Page 1: Environmental Medicine Effects symptoms to

Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;53:658-662

Effects on symptoms and lung function in humansexperimentally exposed to diesel exhaust

B Rudell, M-C Ledin, U Hammarstr6m, N Stjernberg, B Lundback, T Sandstrom

AbstractObjectives-Diesel exhaust is a commonair pollutant made up of several gases,hydrocarbons, and particles. An experi-mental study was carried out which wasdesigned to evaluate if a particle trap onthe tail pipe of an idling diesel enginewould reduce effects on symptoms andlung function caused by the diesel exhaust,compared with exposure to unfilteredexhaust.Methods-Twelve healthy non-smokingvolunteers (aged 20-37) were investigatedin an exposure chamber for one hour dur-ing light work on a bicycle ergometer at 75W. Each subject underwent three separatedouble blind exposures in a randomisedsequence: to air and to diesel exhaust withthe particle trap at the tail pipe and tounfiltered diesel exhaust. Symptoms wererecorded according to the Borg scalebefore, every 10 minutes during, and 30minutes after the exposure. Lung functionwas measured with a computerised wholebody plethysmograph.Results-The ceramic wall flow particletrap reduced the number of particles by46%, whereas other compounds were rela-tively constant. It was shown that the mostprominent symptoms during exposure todiesel exhaust were irritation of the eyesand nose and an unpleasant smell increas-ing during exposure. Both airway resis-tance (Rw) and specific airway resistance(SRKw) increased significantly during theexposures to diesel exhaust. Despite the46% reduction in particle numbers by thetrap effects on symptoms and lung func-tion were not significantly attenuated.Conclusion-Exposure to diesel exhaustcaused symptoms and bronchoconstric-tion which were not significantly reducedby a particle trap.

(Occup Environ Med 1996;53:658-662)

Keywords: diesel exhaust; particle trap; air pollution;bronchoconstriction

Diesel exhaust has been shown to causeunwanted biological effects in exposed humans.Workers exposed to diesel exhaust have beenreported to have an increased prevalence ofsuch symptoms as burning eyes, headache,nausea, difficult or laboured breathing, cough,pleghm, and wheeze.'-3 Workers exposed topetrol and diesel exhaust have an increased air-

way resistance, increased closing volume (CV),and reversible reductions of forced expiratoryvolume in 1 second (FEV,) and forced vitalcapacity (FVC).4-7

At workplaces where workers have beenexposed to diesel exhaust, nitrogen dioxide(NO2) has often been measured as an indicatorof exposure. Miners, for example, have beenfound to be exposed to diesel exhaust up to anaverage concentration of 3-3 ppm NO, during afull workshift,8 workers on roll on roll off shipshave been exposed to an average concentrationof 1-15 ppm NO, during a whole workshift,3and drivers in a tunnel to an average concentra-tion of 1-3 ppm NO,.7 Short term exposures ofup to 8 ppm in miners have been reported.9

Apart from NO,, diesel exhaust consists of alarge variety of gases and vapours. Water andcarbon dioxide (CO,) are the end products ofoptimal combustion. Due to incomplete com-bustion liquid and solid particles and gases aregenerated. The main gases are carbon monox-ide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO), and NO,.A small but important percentage of the fuel ispolymerised, pyrolysed, cracked, oxidised,sulphonated, and nitrated into several hundredcompounds.'0-12 The structure and concentra-tion of these compounds can be very differentdepending on the age and size of the engine, thedriving modes, fuel, air to fuel mass ratio, fueladditives, motor oil, and engine and outdoortemperature, as well as control devices-forexample, particle traps and catalysts.'31-6 Gasesand hydrocarbons are adsorbed or condensedon a carbonaceous core where 5%-50% of themass of particles can be extractable organiccompounds. '7

In our clinical experience it is common forworkers to complain of symptoms related toexposure to diesel exhaust from idling vehicles.Recently we have presented an experimentaldesign including a shunt dilutor for dieselexhaust and an exposure chamber.'8 To studysymptoms people were exposed to controlleddiluted diesel exhaust from an idling lorry.The aim of the study was to evaluate effects

on symptoms and lung function caused byexposure to diesel exhaust compared with air,and to evaluate if a particle trap at the tail pipe ofthe idling diesel engine would abolish or dimin-ish the effects of exhaust.

Subjects and methodsDESIGN OF THE STUDYTwelve healthy non-smoking and non-asth-matic subjects, four women and eight men(aged 20-37), were exposed to diluted diesel

Department ofOccupationalMedicine, UniversityHospital ofNorthernSweden, UmeA,SwedenB RudellNational Institute forWorking Life, MedicalDivision, UmeA,SwedenM-C LedinU HammarstromN StjembergB LundbackT SandstromDepartment ofPulmonary Medicineand Allergology,University Hospital ofNorthern Sweden,UmeA, SwedenT SandstromCorrespondence to:Dr Thomas Sandstrom,National Institute forWorking Life, MedicalDivision, Box 6104,S-900 04 Umea, Sweden.Accepted 10 May 1996


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Symptoms and lungfunction in humans exposed to diesel exhaust

2 31 6


Figure 1 Schematic view of the experimental setup. A outdoors; B indoors; 1 id2 particle trap; 3 shunt dilutor; 4 shunt tube; 5 air diluter; 6 wall; 7 exposure chi(3 x 3 x 2-3 m); 8 air evacuation fan.

exhaust from a continuously idling vcan exposure chamber for one hour.They were exposed on three separa

sions: to air, to diesel exhaust with atrap at the tail pipe, and to unfiltereexhaust. The sequence of exhaust ewas randomised. The actual exposeblinded to the subjects and techniciasurfing symptoms and lung function.exposure they performed light work ban ergometer bicycle at 75 W. Rest auon the ergometer bicycle were alternate10 minutes. Subjective symptomrecorded before, every 10 minutes duexposure, and 30 minutes afterwardfunction was measured before and aftsure. The subjects were recruited iadvertisement in the local newspaperthe University. All participants gaiinformed consent and the study was aby the local ethics committee.

EXPOSURE SETUPA continuously idling lorry was parkedMost of the exhaust was shunted awaywas diluted by air and fed into the echamber previously shown in detail (fig

EXPOSURE WITH THE PARTICLE TRAPFigure 2 shows the device between theand the shunt dilutor. The smaller endter 65 mm) of the conical cylinder380 mm) was fixed to the tail pipe. TIend (diameter 140 mm) was connectecylindrical trap (length 200 mm, diamimm). An identical conical cylindinserted at the other end of the trap. ]connected to the shunt dilutor throughble tube (length 800 mm, diameter 10(The tubes, cylinders, and the outer

8 the trap were metal and their outer surfaceswere heated to about 200'C to avoid condensa-tion and changes in the exhaust composition.The size and the shape of the particles have pre-viously been shown not to change in the metal-lic tube, shunt dilutor, and the tube to theexposure chamber.'8

7 EXPOSURE WITHOUT THE PARTICLE TRAPThe same device was used as for exposure withthe trap except that the conical cylinders wereconnected to each other without the trap

fling lorry; between them.amber

EXPOSURE TO AIRThe subjects were exposed to pure air through

vehicle in the exposure system. A new tube from theshunt dilutor to the exposure chamber was used

Lte occa- to avoid smell from old diesel exhaust. Due toparticle the sound from the evacuation fan in the expo-

,d diesel sure chamber it was impossible for the subjects.xposure to hear whether the engine was running or not.ure wasins mea- CHALLENGE TESTSDuring After the warming up period, with or without

)y riding the particulate trap, the exhaust was fed intond work the exposure chamber. The air in the exposure-ed every chamber was changed every 2-3 minutes andIs were the steady state in the exposure chamber wasring the achieved within 10 minutes.Is. Lung The composition of the diesel exhaust mea-:er expo- sured as particles, NO2, NO, CO, total hydro-ftrom an carbons, and formaldehyde in the exposurer and at chamber have been shown to be almost con-ve their stant throughout the three hours.'8pproved

PARTICLE TRAPFigure 3 shows a schematic diagram of theexhaust particle trap, Coming Ex-54 (Coming,

outside. New York, USA). The trap has a porousbefore it ceramic wall flow filter and honeycomb struc-!xposure; 1).18


*p.\A 3 14

*W- X 41 4 -a * 2

*- \ 3 4




1 2 3 2 4 5

Figure 2 Schematic view of tail pipe, particle trap, and shunt dilutor. 1 tail pipe; 2conical cylinders; 3 particle trap; 4 flexible tube; 5 shunt dilutor; 6 shunt tube; 7 to airdilution and exposure chamber.


Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the ceramic wallflowparticle trap used. 1 exhaust inlet; 2 exhaust outlet; 3porous ceramic cell walls; 4 ceramic plugs; 5 side view ofthe trap through plane A.


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Page 3: Environmental Medicine Effects symptoms to

Rudell, Ledin, Hammarstrom, Sgernberg, Lundback, Sandstrom

ture which is housed in a metal shell. Every sec-ond channel was open and the others wereplugged with ceramic material at the inlet of theexhaust filter. The outlet of the filter was oppo-site to the inlet. Gases had to pass the ceramicwall before they could leave the filter throughthe open channels at the outlet of the filter. TheComing Ex-54 had a mean pore size of 22 4umand 50% total porosity. The area of each chan-nel in the trap was 1 9 x 1 9 mm and thethickness of the wall between two channels was0-64 mm.Two identical traps were used for the tests.

The mechanical filter (ceramic walls) in thetrap accumulated particles with time. To avoidan excessive pressure drop in the trap the filterwas regenerated after four hours of idling, atVolvo in Gothenburg.

VEHICLE,MOTOR OIL, FUELThe lorry used for the tests was a new VolvoTDlF Intercooler, a six cylinder four stroke,direct injection turbo charged diesel engine,model 1990. At the time of the challenge teststhe lorry had been driven 4500 km. It wasidling out of doors at 900 rpm during the expo-sures. Vehicle data were displacement5-48 dm', bore 98-43 mm, stroke 120 mm,compression ratio 16:1, economy speed range1500-2400 rpm, output 2800 rpm, netISO/SAE 152 kW, torque 1600 rpm, netISO/SAE 620 Nm. Smoke requirements con-formed with European Union regulations,United States Federal register, and the Swedishnorms. Mobil, Delvac 1400S, 15-40W motoroil: and a low sulphur fuel, OK Promil 1 wereused (OK Petroleum, Stockholm, Sweden).Major characteristics were 5 ppm sulphur, 4%by volume aromatics, < 0 5% by volumeolefins, < 0-02% by volume polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs), centane number 55,nitrogen 1 ppm; and start boiling point, endboiling point, and 95% boiling point were 215,295, and 280'C respectively.

EXHAUST ANALYSISThe concentrations of particles (number/cm'),NO2, NO, CO, and total hydrocarbons werecontinuously recorded in the exposure chamberas previously described.'8 A Miran 1-A,an IR instrument (Foxboro Co, EastBridgewater, MA, USA), was used for analysisof CO. A chemiluminiscence oxides of nitrogenanalyser instrument model 1600 (ColumbiaScientific Industries Corp, Austin, TX, USA)analysed NO and NO2. The total hydrocarbonswere analysed with an FID instrument, model3-300 (JUM Engineering GmbH, Munich,Germany) with a heated prefilter (180°C) andcalibrated with propane. Continuous registra-

Values are median (SD) steady state concentrations during exposure to air and diluteddiesel exhaust with and without a particle trap

Total hydro- Formalde-Particles NOz carbons hydeX 1061CM3 (ppm) NO (ppm) CO (ppm) (ppm) (mg/m3)

Air <0-01 <0-02 <0-02 <2 <1 <0005Exhaust withoutparticletrap 2-6(0-1) 1-9(0-1) 27(06) 27(4) 4-5(0-3) 04(006)Exhaust withparticletrap 1-4(0-1) 1-7(0-2) 26(08) 30(6) 4-6(03) 04(006)

tion of the number of particles/cm3 wasobtained with a condensation particle counter(laser), model 3022 (TSI, St Paul, MN, USA.X-y recorders were used. Formaldehyde wascollected on glass fibre filters (diameter 13 mm)impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine'9and analysed with high performance liquidchromatography (HPLC), model WISP 712(Millipore, Milford, MA, USA). Particles werecollected in the exposure chamber onNucleopore filters (porous diameter 0-44,m, fil-ter diameter 25 mm) with and without the par-ticle trap and analysed with scanning electronmicroscopy as previously described.'8 Thelargest particles (> 0.4pm) were calculatedvisually on scanning electron microscopy pho-tos(12-5 x 64pm).

SYMPTOMSThe symptoms were registered as previouslypresented.'8 Before exposure, every 10 minutesduring one hour of exposure, and 30 minutesafter exposure the subjects were interviewed by atechnician who registered the subjective symp-toms according to the questionnaire. Thesymptoms were: headache, dizziness, nausea,tiredness, tightness of the chest, coughing, diffi-culty breathing, eye irritation, nose irritation,an unpleasant smell, throat irritation, and a badtaste in the mouth. The symptoms were scoredfrom no symptoms (ranked 0) to maximalsymptoms (ranked 11) according to the Borgscale.20

LUNG FUNCTIONBefore and after each exposure to air anddiluted diesel exhaust with and without the par-ticle trap FEV,, FVC, forced expiratory flowrate at 50% of FVC (FEFO), forced expiratoryflow rate between 25-75% of FVC (FEF25, ),airway resistance (RP.), specific airway resis-tance (SRaw), and VTG (volume of trapped gas)were estimated with a whole body plethysmo-graph (system 2800, Sensor Medics, CA,USA).

STATISTICSWilcoxon's rank sum test for paired observa-tions were used for comparison between expo-sures. A P value < 0-05 was consideredsignificant.

ResultsEXPOSURE CHARACTERISTICSThe table shows the median steady state con-centrations of particles, NO2, NO, CO, totalhydrocarbons, and formaldehyde during expo-sure to air and diluted diesel exhaust with andwithout a particle trap. The concentrations ofthe measured substances were very low duringair exposure. With the particle trap the mediansteady state number of particles decreased to54% of the value of unfiltered diesel exhaustwhile NO2, NO, CO, total hydrocarbons, andformaldehyde were relatively unaffected.Scanning electron microscopy showed that par-ticles > 04 gm were reduced by an average25% with the particle trap, compared withunfiltered exhaust, as larger particles constitute


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Page 4: Environmental Medicine Effects symptoms to

Symptoms and lungfunction in humans exposed to diesel exhaust

x Air* With trapo Without trap

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




Air Exhaust with Exhausttrap without

-5L trap

Figure 5 Change (%o) in Rakes and SR,,, during exposureB to air, and diesel exhaust with and without the particle

trap. The values are mean (SEM). *P < 0-05; **P <6 0o01 versus exposure to air.

5and without a particle trap.Compared with exposure to air, exposure to

aT T 11 11 11 diesel exhaust both with and without a trap

bS 1 4 1|caused significantly higher symptoms from eyes2Wv 1l 1l 15 +' 7 T and nose and unpleasant smell, from 10-60

minutes, (P < 0 01-0 001).40 Exceptions were for exhaust with a trap versus

air, nose irritation at 10 minutes (P = 0-07),of and eye irritation at 10 minutes (P < 0 05).

Thirty minutes after the end of exposure the-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 intensity of the symptoms was negligible. There

were no significant differences in symptoms$C with and without the trap.

LUNG FUNCTIONFigure 5 shows the change (%) of Rw and SR,,,with exposures. No significant change in RaP

IT TT Tl TT 41 and SR,,, resulted after exposure to air.a b Exposure to diluted diesel exhaust with the par-

I I1111 11 11 11 l'i' ticle trap showed a significant increase in l,(P < 0-02) and SR.,, (P < 0 01). Exposure todiesel exhaust without the particle trap alsocaused a significant increase in Ra, (P < 0 04)and SR,, (P < 0 03). No significant difference

HID t T i i t t xt ~~~~~~~~ofRaand Sr,,, was foundbetween the presenceand absence of the particle trap.IXI,|,,I,,i,I,,,,i1111 al, i,,,,I,I,, I,,, I,,, 'T'he FEV,, FVC, FEF50, FEF25 75, and VTG

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 showed non-significant changes during expo-Time (mmn) sure to diesel exhaust with and without the par-I The intensity of the most prominent symptoms, (A) eye, (B) nose irritation, tide trap. Air exposure gave no significantunpleasant smell according to Borg scale 5 minutes before (arrow a), during, and changes in any lung function variables.

ites after exposure Karrow h)- Thte intenWISItes2ere signifirantlv higher durirng-Ju rr&t&mXmajrrAJpGi.3~GkJrrvIG~liVXS. A itcG &taizuni-ma -wvrt; J&r,&tj~u&&yvtry itsgnewt G"^&rm

exposure to diesel exhaust than exposures to air (see results). No significant differences werefound with and without the particle trap. The intensity scores are mean (SEM).

only a small proportion of the total number ofparticles but a large proportion of the mass.This indicates that the mass of exhaust particleswas probably reduced, but this was not evalu-ated further.

SYMPTOMSAir exposure caused no significant increase insymptoms. The most frequent symptoms dur-ing diesel exhaust exposure with and withoutthe particle trap were eye and nose irritationand unpleasant smell. Figure 4 shows the inten-sity of these symptoms as a function of timeduring exposure to air, and diesel exhaust with

DiscussionIn an earlier study of exposure to dieselexhaust'8 we investigated changes in lung func-tion with dynamic spirometry and found no

effect on FEVI and FVC. In this study, we usedmore sensitive equipment, a state of the artcomputerised whole body plethysmograph, andfound significantly increased Raw and SR,,, bothwith and without the particle trap comparedwith exposure to air. Consequently a 46%reduction of the median steady state particlenumber was not sufficient to protect against thebronchoconstriction found to be induced bydiesel exhaust.The intensity of the most prominent symp-

toms in this study, as well as in our former


6Co 5


a) 30

. 2

CD, 1



- A


-J I I












Cl 4


C 31

o 2CO




Figure 4and (C)30 minu


l 4

. r-


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Rudell, Ledin, Hammarstrom, Stjernberg, Lundback, Sandstrom

study,18 were eye and nose irritation andunpleasant smell. These symptoms increasedduring exposure to exhaust with and withoutthe particle trap. The trap did not protectagainst the increases found in R,1 and S&,. Inthe earlier study the intensity of unpleasantsmell was higher and nose irritation was lesspronounced.'8 One explanation could be thelower sulphur and higher paraffin and naph-thene content in the fuel (Swedish MK 1: sul-phur 5 ppm) used in this study compared withthe previously used older type of less purifiedfuel (Swedish MK 3: sulphur 900 ppm).When interpreting the efficacy of the ceramic

particle trap to prevent biological effects, it isrecognised that the power of the study is depen-dent upon the number of subjects included.The number was based on earlier experiencesof experimental air pollution studies in humans,and also the obvious need to limit the numberof subjects for practical purposes as well asrecruitment problems. Judging from the distrib-utions of the measured variables, it seems thatthe ceramic trap did not tend to reduce biologi-cal effects to consider that the results mighthave been significant with more subjects.However, minor positive effects of the trap mayhave been overlooked.The collection efficiency of a ceramic trap

close to the engine has been reported to be 89%or more by weight during a laboratory runningcycle.2122 We found 46% reduction in particlenumber with an idling engine and the trap atthe end of the tail pipe. The reduction in largerparticles indicates that a substantial reductionof the total particle mass had probablyoccurred, but the studies are not fully compara-ble. The reason for the particle trap at the tailpipe not protecting significantly against theincreases in Rw, SRw, and symptoms could bedue to dynamic physical and chemical changesin the exhaust taking place in the tail pipe andceramic trap; hot gases together with particlesleave the engine, the temperature thendecreases along the tail pipe, and gases withhigh boiling points are probably condensed onparticles and also form new particles. Liquidparticles and some of the condensed hydrocar-bons could probably penetrate the ceramic trapand form new particles. This idea is supportedby several earlier studies,2' -24 and may explainwhy we obtained a relatively low collection effi-ciency of the particle number compared withmass collection of 89% or more obtained inearlier studies.2' 22

Another possible reason why the ceramicpartical trap was not highly efficient could bethat components of the vapour phase, includinghighly irritant organic compounds such asacrolein and other aldehydes, were related tothe acute effects. By contrast, irritant gaseouscomponents such as NO2 probably had littleeffect as considerably higher concentrations areneeded.25

It is concluded that diluted diesel exhaustcaused increased symptoms of the eyes andnose, an unpleasant smell, and bronchocon-striction. The ceramic particle trap reduced themedian particle number concentration by 46%,

which was not sufficient to protect significantlyagainst the effects of exhaust found within thepopulation studied.

We thank Kjell Englund, Annika Hagenbjsrk-Gustafsson,Torgny Lundberg, Anna Wenngren, and Per Horstedt,Department of Pathology, University of Northern Sweden,Umea, Henrik Landilv, Volvo, Gothenburg, and LennartSchonning, OK, Stockholm, for technical assistance. This pro-ject was supported by grants from OK Petroleum EnvironmentalFoundation, Sweden and Volvo Research Foundation and VolvoEducational Foundation, Sweden.

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