRC is


1 Nepalgunj SMC

Solid WasteManagement

Carried out Scoping and ToR for EIA studyapproved by MoSTE onDecember 11, 2014,EIA report submitted toMoPE through MoUD forapproval.

Yes Publichearing was

held on Poush2, 2072.

Storm waterdrainage, andRoad

Carried out IEE report approved by MoUDon August 9, 2015 .anduploaded in project’s website.Approved IEE report submittedto ADB.

2 Siddharthanagar Municipality

Solid WasteManagement

Carried out Scoping and ToR for EIA studyapproved by MoSTE onDecember 26, 2014,Revised EIA reportsubmitted to MoPE throughMoUD for approval.

Yes Public hearingwas held on

April 17,2015.

Storm waterdrainage, andRoad

Carried out IEE report approved by MoUDon August 9, 2015 .anduploaded in project’s website.Approved IEE report submittedto ADB.

3 Janakpur SMC

Solid WasteManagement

Carried out Alternative site for sanitarylandfill site identified and beingfinalized.


Storm waterdrainage andRoad

Carried out IEE report submitted to MoUDfor approval

4 Dharan SMC

Water Supply Carried out IEE report approved onOctober 6, 2016


Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


8 Compliance on Environmental Safeguards during Construction

Construction works of Storm Water Drainage and Road almost completed in Nepalgunj, andconstruction work ongoing in Siddharthanagar and Janakpur. Water supply work at Dharan isongoing. Solid waste management and land fill site construction in Nepalgunj and Siddharthanagaris just started. Joint topographical survey of landfill site and its approach road is completed inNepalgunj. At Siddharthanagar yet to be started due to obstruction by local people of land fill site.

A meeting was held at PCO on November 11, 2016 on environmental safeguard status and relatedissues of ongoing sub-projects of IUDP. It was participated by PD/PCO, DPDs/PCO, Mr. PadamBahadur Chand/ADB staff consultant, TL/PMSC and Environmental expert/PMSC.

During field visit on November in Siddharthanagar, it is found inadequate supply of OHS. Thecontractor has been suggested to supply sufficient number of the safety gears and first aid withrequired medicines in all work sites. The Contractor was strongly advised to compel the workers touse protective clothing during work hours for their safety. Relocation and reinstatement of drinkingwater pipeline, shifting of electric poles etc are provisioned in BoQ and being done along thecorridor.

Dharan SMC has followed good practice of OHS, but OHS to be improved by Janakpur,Siddharthanagar and Nepalgunj municipality/SMC due to inadequate supply of safety tools (Helmet,Boots, Globes, Jacket, First aid tool kits).Implementation of EMP is not found fully followed.Contractors have submitted environmental monitoring report by checklist, attached in Annex-IV.

EMPs are incorporated into the bidding and contract documents. Contract Clauses onEnvironmental protection are included in contract document as well. Environmental mitigation andenhancement measures are incorporated in bill of quantities. Municipality/sub-project wiseprovisional cost for environmental mitigation is presented in the following table.

Table 5: Municipality Wise Provisional Cost for Environmental MitigationNo. Sub-project Name Provisional cost for



1 Nepalgunj SMC

Storm water drainage and Road 3,298,500 (Include plantation work, Trafficmanagement, drainage outletmanagement, OHS, and Airwater quality test.)

Solid Waste Management 3,427,075

2 Siddharthanagar Municipality

Storm water drainage and Road 2,630,585 (Include plantation work, Trafficmanagement, drainage outletmanagement, OHS, and Airwater quality test.)

Solid Waste Management 7,441,939

3 Janakpur SMC

Storm water drainage and Road 1,250,000

Solid Waste Management4 Dharan SMC 17,995,000 With compensatory tree


Source: Contract document of relevant municipalities.

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


9 Monitoring and Reporting System on Environmental Safeguard

Regular compliance monitoring has been not done by DSC safeguard Expert due to completion ofinput of Experts. The remaining input of DSC environmental Safeguard expert has been given inTable 6. Semiannual report is submitted to ADB regularly, but municipality yet to be submittedquarterly environmental monitoring reports to the PCO. Due to the lack of regular quarterlyenvironmental monitoring report from municipalities, semiannual report could not address allinformation.Table 6: Remaining Input of Environmental Safeguard Expert of all DSCNo. Sub-project Name Responsible personnel

for Environmentalsafeguard


ConsumedInput uptoNovember,2016


1 Nepalgunj SMC S.K Pandit 18.5 16 Replacementprocess

2 SiddharthanagarMunicipality

R.K. Sah 18 18

3 Janakupur SMC Mahesh Bhattarai 18 13.644 Dharan SMC Subodh Sharma 6 5.85

Source: Monthly progress report of December, 2016, IUDP.

10 Major Project Issues

The input of Environmental Safeguard Expert of all DSC has been almost completed. IEE report ondrainage and road construction of Janakpur and EIA report of solid waste management ofNepalgunj,Siddharthanagar and Janakpur yet to be approved.

At Siddharthanagar, construction work of landfill site is obstructed by local people. Close monitoringand additional enhancement program are needed to be launched for local residence in the land fillsite. At Nepalgunj also close monitoring is required during construction of landfill site.

Occupational health and safety measures have been found good at Dharan SMC, but partiallysatisfactory in Janakpur, Siddharthanagar and Nepalgunj municipality/SMC. To bring positivechange in this regard, corrective action plan is required.

The Contractor has stockpiled materials such as aggregates, sand, cement, steel and bricks atvarious work sites. However, the stockpiling of materials needs good planning to avoid obstructionto construction works and provide ease for traffic flow. Recommendation was made on properplanning of stockyard and piling of construction material with proper coverage to avoid surfacerunoffs.

11 Conclusion and Recommendation

The Contractor’s compliance towards environmental management has been rated good in DharanSMC other are fair. No accident and incident were registered. All concern stakeholders shall betrained on environmental issues to reduce adverse impacts related with the construction activities.

Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)Semi-annual Environmental Safeguard Report January, 2017


The followings are recommendations made based on progress status:

• Further work to be taken up in the next reporting period will focus on approval of IEE report ofJanakpur Storm water drainage and road and approval of EIA report of Solid wastemanagement and land fill site construction in Nepalgunj and Siddharthanagar.

• The input of Environmental Safeguard Expert of all DSC has been almost completed it need toincrease in Nepalgunj, Siddharthnagar, Dharan.

• Occupational health and safety measures have been found good at Dharan SMC, but partiallysatisfactory in Janakpur, Siddharthanagar and Nepalgunj municipality/SMC.

• Close monitoring and additional enhancement program to be launched for local residence inthe land fill site of Siddharthanagr municipality.

• Quarterly environmental monitoring report to be submitted regularly to PCO.



Annex-I Photographs

Temporary crossing for pedestrian place byContractor, Dharan SMC

Sumpwell,Uday Community Forest Area

Brick Masonry manhole, Janakpur SMC Box Culvert at Gallamandi Road of LGDN NalaAlignment, Siddharthanagar

Laying of RCC NP3 Hume pipes, JanakpurSMC

Phusre RVT Concrete work, Dharan SMC

Cleaning Road after pipe laying work , Dharan Joint Survey for demarcation of fence boundary lineof SLF site, Nepalgunj

JBKN Nala, Rectangular Brick Masonry Workat CH 0+120, Siddharthanagar

Transmission main pipe laying, Dharan

SLF Site: Discussion and Meeting with locals and start of joint survey work, Siddharthanagar


Meeting Minutes



Status of Environmental Safeguards during Planning and Implementation Stage

Annex 3

page 1of 2

Name of the Project: Integrated Urban Development Project Reporting period: Dec-16

S. No. Name of Project or Subproject


screening is carried

out? (Yes or No)


category of

the project /




prepared (if




with EMP is



ADB approved

EIA/IEE with


(Yes / Under

Review / Not

Yet Due/Over



approved EIA/IEE

with EMP

(Yes / Under Review

/ Not Yet Submitted)


monitoring and





GRC is









EMP cost in


document is

included in BOQ

as an individual

item (Yes/No)


1 Nepalgunj SMC

Solid Waste Management Yes B/C Yes Scoping andToR approved

and EIAprepared andsubmitted to


Yes Submitted forapproval

No Yes Yes Yes

Stormwater Drainage and Road Yes B/C Yes Yes Yes Approved No Yes Yes Yes

2 Siddharthanagar Municipality

Solid Waste Management Yes B/C Yes Scoping andToR approved

and EIAprepared andsubmitted to

Yes Submitted forapproval

No Yes Yes Yes

Status of Environmental Safeguards During Planning Stage

submitted toMoPE

Stormwater Drainage and Road Yes B/C Yes Yes Yes Approved No Yes Yes Yes

3 JanakpurSMC

Solid Waste Management Yes B/C Yes Scoping andToR in


Not Yet Due Not Yet Submitted No Yes Yes Not Yet Due

Stormwater Drainage and Road Yes B/C Yes IEE submittedto MoUD for


Submitted Submitted forapproval

No Yes Yes Yes

4 Dharan SMC

Water Supply Yes B/C Yes Yes Submitted Approved No Yes Yes Yes

Note: EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment; IEE- Initial Environmental Examination; DDR- Due Diligence Report; EMP- Environmental Management Plan;

GRC- Grievance Redress Committee; BOQ- Bill of Quantity

Annex 3

Page 2 of 2

Name of Project: Integrated Urban Development Project Reporting period: Dec-16

Quarry Operation

and restoration





Safety Gears

are sufficient

and used (Y/N)





Labor and work

camps are healthy

and have sanitary

facilities (Y/N)


Structure 1


Structure 2

1 Nepalgunj SMC

Solid Waste Management Contract awarded on 13 June 2016, work yet to be started

Stormwater Drainage and Road

95% 0 90% NA N NA NA N


adequate Y




pole to be

reinstated Y Y/not regular

2 Siddharthanagar Municipality

Solid Waste Management Contract awarded on 18 April 2016, Survey work started

Stormwater Drainage and Road

90% 0 70% NA N N


adequate Y




pole to be

reinstated Y Y/not regular

3 Janakpur SMC

Solid Waste Management Alternative site has been identified at Bhoyal, JSMC-18 owned by Guthi Trust

Stormwater Drainage and Road 60% 0 45.00 NA N NA NA N Y Y Y Y N

4 Dharan SMC

Water Supply 95% 0 NA NA N N Y Y Y Y Y/not regular

Progress status and issues in brief:

Others as

per EMP






Others as

per EMP




reporting is




Nos of



No of



Community structures are

compensated / reconstructed

(progress in % of total estimated

Status of Environmental Safeguards During Implementation Stage

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan*

Physical Socio-economic


No.Name of Subproject

Spoil Management

compliance in %)**


protection with


(compliance in %)**



(compliance in


Others as per EMP

(specify)/ Safety sign

Occupational Health and SafetyFirewood

is used for





No of






Plans are




ed (Y/N)



Progress status and issues in brief:


Environmental Monitoring Checklist submitted by Contractor

Annex- IV

Monitoring ChecklistName contractor:- TIANJIN TINDI JV Contract No:- IUDP/W/DHN/ICB-01 FOR THE MONTH OF :- October,2016Name of DSC:- Building Design Authority Pvt. Ltd.(insert sign , or scale where applicable)Projectstage

Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC Remarks

Preparation forconstruction

Indicate in1-5 scale(1=Low)

Indicate in1-5 scale(1=Low)

Compliance(C);NonCompliance(NC)Not applicable(NA)


Identify the temporary areasrequired by the project andlocate them with propermarking

May result social tensions Prepare the details of temporary land

acquisition and other private properties

3 4

Submit to Supervising Engineer 3 4

Follow RAP for temporary acquisition 3 4

Submit applications to get anapproval

Submit such agreement andpermits to SupervisingEngineers for officialinformation

May result social conflict and legalobstructions resulting in delay of work

Obtain Letters of Approval and Agreement

for (i) temporary acquisition of land and

properties (ii) relocation of religious site,

foot trails, (iii) disruption of water supply,

and others

2 3

Delineate and peg the areasrequired

May result social conflict and legalobstructions resulting in delay of workPegging of project area

Pegging of all constructions site and labor

camp 4


Maintain records of trees and other

properties likely to be affected

3 2

Construct workforce camp Haphazard camps resulting in socialstress and degradation of localenvironment

Establish workforce camp at designatedsite only

5 5

Make employment policy forlocal and affected people asper EMP

Local people may be deprived ofopportunities, Minors may beemployed

Employ local people (not under age 14)

especially SPAF, and PAF in jobs

3 2

Settle wage rate based on DWEC andprovide the list of employees to SupervisingEngineer

3 3

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC Remarks

Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale

Compliance(C);NonCompliance(NC)Not applicable(NA)


ConstructionPhase: PhysicalEnvironment

Construction Activity

Adopt cut and fill principleduring earthworksDisposal of excess materialsin designated areaApply Bio-engineering forcontrolling of erosion andGully

Soil Erosion sedimentation and slopeinstability

Adopt ‘cut and fill’ approach, wherever


4 3

Avoid works during monsoon 5 5

Provide proper drainage facilities 2 2

Stockpile top soil for reuse 4 4

Adopt gully control and bioengineering 2 3

Procure aggregates from already existing


5 5

Dispose spoil in designated area 4 5

Quarrying from river bed Change in River Hydrology and RiverMorphology Avoid Quarrying/Mining activity in

river/streams for extraction of materials

required for project shall not be done so

that change the river cross sections and

longitudinal profile do not occur

3 4

Ensure care so that irrigation canal/channel

are not adversely affected by the project


3 4

Ensure care of stone spout in order not todisturb the existing flow.

3 4

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC


Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale



Disturbance of drainage

Dumping of waste in the river

Construct of toilets in thecamps

Storing of materials in theproject area

Handling of toxic materials

Dumping of excess materials

Quarry operation

Water PollutionAvoid camping facility within drainage

4 4

Prohibition on dumping of wastes in the

water source

4 4

Provision of sanitary facility and prohibitionon defecation in open areas

3 4

Proper storage of construction aggregates,hazardous, and toxic materials and properdisposal of chemical containers, packagingmaterials, plastic bags provide training toworkforce on safe handling of toxic materials

3 4

Disposal of waste in the designated area4 5

provide dumping site and waste treatment


2 2

Avoid excessive mining from riverbed.3 4

Movement of vehicles

Operation of crusher


Stockpiling of constructionwaste and constructionmaterials

Air Quality deteriorationSpraying of water in dry season at

construction site and disposal site (Three

time a day)

4 5

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC Remarks

Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale

Compliance(C);NonCompliance(NC)Not applicable(NA)


Limit speed of construction vehicle4 4

Safe place3 4

Regularly maintain equipment and cover the


4 4

Compliance of vehicles with National Vehicle

Mass Emission Standards, 2056 BS

4 4

Arrange proper ventilation in confined

working areas

4 4

Movement of vehicles

Operation of crusher

Operation of constructionmachineries and equipment

Horn honking

Noise and vibrationFit mufflers to control noise

2 3

speed limit of construction vehicle5 5

Use light horn in vehicles5 5

Maintenance of equipment5 5

Prohibit the operation of crushing plant

between 7 PM to 6 AM

5 5

Compensate the damages caused by


3 3

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC


Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale



Scrapping of top spoil Effect on Soil quality Stockpile reusable top soil properly in safeyard

3 4

Storage of fuel, lubricating

oil, chemicals etc.

Project activities producing

wastes such as used tyres,

lubricating oil, exhausted

battery etc

Solid waste problems, health risk Store all materials, toxic, non-toxic andhazardous materials in safe place(warehouse)

3 4

Collect, segregate and dispose waste at

designated area

3 4


Construction Activity

vegetation clearance forconstruction of projectstructures

Vegetation clearance Cut only marked trees 4 5

Fuel wood and NTFPscollection by workforce

vegetation clearance forconstruction of projectstructures and compensationto them

Loss of vegetation species Prohibit fuel wood and timber collection 3 4

Prohibit illegal NTFPs collection and Trade 3 4

Provide LPG/kerosene to workforce 3 4

Stockpile the felled trees and take

permission from concerned authority for its


3 4

Plant trees @ 5 times of each felled trees 3 4

Compensate for affected trees from private

and community forests

3 4

Annex- IV

Project stage Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC


Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale



ConstructionPhase: Socio-EconomicEnvironment

compensation andRehabilitation as per RAP

Land Intake and compensation toaffected people

Avoid involuntary displacement 3 4

Compensation, Rehabilitation and

employment opportunity to the affected


3 4

Provide all possible assistance to the

displaced people until the displaced people

are settled

3 4

Provide disturbance and rehabilitation cost 4 5

Protect traditional rights of locals 2 3

Compensate for any loss of 3 4

crops, trees and other natural resources 3 4

Establish technical committee to assess

damage caused by vibration for


3 4

Reinstatement ofdamaged communityservices andinfrastructures

Reinstatement of community servicesand infrastructures

Compensate or reinstate community assetssuch as temples, bridges and irrigationcanals, electricity poles, telephone lines,drinking water pipes, sewerage lines, roads,trails, cremation sites etc

3 4

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC


Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale


C NC NAInflux of outside workforce,money and disharmonyactivity

Increase in crime and communitystress

Instruct Workforce for not to indulge in

Gambling and drinking alcohol

3 4

Prohibit Visiting of workers to nearby village

after 7 pm and living outside

3 4

Instruct workforce to respect local culture,

tradition, rights etc.

3 4

Request police to patrol in the camp site and

adjoining villages

3 4

Launch awareness programs concerning the

human trafficking and possibility of spread of


3 4

Project Activities relating tohealth and safety issues atwork areas

Health and hygiene(unsafe working conditions, accidents,fire hazard, transmission ofcommunicable disease)

Provide facilities of health check, proper

sanitation and hygiene, health care, control

of epidemic diseases to workforce

4 5

Provide awareness on STD, HIV/AIDS 4 5

Place adequate warning system, signboard,

hoarding post and prohibit visiting risky area

as necessary

3 4

Make available first aid kits ambulance and

fire fighting gears

4 5

Make available protection gears to all

construction workers and compensate for

the loss of life or any type of injuries

4 5

Dislocation of archaeologicalartifacts, if any

Loss of Archaeological and culturalsites

Protect archaeological and cultural sites

In case of relocation, consult localcommunity

3 4

Annex- IV


Project ActivityPotential Environmental

ImpactsProposed mitigation measures


MitigationEffectiveness DSC

RemarksPreparation forconstruction

Indicate in1-5 scale

Indicate in1-5 scale



Traffic Congestion For Dharan schedule working hour at night

Provide information about constructionschedule to the local people

2 3

Demolition of unnecessarystructures

Decline in aesthetics andinconvenience to people

Remove all unnecessary structures andreinstall the facilities and others to theoriginal condition

3 5

Traffic management atconstruction sites

Traffic Congestion For Dharan Valley schedule working hour atnight

Provide information about constructionschedule to the local people

2 3

Prepared by: Ashok Raj Adhikari Submitted to: Team Leader, IUDP,

DSC Contract Manager Date of

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