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National Highways

Inter-Connectivity Improvement Project


Environmental Management


A Guidance Document for dealing with Environmental Issues

during Planning, Design and Construction of Roads Under the Project

Draft Document – November 2011

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

Government of India


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Project Background

Chapter 2 - Regulatory Framework

Chapter 3 - Environmental Management - Approach and Tools

Chapter 4 – Potential Environmental Impacts and Management Measures

Chapter 5 – Institutional Arrangements

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List of Acronyms

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

CGWB Central Ground Water Board

CO Carbon Mono-oxide

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

CoI Corridor of Impact

CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone

CSC Construction Supervision Consultant

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

CWW Chief Wildlife Warden

dB(A) Decibel (A)

DPR Detailed Project Report

EA Environmental Assessment

EC Environmental Clearance

E-coli Escherichia coli

EHS Environmental, Health and Safety

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMF Environment Management Framework

EMP Environment Management Plan

EO Environmental Officer

ESR Environmental Screening Report

F1 Form 1

GI Galvanized Iron

GoI Government of India

HE Highway Engineers

IAHE Indian Academy of Highway Engineers

IS Indian Standards

K Potassium

Km Kilometer

LAP Land Acquisition Plan

M Million

m Meter

MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests

MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

MT Metric Ton

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N Nitrogen

NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NH National Highways

NHAI National Highways Authority of India

NHIIP National Highway Interconnectivity Improvement Project

NO Nodal Officer

NOC No Objection Certificate

NOx Oxides of Nitrogen

OP Operational Policies

P Phosphorous

PAP Project Affected Person

Pb Lead

PCU Passenger Car Units

PIC Project In Charge

PIU Project Implementation Unit

PM10 Particulate Matter 10

PM2.5 Particulate Matter 2.5

PMC Project Management Cell

PWD Public Works Department

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

RO Regional Officer

ROW Right of Way

SBD Standard Bidding Document

SIA Social Impact Assessment

SO2 Sulfur Dioxide

SPCB State Pollution Control Board

TA Technical Assistance

TOR Terms of Reference

WB World Bank

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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Roads form a critical link in the transport sector accounting for about 60 percent of

passenger movement, 67 percent of freight movement and close to 70 percent of

transport sector contribution to the GDP. Forming only 2 percent of total length of roads

in India, the national highway network carries over 40 percent of total traffic in the

country. As India continues to emerge as one of the fastest growing economies

worldwide, effective and efficient transportation and connectivity is needed to facilitate

equitable distribution of economic growth. This is critical especially in rural areas and

isolated backward regions of the country, where poor road infrastructure is hampering


To improve connectivity through road infrastructure, the Ministry of Road Transport and

Highways (MoRTH), Government of India plans to up-grade all the single lane/

intermediate lane National Highways to at least two lane standards. Some of these

stretches are proposed to be taken up through the assistance from World Bank. The

basic proposition includes strengthening of road pavement in addition to widening to 2

lane/2 lane with paved shoulder standards.

The National Highways Inter-connectivity Improvement Project I (NHIIP I) proposed for

funding support from the World Bank forms part of the Government of India‟s plan to

rehabilitate and upgrade about 6,700 km of non-National Highway Development Network

to a two-lane standard configuration.

1.2 Project Objective

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve and sustain integration of less

developed areas in the project states by enhancing their road connectivity with the

National Highways network. The total cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 6,445

crores, the equivalent of US$ 1,345 million. This is calculated on a 9-year period

including construction and 5 years of performance-based maintenance. The Ministry of

Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) will be the implementing agency.

1.3 Project Components

The operation will finance civil works with expanding and upgrading from single/

intermediate to two lane standard configuration with paved shoulders, and strengthen

implementation efficiency and the sustainability of project roads through improved

maintenance roads. It will also support a transformational technical assistance agenda of

setting national standards for road sector management, road safety, work site safety and

piloting innovative “green national” highway codes. Through the TA support, the project

will also strengthen the capacity of the PIUs that will be involved in implementing and

monitoring the sub-projects and with the compliance with environmental management

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measures. The proposed approach will enable MoRTH and the Bank to concentrate on

elements that support systemic improvements with the focus on improving maintenance

of the highway system. Two sets of outcome indicators have been proposed: to measure

extent of integration; and level of sustained integration of the project.

The project will have four components:

A. Road Improvement Component: The component includes up-grading of selected

sections (with a total length of about 1,250 km) of existing single/intermediate lane

National Highways to standard two-lane/two lane with paved shoulder configuration..

The roads to be finally included under the component will be selected on the basis of

economic analysis as well as results from environment and social assessment


Towards this end, screening results have identified twelve proposed roads/sub-

projects for inclusion under NHIIP-I located in low income states of Bihar, Orissa,

Rajasthan and in remote areas of middle income states of Karnataka, West Bengal.

However, these or other roads meeting the project (technical) criteria in addition to

environment (process/requirements specified in Environment Management

Framework) and social (process/requirements specified in RPF) requirements would

be considered for inclusion under the project.

B. Road Safety Component

Development and network-wide implementation of a new NH road accident

database, including „one-off‟ baseline data collection

Review and updating IRC Road Safety standards

Development and implementation of RS-specific Monitoring and Evaluation

capability in MoRTH

Multi-agency / multi-sector pilot project(s) on non-NHDP road corridors involving

improved RS engineering, innovations in public information, driver and user

education, community involvement and safety enforcement

Operationalization of the NRS&TM Board

This component will finance: (i) technical advisory and consulting services, training

costs and fees, logistics, consumables and publications; (ii) software (IP), goods and

equipment, and (iii) minor civil works (TBC) for the above sub-components.

C. Institutional Performance & Governance Improvement Component

Resource Management – Phased MoRTH-wide roll-out of tailored (NHAI-TA

derived) ERP systems including implementation of supporting equipment, user

training and operational support, action to support changes in MoRTH prompted

by the ERP, plus transfer to the ERP platform of the non-NHDP Project

Preparation and Management tools and the new non-NHDP contract database

E-Procurement – implementation MoRTH-wide of E-Procurement for non-NHDP

purposes - may be linked to ERP and states‟ facilities

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Network Asset Management – upgrading systems, policies and skills as well as

comprehensive road data collection for effective and comprehensive non-NHDP

asset planning, development and management; review and piloting of axle load

enforcement, and updating of MoRTH / PWD „execution-delegation‟ framework

Project Preparation and Management – Comprehensive enhancement of

guidelines, manuals/documentation and supporting systems, MoRTH staff training

and on-site technical assistance for more efficient delivery of non-NHDP projects

and works, including strengthening of projects progress/performance monitoring,

reporting and evaluation processes and integration of new „Construction Zone

Safety‟ requirements and „Green Highway‟ guidelines; piloting and (after

evaluation) implementation of guidelines on Value Management; and

implementation (pre-ERP) of new non-NHDP contract („jobs-wise‟) database

Performance Evaluation – Implementation in MoRTH of new (NHAI-TA derived)

Risk Management framework; strengthening MoRTH (NHAI-TA influenced) „third

party works quality and performance audit‟ framework / capacity, and piloting on

non-NHDP projects and works of new (NHAI-TA derived) Performance Rating

System for all „suppliers‟

MoRTH Staff Training and HRD – Application of new (NHAI-TA derived) Training

Needs Assessment (TNA) MoRTH-wide, followed by implementation of new 3-year

Project-supported TNA-based staff training, HRD programs and „exposure‟

placements for MoRTH staff and for selected PWD staff with ongoing non-NHDP


This component will finance: (i) technical advisory and consulting services, domestic

and international training costs/fees, logistics, consumables and publications; and (ii)

software (IP/licenses), miscellaneous goods and equipment.

D. Sector Research, HRD & Capacity Development Component

Development and initial implementation of new collaborative „research,

HRD/training and manpower development‟ strategy to reduce national Highway

Engineers (HE) and construction industry manpower shortages

Initiation of new medium-term sector research / study program via fellowship

model to target critical knowledge and capability „gaps‟ and sector innovation

Development of new GOI strategy and action plans for initiation of Center(s) of

Excellence in the roads / HE sector in India, and for further development for IAHE

(ex-NITHE) in that context; and

Review and enhancement of IRC operations and capacity

This component will finance: (i) consulting services, training costs and fees, research

Awards, associated travel / logistics, communication, consumables and publications

costs; and (ii) limited amount of IT equipment, software (licenses) and

miscellaneous goods.

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1.4 Need for Environment Management Framework

Although the general thrust and broad project interventions are well understood, the

specific details about multiple sub-projects located across various states, and thereby

the nature and scale of their potential impacts, will be known only later. In such a

situation, where sub-projects traversing multiple districts are located across five states

with varying geographical, topographical and socio-economic conditions, a need was felt

to prepare a document that will „guide‟ the planning, design and construction elements of

sub-projects and help in harmonizing the principles/approaches for project preparation

and execution. In this context, an Environment Management Framework has been

prepared for the project.

1.5 Purpose and Objectives of Environment Management Framework

Good environmental management practices are essential and integral elements of sound

project preparation and implementation. More specifically, the EMF seeks to :

1. Establish clear procedures and methodologies for environmental planning, review,

approval and implementation of subprojects to be financed under the Project.

2. To provide practical guidance for planning, designing and implementing the

environmental management measures.

3. Specify appropriate roles and responsibilities, and outline the necessary reporting

procedures, for managing and monitoring environmental and related social concerns

of the sub-projects and;

4. Determine the institutional arrangements, including those related to training,

capacity building and technical assistance (if required) needed to successfully

implement the provisions of the EMF .

The application and implementation of the EMF therefore, will:

1) Support the integration of environmental aspects into the decision making process

of all stages related to planning, design, execution, operation and maintenance of

sub-projects, by identifying, avoiding and/or minimizing adverse environmental

impacts early-on in the project cycle.

2) Enhance the positive/sustainable environmental and social outcomes through

improved/ sensitive planning, design and implementation of sub-activities.

3) Minimize environmental degradation as a result of either individual sub-projects or

through their indirect, induced and cumulative effects, as much as possible.

4) Protect human health and

5) Minimize impacts on cultural property.

The use / implementation of the EMF will also support the achievement of compliance

with applicable laws and regulations as well as with the requirements of relevant Bank

policies on environment aspects.

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1.6 Key Contents of the Environment Management Framework

The framework describes the principles, objectives and approach to be followed for

selecting, avoiding, minimizing and/or mitigating the adverse environmental impacts

that are likely to arise due to the project. The framework details out the various policies,

guidelines and procedures that need to be integrated during the planning, design and

implementation cycle of the Bank-funded project. It also outlines the indicative

management measures required to effectively address or deal with the key issues that

have been identified. The required institutional arrangements for effective environment

management have also been outlined as a part of this framework.

Specifically, the Environmental Management Framework includes the following:

Information on GoI‟s environmental legislations, standards and policies and World

Bank safeguard policies that are relevant in the over-all project context.

Process to be followed for environmental screening to guide decision-making

about proposed sub-projects

Steps and process to be followed for conducting environmental impact

assessment and preparation of Environmental Management Plans for selected


Preliminary assessment of anticipated environmental impacts in the context of

broad/known project interventions.

Generic environment management measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate

anticipated impacts

Institutional arrangements for environment management, including monitoring

and reporting.

1.7 Application of the EMF

The EMF needs to be integrated into the preparation and implementation stages of the

various project components. It is an essential ingredient aligned with the project/sub-

project activities and is to be followed through the entire project cycle from planning,

including site identification; design; implementation and operation/maintenance to attain

the above outlined purpose and objectives.

1.8 Revision/Modification of the EMF

The EMF will be an „up-to-date‟ or a „live document‟ enabling revision, when and where

necessary. Unexpected situations and/or changes in the project or sub-component

design would therefore be assessed and appropriate management measures will be

incorporated by updating the Environment Management Framework. Such revisions will

also cover and update any changes/modifications introduced in the legal/regulatory

regime of the country/ state. Also, based on the experience of application and

implementation of this framework, the provisions and procedures would be updated, as

appropriate in consultation with the World Bank and the implementing agencies/


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Chapter 2


This section is provided as a reminder that all activities under the proposed project must

be consistent with all applicable laws, regulations, notifications that are relevant in the

context of the proposed project interventions. It is the responsibility of the various

Project Implementing Entities to ensure that proposed activities are consistent with the

regulatory/legal framework, whether national, state or municipal/local. Additionally, it is

also to be ensured that activities are consistent with World Bank‟s operational policies

and guidelines. This section is not a legal opinion on the applicability of the law but

serves as guidance in the application of the law to the current project context.

2.1 Key Applicable National Laws and Regulation – Project Preparation Stage

The following paragraphs highlight some salient features of select laws, which have a

particularly important bearing on the design and implementation of the proposed project.

A summary of such applicable rules and regulation is furnished in the table below:

Summary of Environmental Legislation Applicable to the Proposed Project

Act Year Objective Responsible


Environment (Protection)

Act. 1986

To protect and improve the

overall environment MoEF, CPCB

Notification on Environment

Impact Assessment of

Development projects (and

amendments) (referred to

as the Notification on

Environmental Clearance)




To provide environmental

clearance to new

development activities

following environmental

impact assessment.


Wildlife Protection Act 1972

To protect wild animals and

birds through the creation of

National Parks and



Water (Prevention and

Control of Pollution) Act

(and subsequent



To provide for the

prevention and control of

water pollution and the

maintaining or restoring of

wholesomeness of water.


Air (Prevention and Control

of Pollution) Act (and

subsequent amendments)


To provide for the

prevention, control and

abatement of air pollution,

and for the establishment of

Boards to carry out these


CPCB and



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Act Year Objective Responsible


Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 To protect and manage

forests MoEF

Central Motor Vehicle Act

Central Motor Vehicle Rules



To control vehicular air and

noise pollution. To regulate

development of the

transport sector, check and

control vehicular air and

noise pollution.




Ancient Monuments and

Archaeological Sites and

Remains Act

1958 Conservation of Cultural and

historical remains found in



Dept. GOI

1) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and EIA Notification, 2006

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was introduced as an umbrella legislation that

provides a holistic framework for the protection and improvement to the environment. In

terms of responsibilities, the Act and the associated Rules requires environmental

clearances to be sought for specific types of new / expansion projects (addressed under

Environmental Impact Assessment Notification) and for submission of an environmental

statement to the State Pollution Control Board annually.

As per section 3 of EIA Notification S.O. 1533 dated 14th September 2006, the

Central Government forms a State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority

(SEIAA). All projects and activities are broadly categorized into two categories as

Category A and B.

All projects or activities included as Category „A‟ in the Schedule, including expansion

and modernization of existing projects or activities and change in product mix, shall

require prior environmental clearance from the Central Government in the Ministry of

Environment and Forests (MoEF) on the recommendations of an Expert Appraisal

Committee (EAC) to be constituted by the Central Government for the purposes of this


All projects or activities included as Category „B‟ in the Schedule, including expansion

and modernization of existing projects or activities as specified in sub paragraph (ii) of

paragraph 2, or change in product mix as specified in sub paragraph (iii) of paragraph 2,

but excluding those which fulfill the General Conditions (GC) stipulated in the Schedule,

will require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union territory Environment

Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA).

The SEIAA shall base its decision on the recommendations of a State or Union territory

level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) as to be constituted for in this notification. In

the absence of a duly constituted SEIAA or SEAC, a Category „B‟ project shall be treated

as a Category „A‟ project.

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Environment Clearance Procedure

Per the MoEF EIA Notification, 2006 (and subsequent amendments of 2009 and 2011),

“expansion of national highways greater than 30km, involving additional right of way

greater than 20meters involving land acquisition” are categorized as „A‟ and require a

comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment study and prior environmental

clearance from the Ministry prior to project/sub-project commencement. Responsibility

for obtaining Environmental Clearance will be vested with the DPR/Feasibility Consultants

on behalf of the Project Proponent (MoRTH/State Units) with assistance from the State‟s

Nodal Officer.

For GoI Category A projects, the process for acquiring an Environmental Clearance (EC)

involves submitting an F1 application package. The package includes details of the

proposed intervention including scope, nature, spatial and temporal dimensions of likely

environmental impacts along with preliminary/suggested measures to avoid, reduce or

mitigate the impacts to alleviate adverse impacts on project affected people; proposed

ToR for carrying out the EIA; the feasibility report; and certified receipt of application for

all related permission and clearances especially with forest diversion.

Once the application is received, MoEF (after a presentation by the consultants) will

determine whether or not the proposed operation will require further environmental

studies; and determine the comprehensive ToR to be followed for the EIA (within 60

days communicates the approval or rejection of the ToR) by the proponent to begin the

assessment. Draft EIAs are circulated with State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) in whose

jurisdiction (district level) the project is located for public hearings with local affected

persons and others who have a possible stake/interest/concern related to potential

environmental impacts of the project. Over-all, the EC procedure would take about 345

days or more.

2) Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 pertains to the cases of diversion of forest area and

felling of roadside plantation. Depending on the size of the tract to be cleared, clearances

are applied for at the following levels of government:

If the area of forests to be cleared or diverted exceeds 20 Ha (or, 10 Ha in hilly area)

then prior permission of Central Government is required.

If the area of forest to be cleared or diverted is between 5 to 20 Ha, the Regional

Office of Chief Conservator of Forests is empowered to approve.

If the area of forest to be cleared or diverted is below or equal to 5 HA, the State

Government can give permission.

If the area to be clear-felled has a forest density of more than 40 percent, permission

to undertake any work is needed from the Central Government, irrespective of the

area to be cleared.

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Restrictions and clearance procedure proposed in the Forest (Conservation) Act applies

wholly to the natural forest areas, even in case the protected/designated forest area

does not have any vegetation cover.

Feedback from the screening exercise show that the operation could possibly result in

diversion of forest lands across various forest categories – reserve forests, protected

forests such as notified roadside plantations. Under the Forest Conservation Act (1980)

and Forest Conservation Rules (2003) forest land diversion and tree felling on forest

lands (including notified protected road-side plantations) requires a Forest Clearance and

tree cutting permission from the State, and/or Central Government. Having adopted

proactive environmentally conscious engineering design for road re-alignments,

rehabilitation and up-gradation works, the potential result would be/should be relatively

minimal diversion of forest and tree felling.

Forest Clearance Procedure

According to the Forest Conservation Amendment Rules, 2004, proposal for diversion of

forest land (protected and reserve forest) up to 5 hac is processed at the state level and

more than that is processed at the MoEF level. The proposal with requisite information

and documents is sent to the Nodal officer of the State Government, or the Union

Territory Administration (UTA). The State Government or UTA submits the proposal to

the Chief Conservator of Forests or the Conservator of Forests. This is further processed

by the concerned Regional Office of MoEF, where decision is made within a period of 45

days for proposed forest diversion of up to 5 ha. For diversion of 5hac up to 40 hac land,

proposal is forwarded with recommendations from the state/regional office to the central

MoEF for decision making. Overall, the Forest Clearance process may take up to one


3) Water and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Acts

Water Act and Air Acts provide for the prevention and control of water and air pollution

respectively. These acts empower the Pollution Control Boards to collect effluent and

emission samples, entry to industrial units for inspection, power to prohibit on use of any

water bodies for waste disposal and creation of new discharge outlets, provide consent to

set up and operate certain facilities likely to create air and water pollution including

power to give directions and prosecuting offenders.

The Air and Water Act are particularly applicable to all civil works activities. All

construction work contractors need to obtain the consent-to-establish and consent-to-

operate for plants i.e. concrete batching, stone crushing and hot mix plants and other

machinery that they may be required for the purpose of construction. The NOC

certificates need to be obtained from the regional offices of the SPCB. Wherein the

existing plants are used, the contractor shall ensure that all applicable consents are

obtained for operating the plant/equipment.

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4) Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, 1971

The Ramsar Convention is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable

utilization of wetlands i.e. to stem the progressive encroachment on and loss of wetlands

now and in the future, recognizing the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and

their economic, cultural, scientific and recreational value.

According to the Ramsar list of Wetlands of International Importance, there are 25

designated wetlands in the country which are required to be protected. Activities

undertaken in the proximity of these wetlands should follow the guidelines of the


5) Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules, 1959

As per the Act, area within a radius of 100m and 300m from the “protected property”

are designated as “protected area” and “controlled area” respectively. No development

activity (including mining operations and construction) is permitted in the “protected

area” and all development activities likely to damage the protected property are not

permitted in the “controlled area” without prior permission of the Archaeological Survey

of India (ASI). Protected property entails the site/remains/ monuments are protected by

ASI or the State Department of Archaeology.

Activities in, then the PMU/implementing agency/line department needs to undertake the

protected areas should not be undertaken. If activities are to be done in the controlled

area of protected properties necessary clearances from ASI.

2.2 Key Statutory Clearance Requirements – Construction Stage

During the construction stage, some of the key statutory requirements that need to be

obtained by the Contractor as part of mobilization (pre-construction) have been listed in

thetable given below.

Key Statutory Clearances to be Obtained by the Contractor

S.No. Clearance Required for Statute under which

clearance is required



1 Hot mix plants, Crushers

and Batch Mix Plants

Air (Prevention and Control of

Pollution) Act, 1981 and Noise

Pollution (Regulation and

Control) Rules, 2000

State Pollution

Control Board


Storage, handling and

transport of hazardous


Hazardous Waste (Management

and Handling) Rules, 1989 and

Manufacturing, Storage and

Import of Hazardous Chemicals

Rules, 1989

State Pollution

Control Board

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S.No. Clearance Required for Statute under which

clearance is required




Location/ layout of

workers camp, equipment

and storage yards

Environment Protection Act, 1986

and Manufacturing, Storage and

Import of Hazardous Chemicals

Rules, 1989

State Pollution

Control Board

4 Quarries (in case of

opening of new quarries) Environment Protection Act, 1986

Dept. of Mining;

Concerned District


5 Discharges from Labor


Water (Prevention and Control of

Pollution) Act, 1974

State Pollution

Control Board


Permission for withdrawal

of groundwater for


Environment Protection Act, 1986 State Ground Water


7 Permission for sand

mining from river bed Environment Protection Act, 1986



Concerned District


8 Disposal of bituminous


Hazardous Waste (Management

and Handling) Rules, 1989

As per state norm/

Local Civic Body

2.3 World Bank Policies

The World Bank's environmental and social safeguard policies (ten of them) are a

cornerstone of its support to sustainable poverty reduction. The objective of these

policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and the environment in the

development process. These policies provide guidelines for the identification,

preparation, and implementation of programs and projects. The following operational

policies are relevant in context of the Project from an environmental viewpoint:

Applicable Safeguards Policies of the World Bank

World Bank Policy

Description Applicability Measures to be incorporated

Environmental Assessment

OP 4.01

This policy is triggered if a project is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts in its area of influence. For category A projects, a

comprehensive EIA is required with emphasis on

integrating environmental measures in project planning, design, implementation and operation.

The project may have impacts on the environmental components such as on

water bodies, trees, and hill


Application of EMF in project planning, DPR preparation and project implementation.

Integration of EHS requirements in standard

bidding documents will provide enabling

mechanism for required enforcement.

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World Bank Policy

Description Applicability Measures to be incorporated

Natural Habitats OP 4.04

This policy supports the protection, maintenance and rehabilitation of natural habitats. The Bank doesn‟t finance projects that involve the conversion of designated

critical Natural habitats.

Some projects are likely to be in close proximity to sensitive natural


Development of environmental screening tool and conduction of the said exercise to determine the nature and magnitude of impacts on sensitive and

ecologically critical areas. Appropriate measures to deal with such findings, including exclusion of some project roads, as may be necessary.

Forests OP 4.36

Policy covers all projects that affect natural or planted forests, whether positively or negatively.

Some projects are in close proximity to or traverse forest areas and may need forest land diversion.

Avoidance and/or minimization of forest uptake by appropriate methods in the engineering design; Forest Clearances prior to award of works; Use of EMF to

address impacts as necessary; Compensatory Afforestation.

Consultation and Disclosure

Requirements (BP 17.50)

The policy requires the borrower to consult Project

Affected People and local NGOs through the various phases of the project: before EIA TORs are finalized and when the draft EIA is available. It requires that groups being consulted be

provided on-time, comprehensible and easily accessible information before consultations. The policy also requires that the borrower to make the EA summary

available in the state (in a local language) and a public

places to all the stakeholders prior to appraisal.

For each sub-project road,

comprehensive consultations will be required during the design, planning and implementation

stages: to determine the baseline conditions/ issues; locally viable

mitigation measures for

addressing environmental impacts; consensus on engineering

designs especially where realignments and bypasses are concerned; community involvement/

support for supervising and monitoring

project implementation.

Feasibility/DPR consultants have carried out

consultations during the screening exercises. Where reports from the consultations have been found to be grossly insufficient, the Bank has provided further guidance

for additional consultations with regards to ensuring representativeness in both number and categories of stakeholders, prior notification and

methodology to adopt in order to ensure usefulness

of the consultations to both the affected groups and the borrower in terms of design, planning, implementation,

supervision and maintenance of the roads projects. Another important dimension of the consultations is with seeking consensus on road engineering designs where

realignments and bypasses are concerned.

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1) Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01)

Environmental Assessment is used in the World Bank to identify, avoid, and mitigate the

potential negative environmental impacts associated with Bank‟s lending operations

early-on in the project cycle. The policy states that Environment Assessment (EA) and

mitigation plans are required for all projects having significant adverse environmental

impacts or involuntary resettlement. Assessment should include analysis of alternative

designs and sites, or consideration of “no option” and require public participation and

information disclosure before the Bank approves the project.

In World Bank operations, the purpose of Environmental Assessment is to improve

decision making, to ensure that project options under consideration are sound and

sustainable, and that potentially affected people have been properly consulted and their

concerns addressed.

The World Bank's environmental assessment policy and recommended processing are

described in Operational Policy (OP)/Bank Procedure (BP) 4.01: Environmental


2) Natural Habitat (OP 4.04)

The policy implementation ensures that Bank-supported development projects give

proper consideration to the conservation of natural habitats, in order to safeguard their

unique biodiversity and ensure the sustainability of the environmental services and

products which natural habitats provide to human society.

This policy is applicable when a project (including any subproject under a sector

investment or financial intermediary loan) with the potential to cause significant

conversion (loss) or degradation of natural habitats, whether directly (through

construction) or indirectly (through human activities induced by the project).

3) Forest Policy (OP 4.36)

The implementation of the policy ensures that envisaged forest sector activities and

other Bank sponsored interventions which have the potential to impact significantly upon

forested areas:

(a) Do not encroach upon significant natural forest areas that serve important social,

environmental or local economic purposes.

(b) Do not compromise the rights of local communities to continue their traditional use

of forests in a sustainable fashion.

(c) Do not finance commercial logging operations, in the case of primary tropical moist

forest, nor any purchase of equipment for this purpose.

4) Cultural Property (OP 4.11)

The World Bank Policy OP/BP 4.11 defines physical cultural resources as movable or

immovable objects, sites, structures, groups of structures, natural features and

landscapes that have archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious,

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aesthetic, or other cultural significance. Physical cultural resources may be located in

urban or rural settings, and may be above or below ground, or under water. Their

cultural interest may be at the local, provincial or national level, or within the

international community.

The Bank assists countries to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts on physical cultural

resources from development projects that it finances. The impacts on physical cultural

resources resulting from project activities, including mitigating measures, may not

contravene either the borrower‟s national legislation, or its obligations under relevant

international environmental treaties and agreements.

The borrower addresses impacts on physical cultural resources in projects proposed for

Bank financing, as an integral part of the environmental assessment (EA) process.

2.4 MoRTH and IRC Specifications

All road works in India are to be in accordance with the MoRTH specifications for Road

and Bridge works and guidelines of Indian Roads Congress (IRC). The MoRTH

specifications have special provisions towards protection of environment under Clause

501, Annexure A and the contractor is to satisfy the provisions. Apart from the Annexure

A to clause 501, there are provisions for control of erosion, drainage, dust suppression,

borrow area and haul road management under relevant sections. Provisions of clause

501 Annexure A, cover the environmental aspects as:


The contractor shall take all necessary measures and precautions to

carry out the work in conformity with the statutory and regulatory

environmental requirements.

The contractor shall take all measures and precautions to avoid nuisance

or disturbance from the work. It shall be precautionary measures than

abatement measures taken after generation of nuisance.

In the event of any spoil, debris, waste or any deleterious material from

site being deposited on adjacent land, the same shall be removed and

affected area shall be restored to its original state.


The contractor to devise and arrange methods to control dust, gaseous

or other airborne emissions in such a way that adverse impacts on air

quality are minimized.

Dust shall be minimized from stored material and stockpiles by spraying


Covering of material likely to generate dust during transportation is to be

covered with tarpaulin.

Spraying of water on haul roads, if found necessary.

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The contractor shall prevent any interference with supply/abstraction of

water resources.

Water used for dust suppression shall be reused after settlement of

material in collected water.

Liquid waste products to be disposed off such that it does not cause


No debris is to be deposited or disposed into/adjacent to water courses.

Control of


No uncontrolled disposal of wastes shall be permitted. The contractor

shall make specific provisions for disposal of all forms of fuel and engine

oil, all types of bitumen, cement, surplus aggregate, gravels, bituminous

mixtures etc. conforming to local regulations and acceptance of the



The contractor shall use all necessary measures to reduce noise from

construction equipment and maintain all silencing equipment in good




The contractor shall plan and provide for remedial measures in case of

occurrence of emergencies as spillages of oil, bitumen or chemicals.

In addition to the above conditions, avoidance measures and control of activities having

potential for generation of environmental impacts are devised. These include:

Section 111 Precautions for safeguarding the environment

Clause 201.2 Preservation of Property/Amenities during clearing and grubbing

Clause 301.3.2 Stripping and storing of topsoil for reuse during excavation for

roadway and drains

Clause 302.4 Restriction on timings for blasting operations

Clause 304.3.6 Public safety near towns/villages where excavation is carried out

Clause 305.2.2.2 Locations of borrowing and relevant regulations

Clause 305.3.3 Stripping and storing of topsoil at borrow locations

Section 306 Soil erosion and sedimentation control

Clause 407.4.2 Provisions for turfing on median and islands

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Section 517 Recycling of bituminous pavement and excavated material

Clause 701.2.1 Use of geo-textiles for control of soil erosion

Section 810 Use of Metal beam crash barriers for safety, relevant regulations

and specifications

Clause 2501 Precautions during river training works

2.5 Other Applicable Laws

Environmental issues during road construction stage generally involve equity, safety and

public health issues. The road construction agencies require complying with laws of the

land, which include inter alia, the following:

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case of injury

by accident arising out of and during the course of employment;

Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970: The Act provides for certain

welfare measures to be provided by the contractor to contract labour;

Minimum Wages Act, 1948: The employer is supposed to pay not less than the Minimum

Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act;

Payment of Wages Act, 1936: It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be paid,

when it will' be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the workers;

Equal Remuneration Act, 1979: The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work of

equal nature to Male and Female workers and not for making discrimination against

Female employees;

Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986: The Act prohibits employment of

children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for

regulation of employment of children in all other occupations and processes.

Employment of child labour is prohibited in Building and Construction Industry;

Inter-State Migrant Workmen‟s (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)

Act, 1979: The inter-state migrant workers, in an establishment to which this Act

becomes applicable, are required to be provided certain facilities such as housing,

medical aid, travelling expenses from home to the establishment and back, etc.;

The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions

of Service) Act, 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996: All the establishments who carry on any

building or other construction work and employs 10 or more workers are covered under

this Act; the employer of the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the

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building or construction work and other welfare measures, such as canteens, first-aid

facilities, ambulance, housing accommodation for Workers near the workplace, etc.;

The Factories Act, 1948: The Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before

setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working hours and

rendering information-regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated


Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989: Occupiers generating

hazardous wastes given in the list shall take all practical steps to ensure that such

wastes are properly handled, i.e. collection, reception, treatment, storage, and disposed

of without any adverse effects to human health and environment (Rule 4 Such occupier

shall apply for authorization in prescribed format to the State Pollution Control Board)

Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996: The

Rules provide for mandatory preparation of On-Site Emergency Plans by the industry and

Off-Site Plans by the district collector and the constitution of four tier crisis groups at the

centre, district, and local levels for the management of chemical disaster.

2.6 Applicability of Regulations/Policies

The applicability of any of the national/state level regulation and World Bank safeguard

policy needs to be ascertained separately for each sub project/road considered in the

NHIIP I as each law/rule/regulation has its own legal implication and process for

compliance. The regulatory framework as described in this EMF as serves as a guiding

document and a quick point of reference on the applicable regulatory framework.

Each of the proposed candidate roads identified till date for inclusion in the project has

already been screened from this perspective. However, the precise applicability of the

regulations will ultimately depend on the location, proposed intervention and design of

the sub-project and this will be determined during the detailed (sub-project specific)

environmental assessment exercise.

Should there be any changes in the provisions in the various acts rules or notifications

enacted by the Government of India/concerned state Government during the course of

implementation of the project, then compliance to the amended rules and regulations as

applicable on the sub-projects will become mandatory.

2.7 Other Relevant Technical Guidance Materials

The guidelines endorsed by MoEF for the application of Environmental Protection Act,

1986 for highway projects (including the Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance

Manual for Highways, February 2010) and World Bank‟s operational policies on

environment shall be adopted/followed for the environment screening, conducting EIA

and preparing/implementing the EMP.

In addition, the methods of measuring air pollution should be in conformance with IS:

5182-1977 and in case of noise pollution, IS: 3028-1980 for measurement of noise

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emitted by moving road vehicles; IS: 4758-1968 for measurement of noise emitted by

machines; IS: 10399-1982 for measurement of noise emitted by stationary road vehicles

are to be followed. As regards Highway aesthetics, use of provisions made in IRC: SP:

21-1979 - Manual on Landscaping of roads and its subsequent revised versions are to be

followed. Some other references include the International Roads Congress (IRC)

Guidance note on Highways, May 2011 and Roads and the Environment Handbook,

World Bank, 1997.

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Chapter 3


The Chapter describes the principles and approach to be followed for selecting, avoiding,

minimizing and/or mitigating the adverse environmental impacts that are likely to arise

due to the project. Each of the sub-projects proposed under the project will follow the

approach suggested here to achieve the objectives of environmental management.

3.1 Key Steps to be Followed

A comprehensive environmental management approach for the project will involve the

following key steps and processes:

1. Preliminary Environmental Screening

2. Detailed Environmental Screening

3. Environmental Impact Assessment

4. Environmental Management Plans

5. Environmental Monitoring (including Audits) and Reporting

The following section aims to provide a description of the environment management

approach and tools to evaluate the potential impacts from the proposed project

interventions. The Environment Management tools aim to support at the early stages of

Preliminary Environmental Screening

Environmental Screening

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Management Plans

Implementation of EMPs, - Monitoring,

Auditing and Reporting

Preliminary knowledge of

applicable GoI national,

legislations state and local

polices and regulations; and

World Bank safeguard


Based on specific application

of required policies and

regulations, process,

timeframe and responsibility

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planning and decision-making and selection of environmental measures including

mitigation/technologies based on the nature and scale of identified potential impacts.

Step 1: Preliminary Environmental Screening

This step will involve an initial desk review of the available information about the road

and the sub-project area. A preliminary environment and social screening format would

be filled-up using such available information and field visits would be undertaken to

understand the general overview in context of the scope of the proposed operation. The

exercise will help in identifying the key/significant potential environmental impacts and

in determining the project specific context and the focus required for carrying out the

detailed environmental screening exercise.

Without narrowing the focus of the detailed field investigations/assessments, having this

knowledge provides an early sense on the spatial and temporal dimension about the

likely issues on-hand.

Step 2: Environmental Screening

Detailed screening exercise is the second step in the EMF process. The purpose of

environmental screening is to get an overview of the nature, scale and magnitude of the

issues in order to determine the project feasibility and further if findings permit, it allows

for proper scoping of the detailed EIA and SIA that would be subsequently carried out.

After identifying key issues, the applicability of the Bank‟s environment safeguard

policies is to be established along with Government of India‟s / State Government‟s

regulatory requirements. Based on this, boundaries and focus areas for the EIA and SIA

along with the use of specific instruments would be determined.

The key sub-steps involved in the screening process are outlined below:

Ascertain presence of any environmentally sensitive areas (as detailed in screening

checklist) through primary/secondary information.

Confirm applicability of regulations and policies in context of broad sub-project


Conduct reconnaissance site visits for ground truthing and incorporate required/

additional information in the screening format (see annex).

Obtain details about land availability and broad categories of ownership


Preparation of a screening report as per the structure provided in Annex.

The outcome of the screening process will help select and/or prioritize the various

investments and where required, start the clearance process in a timely manner.

Safeguards screening usually consist of checking and identifying environmental risks,

impacts and opportunities and the requisite measures that are applicable within the local

context for addressing them. Findings from the screening will be used to determine

ecological and as well as economic viability of the sub-projects. Particular focus will be

required for proposed realignments and bypasses.

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To ensure well targeted field assessment during the screening process, the World Bank

has prepared a Guidance Note for use by the Consultants and the respective state

executing agencies that outlines the steps and key data that is to be collected for

determining the feasibility of the sub-project from an environmental stand point. The

note provides detailed guidelines for collecting information on environmental, natural,

biological, and physical and socio economic conditions without which it becomes

cumbersome to determine the likely potential impacts that may result from the project

interventions. The process enables proper targeting of issues requiring further technical

research and in-depth assessments during the EIA and SIA preparation. Without the

proper screening, deficient planning and engineering design of sub-projects using

unreliable information can result in weak arrangements to conserve critical natural

ecosystems and may result in creating adverse environmental impacts.

Key outputs of the detailed environmental screening would include:

determination (with a degree of confidence), of all national and state and local

regulations and policies that will apply to the sub-projects

preliminary judgment on the sub-project category per the MoEF EIA Notification,

2006 (including recent amendments)

decision on the environmental categorization (A, B, or C)1 in line with World

Bank‟s safeguards policies; and

process, timeframe and responsibilities for securing the requisite clearances and

permissions per GoI guidelines.

It is critical at this stage for Consultants to review the list of applicable legislations or

polices and regulations with the project proponent and the World Bank first to diffuse

inconsistencies in understanding and second, to mobilize assistance both at the central

and state levels to facilitate applications process.

Experience with preparing the F1 applications for Environmental Clearances shows that

Nodal Officers and Regional Officers play an essential role and involving them early on in

the process is critical. Based on the screening results, a decision can be made on

whether the sub-project road would require further field assessments and studies or not.

The Guidance note also gives an outline for presenting data with necessary explanation

for recording likely environmental impacts.

The screening process enhances implementation by screening out or enhancing

acceptability of sub-project proposals on the basis of environmental criteria. Apart from

the screening of sub-projects for proposed inclusion in the project (NHIIP-1), the

results/findings from this exercise would be used to determine the scope of

Environmental (Impact) Assessment requirement.

1 World Bank safeguards policies

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Step 3: Environmental Impact Assessment

An EIA consists of a comprehensive study that involves thorough documentation of

existing conditions, and identification of impacts with a comparison of alternative project

design options including without the project option. If implemented early, the EIA can be

an excellent “preventative tool”2. Usually, EIA has three objectives: assist decision

makers in getting a clear picture of the potential impact on the overall environmental

quality; provision of impact prevention and enhancement of benefits and minimization of

impacts in the long term; and provide a forum that allows direct input from stakeholders

in the managements of the project. Towards this end, the MoEF has developed an EIA

Guidance Manual for Highways, which will be used along with WB‟s operational policy


Ideally, an EIA will have:

A general information on highway project, requisite environmental clearance

process and a gist of the project component

the location of the road corridor, map and topographical sheets including the

potential benefits and need for the project, description of alignment options,

implementation schedule and the projected costs for the project

characterize the relevant features of the current (“baseline”) state of the

receiving environment biological, physical and socioeconomic description of the

corridor and the region

description of the potential interactions between the intervention and the baseline


analysis of alternatives with particular reference to location of project corridor and

the applicable engineering technologies

management measures to avoid, mitigate, compensate and monitor any

potentially significant adverse impacts and cost of management measures in an

environmental management plan

summarize significant concerns and recommend needed actions to address each


Conclusion – stating that either (a) the EIA is the completed environmental

assessment for the intervention or (b) further assessment work is required and

will be incorporated in a revised EIA. For example, project roads that would need

follow up biodiversity assessments to track changes will be stated in the EIA

Disclosure of the Consultants that prepared the EIA

The GoI EIA Guidance Manual for Highways clearly outlines the contents and

comprehensive description of the chapters in an EIA. The note also provides sample

ToRs for EIAs, international best practice on road construction and management, codes

of practices as advocated by the International Road Congress, India (IRC).

Key steps will include the following:

2 Roads and Environment Handbook, The World Bank, 1997

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Define the scope of the EIA: In this case, the scope of the EIA study will be

shaped by the findings from the environmental screening exercise and the TORs

prepared by the MORTH. Where relevant, the World Bank OP‟s will

supplement/guide the information to be added and process to be followed.

Characterize the project interventions (type of project, location, need for the

project, alignments, utilities to be shifted, activities, schedules, estimated budget

, etc.),

Building on findings from screening exercise, identify likely interactions between

the project and the environment especially where project roads are abutted by

critical forest and river ecosystems

Establish an effective stakeholder participation program

Identify key environmental issues and assess range and potential severity of

impacts on the existing environment (adverse; and beneficial, direct and indirect)

by (i) project phase; (ii) engineering technologies and other non-built

infrastructure mechanisms to be used and (ii) by ecological component,

community and other sub-units of the study area

Assess the risks and implications of improper operation, failures, disasters and

other (lower probability) events

Consider the implication of project alternatives with and without the interventions

with respect to both location and technologies. Where realignments and bypasses

are being considered, assess the feasible design options with inputs from the

potential project affected people incorporated

Prepare an EMP, which is implementable program of measures to avoid, mitigate,

manage and monitor adverse impacts and enhance benefits.

Assess the residual impacts remaining after implementation of EMP measures

The following is the recommended table of contents of EIA:

- Executive summary

- Policy, legal and institutional framework

- Project description

- Status of the environment (baseline data)

- Environmental impacts

- Analysis of alternatives

- Additional studies (if applicable)

- Project Benefits

- Environmental Management Plan

- Stakeholder consultations

- Summary and recommendations

- Conclusions

- Annexes

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The model outline does not explicitly provide section/subsection headings for many of

EIA activities. Therefore DPR/feasibility consultants will create their own customized

outline from this model that provides sections/subsections for EIA activity undertaken for

the sub-project road under consideration.

Step 4: Preparation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

EMP is the next step in the EIA process after identifying potential impacts. It involves the

identification and development of measures aimed at avoiding, mitigating, offsetting

and/or reducing impacts to levels that are environmentally acceptable during

implementation and operation of the project road. EMPs provide an essential link

between the impacts predicted and mitigation measures specified within the EIA and

implementation and operation activities.

Certain activities/interventions will have an impact on the natural environment, the scale

of which would depend on the existing baseline conditions along the corridor and thus

would require a specific plan to institute and monitor mitigation measures and take

desired actions in a timely manner. An EMP must be sub-project specific, clearly

describing adverse impacts and mitigation actions to be taken. The magnitude and

temporal scale of the sub-project road will determine the contents/coverage of the EMP.

Depending on extent of issues that are to be avoided, minimized and/or mitigated, the

EMP will have concrete/specific mitigation actions, timelines and responsible persons.

For each sub-project road, an EMP should address the following:

Mitigation, enhancement, protection and compensation measures for each phase

including design pre-construction, construction, operation and maintenance

Mitigation performance monitoring (i.e. monitoring the operation and

maintenance of mitigation measures and their targeted impacts)

PAP participation arrangements by project development phase

Disaster management contingency plan where applicable especially in areas with

potential flooding, earthquake zones

Institutional arrangements for implementation, monitoring and reporting

Cost estimates for all EMP activities

Standard construction environmental safeguards clauses for engineering and civil


For developing the EMP, DPR consultants will consider findings from the stakeholder/

public consultation process, including suggestions from domain experts and Project

Affected People (PAP) and vulnerable people. For NHIIP project roads, a standalone EMP

will be needed for a sub-project.

For Category A projects, World Bank guidelines require detailed EMPs. EMPs for the

respective roads projects would be prepared using guidelines provided in the Annex C of

OP 4.01 of the World Bank safeguards.

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Below are the proposed elements of an EMP:

Identified Impacts and Description of Mitigation Measures: Under this sub-heading, the

EMP will describe the identified impacts that may result from the project interventions.

With reference to each impact, it will describe feasible and cost effective measures to

minimize impacts to acceptable levels. This section will also provide details on the

conditions under which the mitigatory measures will be implemented whether as a

routine or in the event of contingencies. The EMP will also distinguish between type of

solution proposed (structural & non structural) and the phase in which it should become

operable. Measures that can be taken to avoid, minimize or mitigate the extent of

environmental damage have been detailed out in the annex.

Enhancement Plans: Positive impacts or opportunities arising out of the project will be

identified during the EA process. Some of these opportunities can be further developed

to draw environmental benefits to local communities within the project road corridor and

the sub-region. The EMP will identify such opportunities and develop a plan to

systematically harness any such benefit.

Monitoring Plan: In order to ensure that the proposed mitigatory measures have the

intended results and comply with GoI and World Bank requirements, an environmental

performance monitoring program will be included in the EMP with the following

suggested details:

Monitoring indicators to be measured for evaluating the performance of each

mitigatory measure. Indicators should include principles adopted for alignments,

applicable GoI engineering standards for road widening, etc)

Monitoring mechanisms and methodologies

Monitoring frequency

Monitoring locations

Expected cost of monitoring


Institutional Arrangements: Institutions/parties responsible for implementing mitigatory

measures and for monitoring their performances will be clearly identified along with any

legal instruments that define their obligations. Where necessary, mechanisms for

institutional co-ordination will be identified as often monitoring tends to involve more

than one institution.

Implementation Schedules: Timing, frequency and duration of mitigation measures with

links to overall implementation schedule of the project will be specified.

Reporting Procedures: Feedback mechanisms to inform the relevant parties on the

progress and effectiveness of the mitigatory measures and monitoring itself will be

specified. Guidelines on the type of information wanted and the presentation of feedback

information will also be highlighted.

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Cost Estimates: Implementation of mitigatory measures mentioned in the EMP will

involve an initial investment cost as well as recurrent costs. The EMP should include

costs estimates for each measure and also identify sources of funding.

3.2 Key Principles/Guidelines for Engineering Design

In order to avoid and minimize adverse environmental and social impacts at sub-project

level, the following principles are being adopted for alignment finalization:

1. The proposed right of way for bypasses will be 30 meters if the projected traffic is

less than 15,000 PCUs in 2030 and 45m if the traffic is more than 15,000 PCUs in


2. The alignment would as far as possible stay within the existing right of way in

forest areas. In case of exception, both options (within the existing right of way

and the alignment proposal with forest land diversion) would be analyzed before a

final decision is made.

3. The corridor of impact (CoI) for the project will broadly range between 15m to 18

m to fit the typical cross sections, space for drains, roadside furniture and utilities.

However, in specific locations, CoI of less than 15m will also be considered to

minimize the impact on properties. Whereas, in urban areas, if the available land

width is found more than the required to fit the cross section, entire available space

may be paved from building line to building line to facilitate parking etc.

4. Decision on bypasses and realignments is being taken based on a comparison of

options with or without the proposed change in design on a case to case basis.

More so, findings from the environmental and social screening report provide the basis

for developing engineering designs. In certain cases where results from the field

assessments are not duly factored into project drawings, ecological footprints that could

result from such proposed engineering designs are found to be significant. To eliminate

such complexities, Highway Engineers will work hand in hand with the respective

Environmental and Social Experts ensuring that proposed designs are environmentally,

socially and economically viable. Until the EIAs are publicly disclosed and approved,

engineering drawings would undergo a series of changes to incorporate all

recommendations from the environmental and social stand point.

3.3 Consultation and Disclosure Requirements

Consultation with affected people, subject/domain experts and NGOs in preparing the

EIA/EMP is critical for Category A projects. For all Category A projects/sub-pojects, the

project proponent is expected to consult project-affected groups and local

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) about the project's environmental aspects and

take their views into account. The project proponent should initiate such consultations at

each stage of the project cycle. The disclosure of documents shall be as per

requirements of GoI and WB procedures.

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3.4 Integration of EMP into Bidding Documents

Sections relevant for the construction stage will be integrated into the Bid Documents.

More guidance has been provided in Annex. Contract documents will need to be

incorporated with clauses directly linked to the implementation of environmental

mnagement measures. Mechanisms such as linking the payment schedules to

implementation of the said clauses need to be explored and implemented, as


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Chapter 4


Overall, the project is classified as environmental category A. This is based on the review

of findings from the preliminary and detailed screening exercises. The following sections

of the framework summarize possible environmental impacts that could arise and

presents possible ways of addressing them.

4.1 Potential Environmental Issues and Impacts

The proposed expansion of the project roads and associated rehabilitation works will

have varying levels of impacts on the surrounding environment – on natural and planted

forests, on lands with agricultural, cultural and other socioeconomic and religious values,

and to an extent on factors wildlife and wildlife habitats, particularly those located

outside the designated protected areas such as National Parks and Sanctuaries.

Observations during preliminary field visits, desk study and results from the screening

exercise identified that potential impacts could range from immediate to long term, could

be direct or indirect including induced development, reversible or irreversible, and or

cumulative as a result of interaction with other development activities ongoing in the


The screening exercises also identified the environmental policies and regulations that

are potentially triggered. Also, since most of the sub-projects serve as lifelines in the

backward areas, the findings also indicate an over-all positive project outcome that is

expected to be beneficial. However, the proposed expansion of the project roads and

associated rehabilitation works will also create some adverse environmental and social

impacts, particularly in project corridors involving realignments and bypasses beyond

existing right of way (ROW). The exact quantum and significance of the likely

environmental and social impacts will be determined after the completion of EIAs and

SIAs, which are currently under preparation.

The direct, indirect and induced adverse impacts resulting as a result of widening of the

project roads (Component 1) may cause adverse environmental impacts in the project

area, if not addressed properly. The proposed works may have adverse impacts on

reserved/protected forest areas through which the road corridors traverse, road-side

plantation, water bodies, local drainage, public water supply sources, material sources,

sensitive receptors, religious sites and common property resources located along the


While no roads will be financed in ecologically sensitive habitats such as national parks,

tiger/elephant reserves and sanctuaries under this project, the presence of wildlife

habitats and/or crossings outside the protected environs in some cases has been

identified in the environment screening exercise. Further analysis/assessment for such

sub-projects, which include NH-234 in Karnataka and NH-200, 201 and 217 in Orissa will

determine the specific nature, magnitude and scale of such impacts.

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Diversion of Forest Lands

It is envisaged that engineering designs largely maintain road widening within the

existing ROW limiting extent to which new land will be diverted except in built up

stretches where realignments and bypasses are proposed as the most cost effective and

environmentally benign alternative.. Findings from field assessments show that in

majority of the roads, lands abutting the carriage way within the ROW and the Direct

Impact Zone are mostly forest lands except in built up areas. Forests are categorized as

protected forests or reserve forests. Construction works will involve removing trees in

the ROW and in specified locations for workers camps, temporal connecting roads,

temporary storage sheds for construction materials, temporal diversion of routes, etc.

Depending on expanse of contiguous area cleared, forest loss could affect soil

characteristics and soil stability increasing dust pollution and potential erosion. Where

roadside forests provide assist with connecting larger forests, tree removal could affect

its value as wildlife corridors.

Where road works involve bypasses or realigning existing carriageways, critical natural

habitats such as protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries and reserves, under private or

tribal ownership could be impacted. Such roads will need more robust planning and

design to avoid, minimize and manage adverse environmental impacts.

From the screening reports, estimates of forest land to be diverted range from 0.5 ha to

10 hectares. These sub-projects will be subjected to applicable forest regulatory

clearance as required by GoI and the concerned state governments. For stretches that

are in close proximity (within 10km) of wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity assessment will

be carried in addition to results from environmental screening to ascertain potential

direct and indirect impact on wildlife particularly where charismatic fauna and

endangered species are involved.

Uptake of Agricultural Lands

In addition to uptake of forest lands, fertile agricultural lands could also be diverted. This

may put pressure on less arable lands and could lead to environmental degradation of

the area.

Impact on Wildlife

When project roads traverse close to natural forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries (the

road itself would be outside designated protected areas), construction process could

increase noise levels, cause affect migration paths, impact availability and access to food

especially for obligate herbivores and carnivorous faunal species. In corridors where

surface water bodies usually used as watering holes by wildlife are affected, dependent

wildlife will be affected.

Transportation and hauling of material and increased vehicular activity within the road

corridor may introduce invasive species, increase noise and air pollution associated

destroy plants with conservation value. Extraction of raw material for construction such

as gravel, sand, etc outside designated locations could create further disturbance to the

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ecosystem by degrading habitat conditions. Also, one of the risks would be the possibility

of increased wildlife poaching during construction.

Extraction and Management of Input Materials

Road construction will involve use of materials such as aggregates, sand, earth and

water and other chemical inputs including bitumen, Grease, oil, petrol, kerosene and

other substance considered to hazardous to human health or the environment according

to the Management Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules of India.

Uncontrolled extraction practices such as river sand quarrying, water extraction from

both underground and ground sources, earth excavation could result in irreversible

effects including depressions that may demand huge restorative actions. Improper

disposal of construction material waste could affect local water sources and agricultural

lands with related health issues.

Road Topography

Topography of most of the road corridors are flat plains, undulating with mild slopes and

to a small degree, rolling terrains and mountainous with steep slopes. In Bihar, the flat

terrains affect drainage conditions with increased potential for flooding, overtopping and

soil erosion. Road works may thus involve raising the road to offset frequent

overtopping. For road works that will involve slope cutting, concerns will evolve around

increased potential for soil erosion, landslides especially during monsoonal seasons,

debris storage, management and disposal.

Demolition Exercise

Bridge shifting works can generate debris which can obstruct waterways if not properly


Other Impacts

Increased traffic from upgraded roads may cause safety concerns for both road-users

and road-side residents, occupational health related risks faced by construction workers

and construction stage nuisances such as dust and noise. In towns with touristic sites

and potential medium to large scale industrial plants/hubs, new commercial and public

activities may lead to an increase in pressure on local and regional natural resources.

Potential long-term impacts could include changes in land use patterns (from agriculture,

natural habitats to real estate, or other non-farming purposes) and changes in

occupational patterns.

4.2 Positive Impacts/Project Benefits

On the positive side, strengthened human capital from enhanced habitation connectivity

and increased access to employment centers is important benefits of the project. Since

the project road development is expected to be largely limited to the existing RoW,

improvements will far outweigh the temporal disincentives to the surrounding

environment in the corridors.

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Over-all, the project is expected to have positive impacts in terms of providing better

connectivity and improved access to populations in less developed or remote areas to

more advanced socio-economic centers. Local businesses and inhabitants in the area of

influence of the project roads as well as users of the project roads will be direct

beneficiaries of the project. These people will have improved access to higher service

level highways and transport services. Benefit will also accrue from the savings in travel

time and transportation costs. Other expected positive outcomes of the project include

improved access to a larger number of economic opportunities, better health services,

facilities and higher levels of education, and improved road safety.

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Chapter 5


Stakeholder consultations form a very crucial part of all development projects, including

infrastructure and are usually carried out as a continuous process through the project

cycle. Public and stakeholder consultations and workshops during the design and project

planning stages provide the medium for sharing information about the project objectives

and scope, alternative design options, and stakeholder perceptions regarding proposed

investment plans. Ensuring an open and transparent information exchange about the

project at this stage, lays a good foundation for an inclusive and participatory

implementation process.

In view of the scope of interventions giving reference to the GoI regulatory policies on

EIAs along with provisions under the Bank's safeguard requirements, the project is

generally categorized as A. It has triggered the World Bank O.P/B.P 4.01- Environmental

Assessment. For a category A operation, both the GoI EIA guidelines and the World

Bank‟s safeguards policies require comprehensive consultations with all key stakeholders

including communities residing in the project corridor particularly women, disabled,

youth; NGOs; civil society groups; road users; private sector; local traditional leaders,

district and state government officers involved in the project; and other categories of

stakeholders that may be peculiar to the area under consideration such as scheduled

castes, scheduled tribes, forest dwellers, etc.

Conforming to the GoI Right to Information Act, 2005 and the World Bank Consultation

and Disclosure Policy, and to meet the project‟s needs for an inclusive participatory

process during project planning, design, implementation, supervision and monitoring,

MORTH PIC with guidance and assistance from the World Bank will facilitate (public and

focused group) consultations/workshop plan for each project road that covers the

following key stages:

- Preliminary consultative session at the very early stages of the project design

when the first set of engineering designs are developed

- Second round of consultations on the engineering design once recommendations

from the first consultations have been considered in revised designs taking into

considerations concerns about bypasses, realignments, land acquisitions, forest

diversions, tribal forest land concerns

- When the draft EIA TORs are complete

- Public consultations on the draft EIAs with the respective SPCB (where an

Environmental Clearance is required)

- Once the final EIA are cleared for official release into the public domain

During the first sets of public discussions, the DPR/Feasibility Consultants will carry out a

series of stakeholder consultations in the project areas to present and to seek inputs and

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feedback on the project objectives, design options, activities plan, and to determine

stakeholder interest to participate in project activities.

Before finalizing the EIA reports, another round of consultations would be carried out to

ensure that all key stakeholders are well aware of the project, the potential impacts

(positive and negative) and mitigation measures, and to lay out a plan for participation

in monitoring, implementation and supervision/auditing. The active participatory

process would ensure that the local communities, ultra poor groups in the communities

and ethnic groups and women, in the project areas will not be worse off and that

benefits or positive effects are well distributed.

To ensure that consultations are useful to the affected groups, the client and the agency

conducting it, this case the DPR consultants, the consultants will ensure an environment

where participants, irrespective of social status, would be able to express their opinions

and preferences freely. The consultants will provide relevant material in a timely manner

prior to the consultations in a form and language that are comprehensible and accessible

to the groups that are participating in the consultations.

Over-all, the consultations would:

Learn about the community needs and preferences with respect to the project

objective to improve connectivity through widening and rehabilitating project


Identify and agree on alignment options that have relatively lesser impact on

affected people

Discuss the environmental and social safeguard implications/impacts that might

be associated with the suggested alignment or bypass options, along with the

impact mitigation guidelines and measures adopted in the EMF

Where voluntary lands are involved, identify the donors

Discuss compensatory afforestation plans

Have the community identify grievance and redress mechanisms for resolving

project design and implementation concerns

Determine the main pillars of a communication/consultation strategy that will be

adopted throughout the project phases

Determine options for engaging local community and NGOs in the operation

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Chapter 6



The Environment Management Framework needs to be applied and implemented at all

stages of the project. This requires an institutional mechanism to deal with various

processes and issues.

6.1 Project Implementation Structure

The over-all proposed project implementation structure is depicted in the following


NHIIP-1 EMP Implementation Arrangements and Responsibilities

Project Management Consultant Cell (PMC) Environmental Officer -


Project Implementation Cell . Envtal

Coordinator/Nodal Officer

MORTH Regional Officer (RO)

Integrated Performance Auditor (IPA)

Environmental Monitoring Consultant

Project Implementation Unit --State Public Works Dept (PWD)

Environmental Officer/Forest Officer

Contractor at state level – Safety and Environmental Officer

Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) –

Environmental Expert

NHIIP-1 Proposed EMP Implementation Arrangements and Responsibilities at the National, State and Project Level



























Project Information













Project Information

Within the institutional framework proposed for the project, preparation,

implementation, supervision and monitoring of environment functions, particularly the

Environment Management Plans (EMP), will be carried out at the three levels - national

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center, state level and the project/community level with an inbuilt mechanism for

coordinating activities at all levels.

Specific functions will be delegated to the Environmental Experts assigned to the MORTH

at the national center ( Project Implementation Cell), the National Highways wings of the

respective state Public Works Departments (Project Implementation Unit), Construction

Supervision Consultants, and the civil works engineering contractors, some Non-

Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other local civil society bodies.

National Level

At the central level, the Project Implementation Cell within the MORTH will serve as a

facilitator, overseeing overall responsibilities spanning policy development, fund

disbursement, learning coordination and information sharing as well as monitoring and

evaluation. Specifically towards managing environmental issues, the PIC will contract a

Project Management Consultant (PMC) with a designated Environment Expert who will

provide advisory services to the MoRTH‟s (PIC) National Level Nodal Environmental


The PMC Environment Officer will support PIC on critical issues and provide up to date

guidance and recommendations for effectively managing environment related project

activities at the state and project levels. The PMC EO will facilitate cross learning

between state PIUs and civil contractors and enhance coordinated reporting on progress

with implementation of the EMP. The PMC EO will liaise with the Social and engineering

Experts on the PMC to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the EMPs.

State Level

For each state, a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be created in the State (PWD)

with a multidisciplinary staff expertise in environment and social safeguards, project

management, monitoring and supervision, procurement and fiduciary issues.

Institutional structures for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) may differ relatively to

reflect the unique requirements of the state.

The Environment and/ Forest Officer (E/FO) designated to the PIU will over-see and co-

ordinate various aspects related to the environment management as envisaged under

each sub-project. The E/FO will provide specific guidance on policy and regulatory

requirements specific to the state and local setting to the DPR consultants. The E/FO will

also provide guidance on the process and steps for obtaining any requisite clearances.

The Environment /Forest Officers will support in terms of building PIU team capacity for

incorporating environmental concerns in design, implementation and operation of the

sub-project. The E/FO will collaborate strongly with counterpart social and engineering

specialist on the PIU as well as the Construction Supervision consultant and will report to

the Project Management Consultant through the PIC. Where there are multiple sub-

project roads within one state, separate sub- PIUs will be established within the State

PWD to reduce overburdening with implementing multiple sub-projects.

Together with the Social Expert on the PIU, the Environment/Forest Officer will :

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ensure integration of the EIA and resulting EMP into the sub-project design and

implementation plans (contract documents)

monitor implementation of the mitigation measures by the Contractors

assist the engineers at site by providing appropriate environmental advice, and

developing/revising environmental mitigation measures for the sub-projects

assist the PIU to carry out participatory consultation during planning, design and

implementation of sub-project

document experiences associated with and lessons learned from environmental

mitigation and prepare useful training materials for both internal and external

capacity building

prepare regular periodic progress reports on the implementation of the EMP

throughout project implementation

Project Level

Actual civil works and reconstruction of the project roads will be carried out by the

Construction Consultants/Contractors under the direct supervision of Construction

Supervision Consultants. The Environmental Expert on the Contractor team will ensure

strict compliance with the environmental contractual clauses and will report on progress

or challenges to the Construction Supervisory team.

6.2 Monitoring Arrangements for Effective Environmental Management

In order to ensure that the proposed mitigatory measures have the intended results and

complies with GoI and World Bank requirements, an environmental performance

monitoring program would be carried out. This could be achieved through daily and more

sequenced monitoring by the Environment Experts on the contractor, CSC and PMC


Construction Phase Monitoring

In selecting the monitoring parameters, care will be taken to choose parameters

according to the characteristic features of the existing environmental baseline conditions

ensuring that parameters are both cost effective and viable for identifying changes that

deviate from predetermined impacts. The plan will be designed on the premise that civil

works and related activities will have relatively less significant effects on existing

conditions and residual impacts will be controlled using the EMP. Results from the

monitoring the environmental parameters will be compared to MOEF and CPCB/SPCB

legal limits.

Operational Phase Monitoring

It is envisaged that operation of the reconstructed highways will present fewer

environmental impacts compared to the construction phase. Monitoring indicators for the

operation phase will be based on feedback from local surveys and from planned social

responsibility/peripheral development activities. Monitoring during the operational phase

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will be carried out more frequently especially during the first year of operation to ensure

that any complaints about the road operation is readily captured and resolved.


A Third Party Audit will review the effectiveness of the implementation of environmental

management plan. Primarily the auditing exercise will determine whether the sub-

projects comply with all environmental regulatory performance standards in addition to

any GoI stipulated highway construction and operation standards. Auditing process will

test the accuracy of reports from field assessments and cost effectiveness of

management measures. It entails a systematic, documented and periodic review of

project implementation and could be a very useful tool to improve project management


Instituted environmental audits at the project road level and at the overall operation

level is critical for an operation of this dimension. In this regard, the operation will

incorporate a series of independent verification and audit mechanisms both at design

and implementation phases. At the preparation phase, the project will launch a one-

time independent technical audit of the EMF and the EIAs. During the construction

phase, NHIIP will contract chartered accounting firms to conduct bi-annual or annual

performance audit that will include financial management, procurement and safeguard

compliance. As Integrated Environmental and Social Performance Auditor, the firm(s)

will review all sub-project documents and visit a representative sample of project roads

for validation of safeguards compliance. These will complement system enhancements

that are aimed at monitoring efficiency and quality of expenditure within the NHIIP-1


With respect to environmental issues, the performance audits will:

collect, analyze and interpret monitoring results to detect changes related to

implementation and

operation of specific activities

verify if monitoring parameters are in compliance with national set standards

compare the predicted impacts with actual impacts and evaluate the accuracy of

predictions in view of proposed mitigation measures

evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of the EMP

loop back into the EMP, any short comings identified from the auditing

identify and report if there is non-compliance with the EMP and where applicable

identify replicable lessons from the monitoring

To facilitate auditing process, auditors may first develop a structured questionnaire

based on the EMP and this can be administered to state officers involved in the project,

construction engineers, PAP, etc. Depending on specific characteristics of the sub-project

road, audits can be carried out at regular intervals or on ad hoc basis or when mitigation

is not carried out as defined by the EMP leading to public concern.

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6.3 Measures to Introduce/Strengthen Institutional Capacity

To meet the multiple and varied nature of environment challenges that the project

poses, capacity needs will be built at the central, state and project levels responsible for

planning and designing and implementing the sub-projects and the EMPs. In this

respect, NHIIP-1 will also initiate some key activities with MORTH and the participating

states as enumerated below:

a) Capacity Building and Mainstreaming Environmental Dimensions in the Technical

Standards: The existing limited implementation capacity can affect environmental

outcomes despite safeguard provisions. This dearth in capacity will be addressed

through enhanced technical assistance and training, and sharing of environmental

and social lessons from similar national highway projects. Technical assistance

component (TA) and training on the management of key environmental issues of

highway roads development program, such as planning, design and/or

construction of roads in ecologically sensitive areas; drainage design and

management; slopes and debris management in hilly terrain and materials

management, will be provided to the engineers and contractors. The NHIIP-1 may

provide assistance in revising IRC codes on highway construction. This can also

include a manual towards creation of „green highways‟.

b) Integration of Environmental Aspects in the Operations Manual: The Operations

Manual (OM) of NHIIP ( a key document that lays out the detailed procedures)

will be prepared to reflect the environmental management procedure that will

govern the operation

c) Integration of EHS requirements in the Standard Bidding Document:

Inappropriate construction practices can cause adverse environmental, health and

safety (EHS) impacts, especially from the improper scheduling of works, unsafe

handling of hazardous materials and haphazard dumping of construction wastes

(including earth cuts in hills). To ensure improved environmental management

during the construction stage, a section clearly specifying preventive and

mitigation measures to be taken by the contractor will be introduced in the

Standard Bidding Document (SBD). Compliance with these specifications will be

supervised as part of project technical supervision.

6.4 EMP Implementation Budget

In view of the environmental management measures suggested above and factoring in

the limited implementation capacity of the state PIUs, necessary budgetary provisions

should be made for different sub-projects. Tentative budget for each of the sub-projects

should include environmental management cost, monitoring cost.

6.5 Environment Management – Additional Guidance/Tools

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In addition to the above tools, many aspects of the environmental codes of practice

developed by the National Rural Roads Development Agency, Ministry of Rural

Development are very relevant to the operation. Annex provides a preliminary list of the

applicable codes of practice from the National Rural Development Agency‟s ECoP.

The EMF adopts and applies the India Environmental Codes of Practice for rural roads.

Even though the ECoPs are designed for rural roads, these are useful and provide

technical solutions that incorporate principles of environmentally sound and sustainable

planning and design for expanding and rehabilitating the project highways. The ECOP

provides appropriate guidance useful in enhancing positive impacts and to avoid,

minimize and mitigate adverse impacts.

The activity-specific codes address design, construction and operation-stage issues

associated with: (a) site preparation; (b) construction camps and plant sites; (c) borrow

and quarry areas; (d) water management; (e) slope stability and erosion control

(including introduction of bio-engineering practices); (f) waste management; (g)

drainage; (h) public and workers health and safety; (i) cultural properties (including

handling of „chance-find‟); and (j) tree plantation.

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Annex 1

Generic Terms of Reference for Conducting an EIA

Environment Assessment (EA) is a decision support mechanism to ensure that the

project design and implementation are environmentally sound and sustainable. During

the preparation phase, the objective of the EA is to provide inputs to the selection of

sub-projects, feasibility study; preliminary and detailed design as well as assist

development of a holistic development of the project package. During the

implementation phase, environmental management plans (developed as a part of the EA

during the preparation phase) are to be used for executing the environmental mitigation,

enhancement and monitoring measures.

Objectives of EA

In the preparation phase, the EA shall achieve the following objectives:

1. Identify and analyze upstream environmental issues that may affect the project

and the sector.

2. Establish the environmental baseline in the study area, and identify any significant

environmental issues (direct/indirect/induced/cumulative)

3. Assess impacts of the project, and provide for measures to address the adverse

impacts by the provision of the requisite avoidance, mitigation and compensation


4. Integrate the environmental issues in the project planning and design; and

5. Develop appropriate management plans for implementing, monitoring and

reporting of the suggested environmental mitigation and enhancement measures.

The environmental assessment studies and reporting requirements to be undertaken

under these TOR must conform to the GoI/GoB regulations and the Bank guidelines.

Description of the Project

(Include description of the project; covering geographical location, type of development

envisaged, including a description of project activities. Also include current status of the

project. Provide brief information on any other study already completed/on-going or

proposed) ... to be added by Client.

Scope of Work

The EA comprises the following 3 components: (i) Environmental screening for the entire

project; (ii) Environmental Assessment (EA) for the individual project/sub-projects, as

required; and (c) Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for the individual


The following section gives the detailed scope of work in each of these stages.

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The Consultants shall use the inception period to familiarize with the project details. The

Consultants shall recognize that the remaining aspects of the project, such as

engineering and social, would be studied in parallel, and it is important for all these

aspects are integrated into the final project design to facilitate their successful project

implementation. The Consultants should also recognize that due care and diligence

planned during the inception stage helps in improving the timing and quality of the EA


During the inception period the Consultants shall: (a) study the project information to

appreciate the context within which the EA has to be carried-out; (b) identify the sources

of secondary information on the project, on similar projects and on the project area; (c)

carry out a reconnaissance survey and (d) undertake preliminary consultations with

selected stakeholders.

Following the site visits and stakeholder consultations, as well as a review of the

conditions of contract with the Client, the consultant shall analyse the adequacy of the

allocated man-power, time and budget and shall clearly bring out deviations, if any. The

Consultant shall study the various available surveys, techniques, models and software in

order to determine what would be the most appropriate in the context of this project.

The Consultant shall interact with the engineering and social consultants to determine

how the EA work fits into the over-all project preparation cycle; how overlapping areas

are to be jointly addressed; and to appropriately plan the timing of the deliverables of

the EA process. These shall be succinctly documented in the Inception Report.

Environmental Screening

Consultants shall summarize the known sub-project/s into different categories that relate

to the magnitude potential environmental impacts. During such categorization,

consideration shall be paid to: (i) location of sub-project with respect to environmentally

sensitive areas; and (ii) volume, nature and technology of construction. The screening

parameters should be such that their identification and measurement is easy, and does

not involve detailed studies. The screening criteria shall also contain exclusion criteria,

for sub-projects, which should not be taken up due to potential significant environmental

impacts that cannot be mitigated (including, but not limited to, permanent obstruction to

wildlife corridors, or opening up increased access to threatened biodiversity resource

hotspots, or construction on top of eroded and vulnerable flood embankments).

Environmental Scoping

Based on result of the environmental screening exercise, consultants shall suggest the

scope of Environmental Assessment to be undertaken. It shall include a listing of other

environment issues that do not deserve a detailed examination in the project EA

(covering, for example, induced impacts that may be outside the purview of the client)

along with a justification. The scoping needs to identify and describe the specific

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deviations or inclusions vis-à-vis the EA ToR provided, if any, along with a justification;

modify this ToR for the sub-project EA, if required; and recommend studies that need to

be conducted in parallel but are outside the EA process.


All regionally or nationally recognized environmental resources and features within the

project‟s influence area shall be clearly identified, and studied in relation to activities

proposed under the project. These will include all protected areas (such as national

parks, wildlife sanctuaries, reserved forests, RAMSAR sites, biosphere reserves,

wilderness zones), unprotected and community forests and forest patches, wetlands of

local/regional importance not yet notified, rivers, rivulets and other surface water bodies.

and sensitive environmental features such as wildlife corridors, biodiversity hotspots,

meandering rivers, flood prone areas, areas of severe river erosion, flood embankments

(some of which are also used as roads). Consultants shall consolidate all this information

in a map of adequate scale.

Stakeholder Identification and Consultation

Consultation with the stakeholders shall be used to improve the plan and design of the

project rather than merely having project information dissemination sessions. The

consultants shall carry out consultations with Experts, NGOs, concerned Government

Agencies and other stakeholders to: (a) collect baseline information; (b) obtain a better

understanding of the potential impacts; (c) appreciate the perspectives/concerns of the

stakeholders; and (d) secure their active involvement during subsequent stages of the


Consultations shall be preceded by a systematic stakeholder analysis, which would: (a)

identify the individual or stakeholder groups relevant to the project and to environmental

issues; (b) include expert opinion and inputs; (c) determine the nature and scope of

consultation with each type of stakeholders; and (d) determine the tools to be used in

contacting and consulting each type of stakeholder group. A systematic consultation plan

with attendant schedules will be prepared for subsequent stages of project preparation

as well as implementation and operation, as required.

Identification of Relevant Macro/Regional Level Environmental Issues

Consultants shall determine the Valued Environment Components (VECs) considering the

baseline information (from both secondary and primary sources), the preliminary

understanding of the activities proposed in the project and, most importantly, the

stakeholder (and expert) consultations, which would need to be carefully documented.

Use of iterative Delphi techniques is recommended.

Based on the identification of VECs, consultants shall identify information gaps to be

filled, and conduct additional baseline surveys, including primary surveys. The

consultants shall conduct a preliminary analysis of the nature, scale and magnitude of

the impacts that the project is likely to cause on the environment, especially on the

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identified VECs, and classify the same using established methods. For the negative

impacts identified, alternative mitigation/management options shall be examined, and

the most appropriate strategy/technique should be suggested. The preliminary

assessment should clearly identify aspects where the consultants shall also analyse

indirect and cumulative impacts during all phases and activities of the project. For the

positive measures identified, alternative and preferred enhancement measures shall be


Environmental Assessment

The Consultants shall undertake necessary impact analysis on the basis of primary and

secondary information and outputs from the stakeholder consultation process.

In the cases of very significant environmental losses or benefits, the consultants shall

estimate the economic/financial costs of environment damage and the

economic/financial benefits the project is likely to cause. In the cases, the impacts or

benefits are not too significant, qualitative methods could be used. In addition, wherever

economic and financial costs of the environmental impacts cannot be satisfactorily

estimated, or in the cases of significant irreversible environmental impacts, the

consultants shall make recommendations to avoid generating such impacts.

Environmental Management Plan

The consultants shall prepare an EMP to address identified planning, design, construction

and operation stage issues. For each issue, the consultants shall prepare a menu of

alternative avoidance, mitigation, compensation, enhancement and/or mitigation

measures, as required/necessary. Consultants shall provide robust estimates of costs for

environmental management measures. These costs shall be verified for common works

items in line with the rate analysis for other works. The consultants shall organize

consultations with line departments and will the finalize the EMP.

Environmental Inputs to Feasibility Study and Preliminary Project Design

The EA consultants shall make design recommendations, related to alignment, cross-

sections, construction material use, mitigation and enhancement measures. The EA

consultants shall interact regularly with the Client and familiarize themselves with the

project‟s over-all feasibility analyses models, so that the EA inputs are in conformity to

the needs of the over-all feasibility study.

Capacity Building and Training Plan Preparation

Based on the preliminary findings of the environmental screening, stakeholder

consultations and institutional analysis of the implementing agency‟s capacity to manage

environmental issues, the consultants shall prepare a Capacity Building Plan to

mainstream environmental management in the implementing agency‟s activities by the

end of project implementation period. Earmarking staff for environmental management

and improving their skill-sets would be simultaneously pursued during project

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preparation and implementation. In addition, recommendations should be made

concerning any changes to guidelines, standards and regulations, which would improve

medium and long term environmental management in the line departments works.

A detailed training plan shall be prepared to develop and strengthen environmental

capacities of the client and other associated agencies/departments. The strategy should

include a mix of hands-on training for key staff involved in project preparation, site visits

to similar projects, and whenever required, full-fledged academic programs on

environmental management at well-recognized institutions.

The consultants shall conduct orientation training for the key client, early in the

assignment. Periodic training at various levels should continue during project preparation

to ensure that the knowledge, skills and perspectives gained during the EA assignment

are transferred to the Client and are utilized effectively during project implementation.

Mechanisms for improved co-ordination between Client and Line departments

The consultants shall examine the various options available for improved and timely co-

ordination between various state government departments. These could take the form of

written MoUs for specific activities, apex co-ordination committee of top bureaucrats, or

any such mechanism that can be effective in reducing delays in ancillary activities such

as, but not limited to, shifting of utilities and obtaining required regulatory permissions.

Co-ordination among Engineering, Social, Environment and Other Studies

The consultants, with assistance from the Client, shall establish a strong co-ordination

with the other project-preparation studies – engineering, social and/or institutional

development. The consultants shall keep in mind the specific requirements of the project

in general, and the engineering/design studies in particular, and shall plan their outputs

accordingly. It is recommended that some of the consultation sessions may be organised

in co-ordination with the social and engineering consultants, as feasible, and when the

stakeholders consulted are the same.

The consultant shall review the contract documents – technical specifications, and rate

analysis, to ensure that there are minimal conflicts between the EMP stipulations and

specifications governing the execution of works under the project.

Public Disclosure

The consultants shall prepare a non-technical EA summary report for public disclosure

and will provide support to the client in meeting the disclosure requirements, which at

the minimum shall meet the World Bank‟s policy on Public Disclosure. The consultants

will prepare a plan for in-country disclosure, specifying the timing and locations;

translate the key documents (including executive summary of EA/EMP) in local

language; draft the newspaper announcements for disclosure; and help the client to

place all the EA reports in the client‟s website.

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Consultant’s Inputs

The Consultants are free to employ resources as they see fit. Additional expertise, shall

be provided as demanded by the context of the project. The consultants are encouraged

to visit the project area and familiarize themselves, at their own cost, before submitting

the proposal; and propose an adequate number and skill-set for the senior specialists

and technical support staff for the EA assignment. Further, the consultant will allocate

adequate number of field surveyors, distinct from the technical support staff, to

complete the study in time. Timing is an important essence for any EA study, which shall

be closely co-ordinated with the works of the engineering and social teams,

simultaneously involved in preparation of the project.

The consultants shall provide for all tools, models, software, hardware and supplies, as

required to complete the assignment satisfactorily. These should be widely recognized or

accepted. Any new model or tool or software employed should be field-tested before use

or the purpose of this EA.

The consultants shall make formal presentations, co-ordinated by the client, at key

milestones on the (a) proposed work plan after submitting the Inception Report; (b)

recommendations from the environmental screening; and (c) EA findings, design and

EMP recommendations. All supporting information gathered by the consultant in

undertaking these terms of reference would be made available to the client.

Consultant’s Outputs

The consultant is expected to provide the following outputs, as per the schedule given in

the ToR. The Consultants are expected to allocate resources, such as for surveys,

keeping this output schedule in mind.

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Annex 2

Guidance Note for Incorporation of Environment

Management Plan into Contract Documents

The purpose of the annex is to provide some guidance on the integration of the EMP/

GEMP into the contract documents of a sub-project.

Environment requirements in the pre-bid documents

1. The project implementing agency, i.e. PIU / the Line Departments issue the pre-bid

documents to shortlist a few contractors, based on their expression of interest and

capability. While details on environmental requirements are really not required in the

pre-bid stage, it is useful to mention that the contractor is expected to have good

environmental management capability or experience.

Incorporating EMP in the Bid Document

2. The project implementing agency (line department) issues the bid documents to the

pre-qualified contractors. There are two kinds of bid documents, for International

Competitive Bids (ICB) and National Competitive Bids (NCB). In Bank projects, these

documents are prepared based on templates (separate for ICB and NCB) provided by

the Bank. The ICB documents are based on the FIDIC (i.e., an acronym for the

International Institute of Consulting Engineers) guidelines, while the NCB is closer to

the national contracting procedures, i.e. the Central PWD contract documents in

India. The bid documents contain separate volumes. For instance, a typical ICB

document contains:(i) General Conditions of Contract, which is based on the FIDIC;

(ii) Technical Specifications, which is based on the applicable specifications in India

for similar infrastructure related works; (iii) Bill of Quantities and (iv) Drawings.

3. The EMP parts/sections should be included in the relevant locations of the bid

documents in the following way:

Mitigation/enhancement measures & monitoring requirements tables

The cross-reference to these tables should be included in the “conditions of

particular application (COPA)”, which is a part of the General Conditions of

Contract (e.g. Section IV, Item 19.1 of the ICB). As a standard practice, there is

an over-all reference to the laws that have to be followed in this section/item.

The relevant laws need to be mentioned here. In addition, the adherence to the

mitigation/enhancement measures and table on monitoring requirements

should be included. The two tables will have to be added as Annexes or the

entire EMP (without cost and drawings) as a whole should be attached. Either

the Annexes or the appropriate section in the EMP should be cross-referred in

the description of this item.

Modifications/additions to the technical specifications

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Due to the mitigation/enhancement measures included in the EMP, there may

be (a) additions/alterations required to the applicable specifications and/or (b)

there may be a need to add new specification/s. These are to be referred in the

section on “Supplementary Specifications” in the Technical Specifications

Volume of the bid document. Generally, the GoI applicable specifications are

already referred/listed and are not repeated in the bid documents. However,

changes and additions to these specifications are made through the inclusion of

a section “Supplementary Specifications.” This section should also include

additional technical specifications related to the EMP or should provide a cross-

reference to the specific section of the EMP.

Cost table

All the items in the EMP cost table relevant to the contractor have to be

referred in the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) table, which is a separate volume of the

bid documents. It is to be noted that the BoQ table in the bid document

includes the various tasks to be done by the contractor under different

categories. Against each task, the contractor will have to indicate a unit rate

while completing the bid documents.


All EMP drawings are to be reflected in the „Drawings‟ volume of the Bid

document. If the drawings are included in the EMP, then a cross-reference

should be provided in the Drawings Volume.

Developing the EMP to suit the bid/contract document

4. As one of the intentions is to integrate the EMP requirements into the bid

documents/contract Agreement, the EMP should be developed keeping the following

in mind:

a. Mitigation/enhancement measures: In the Mitigation/Enhancement Measure

table, the text describing each measure should not include/repeat what is already

covered under the technical specification/s, and this should only be cross-

referred. The text should be short, clear and succinct. The description should

focus on “what” and “where” of the mitigation / enhancement measure as the

“how” of the measure is covered under the specification.

b. Monitoring requirements table: There are certain monitoring requirements for the

contractor. While developing the Monitoring Requirement table, those that pertain

to the contractor should be clearly mentioned.

c. Technical specifications: The modifications to the specifications and the additional

specifications should be separately listed. These should be included as Annexure

in the EMP. The (added or modified) technical specifications should be adequately

detailed to avoid problems (including that of interpretations) at site.

d. Drawings: The modifications to the drawings and the additional drawings should

be included as Annexure in the EMP. It is important to note that all drawings

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included/ added should be “execution drawings” detailed as per requirement of

the particular item so as to execute at site with adequate quality control and

workmanship. Also, it is important to note that the quality of BoQ [or cost

estimate] and technical specifications part of the contract document depends on

the degree of detailing in the drawings.

e. Cost table: The items pertaining to the contractor should be clearly separated

from the expenditures that are to be incurred by the project implementing

agency, supervision consultant and/or any other agency/organization.

f. Timing for finalizing EMP: It is best to finalize the EMP before the finalizing the bid

documents. This is required to fully reflect the sections of the EMP relevant to the

contractor in the bid document and to ensure its proper integration.

Other Notes

Once the completed bids have been received from prospective contractors, the project

implementing agency takes a decision based on the costs and the technical merit of the

bids. Following the decision, the implementing agency and the chosen contractor sign

and counter-sign the completed bid documents. It becomes the contract agreement

thereafter. If issues have been missed in the bid documents, it cannot be amended at

the time of signing the contract agreement stage unless there is a really strong

justification for the same. If there is an EMP cost item that is not reflected in the BoQ of

the signed contract agreement, the supervision consultant/engineer may issue a

variation order, if such case has merit. Contractor will quote a rate and the task gets

done. This issue of variation orders is a standard practice and can be used, if found

necessary. However, the intent of the good contracting practices should be to minimize

variation orders and therefore EMP should be carefully prepared and integrated in the bid


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Annex 3

Detailed Environment Screening Guidance Note

A. Purpose/Objectives of Environment Screening

The environmental screening exercise is undertaken to determine the key environmental

issues/concerns and the nature and magnitude of the potential environmental impacts

that are likely to arise on account of proposed project/sub-project interventions. The

major or key environmental issues to be identified will be determined by the type,

location, sensitivity and scale of the project/sub-project. The results/findings from this

exercise are/will be used to determine:

- the extent and type of Environmental (Impact) Assessment requirement

- the environmental category of the project/sub-project

The screening result will also be an important input for analyzing the „feasibility‟ of the

project/sub-project along with engineering/economics and social criteria.

B. Environmental Screening - Report Structure

The table of contents/presentation structure of the Environment Screening Report has

been mentioned below:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction

Project Description

Project Proponent

Description of the sub-project

(including its location, proposed start and end points, regional setting, scale and


Over-view of major key sub-project activities

Need for the sub-project

Expected benefits from the sub-project

Various studies/reports being prepared for the project and how the environment

screening study relates to/feeds into the over-all project preparation

Chapter 2: Methodology Adopted for Environment Screening Exercise

Purpose/Objectives of the Environment Screening Exercise

Methodology (step-by-step process) adopted for Environment Screening Exercise

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Project Influence Area (mention the direct and indirect spatial zone considered

for the environment screening study)

Types and sources of data collection

Weightage/ranking system used (kindly refer annex 1)

Data gaps/constraints, if any

Structure of the Environment Screening Report

Chapter 3: Baseline Environmental Conditions

Natural Environment

Over-all environmental setting of the project (including topography)

Natural resource availability

Natural hazards and vulnerability of the sub-project area

Air Quality

Water availability and quality (include both surface and ground water sources)

Drainage conditions/issues

Slope stability (soil type/s; erosion; landslide/landslip problems, if any)

Visual resources (if any)

Biological Environment

Protected Natural Habitats

(Biosphere Reserves; National Parks and Sanctuaries)

Wildlife Habitats (outside designated protected areas) (including bird habitats,

aquatic habitats, as relevant)

Presence of Forest (Reserved, Protected or of any other category)

Flora/vegetation (general)

(include a broad estimate of trees (no.) that may get affected)

Presence of vulnerable, threatened and/or endangered species of flora and

fauna, if any

Physical and Socio-economic Environment


Socio-economic characteristics of the project influence area

(including transportation network; existing economic/ employment base)

Cultural resources

(archeological heritage; religious structures; local built heritage and art


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Presence of sensitive receptors such as schools/colleges/health


Local level features and issues

(features such as presence of mandis/markets/haats or pastures and issues

like noise, vibration, congestion, waste dumping along the road, presence of

contaminated sites)

Chapter 4: Stakeholder Consultation

Definition of stakeholder

Types/categories of stakeholders consulted for the Feasibility/Screening studies

Details about the consultations carried out

Provide summary in the chapter and supporting details in the annex.

In the summary, kindly mention when, where, how many people attended,

key topics discussed and information shared.

Clearly list out findings including areas/issues that are of concern to the

stakeholders and need attention.

Chapter 5: Regulatory and Institutional Regime

Environmental policies and their implications/application in the sub-project


Environmental acts and their implications/application in the sub-project context

Environmental categorization

Inter-national/national conventions and their implications/application in the sub-

project context

Environmental permits/approvals that will be required for the sub-project (include

specific local requirements, if any)

Existing institutional arrangements/set-up (both in terms of environmental

regulatory agencies and project proponent set-up)

Chapter 6: Assessment of Key Environmental Impacts

Link-up existing environmental conditions with proposed project intervention/s

and identify/assess the potential environmental issues/impacts on natural,

biological and physical environmental attributes that may result in this process.

Look at the key issues that may result purely on account of proposed project

intervention/s (such as safety issues; drainage alterations)

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Analyze/propose alternative options that can avoid and/or reduce the identified

potential impacts

Chapter 7: Findings/Recommendations of Environmental Screening Exercise

Summary of results (weightage) from the environment screening exercise

Key issues/concerns identified

Summary of key benefits from the sub-project/project intervention

Key recommendations from the stakeholder consultation exercise

Summary - opportunities and constraints at the sub-project level

Scoping (focus) of the EA

(mention specific areas/aspects that need to be studied in detail)




Names and contact details of key staff involved in the Feasibility (including

Environment and Social Screening exercise)

Stakeholder consultation details

Details of the data collected


This is a typical or generic reporting structure and so kindly do include any specific

environmental feature/issue that is unique to the sub-project and has not been

mentioned here. This can/should also include any specific local regulatory


Please use the „weightage matrix‟ provided in Annex 1 and format for presenting

results given in Annex 2. This will help in making a more objective comparison

between various sub-projects at the central level. The environmental sensitivity or

ranking will clearly emerge through this and will influence decision-making at the

over-all project level. However, for meaningful and factual analysis at the central

level, consultants must ensure that the information is clearly captured/presented in

the Environmental Screening Report, including a clear mention about data

gaps/constraints, if any. Not doing so can otherwise lead to erroneous decisions and

affect project planning and delivery at a later date, requiring mid-course correction.

An objective screening process is an attempt to avoid/minimize such unwarranted


Kindly ensure that any map/s, cross-section/s and photographs provided in the

report are legible and correctly labeled.

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Environment Screening Methodology – Tabulating Screening Results

Use the format given below to tabulate the result of the environmental screening

exercise. It will provide inputs for the „feasibility study‟ and will give direction to the

„scoping exercise‟ for the EIA.

1. Natural Environment

S. No. Environmental Attribute Total Weight Score

1 Topography 4

2 Vulnerability to natural hazards 4

3 Surface water resources 5

4 Drainage Conditions 5

5 Ground water resources 4

6 Materials Availability 4

7 Soil Erosion 4

Total 30

2. Biological Environment

S. No. Environmental Attribute Total Weight Score

1 Designated Protected Areas 10

2 Wildlife habitat/s (outside designated PAs) 6

3 Migratory route/crossing of wild animals

and birds (outside designated PAs) 6

4 Reserved Forests (RFs) 5

5 Protected or Other Forest/s 5

6 Green tunnels 4

7 Road side trees 4

Total 40

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3. Physical and Socio-economic Environment

S. No. Environmental Attribute Total Weight Score

1 Settlements 5

2 Sensitive Receptors 5

3 Drinking water sources 4

4 Religious Structures 4

5 Cultural Properties 4

6 Market Places 4

7 Common Property Resources* 4

Total 30 -

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Annex 4

Brief Description of Short-Listed Project Roads

(based on screening results)


No. State




Bypass Relevant Features of Project Corridor

98 Bihar 117.49 1

No significant impact3 on the natural environment

expected. Potential drainage and erosion

conditions and issues related to the floodplains

detected. Proposed bypass. Road expansion will

affect roadside plantations - 6100 trees. Water

bodies in close proximity with potential flooding

and sedimentation concerns. Need for and

location of bypass being reviewed with PAPs.

104 Bihar 166.16 7

No significant impacts on natural environment

expected if construction activities are kept within

the ROW and if bypass options are dropped.

Similar to NH 30A, hydrological conditions are of

concern due to potential flooding and overtopping

and sedimentation. Models of the critical

stretches vulnerable to overtopping and

sedimentation will be factored into project design.

Forest diversion.

106 Bihar 106.00 0

Perceived environmental impacts are not

significant. Due to potential overtopping

concerns, road will be raised 1.5 to improve

drainage conditions. This engineering procedure

may alter the hydrological/flow pattern in the

area of interest. About 4000 trees are expected

to be affected

30A Bihar 69.00 2

The road passes through two districts and four

main towns/villages. The topography is mainly

flat plains with subsequent vulnerability to

flooding, drainage and erosion issues. As part of

civil works, 14 bridges will be shifted. The road is

abutted by protected forests and green tunnels.

About 1815 of roadside trees will likely be

affected as a result of the road widening Green

tunnels No significant impacts on natural and

biological environment expected.

3 When an impact is described as having no significance on the environment, it means that the impact is physically removed in space and time from the environment or that the impact is so small that it cannot be measured

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No. State




Bypass Relevant Features of Project Corridor




-AP border

171.21 4

Moderate significant impact on the natural

environment. Bypass strongly advocated for to

limit conversion of land in the settled locations.

Communities advocating for bypass. About 14 km

of the road in various stretches within the

corridor run proximate to five Reserved Forests

(RF): Kurudi; Narasihma Devara Betta; Alamgiri;

Kallur; and the Srinivaspur. Of the five RF only

Narasihma Devara Betta RF could be affected

from the road widening with potential diversion of

about 0.37 ha of the reserve. Two protected

areas are located within a 15km radius of the

road: Jayamangali Black Buck Conservation

reserve (11.5 km aerial distance) and the

Kaundiniya Wildlife Sanctuary situated in the

Chitoor district of Andra Pradesh (2.6km aerial

distance). The third PA is the Bennerghatta

National Park located about 71 km from the road.

The corridor terrain is largely hilly with sections

of rolling and flat terrain

About 4000 trees are likely to be affected.





129.4 0

The road is abutted by five reserve forests all

within 15 km radius in two forest divisions of

Mangalore and Chikamagalur: Mundaje Kap,

Dharmasthala-Mundaje, and the Charmudi

Kanapadi, Balur and Gonibidur at various

stretches totalling 28 km. Except for the

Chamrudi Kanapadi and the Balur RF which are

likely to affected with potential conversion of 2.2

ha and 2.73 ha respectively, remaining 3 RF will

not affected in terms of forest diversions.

Also within 15 radius is the Kudremukh national

Park, a Protected area of both national and

international significance. The park is the second

largest wildlife protected area in the Western

Ghats. It harbours tigers and is recognized under

the Global Tiger Conservation Priority-1 with

WCS. Two other charismatic endangered

mammals are located in the park – Leopard and

Wild Dog with a large supporting base of other

endangered mammals. The road has two

proximate points with the park boundary, 3.2 km

and 8 km respectively. Wildlife sightings have

been reported along the road.

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No. State




Bypass Relevant Features of Project Corridor

Topographically, the road has a mountainous

terrain with issues of land erosion and landslides

capable of disrupting traffic during the monsoon


Over 7000 trees are likely to be affected.

200 Orissa 58.40 1

Moderate to significant impacts expected

Hilly and rolling terrain

22.96 km of road traverses reserved forest area

Wildlife spotting in certain stretches of the road.

Elephant reserves located 50 km from corridor. A

wildlife reserve in 12km from the corridor

Bypass will result in conversion of road side

activities. Not favored as an option by the

surrounding communities

Further discussions to drop the bypass

Slope cutting and subsequent debris

management, erosion and sedimentation control

in the hilly areas

201 Orissa 55.00 0

The project road traverse two districts and five

towns/villages. He road is linear protected forests

in strip plantations abutting it on teh road sides

Dear park is located at km 32.4 near

Papadahandi village within 17 of the project

carriage way As such there could be indirect

impacts on wildlife.

Construction work will involve rehabilitation of 14

minor bridges and causeway with minor

topographical changes

217 Orissa 68.00 0

Reported elephant sighting. Additional field

survey and consultations needed to determine if

this poses an issue. Total number of trees to be

impacted will be about 4773. Road passes

through a reserved forest in the Naupada district.

A dam located 5-6 km from the corridor could

pose flooding and overtopping problems

113 Rajasthan 97.451 1

The road corridor starts at Pratapgarh and ends

near Padi village traversing two districts and

through 6 major towns. Topographically the road

alternates between flat, rolling terrain and hilly

areas. 54 water bodies abutting road within 500m

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No. State




Bypass Relevant Features of Project Corridor

Expected negative biological and environmental

impacts moderate to high. The road traverses

protected and reserved forest within the 15 km

radius. Estimated 1.92 ha of reserve forest and

1.52 ha of protected forest to be diverted.

Estimated 1593 trees to be affected Potential

tribal issues are registered in the region but hte

specific project corridor is not affected.

11B Rajasthan 85.00 2 No significant impacts

60A West Bengal 84.00 2

Rolling, undulating terrain. Soil erosion is of great

concern. Some amount of water stagnation.

Potential effect on wildlife. Public and private

waterbodies located within ROW. Compensatory


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Annex 5

Potential Environmental Impacts

Activity Potential Impacts



Impacts during construction include:

- Tensions between outside workers and local communities

- Affected living standard and income of local residents due

to occupation of farmland

- Market distortion due to temporary inputs to local economy

- Unemployment of local labor

- Disruption to livelihoods, cultural activities, and wellbeing

of locals

- Competition for employment with locals.

Worker’s Camp and

Site Installation

Impacts during construction include:

- Generation of significant volumes of wastewater and solid


- Stockpiling of waste and illegal dumping

- Contamination of land, surface water and groundwater

caused by spillage and leakage from storage of hazardous

materials including petroleum products, chemicals,

hazardous substances or hazardous wastes.

- Water courses, nearby rice paddies, and agricultural land

can be easily contaminated with wastewater and solid


Erosion and


Roadbed and side slopes digging, roadbed filling, road surface

paving, bridge foundation treatment, materials stack, concrete

plants, construction machinery operation etc. can:

- Destroy surface vegetation

- Aggravate soil erosion

- Weakened soil conservation capacity

- Temporarily change water flow patterns

Emissions and Dust

(Air Quality)

Sources or air pollution during construction that can be a

nuisance and cause health problems are:

- Fugitive dust emissions due to exposure of slope surface,

uncovered stockpiling area, earth moving and excavation


- Dust emission due to blasting of rock

- Dust from vehicles and unpaved roads

- Wind blow during transportation of material by vehicles and

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Activity Potential Impacts

when transporting on unpaved access roads

- Gases emissions from batching plants and concrete mixing


- Gases emissions during payment of road surface by asphalt

plant; and

- Air pollutant emissions from exhaust of construction plant

and vehicles such as CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2.

Air pollution problems during the operation phase are:

- Exhaust from vehicles (e.g. CO, NOx) that may deteriorate

air quality in tunnel and at nearby sensitive receptor

locations; and

- Gases emissions during road maintenance and re-surfacing

of road surface (e.g. asphalt plant).

Noise and Vibration

Disturbances to livelihoods and damage to structures can be

cause by:

- Operation of the various equipment during construction (air

compressor, concrete mixers, powered mechanical

equipment, bulldozers, excavators, etc);

- Vehicles transporting materials within construction site and

beyond the construction boundary;

- Piling activities during construction of foundations / piers;

- Ventilation systems during tunnel construction;

- Blasting and vibration during tunnel construction

- During the operation phase, noise may be generated by:

- Traffic noise from road and horning of vehicles;

- Noise from service areas and car parking areas; and

- Construction plant during road maintenance.

Earthworks, Fill

Slopes, Cuts,

Borrow Pits,

Quarries, Disposal

sites, Stockpiles

Impacts include:

- Loss of topsoil affecting productive land.

- Land instability from incorrect earth removal or unstable

deposition of spoil, leading to landslides or erosion events.

- Discharge of sediments into watercourses, rice paddies,

drainages, and irrigation canals.

- Erosion of riverbanks, slopes, and productive land

- Noise and vibration

- Dust emissions affecting health.

- Disturbances or damage to physical cultural resources.

- Damage to agricultural land and native vegetation

- Visual Impacts

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Activity Potential Impacts

Disposal of Debris,

Demolition of


Impacts include:

- Damage of local forest areas, contamination of drainage

watercourses and impacts on land by Improper disposition

of Construction and vehicle waste

- Injure of workers and the general population by falling

debris and flying objects

Clearing of

Construction Areas

Large-scale moving activities, disturbance of soil profile and

removal of vegetation can result in:

- Soil erosion and visual impact

- Loss of productive plots / trees affecting livelihoods and


- Loss of habitat and vegetation for animals

- Discharging sediment and vegetation material into water

courses affecting in-stream habitat

- Discharging sediment and vegetation material into rice

paddies, and irrigation canals

Landscape, Visual

Impacts and Site


Landscape and visual impacts during construction can result


- Poor/inadequate aesthetic design and landscaping design of

the proposed road structures

- Poorly implemented temporary mitigation measures and

slope protection measures during excavation and slope


- After the completion of construction and before operation

of the project, landscape and visual impact may occur

because of:

- Lack of appropriate compensatory planting at the end of

construction or non-native species

- Planting of species visually incompatible to the background


- Lack of proper maintenance/watering of newly planted

vegetation during the post-construction period.

- Lack of proper restoration of cleared areas, such as borrow

pits, stockpiles and disposal areas, construction camp

areas, areas under bridges, and any areas occupied


Water Quality

Pollution of watercourses, groundwater, natural habitats and

productive land caused by:

- Wastewater generated from construction equipment (e.g.

uncontrolled release of bentonite from tunnel drilling


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Activity Potential Impacts

- Wastewater from bored piling locations. Re-suspension of

bottom sediment and mud caused by cut-trench river

crossings and construction of bridge foundation within


- Soil erosion / flush away from uncovered stockpiling

locations, uncovered excavation site and unprotected slope

surface during adverse weather conditions;

- Uncontrolled surface water run-off carrying sediment laden

discharges directly into natural water bodies such as

streams, fish ponds, rivers and local irrigation channels;

- Domestic sewage generated by construction workers, such

as kitchen, shower, campsite, etc.

Main water quality issues during operation phase are:

- Wastewater generated during routine road surface cleaning

and surface runoff from road surface during heavy rain


- Pollution of nearby water body due to vehicle accidents

leaking fuel, hydraulic oil, toxic materials or dangerous

goods; and

- Wastewater discharge from service areas, car parking and

toll station

Solid Waste,

Hazardous and

Chemical Waste

Damage to local forest areas, pollution of drainage

watercourses and natural habitats, and impact on agricultural

land caused by:

- Surplus excavated materials requiring disposal due to earth

moving activities and slope cutting;

- Disposal of used wooden boards for trenching works,

scaffolding steel material, site hoarding, packaging

materials, containers of fuel, lubricant and paint;

- Waste generated by demolition of existing houses /

buildings affected by the project or breaking of existing

concrete surface;

- Domestic solid waste generated by construction workers,

construction campsite, kitchen, toiletries,

- Improper disposition of hazardous wastes such as waste

oil, spent lubricant, solvents, and contaminated materials

resulting from leakage of oil and fuel.

- Improper handling and storage of hazardous and chemical

substances and construction materials

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Activity Potential Impacts

Work on Bridges

- Discharges of sediment into water courses affecting in-

stream habitat.

- Erosion of river banks

- Introduction of invasive species.

- Changing water course paths blocking fish passage and

affecting in-stream habitat from fallen debris from the

construction process

- Discharges of oil and fuel to water courses affecting water




(Fauna and Flora)

Impacts during construction include:

- Destruction of native vegetation and land outside proposed

working areas

- Damage of forest areas

- Loss of habitat and vegetation for animals due to site


- Temporary destruction or disturbance of aquatic life due to

bridge works

- Land occupation at ecological sensitive areas

- Damage of forests and waterways adjacent to camps and

work areas.

- Illegal hunting of wild animals by construction workers

- Lack of re-construction of lost habitats and re-creation of

diverse ecosystems.

Impacts during operation phase include:

- Traffic noise and lighting can force wildlife to leave their

natural habitats

- Lack of evaluation of the success of recreation of habitat

and identification of further measures to improve ecological


- Traffic accidents with wildlife crossing the expressway

Construction Site


Impacts include:

- Risk associated with working in enclosed environment such

as inadequate ventilation and fire fighting within tunnel /

tunnel shaft

- Seepage of water into tunnel during the tunnel


- Collapse within tunnel when drilling through geologically

unstable ground layers

- Risk of falling objects and unstable working platform

- Risk associated with blasting and fire

- Risk associated with equipment and traffic movements, on

and off the construction sites.

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Activity Potential Impacts

Traffic Management

Impacts include:

- Traffic congestion during construction due to the increase

of heavy traffic (of the construction itself and from traffic

detours) in high traffic avenues and exit ramps, community


- degradation of local roads due to heavy equipment

machinery and traffic detours;

- Pedestrian safety specially for school children during


- Increase in traffic accidents

Access and Linking


Impacts include:

- Increase noise, dust t and air pollutants caused by

construction vehicles that will use existing local and

provincial roads;

- Pedestrian safety specially for children and pupils

- Additional vehicles used for transportation of materials may

cause traffic jams and accidents in existing access roads

such as NH1A, NH1B4, NH14E which already exceed traffic


- Newly developed access roads may impact water quality,

destroy existing vegetation cover, cause changes in the

landform in certain areas, impact and create bare surface

more prone to erosion



Lack of communication and consultation with local

communities can lead to an opposition to a road project,

delays in the construction process increased costs and

unsatisfactory solutions.

Health Issues

Impacts include:

- Spread of disease due to poor housekeeping and

accumulation of domestic waste within the construction site

- Stagnant water may result in mosquitoes breeding.

- Unsafe sex conduct could bring the HIV/AID risk to the

local communities.

- Illnesses brought by outside construction workers.

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Annex 6

Environmental Guidelines for

Developing Environment Management Plans

General Issues

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

Water supply

affecting ecology

or neighboring

community water


Camp to provide its own

water supply that does

not affect village water


Any water supply sources should be

located so that it does not

adversely affect the villages supply.

The intake of water from streams

for water supplies should leave

residual flows in the watercourses.

Storage tanks should be used to

buffer water supplies.



affecting water


Wastewater to be

treated prior to


Sewerage disposal methods should

be designed to the standards

outlined by the Vietnamese


Solid waste

polluting the

environment and

causing health


No waste to be burnt or

buried on site.

All solid wastes shall be removed

from site and disposed of at a

municipal landfill.

Camps using local

services and

resources, at the

expense of


Refer to section on Village impacts

Workers intruding

on village life and


traditional cultural


Refer to section on Village impacts

General Construction Issues

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

Noise of machinery

associated with



Noise must not

unreasonably intrude on

traditional village life.

Keep a current list of all noise

producing machinery and noisy


Operate machinery only during

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Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

designated hours in agreement with

local communities

Adopt a complaint mechanism that

will enable capturing and

addressing issues upfront

Work to be carried out in daylight,

in typical working hours.

Concrete batching plants and other

noisy equipment to be located as

far as practical from settlements

Dust generation

from construction


Dust must not cause a

hazard or nuisance to

village life.

Dusty operations to occur only

during designated hours.

Adopt complaint mechanism

Concrete batching plants and other

dusty equipment to be located as

far as practical from settlements.


disturbance from



Vibration must not

unreasonably intrude on

traditional village life.

Keeps a list of all vibration

producing machinery and activities

causing vibration.

This machinery operation to occur

only during designated hours (to be

confirmed by contractor in

agreement with villages).

Use of complaints register and

procedures to address issues as

they arise.


utilization of roads

by traffic

associated with



There should be no

significant increased

risk to local populations

from traffic associated

with the development.

Road upgrades, including signage,

speed humps, re-grading.

Training of locals regarding the

hazards of traffic.

Training of vehicle drivers regarding

the driving risks through villages

and along remote roads.

Use of complaints register and

procedures to address issues as

they arise.

Pollution risk

activities occurring

on site

Develop appropriate

storage, transport and

use practices for storage

and handling of mixed

classes of dangerous

goods in packages and

intermediate bulk


Keeps a current list of all potentially

contaminating materials used on


Develop and implement appropriate

storage, transport and use

practices to recognized standards.

Solid waste disposal shall be taken

off site.

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Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

There shall be no solid

or liquid waste disposal

directly or indirectly to

any water course

(whether flowing or


Excavation and Blasting

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

Noise disturbance

of local


Noise must not

unreasonably intrude on

traditional village life.

Keep lists of all noise producing


This machinery operation to occur

only during designated hours (to be

confirmed by contractor in

agreement with villages).

Blasting to occur at the same time

each day, and / or a warning siren

should sound prior to blasting.


disturbance of

local populations

Vibration must not

unreasonably intrude on

traditional village life.

Keep current lists of all vibration

producing machinery

This machinery operation to occur

only during designated hours (to be

confirmed by contractor in

agreement with villages).

Blasting to occur at the same time

each day, and / or a warning siren

should sound prior to blasting.

Material Stockpiling

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

Runoff of


sediments from


Stockpiling activities

should not give rise to

storm water containing

elevated suspended


Provide treatment to

achieve 75% reduction

in suspended solids.

No direct discharge of sediment

laden water without treatment.

Stockpiles should be compacted as

much as practical and not be

exposed for extended periods.

Storm water should be diverted

around stockpiles.

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Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Mitigation Measures

Dust generation

from stockpiles

Dust must not cause a

hazard or nuisance to

village life.

Stockpiles should be compacted

and not exposed for extended


Stockpiles should be reused as

soon as practicable.

Soil / Overburden Removal and Placement

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Minimum Mitigation Measures

Generation of

suspended solids

from bare ground

and runoff into


Development activities

should not give rise to

storm water containing

elevated suspended


Provide treatment to

achieve 75% reduction

in suspended solids.

No direct discharge of sediment

laden water without treatment.

Earthworks and land clearance

should be minimized and phased.

Any discharges to watercourses

should occur during high flow and /

or discharged as close to the outfall

as possible to maximize mixing.

Stockpiling should occur at least

10m from a water course.

Re-vegetation of exposed areas as

soon as practicable.

Timing of works around the drier

seasons where possible.

Provision of storm water cut off

drains wherever possible.

Introduction of

invasive species

Fill material should not

contain invasive


The use of imported fill shall be


Machinery should be cleaned prior

to working on site to reduce the

opportunity of the spread of weed


Disturbance of

natural habitats

for spoil / alluvial


Soils should be reused

where possible in the

development – to

reduce the need for

spoil sites and the need

to import fill.

Stockpile and reuse soils before

excavating new soils / alluvium.

Efficiency of

control measures

over time

Control measures

should continue to work


throughout the

construction period.

Earthworks control measures

should be inspected and maintained

in efficient operating condition over

the construction period.

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Concrete Manufacture

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard

Minimum Mitigation Measures

Contaminants in

water discharged

from concrete


including rise in pH.

No direct discharges of

concrete batching water

to any water course.

Provide treatment prior

to discharge to achieve

75% reduction in

suspended solids.

Settlement ponds and / or

sediment infiltration gallery.

Monitoring immediately upstream

and 50m downstream of the

discharge with a clarity tube to

estimate any effects on clarity; for

pH to detect alkali discharges.

Any storm water discharges to

watercourses should occur during

high flow and / or discharged as

close to the outfall as possible to

maximize mixing.

Water to be reused where possible

in the process.

Procedures for handling of un-

hydrated cement material and wet

cement to avoid spills.



Noise and dust must not

unreasonably intrude on

traditional village life.

Concrete batching plants and other

noisy / dusty equipment to be

located as far as practical from


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Fuel Storage and Use

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Minimum Mitigation Measures

Pollution risk

associated with

the storage and

use of fuels for all

plant, generators

and vehicles

No oil, lubricants, fuels

or containers should be

drained or dumped to

ground or waterways.

Accidental spills shall be

minimized, and

procedures put in place

to clean up the

environmental damage.

Keep a current list of all fuels

stored on site.

Keep the Safety Data Sheet of all

hazardous materials used on site.

Develop appropriate storage,

transport and use practices to

recognized standards.

Diesel to be stored in truck tankers

or in overhead tanks to a maximum

of 5000 liters.

Diesel to be stored on flat ground,

and 100m from a waterway.

Dikes to capture 100% of fuel must

be placed around fuel storage


All refueling of vehicles and plant to

be done on flat ground.

All significant vehicle and plant

maintenance shall be undertaken

offsite where possible.

Spill kits and emergency

procedures should be used and

staff trained.

There shall be no deliberate

discharge of oil, diesel, petrol or

other hazardous materials to the

surrounding soils and waterways.

Works in and near Rivers

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Minimum Mitigation Measures


discharges arising

from working in

and near the river.

For blasting in or

near the river,

refer to the

blasting issues,


Work in the wetted area

of the riverbed should

be minimized, and only

in relation to the

construction of the

power house, weir and

intake structure or to

insert culverts for

stream crossings.

Stabilize works at the end of each

working day and prior to storm


Do the work during low flow


Works shall be minimized.

Diversion of the river around the

work area where possible.

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Village impacts

Issue Key Principle /

Mitigation Standard Minimum Mitigation Measures

Key Considerations

for a


Strategy to avoid

deterioration of

current quality of

life and traditional



channels are

established between

Villagers, Construction

Supervisors, and state

PCUs to facilitate

information flow and

easier process for

lodging complaints

Set up a communication network

for discussing issues between

Construction supervisors

Contractors and the villagers and

the state PCUs built on recognized

negotiation structures

Construction Supervision

Consultant and the Contractors will

have an Environmental Specialist

on site to ensure daily conformance

with environmental health and

safety guidelines and to respond to


A Health Program to be included in

the Contractor‟s Construction and

Workers Camp Management Plan.

This will be made available to the


Education and orientation of

outside workers to local culture and

social norms before the start of


Camps to be self sufficient in

resources and services. (refer to

the workers camp table below)

Villagers shall be adequately

informed of all potential hazards to

health and safety with regards to

increased traffic, blasting,

machinery operation.

Traffic causing

safety risks to

road users

Construction traffic will

be managed to

minimize the impact on

existing road users.

Signage to be used to identify

current risks to road users.

Construction Supervision

consultancy and Contractors to

discuss major traffic issues with

village representatives prior to the

event to discuss course of action.

Heavy traffic to avoid the hours

when school children walk to and

from school.

Sediment affecting

river water uses.

Sediment discharges to

the river shall be


Refer to the sections above

discussing erosion and sediment


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Annex 7

Forest Clearance Procedure – A Typical Activity and Timeline Chart

Step No. Activity No. of


1 Preparation of case / application letter that is submitted to

Revenue and Forest Department 7


Area calculation to identify land diversion requirement with the

help of Revenue Department represented by( provide name of

person responsible) 30

3 Joint visit by Executive Engineer, and District Forest


4 Enumeration of trees by the Forest Department after the visit

of Forest Guard and Range Officer 7

5 List is forwarded by the Range Officer to DFO for approval 15


Preparation of a combined „case‟ papers (documents prepared

by Revenue Department, list of trees enumerated by Forest

Department and actual area calculation for diversion of forest

land are enclosed)


7 Case submitted to DFO - DFO Office will examine the case and

further send to Conservator of Forests 7


Conservator of Forests will examine the papers and further

forward the case (subject to the fact that no short-

comings/deficiencies are found) to Prin. Chief Conservator of



9 Case is further examined by the Prin. Chief Conservator of

Forests and forwarded to Additional Secretary (Forests) 4

10 Additional Secretary (Forests) recommends the case for the

approval of the Forest Minister. 3

11 Forest Minister approves the case and returns the case file to

Additional Secretary (Forests) 8


Case file is sent to CF, Chandigarh (MoEF) after the counter

signature of Chief Secretary, GoHP. (The case file is counter-

signed by the Chief Secretary as the case file goes to MoEF).



CF (Chandigarh) examines the case. May opt for conducting a

site inspection or may provide an „in- principle‟ clearance

without conducting the site visit.



due to work


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Step No. Activity No. of



If CF, Chandigarh provides „in-principle‟ approval, it is

conveyed to DFO. The concerned DFO works out the cost for

compensatory afforestation and NPV and the total cost/amount

is conveyed to the concerned Executive Engineer.



Executive Engineer requests RIDC for releasing the said

amount. The Project Director‟s Office/RIDC directly deposits the

specified amount into the bank account of the concerned DFO.


16 The DFO communicates the amount deposition to CF,

Chandigarh and requests to provide final/formal approval 2

17 CF, Chandigarh conveys (in writing) the final/formal approval

to the concerned DFO. 30

18 DFO conveys the final/formal sanction to the Executive

Engineer 2


DFO further directs the concerned Range Officer (Forest

Department) to mark (process is formally known as

„hammering‟) the trees for cutting.


20 Range Officer hammers/ marks the trees in presence of

Executive Engineer or his field representative 10

21 The Range Officer sends the final list of trees to the concerned

DFO for information 1

22 DFO forwards the case to Forest Corporation to call „tender‟ for

cutting the marked trees 3

23 DM, Forest Corporation calls for bid and fixes date/s to receive

the tender documents 30

24 After opening of the tenders and their evaluation, tree cutting

work is awarded to the selected contractor 15

25 Contractor mobilizes the required lab our and machinery at site 15

26 Contractor cuts the trees. 30

Total Number of Days ( numbers indicate ideal situations) 331

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Annex 8

Tree Cutting Procedure – A Typical Activity and Timeline Chart

Step No. Activity No. of Days


Preparation of case / application letter to the Revenue

and Forest Department for felling of trees falling within

the Right of Way


2 Area to be cleared of trees is verified on the ground with

the help of Revenue Department



Joint visit by Executive Engineer, DFO and Revenue

Department staff for the verification of the land and trees

falling within the ROW


Enumeration of trees by Forest Department after the

visit of Forest Guard and Range Officer (both from Forest

Department). The details cover number of trees to be cut

along with chainage, species and girth information.


5 List of trees to be cut is forwarded by the Range Officer

to the concerned DFO for approval 15


The combined case paper is prepared by enclosing the

documents received from Revenue and Forest

Department (as prepared in the steps mentioned above).



Case is submitted to the concerned DFO – the DFO Office

examines the case and if there are no observations,

sends it to the Conservator of Forests (CF)


8 The CF office will examine the case and if there are no

observations, will approve the felling proposal. 7


The approval from CF office is conveyed to the concerned

DFO, who further conveys the final sanction (in writing)

to Executive Engineer.



DFO further directs the concerned Range Officer (Forest

Department) to mark (process is formally known as

„hammering‟) the trees for cutting.


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Step No. Activity No. of Days

11 Range Officer hammers/ marks the trees in presence of

Executive Engineer or his field representative. 10

12 The Range Officer sends the final list of trees to the

concerned DFO for information. 1

13 DFO forwards the case to Forest Corporation to call

„tender‟ for cutting the marked trees. 3

14 DM Forest Corporation calls for bids and fixes date/s to

receive the tenders. 30

15 After opening of the tenders and their evaluation, tree

cutting work is awarded to the selected contractor. 15

16 Contractor mobilizes the required labor and machinery at

site. 15

17 Contractor cuts the trees 30

Total Number of Days ( numbers indicate ideal situations) 187

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Annex 9

Findings of the Preliminary Environment Screening Exercise (Initial List of Proposed Sub-Projects)

S. no.

State National Highway

no. Corridor

Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands

223 Port Blair-


277 / 333 0-61,104-142 & 155-


South Andaman; North and



10 to 20

Stretches from km 61 to 104 in South Andaman and from km 142 to 155 in Kadarntala area of Middle Andaman are Jarawa Tribes Reserved Areas - only simple improvement/maintenance can be taken-up in

these areas as per Ministry of Home Affairs direction. Widening not permitted here.

2 Bihar 30 A Fathua-Harnaut-

Barh 69.5 0-69

Patna; Nalanda

15 to 30

Reseved/Protected Forest; Public Water Sources at Harnaut and Barh; Bypass sought at Hamaut and Barh and RoB at Hamaut,

Dariyama and Barh

3 Bihar 106


(Madhepura km 73)

136 0-136

Bhagalpur; Madhepura;

Saharsa; Supual

30 to 45 Drainage/Flooding Issues

4 Bihar 2 C Akabarpur-


65 40-105 Rohtas 15 to 20

Forest clearance will be required; Passes through Protected Forest Areas; Wildlife Crossing Issue; Passes through mineral rich areas (lime and phosphate); Naxal infested near Kaimur range and Sone River

5 Bihar 104


176 40-216 Sheohar; Sitamarhi; Madhubani

7.60 to 24.40

Flood Prone Zone; Indo-Nepal Border road

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S. no.

State National Highway


Corridor Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


6 Bihar 98 Anishabad-


149 / 151.62

0-149 Arwal,

Aurangabad and Patna

15 to 30

Bypass sought at Arwal, Dandnagar and Obra; Passes through Protected Forest; Wildlife Crossings and Habitat; Patna-Sone canal

within 1 km

7 Bihar 28 B Betiah-

Kushinagar 87 25-112

Betiah; Bagha

25 to 30

Forest Clearance will be required from km 99 to km 112 - Reserved/Protected Forest between km 99 to 112; Valmikinagar Tiger Reserve and Sanctuary between km 99 to km

112; Swampy land between km 106 to 112; Ashok Stambh near Loria in km 51

8 Bihar 80 Munger-


125 65-190 No

Information No

Information No Information

9 Himachal Pradesh

22 Narkanda- Wangtoo

111 224-335 Shimla; Kinnaur

10 to 30

Safety Issues; Forest Land; Proposed Luhri

HEP at Nirath about 5 to 10 mts. Away from NH; Existing Reservoir of SJVNL at Nathapa about 10 to 15 mts. from NH; Many hydro-power plants are coming-up along this road

10 Himachal Pradesh

72 B Paonta- Guma 97 /

18.50 0-97

Sirmour; Shimla

8 to 32.50

Forest Area Constraint - Reserved/Protected Forest at Various Locations; Paonta Sahib Gurudwara (about 1 km); Big cement plant to come-up at Gumma

11 Himachal Pradesh

88 / 86.900

Shimla- Hamirpur

147.6 0-147.6

Shimla; Solan;

Bilaspur; Hamirpur;


8 to 24

Entire road is in a hilly terrain; Catchment area of Bhakra Dam; Road crosses Satluj river

at Kandrour (lake backwaters); Dhami Wildilife Sanctuary about 2 kms away; Reserved Forest (Dhami) of about 2 kms; Accidents is a cause of concern; Small land holdings

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S. no.

State National Highway


Corridor Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


12 Himachal Pradesh

70 Hamirpur- Mandi 124 141-265

Una; Kangra;

Hamirpur; Mandi

3 to 20

Hilly terrain and Safety Issues (Geometrics); Land Acquisition; Houses; Forestland; Reserved Forest for 10 kms at Janetri Dhar;

Accidents is a cause of concern; Small land holdings

13 Himachal Pradesh

20 A Nagrota-

Mubarakpur 91 0-91 Kangra; Una 3 to 13

Entire road is in a hilly terrain; Beas

Backwater near Dehra; Catachment area of Pong Band Dam; Accidents is a cause of

concern; Small land holdings

14 Himachal Pradesh

20 Ghatta- Mandi 69.7 134.3-204 Mandi; Kangra

3.70 to 24

RoW is 3.70 mts. between km 143.443 to 143.625 and other stretches; Row is 24 mts. between km 175 to 180; Stretches between km 160 and 165 are faced with sinking/sliding problem that requires stabilization (expert

opinion needed); Involves Forest Land; Reserved/Protected Forest in Urla, Gawali, Ghatasni, Chhanag and Galoo between km 155

to 170; Accidents due to blind curves

15 Karnataka 206 Tumkur-

Hannavara 348

22-370 /


Dakshin Kannada

7 to 15

Charmandi Ghat for 13 kms with 11 hair pin

bends; Widening constraint in built-up areas and ghat section

16 Karnataka 234


Chinthamani-Andhra border


343.8-509.5 /



No Information

Chikkaballapur Drinking Water Supply Scheme (about 5 kms or so); Road traverses an area of commercial agriculture (mangoes, grapes, vegetables, sericulture) - also exported

17 Karnataka 234



149.2 /

60.455 0-149.2

Chikkamangalore; Hassan

8 to 16

Km 87.51 to 99 is a Ghat Section in Reserved Forest Area on both sides with RoW between 9 to 15 mts. - will be a constraint; Km 99 to 148 is on a plain terrain with RoW between 11 to 16 mts

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S. no.

State National Highway


Corridor Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


18 Orissa 23 Pallhara-Pitri

junction 68


(Old chainage:1


Angul, Dhenkanal

10 to 20

Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Two-lane standard except between km 337 to 339 and km 347 to 355, where it has intermediate

lane; Passes through built-up areas of Pallahara and Khamar - persistent local demand for bypass construction at both these places; Reserve Forest Present; Km 351 to

371 is elephant corridor; Dadarghat Reservoir at km 391; Khamar and Pallhara Public Water

Supply Sources.

19 Orissa 217 Belgaon-Baliguda 116.11 202.89-


Bolangir, Kalahandi, Kandhmal

15 to 20

Leopard and Elephant Crossings; Traverses through Five Reserved Forests; Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Single Lane Road for 108 kms and intermediate lane for 8.24 kms ; Thickly Tribal Dominated Area;

20 Orissa 217 Nuaparha-Bango

Munda 68 90-158


Kalahandi 18 to 20

Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Single Lane Road for 49.290 kms,

intermediate lane for 5 kms and two lane for 13.7 kms of length ; Thickly Tribal Dominated Area.

21 Orissa 200 Bhojpur-

Chhatabar 61 131-192

Sambalpur; Deogarh

8 to 28

Passes through built-up area of Kuchinda - persistent demand for by-pass construction; Reserved/Protected Forest between km 133 to 156 and 158 to 167; Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Single Lane Road for 43.6 km and intermediate lane for 17.4 km ;

Thickly Tribal Dominated Area; Hot bed of Maoist Activities

22 Orissa 201 Navrangpur-

Koksara 55 25-80

Nawarangpur; Kalahandi

15 to 20

Reserved Forest (km 25 to 28; 30 to 34; 39 to 41, 45 to 47 and 53 to 59); Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Single Lane Road for 40 kms and intermediate lane for 15 kms ;

Thickly Tribal Dominated Area

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S. no.

State National Highway


Corridor Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


23 Orissa 200 Rengali-Talchar 68 227-295 Deogarh;

Angul 12 to 30

Reserved Forest between Km 228 to 232 ; Rengali Reservoir at 0.900 km away at Km 245; Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas;

Single Lane Road for 46 kms, intermediate lane for 6.23 kms and two lane for 15.77 kms of length ; Thickly Tribal Dominated Area; Hot bed of Maoist Activities.

24 Orissa 217 Daraingbadi-

Saroda 64.365


Kadhamal, Ganjam

15 to 22

Reserved/Protected Forest between km 378 to

390; Sorada Reservoir between km 412 to 415; Public Water Supply Areas from km 434.5 to km 439.6; Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Single Lane Road ; Thickly Tribal Dominated Area.

25 Orissa 224 Daspalla-

Madhhapur 57 102-159


Boudh 12 to 20

Passes through Reserved Forest at many

places; Wildlife Crossing at km 139.900, km 140.500, km 144.650, km 153 and km 155.200; Kuanria Dam; Public Water Supply

Areas of four villages; Limited RoW in Village and Forest Areas; Thickly Tribal Dominated Area.

26 Rajasthan 11-B Lalsot - Karauli -

Dholpur 116

0 - 85, 155-186

Dausa, Sawai

Madhopur, Karauli,


20 to 30

Passes through Wildlife Sanctuary - Kesharwbagh for 6 kms (km 175 to 181); Forest in 1 km (km 181 to 182); Traverses 4 dams/reservoirs - Bindori Sagar (km 10), Nazim Bada (km 43 to 46), Husainpur Bandh (km162), Urmila Sagar Dam (170 to 172); In

case of Husainsagar, the service road of the dam is the alignment of NH-11-B; Talshahi

Lake (km 160

27 Rajasthan 113 Nimbahera-

Pratapgarh-Padi 180/100




Banswara 30 to 45

Traverses Protected Forest; Very fertile canal

irrigated area.

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S. no.

State National Highway


Corridor Length (in km)


Chainage (from/to)

Name of Districts

Existing/ Available RoW (m)


28 Uttarakhand 119 Kotdwar-Satpuli-Jwalpa-Srinagar



Pauri Garhwal

12 to 16 Reserved Forest under Pauri Division

29 Uttarakhand 121 Sald Mahadev-


111 78-189 Pauri

Garhwal 12 to 20

Reserved Forest under Pauri Division for 14


30 Uttarakhand 87 Ext. Ghigarikhal-


91 109-200 Almora, Chamoli


Some parts pass through landslide zones and

very steep mountainous region. Forest land transfer proposal rejected by GoI (km 108 to 120) for 2701 trees; Maha Mritunjay Mandir, Dwarahat (Km 137-138)

31 Uttarakhand 87 Ext Jeolikot-

Ghigarikhal 109 0-109


Almora 8

Some parts pass through landslide zones and very steep mountaineous region. Forest land

transfer proposal rejected by GoI (km 89 to 101) for 2000+ trees

32 West

Bengal 55

Salbari-Kurseong & Kurseong-


77 0-77 Darjeeling 10 to 30

Mahananda Wildife Sanctaury; Mahananda Forest; Padmaja Naidu Zoological Park; Loyd Botanical Garden, Darjeeling; Seven

Elelephant corridors between Km 66 and 74; Darjleeling Himalayan Raiway is passing all along; Netaji Museum near Kurseong; Landslides between Km 35 to 45 causing road bench failure/subsidence - bypass suggested. Widening Difficult along parallel railway line section; Out of 77 kms, only about 10 kms

length has 7 mt. or more of carriage way


33 West

Bengal 60 A Purulia-Bankura 84 0-84


Purulia 20 to 30 No specific comments

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