
. . . - . '. ..

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'' .' .. . . ·. ;

- ' .. . TO ALLCAR"


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C\L ' .,

• ·!'*' ,, • . • . • . . i • • I .

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' ... .. ,.· .. ;,Eddy, Ne~ Me:x:lco. · -·~ . ..

I ' . . '

• 7

• ··w.Hot~s~l!E ·.~N1) RET!i\IL DE~LEnH xN G11ooon~Es ·ANl> Gn.~m, ' . ' J .. . •'

•• , I • •

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t·o ttl tho euu.tb u .,. ~====~~' =~=============~· ==~ .At Now wlll probably bo ln t11a zqnge to "connce~lon CASU SUltPio~US RESEltV ~ nntl E.ulEU.GENOY FUNJ)! --- -~----:-·--------tho Urslon tn ~h.nftb ~1\'e.tb.o pooplo ot ,,.lthlbe andrMlfieelthtrat ort *2.QO.~.nn. . . $1lSO~ooo.o.o MILLER & CO. "' · eun ot so flll' IIJI known, Jay . • .. vvv vv , • . . Eddy llll OPJ,tOrtunlty or votl"lf at tbo Gould ~~~e no llt$p to acqt:s.lre Dopo•l~d ~ltb Insuraneo Dop!lr~· Depoaltcd ,.uh rn1. Dept. or Oaaa«<a . •' poxt prcaldontlal .rlectlua, 1t may be coAt J.AmJ!l . I · . w•n !or them to. keep '*posted lntboWhl~Oa'k4 oountry,·ettbcr fot! men~ot.NevrYork. andthoDankofED,land. H d s· p . t'

... . hlmaelt' or r"r any raurond compunyln · ..~.. · . · ouse ail . 1. gn ain Ing on tu• pollUcal news or the day. 'l'bo which ho Is lntneatcd; antl !fr. Gould ' 'l'ln'AJ, DEA.Tll cy.Apua J!AlD ov~r. . . · ... t " 'l'ammaor IJall domoorata or No\V York does not bnlld railroads ror tho exclu· ; · · banJtntdtolded tbatnoltherClov,oland. alve b11ne6t or othera. Uo bas already: t!'t7,300,0~0.~·.·~. QF DOLLARS. nor nm 0111 carry $bat a tate and bon co purcha'Jod a tract or land In Sl PneQ tor I ij; """"' vv· ' P. a per Hanging and Deeorating a Sp~idty.

d ' • 1 l termtuat taolllt~oa for tbe 'l'exaa nnd, ~ . they han declare In ravor or Ch et; Pacific and tho \VIehltl\ Vallay roada, • Eaoy Paymont:Sr\VIth a Maximum Limit. EDDY, · - - NE'W .. MEXJ:OO ..• Juatlce FuUer for the ne~t domdorntlo 1 and wllleoon. pnah the 'l'cxas aDd Pn· I · , nomlnatlonforprcaldant. tC!moth~u~htrotn~Icrrn.lJlnnca to Et•

1s. J:J: .s1~<>"-VN • · , Gerie1•nl.t"\..n-e11-t · -~-.......,--


. ___ . IPaao over Uaowatrao1c,lnatoadotua· • • 9 .. .' • - ' STRICTLY FIRST CLASS

·A atranre 'nnonncemcnt cornea trom Inc tba track ot tho GnlYtJaton, Ilarrls- • . , • · · • 81racuc. N•w York It 11 00 1011 u • bur.r and Ban .Antonio atalteaTy rentat.j Room 64 Sholdon Building, El. PAlO, TEXAI. · " •

• • · : Z.'or aomo dtatanee tbla war from El Pa· 1 . , •Ycnt thlll tbe approaching marralge 1 ao be mar parallel tho now trnclc with I~~-~-~-~-~~:-. --. .-..~~~~-~:':': . ..,.....~-~-"~--~~-~~-~-~::'!~-~--~~--~~--...... -~~ of WinDle D&Yh, \he charmlog daugh·: one tor tho Wichita Valier road, or ho T 1 T ' rr ·!I F d H p . tor or the Ja~ Jeff Da.vlt te Atrred WU·I ma:r uae the 111110 track tor tho tralna I' rees rees ·. rees re • eatz, ' , ot botll road11; but whatever policy may ' • klnao!', ofSJracuse,granclaon of Samuel b.e puraued In tbla matter, It Is eerbln · U 8 Deputv Mineral Surveyor

• • •

e ran • J. ltay, the great abollUon leader, Mr. Gould will look more to the treltht 1 • t t '' • • J

aratn•t wboll tbeorlcl nt government and pnucnger ttnnlo or n lD.rce, permo.· I 'ha Rtvnrslf,'IQ ·'urs"ry· n I A.ND NO'l'.lRY • . . .. Jetr Dt:da rou,ht from bll Cllrlr inllll• llcntl proaporoua and 1 I "' " ~ltJ i " ij I Leada~ng Hotel of El Pas· 0 Texa•

. , · •I'Ol'tltOCI AOIUCCJ.Tl.l'lUt. VALlEY ' . • Abltr&et otall J,aadt to lCddy Coa11t7. · · f • hood to the ctoae or hlelong lito. l'bla 'lllko that or th• Pecoa Uuao to an occa· ! "' lAM c a 1 Ia .. brld&hil tho bloody chum·• auro tlollnl car load ot coal at an fao!ntcd; \l'lll bo ro~dy to 1111 •11 ordc~u !or ~ t..ooxotrr, EDDY eo. N. u. E K It, Propr etor. enougb. Aad atUl the Incident 11 but wnyataUon llke WbUe Oaks. Dcaldca : • .. . • '" , =·, , "" -~= ~ =-· 1

.. , .~· ···- - · -·-- -- -- - , Cu.u. n. EPD1'. lY'Wt tl • .lVIfllr C&*laltr.


.June. n--'patb tbe Sb•rp'a rlfio &boll tho Atclllaonl fO(Itka. adndd Sanlt:\ Fe I . '~ I WI'"tt Brotlte'"-' . Prulden~ . Vlne·Proatdent. . ~ • . .. ~ Toad, uhlcb Ia now tbncc e , wll gh·o 1 . 11 1 J.O tJ•n· ~~:Jrt \he KilniU trouble .of hllA th-. extentlVQ and aluad1 \fl;ll.:. Crape 'Vine~ . ~t , El n N ti l B k. "~ :::~~~::~:t~: :~;::.~~~nn a::~~ 1 :i~mf:tJ,e:l~b fi~:· ,o:ul~pa~oro:r:r~ l . Atld ~tt clas~c• ot i;.lJc . . Confr""a"' c"'t'""o'·r' s ·'a·'~n'· ;r "u' .ll,[erft . ·. . "' -~ t;~ as&c· .. I ~ a. 0 na ' -an' .. -~

; i oren up a rlnl tleld belonging to othcn. , • L U g, Ui ~; J • hlatort or htr dlaUngnlahed huaband. ! It la qnlto prollnblcl tbttelore, that lho .. I , ,. . I ' • • ' life. No man In tho canntrr donounetd, Wichita Vall~r ~illroall will follow i Trees for Itmb£\r Cnltttre1 ~ubUo bulldlt~ia upeolalty. No. saoe~ · J Jotr J)aYla wltb more trequeney, nbt· i through tb., lrrlS:ilt4 · ull beaoo moat l )'

I menee or bittern~·· &ban did Jltn Red· I ,opuloua porttorl o~'tho Pecoa. Voller ! For full antlsprlng plnntlng. Alhtork I ltatlmateJ eiYon on abort noUce. ' .. I path, the joumallat and lecturer. and trom Jloa,.ell. Yla Eddy ancl Lookout, 1 flrat-ctnna. Cllhloguo \Yilt be ready by . · _ U ail TED STATES DE 81 0 y \ aftnward 110 man could excel Jlcdpatb, to the 'l'cxaa llne on the Do:levraro, and ' Novemb;,r 20, lSSO. Send ordcra to 'EDDY, • • • • NE\Y' ll.EXICO. i ~,. P 0 T R · •- ·· . · \·1.:. In the warmth of blJ trlcndahlp nnd l· tbence by lba southern end or tho I . . T 1 • • .. . • 1lde11Lr1o DaYll. I Gnudnlnpe and yJa tho maceo meuntaln Rl versule Nursery (ft)mpnny' . - - . ~ .. .. .. =. ~ I Capital, Surptu• and Proftt .......................... ··•200,000.

==;:::=.:=-=·-=-==- . to El Peso. 'l'he Rock hla.nd railroad, I •• • . Caples & H'tffiffilll' : ' . t(otrce. . I whlcb wlllatrlko lbe l'anb:Uldlo ofTcx• i t:ddy, Ettd;r C:ouat,-•. uan Un•ro. 1 · • . ' ' ~- ' I AtJ paclcajttl ooastn, by tbe dally. Ill aome dllltllDCI north ot \VIcblta Falla I ' f . v· .. p' .,. ONTK·o-~w· ·s· 'KY ~ ! Colleotlonf prompu, lUIIe and nmlUed. J'oralcn ud DtoatiU. :E%ellaa.. "/;

atage wUllte ten-~ I.tndi0)'11 Atoro on~ and crou tho For,t Worth and DenTer: . . ' • Contractors i bontht Gnd IOld. I ) Canalttraet, •tar Greene. 'l'ho1e tlc· • ncar 'l'o.acoan, wlll probably cros11 the , · ; . , .

tiona. • P. J. Gtt'l!lttm, Tblll will n«Jcfllilltatc tbe MnUnannco · co a •Ill rncoll, 1 • , Proprietor Stage l.tne. j nortbward and ,Krcatly cnlumeo tbc lm· 1 New lrcxlco. ' El Pa•o TiXIS Ud Eddy N u

,. ~-- · portancc or tbe .Pecot Vl\lloy railroad, 1 R 1 E t t A . f ! w ' ' 1

• •· .. AlfalfaSoed. II00!1lObahullttromtlte'l'exuonndPacl· ea ~s a.e !!ell,,.,,, _,. __ ,,_·=-=·· ··-~-·,.-··-· .

.luderaon& Sutherland, tbe famous flctoEddy. Tl.locbartercftbo\Vlcbha, {..J B A IUYMEYER ' ..llfal/aaeed grower& ot Colorado, b! i Valley nnd Bl Psso road provides tor n l Lnnd Attorney llld flottry pgbJic.

1· • . • a-. , j Ouatomera are ofT•rtd the connnltnct ot our Iltnlnl'• !at•'1 :&oxta 1a t!*

tlYe carloads or alfalfa aeetl now. rol\dy' bro.neb rrom n point on tho no~lh or sat~ 1 I and burctar-proohault. · tor thunatlcet. .Addrcu, • rotk ottbo lJrnzoarlvor to AltmqnPrque. • lin$ Complete AbatTact ot nU I.nnd!!, ~amy or of the P. I. & I. II., 1 ... -_ . ~

.AnXliiOll &, Blld et courac tl:o Pccl"aYnlley road wllljln Eddy County and thB l'eeaa Valley.! . &cky F~rd, Colorado;· be puahet\,1nto tho upper t•ecoa Vallo)' I omcc In P. J. & I, Dulldlnr, 1 Q : ) · •

1 to eonne~t with tbat. tirancb. Tbla wlll · Z .

•• ¥ ·.r

. l i coal flelda of the Indian territory, with E KRAUSE . , R•Jlable Information ~h'en regardlag' ' · ' t'b · · r , ...... ,, o k nd •h s .. t F"' • • ' ~ nU-Iand. · . 0190 ru • A Sa • 0 1 .. S o< · _......... .. ;I '.1 ·

A~"D YlLCH ntnU.tliS. 1 rond, and wltb tb• m!lrkels nnd ecnten ; lnGUITEOT AHD SUPERINTEMDEHT, l ::t:ODY, HEW lt~XICO. of trade enat, west, north and south. . S&Tt•Y.&MtO:O: Ot•An•m•zo. • . c . ·~-. c~~·-··~· -· ~ ....

· ALSO k -----, ___ --·~ 'j Tr.nuf!;-Prdtm!nllrlo, l {lt't ct>nt.· 1Jhln•nnd I 'l:':ECE . Announcements. ~clr.r.ntlon!l, 31~ J!l'rc;:nt ;11%rvt!1'on tlD<'la!l~f·

.. ·otdmlv!tatthifomoo:---- .. . - - u I o. mltwrnHvJJ•mt:ltl' Jud;;.J~i!<tdymunty. r U' 11 wlmf~~D~: ~~ilr~-'- - u & nsumnoe ·tO+ -· -:- -.. . -- - -- -. ··r------:-- .... _'::.

CGrretpondenootelldtEd. · - ~- - · • · -- ••·• - ·· · - ~· ' DenJer l11 Clotlal11g Drv GO'"'JIS Doots and I W" tU't' nutbotbed to nnnmmoo 0. L. J::emp · ·· - ~ . . ... ~ ' •• ' ' " ...,u 1 . Gnither and Brown t ll!lll cnlldlrlatc foroherfl!of F.ddf rotlll~)'. ; c. A. RICHARDSON, i . . OF NEW' Y'O~f\, . 1 Shoes, Gro~ertea~ Grain, Etc. ' · lnnnounro mraetrAS neo.ndldatc tor <'onnty I.A.':t'':t'O::B:N'EY .A.':t' L.A. "W" c Asseta, ~H26,0S2,1G3.56. 1-~- --- ---- --· El p SD T detk o.t tbe ~O\"I?mter elertl!:m. lh:(), ·• 1 . . .


ere an

• • 'J'.Jt. M~. .rox z..,.attsrt. tra\'lngteen 10ttc!I!C(t t.r tt'!nH! ot tM moit wm pr;~~tlcoltll\tltbecotttt!l nf.tho letr~toey 1 .. . · . ' . . .

M. · .. k·· .~~. ··£· · .... _.: .•• ·· h ~~~~~~~~!!it~.WJM~t~J~~~ l,:~r;b~~: ~~~~,~~":'~~:~!!~~~~~":~~·· ~=:iMclENlTKEH & OAMPBELL. A&anls; · : ~ . . . ·. . ·. . · t . ee Ullt n g IS ' ~t ~f Eday 00\11l1U~ tlu:! Ntn'cmbet clet'ttoll ot 'tt A II' Aw·· l'IN' Cl .. ! . EDt>\",. NEW Mti;XICO. ' ... • . · .. '· . .. nora:tJ:Ior.s ov lS!llJ, tr~peetrullyr.ek thcsup.r.U.Wk!~llJ~· '\v • • \.. Qt ·t ~-."' · t•'-. ···"•<~ ..... ..,_._ ·-... =- .. _.,, "' . · :Jn:E>!t>Y, - - N:m'W ::M:lDXI:OO,.

CITY F£EB·STiRE liD WIQDN YARD •. lr~•fl(!cirullr .. llllnnuuc~m)'ll.'lfll•ncandldntclAttorney. a· t L' a· 'w J .. )lb~sr1.cHt:cl.1fnaJlnd···Nos~=:~,o··~ $$ ~ WEEX1 . . • . .. · .. . . . . . ·lotconnty c!cr~_of ~drlJrt::ountyaUhe No\'em· , .. ,.a.: J u.l . """eo'IJ '"f •' St:::" 0· rns. A· "1'1. A"~A-r' ·.

· · -. ~eepltay anll G~ln toro8ate-. ·· · ~~~~~~;11 l~~orJ: Jlh':e':,?"''(! t.M •uv}Ksrt-I · .... · . . .. · · ·. . ·•· . . t . 1t])W. NV.W lli(Jt_1Cg. · . ·. · · . 0 ·--!- .. ..c:k .J.V~ . . ~·. . .. , . <•mercali..;iiA ... Br,pu6tl 8111. 1

. s_ '1 't: o. (lAfjg, . . EDDYr NEW mxrco. r OG!eolnJde,.qn.\htll ntoek. . . $25 A MONT:EC,;. . ' ' '· - " - ....... . .. .

il*¥":!1'r-~•···•··f·mF·b ¢s•d'fet•··tnr'b+·anro>yq!'"'ff''st'·'F'6 ·•_"C~-wa<tocet-_~·p·r! *"j•#b"+·•r*'''"'*h rrJCOJ''''I! .:Xi'w·"-· ;!i ··naf·p'" • • • .. '

' .


• ••

- • . . • ' . .

• . . . ' ' •

. :· .•... ·. · ... · Tb.e:..l?scQ$ Ir~igati9n..~ndinve~ttttenfuOom11a~y is'no~,eiJ.g!=tged .;10 ...... the most G ... ~-.~ ..... :ENT:RlRPRISEStn the Wast. · ·.··' . · · · . ,r · "'' . ~. .·<"~. • .. , · ·. . • o I

. . . ·:ns. oal;lals Willteclaiin .more than. 200,000 acres ·ofwond,eriully :fer:t;ile land., ·I . ·, •

' . .

. . • • . . . . --~----~-·--~· -~ -~-!..-~ '··-· •. --~-----~- ··-~- - .

· _- ~-~- _ · · ·__ time_s~ol1B.~on,. PJent~,cif:~W~:t~rLAJn~nd3Jl'l.$Yt1shine; .. -~ · ··a~ combmation ot elements that never ta,il-to reward th~>farmet for· his· labor~. · ·. . · · · . · . :. ~ . · ..

' ' ' ' • • ·, - • - o .. ~ • • " , c. _. r, • • " •· '

. ·. ·. · · .• Wat~r Iti~ta ate ttow~efling for t?.u()·-p~r acre, payablE) in seYen annn~~ m.stalbnents~ cmty~a t Jm.r · ucre .annual w~ror rent.,· · Thele term•· are more, ad~a.n• tt;tgeou•w,lt:tefarmsrtha~ can be obtruned·in any irrigatJon·country IN·:.THE WEST., · . · ·· . . . · •· ·

. · .. ,.· J:r'O:$ ~0\.r:WA:EtS 0~ :S•lj~!J:l:a~ :tl$r:S1~EM:A'l!XOlSr ADl:>$EJSS . ·· · '

... ') .~ . ., ->· ' ' • .. ' . ~. - .. " ...... .

~~· ..... ttdh . ..,.;.. .. ·......._ ~ ............. --· -----·· ...... . . '· . ..

' ' ' '


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ftDDY, • • · • NEW MEXIC().

\V ASDINGTOH'If 11111-hday, llCCOI'41nG to the calcn4u.r nL tltat. lime, wn~t J!'ob ll. Tho calondAw wrn · cbP.IIJ'Ccl lu 1762. • -

DAVID DoDJ.P.Y I-'1 ~.p 11• in lu v'or of eompuleory voUnJl. Compulsory vot-­log would bo u. arroBt. uld to wom11n

aullragc. ·==::=:::;:::::=::-·:: lL DE FnEYcJN&T, tho French 'lllule·

ler of War, baa published a decree torblddlnfl' •ur~reone in I~rench ar­-my to mako UJC at bypnotlun In tbclr

-- --..-- ·--- --__ .... _____ .. AlA Nl' curloue adultilrntlona ol food

lro reported, bu~ lhla 11uroly bcnlu lhom aiL An lnvotco or liiiWPronl tolzod 11t Now York rocontly llOn\nln­td lln 1\IISOrLmout. of abn w Ia, n 'I wool, 111<! a ynrd or moro wldo.

' --· ....... --~ - -... --- ----- .,_

Tu& rtko'e Punk (!OflWBY will ho lllu­all tho on tire so von mllou ~y cl co­\rlclty. Carbona Will lflllrldo on top )f tho old t of

"' .. ,'


' . . ' ' •

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' '"' '' .. ..,...,,.,,~, _., __ , ',':''<')"'""''''~T'"'""""'""""'":'!!"~ ' ., .•· ~ ' > 1 ' '

• ,._. ·., •• ,' ,_'. ' j, ·'"· ,., - ' < • 1 ' ' "


' '

Who Gave Hl$ ur_, ln J)efent~ of ~ . . Southern W.omao. ' -.

<I I I ;I ~ 6 ijo) I '' '

Olga His Own (iravt at tbe Commi114· Negro SoldiorJ, · '

• IU the Comi(IIIMI of 11flrtl" tho· Htrt, fall• Ota4

lnHIJGrm, ·

' • ' ' /,

< ' ' .,


' ' ' ..

. ...



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~ .


All God J wJ1on il{o !l!!UUost Its flro~ Lite'$ ag11 to thee ma): bow ....

When.Jve CliP t~nly lli.Ugt. ll.t lo.vq,-,. Dutabl not now-no~ now I

• 'l'IICretore·ll~o)c no~ on thy grAve, TbPU~h tl19r<r thtl i'OI!Q fs BWC!:~l

lJut r'.ltlll)r·llear lllll111U( WR\'CII \VUh T~~n \YUates nbout my teet. ·


' . . .~





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.., j a oy ~

tfEMnnNfl, RVSE~ 'JQ ~EIU~NOij:D

' ..,......,..... ' f

~f't'es, wo :tlud ~ g:ol)d deal to amuse 'tJil)l~ ol}r )ine ot bu!lif\esa,~, Bald pol.' shoe eJ!-lrk: to a 'W.&sbJogton .~~~!l Jle~'llld man, uovell thouglt our. is somet.l.m!l!l pre~~Y tough on .u{l.'. in eve~r otheL' bQsine!ls~ li!UilP<I """''' easier to suit meq *hi\U :W(1me11i sbo~s. · 1ro<11d delll of

• •

•. . .... - ........ ....c~~lli•-·•llll'"lllo"llli'lla*.... .. ·all •zt1fe_..,. -'" 7 1•••- • •• • •• •"' - e '$ '»*-

' . .

. . ....... _ ·+''Sttif- .

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~t-• ..... 4 -.- ")4 ~~ .. ' . • • •


J.~twnrd Jtowtnml tlllfr 1t In an.r e..~o tire ilnfnry ol n foacher·sr.oms too high. It iJI ff(Jt tbe fault ot tho ealjU'J'• · ·

JJko l Oh·o 11. httsln()Aif turn fo tllf vnnr llrllflnlntl(' work In Lhtl way or wrtunt ttumbcr6. M well as In the .,., ol com ..

' ' '

bfnhtg tlu;m1. • Prot. N. S, Shaler. llrtM"At'd

(trcuman send nut·· Wuhlagt<Uit .rournal • .__.......,......__.. ...... _.:,........,


• . ' . .

' '

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-e: e . ·-A F~u..,­ ~sb·9<l. · .Give n)e,~,-ou ·m·Ol1iC'J ·on . ' • . '

Dry:_ Goode,_ · Groce*ies~ . ' '

' ' '



' '

• • ier·ce •

' .,



CARRETT" BRENT, Proprletof ••

Tlte Largest mul Bt'Ht Stable in the Territory.



firs~ Class in fvery Respect.

... ~ ---+'---~~~ . . ~ ' -

. ;.?. ' ' '

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